Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 02, 1932, Image 1

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Volume 49, Number 12.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Court and Committee to
Work for Reallotment
of Secondary Funds.
Former Action of Court Explained
And Facts Given on Importance
Of Heppner-Spray Route.
" That a unanimity of opinion as
to the economic importance of the
Heppner-Spray road exists between
the Morrow county court and the
people' of the county represented
yesterday In a delegation that
waited upon the court in the inter
ests of that road was brought out
in the discussion, which resulted in
the selection of a committee of four
to work with the court in deter
mining the best method of proce
dure to get the Heppner-Spray road
completed at the earliest possible
date. The committee consists of
Vawtcr Crawford, L. Van Marter,
M. L. Case and W. W. Smead.
In their argument before the
court the delegation, composed of
representatives of, the majority of
Heppner business houses and rep
resentatives from lone and Lexing
ton, cited facts as to why the HeppP
ner-Spray road is the most import
ant uncompleted secondary road in
the county, and maintained that it
was not to the best Interests of this
road and of the county to have
Morrow county's secondary road
money for the next three years ap
plied on the Heppner-Condon road
as tentatively agreed upon by the
court with the state highway com
mission at Arlington last week.
Court Gives Stand.
All members of the court assert
ed that they were agreed upon the
importance of the Heppner-Spray
road. Their action at Arlington was
based upon the fact that In their
discussion of what they should do
when they met the commission at
Arlington, they could not arrive at
an agreement on the Heppner
Spray; road that It appeared to be
too big a job for them to handle
alone and they finally agreed to
have this year's money put on the
Condon road. When they made this
request of the highway commission
and the commission asked for a
three-year tie-up in order to assure
the completion of the project, Mr.
Bleakman would not accede, but
Mr. Campbell and Mr. Peck deemed
the commission to be within their
rights in making the request, and
they did agree. These facts were
brought out at the court meeting
and in an interview with Mr. Peck
last evening, and have been sub
stantiated by all members of the
Mr. Peck and Mr. Bleakman
agreed to abide by the decision of
the committee as to what was best
to ask .for on the Heppner-Spray
road, while Mr. Campbell said he
would abide by the former agree
ment unless assistance could be as
sured in completing the Heppner
Spray road south of Hardman.
Rock Creek Gap Hitch.
Members of the delegation con
tended that finishing of the road
from Heppner to Hardman, which
would require two years' expendi
ture of the county's secondary road
money, would hasten the comple
tion of the road. Besides the un
completed portion between Heppner
and Hardman, there remains a 6.7
mile stretch between Hardman and
Chapln creek, along Rock creek.
Some of the members of the dele
gation were In favor of signing up
an agreement to Include this
stretch also, if necessary. The cost
of this niece of construction would
be about $60,000, and In view of
Morrow county's already large ex
penditure on the road, and its tie-
ui with the forest road and other
state roads, members of the court
and the delegation were agreed that
the county was entitled to assist
ance on this gap. Members of the
delegation, however, expressed
themselves as having confidence
that the state and federal people
would do what was right If Morrow
county showed its good faith by
building to Hardman.
The court and citizens' committee
are preparing to present their re
quest to the state highway commis
sion at its meeting in Portland
June 9. To substantiate the court
In Its new request In the face of the
former agreement the committee
has prepared petitions for circula
tion among the people of the coun
ty by means of which they hope to
show that the weight of sentiment
In the county Is In favor of the
Heppner-Spray road.
Merit of Spray Road Cited.
As documentary evidence of one
of the reasons why completion of
the Heppner-Spray road is import
ant, the delegation showed the
court a letter from a reputable lum
bering concern In which It was stat
ed that this concern would put a
mill adjacent to the Heppner-Spray
road as soon as It Is completed. It
was shown that so far not one usr
faced highway has been built into
' the timber of the county, one of
the county's largest resources, and
that the Heppner-'Spray road would
. tap the best belt of this timber.
The cross-state tie-up of the road,
E. Notoon Reports Result of
Portland Conference; Chau
tauqua Discussed.
Seeking of federal forest road
funds for unemployment relief was
the object of a conference of a lo
cal delegation with W. H. Lynch,
chief of the bureau of public roads,
at Portland Saturday, according to
the report given the Lions club
Monday by S. E. Notson, spokes
man of the delegation which includ
ed O. A. Bleakman, Jasper Craw
ford and R. B. Ferguson. That no
promise of federal aid could be giv
en, he said, was learned from Mr.
