: O C I Volume 49, Number 11. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, May 26, 1932 Subscription $2.00 a Year 0 R F 1 0 '1 l-'iJTOalC A L P'JP.LIC A 'J J 5 T 0 I "J V r j r r a ; : , o - z . teette y Court and Commission Agree on 3-Year Program. SPRAY ROUTE AIDED County Takes Over Maintenance for State; Bleakman Against Action; Judge Explains. All state secondary road money to be spent in Morrow county for the next three years will be put on the Heppner-Condon road, with the exception of $3500 alotted for ma cadamizing the McKinney creek section of the Heppner-Spray road, according to a tentative agreement arrived at between members of the Morrow county court and the state highway commission at a meeting in Arlington Tuesday. The total secondary road money allotted . to Morrow county this year was esti mated at $14,200. The ba .ance of this year's money, $11,700, will be used to start grad ing operations on the projected route of the Heppner-Condon road between Eight Mile and the county line, starting on the Eight Mile end, according to the agreement It is estimated that this money will com plete about three miles of grade. The exact route of the road has not been adopted, but it is expected that it will follow a course almost due west from Eight Mile, dropping in to Rock creek about a mile below the Burton Wilson place where the old road crosses. To Kock McKinney Creek. Plans under which the $3500 was allotted to the Heppner-Spray road contemplate that this money will macadamize the four miles of grade made by the county last year up McKinney creek from Rhea creek to the foot of Hardman hill. The type of macadam contemplated is natural rock surfacing. District Engineer Williams, in Heppner yesterday, outlined the proposed secondary highway work In this county as tentatively agreed upon by members of the Morrow county court and the highway com mission. He said that of the three secondary roads which had been designated in Morrow county, the Lexington-Jarmon road was com pleted, and that the $3500 would give an "improved" road from Heppner to Hardman which is as far as the county Is obligated to build on the Heppner-Spray road under an agreement with the bu reau of public roads, which left on ly the Heppner-Condon road for im provement. The estimated cost of grading and macadamizing the un completed portion of this road was placed at $56,000 which would re quire the use of all the county's allotment of secondary road money for three years after the $3500 had been deducted for the Heppner Spray road. The three-year agree ment was decided upon so that the road could be put through to com pletion in the shortest possible time after it had been started. Action Justified. County Judge Campbell justified the stand of the court in making the agreement. He said that the proposed Improvement on the Heppner-Condon road would serve a large number of people who here tofore had not been considered in the county market road program, and that a large tonnage would be accommodated. He said that the commission showed itself sympa thetic to the Heppner-Spray road by allotting the $3500 and in offer ing to ask the bureau of public roads to extend its operations to Hardman. He said that Mr. Scott of the commission constantly re minded those present at the meet ing that the funds to be expended were state funds and under the con trol of the highway commission. Apparently the commission's mind was made up to spend the money on the Heppner-Condon road, and it appeared that if too much con tention were made to get the mon ey put on the Heppner-Spray road that Morrow county might lose out entirely, Mr, Campbell said. Under the agreement, the judge said, Morrow county takes over the maintenance of the completed por tions of the secondary highways at a cost not to exceed $75 a mile. The money to be used for this purpose comes from the one-mill market road tax, which produced between $8000 and $9000 last year. Tht court expects to use all of the gen eral road money for upkeep of the dirt roads, he said, Agreement Broken. Commissioner Bleakman did not assent to the agreement with the other two members of the court, holding out for completing the Heppner-Spray road to Hardman according to state standards before any new projects were attempted. Ho said yesterday that the $3500 allotted to this road would not put it up to the standard contemplated In a former Agreement with the bu reau of public roads, wherein the Morrow county court agreed with the bureau that the court would finish the road from Heppner to Hardman If the bureau would build through to Hardman from the oth er side, He believed It only prac tlcnl in the face of the large invest- SECONDER GIVEN CONDON BQAD HOT PITCHING SEEN AS FOSSIL WINS 4-1 Woodward Flays Spectacular Game, Holding Own in Box and Start ing Double Flay in Ninth. League Standings Won Lost Pet. Arlington . 