Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 11, 1932, Image 1

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Volume 48, Number 48.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Much Relief Expected
From Reconstruction
Finance Act.
Spokane District Director Outlines
Working of Act and Ways It May
Help Business Conditions.
(An address given by D. W.
Twohy, member of the advisory
board of the Reconstruction Fin
ance corporation for the Spokane
district, given before the Spokane
Chamber of Commerce February 9,
At the request of the president of
the United States, congress prompt
ly passed the bill authorizing and
setting up the Reconstruction Fin
ance corporation. The government
has endeavored to wipe out the
causes of fear and doubt that have
paralyzed our business structure.
One of its first missions Is to sup
port the banks in such a manner
that they may cease to curtail cred
it, and may take a normal course
In the aid of industry and business.
Thus, well managed financial in
stitutions need no longer fear con
ditions beyond their control, and
their patrons may look to them
with the utmost confidence. This
confidence, in turn, should bring
speedily into circulation the hun
dreds of millions of timid, hoarded
dollars, further hastening the pro
cess of recovery. Leading econo
mists point out that the nation's
energy and resourcefulness will be
quickened all along the line, to the
end that manufacturer and mer
chant, employer and laborer, farm
er and home owner, banker, depos
itor and borrower may embark
with vigor and assurance upon con
structive endeavor.
The corporation is set up for ten
years, with a maximum investment
of two billion dollars. The corpor
ation lends this gigantic sum to the
institutions shown in order to keep
them throughly solvent, active, and
in excellent condition to render
their vital services to the country
In bringing back our normal pros
perity. Loans will run for three
years with a maximum extension of
two years, and no fee or commis
sion will be charged. No one insti
tution, its affiliates and subsidiar
ies may borrow more than 100 mil
lion dollars. Loans will be made
directly on promissory notes or by
discounting securities.
(The members of the advisory
board for the Spokane district are
Joel E. Ferris, president of the
Spokane and Eastern Trust com
pany of Spokane; N. A. Davis, vice
president of the Baker-Boyer Na
tional bank of Walla Walla, and
D. W. Twohy.)
Under the terms of the bill, the
funds of the corporation are made
available In the following manner:
borrow and discount securities to
Increase their usefulness in financ
ing business.
guard the savings account of every
depositor by using this credit
upon the corporation for loans and
discounts to maintain a strong and
liquid condition.
CLOSED BANKS and banks In
process of liquidation will receive
money with which to relieve depos
IES may borrow from the corpor
ation, and thus extend loans and
make new ones.
CIATIONS can use this credit to
find relief from slow assets and to
Increase their safety and activity,
RAILROADS will receive loans
If not able to obtain them else
where, and If approved by the In
terstate Commerce commission.
borrow money to Increase the
liquidity of their position and safe
guard their condition.
CREDIT UNIONS may use loans
from the corporation to continue
their credit, and place themselves
in a more useful position.
CREDIT BANKS can carry on
their activity with renewed vigor
through the use of this credit
TIONS will have a new avenue of
credit to bring relief to land own
ers and stock men.
FARMERS. The Secretary of
Agriculture Is to be allocated mon
ey for crop loans direct to farmers
preference to those whose 1931
crop failed.
may borrow money on their assets
and carry on their operations more
be able to liquidate more of their
assets, obtaining funds with which
to help farmers.
furnishes the corporation with BOO
million dollar capital and agrees to
buy one and one-half billion dol
lars of Its bonds if a ready market
Is not found elsewhere.
I would like to quote the state,
ment of the Secretary of War, ex-
pressing himself with regard to
(Continued on Page Sis.)
Stove Explosion Injures
Mrs. William Smithurst
Mrs. William Smithurst (nee
Thelma Hall, formerly of Heppner)
was severely injured at the farm
homo In the Alpine vicinity a week
ago yesterday when the cookstove
exploded from a frozen water back.
She was brought to Heppner for
treatment, and many stitches were
required to close the lacerations on
her forehead and cheek, while one
whole side of her face was badly
bruised. She remained for several
days at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Earl Gordon.
As was- his usual custom, Mr.
Smithurst arose that morning and
started a fire In the cookstove, re
maining with it some time to see
that everything was all right He
then went to the barn to do the
morning milking. There was no
apparent sign of anything being
wrong when Mrs. Smithurst start
ed breakfast In the usual manner.
