Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 31, 1932, Image 1

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Volume 49, Number 3.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
P O R T L A N D , ORE.
Banquet, Court of Honor,
Give Impetus to Lo
cal Organization.
Many Boys Advanced; C. L. Sweek
Is Toastmaster; Earl Snell
Gives Inspiring Oration.
A new impetus was given to the
Boy Scout organization in Heppner
last evening when 225 men and boys
assembled in the basement of the
Christian church for a Fathers and
Sons banquet and court of honor,
at which the high Ideals and prac
tical value of America's leading
youth organization were thoroughly
impressed upon all who attended.
"It is indeed a pleasure to wel
come the 25 boys in Heppner
among the 5,000,000 boys of the
United States who belong to the
Boy Scouts of America," said Rob
ert Hayes, executive of the Blue
Mountain council, in presenting the
local charter and individual mem
bership cards to members of the
local troop.
Gets Five Merit Badges.
Besides these credentials, mem
bers of the local executive commit
tee who presided over the court of
honor, were given membrship
cards; nine boys were received as
tenderfoots, nine were advanced to
second class scouts, two - qualified
for first class, and one, Theodore
Thomson, received five merit
badges for having passed tests in
life saving, swimming, handicraft,
civics and scholarship. He was
also presented with a Star scout
badge for having completed the five
Bach of the boys advanced was
required to give evidence that he
had passed the required tests,
which was satisfactorily done be
fore the court by giving a descrip
tion of the test completed. Those
going first class were Francis Nick
erson and Billy Thomson; second
class, James Driscoll, Marion Ov
iatt, Gerald Cason, Chester Chris
tensen, Howard Furlong, Lewis
Gilliam, Frank Anderson, Howard
Bryant and Stephen Wehmeyer;
tenderfoot, Hubert Albee, Lemoyne
Cox, Bernard McMurdo, Don Tur
ner, La Verne Van Marter, Cleo
Hiatt, Donald Jones, Billy Cochell
and Leonard Gilman.
Eagle Scouts Present
As a feature of the court of honor
two Eagle scouts from Pendleton
were presented in exhibition of
semaphore signaling and flre-mak-Ing
without the use of matches.
These were Bill Macy and Harold
Rees of Troop 41. Present from
Pendleton also were Joe Carter of
Troop 41 and Kenneth Hunter of
Troop 47.
Judge Calvin L. Sweek of Pen
dleton, who declared it was good to
be home and get his feet under the
table again, enlivened the meeting
with his usual supply of wit and
humor in the office of toostmaster
at the banquet. The meal itself,
prepared and served by mothers of
scouts assisted by the Business and
Professional Womens club, was ap
petizing to the extreme if the man
ner in which all present made the
food disappear can be taken as a
Responding to toasts were Theo
dore Thomson, who told something
of the local history of the Boy
Scouts; Spencer Crawford, who
gave an insight into the functions
of the local executive committee,
and Earl W. Snell of Arlington, who
gave an inspirational oration on
the theme of working toward an
Sponsoring organizations from
which members of the executive
committee were taken are the Elks,
Lions and American Legion, Mr.
Crawford brought out in showing
the local organization functions.
Members of the executive commit
tee are Chas. W. Smith, chairman,
A. D. McMurdo, C. J. D. Bauman,
Paul L. Marble and Spencer Craw
ford. Each member of the commit
tee has certain duties to perform in
addition to their combined duties,
and these he listed for the public's
Committee's Duties Told.
As a whole the committee Is re
sponsible for the selection of a
scoutmaster, assistant scoutmaster,
providing for a proper meeting
place, and the determining of pol
icies, plans and programs. Indi
vidually the members' duties are as
follows: No. 1, Mr, Smith, presid
ing officer of committee; responsi
ble for proper functioning of com
mitteemen; in charge of troop In
vestitures and special awards and
badges. No. 2, Mr. Crawford, in
charge of troop finances, property
and equipment, auditing troop ac
counts. No. 3, Mr. Marble, in charge
of advancements, securing of spec,
ial Instructors, and checking at
tendance at courts of honor. No.