5 0 1.000 lone 3 2 .500 Heppner 2 3 .400 Condon 2 3 .400 Fossil 2 3 .400 Rufus-Blalock .... 1 4 .200 Last Sunday ' Remits! Fossil 4 at Heppner 1, Rufus-Blalock 3 at lone 4; Arlington 17 at Condon 7. Where the Teams Flay Next Sunday: Heppner at Condon, lone at Arling ton, Fossil at Rufus-Blalock. Kelsay of Fossil took the upper hand in the pitching duel against Woodward of Heppner in the fifth game of the Wheatland league ser ies at Rodeo field Sunday, and thus assisted the lads from the eolithic land in letting down the locals by the score of 4-1. Kelsay allowed but one man to reach first base up to the eighth inning Woodward having made a scratch hit in the fourth and it appeared his chance for a shut-out was glowing. But the chance went glimmering in the eighth, when with two away, suc cessive singles by Crawford, Car michael and Cummings permitted Crawford to score and robbed Kel say of the desired feat. The four mentioned hits were all that were chalked up against him, and those making the hits were the only Heppner runners to reach first base, giving Kelsay a record for the league play this season. The absence of Paul Aiken, clean up batter, and Harold Gentry, lead off, was felt in the Heppner line-up. Aiken was out of the game on ac count of injuries sustained In an automobile accident the end of the week, and both Harold and Roy Gentry were absent to attend the funeral services of their stillborn nephew. Ray Ferguson took Aik en's berth at second and Judge Uarmichael replaced Harold at short. The performance of Bobby Wood ward, while not statistically as good as that of Kelsay, was nonetheless noteworthy. He let the Fossil boys down with 9 hits, some of which were accounted for by the extra batsmen to face him because of bobbles by his teammates. He struck out 10 men to Kelsay's 12. Of the hits made off him, only two were grouped in a manner to earn a run. Bobby fielded his position in a spectacular manner. He got himself out of a bad hole In the last inning by his fielding ability, when with one away and the bases load ed, he started a double play that retired the side by taking Tipley's bunt, tossing the ball to Robertson at home to catch Schomp, and Rob ertson in turn making the throw to Hayes at first to nab Tipley. Fossil scored two runs In the first Inning, one In the eighth and one in the ninth. Heppner will journey to Condon next Sunday and to Fossil the fol lowing Sunday, giving the boys the next two games away from home. The box score and summary: HEPPNER AB R H O A E Robertson, c 4 0 0 11 2 1 Hayes. 1 4 0 0 9 1 0 Woodward, p 4 0 1 0 19 0 Rolirer, 3 4 0 0 2 0 2 Ferguson, 2 t 3 0 0 3 0 3 Turner, m 3 0 0 0 0 0 Crawford, 1 3 1110 0 Carmlehael, s 3 0 10 11 Cummings, r 3 0 110 1 Totals 27 1 4 27 23 8 FOSSIL Jackson, 3 4 2 1 0 2 0 H. Van Horn, 2 5 0 113 1 Schomp, 1 5 1 1 11 0 0 Sears, a 6 10 110 Znrhary, c 4 0 2 11 2 0 Tipley. m 5 0 2 1 0 0 O'Rourke. r 4 0 0 0 0 0 J. Van Horn, 1 3 0 110 0 Kelsay, P 4 0 1 0 15 0 Totals 39 4 9 25 23 1 Earned runs. Fossil 1, Heppner 1; first base on balls off Woodward 2 left on bases. Fossil 11. Heppner 3: first base on errors, Heppner 0 Fossil 5: two base hits, Jackson, Tipley struck out by Woodward 10. by Kelsay 12; double play. Woodward to Robert son to Hayes; hit by pitcher. J. Van Horn by Woodward: technical out Woodwad. Umpires. Glen Hayes and Tripp; scorer. F. J. Doherty. ment the county already has in the Heppner-Spray road for it to have the placement of the secondary funds on this road In order to re alize on the Investment already made. Or If the money be not spent in completing the Heppner Spray road into Hardman, that it be applied toward maintaining the roads already built because th money available from other sour ces is wnony insulllclent for this purpose. Abstract of Republican Vote by Precincts for District and County Offices Representative, 32nd Diet. Rugg Shown Snell Turner District Attorney Notson Commluloner Blenkrnan Owen Parker