She had just started to bend over
the stove to tend to part of the
cooking when the explosion hap
pened, completely demolishing the
stove. Mrs. Smithurst did not
know just what hit her, and did not
iealize for a time that she was
hurt, her first concern being for
the baby who was in her crib in
the doorway between the kitchen
and living room. The baby started
to scream on seeing her mother,
and the mother feared the baby
was hurt Later, when she discov
ered that the explosion had cov
ered her face with soot, Mrs. Smith
hurst realized that It was her un
natural appearance that frightened
the baby. Fortunately the fire was
extinguished by the explosion. The
injured woman summoned her hus
band as soon sa possible, but It was
two hours before she could reach
Heppner for medical attention.
Results of Safeway Campaign so
Far Given W. P. Mahoney by
Stores' Vice President
Increases in the sale of lamb,
ranging from 15 to 450 percent has
been the result of Intensive "eat
more lamb" campaigning by the
MacMarr, Safeway and Pay 'n Tak-
It stores throughout .all the states
west of the Mississippi river the
last three weeks, according to in
formation received here by W. P.
Mahoney, vice-president of the
First National bank and prominent
wool grower.
In a letter from R. W. Doe, vice-
president of the Safeway organiza
tion, to Mr. Mahoney, it is stated
that the campaign has been well
worth the trouble and that as soon
as figures can be compiled the spe
cific results obtained will be an
One of the most notable features
of the campaign is the increase ob
tained In California, already a
heavy-consuming lamb state. Sales
were increased 14 percent there.
Sheep raisers in the Heppner dis
trict and elsewhere are deriving
great benefit from the campaign,
according to Mr. Mahoney, who
says that although its effects can't
be expected to make themselves Im
mediately felt upon the producer,
the latter is sure to notice the dif
ference during his next selling sea
son. Feeders, who have been the ones
to profit from the Increased con
sumption, will be In a better mood
to buy from producers during the
coming year as a result of the pres
ent Increased sales, Mr. Mahoney
Permanent benefit from the Safe
way campaign Is expected, inas
much as only top grade lambs have
been offered consumers In order to
bring them back for more. The re
tall price has been kept down to a
figure comparable with that
charged for other meats, and many
housewives are discovering that
lamb, formerly considered a deli
cacy which could be afforded only
at infrequent intervals, can now be
put on the table several times a
Booklets supplied by Swift & Co.
and distributed through the mar
kets cooperating In the campaign
have educated housewives as to the
variety of delicious lamb dishes
that can be prepared from fore
parts of the carcass. . This has re
sulted in more even sale of the
whole lamb and allowed the price
for the more choice cuts to be plac
ed at a reasonable level.
Continuation of the campaign
has been promised by M. 13. Skaggs,
president of the Safeway organi
zation, who plans to have his stores
feature lamb for Wednesday of
each week In an attempt to estab
lish It as "Lamb Day."
The Morrow county free Chautau
qua will open June 2. A number of
subscribers have requested that
they be permitted to pay their sub
scription in installments. Those
who desire to pay In that manner
may make payments to John W.
Hlatt, who has been appointed ex
ecutive secretary and will receipt
ror an payments.
In another column of this issue
of the Gazette Times. Georse
Bleakman, county commissioner,
announces that he will be a candl
date to succeed himself In the ra
publican primaries to be held May
20. Mr, Bleakman's petition Is In
the course of circulation,
Resident of County Since Child
hood Was Contractor-Builder;
Funeral Rites Held Sunday.
Harry E. Johnson, 61, veteran
contractor and builder, died at his
home in Heppner last Friday
morning following a lingering ill
ness which kept him bedfast for
two weeks prior to his passing.
Funeral services were held from
the Elks temple at 2 o'clock Sun
day afternoon under the auspices
6f Heppner lodge No. 358, with Joel
R. Benton, minister of the Church
of Christ, delivering the funeral
sermon. Interment was in Mason
ic cemetery. A large number of
lodge brothers and friends gather
ed to pay their respects to a life of
usefulness. Pallbearers were Rich
ard Wells, W. O. Bayless, R. I.