4, Mr. McMurdo, in charge of edu
cational publicity, promoting good
turns, parent night, civic partici
pation, sponsoring contact. No. 5,
Mr. Bauman, outdoor man, to di
rect hikes, camp and transporta-
tion, and have charge of attendance
at summer camp.
Mr. Smith extended the thanks
of the committee to everyone who
Report of Walla Walla Meeting
Given; Go to Alpine Saturday;
Drilling Renewed at Springs.
Report of the Morrow county
delegation which attended the
meeting of the Columbia River De
velopment association at Walla
Walla Saturday was one of the
main features of the Lions club
meeting Monday noon. W. W.
Smead and Al Rankin, Lions club
representatives, both made reports.
The Morrow county delegation
was one of the largest present, In
cluding seven men, the others be
ing S. E. Notson, G. A. Bleakman
and P. M. Gemmell of Heppner, and
Lawrence Beach and Arnold Pieper
of Lexington. A definite plan of
procedure and means of financing
activities were announced as the
outcome of the meeting. Mr. Not
son addressed the meeting, urging
passage of legislation now before
congress which would be of benefit
to river development. Mr. Gemmell
served on the committee which
drafted the plans of procedure
adopted by the meeting. Captain
Ward of Lewiston, Ida., president
of the association, also spoke.
Announcement of the program to
be given by the Lions at the Alpine
Farm Bureau meeting next Satur
day evening was made by Earl W.
Gordon, program chairman. Num
bers to be presented include an ad
dress by S. E. Notson, the Heppner
school band, the Heppner mandolin
club and a song by Miss Mary
Moore. Seven cars were offered by
Lions club members to transport
the band.
John A. Harbke, president of
Wells Springs Oil and Gas com
pany, was introduced as a guest,
being cited as intending to again
become a Morrow county resident
with headquarters on what is
known as the Bell ranch. Mr.
Harbke announced that drilling op
erations at Wells Springs had been
resumed, and that good progress
was being made. He said that gas
from the old well had been piped
to the residence near by and was
now being used for cooking and
lighting purposes.
C. R. Ripley, manager of the lo
cal Standard Oil plant, was intro
duced as a new member.
Mrs. Humphreys' Funeral
Held Sunday Afternoon
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
T. J. Humphreys were held at the
Christian church Sunday afternoon
at 2:00 o'clock, attended by a large
concourse of friends and neighbors
of Heppner and vicinity. There
were many beautiful floral offer
ings and the services were impress
ive. Joel R. Benton, pastor of the
church, delivered the eulogy in
which he set forth the beautiful
life of the deceased who had been
a resident of this community for
the past thirty-three years, and had
so lived as to leave an impress for
good that will not fade els time
goes on. She was a fine Christian
woman, a faithful and devoted wife
and mother.
In charge of Case Mortuary, the
remains were taken to Hillsboro
and interment was held there Tues
day afternoon, -Rev. Benton going
down to conduct the services. Mem
bers of the family accompanying
were the two daughters, Leta and
Evelyn, and son Roland, Mr. Hum
phreys not being able to go be
cause of his serious illness.
10 Sheep-Killers Bagged
In One Hole by Hunters
Government Hunters Knoblock
and Sankey proudly exhibited a
bag of sheep-killers-to-be last Sat
urday. Literally speaking the ani-
mas were bagged nine ten-day old
puppy coyotes In a gunny sack.
Making ten of the animals dug out
of one hole, was the mamma coy
ote, which had been slain. She had
a reputation as a killer, and It was
recent news of her depradations
that led to uncovering of the litter
on Saturday. Innocent looking
enough were the pups furry little
critters, with wide-open eyes but
by next spring they would have
added greatly to the toll of sheep
losses, had they been allowed to go
free; so they were foredoomed to
The bag was made on Rhea creek
near the Frank Lieuallen farm.
In another column is the an
nouncement of Frank S. Parker of
Heppner for the office of county
commissioner, he having this week
decided to make the run for the
nomination. Others seeking this
place at present are G. A. Bleak
man, Incumbent, Arnold Pieper of
Lexington and J. C. Owen of Hepp
ner. Time for filing for county of
fices closes on April 6th and the
primary election will be on May
gave such generous cooperation In
making the evening's event such a
complete success. The boys of the
Heppner school band, under the di
rection of Harold Buhman, enter
tained the crowd before assembling
at the banquet tables, and their mu
sic was greatly appreciated.