Pleper Clerk Anderson ., Gemmell Sheriff Bauman Hartley Sohool Superintendent Rodgers Coroner Cusp C01I! 10 STATE PREFER SAME 1 Fifty Per Cent Vote De cides Primary Elec tion Here. STEIWER OVER BIG Bauman, Farker, Anderson Nomin ated by Reupblicang for Coun ty Offices; Snell, Turner Win. About fifty per cent of the reg istered voters of Morrow county were content to stay home on pri mary election day last Friday and contemplate the beneficial effects of the rain on growing crops, while' the other fifty per cent journeyed to the polls to take a hand in gov ernmental matters. Those who ex pressed themselves gave prefer nce to the following candidates for county offices, according to the un official returns: Republican ticket: Gay M. An derson, county clerk; Clarence Bauman, sheriff; Frank S. Parker, commissioner: Mrs. Lucy E. Rod gers, county school superintendent, and M. L. Case, coroner. Democratic ticket: A. D. McMur do, cofbner. There were no other candidates for county office on the democratic ballot. A tabulation of the republican vote for the candidates for the va rious offices will be found in the abstract in another column. S. E. Notson received the nomin ation for district attorney by the republicans, unopposed. There was no democratic candidate. Unofficial returns from the out side showed that the judgment of Morrow county voters was largely substantiated by the state and dis trict in choosing national, state and district officials. According to the returns nomination has been con ceded to the following: United States senator: Frederick Steiwer, rep.; Walter B. Gleason, dem. U. S. representative in congress, 2nd district: R. R. Butler, rep.; Walter Pierce, dem. State representative: E. W. Snell and J, O. Turner, rep. Secretary of state: Hal E. Hoss, rep.; Ray H. Wisecarver, dem. State treasurer:" Rufus C. Hol- man, rep.; J. W. Maloney, dem. Attorney general: I. H. Van Win kle, rep. Following is the republican vote in Morrow county according to the unofficial count for the various na tional, state and district offices not given in the abstract In another column: Delegates to national convention, state at large (seven to elects Car ter 430, Cook 391, Gross 366, Haw kins, 557, Koehn 395, Myers 516, Sigurdson 311, Thompson 473, Welch 378. District delegates (two to elect): DeArmond 480, Peterson 563. President: France 341, Hoover 146. Electors (five to elect): Smith 503, Stearns 503, Bishop 503, Carey 509, Pettinger 499. U. S. Senator: Clark 81, Duncan 23, Harlan 52, Stanfleld 161, Stei wer 496. U. S. Representative: Butler 515, Richards 245. Secretary of state: Hoss 551, Pal mitetr 283. Treasurer: Holman 515, Sherplng 219. Attorney General: Bronaugh 164, Van Winkle 569. The democratic vote for the va rious offices Is unofficially given as follows: Delegates to national convention state at large (five to elect): Flegel 70, Langley 134, Miller 133, Moses 126, Strayer 82, Wood 121. District delegates (two to elect): Blackaby 28, Duncan 17, Fitzgerald 81, Hughes 129, Raley 74, Stillings 87. President: Roosevelt 158, Murray 37. Electors (five to elect) :Harry 66, Hart 136, Hedlund 125, Miller 148, Peterson 157, Turner 156. U. S. Senator: Dana 53, Gleason 66, Watkins 67. U. S. Representative: Pierce 151, Galloway 41, Secretary of State: Wiscarver 134. Treasurer: Maloney 161. Coroner: McMurdo 134. In the non-partisan judicial pri mary, It appears also that the state (Continued on Page Six) do, & , jtia.jgsG I? J 5 P S 8 'E 5 I S 1 5 ?. toSjKMotcSIJS,OH ' 74 tjo'l 411 4S 4fi' 21 15 1 18 9 17 6 8 363 80 1 1H 9 13 972O1O30396 1201 H2 58 51 13 30 6 7 16 6 4 4 10 407 144 8N 00 72 15 42 6 0 20 9 9 6 7 478 174116fi 70 88 39 60 13 4 17 12 20 9 17 627 84 54 84 27 34 23 14 4 8 6 4 0 6 298 231 27 3 2 18 16 1 1 12 0 1 0 3 107 114 72 58 34 11 11 3 3 10 4 13 9 8 350 HI 12 13 65 2 10 0 0 9 4 3 1 1 121 142 110 55 86 3'J 4S 12 7 36 5 11 5 8 544 80 79 52 30 24 11 6 0 6 7 10 5 9 324 1!I7134 98 100 40 23 15 7 33 11 20 9 17 704 321 30 U 14 21 40 3 1 10 2 2 1 1 167 193 136 88 94 53 51 13 7 30 12 22 8 17 724 1!l12ai 87 97 5S 61 11 7 SO 11 19 5 17 706 MEMORIAL RITES SET FOR MONDAY Joei K. Benton Will Deliver Ad dress; Cemetery Improvement to Welcome Visitors. The soldier dead in whose honor Memorial Day is observed on May 30 each year, will be honored by appropriate services at the Star theater at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning, under joint sponsorship of