Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 12, 1932, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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We learn from a visit to Board
man and Irrlgon Saturday that the
fruit in those districts is uninjured
and there Is promise of a fine crop
this season. Irrigon strawberries
are beginning to ripen and with
the warm weather now prevailing
will soon be on the market The
crop will be abundant this year. At
this point there has been heavy
shipments of asparagus this sea
son and the crop has been one of
the best yet produced on the proj
ect Some of the growers have
sold locally but the greater part of
the crop was disposed of through
the asparagus growers association
at Kennewick, Wash. Hugh Grim,
one of the pioneer settlers on this
project, has in less than an acre of
asparagus from which he had cut
up to Saturday evening for ship
ment U9 crates. The season will
be well over this week.
In its Issue of April 20, 1929, re
ferring to the recommendation by
Senator McNary of Colonel Alfred
E. Clark for the office of Solicitor-
General of the United States, the
"Oregon Voter" said, "A. E. Clark
has the legal learning, the forensic
ability and the dignity to represent
the Attorney General of the United
States In appearances before the
Supreme Court He would be a
worthy successor to distinguished
predecessors if appointed Solicitor
General." Colonel Alfred E. Clark
is now seeking the Republican nom
ination for United States senator.
A vote for Colonel Clark is a vote
for "Oregon and the Development
of Its Natural Resources in the In
terest of All Its People." (Pd. adv.
Clark for U. S. Senator commit
tee, 820 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore.)
Mrs. J. A. Anglin, daughter Ra
chel, and Mrs. Anglin's father, -Mr.
Sowers, accompanied by Mrs. Hen
ry Schwarz, departed for the Yak
ima valley Wednesday morning.
They expect to be gone about a
week, Mrs. Anglin looking after
business interests over there and
Mrs. Schwarz stopping off at Wap
ato for a visit with relatives. Mrs.
Anglin's father will remain in Yak
ima for some time.
Mrs. Agnes Curran and daughter.
Miss Helen Curran, motored to
Klickitat valley and spent Sunday
at the home of relatives at Golden
dale. They returned home Monday
forenoon. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Lillian Smith, mother of
Mrs. Mark Merrill, who was for
merly a resident of the Goldendale
Al Troedson who keeps a line on
the political situation in the Mor
gan country was doing business in
the county seat Monday. Al says
politics are pretty bloomin' quiet
just now, but asserted that if Al
falfa Bill Murray gets the nomina
tion for president he will be tempt
ed to vote for him.
Miss Ruth Lortz, evangelist of
the Methodist church, who has been
the guest for the past two weeks
of Miss Opal Briggs, departed Mon
day for her home at Tacoma. She
was accompanied as far as Umatil
la by Mrs. L. W. Briggs who is mak
ing a visit at the home of D. C. and
Berl Gurdane.
Wendell Cleveland, shopping in
town from the Willow creek farm
Tuesday, received little consolation
from a report In the press that
morning that sheep were selling at
Omaha for 10 cents a head. The
report quoted a prominent senator
as having made such a statement.
Mrs. Elizabeth Keeney and Miss
Juanita Matlock arrived here from
Pendleton Thursday evening last.
After a short stay in Hcppner Mrs.
Keeney went on to her Portland
home. Miss Matlock remained for
a more extended visit with friends
in this city.
Chas. Klinger of South Springs,
leading turkey raiser of this sec
tion, was looking after business in
the county seat Monday. He is
making an unusually large hatch
ing of turkeys at his farm this
Mrs. R. L. Benge, in the city on
Tuesday afternoon from the farm
home on Hcppner flat, said things
were coming along fine In the coun
try with spring sown grain almost
catching up with the fall grain,
O. J. Cox spent several days in
Heppner this week from his home
at Lexington undergoing treatment
at the hands of a local physician.
He was preparing to have his teeth
Bert Palmateer and family came
up from Morgan Saturday and vis
ited friends and relatives while
- transacting business. Things look
ing mighty good down their way.
Shearing crews are busy this
week at the ranches of Garnet Bar
ratt and John Kilkenny on Hinton
creek, the work progressing under
the best of weather conditions,
Edward Rletmann was in town
Tuesday from the farm north of
lone. Grain Is making splendid
progress out that way with the
warmer weather conditions.
Leonard Carlson took time off
from the farm work at Gooseberry
Monday and made a trip to town
Sure can't complain at the way the
wheat's growing, he said.
