Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 02, 1932, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Among the men whose friend
ship I enjoyed was the late C. W.
Barron, owner of the Wall Street
One day in Boston I received a
message that he was sick in New
York and wished to see me before
he died.
I hurried home by the fastest
train, but when I reached hia hotel
I discovered that he had given up
all Idea of dying. He was in bed,
but he was telephoning, dictating,
receiving visitors, and having a
glorious time.
He had been close enough to eter
nity, however, so that the experi
ence left a deep impression. When
his secretary went out of the room,
we talked about Death.
He told me two stories. The first
was about a man who accumulated
a large fortune, built a house on
Fifth Avenue, put his feet on the
window-sill, and said: "Now, I am
going to enjoy myself." But he
was like a watch spring which has
been wound up tight for a long
time, and, being suddenly released,
snaps in pieces. After only a few
months of idleness he died.
The second story had been told
to Barron by a noted surgeon. A
woman, taken to the hospital for a
slight operation, died almost before
the anesthetic was applied. The
surgeon could not understand it
On looking into her history, he dis
covered that from the minute the
operation was decided upon she had
begun to prepare for the worst. She
had made her will, given away her
jewels, and divided her personal
The surgeon said: "That taught
me a lesson. I shall never again
operate until I find out what prep
arations the patient has made. If
any person cares so little about
holding on to life that he makes all
preparations to let go, then some
other surgeon can have the job."
Barron said that by the degree of
their courage and faith men them
selves determine how long they will
I believe that is true that those
live who want to live; that when
interest ceases, the heart Btops.
Montesquieu remarked that "the
love of study is almost the sole pas
sion that is eternal in us; all the
others fail as this miserable ma
chine which sustains them falls
more and more into decay."
None of us can escape the process
of decay, but there are many things
I want to learn, so many places I
want to see, that I hope to fool the
old heart and kidneys for quite a
while. And so, I trust, will you.
I am glad to pay my respects to
Gus Waser, the Los Angeles hotel
chef, who won first prize in a na
tional contest for the best dinner
menu by offering a list of comesti
bles without a single French name
among them. Here is the purely
American dinner which Gus sub
mitted: Grapefruit and orange cocktail;
cream of tomato soup with crack
ers; roast chicken with dressing;
new peas and mashed potatoes;
butter biscuits, salad of lettuce and
asparagus tips; pumpkin pie and
It would be hard to beat that,
either for its Americanism or for
its appeal to the appetite. It makes
me hungry to write it down
Opposite Washington, in the Po
tomac River, is an island of a hun
dred acres or so which was the pop
ular playground of the boys with
whom I went to school in my 'teens.
Fifty years ago Analostan Island
was a deserted waste, covered with
second-growth timber and under
brush which almost hid the ruins
of the mansion which George Ma
son of Gunston Hall built there be
fore the Revolution. You got to the
island from the Virginia side of the
river over a crumbling causeway
which was submerged at high tide.
The short, easy way was to swim
across the Potomac from Little
field's wharf, carrying one's clothes
out of water with one hand. A boy
who couldn't do that couldn't trav
el with our gang. When we got
there there wasn't anything to do
but play pirates.
Now, the Roosevelt Memorial As
sociation has bought Analostan Is
land and given it to the United
States. It will be known as Roos
evelt Island and become a public
park, to which no automobiles will
be admitted. I am glad to learn
that it will be kept in the wild state
in which I knew it and that birds
and rabbits will still find it a ref
uge. GOLD
One way of putting the unem
ployed at productive work is to set
them prospecting for gold. That is
not so fantastic as it may sound.
There are gold deposits in many
places which easily yield enough to
pay good wages to people who
know how to get the gold out.
In Denver and other Colorado
cities schools for gold diggers have
been started. Half a dozen exper
ienced placer miners are showing
the unemployed how to wash the
sands of the South Platte river for
gold. Here, inside the city limits
of Denver, every Spring and Sum
mer since gold was first discovered
there in 1858, miners have been
panning out $1.50 to $2 a day of
gold per man.
In the Republic of Bolivia, where
there is probably more undeveloped
mineral wealth than anywhere else
in the world, the government is al
lotting five acres of mineral land
to any unemployed Bolivian who
wants to work it
Activities like those actually add
to the world's wealth, and they em
phasize the lesson many of us had
forgotten, that all wealth comes
from the soil and it isn't safe to
get too far away from Mother
The city of Berkeley, California,
has adopted an innovation in charg
ing for the services of its fire fight
ing department when the fire to
which it Is called resulted from a
violation of the fire code or the pro
tective orders of the department
That is sound common sense, and
It ought to help make people more
careful about taking chances with
the fire laws.