the veterans' organizations of the city. The address of the day will be given by Joel R. Benton, Christian minister. The program follows: Song, "America," audience. Invocation, Rev. Glen P. White. Vocal solo, "In Flanders' Fields," Harvey Miller. Recitation, "America's Response to 'In Flanders Fields'," Dean Goodman, Jr. Address, Joel R. Benton. Song, "My Native Land," Ameri can Legion Auxiliary trio. Benediction, Rev. White. Furling of the flag, Women's Re lief corps Graves of the soldier dead in Heppner will be appropriately marked, and departed dear ones who have been buried there will be remembered by floral tribute. Great improvement in the ap pearance of the cemetery has been made by the Masonic Cemetery as sociation since last Memorial Day, with placing of a woven wire fence about the grounds, attached to iron posts, and the installation of heavy wire gates. Sage brush and weeds have also been cleaned up more than ever before under the super vision of Emmet Ayers, sexton. Be sides many people have been at work tidying their family plots, adding to the attractiveness of the city of the departed. EDITORIAL WHY BUILD TO CONDON? THE state highway commission has apparently dictated that all of Morrow county's secondary road money for the next three years be spent on the Heppner-Condon road and two members Of the Morrow county court assented. They have excepted only $3500 to be applied on the Heppner-Spray road, which, on the word of District Engineer Williams, will suffice t-i give Hepp ner an "improved" road all the way to Hardman. In Mr. Williams' explanation of how the money came to be allotted as it was, and in Mr. Campbell's explanation as to why the court sanctioned the agreement, there appears to be little to support the action. 1 It is plain that dumping $3500 worth of natural rock on the Mc Kinney creek grade will not bring that road up to the state standard. Why should it be less than state standard? Is the new highway commission doing haphazard work where they please? If so, why? Neither Mr. Wiliams nor Mr. Campbell has shown where the ex penditure of $56,000 is justified on the uncompleted portion of the Heppner-Condon road. So far as any public record has been given there has been no popular demand for the portion of this road con templated to be constructed. At least so far as Morrow cunty Is encerned. Mr. Campbell said he was surprised at the number of peo ple It would serve and the amount of tonnage that might be expected to go over it, though he had no fig ures as to the number or amount. It is known that Morrow county has expended $300,000 on the Heppner-Spray road; tile bureau of pub lic roads more than $400,000. A gentlemen's agreement was made between the Morrow county court and the bureau of public roads that the bureau would complete the road from Chapin creek to Hardman if the county would finish the gap be tween Rhea creek and Hardman. So far the county has not lived up to its agreement though $30,000 was spent last year on a grade up Mc Kinney creek. Is it wisdom to desert a project on which such an amount of money has been spent, when the expendi ture of the sum allotted to the Con don road would put the Hardman road In condition where the county might realize on its investment? So far Morrow county has not one hard-surfaced road to the timber, one of Its greatest resources. The completion of the Heppner Spray road would mean the devel opment of this resource; it would mean tying Heppner up with a cross-state highway, entitling the road to additional federal money for the upkeep, adding to the coun ty's revenue from the proportionate share of tourist trade which would surely come, thus helping relieve the tax burden now borne by agri culture and the livestock industry. No other projected road in the state, giving equal service, could be completed at as small a cost at the present time. If the highway commission want ed to do the right thing by the Heppner-Spray rond, why did they put it off the way they did, know ing as they must the ridiculousness of asking the bureau of public roads to complete the road to Hard man from Chapin creek, In the face of it (the commission) having just ordered all its secondary road mon- ey In Morrow county to be spent on another road for the next three years? E PREVENT 15 Umatilla District Attor ney Cites Huge Expense. FOREST WORK TOLD Clouston Tells of Emergency Fire Crew Work; Lions Favor Spend