Thompson, Orve Rasmus, Ed Bres-
lin and Harry Duncan. Arrange
ments were in charge of Phelps
Funeral home. 1
Harry E. Johnson was born April
19, 1870, at Walla Walla, Wash., be
ing the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Johnson. He died at Heppner, Ore
gon, February 5, 1932, aged 61
years, 9 months and 16 days. He
first came to this county as a baby,
when in 1872 his family moved to
what was then Umatilla county,
locating on what is now known as
the Floreon place on Willow creek
few miles south of Heppner.
There his father pioneered in stock-
raising. In 1889 the family removed
to Salc-m, returning to Heppner in
1898, since which time the younger
Mr. Johnson had made his home
here almost continuously. For a
number of years he followed the
carpentering trade in company
with his father, later doing con
tracting and building on his own in
itiative. Many fine residences of the
vicinity were built by him among
which are the Frank Monahan
home and the Ed Chinn home. As
a young man he served an appren
ticeship also in the printing trade,
working as typesetter for the Ga
zette when its uncertain destinies
were under the fiery management
of John Watermelon Redington,
noted among pioneer newspaper
men of the northwest, who now re
sides at the old soldiers home In
Sawtelle, Calif. In 1907 Mr. John
son was united in wedlock with
Bertha Adkins, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Adkins, pioneer resi
dents. His married life was cut
short ' when Mrs. Johnson passed
away in 1910. He is survived by
three brothers, Charles and Thom
as of Heppner, and Ralph of Salem.
Death has closed the life of an
honoied and respected citizen, who,
in devoting greatly of his time to
the plying of his craft,, had become
a skilled craftsman, the monument
al testimony to which remains as a
living tribute to his memory.
Moisture Deposit Largest
For Three Years in Forest
The mid-wintetr snow survey of
J. M. Spencer, district watermaster,
made recently, shows more snow
and a larger water content than at
any time the last three years, and
comparable to that of 1929, ac
cording to a report received from
Mr. Spencer this week. The sur
vey at Arbuckle mountain showed
a total snow deposit of 54.5 inches,
with water content of 12.9 inches.
The survey last year showed 22.2
inches of snow at this point with a
water content of 6 inches, and In
1930, 14.4 inches of snow with 3.7
inches of water. The 1929 meas
urement was 50.4 inches of snow
and 11.4 inches of water.
The station at North Jones
prairie near Arbuckle mountain
shows a snow storage comparable
to that of 1929 although the lower
levels may not be quite as well cov
ered as in that year," Mr. Spencer
reported. "The run-off on Willow
and Butter creeks should be ample
to cover the lands to be irrigated
this year. It will facilitate matters
if the first freshets be allowed to
carry through to the'lower reaches
of the Willow creek lands which
did not get water last year as the
upper sections may be certain of
plenty of water."
Garnet Barratt and Raymond
Ferguson made a motor trip to
Lakevlew the end of the week, ar
riving back home Sunday evening.
I hough considerable snow was en
countered In places they made the
trip without mishap. They drove
to Klamath Falls Friday and on to
Lakevlew Saturday. Mr. Barratt
made the trip to attend a district
convention of Oregon Woolgrowers'
association of which he Is a vice
president Walter Holt, county
agent or Umatilla county and sec
retary of the state woolmen's or
ganization, ascompanled them.
The Gazette Times report of 1931
babtea in the county brings in an
other unreported arrival which
Just missed 1931. In this case the
young lady is Lola Belle, born Jan
uary 1, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Engelman of this county, at Fossil
Mr. and Mrs. Engelman and family
were in Heppner Saturday.
C. J. D. Bauman. sheriff mnUaa
official announcement In another
column of the Gazette Times this
week that he will be a candidate
the Republican primaries, Mav
to succeed himself, So far no other
aspirants for the olllce have come
to ngni.
The organization of a Boy Scout
troop here Is well on Its way. Al
fred Balsiger has been chosen as
scout master and Lake Beckner, as
sistant master. The boys who have
signed up for the first troop are
Junior Mason, Harlan McCurdy,
Eugene and Harry Normyole, Mau
rice Feeley, John Ray, John Farris
and Denward Bergevin. Regular
meetines will be held the second
and fourth Tuesdays In each month
at Legion hall.
