Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 11, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Warmer weather Is here again
after the sub-zero weather of last
week. It was reported to have been
10 below zero in town a couple of
mornings last week. The warm
wind Sunday melted most of the
snow. School started again Mon
day after being closed all last week
due to the cold weather and bad
Mrs. S. C. Russell's sister, Mrs.
Conyers and son and daughter of
Cascade, Idaho, visited several days
last week at the Russell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tubbes and
family were guests at a lovely din
ner Sunday at the Baker home.
Men employed on the relief crew
of the highway are Fred Blayden,
George Wicklander and Ed Kunze
The Ladies Aid Silver Tea met
Wednesday faternoon at the home
of Mrs. George Blayden. Twenty-
three ladies were present. Hostess
es were Mesdames Geo. Blayden,
J. F. Barlow, Chaffee, Gorham,
Rands, Dillabough and Sundsten.
Mrs. Marie Morris of Seattle
worked in the Messner depot in
Mr. Mead's place several days last
The Hermiston basketball teams
played the Boardman teams here
in a game Saturday evening. The
Hermiston high team defeated the
Boardman high team by a score of
15-31. The athletic club won from
the Hermiston town team by the
score of 16-39. W. O. King refer
eed the town game and John Steel
hammer refereed the high school
An 84 pound son was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Carrick, January 28
at the Wilbanks home. He has
been named Dwight George.
Nellie Dillon is taking a post
graduate course at Lincoln high
school in Portland. She is taking
a course in chemsitry before taking
up nurses training.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Dims
in Protland, Feb. 1, 1932, a son,
Richard Henry. "Mrs. Dimse was
formerly Lillian Brice.
Lora Chandler and Dean Ekle
berry of Willow creek spent Sun
day visiting at the Wilbanks home,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Burdel of
Emmet, Idaho, were week-end
guests at the S. C. Russell home.
John Brice and son Warren re
turned to La Grande Monday af
ter spending a couple of weeks in
Glen Rutherford accidentally
drove his car in the main canal last
week. He was driving along the
road near the Charles Wicklander
ranch when the lights on the car
went out He thought he knew the
road well enough to drive on to
Disboughs, but the car got out of
the track and tipped over and into
the canal'. Glen fortunately escap
ed injury.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Smith return
ed to their home in Portland the
middle of the week after a ten
day visit with friends in Board
man and Umatilla.
Mrs. W. O. Miller of Umatilla was
taken to the Pendleton hospital
Monday where she is threatened
with pneumonia. Mrs. Miller has
had several serious colds this win
ter. Her many friends here wish
her a speedy recovery.
Barney Devlin, sheepman of Wil
low crek, has 1400 head of sheep
here in Boardman on the old L. G.
Smith ranch. He has purchased
hay from farmers here.
The agent's services in the Mess
ner depot will be discontinued Feb
ruary 16. Lee Mead has been agent
there for a number of years. It is
not definitely known yet where Mr.
Mead will go after the agency has
been closed.
I don't know whether the next
Fiesident of the United States is
going to be a Democrat or a Re
I'Ubhccn, but whoever he may be
there is one thing perfectly certain
He won't be a year in office be
fore he will be sorry he ever got
the job!
Mcst men coming to the White
House have fought their way up the
political ladder and are accustomed
to having their motives misrepre
sented and their personal charac
ters besmirched by their enemies,
inside and out of their own parties.
Personal slanders and lies, not al
ways set down In print but circul
ated by word of mouth, are the
fate of every man who goes into
political life in America,
The higher a man climbs the po
litical ladder the more vicious are
the attacks. By the time most pol
iticians have got to the top or close
to it, they have become hardened
end don't let personal slanders
worry them. But even the most ex
perienced politician, once he gets
in the White House, speedily dis
covers that all that has been said
about him previously is Sunday
schoo. talk compared with the un
dergiound rumors and whispered
libels which begin to circulate as
soon as he is comfortably settled in
the White House.
That has been true of almost ev
ery President of the United States,
from the first After one term in
office Washington wanted to quit,
so malicious and persistent were
the falsehoods which his enemies
circulated about him. The most
scurrilous attacks upon Lincoln's
personal and private charactetr did
not come from the Southern Con
federacy, against which he was
conducting a war, but from hi3 po
litical enemies in the North. The
more vigorous the President and
the more difficult the task before
him, the more persistent and vio
lent are these scandaluos attempts
to undermine public confidence in
him. Even that most innocuous of
presidents, Rutherford B. Hayes,
suffered so under the tongues of the
scandalmongers that he wrote in
his diary: "To think that any man
should seek office!"
Mr. Hoover had not been Presi
dent a year before he wrote his fa
moii, 'hair-shirt" letter to an Ohio
friend, in which he complained bit
terly of the malicious misrepresent
ations of his motives and hoped
that he might be given strength to
lemnin patient in the face of them.