Lynch, who stated the amount of
federal funds available would de
pend entirely on appropriations au
thorized by congress. If one appro
priation calling for some seven
million dollars additional forest
money passes, the west will get a
goodly share, he said, and Morrow
county would be guien consideration.
Mr. Notson said the trip was
made because of a recent wire re
ceived by W. T. Campbell, county
judge, from Senator Steiwer in
which the senator wished to know
whether Morrow county would be
able to cope with Its unemployment
situation from local sources.
Miss Coleman, Chautauqua rep
resentative and sister of Miss Lethe
Coleman, lecturer to appear at the
Chautauqua, gave the Lions an in
sight Into the program to appear
under the big tent, stressing their
appropriateness as a means of dis
pelling the gloom of depression.
Al Rankin was complimented on
his bull pup having won another
blue ribbon at the kennel show held
at Oregon City the end of the week.
It was announced that election of
officers would be held at the next
meeting, with the program left in
the hands of Dr. A. D, McMurdo
and Jasper Crawford.
The club voted to make its re
turn visitation to the Pendleton
Lions club next Thursday evening,
June 9, with ten members signify
ing their intention of attending.
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Ralph Mason Burned
By Gas Tank Explosion
Details of the manner In which
Ralph Mason was fatally burned at
the farm home south of lone, lack
ing in the Gazette Times story last
week, were learneif from his father,
Frank Mason, this week.
Ralph and Oliver Kincaid were
at work in the blacksmith shop
making bolts with which to repair
some of the farm machinery. They
had started wofk early Friday
morning, Kincaid welding the
heads on the bolts and Ralph
threading them. About 9 o'clock,
as Kincaid was welding the head
on the last bolt and they were about
to finish their work, apparently a
spark from the furnace went into
the funnel of the gasoline can
about six feet distant from the
forge, and It exploded, blowing out
the top and spilling the gasoline in
the direction of young Mason. An
other explosion followed immediate
ly, filling the shop with flames.
Ralph made a dive througn a
hole where two boards were off the
wall Into the granary adjoining,
Kincaid seeing him go through but
did not then know that the boy was
afire. Kincaid himself attempted
to fight the fire for a moment, then
as the flames burst about his own
head he rushed out into the open
to extinguish them. It was then
that he heard Ralph moaning in
the granary, and he made for the
granary door, it being necessary to
force some machinery aside befor
he could open It. When he at last
got In he saw Ralph lying in the
corner enveloped in three feet of
He Immediately threw sacks
about Ralph and put out the fire,
being assisted by Mrs. Kincaid who
rushed from the house with a
bucket of water when she discov
ered the fire. Ralph, still conscious,
was asked if he was badly hurt, and
he answered, "I am done for." He
was rushed to Heppner to the hos
pital and first Investigation of the
burns, mostly on the boy's back,
revealed that they were so deep as
to leave but little hope of saving
his life. He died that evening.
The burns were so deep that the
nerves had apparently been dead
ened, as Ralph did not give signs
of being In severe pain, Mr. Mason
Mr. Mason was in lone at the
time, and when he was notified of
the disaster, he at first thought
Ralph had been working under the
car, as he knew it to have a leaky
gas tank, and he did not learn the
particulars until later. He said he
had warned the boys against leav
ing the gasoline tank in the shop,
Because of the opening of Chau
tauqua this evening, the Heppner
library will be open only between
the hours of 7:00 to 8:00 p, m,
J. A. Lehrer, sheepbuyer, Injured
in an automobile accident last week
Is reported to be making progress
at Heppner hospital.
Besides tapping the best merchantable timber
belt in Morrow county, providing a much-sought-for
outlet for livestock and other products of a large
section of Grant county, and providing the Hard
man section with a serviceable market road, finish
ing of the Heppner-Spray road means the opening
of a cross-state route for traffic to or from points
in Eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, Idaho or
eastward and California. A half million dollars
will have been expended on the route by the Bu
reau of Public Roads through the forest in Wheeler
and Morrow counties by the end of this year. Mor
row county has already invested $300,000 in the
road. All that remains to be constructed after the
Bureau of Public Roads completes its work this
year to complete a surfaced road all the way from
Heppner to the John Day highway at Spray is a
12-mile sector between Rhea creek (about 12 miles
amith nf Hennner) to Chanin creek (6.7 miles south
of Hardman). Morrow county spent $30,000 last year on a grade up McKinney creek on tne uncompieyeu
section between Heppner and Hardman to the foot of Hardman hill, a grade about two miles long which
Morrow county several years ago constructed and surfaced with talis rock.
