PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932. LEXINGTON MRS. HARRY DUVALL. At the Church of Christ Sunday the Bible School will open at 10 a. m., with morning worship and com munion at 11 o'clock. Mr. Sias' morning topic will be "Progress." There will be regular Sunday eve ning services in the coming week. This Sunday night there will be a "song fest" The evening will be devoted to the old hymns, with some special numbers. A very short sermonette will be included. All will enjoy this program and are cordially invited to participate, or come to listen. Mr. and Mrs. Delvin Cox and three sons of Longview, Wash., vis ited a few days the last of the week with. Mr. Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. X), J. Cox. A short time ago another son, Darroll, in company with his wife and baby came over from Goldendale for a visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry of Portland were visiting over the week end with Mrs. Gentry's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan, Lou Broadley and Grandma Mc Millan have returned from Port land. The many friends of Grand ma will be glad to hear that the specialist pronounced her cancer to be on the road to complete re covery. It was not necessary for another radium treatment. Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc., will hold their annual stock holders meeting here June 13, at i o clock. The purpose of the meet ing is for the election of three di rectors and the transaction of oth er business. Mrs. W. B. Tucker and daughter Wilma went to Salem the last of the week to visit with Mrs. Tuck er's father, T. M. Scott The Home Economics olub of the Grange will meet at the country home of Mrs. A. H. Nelson Thurs day afternoon, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips and daughter, Jesselyn, from Portland have been visiting at the R. H. Lane home. Clay has returned home and Mrs. Phillips and daugh ter will remain here for a while. Mrs. Goldia Leathers enjoyed a visit Monday from her nephew, Neil Knighten. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Minnie McMillan were Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Leach of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. John White and Mrs. Ada Estes, all of Portland, came up for Memorial Day and to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, daugh ter Louise, and Ray McAlister re turned Sunday from Eugene where Mrs. Hunt and Mr. McAlister went as delegates to the Rebekah and Odd Fellows conventions held there last week. Naomi McMillan made the trip down with them but only returned as far as Hillsboro, stop ping there for a visit with her bro ther, Bob. The annual meeting of the stock holdera of the Farmers Warehouse will be held here Saturday, June 4, at 2 p. m. All stockholders are urged to attend. H. L. Chapin, Portland, was in Lexington this week end In com pany with Mr. Handy, geologist from Washington. They were here on business connectetd with the San-is Butte Gas Dome company, recently incorporated. Ralph Wickersham and Robert Morris of Portland visited Sunday night and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall. Eva Wilcox, Portland Art school student, returned home Monday. She was accompanied by a friend, Elizabeth Kelly, who will be her guest for a few days. Mylea Martin returned home Monday from Moro. Alice Palmer and Alma VanWin kle went to Salem last week, going down in Alice's car. They expected to visit in Portland with their un cle, Jimmy Eskelson and in Salem they will visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eskelson, also their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frederickson. On their re turn home they will stop at Forest Grove to visit friends. The hail storm Sunday did quite a bit of damage to wheat and gar dens. Several wheat fields south west of town were beaten down badly. Mrs. Charles Burchell and daugh ter Hulda motored up from their home in Corvallis and visited over Sunday at the Ed Burchell home. Veda Bundy spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monte Bundy. Miss Bundy holds a position with the Acme Flavor ing company in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson had as their guests this week, Mr. Jack son's brother, Clark Jackson and their cousin, Honora Reldy and a friend, Dorothy Pickens, all of Sa lem. They all enjoyed a day's pic nic in the mountains Sunday. Mrs. Gene Gentry went to Baker to visit with her sister. Mr. Gentry took her as far as Pendleton Sat urday, BOARDMAN RACHEL JOHNSON Mrs. Broce of Rldgefleld, Wash., was a visitor at the Myers home several days last week. Lloyd Sherman returned to Boardman last Tuesday. He has been working at Pasco. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat mo tored to The Dalles Wednesday. Miss Katherine Brown left Mon day for Portland where she will take a stenographic course at the Behnke - Walker Business college during the summer months. Jake Wells of Heppner, county assessor, visited on the project last week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatch Saturday, May 28, at the Hermiston hospital. Clarence Berger spent Sunday in town. Mr. Berger is a relief oper ator on the railroad at Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber and family of Fossil spent the week end in Boardman with relatives. Mr. s A F E T Y & ijyflifnurtil s E R V I C E Make Each Dollar Earn Its Keep Each dollar working releases $10 worth of credit and credit is our na tion's lifeblood. MONEY is only of value when working. Money spent wisely or in a savings account is working. YOUR NEST EGG here in a Sav ings Account earning interest, will provide ten times as much credit to local business. Fir& National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON No Use Working Himself to Death lM)ttJLPM,lTj Macomber, who is the highway maintainer at Fossil, will be trans ferred to another place soon. The town baseball team journey ed to Stanfleld Sunday where they defeated the Stanfleld team. The score was 10-2. Howard Packard spent several days in Arlington last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger and Mike Healey were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Atteberry, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Agee motored to lone Sunday where they attended the funeral services of Mrs. George Frank. Miss Mildred Messenger and Frank Hamel of The Dalles spent Sunday at the E. T. Messenger home. Miss Catherine Berger and Glen Berger of Oregon City spent Decor ation Day in Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Dillabough and family motored to Portland Friday. They attended the funeral of a friend at Canby while gone. Mrs. Shell spent J3ecoration Day in Umatilla. Paul Hatch was a business visit or in Portland last week. Noel Klitz left Monday for La Grande where he will again work for a road contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and family of The Dalles spent the week end at the George Wicklander home. Mr. and Mrs. Broomfleld and family of La Grande spent the week end at the W. A. Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickerson and family returned to Boardman Monday after having lived in Boise during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hatch and Stanley Hatch were Boardman vis itors this week. Mr. and, Mrs. Gent and Robert Becker of Longview spent the week end at the Howard Bates home. The highway oiling crew played the Boardman baseball team Mon day afternoon. The town team won by a score of 20-0. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson and family of Wasco spent Monday at the J. R. Johnson home. Basil Cramer came Monday to spend his vacation here with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cramer. Many of the farmers are haying this week. Some started last week. The heavy rain Sunday evening probably delayed some from haying on Monday. Mary Chaffee left Monday for Eugene where she will spend ths summer with her sister, Mrs. James. Mrs. McKane of Wasco spent Monday with her brother, Jess Lower. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cramer and Basil left Tuesday for Montana where Mr. Cramer will shear sheep. The railroad welding gang which has been at Irrigon, Is now located at Messner. A clinic will be held in the schoolhouse Friday, June 3, at 9 a. m. for all pre-school children. Dr. Thompson of The Dalles will be the physician in charge. Mrs. Lilly and son returned home from Hermiston last week. Mrs. Daley and mother from Ba ker were Boardman visitors Mon day. Mrs. Daley moved her house hold goods to Baker. Glen Hadley returned home last Monday from the veterans' hospi tal where he was ill for a couple of weeks. He left Friday for En terprise where he will shear sheep. Mrs. Alfred Skoubo entertained the Home Economics club last Wednesday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and family and Mrs. Broomfleld and family were dinner guests Sunday at the Bates home. The examiner who will give the examination for those wishing to obtain drivers' and chauffeurs' li censes, will be in Boardman June 14 at 7:30 p. m., and June 15, 8 to 10 a. m. Mrs. Adeline Dart and Miss Car oline Hunt of Seattle spent several days this week at the O. H. War ner home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Blayden of Spokane are visiting at the Blay den home. Permanent Waves as low as $3.95. Work by Mrs. Florence Davis. Cox en & Chapin, Hotel Shop, phone 1112. DELICIOUS Star Theater Sun day and Monday delicious entertainment. HARDMAN MRS. ELLA FARRENS. The dance eiven by Roy Ash- baugh at the I. O. O. F. hall was a success. One of the largest crowds in years was in attendance. Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh served supper. Har lan Adams, Owen Leathers and Roy Ashbaugh played. Mrs. Ethel McDaniel and children spent a few days at her home here the last or the weeK anu enjuycv. the dance Saturday night Mrs. J. B. Adams and daughter Charlotte, Mrs. Wes Stevens and daughter Loes, Mrs. Bert Bleak man and daughter Neva spent the day with Mrs. L. J. Burnside at the Rood canyon rancn inutauaj. Elma McDaniel and Dale Der mott were Lone Rock young people visiting here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram jonnnon were attending to matters of bus iness in Heppner Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duvall, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sargent of Portland arrived here the last of the week for an indefinite visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson. Elwood Hastings returned from work at the Garnet Barratt place near Heppner Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harshman motored up from their Eight Mile ranch Monday for a short visit with relatives. Miss Catherine Peterson held the last session of Sunday School for this year last week, but she states she will be back to collect note books for exhibition at Ascension summer school at Cove some time next week. Mickey and Johnny Cox were vis iting friends here Saturday and at tended the dance at I. 0. O. F. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson, Mrs. Ed Merrill were attending to matters of business here Monday. Bill Greener was a caller in town Monday. Bernard Carlson and Georgie Medlock were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Corrigall, and Rogers Howell were visiting friends and relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside were all-day visitors at the J. B. Adams home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hams and daugh ter Myrtle of Portland are spend ing the week visiting their son Jim at his ranch in Rood canyon. Ellis Williams was a caller in town Friday. Mrs. Bert Bleakman and daugh ter Neva were dinner guests of Mrs. J. W. Stevens Monday evening. rimor Mnaerave and friend. Noel Dobbins, recently returned from a fishing trip to Crooked river and East lake. GREED NOT PROHIBITION. An answer to Dr. A. B. Gray. '"Tis built on prohibition" did you say? But we Mothers of sons have not believed That you are right This not the only day When for just such a crime fond parents grieved. Since the days of Herod a baby's life Has been as naught when great wealth or power Is the goal men seek. Yes, crime has been rife Since the world was young. Not alone this hour. No, not "it's built on prohibition." Be honest and say, "It's built on greed." And, Everyman, let this be our mis sion; From this monster our children must be freed. Greed, in whose insatiable maw Pair hopes are lost, the bright promise of youth, The Kingdom's advancement, re spect of law, A demon destroying all without ruth. A power for evil in every land, He is Ambition without God and Right, An angel of darkness, Satan's right hand. HE is the enemy we all must fight 'Twas GREED who wrecked our dearest hope That just one temptation we had to face Might be removed so we could cope With sin, make of this world a bet ter place. Stand with us for our dream and help us make This great nation clean for our children's sake. A Member of the W.C.T.U., L. H. Going to the mountains? How about a case of pop? Delivered to your house In case lots at less than 5c a bottle. Any flavor. Morrow County Soda Works, A. M. Bald win, phone 1432. - 11-12 D. C. Gurdane was a visitor in this city over Monday from his home at Umatilla. P tart to Tvrdok Auction today I Chesterfield buys the best Chesterfield tobaccos are aged right iJuf -C M it p V if , Si ' x .j iv i ' kjf's I ':lwt' c chterfieirdryouge I ' '''' ' . C1 ' '', i AMi them just as fresh as 1 liJk&Pl J "" "'" yU Came by Ju 1932, Liggett Mybrs Tobacco Co. Made In factories as dean as your kitchen NOWADAYS, when bo many people are talking about purity . . . pure food, pure milk, pure water . . . it's worth a minute to tell you something about the purity of Chesterfield cigarettes. All the materials that go into the making of Chesterfield cigarettes are tested again and again by expert research chemists. Just like the things you eat and drink. The tobacco is pure the right kinds, Domestic and Turkish both, mild, sweet, ripe. The paper is pure clean, white, the best ciga rette paper that money can buy. There is purity in every ingredient and cleanliness in every operation. You can know, when you light a Chesterfield, that it is as pure as science can make a cigarette. And your taste will tell you it's milder, it tastes better. Chesterfield