Alone among recent Presidents, Mr.
Coolidge was never the victim of
the whispering slanderers, at least
not to any material extent The
slanders about his predecessor,
warren Harding, continued long
after Mr. Harding's death.
Few Presidents ever went into
the White House who had such a
strorg and sincere religious devo
tion as Woodrow Wilson; it is
doubtful if any man In public office
ever lived up so closely to the high
est moral code. Yet almost from
the day of his first inauguration
the tongues of slander began to cir
culate reports which represented
Mr. Wilson as a promiscuous liber
tine, at a secret tool of the Pope
and as a man in whom personal
ambition outweighed every consid
eration of public interest.
Of course, these slanders were
without the slightest foundation in
fact, and they never reached a
point where their responsible auth
ors could be dragged into the light
and prosecuted. But millions of
people believed, and probably will
continue forever to believe, that
Mr. Wilson was a man of the low
est personal character.
Mr. Taft's geniality and inactiv
ity protected him to a considerable
degree from the slanderers, but the
tongues of malice were turned up
on Mrs. Taft
Before Taft was Roosevelt, and
there was nothing mean or ignoble
which was not attributed to him,
often in print. Most persistent of
all the whispered slanders about
Roosevelt was the falsehood, widely
believed, that he was a drunkard.
He took no notice of that until af
ter he had left the White House,
when he used a newspaper which
had printed that charge and, at en
ormous expense and trouble to him
self, made it clear to the world
that he was one of the most tem
perate of men and that there was
no possible ground for the charge
of drunkenness.
One of the easiest charges to
make, and the most difficult to dis
prove is that a President is using
his office to favor his friends. There
have been few more high-minded
men in public office than William
McKinley, but he went to his death
smarting under the accusation that
he had abused his high office in the
interests of big business. There was
no depth of personal infamy, how
ever degraded, which was not at
tributed by the scandalmongers to
Grover Cleveland. That he was an
utterly immoral drunkard was firm
ly believed by the type of people
who are always ready to believe the
worst about any man, and who are
never willing to credit anybody
with having any higher principles
than their own. It is this readiness
of humanity to believe and repeat
scandals, that makes life miserable
for men who are honestly trying to
do their best and to live up to high
standards of personal conduct.
As the presidential campaign ap
proaches the slanderers are opening
up on Mr. Hoover more vigorously
than ever. Unable to And anything
in his nprsnnl rhnrnrtpp snH n
duct while in the White House, or
in the preceding nine years during
which he was Secretary of Com
merce, they are trying to dig up
aiscreeuiable episodes In his life
abroad as a mining engineer in
Australia. China. Burmah. and r.
sia. It Is very easy to lie about
wnai a man did many years ago on
tne outer side of the world; it may
be possible to prove It but it is
also almost equally impossible to
disprove it
I know of onlv one Rnilnri rnla
for the average uninformed person
to iouow in dealing with tales of
personal misconduct on the part of
Presidents or candidates for the
presidency. That rule is this:
Would you believe that story if it
were told to vou about a mnn whnm
you have known personally all youi;
me ana. whose character is known
to everybody in your community?
Men do not become President of
the United States or candidates for
the presidency, whose personal
characters have not been subject
to the most Intensive scrutiny, not
only by their friends but by their
enemies, who ceaselessly look for
flaws in their armor.
ALMA NEILL, Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Morehead
and children Bobby and Delpha
spent Sunday afternoon at the C.
H. Bartholomew home.
W. D. Neill and Marion Robinson
made a trip to Hermiston Tuesday
to get repairs for the pump.
Paul Bull spent last week-end at
the H. E. Young home.
Miss Nancvy Kononen was a vis
itor in Echo Sunday.
We were all very sorry to hear
of the death of little Ruth Bow
man. Ruth formerly went to school
at Pine City before they moved to
Ralph Neill spent Sunday at the
home of Roy Ayers.
Miss Elsie Tucker spent last Tu
esday visiting the Pine City grade
school. Miss Tucker is the teacher
at Pleasant Valley school, but due
to the heavy snow school was dis
missed there for last week.
Elsie Strain, Alma Neill, Jasper
Meyers and Hugh Neill spent a very
enjoyable afternoon Sunday at the
home of Miss Lila Bartholomew.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and
son Ray attended the Farm Bureau
meeting at Alpine Saturday night
Isabella O'Brien has been in
Hepprter since Friday staying with
her aunt, Miss Ruby Corrigal.
While there she is receiving treat
ment for an earache which has
been bothering her for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
children Betty, Frances and Patty
visited at the C. H. Bartholomew
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Morehead
attended the" Farm Bureau meet
ing at Alpine Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger
and children Junior and Lucille
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walt Wigglseworth.
Tom and Pink Boylen now have
two bands of sheep feeding at the
Roy Neill ranch.
