Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 17, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Waite visited
in Portland last week.
Mrs. Ed Sauders spent Monday
in Arlington.
S. H. Boardman of Salem was in
Board man Saturday visiting old
Rev. and Mra W. O. Miller of
Umatilla were dinner guests at the
J. R. Johnson home Sunday.
Alvin McCarty was a visitor at
the Nate Macomber home last
Mr. and Mrs. McMahon and son
of Arlington visited Sunday eve
ning at the Guy Barlow home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat and
son motored to The Dalles aStur
day where Larry Jean was vaccin
ated against smallpox.
Lee Mead of Union Junction
spent several days in Boardman
last week. On Saturday Mr. and
Mrs. Mead and family went to The
Dalles, returning home Sunday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skoubo are
the proud parents of a baby boy
born Saturday, March 12.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Warner, Mrs.
Charles Goodwin and Mr. Duggan
were Pendleton visitors Saturday.
An error was made in last week's
paper in regard to those making a
business trip to Heppner. Those
going to Heppner were Royal
Rands and Leslie Packard. J. F.
Gorham did not accompany them.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley,
who have been staying with Jen
kins' for some time, have moved
to town and are living in the J. F.
Barlow house,
Aaga Jenson left last week for
Portland where he will be employ
ed in a dairy. Mr. Russell is work
ing at the Hadley ranch in Mr. Jen
son's place.
A 10V-lb. baby girl was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blayden March
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hatch and
daughter have moved into the
Dingman house in town. They had
been staying at the Packard home
during the winter.
Miss Mabel Brown of Lyle, Wn,,
spent the week end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and fam
ily were dinner guests at the Bryce
Dillabough home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson of
Bend were overnight guests at the
Channing home this week.
Mrs. Nick Faler and Mrs. George
Spring of Portland came Tuesday
for a short visit with friends and
returned home Thursday. They
stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ransier
while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berger and
son Bobby left last week for Mad
ras where they will make their
home. They have been living on
the Clarence Berger ranch for the
past year. Their friends here re
gret their leaving and wish them
success in their new home.
The Home Economics club enter
tained at a card party for Mrs. Fa
ler and Mrs. Spring at the Chan
ning home Wednesday evening.
Nine tables of 500 were in play.
Honors were accorded Mrs. Ray
Brown, Ralph Wasmr, Margaret
Smith and George Wicklander, Jr.
Mrs. A. Hiatt, Mrs. M. McLaugh
lin and Mervel Lambirth of Echo
spent Thursday at the Rands home.
Claude Ballenger spent the week
end in The Dalles.
Mrs. Faler and Mrs. Spring were
dinner guests Wednesday evening
at the Channing home.
The Home Economics club met
last Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs. Tom Delano. A number of
visitors were present besides the
Robert Smith, who has been in
the Pendleton hospital for several
weeks with a broken leg, was able
to come home Friday when E. W.
Peck went after him. Robert will
have his leg in the cast for many
weeks yet, and he will have to be
in bed for at least three weeks yet.
Plan to go see the P. T. A. 3-act
comedy play, "Yimmie Yonson's
Yob," which will be given Friday
evening, March. 25 in the auditor
ium. Admission will be 20c and 35c
and a free dance will follow the
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier gave
a card party at their home Tues
day evening. Guests were Mrs. Fa
ler, Mrs. Spring, Mra Hendricks,
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats, Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. King, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Dillabough, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Channing, Mr.
and Mrs. L. V. Root, Mr. and Mrs.
Z. J. Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Nate
Macomber, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gor
ham, Ralph Wasmer, Claude Bal
lenger and Marvin Ransier. High
scores were won by Mrs. Coats and
Mr. Macomber, low by Mrs. Root
and Mr. King. A dainty lunch was
served late in the evening.
The Athletic club team lost the
game to the Arlington town team,
played in Arlington last Tuesday
evening, the score being 28-34. This
was the second game played in the
championship series. There Is one
more to be played which will be
this week.
Jay Cox spent the week end in
Boardman with his family.
The names of our contestants in
the daclamatory contest are: lower
grades, humorous, Bernard Doher
ty, "Monkey Business"; non-humorous,
Bruce Lindsay, "On His
Honor"; upper1 division, non-humorous,
Reitha Howard, "The High
wayman"; humorous, "The Wee
Toy Table," Peggy Kilkenny. Thos
in the high school are, oratorical,
Gene Senter, "Unknown Speaker";
dramatic, Alex Lindsay, "It's a Far,
Far Better Thing"; humorous,
Margaret Howard, "Liza Turns the
The grade contestants will speak
at Pine City on Friday evening
and the high school at Irrigon on
Mrs. Kerns and E. H. Ebsen were
In Echo on Saturday. Mrs. Kerns
will remain in Echo about two
The sheep were moved Saturday
from Butter creek over to the F.
Kilkenny ranch.
Miss Rosella Doherty was in
Hermiston Sunday visiting at the
home of Mrs. Ed McDaid.
Joe Kilkenny, though still in the
hospital, is said to be improving.