Bert Mason was present with a
group of boys from lone, and Goo.
Glllls, Geo. Allyn, Goo. Peck and
Harry Dinges brought boys from
Lexington. Each of the neighbor
ing towns have organized scout
troops which are making good
Six Clubs of Last Year
Again to Compete in
10-Game Season.
Second Team to Place in Money;
All Home Players Again to be
Used; to List Eligible Players.
The Wheatland Baseball league
season will open officially April 24,
with the saMS six clubs that held
franchises last year competing,
namely, Heppner, lone, Arlington,
Condon, Fossil, and Rufus-Blalock.
This and other action affecting the
league was taken by the directors
at a meeting in . Arlington last
Thursday evening. All six clubs
were represented.
Kewpie Clow of Arlington was
reelected president, and the other
officers were also retained. They
are Werner Rietmann, lone, vice
president, and Raymond Crowder,
lone, secretary-treasurer. Dr. J. H.
McCrady, Heppner director, was
present accompanied by Raymond
Ferguson and jasper Crawford.
The directors voted adoption of
a ten-game schedule, making two
games to be played between each
two teams. Drawing up of the
schedule was left In the hands of
Walter Cochran of Arlington, who
has made every schedule since the
league's inception.
The directors voted that there
would be no hired players this year,
and that each team was to play
only home boys. This agreement
was satisfactorily carried out last
year, and it was the concensus of
opinion that the development of lo
cal baseball ability had been fos
tered by the move. A list of eligi
ble players is to be funished the
league secretary by each club after
the fifth game and before the sixth
game, and only those players whose
names appear on the lists will be
eligible to play in the succeeding
A new departure this year was
the lowering of the purse money to
$100 and splitting it 75-25 between
the first and second teams. Divid
ing the money was thought advis
able, that, in event one team should
get way off in the lead, the other
teams would have something to
strive for. Each team's proportion
of $20 is to be posted with the sec
retary before playing time of the
first scheduled game.
The Zenith baseball was adopted
as the official league ball under a
special purchasing agreement
which provides that the jobbers
will provide the pennant winners
with individual trophies.
Directors present at the meeting
were McCrady, Heppner; W. Riet
mann, lone; Clow, Arlington; Bert
Hollen, Condon; Steiwer, Fossil;
Vertrees, Rufus-Blalock.
Registration Closes 19th
For Primary Election
The time Is getting mighty short
for those to register who have not
already done so, and so far regis
tration figures are very light, says
Gay M. Anderson, county clerk. The
books close on April 19, and after
that there will be no chance for
those not having registered to vote
at the primary nominating election
to be held May 20. Voters can no
longer be sworn in on election day.
If there is any doubt as to the stat
us of your registration, you should
make sure NOW!
For the convenience of people in
outlying districts registration
places have been established with
the following people in the different
towns: Hardman, B. H. Bleakman;
Lexington, Emma Breshears; lone,
F. H. Robinson; Boardman, C. G.
Blayden; Irrigon, F. H. Leicht.
Early Diagnosis is Work
Of Health Association
To carry on the state-wide work
of obtaining early diagnosis of tu
berculosis in this county was the
main project discussed at a meet
ing of the Morrow County Public
Health association at lone Tuesday
evening. Other action included
decision to place health charts in
all the schools of the county, and
to desseminate magazine articles
on health topics.
L. E. Marschat of Boardman,
president, called the meeting to or
der. Present also were Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers, Mrs, Harold Case and J.
O. Turner from Heppner, Miss Ra
chel Johnson, secretary, and Jack
Gorham from Boardman, and Bert
Mason of lone. Heads of various
standing committees were consti
tuted as a committee to take charge
of the early diagnosis work.
Some of the people who have sub
scribed to the support of the Chau
tauqua have inquired about the in
stallment payments. They may pay
any amount at any time to John
W. Hlatt. It may be convenient to
pay 25 cents, or some other amount,
weekly, or so much a month may
be most convenient. The opening
date is June 2,
13 Participate in First 18-Hole
Round Sunday for Handicaps;
More Participants Wanted.