This is the road on which the Morrow county court has been asked to have its state secondary road
money applied to finish the road between Heppner and Hardman, and for which petitions are being cir
culated among Morrow county people In order thai the matter of reapplication of Morrow county s sec
ndary road money may be taken up with the state hi ghway commission at its meeting in Portland July .
Joel R. Benton Pays Tribute In
Memorial Address; Graves of
Loved Ones Mecca of Many
making the most direct route from
eastern Washington, Idaho and
northeastern points to California,
was pointed out to show that it
would make a strong bid for tourist
and trans-state tralllc. Additional
trade territory would be opened lyi
for Morrow county, It was shown,
all of which would help remunerate
the county for Its already large In
vestment In the road,
In memory of the honored dead
who sacrificed their lives in defense
of their country, appropriate Me
morial Day services were held at
the Star theater Monday morning,
under the joint sponsorship of vet
erans' organizations of the city.
Joel R. Benton, Christian minister,
delivered the address in which he
paid high tribute to the ideals of
Americanism which led men to
give their lives In defense of peace.
Paul Marble, commander of
Heppner Post 87, American Legion,
presided and the services were
largely attended. The service op
ened with the singing of "America'
by the audience and invocation by
Rev. Glen P. White. Harvey Mil
ler sang "In Flanders Fields," and
Dean T. Goodman, Jr., followed
with a reading, "America's Re
sponse to 'In Flanders Fields'," The
Legion Auxiliary trio, Mrs. W. E.
Moore, Mrs. Charles W. Smith and
Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, sang "My
Native Land," with Mrs. J. O. Tur
ner at the piano. The address by
Mr. Benton was followed by bene
diction by Rev. Mr. White. The
Womens Relief corps' beautiful flag
furling ceremony closed the ser
vices at the theater, with the Misses
Ann McNamee, Beulah Eskelson,
Virginia Cleveland, Adele Nicker
son, Viola Brown and Annie Crump
participating in the ceremony while
Miss Irene Beamer played the "Star
Spangled Banner" at the piano.
The day was the occasion for the
visitation of many former residents
of the city making an annual pil
grimage to the graves of departed
loved ones, and the floral offerings
of these and home folks made the
cemetery a place of restful beauty.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin, daugh
ter Rachel and Marie Scrivner mo
tored to Seattle over the holidays.
Mrs. Anglin's sister, Mrs. Musgrove,
accompanied them to Yakima to
her home there and Mr. Sowers,
Mrs. Anglin's father, accompanied
them from Yakima to Seattle, re
turning home with them to Hepp
ner. The Angllns left Saturday
evening at 6 o'clock, going by way
of Umatilla, arriving at Yakima at
10:30. They left Yakima at 4:30 a.
m. Sunday, and arrived In Seattle
at 10 o clock Sunday morning, stop
ping at the famous1 Snoqualmle
fulls and also In the pass for a
snowball fight, as Mr. Anglin said
there were drifts of snow four to
six feet deep just off the road. Af
ter visiting with about twenty
three of their relatives, Including
Mr. Anglin's brother In Seattle,
they left Seattle at 4:30 Tuesday
morning, arriving In Heppner at
4:30 In the afternoon. Mr. Anglin
visited his birth town of Chehalls,
drove around the capltol buildings
at oiympla.
THE lifeless form of a yellow
breasted feathered friend lies on
the editor's desk. It's song will be
heard no more to cheer the morn
ing's wakening hours. Another
friend of the song bird brought the
little lifeless form to the editor's
desk. She said the tragedy told of
a thoughtless boy and his air rifle.
There Is a law against boys shoot
ing air rifles within the city limits,
and were the culprit known - he
might be punished. Eut that would
not teach the boy to love song birds
and to shoot them no more. That
boy should listen to the beautiful
note3 of the song bird in the morn
ing; learn the Identity of their mak
er; see hiin chirp merrily as he
skips from tree to bush, and learn
that in that feathered breast there
Is naught of offense to mankind,
naught but happiness. Then would
he, too, be a friend of the song bird
and want to let the song bird live.
Mrs. Turner Presents Her
Pupils in Piano Recital
On last evening Mrs. Virginia E.