Mrs. Bert Senter of Portand ar
rived Friday for an indefinite stay
at the home of 'her mother, Mrs.
Margaret Peddicord.
Mrs. Frank Kilkenny and Mrs.
Frank Kilkenny, Jr., visited at the
school Friday, as also did John
Irl Clary was at the B. Michel
home Sunday afternoon.
Ted McDaid of Heppner was out
at the F. Kilkenny ranch Sunday
Floyd Conrad spent the week end
with his parents on Butter creek.
Alex Lindsay was in Pendleton
Saturday having some dental work
Miss Camilla Kilkenny visited at
the home of Mrs. P. Curran Friday
Miss Rosella Doherty spent part
of Sunday on Butter creek with
Mrs. Rose Sanborn.
Mrs. Margaret Peddicord and
Mrs. Bert Senter and family mo
tored to Stanfield Sunday to spend
the day with Willard Hawley.
E. H. Senter was at George Con
rad's Sunday having some repair
work done on his trailer.
Peggy and Camilla Kilkenny
were in Heppner Saturday.
Mrs. Anna Schmidt and Alfred
were at the B. P. Doherty home
The cooking club, after making a
successful cocoa demonstration Fri
day, enlarged the recipe and served
cocoa to all.
Mrs. Bert Senter spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Bert Michel.
Lexington Grange met last Sat
urday evening and conferred the
third and fourth degrees upon a
class of eight The work was put
on by the new degree team which
has just been organized. Harvey,
Miller, chairman of the agricultur
al commKtee, gave a short talk on
rodent control. He also outlined
the program for work which is to
be carried on by this committee
during the year.
Mr. Richards, master of the Stan-
field Grange, was present and spoke
on federal taxation. A past mas
ter's pin was presented to S. J. De-
vine in appreciation of his faithful
services while he was master.
The business meeting was pre
ceded by the following lecturer's
program: Piano solo, Jeanette
Blakely; reading, Eileen Kelly;
duet, Mae Gentry and Ruth Dinges;
accompanied by Clara Holey at the
piano; short talks on different birds
were given by several grange mem
bers. Numbers were sold on the
"tulip" quilt made by the H. E. club
of the grange. Mrs. Beulah Nich
ols held the lucky number at the
drawing and won the quilt
The Three Links club of the Re
bekah lodge will give a dance and
card party Saturday night, March
26. Remember the date.
The First
of the Month
Usual bills on hand . . . necessi
tating the laying out of a lot of cash,
including small change. Oft, a hur
ried trip to the bank is necessary.
How inconveniencing. Far easier to
py those bill by writing:
Safer, too. For each Check is
a record and receipt for a paid
bill. We invite your Account.
Fir& National Bank
Guests at the W. B. Tucker home
Sunday were Mr. and Mra W. G.
McCarty of Heppner, Irene Tucker
of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
chie Nichols and son Billy of Lex
ington, and Elsie Tucker of Lena
John Harbke and L. H. Estes of
Portland were visitors in town
Myles Martin left Saturday for
Moro. He went in response to a
message stating that his father, L.
H. Martin, was worse. Mr. Martin
had spent several weeks with his
father and had but recently re
turned home, leaving him much
Saturday night, March 19, Hepp
ner, lone and Lexington will hold
their high school declamatory con
test here, begininng at 8 o'clock.
There will be an admission charge
of 15 cents. Those from here tak
ing part are Rose Thornburg, hu
morous; Florence Moyer, dramatic;
and Edith Tucker, oratorical.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howell
made a business trip to Endicott,
Wash., Saturday.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the tournament at Heppner
Friday. Our boys played Helix In
the afternoon and were defeated
in a hard fought game by a score
of 19-24.
Miss Helen Falconer, former Lex
ington teacher, now of Helix, was
calling on her many friends here
Saturday. She was accompanied by
Miss Glyde Duly, also a Helix
teacher. During their stay here
they were guests at the Earl War
ner home.
The Home Economics club met
last Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Merle Miller. The time was spent
in making paper flowers for use in
the tableaux work of the grange.
Present were Mesdames A. H. Nel
son, H. V. Smouse, Joe Devine, John
Miller, Harvey Miller, Harry Schrie
ver, George White, Orville Cuts
forth, Archie Nichols and Helen
Smouse. Mrs. Miller served a de
licious lunch to her guests.
Betty Doherty had the misfor
tune to fall Saturday and fracture
her left elbow. She was taken to
Heppner and attended by a doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles at
tended a party last Friday evening
in Heppner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Turner. The party was
given in honor of Mr. Turner's sis
ter, Mrs. Walter La Dusire, who is
visiting them from La Grande.
Grandma McMillan and her
daughter, Mrs. Lou Broadley, re
turned Monday from Portland. Mr.
and Mrs. George McMillan brought
them home. Grandma took a ra
dium! treatment Saturday for her
cancer, from Dr. Otis B. Wright
She will go down again in about
six weeks for another treatment.
After several weeks of illness
with erysipelas, Alec" Hunt is able
to be out again. Since he started
to recover he has had his face and
neck lanced four times.