Walter Luckman spent a few
hours In town Monday from the
ranch at Lena. He reports the best
of growing conditions on Butter
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden were
Falrview farmers in this city on
Saturday and report the best of
weather out that way for growing
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Do
herty of Sand Hollow at Heppner
hospital Sunday evening, a 13-pound
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark of Eight
Mile were doing business in the
city Monday, reporting fine grow
ing weather in their vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Juday of Port
land visited over Mother's Day at
the home of Mrs. Juday's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hughes.
The appointment of Lera Craw
ford as general chairman of the
1932 memorial poppy sale in Hepp
ner has been announced hv TJnlm
Cohn, president of the local unit of
me American Legion Auxiliary. The
sale will be conducted on May 28,
the Saturday hpfnrA Mpmnrtnl nav
which has been designated as "pop
py aay throughout the country. On
that dav everv tierson in th rtv
will be asked to pay tribute to the
memory or tne World War dead by
wearing one of the Auxiliary's veteran-made
poppies. Mrs. Crawford
will be aided in planning and con
ducting the sale by other members
of the unit
Because of the increased nppH fnr
relief work among the disabled vet
erans and their families, the auxil
iary is nlannlnc to main the. unlet
this year bigger than ever before.
"The sale is one of the largest
auxiliary projects," Mrs. Cohn said,
"and on its success hinges the ex
tensive welfare work which the
auxiliary carries, out each year. All
uie women wno lane part in tne
sale are unpaid volunteers. Everv
penny realized from the sale is
usa lor hospital and child welfare
The Gazette Times' Printlnsr Ser
vice is complete. Try it
4-H livestock club members
throughout the nation are eligible
to compete for more than $5,000 In
county, state, sectional and nation
al prizes to be awarded in the
third annual National 4-H Meat
Animal Livestock Project contest.
These awards for America's most
outstanding junior animal husband
man are offered by Thomas E. Wil
son, livestock breeder, packer, and
chairman of the National Commit
tee on Boys and Girls Club work.
Any 4-H club member regularly
enrolled in one or more meat ani
mal livestock projects; namely, ba
by beef, purebred beef animal, mar
ket pig, breeding hog, market sheep
or breeding sheep during 1932 un
der the supervision of their state
extension service Is eligible to com
pete. The project records and the
general club record of contestants
will be the basis on which awards
will be made.
A gold-filled medal of honor will
be awarded to the highest scoring
club member in each county of the
United States. From the records
of county winners, state club lead
ers will select their state winner.
Each state winner must have com
pleted three or more years work in
meat animal livestock club pro
jects. The state award is a $50 gold
The winning 4-H livestock club
member in each of the four exten
sion divisions of the United States
will receive an educational prize
trip to the Eleventh National Boys
and Girls 4-H Club Congress, which
is held annually In conjunction with
the International Live Stock Ex
position at Chicago. Winner will
be selected from state winners
within each division.
More than 90,000 farm boys and
girls will compete for the attract
ive prizes being offered In this con
test to encourage 4-H club activ
ities in meat animal livestock club
Mattreon Handicraft Club.
Our Handicraft club met on Ap
ril 26th with Vice-president Han
nah Mahon in the chair. As only
four members were present little
was done except practice on the
club pledge and some songs and
yella Then an hour was spent on
work on some of the articles which
members are required to finish. On
Thursday our second weekly meet
ing was held with President Hughes
in the chair. At this meeting it
was decided to continue the meet
ings during the summer and not
try to finish before the close of
school. Edna Hughes, reporter.
Don't overlook
for your needs in gar
den seeds, grass and
flower seeds.
Plow Repairs, etc.
Sherwin Williams'
sheep marking paint.
Lamy Black and
Everything for
"Clean Up Week' in
Paints, Varinshes,
Don't forget that
prices have declined,
We have it, will get it
or it is not made.
Clubs Meet
Dorris Allstott, Edna Stephens,
Jean Wright, Anice Lieuallen, Max
ine Howard, Howard Griffin, Almon
Lieuallen, Don Allstott Clayton
Wright, and Joe Stephens, members
of the Golden West and Busy Bee
4-H clubs, met on Friday after
noon. The usual club meeting was
supposed to be on Thursday but
because of the county exams we
had to have it on Friday. Mrs.
Stephens and Miss Huston are
planning on giving us club members
a picnic some time this week. At
the next meeting Mrs. Stephens
asked Dorris Allstott to bring a
dress pattern so she could give a
demonstration on how to cut out
a dress. It was decided that Dorris
Allstott and Edna Stephens give a
demonstration on Achievement day
on how to remove stains. Joe
Stephens and Don Allstott will
give a demonstration at the fair
this year. At the next meeting
which will also be the last one at
the Golden West school, we expect
Beth Wright to attend. It will be
her first meeting. Also the next
meeting will be the last meeting of
the Golden West cookery club. Mrs.