Following we are giving the per
manent committee of Legion men
with the duties of each- Earl Blake,
presiding officer and responsible
for troop committee in charge of
trooD activities and special awards
and badges; Walter G. Roberts, fi
nances, troop property, equipment,
audit troop accounts and records;
R. H. Turner, advancements, se
sure special instructors, check at
tendance at the court of honor;
Fred Mankin, educational publicity,
promote good turns, parent night
civic participation, sponsoring con
tracts; Lee Beckner, outdoor man,
direct troop hikes, camps, trans
portation, attendance at summer
camp. Robert i. .Hayes oi waiia
Walla, who is scout executive of
this district, will be here the last
of the month and will hold, a pub
lic meeting for parents and all in-.
terested in the Bcout movement.
At this meeting the boys will re
ceive their certificates of member-
Ship and the charter will be pre
The Women's Topic club met Sat
urday at the pleasant home of Mrs.
Sam Hatch on First street. Tne
afternoon was given over to the
study of the lives of Washington,
Lincoln and Edison. At the close
of an interesting program, re
freshments of salad, cheese wafers
and coffee were served by the
hostess. Ladies present were Mrs.
Fred Mankin, Mrs. Martin Cotter,
Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Albert Lind-
strom, Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mrs.
Edward Rietmann, Mrs. Emil
Swanson, Mrs. Walter Corley, Mrs.
George Tucker, Mrs. Victor Peter
son, Mrs. Elmer Griffith, Miss Mary
Van .Vactor and Mrs. Hugh Smith.
Miss Mary Van Vactor of The
Dalles is making an extended visit
with her sister, Mrs. Edward Riet
Miss Bonnie Smith has been
spending the past month with her
sister, Miss Mabel Smith was is a
teacher In the school at Mapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr, former
residents of lone now living in
Tygh Valley, arrived In town about
a week ago and are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs.
Alice Wiles. About two months ago
Mr. Carr's hand was severely injured.-
Infection developed and Mr.
Carr was only recently dismissed
from the hospital at The Dalles.
When Walter Corley and Carl
Troedson returned last week from
The Dalles, they were accompanied
by William (Shorty) Hanson, who
it, well known to many here.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward and
Mrs. Roy Lieuallen went to Port
land the latter part of last week,
lone will be dressed in gala at
tire for the American Legion con
vention of District No. 6 which will
convene here February 20. The
Arlington post has loaned the lone
post a goodly supply of material
for decoration purposes and this
will be placed several days before
the convention.
The program, old time dance and
basket social that had been planned
for February 12 by the lone high
school, has been postponed to Feb
ruary 26, due to the Iact that the
weather has been stormy and that
many of the students have been ill
However, plans are still going for
ward for the preparation of the
colored minstrel show that will be
given. Don't forget the date.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Congregational Missionary so
ciety was held last Thursday after
noon at the church. Mrs. Edward
Keller, president, had prepared a
very interesting program bringing
out many of the important things
in the missionary work of Dr,
Frank Laubach, working under
the American Board of Commis
sioners for Foreign Missions In the
Philippines. Papers were read by
Mrs. Paul Balsiger, Mrs. Emil
Swanson and Mrs. Victor Peterson.
The missionary current events were
given by Mrs. John Louy and de
votions were led by Mrs. Laxton
The Willing Workers of the
Christian church recently elected
the following officers to serve for
1932; Mrs. Bernice Blackwell, pres
ident; Mrs. Minnie Forbes, vice-
president; Mrs. Olive Engelman,
secretary-treasurer. The society
meets on each Wednesday after
The English Four Social club of
high school will serve a pot-luck
supper at the high school on Wed
nesday evening, February 17, at
which the members of the student
body and the school faculty will be
Sheriff Bauman, S. E. Notson and
Glen P. White, all of Heppner, were
business visitors in our town Mon
The room try-outs for the de
clamatory contest will be held In
our schools on February 18.
Gene Engelman of Portland is In
lone for a visit with home folks,
He made the trip up from Portland
Saturday night with Mrs. Mary
Rood and U. S. Burk who visited
briefly at the home of Mrs. Rood
sister, Mrs. Henry Clark.
Jack Barron, commander of Dis
trict No. 6, American Legion, was
over from Pendleton Wednesday of
(Continued on Page Six.)
Action Started by Holders of John
Day District Warrants; Sher
iff Hakes Showing.