More than half of the fires In the
past year in America, a recent re
port to the National Board of Un
derwriters stated, were of Incen
diary origin. Landlords and ten
ants, hard pressed for money, set
lire to their premises to cheat the
insurance companies. A general
tightening up of the laws against
arson and of the penalties for this
form of fraud has been going on In
many states.
We have more fires than any oth
er nation because so many of our
buildings are still of wooden con
struction. It will take us another
four or five hundred years to be
come as nearly fireproof as France
or Germany.
The other night I took part, with
my farm and village neighbors, in
an old fashioned "spelling bee" held
in the old Congregational church
at West Stockbridge Center, Mass
achusetts, where services have been
held continuously since 1788. I was
surprised, not only at the popular
interest, which crowded the-church
to the doors, but at the proficiency
in spelling displayed by most of the
Poor spelling results from inabil
ity to remember how words look.
On the whole, I believe, country
people are better spellers than the
products of the city schools; they
have learned from infancy to ob
serve, to note and remember slight
differences in objects around them.
Printers are good spellers because
they have to be, and such ability
as I have in spelling I attribute
largely to my apprenticeship as a
boy to the printing trade, followed
by employment as a proofreader on
a city daily.
It is a mistake to brand anyone
as Ignorant because he or she is not
a good speller. George Washing
ton was far from ignorant but he
spelled the same word three differ
ent ways in one letter! In his day
the rules of spelling had not been
fixed, as they have been since Noah
Webster published his famous old
"Blue-back Speller" and followed
it with his dictionary.
I almost forgot to say that the
team I was on won the spelling
Will include values in staple and
new items such as we never before
could think of offering. A Jenny
Lind Bed FREE with each new
Sealey Air-vented Spring-filled mat
tress with many staple pieces at
one half the cost of same a year
ago is but a suggestion. Case
Furniture Co.
For Rent 402 acres summer
grazing land known as South Jones
prairie. Mrs. Henry Jones, 399 E.
lGth St N., Portland, Ore. 6tf.
Depression Comedy at Chautauqua
"Watts Family Depression" an Antidote for the Blues
It it always a good sign when
people ean begin to laufch at their
troubles. Driig the World War
when the 'Doughboys - began to
laugh the omi of the tror was ap
proaching. During the past winter
season several plays have been
produced In New York, notably,
"Of Thee I Sing," and "Face the
Music," which ridicule the present
day difficulties.
The coming Chautauqua is being
planned aa an antidote for the
blues, worries and troubles, which
have beset practically every man
and woman in every city, town, or
county in the United States.
Included in its bill of fare this
year are two sparkling comedies
which have a direct bearing on
present day problem.
The second play of the week Is
entitled the "Watts Family De
pression" and tells the story of an
ordinary American family in the
grip of the great financial diffi
culties of the past three years. The
situation is familiar to millions of
other American families and the
misfortunes which one after an
other befall the Watts family,
bring chuckles and familiar nudges
all over the audience.
The family savings are lost in a
bad Investment and various mem
bers lose their jobs, brother and
sister argue and quarrel as broth
ers and sisters sometimes do; the
mother and father have their mis
understanding, and all in all, it is
a situation understood and ap
pealing to American families
It is a dynamic, red-blooded
comedy, full of life and with a plot
that keeps every listener on the
alert from start to finish. The
play is presented by an able, pro
fessional cast headed by Ernest
Misner. Other members of the
cast are Lucile Mitchell, Clarice
Olson, Harold Sappenfield and
Bonnie Knapp.
The cast which is known to hun
dreds of theatre lovers all over the
United States, and the play which
tells the story of 1930 and 1931
and 1932, make a combination that
will be remembered for, years to
come and will in many commun
ities change the entire attitude to
wards "The Great Depression."
High Quality to Ot Recognition
On Market Says O. S. C. Man;
Harvest Hints Given.
Extra care in handling alfalfa
hay this year will probably pay
good returns to Oregon farmers
this year in view of the recently
adopted United States hay grades
in Oregon for alfalfa and alfalfa
mixtures, timothy, and clover, and
mixtures of these with various
grass hays, says D. D. Hill, asso
ciate agronomist at the Oregon
State college experiment station.
Under a plan adopted by the state
department of agriculture in coop
eration with the federal hay Inspec
tion service, terminal grading and
inspection will be provided this
year at Portland and shipping
point inspection in the Klamath
Falls and Hermiston regions, and
probably elsewhere If enough de
mand for It develops.
"Hay grades as they are applied
now are entirely workable and In
dicate feeding quality remarkably
well," says Hill. "The feeder who
buys hay on standard contract
grade can be assured of uniform
quality, something that coast dairy
feeders especially have long been
seeking. As soon as buyers become
familiar with the different grades
the better types are almost certain
to command a premium."