Turner presented her piano pupils
in recital at the Turner home on
Church street. She was assisted by
the American Legion Auxiliary trio,
Mrs. Walter Moore, Mrs. Chas. W.
Smith and Mrs. Raymond Fergu
son. A large number of the par
ents and friends were present and
were delighted with the program as
presented. Refreshments of punch
and wafers were served following
the close of the presentation.
The following program was glv-
Wachs, duet, "Shower of Stars,"
Rachel Anglin, Kathryn Parker.
Mildred Adair, (a) "The School
Bell," (b) "Fairy Music," (c) "The
Brook," (d) "Snowflakes," (e)
"Thanksgiving Day." (f) "Evening
Song," Alberta Adkins.
Benson, "Off to School," Rolfe,
Big Basso Singer," Kerr, "Let's
March," Buddy Blakely.
Jay Media, "Mussolini, Hadyn,
"Allegretto," Cadnmn, "Dance of
the Midgets," Kathryn Parker.
Happy Days In Music Play, "Blos
somtime," "Sunshine of Spring,"
duet, "The Katydid," Betty Marie
Strickland, "Southern Moon,"
Rlsher, "The Piper's Song," Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary Trio.
Baines, "The Jolly Tar," Beery,
"Chariot Race," liechter, "Jolly
Darkles," John Crawford.
Beethoven, "Minuet," Krentzlln
"In Schurbert's Day," Jean Blakely.
Bohm, "Dancing Spirits," Ketter
er, duet, "Goblins." Frances Rugg,
Mowrey, "Spanish Gypsy Dance,"
Nancy Cox.
Ascher, "La Cascade des Roses,"
Rubinstein, "Melody In F," Eggal
Ing, "Polish Dance," Rachel An
glin. Duets, Cooke, ".Sea Gardens,"
Noclck, "Sceno do In Csarda," Mrs.
Ferguson, Mrs. Turner,
Bruce Barton Composition to be
Offered Over National Network
By General Motors Company.
National attention will be focused
on Oregon on Monday night, June
6, when a radio panorama in music
and story of the state's contribution
to historical and industrial develop
ment of America will be broadcast
to the country.
The occasion, which coincides
with the celebration of Portland's
famous Rose Festival week, will be
the dedication of the "Parade of
the States" program of that eve
ning to the state as part of the ed
ucational plan of the General Mo
tors corporation to give the people
of the rest of the country a more
intimate glimpse of each of the
states in turn. The program will
be broadcast at 5:30 p. m. Pacific
Standard Time over the National
Broadcasting company's network
and will be heard in every section
of the country.
Bruce Barton has written a spec
ial tribute to Oregon for the pro
gram. It recalls her history in the
days of the hunters and trappers
and the Hudson Bay company and
describes her industries where sal
mon, flax, apples and lumber are
prepared for a world market.
An orchestral medley of songs
appropriate to the Rose Festival
has been arranged as one of the
program features and will be play
ed by a concert orchestra under the
direction of Erno Rapee.
Tom Dobson, one of Oregon s
composers will be represented on
the program through "Carges" set
to the words of John Maseneld s
famous poem and sung by Phil
Dewey, baritone soloist. Other mu
sical numbers will pay tribute to
the state's scenery and her indus
tries. Among those who have cooperat
ed in supplying the material from
which the program has been ar
ranged are the Hon. Hal E. Hoss,
secretary of state; the Portland
Chamber of Commerce and the
State Department of Education.
Paucity of Hits, Double Plays,
Feature 8-1 Fray; Locals to
Play at Fossil Next
Heppner's ball tossers took the
short end of one of the snappiest
and fastest games played In the
Wheatland league this season at
Condon Sunday, losing by a 2-1
score. The pitching performance
of Ashenlelter for Condon and
Woodward for Heppner featured
the play, the former allowing but
two hits and striking out 12 bats
men, and the latter giving out only
four hits and striking out five. All
tallies were made on scratch plays,
with no earned runs.
On two ocasions snappy double
plays by Heppner helped to end
Condon rallies. In the fourth with
one away,- Ashenfelter singled and
took first, and A. Hollen, who fol
lowed, laid down a grounder to
Woodward who made a nice throw
to R. Gentry at second to catch
Ashenfelter, and Gentry In turn
pegged to Hayes at first to nab
Hollen. Again in the seventh Roy
Gentry took a hot line drive from
C. Hollen's bat and pegged to catch
A. Hollen off first base.
Condon scored one run the first
time up, when J. Baker singled and
advanced as Willimott.and Bennett
were thrown out at first on ground
ers taken by Roy and Harold Gen
try, and went home on a wild pitch
to Ashenfelter. Their next score
came in the seventh when Ashen
felter took first on Hayes' error,
and A. Hollen advanced him on a
grounder bobbled by Woodwardj.