The John Day Irrigation district
which once held glowing promise
of turning northern Morrow coun
ty into a veritable Garden of Eden
has turned out to be a thorn to ir
ritate not only those landholders
whom it was intended to benefit
but Its promoters as well, accord
ing to a report brought home Mon
day evening from Condon by S. E.
Notson, district attorney, who ac
companied C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff,
called there In the court of Judge
D. R. Parker to show cause why
foreclosure had not been made on
delinquent tax certificates of the
Interest in the matter, it seems,
had been stimulated by purchasers
of non-recourse warrants of long
standing wanting-to realize on their
investment, fearing that the statute
of limitations on the time for fore
closing on the certificates might
run out making the warrants
worthless. Since no actual devel
opment work was ever done in
bringing water to the lands of the
district, all the funds expended
went to attorneys interested pro
and con In the extensive litigation
which followed organization of the
district to engineering services for
the preliminary survey, and a small
amount for publciation fees.
John H. Lewis, who received a
large block of the warrants for en
gineering services, and Frank A.
McMenamln, Portland attorney
who received considerable remun
eration from the district In the
form of warrants, were in Condon
to urge the cause of the warrant
holders. They desired that the
court issue an order commanding
the Morrow county officials to fore
close on the delinquent certificates
in question. The petition asking
the sheriff to show cause had been
presented the court by Attorney
Childers in the interest of warrant
The showing made by the Mor
row county sheriff did not attempt
to show cause so much why fore
closure had not been made on the
certificates in question, as it did
to set out the status of the certif
icates. The time limit for fore
closing the certificates had not run
out, it was shown, and if the court
so ordered they might still be fore
Arlington high school and town
basketball teams took both games
from Heppner in a double-header
played on the Arlington floor Sat
urday night. Scores, high school
33-19, town 43-27. In the high school
game, Heppner led for a short time
in the first half when Farley, For-
gey and Thomson dropped in suc
cessive field shots. But Arlington's
Ogilvy, playing at guard, proved
the locals' undoing when his fast
spectacular shooting rapidly wid
ened the gap in the second half.
Gentry, Thomson, Forgey, Furlong
Farley, Phelan and Hottman all
saw action for the locals. In the
town game, Hostetler, high school
coach, and Olsen, for Arlington,
both duplicated the work of Ogil
vy for the high school, building up
a lead which Heppner fought hope
lessly to overcome. Shuirman stole
much of the thunder from the two
opposing stars by several beautiful
shots and fast floor work. Robert
son, Gentry, Green, Howell and
Crawford rounded out the local
squad, with the absence of Fergu
son end Stewart, regulars, telling
in the effectiveness of the local
team play.
The Women's club met Monday
evening at the home of Mrs. Frank
Turner, with "France" as the topic
for discussion. Mrs. Lucy E. Rod
gers read a paper on "France and
Her People;" Mrs. Anna Thomson
gave a "Radio Talk on France,
and Mrs. Paul Marble discussed
"France and Her Foreign Policy."
The club voted to contribute Its
portion toward the purchase of a
marker to- be placed by the local
George Washington Bicentennial
association at the tree planting
project at the site of the city's ar
tesian well. A committee was ap
pointed to find a permanent meet
ing place. Topic for study In March
will be "Italy."
The examiner for chauffeurs' and
operators' licenses will stop in Inoi
at 9 o clock on the days he is sched
uled to be in Heppner. C. M. Bent-
ley, the examiner, was in Heppner
yesterday, leaving this information,
He visits the county twice each
month, and announcement of his
visits are made in these columns.
Mrs. W, P. Mahoney and son, P.
W. Mahoney, were in Condon Tues.
day for the purpose of helping or
ganize a local unit of the Oregon
Woolgrowers' auxiliary, Mrs. Geo.
Rugg of Pilot Rock, president of
the state organization, was also
present. Mrs. Mahoney is execu
tive adviser.
Gay M. Anderson, county clerk,
announces in this issue of the Ga
zette Times that he will be a candi
date In the May republican primar
ies for the nomination to the office
he now holds.
. Will Rogers In YOUNG AS YOU
FEEL, Star Theater, Sunday and
4-H Clubbers to Compete
In Publicity Contest
Miss Helen Cowgill, state 4-11
club leader from Corvallis, spent
several days in Morrow county this
week in the interests of her work,
and especially to Inaugurate a pub
licity contest in the clubs here. She
was accompanied over the county
by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent
In this contest as many clubs as
wish may compete, selecting a
member each to do publicity work.