Stephens is planning on taking up
the canning subject with the Gold
en West cookery club members if
the children want to. All the mem
bers of the cooking club have their
subjects completed. The winner in
the yell writing contest was Anice
Lieuallen, the yell being as follows:
"Demonstration, demonstr a 1 1 o nj
which we all like to do." We are
going to give a demonstration on
Achievement day at the Golden
West school. At the meeting on
April 21, Jean Wright told how to
make dough light, Joe Stephens, 4
kinds of quick bread, Anice Lieual
len, different ways to serve eggs,
Don Allstott, difference between
popovers and biscuits, Maxine How
ard, ways to use eggs, Dorris All
stott gave a breakfast menu and
Edna Stephens how to preserve
Rocky Bluff Handicraft Club.
The second meeting of the Rocky
Bluff Handicraft club was called to
order by Clifford Carlson. We had
the 4-H club pledge, the roll call
was read by the president, Clifford
Carlson, and the secretary read the
minutes. The new business was
electing a yell leader and treasur
er. David Baker was elected yell
leader and Junior Peterson was
elected treasurer. We discussed
colors; we wanted green and white
for our club colors. We prepared
our club year program. Our club
number is 4. David led In a yell,
the victory yell. The meeting was
closed by the president Merle Ba
ker, reporter.
s Hardnum Clubs Meet
The last meeting of the Come In
to the Kitchen club was held April
26 at the school house. The lesson
was making cookies and planning
a menu. Each girl was supposed to
make her cookies and plan a menu
for a breakfast or a school lunch.
Only 6 of the girls had theirs made
as the rest of the girls had bad
luck making their cookies. Dolly
Farrens and Neva Bleakman had
Scotch fancies; Murl Farrens had
brownies; Lois Stevens and Delsie
Bleakman made vanilla drop cook
ies, and Charlotte Adams made
plain Iced cookies.
Life is a gamble
but we all play
our own cards.
This bonk is a Financial
Service Station for you and
all the people of this com
munity. Our officers are eager to ad
vise with you on money mat
tors or business problems.
If time is money many are
rich and don't know It
Don't put your problems off
put 'em OVER,
and Stockgrowers
National Bank
There Is No Substitute for
The money the girls earned April
8 when they sold the candy which
they had made was spent for wei
nies. The girls had a picnic down
on Rock creek at the old Bleakman
place. Each one took the buns for
herself. Neva Bleakman baked a
angel food cake and took along.
It proved that Neva really bakes
good cakes. Mrs. Knighten took
marshmallows which they toasted
after the weinle roast
Mrs. Rudolph Ashbaugh and Mrs.
Bertha McDaniel accompanied the
Mrs. McDaniel and several of the
girls who are also members of the
forestry club, gathered evergreen
boughs which were used for dem
onstration purposes the next day.
The party returned about 9 o'clock
all reporting a good time.
L. J. Allen, the assistant state
club leader, and C. W. Smith, the
county agent, visitetd the school to
meet with the clubs. They met
with the Four Legged Chicken
club to teach them how to Judge
their rabbits. The members are
very enthusiastic about their rab
bits and we are sure they will all
be rabbit club members next year.
As Mr. Allen's and Mr. Smith's
time was limited the Hardman For
esters had to omit their business
meeting. Mr. Allen said the Hard
man Foresters was the first fores
try club organized in eastern Ore
gon. He also talked about the club
summer school. We hope Hard
man will have at least one delegate
at the school this summer.
Mr. Smith demonstrated the
boughs, but he couldn't fool the
foresters. They know yellow pine
and other evergreen trees when
they see them.
The boys and girls of Hardman
who are enrolled in the 4-H clubs
are very happy to say that they
help make up the nineteen thou
sand club members in Oregon.
We hope that next year there will
be even more club members and
more club projects in Hardman
and that the club members will car
ry on their work with as much
and even more interest, if that be
possible, than it was this year.
Club Reporter.
Happy Hearts Meet
The Happy Hearts 4-H club met
May 10 at the home of Florence
Green. Those present were Shirley
Wilson, Betty Snyder, Margaret
Doolittle, Francis Egan, Patsy
Smith and Betty Adkins. Some
finished their first article and filled
out their report cards. Mrs. French
was a visitor. After they finish
their table cloths they will have a
tea party. The next meeting will
be May 18th Reporter, Betty Adkins.
Club Meeting.