Wanted! More golfers to com
pete in the local tournament being
run for the purpose of rounding out
a team to represent Heppner in
matches to be staged with neigh
boring towns. That's the cry of
officials of Heppner Country club
who saw the first leg of the tourna
ment completed Sunday with only
13 men participating.
A popular make driver of good
quality goes to the winner of the
meet. And there is still time for
others to get in on the match. The
length of the tournament has not
been uecided, but as those who have
already had their handicaps deter
mined go into the second leg next
Sunday, those wishing to do so may
start The handicap is determined
by the score on the first 18 holes.
An entrance fee of 25 cents is
W. G. Koppel, P. P. & L. lineman
who recently arrived from Golden
dale, hung up low score for the 18
holes Sunday, turning in an 82, be
ing the only player without a han
dicap to date. Other participants
with their scores and handicaps
Score Hncp.
99 3
93 3
106 6
91 2
103 5
89 1
99 3
96 3
92 3
102 4
102 4
91 1
D. A. Wilson
Ed Bennett
Gay Anderson, Jr. ..
L. Gilliam
Gay Anderson
Lewis Gilliam
Earl Gilliam
Jap Crawford
Ambrose Chapin
Francis Doherty
Gene Ferguson ..
Mark Merrill
Oregonian Reporter Gives
Life Story of Local Man
In his birthday column of the
Morning Oregonian, David W. Ha
zen, veteran reporter, chose Samuel
E. Notson of this city as his sub
ject on Sunday, Mr."Notson's birth
day. Following is the story of Mor
row county's honored district at
torney as gleaned by Mr. Hazen:
Decatur county, Iowa, furnished
the farm on which Samuel Edward
Notson was born March 27, 1867.
He is now district attorney of Mor
row county, Oregon, residing at
Heppner. Mr. Notson was educated
in the country and town schools of
his native commonwealth. After
completing the public school course
he took special and postgraduate
work at various institutions, the
first being in Western Normal col
lege at Shenandoah, la.; he later
attended La Creole academy at
Dallas, Or.; Oregon Normal school
at Monmouth and Fremont Normal
school at Fremont, Neb. Some
folks might think Mr. Notson was
preparing to be a teacher. They
are right. He began teaching
school in the Hawkeye state at the
age of 17, and also taught in Wy
oming and Oregon. About the turn
of this extremely busy century he
settled in Morrow county at Lex
ington. "During the years of teaching
Mr. Notson also studied law. He
was admitted to the bar in 1902.
From 1908 to 1916 he was county
school superintendent of Morrow
county, and also practiced law. In
1917 he was elected district attor
ney of Morrow county, and is serv
ing his fourth term. He belongs to
the American Bar association, and
served one year as a member of the
local council of that organization.
The ex-teacher has been president
of the Oregon District Attorneys'
association and is president of the
Bar association of the sixth judicial
district. Since 1925 he has been
state vice-president of the North
west Association of Sheriffs and
"Mr. Notson was the first mayor
of Lexington, and in 1903 Issued the
appeal for aid for the Heppner
flood sufferers. In 1916 he was
mayor of Heppner. During the
world war he was county food ad
ministrator, member of the legal
advisory board, government appeal
agent, member of Red Cross exec
utive committee, a sharpshooter in
the home guards and took part as
a speaker In every drive. As a
Methodist he was a lay delegate to
the general conference in 1912. A
republican, he was on the state
central committee ton years. .-le
is an Odd Fellow and a granger.
Mr. Notson first came to Oregon in
1886, resided here four years, then
returned to the middle west, but In
1900 came back to Oregon to stay.
At Dunlap, la., August 28, 1895, he
wed Miss Maiy A. Nelson; of their
six children, two are daughters.
Two sons saw service in France
during the big war."
Politioal dopesters who have had
a hard time determining whether
Earl W. Snell of Arlington, present
state representative, would an
nounce for the house or senate, are
put at case, for Mr. Snell announc
ed while in the city last evening
that ho would make public an
nouncement today of his candidacy
for the house of representatives.
This district is entitled to two rep
resentatives and Mr. SneJl will not
be an opponent of J. O. Turner of
this city who has announced for
the other representative position.
Mr. Snell and Mr. Turner both seek
republican nomination to the offices.