There have been three parties
the last week. Nellie Bleakman
seventh rade pupil and youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Bleakman, entertained a number of
her classmates at an agreeable card
party last Saturday evening. Pre
sent were Neva Bleakman, Richard
Robison, Francis and Nona In-
skeep, Lois Ashbaugh, Charlotte
Adams, Lewis MacDonald, Bill
Howell, Roland Farrens, Annie and
Charles Johnson, besides the hos
tess. Refreshments of cake, jello,
sandwiches and chocolate were
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel en
tertained In honor of their small
nephew, Charles, Tuesday evening
at a card party. Present were Pat
Bleakman, Neva Bleakman, Char
lotte Adams, Lois Ashbaugh, Rich
ard Robison, Roland Farrens, An
nie and Charles Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stevens were
quite pleasantly surprised Satur
day evening when a few of their
old-time friends came in to surprise
them. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Buck Adams and family, Mrs.
Frank McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Bleakman and family.
Foster Collins was a business vis
itor here for a few days last week
from his mountain home.
A dance was given by townspeo
ple Saturday evening at the Klstler
building. A very good time was
enjoyed by all.
Carl Barlow and Gilbert Dlovan
were callers in town Saturday.
Miss Mary Cannon and Delbert
Haitt were visiting friends here
L. J. Burnside was here from his
Rood canyon ranch Tuesday.
Due to the severe windstorms
last week the snow was drifted so
badly in the roads that the stage
was unable to come for several
ifra. Marion Saling and children
spent Tuesday visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
MacDonald at their ranch near
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Buck Adams
several days last week.
O. T. Want Ada Get Results.
Published in the Interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volume 1932
Heppner, Oregon Feburary 11, 1933.
No. 8
A Heppner woman:
"I've called you in
about a damp patch
In my kitchen."
Henry Crump:
"Here, here, steady la
dy, strong language
never helped."
This, maybe, was
the result of the roof
leaking or did the
snow back up and
freeze on the cornice.
Better call me; I'm
the old Building Doc.
TunvA-Lum Paint
NOW. Peter Drufolt
is painting and kal
somining the Interior
of Mrs. Jim Gentry's
home this week.
Harry Smith has been quite ill
the past week.
Ollie Coryell served an oyster
supper to the high school basket
ball team Monday night at 7:30 at
his home. The boys were well pleas
ed both as to quality and quantity
of the oysters and vote Mr. Coryel
the best cook in town.
The H. E. C. ladies were enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Mc
Farland at Umatilla Thursday af
ternoon. A good crowd was pre
sent Some work was done on the
quilt and business of importance
talked over. A delicious lunch was
served by the hostess.
Nearly every member of the
creamery cooperative from here at
tended the meeting and lunched at
the Methodist church at Hermiston
Saturday. R. V. Jones was re
elected as director from this vicin
ity. Valles Dexter has been too ill to
attend school the past week.
Maxwell Jones was absent from
school Monday with a bad cold.
The Irrigon high Bchool basket
ball team played the Hermiston
boys on their floor Friday night,
losing the game by one point A
good many from here attended the
The teacher's institute will be
held here February 26. The ladies
of the Home Economics club will
serve dinner in the school dining
The agricultural committee of
Irrigon grange met Sunday after
noon nad prepared poison for rab
bits which was distributed through
the community.
Mrs. W. C. Isom and Mr. and
Mrs. George Kendler were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom
Mac McCoy, Maurice Williams
and Donald Isom were seeing the
sights in Boardman Sunday,
Notice to all Morrow county dog
owners Is hereby given that licenses
are due and payable before the first
of March. After that date the
amount of the license is doubled.
Failure to get license for any dog
Is punishable by a fine of $10 for
each offense. 48-49
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
here's how
to pay that
bill . . by
Why put up with the many inconve
niences cash involves when it's so
much easier to write a CHECK? It's
the modem way of meeting one's ob
ligations. Best of all it's the SAFEST way
of paying out money. No room for
argument . . no doubt . . no risk. A
Cancelled Check is undeniable proof
that a bill has been paid. Open an
Account at the earliest moment with
FM National Bank
ires it v
Tomorrow these United States of America will do homage to
the birth of Abraham Lincoln, who, from an humble Kentucky log
cabin, rose to the highest office in the country and gave his life
that the "Union Might Be Preserved."
He recognized the highest duty of good citizenship, and was
not found wanting." His great battle in the face of tremendous
odds is one of the greatest epics in the history of our country.
Another crisis faces America in the reestablishment of her
economic and social stability. How many Abe Lincolns will arise
to meet the challenge, and carry the banner of the Union on to
further and greater progress?
It takes nerve to carry on in times of stress. But great is
the reward of success.
Heppner Gazette Times
See Will Rogers at the Star The
ater Sunday and Monday.