On May 9 Hail Ridge again jour
neyed to Eight Mile to practice
songs, yells and demonstrations for
our achievement day program on
May 22. Jean Adkins lead the
songs and Buel Harshman lead the
yells. Hazel Adkins and Gladys
Lovgren practiced a demonstration
as did Buel Harshman and Boyd
Redding. The members of the Jolly
Six sewing club practiced the style
show. The members of Handi Sev
en and the Jolly Six have all com
pleted their work. The members
of the Handi Seven club made as
follows: Delsie Harshman made 5
cakeboards, one knife and fork
tray, one door stop, one salt box,
one set of book ends and one book
trough; Gladys Lovgren made one
Jiggs broom holder, one knife and
fork tray, two taborets, ten bread
and cake boards, two necktie racks,
two door stops, one foot stool, one
set of book ends and one book
trough; Frank Lovgren made one
taboret, three Jiggs broom holders,
two wheelbarrows, one book trough
and one necktie rack, two corner
shelves, one nail box, two door
The new U. S.
Tirei are tenta-
tlonally Improved
they're bigger.
thicker, tafer and 1 ongef-
wearingl Yet U. S. prlc
are the lowest In history I
4.40x21 $ 4.80 4.40x21 $ 3.95
4.75x19 7.85 4.50x21 B.75
(Heavy Duty) (Heavy Duty)
4.50x21 7.12 5.00x20 5.50
(Heavy Duty) 4.75x19 5.10
32x6... 26.45
Rail fares EAST
lowest in many years
Take your choice
Coach One-Wav Fates. Good in Coaches or Chair Cars.
. Effective from May 15 to December 31, 1932.
Intermediate or Tourist One-Wav Fares. Good in Tourist
sleepers uporf payment of regular Tourist sleeping car
charges, Effective from May 1 5 to December Si , 1 y J5.
30-Day Round-Trip Fares. To points east of Chicago'
a and St. Louis. Good in all classes of equipment in
cluding Tourist or Standard sleepers upon payment or
regular sleeping ear charges. Effective from May 22 to
October 15. Return limit 30 days, not exceeding
October 31,1932.
4 Summer Excursion Round-Trip Fares. Good in all
classes of equipment Including Tourist or Standard
sleepers upon payment of regular sleeping car charges.
Effective from May 22 to October 15. 1932. except
tickets east of Chicago and St. Louis, which will be on
sale only to September 30. Return limit, October
For exact area from your city
and other information, call on or
addreis the local Union Pacific Agent
stops and one magazine rack; Buel
Harshman made one taboret, one
nail box, three door stops, two cor
ner shelves, two book troughs, one
set of book ends and one magazine
rack; Boyd Redding made one
Jiggs broom holder, one door stop,
one foot stool, one necktie rack and
one weather vane; Gordon Akers
made one slicing board, one stork
spool and thread holder, one toy
rocking chair and one Jiggs broom
holder; Wilbur Worden made two
knife and fork trays, one foot stool,
one book rack, one salt box, one tie
rack, door stop, broom holder and
pig meat board.
In the Jolly Six sewing ciub each
member made the following: Del
sit Harshman made two dish tow
els, three round bags, two hot dish
holders, cared for clothing and
made two aprons; Hazel Adkins
made one slip, cared for clothing,
one pincushion, one laundry bag
and one dress for herself; Nola
Keithley made one slip, cared for
clothing, one laundry bag, shoe
pockets and dress for herself;
Gladys Lovgren made one slip, car
ed for clothing, one set of pillow
cases, one set of curtains and one
dress for a child; Kathleen Furlong
made one slip, cared for clothing,
one set of curtains, one laundry
bag and one dresa for herself; Jean
Adkins made one slip, cared for
clothing, one pair of pillow cases,
pin cushion and one dress for herself.
Our achievement day program
will be May 22 at the Akers grove
with a basket lunch at noon. The
program will be in the morning.
The afternoon will be spent In con
tests and games. The public la
cordially invited. Reporter.
Judge rand it ,
(1) Circuit Judgt of Second Judicial
Distric . .
(!) Originator of Brand Probation
Plan .
(3) Fair . Learned . . . Efficient.
Lexington Farmers
Warehouse Company
Dealers in Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds
Sperry's "SHURE LIVE" and Scratch Food for Baby Cbix.
General Warehouse Storage and Custom Grinding;.
j When you consider that .
I have been favorites of the American public js
! for more than 60 years you can come to but
I one conclusion "THEY MUST BE GOOD"
Huston's Grocery
To the
MEW Spring
equal at
Military POLO types! Zestful
T VV E E D S I NEW rough
WOOLENS! Styles for drtss
and sport!
A (mall depotit boJda year
(elect iool