Then followed the double play in
which R. Gentry took C. Hollen's
drive and threw A. Hollen out, hold
ing Ashenfelter on second. Ashen
felter then advanced on R. Baker's
single and scored on Hess's single,
J. Burns flying out to Turner in
midfleld for the third out.
Turner made Heppner's lone tally
in the eighth inning. He walked,
stole second, went third on H. Gen
try's single, and scored when Ash
enfelter mussed up Robertson's
grounder. Rohrer went out Willi
mott to A. Hollen; Crawford, Ash
enfelter to A. Hollen, and Carmich
ael fanned to end the rally.
The score sheet shows each team
had exactly the same number of
men at bat, and that inning by Inn
ing the same number of batsmen
were up for each team. The game
was played in an hour and a halt.
. Next Sunday Heppner plays at
Fossil and the following Sunday
will meet Blalock on the home lot.
The box score and summary:
H. Gentry, s 4 0 1 2 3 0
Robertson, c 4 0 1 5 0 1
Rohrer. 3 4
Woodward, p 3
Hayes, 1 4
R. Gentry, 2 4
Crawford. 1 3
Carmichael, r 3
Turner, m 1
Totals : 30
J. Baker, m 4
Willimott. s 4
Bennett, r 4
Ashenfelter. p 3
A. Hollen, 1 3
All in Readiness for Four
Day Chautauqua;
Seats Going.
Staples to Give Thrilling Program
Of Magic Saturday; Comunlty
Pageant Feature Sunday.
0 0 0 2
0 0 0 9
0 0 12 0
0 0 3 5
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0
2 24 19 6
Hollen, 1 , 3
R. Baker, 3 3
Hess. 2 3
J. Burns, c . 3
Totals 3U
Wheat Damage Reported
From Hail Storm Sunday
Damage to the growing wheat
crop In the Social Ridge section
the extent of which was not deter
mined, resulted from a hall storm
Sunday afternoon. The hall storm
extended along a strip of country
north and south of Willow creek
but the major damage Is reported
to have been on the land belonging
to W. T. Campbell on Social Ridge
and neighboring property.
The hall storm was accompanied
by a heavy rain generally over the
county, the good effects of which
are said to offset the damage done
by the hail.
1 1 0
0 12
0 0 0
1 0 14
0 8 0
0 3 0
1 0 0
0 13 2
4 37 18
The Paramount Concertiers with
a program of music, readings and
novelty entertainment will open
Morrow county's four -day free
Chautauqua under the big tent in
Heppner at 8 o'clock this evening.
All arrangements for staging the
annual spring entertainment fea
ture have been completed. The big
tent is up; seats are being put in
place, and Miss Henri Hanson, su
perintendent, has arrived to do her
bit in giving the large audiences ex
pected to attend one of the best
chautauquas in local history.
Reserved seats have been taken
up rapidly by subscribers, though
a few are still available to those
who desire them. They may be had
at Gordon's drug store. Except for
the reserved seats given the Chau
tauqua backers, the big tent will be
thrown open free to everyone, with
a cordial invitation extended to all.
The program this evening is slat
ed to start chautauqua off with
lively entertainment of appeal to
everyone. Tomorrow Bob Pollard
and associates will hold the stage,
offering two up-to-the-minute plays
of wide appeal. Mr. Pollard has
made many friends in previous ap
pearances here and it is promised
that the shows this year will show
him at his best. In the afternoon
the Pollard Players will present
Peg O' My Heart," and In the eve
ning they will play "Always Tell
Your Husband."
Saturday comes Staples and
Company, who In the afternoon
will give a program of cartoons,
crayon landscapes and ventrilo
quism, and In the evening a won-
erful program of magic. These
are numbered top-notch programs.
Splitting the bill with Staples Sat
urday evening is Miss Lethe Cole
man, who comes to Heppner with
her second lecture, "Courage," a
message all should hear.