ing Money on Spray Road. In these days of much-discussed tax reduction it is not amiss to give a thought to one of the greatest sources of economic waste1 the cost of crime, C. C. Proebstel, Umatilla county district attorney, told the Lions club Monday in his talk on "Crime Prevention." A conserva tive estimate, he said, places the cost of crime in the United States at six billion dollars, or twice as much as the nation's entire educa tional facilities. Included in this immense expense is the toll taken from society by organized crime the racketeer the loss through larceny and bur glary of money and goods, political graft, sale of bogus stocks, the cost of maintaining agencies of protec tion both government and private, the upkeep of penitentiaries and jails and expense of sustenance of prisoners. Criminals are of two types, Mr. Proebstel said, the wilful criminal who makes a business of breaking the law, and the criminal who has become such by circumstance. The latter type is composed of weak persons who, because of reverses or temptation step outside1 the law. How Feople May Help. It is the latter type that every citizen can help to prevent and in the sparsely settled west this is by far the most numerous class, as or ganized crime has its seat in the larger cities. Society generally can materially improve criminal condi tions by removing temptation, and by giving more consideration to the person who has met with reverses. A large percentage of criminal cases arise from the theft of auto mobiles, the speaker said, and many of these have arisen because the automobile owner threw temptation in the path of the weak by leaving the key in his car. A classic ex ample in removing temptation is the removal of the key from the automobile whenever the owner leaves it, he said. He emphasized the. fact that it is impossible to legislate a reform, and that the hope of future better ment of crime conditions lies in education. No one who knows the effects of the drug habit would will ingly become an addict, he said. But the passing of a law against the use of dope does not inform the young boys and girls, whom the dope peddler seeks to entice, of the dastardly pains of the habit the most excruciating pains known to medical science, he said.. Criminals Not All Bad. Many persons who step outside the law are not criminals at heart, the speaker asserted. They would be good citizens under ordinary conditions, and to send them to the penitentiary does them or society no good, while adding to the ex pense of government. Proper pre cautionary measures and a sympa thetic interest in the other fellow's welfare will do much toward les sening the expense. Another visitor from Pendleton who spoke briefly was John G. Clouston of the Umatilla Forest service. Mr. Clouston thanked the Lions for their help in getting an emergency fire fighting crew or ganized at Heppner which has been of much assistance to the service. He stressed the important part played by incendiarism in the fire loss last year, adding that it was expected the policy now being fol lowed by the service would be help ful in eliminating this menace. It is expected greater use will be made of the emergency crews In the local district this year due to the fact that lowered appropriations will necessitate lessening the num ber of men on working crews in the forest who were helpful in the past In controlling fires. Delegates Elected, Nomination of officers was the order of business for the day, elec tion to be held the second meeting In June. W. R. Poulson and Jasper Crawford were elected delegates to the Lions International convention to be held in Los Angelos July 22-3-4-5, with P. W. Mahoney and Earl W. Gordon as alternates. Al Ran kin, C. W. Smith and C. J. D. Bau man were elected as delegates to the state convention to be held at Klamath Falls July 12-13, with S. E. Notson, J. O. Peterson and J. J. Nys as alternates. A resolution was passed by the club instructing the county court that the Lions endorsed expending such state secondary road money as may be available this year on the Heppner-Spray road. LIONS MEET TUESDAY. Owing to Monday being a holi- day, the Heppner Lions club will hold its meeting next Tuesday at the regular hour, announces C. W, Smith, president, WILLIAM MASON EXPLOSION VICTIM Prominent lone Youth Succumbs To Burns; Funeral Held; Other News of Week Given. JENNIE E. MCMURRAY. Funeral services were