Color and leafiness are the two
chief characteristics of high grade
alfalfa hay, says Hill, for the rea
son that good color nearly always
indicates cutting at the proper
time and other good harvesting
methods, while leafiness means
that the hay is carrying a high per
centage of protein for which alfal
fa hay is widely sought.
The first step in the production
of alfalfa hay with good color and
good leaves is to cut early," Hill
continued. "Hay cut any time from
the bud stage to one-tenth to one
quarter bloom will usually have
good color. Continued cutting in
the bud stage will usually weaken
the stand, so it is best to allow at
least one cutting per year to reach
a stage corresponding to one-tenth
to one-quarter bloom.
"A number of other practices in
curing and stacking or baling are
important in maintaining high
feeding quality and consequently
high grades. A series of meetings
to acquaint hay growers, feeders
and dealers with the new grades
is planned through the state in the
next week or so."
Dallas Three trial plantings of
Redheart strawberry have been
startetd on the farms of W. V. Sam
ple, Falls City; C. H. Mode of In
dependence, and W. D. Henry of
Zena, reports County Agent J. R.
Beck, who obtained the plants for
the men. The Redheart strawber
ry, Mr. Beck says, has come into
considerable prominence in eastern
United States, and is highly recom
mended by Dr. George Darrow, In
charge of small fruit investigation
al work in the Pacific Northwest
for the U. S. department of agri
culture. Roseburg A unified premium
list for all community fairs of the
county is being worked out by the
Douglas county fair board, accord
Ing to County Agent J. C. Leedy,
who has been cooperating with a
committee composed of Willard
Smith, Glide; A. W. Caswell, Myr
tle Creek; C. C. Hill, Days Creak,
and Wesley Meredith, Looking
Glass, in making up such a booklet.
LaGrande N. K. West of La
Grande recently disposed of 30
tons of certified Markton seed oats
to the Equity Cooperative associa
tion of Malta, Mont, at a price of
$30 per ton. The sale was arranged
through County Agent H. G. Avery,
and was a follow-up order on six
cars of Marktnn oats from Union
county sold to this concern in 1931.
The Markton variety originated at
the Moro branch experiment sta
tion. Sheridan Through the use of Ir
rigated Lad i no clover pasture, O.
F. Daniels of this community was
able to cut the feed cost per pound
of butterfat to 16 cents a pound
last year. During the summer when
the cows were on the clover the
cost was as low as 8 cents a pound.
This was raised during the winter
when the cows were fed in the
kA Wi I PHONE 1082
MacMarr btores, Inc. we Deliver
Large cans broken slices.
Fancy quality.
8 Large O-i AA
22 Tins5J.UU
Van Camp's, large bottle
7r 81.00
Prices Effective Friday-Saturday-Monday, June 3-4-6
Cl . White, fresh
ohortemng andfufy
Macaroni Atsshpastf
Oregon full
SALMON Alaska pink
Fine quality Eastern
10 ST 81.00
11 u $1.00
20 lbs 81.00
6 LBS 81.00
10 S 81.00
Maximum Brand
2 LBS 23c
Snowflakes .
2 Cdy., 2 lbs. each 55c
Canning berries now at their
peak and the prices lowest in
years. Come in for your sup
ply today.
Best Foods products
MAC MARR Quality
3 LBS 89c
3 LBS. 59c
Dependable Vaccum Packed
2 LBS .: - 63c
Per Qfc. 49c
America's finest concentrated
2 LG. PKGS 75c
Large bars asst. toilet soap
10 BARS 55c
The famous ff O
QS Highway brand CTNS. .. O VX
D Eastern corn fed PER
Del COD Sweet and delicious POUND
BEANS Red rwMte 10
lbs. 39c
Morrow County
Heppner jyne
Reserved Seats for
Members of the Chautauqua As
sociation, those who contribute
toward its support, are given re
served seats, one reserved seat
for each $2.50 contributed.
About twenty reserved seats are
available to those who desire to
take them.
Reserved seat checks will be ob
tained at Gordon's confectionery
store after SATURDAY, MAY
28, at noon, in exchange for the
official receipt. Receipts should
be presented in person or by a
friend, as the ticket committee
will not make selections.
A glowing array of talent to be presented In one of
the liveliest entertainments ever to come under the
big tent a real "gloom-dispelling" festival.
No Charge For
Ad mission
The Chautauqua is sposored by public spirited citi
zens of the county who pay for the entertainment
outright, throwing the tent open to everyone free
of charge.
Come to Heppner for Four
Days of Fine Entertainment