Another lecture, timely, appro
priate and full of meat, is schedul
ed for Sunday afternoon when Har
old Sappenfleld will give first hand
experiences in telling of "Uncle
Sam's Stake in China and Japan."
bunday evening, the closing pro
gram will include a stirring com
munity pageant, "The Death of
Old Man Depression" under the di
rection of Ernest Misner. noted
teacher of dramatics, who will be
present with the play cast which
will present another up-to-the-minute
play, "The Watts Family De-.
pression" immediately following
the pageant
Umnires. Nish and J. Miller: scorer,
. J. Doherty; earned runs, Heppner
Condon 0: first base on balls off
Ashenfelter 2; left on bases. Heppner
5. Condon 4; wild pitch, woodward ;
first base on errors. Condon 4. Hepp
ner 2; struck out by Woodward 5. by
Ashenlelter li; oouoie pmys, woou-wnrrt-R.
Gentrv-Haves. R. Gentry-
Hayes; hit by pitcher, Woodward by
1 True Bill Reported By
Grand Jury; Court 13th
The grand jury for the June term
of circuit court submitted its re-
Dort to Judge C. L. Sweek yester
day, and the members were excused
from further service. The jury, H.
J. Biddle. foreman, John Clark, J
T. Horgan, Fred Albert, Lester Doo-
littlc.W. F. Pettyjohn and KInier A
Musgrave, reported one true bill.
Judge Sweek will convene the June
term of court on the 13th. lne
grand jury reported:
"We have been in session two
days. We have Inquired into all
violations of the criminal statutes
of the state of which we had know
ledge or which were brought to our
attention which were committed in
Morrow county or which were tri
able In said county.
'We have returned one true bill
"We have examined the county
jail and the offices connected with
the administration of justice. We
find the jail in very good condition.
We find the records of the several
otlices properly kept, so far as we
can ascertain.
"We have examined the county
poor house and have discussed the
condition of the Inmates with the
county judge, and have no recom
mendations to make at this time
We recommend that purchases fo
the county charges be made only
upon requisition approved by the
county judge. We also recommend
that in case there Is any work to
be done for the county that the
needy be given the work In prefer
ence to those who may be better
Counted among those to be grad
uated from the University of Ore
gon next week are Robert Turner,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turne
of this city. Mrs. Robert Turner
and Ellis Thomson. Mr. Turner
will receive his bachelor of science
degree, while Mrs. Turner and Mr
Thomson will receive bachelor of
arts degrees,
Faulty Road Causes Car
To Overturn; Ladies Hurt
A broken place in the macadam
near McKay creek caused the
Dutton car, driven by Mrs. Ida Dut-
ton, to jump into the loose gravel
at the edge of the road and over
turn about 8 o'clock yesterday
morning, resulting in minor Injur
ies to Mrs. Dutton and Mrs. Stow-
ell of Portland and Miss Anna
Wightman of this city. Mrs. Dut
ton and Mrs. Stowell were guests
at the Wightman home and the
three ladies were on their way to
Pendleton for a day's visit.
Mrs. Dutton remained at a hos
pital in Pendleton for treatment
while Miss Wightman and Mrs.
Stowell returned to Heppner yes
terday and are at the Wightman
home. None of them were seriously
injured, it was reported this morn
ing, though no word had been re
ceived from Mrs. Dutton since yesterday.
Mary L. White, mother of Rev.
Glen P. White of this city, died at
The Dalles Friday morning, aged
79 years and 3 months. Funeral
services were held at The Dalles at
1 o'clock and at Arlington at 3:30
o'clock Sunday afternoon, with In
terment in the Masonic cemetery
at Arlington. Mrs. White resided
for about 40 years near Heppner
Junction in Gilliam county where
her family was reared. She came
to Morrow county In 1881 with Mr.
White, and they spent their first
night in the county at Heppner.
They located at that time on the
old homestead at Heppner Junction
where they resided until about 10
years ago, when Mr. White, a G.
A. R. veteran, died and Mrs. White
removed shortly afterward to The
Dalles where she had since resided.
Five sons, three daughters, four
grandchildren and twelve great
grandchildren survive the deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wightman and
Mrs. Lillian Turner and Anabel r.
turned on Sunday from attending
the sessions of the I. O. O. F. grand
lodge and Rebekah assembly held
the past week In Eugene. Mrs.
Frank Shlvely, who also went as a
delegate from the local lodge of
Rebekahs, was met by Mr. Shlvely
In Portland, where they visited
with friends and returned home