held in the Christian church Monday after noon, May 23, for William Ralph Mason who died in Heppner at 12:30 o clock Saturday morning, sixteen hours after he had been seriously burned by a gasoline explosion at the ranch home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kincaid. The church was not large enough to hold the great number of neigh bors and friends who gathered to pay a tribute of love and respect to the departed and to express their sympathy for the bereaved father and mother, Frank E. and May C. Mason, and brother, Frank, Jr., and the many other relatives. Phelps Funeral Home of Heppner had charge of the funeral arrange ments; the sermon was by Joel R. Benton, minister of the Church of Christ, Heppner; the singing was by a quartette, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger, Mrs. Walter Roberts and Louis Balsiger, with Mrs. Louis Balsiger at the piano. The pall bearers during the church service were schoolmates of Mr. Mason's all but one of them being members of his class. They were Barton Clark, Earl McCabe, Kenneth Ak ers, Fancis Ely, Irvin Ritchie and Norman Nelson. The impressive Grange funeral service was read at the cemetery and Mr. Mason was carried to his last resting nlace by six young men who were members of Willows Grange, the six school mates acting as honorary pall bear ers. William Ralph Mason was born on a farm four miles from Lexing ton February 2, 1910, He received his grade school education in Mor row county and at Pendleton. He completed his high school work in the lone school, graduating with the class of 1931. Throughout his school life he was active in athlet ics. He was a member of Willows Grange. Mr. Mason received the burns. which proved fatal, while in the work shop of his uncle, Oliver J. Kincaid, about nine o'clock Friday (Continued on Page Six) Car Off Franklin Grade; Joe Leher Badly Injured Joe Leher of Walla Walla, a sheep buyer, was found with a wrecked automobile this morning, in a crit ical condition. The car was found on Franklin hill and had apparent ly gone off the Oregon-Washington highway grade at one of the high est points, almost demolishing the car. The wreck was discovered this morning, but it was believed that the car went off the grade some time in the night, as Mr. Leher had apparently laid there for several hours. He was brought to Heppner and is undergoing treatment at Hepp ner hospital. Report from the hospital this af ternoon announced that Mr. Leher had not regained consciousness. Preparations were just being made to take an x-ray picture to ascer tain if there was a fracture of the skull. There were several bad lac erations about the head, tendons in his hands were broken and he was badly bruised over the body. PROCLAMATION Recognizing that victory for America in the World War was purchased at a frightful cost in lives and suffering, and that the citizens of Heppner together with all other citizens of our country, owe a lasting debt of gratitude to those who sacrificed life and health to make that victory possible, I deem it fitting that the citizens of our city should once each year hon or the dead and aid the living by wearing the Memorial Poppy of the American Legion and American Le gion Auxiliary. On Saturday, May 28th, the wo men of the American Legion Aux iliary, working as volunteers, will offer to the people of Heppner pa per poppies made by disabled world war veterans in the U. S. Veterans' hospital, Portland, In the replica of the wild poppies which bloomed on the battlefields of France and Belgium. The poppy is recognized throughout the world as a symbol of World War sacrifice. All contri butions made from the sale of the flower are expended for the welfare of the living victims of the war. Wearing the poppy performs the dual purpose of paying tribute to the dead and contributing to the welfare of the living. NOW, THEREFORE, I, W. G. McCarty, Mayor of the City of Heppner, do hereby proclaim Sat urday, May 28th, Poppy Day. I urge that all citizens observe this day by the wearing of a veteran made American Legion and Amer ican Legion Auxiliary poppy. I further urgo that the citizens of our city who gave so gallantly and so liberally during the war, remem ber on this day those who were called upon to give their lives, those who gave their strength and health, and when purchasing a poppy to be as generous as their means will per mit in order that tho women of the American Legion Auxiliary may continue their work of mercy and relief during the coming year. Signed, W. G. McCARTY, Mayor. fl CHAUTAUQUA TO Big Tent Arrives and Re served Seats May be Had Saturday. 