Loving Cups Won by lone
and Heppner at Coun
ty School Contests.
Most Places Taken In Declamation
by North-End Contestants; Com
petition Said to be Lively.
The annual Morrow county de
clamatory and spelling contests
were successfully staged at Hepp
ner Saturday, with honors being
quite evenly divided among parti
cipating schools. lone school cap
tured the Lions club loving cup in
the upper division of the spelling
contest when Miriam Hale, their
representative, placed first. In the
lower division Heppner retained the
lone I. O. O. F. cup by Kathleen
Mitchell of this place heading her
Pennants were awarded other
schools through placement of their
representatives as follows: Upper
division, Edith Edwards, Lexing
ton, 2nd; Neva Bleakman, Hard
man, 3rd; lower division, Joan
Sipes, lone, 2nd; Irene Cox, Lexing
ton, 3rd.
Spelling judges were Mrs. Sara
McNamer, Mrs. Harold Case, Mrs.
Gene Ferguson, Mrs. LaVelle White,
Heppner; Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs.
Werner Rietmann, lone; Mrs, Har
ry Shriever, Mrs. Ed Kelley, Lex
ington. Attendance was average at the
declamatory contest, sessions of
which were held in the afternoon
and evening. Alpine school made
the strongest showing of any
school with three of their contest
ants taking first places and several
others placing second. Competition
was keen throughout, and the qual
ity of the work was exceptionally
good, according to Mrs. Lucy E.
Rodgers, county school superinten
dent. Judges were Mr. Nicholson
of Pendleton high school, Mrs. Lll
lie Esseistyn and Miss Cornelia
Tomes, all of Pendleton. J. L. Yea-
ger, Umatilla county school super
intendent, accompanied the party
of judges.
Winners in the various divisions
with places won and names of dec
lamations, follow:
Division I, high school: Orator
ical, Gene Senter, Alpine, "The Un
known Soldier," 1st; Elwayne Lieu
allen, lone, "The Deathbed of Ben
edict Arnold," 2nd. Dramatic,
Alex Lindsay, Alpine, "It is a Far,
Far Better Thing," 1st; Donald Hel
iker, lone, "The Inmates of the
Dungeon," 2nd. Humorous, Rose
Thornburg, Lexington, "Sis Hop
kins and Her Beau," 1st; Margaret
Howard, Alpine, "Liza Turns the
Tide," 2nd.
Division II, upper grades; Non-
humorous, Maxine McCurdy, lone,
"Mickey's Marker," 1st; Helen
Mead, Boardman, "Deathbed of
Benedict Arnold," 2nd. Humorous,
Dean Goodman, Heppner, "Soccery
and the Old Blue Hen," 1st; Peggy
Kilkenny, Alpine, "The Wee Tay
Table," 2nd.
Division III, lower grades: Non-
humorous, Katherine Mead, Board
man, "Scratch, the Newsboy's Dog,"
1st; Bruce Lindsay, Alpine, "On
His Honor," 2nd. Humorous, Ber
nard Doherty, Alpine, "Monkey Bus
iness," 1st; Irving Rauch, Straw
berry, "The Bath Hour," 2nd.
Gold and silver medals were giv
en all first and second place win
ners in the declamatory contest.
Easter Monday Dance
Is Gala, Colorful Event
An outstanding social event of
the year was the American Legion
Auxiliary Easter Monday ball given
at the Elks hall Monday evening.
The hall was beautifully decorated
with f,pring flowers and shrubs.
Lights were softly shaded with
green and yellow streamers. Large
reflections in each corner made
moonlight for several waltzes. The
Legion stand of colors was display
ed at one end of the hall with the
Auxiliary lamp.
Vario is features were presented
in the course of the evening. Miss
Dora Bailey gave a clever tap
dance, and the Highland Fling in
a real Scotch kilt worn 25 years
ago by Garnet Barratt in Scotland.
The Auxiliary trio sang "The Little
Old Church in the Valley." One of
the features was a lei tag In which
green Hawaiian leis were carried
by the taggers. Another equally
novel tag was a rolling pin number.
At midnight lovely wrist corsages
were presented to each lady pre
sent. Later serpentines were given
the men. The gaiety lasted until
1 a. m. A large crowd attended.