Garland Thompson is nursing a
very sore thumb. He cut the end
of it off last Friday morning when
he was cutting kindling wood.
Mrs. J. F. Lucas attended the
Auxiliary luncheon given at Pen
dleton Tuesday.
Dr. Greene, veterinarian for the
state, was in town the first part of
the week.
The Odd Fellows wili give a
dance here Saturday night, March
19. Music will be furnished by the
Cecil orchestra.
Joe Eskelson and Ernest Fred
rickson arrived Tuesday from Sa
lem. They will spend several days
here attending to business and vis
iting with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Irving Padberg underwent
an operation Tuesday for the re
moval of tonsils.
The Dramatic club made its first
public appearance Saturday, March
12, with the presentation of a three
act comedy, "Let's Have Some Ex
citement" There was a large
crowd in attendance. The proceeds
amounted to $31.25. The members,
officers and director of this organi
zation are to be congratulated upon
tneir ertorts which made the play a
success. The dance which followed
the play was well attended.
For the second time this school
term first prize on essays has come
to the high school. Miss Billie
Leathers received first prize on an
essay entitled "Washington's Bal
ance of Character." Her essay
was sent to Salem last week to en
ter the state contest
Guests of Miss Montgomery Mon
day were her sister, Mrs. Paul Men-
egat of Heppner and her mother,
illllllill'lliilllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllillllllllllllllllil'l lllfcllillllillllllllllllllllillHIll I IllllllllHilllllllllllllllllll! Illllilllllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllillllllll
Mrs. Nell Montgomery of Portland.
Mrs. Ed Merrill was called to
Heppner Monday to be with her
mother, who is seriously ill. She
was a passenger on the Hardman-
Heppner stage at the time of its
collision with an automobile be
longing to John Meir, but she was
not seriously injured.
Bill Johnson became suddenly ill
late Friday evening and was un
able to be in the play. Ralph Moore
took his part He is reported to
be on the road to recovery.
Miss Beth Bleakman was visit
ing friends and relatives here Sat
urday, coming out from Heppner
to attend the play and dance.
Mrs. Fred Ashbaugh was an all
day visitor of Mrs. Walter Farrens
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Knighten made
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bat
ty in Eight Mile Monday.
Miss Elma McDaniel is spending
the week visiting Miss Murl Far
rens. Ralph and Guy Moore were vis
iting their sister, Mrs. Neil Knight
en Saturday.
Richard Robison had the misfor
tune to injure his hand quite ser
iously Friday afternoon at school
when he caught his hand in one of
the doors as it slammed shut.
Miss Mildred Farrens has gone
to cook at the Anson Wright place
near here.
The forest club, which was re
cently organized here by the coun
ty agent, C. W. Smith, held its first
meeting Monday. Each member
"It's TRUTH, Sir--"
The Wise Counsellor declares that the man who "sits tight" wait
ing for the depression to leave will more likely than not find him
self holding nothing but the sack when that time comes for he
is doing the very thing to prolong the condition he desires to avert.
No waving of wagic wand is going to bring better times... They
will be had only through redoubled effort by thte majority of the
people. Economy is necessary. But an economy program which
includes curtailing of the greatest force in merchandising AD
VERTISING is certain to defeat the purpose of such a program.
Advertising is more necessary now than ever before, because
people must be convinced of the value of things before they buy
And again the greatest advertising opporunity in years is
present as probably never before were merchants able to offer
such attractive bargains... Today the purchaser's dollar is worth
$1.79 in the Value of the merchandise it will buy, affording
made his selection of ten trees
which are to be planted on the
school grounds April 1st The oc
casion is to be an all day celebra
tion open to the public. A bounti
ful feast will be served during the
day. The county agent will be pres
ent to deliver the dedication ad
dress in honor of the 200th birth
day anniversary of George Wash
ington. Mrs. Bertha McDaniel is
the local leader."
Published in the interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volume 1933
Heppner, Oregon
With the entrance of SPRING just
around the corner and all the women
soon blossoming out in their new spring
frocks, why not give your house a
treat? Re-roof it, remodel it, paint it
inside and out, or build that additional
room which you have been putting off
so long.
We can give wou some expert advice
on your building needs. There are
plenty of men who want jobs now.
P. S.: B. A. stands for Building As
er. Mrs. C. C. Patterson has this week
completed putting in a basement at her
home. No more frozen pipes next winter.
Several choice openings in cities
and towns for ambitious men and
women. Experience unnecessary.
We finance you if required. Write
today. Mr. Thomas, Superinten
dent, 428 Third St, Oakland, Calif.
For Sale 6-room house with
nearly acre of ground, handy cel
lar and garage; also business lot
and used lumber. Box 65, Heppner.
March 17, 1932.
No. 11
"Did you tell father over the phone
that we are engaged?"
"What did he reply?"
"I'm not sure whether he replied or
whether the line was struck by light,
Mary had a little lamb,
Given by a friend to keep.
It followed her around until
It died from want of sleep.