7 PROGRAMS LISTED Plays, Magic, Music, Lectures Will Afford Lively Entertainment; to Bury Old Man Depression. The big tent is here and will soon be put up in readiness for the op ening of Morrow county's annual free Chautauqua next Thursday eve ning. The programs will continue on through Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with the wind-up perform ance Sunday evening. Programs will start at 2:30 each afternoon and at 8 o'clock each evening, mak ing seven programs of gloom-dispelling entertainment. Reservations for reserved - seats by contributors may be made be ginning at noon next Saturday, May 28, at Gordon's confectionery store. One reserved seat is given for each $2.50 contributed, in ex change for the official receipt. The committee in charge asks that seat selections be made by contributors in person or by a friend, as the committee will not make selections. About twenty reserved seats are available by those who have not already signed up, if they are de sired, the committee reports. This year's Chautauqua is slated as a prosperity festival, calculated to bury Old Man Depression. Drives Blues Away. It will open Thursday evening with a program by the Paramount Concertiers, who will provide an en tertainment of readings and novelty numbers to brush away the blues and put everyone in a fine frame of mind for the talent to follow. It includes reading, musical trios, so los and ensembles, dancing and, in general, gay and lightsome frolic. On Friday afternoon is scheduled the most beloved play in America, "Peg O' My Heart," presented by Robert Pollard and company, for mer favorites with local Chautau qua audiences. In the evening they will present a brilliant comedy of special interest to every married couple, "Always Tell Your Hus band." Old and young will get equal thrill from the offering of Staples and company Saturday afternoon. The program includes rapid-fire cartoons, clever and witty com ment, beautiful crayon landscapes, and a cheerfully nonsensical ven triloquist's dummy. Another blues chasing program you won't want to miss. Staples is Magician. Saturday evening Staples and company will offer a dizzy fun and frolic program of magic and mys tery. It is one of the biggest and most varied divertisements to be found in the Chautauqua world. A student of the Chicago Art Insti tute, one of America's premier ma gicians, a ventriloquist with the best nne of "chatter" in the coun try, and a captivating personality, Staples is universally a hit. In ad dition Miss Lethe Coleman returns to Heppner that evening with 'an inspiring 1932 address on "Cour age." Those who heard Miss Cole man last year will not want to miss hearing her again this year. Sunday afternoon Harold Sappen field, a venturesome young Ameri can, will give first hand informa tion on "Uncle Sam's Stake in Chi na and Japan." The' tremendous Importance of the Japanese-Chinese conflict makes Mr. Sappenfleld's address of interest to everybody. He is thoroughly familiar with both countries and the battle ground. He interprets not only the issues at stake and American interest in them, but the life and ambitions of the two peoples, so essential to a clear understanding of the pres ent contest. The wind-up program Sunday evening will include a never-to-be-forgotten community pageant, "The Death of Old Man Depression," and a gripping play that might be writ ten about any one of ten million American homes in 1932, 'The Watts Family Depression," with the cast headed by Ernest Misner, veteran Chautauqua foot-light fa vorite. Paul Aiken Injured When Car Turns Over Paul Aiken received a broken an kle and lacerations about the face which required several stitches to close when the automobile he was driving turned over in the road near the Uzz French farm up Hin ton creek last Thursday evening. He is reported to be recovering nicely. Mr. Aiken was returning alono in an automobile belonging to a visiting sheep buyer whom he had driven to the John Kilkenny farm, when on rounding a curve by the French place the car turned over in the road, hitting a telephone pole. The car, a coupe, was almost demolished. Will Rogers In AMBASSADOR BILL, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday, II