Music was furnished by the Jazz
Walter Moore, a member of the
local board of appraisers for the
seed wheat loan under the Recon
struction Finance act, reported yes
terday that the first loan in the
county had been completed this
week. He and Chas. Swindig and
Laxton McMurrary of lone, also
members of the board, went to Ar
lington Tuesday evening to attend
a meeting held for the purpose of
discussing details of the loan procedure.
Local Woman, Prominent in Wool
Growers Circles, Given Office
In State Association.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney of
Heppner took an active part in the
formation of the Oregon Producers
and Consumers league, organized
in Portland last week end primar
ily for the purpose of eliminating
all possible tax discrimination
against productive industry. Mrs.
Mahoney, who has made a wide
reputation over the state as head
of the Oregon Woolgrowers auxil
iary "Eat More Lamb" campaign,
was named vice-president of the or
ganization. Roy T. Bishop, Port
land, head of the Oregon Worsted
company, was named president, and
W. G. Brown, Portland, president
of the Oregon Nut Growers asso
ciation, secretary-treasurer.
Objects of the league as formu
lated by its leaders, including also
Sam Brown, state senator from
Marin county, were announced aa
To encourage a policy of attract
ing capital, labor, business and in
dustry into Oregon.
To bring about a better under
standing and relationship between
producer, distributor and consumer.
To promote the sale of Oregon
grown products and manufactured
To assist in bringing about a
condition that will enable the con
sumer to acquire foodstuffs, cloth
ing and other commodities at the
most economical cost.
To enlarge and protect the mar
kets for the products of the produc
er and manufacturer.
To bring to the conscience of the
consumer the necessity of protect
ing the markets of the producer.
To crystallize public sentiment
against any and all measures de
signed to or which might result in
increased cost to the public of nec
essities of life, or restrain or curtail
the free development of the natural
resources and industry in the state.
To produce a public sentiment
and attitude against attempts to
drive out of Oregon through the
taxation route, legitimate and nec
essary business institutions.
To insist upon rigid economy In
municipal and state government.
Teaching Force Named
For Local School System
At a recent meeting of the board
of education of District No. 1, the
full corps of teachers for the com
ing school year was made, with the
exception of two places in the
grades. Applications for these are
now being considered and will be
filled shortly. Nearly the entire
teaching force of the present school
year was retained, and there was
no reduction in the scale of wages
for next year. High school instruc
tors will receive $150 per month,
the teacher of physical education to
receive $1600 for the year as auth
orized by the meeting when the
budget was adopted. Grade teach
ers will receive $130 per month, the
grade principal getting the pres
ent salary of $1700 for the year.
Teachers selected for high school
were: Laurence E. Winter, physical
education; James T. Lumley, Char
lotte Woods, Jessica Palmiter,
Madge Coppock and Dorothy
Straughan. Grades: Harold W.
Buhman, principal; Beth Bleak
man, Elizabeth Dix, Adelyn O'Shea,
Juanita Leathers, Miriam McDon
ald. The third and seventh grade
positions remain to be filled.
Donald Jones Injured
When Bike Meets Car
Confused partly by the cars leav
ing the declamatory contest here
Saturday evening, and partly by
having not thoroughly mastered
his brand new bicycle which he had
obtained but a few days before,
Donald Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Jones, met with a near ser
ious accident when he collided with
an automobile driven by Mrs. Wil
liam Instone of Lena at the bend in
the highway near the schoolhouse.
He sustained some broken teeth,
and lacerations about the face
which required several stitches to
close. At last reports he was mak
ing good recovery.
When Mrs. Instone stopped her
car and assisted the boy to the doc
tor s office he was still composed
enough to tell her his name and
make it known that his father and
mother were both out of town for
the day, Considerable repairs were
thought necessary to put the new
bike in running shape.
At the Star Theater Sunday and
CUS, and three good short features.
Mrs. Monnie Houser, grand con
ductress of the Order of Eastern
Star, made an official visit to Ruth
chapter of this city Friday evening.
Her visit was honored by extensive
lodge ceremonies, icluding initia
tion, and by a number of social
events sponsored by prominent
members of the local chapter,
Heppner Business and Profes
sional Womens club held Initiatory
ceremonies for five new members
at the Episcopal parish house Mon
day evening. Ladies of the church
served a 6 o'clock dinner for the
Hats of President and
Driller Blown Off by
Indication Given of Wide Field Ver
ifies Promoters' Belief, Harbke
Says; Water to be Shut Off.
Gas, struck at 38 feet in a new
hole started this week in the Wells
Springs gas field, blew the hats off
of John Harbke, president of the
company, and A. M. Edwards, drill
er, when a match was dropped into
it yesterday, according to the re
port brought to the city this morn
ing by Mr. Harbke. The new hole
is situated about 300 yards due east
of the first hole that was drilled
through historic Wells spring from
which gas has escaped for years.
Mr. Harbke was all smiles this
morning as he told of the exper
ience, as the new showing helps to
verify the belief of the promoters
that a, real gas field exists beneath
their extensive land holdings in the
vicinity. Until this showing was
made the only indications of gas
were the bubbles through the wa
ter from the spring, from which
hole the company was not success
ful in shutting off the water;
Drilling operations were stopped
immediately as the first showing
of gas was made in the new hole,
and casing has been ordered to shut
off the water that might come in
with the gas, Mr. Harbke said, so
that drilling may be proceeded with
in a dry hole. It is not known yet
whether the newly found gas is
from a Seepage, or whether the
true vein has been struck by the
drill. Mr. Harbke said the drill
had started into a soft formation
when the water and gas was struck.
Mr. Edwards, the driller, said to
Mr. Harbke that he had struck
water and said he believed there
was an indication of gas. The tools
were pulled from the hole imme
diately, and then the match test
was made which resulted in blow
ing off the gentlemen's hats when
the gas exploded with a loud report
and sent a rushing stream wf fire
past their faces which singed their
'I'm not going to stick my head
over any more holes when a match
is dropped in," Mr. Harbke ex
caimed in telling of the experience.
He said they watched the match
go down, and it apparently had
descended about half way into the
hole when the explosion occurred.
This is the third hold that has
been started on the property of the
Wells Springs Oil and Gas com
pany. The first, at the spring, was
abandoned because the water could
not be shut out The second, start
ed last fall by an independent group
under special agreement with the
company, has been put down to a
depth of some 200 feet It is sit
uated on top of a hill some half a
mile distant from the spring. The
drill in it was stil going through
solid basalt when operations were
stopped last winter. Operations
will continue in this hole, it is said.
A trap has been installed to catch
the gas from the spring, and this
has been piped to the residence of
Louis Padberg near by, where it is
used for cooking and lighting.
Mr. Harbke announced this
morning that he had taken over
the Bell ranch in Blackhorse and
would take up his residence there
in the near future.
Singing of "Hosanna"
Leading Easter Event
Popular acclaim has been given
the Easter cantata, "Hosanna," aa
presented by singers of the city at
the Methodust church Sunday eve
ning, as being one of the most beau
tiful presentations of its kind ever
heard in Heppner. Some 25 voices
participated under the direction ot
Mrs. C. R. Ripley. Mrs. J. O. Tur
ner was accompanist.
The cantata was given as a unit
ed service of protestant churches
and the large audience filled the
church to capacity.
Taking solo parts were Gay An
derson, bass; Mrs. R. B. Ferguson,
soprano; Mrs. Glen P, White, alto;
Chas. Barlow, tenor; J. O. Turner,
bass; Miss Charlotte Woods, so
prano; Frank Turner, tenor; Mrs.
Frank Turner, alto, and Mrs. Harry
Tamblyn, soprano. Invocation was
by Joel R. Benton of the Christian
church and Glen P. White, Metho
dist minister offered benediction.
Heppner-Pilot Rock shooters with
74 won from Salem, 72, and Aurora,
70, and tied with Douglas County .
and Tho Dalles, each with 74, in the
fifth lap of the Oregonian state
telegraphic trapshootjng tourna
ment Sunday. The ties will bo shot
off next Sunday when the hyphen
ated local aggregation also meets
Portland No. 1, Bye, Washington
County and La Grande. The locals
are now well over the .500 percent
mark, and barring accidents should
win a place in the shoot-off match
to be hold In Portland at the end
of the tournament.
Star Theator Sunday and Monday.