In connection with the contest the
Gazette Times will run a special
department of 4-H club news, giv
ing the contestants opportunity to
get "inches."
The state editorial association is
offering a $15 summer school schol
arship to be awarded the state win
ner, and in addition a scholarship
will be given locally for the county
winner. Following are the rules
of the contest:
Each competing club reporter
will turn in to county contest judge
a notebook containing:
1. Clipping of all stories written
by him between January 15 and
May 1, and published in any paper
or magazine.
2. Carbon copies of original cop
ies of five stories written by club
3. Same story may be counted
only once, regardless of how often
printed, unless rewritten.
4. Printed matter must be pasted
neatly on notebook sheets, 30 inches
to a page, with no space between
5. Headlines may be left on stor
ies and measured for inches.
6. All pictures supplied paper by
club reporter and used in connec
tion with story may be measured
and counted as printed matter.
Basis for Judging Notebooks.
Notebook will be judged as fol
lows. :
1. Number of inches of
printed material 40
2. Quality of material writ
ten 40
3. Neatness of notebook 5
4. Form in which stories are
sent to paper 15
Notebooks must be turned in:
1. To County judges by May 5,
2. To State judges by May 20,
Lowered Stocks, Increased Con
sumption Are Favorable Factors;
Active Business is Predicted.
Boston, Mass., Feb. 10. With
available wool stocks considerably
lower than a year ago; with the
next clip certain to show a substan
tial reduction from the preceding
one; with all reports from the
goods trade pointing toward anoth
er year of big business in wool fab
rics; and with foreign importations
likely to continue at low level, the
market outlook for the wool pro
ducer is considerably more favor
able now than it was a year ago.
Officials of the National Wool Mar
keting corporation, the huge grow
ers' organization which has handled
nearly 225,000,000 pounds of wool In
the two years of its existence, are
particularly optimistic over the
coming year. They believe that
1932 will be a better wool year than
1931 and will mark the turn toward
better times.
During the past year practically
every nation consumed more wool
than during the previous year with
the United States recording the
most substantial jump. Current es
timates place the world increase in
wool consumption at 150,000,000 to
200,000,000 pounds, probably nearer
the larger figure. December con
sumption of 26,358,000 pounds of
clothing wool revealed in the Uni
ted States that this country's con
sumption of domestic wool has ex
ceeded that of the previous year by
more than 91,000.000 pounds. The
1931 total for wool manufacturers
reporting to the government, which
accounts for about 75 per cent of
all the clothing wool actually con
sumed, is 413,147,180 pounds for
1931 against 345,241,924 pounds for
the same period in 1930.
Production of wool in the Uni
ted States for the past year repre.
sented an increase of 7 per cent ov
er the previous year, or approxi
mately 25,000,000 pounds. The In
crease in consumption during this
same year, however, exceeded the
increase In production by about 13
per cent The sharp rise In demand
for wool thus not only completely
absorbed the Increase in produc
tion but moved much of the surplus
wool held over from 1930, a year
of under-consumptlon.
While reliable figures on wool
stocks at the turn of the year are
not available It Is generally felt that
stocks are far below those of a
year ago. The last survey of do
mestlc wool stocks was made about
the middle of October. At that
time It was estimated that wool
holdings In the country's five ma
jor markets and concentration
points, Boston, Philadelphia, Chi
cago, St Louis and Louisville, to
talled about 189,700,000 pound
practically all of domestic origin
Since that time a large weight of
wool has been taken by manufac
turers. Considerable wool is stored
at other points, notably on the Pa
cific Coast and some still Is held
(Continued on Page Six)
Demonstration of Knots,
and Review of Work is
Given Lions Club.
Eight High School Basketball
Teams to Compete Here March
11-12 for District Honors.
The Lions patrol of Boy Scouts
appeared before their sponsors, the
Heppner Lions club at the club's
Monday noon luncheon and gave a
report of their activities, a demon
stration of their knot board and
plans for future activity. Club
members showed Intense interest
in the work of the boys, to which
most of the time of the meeting
was devoted.
W. R. Poulson, school superin
tendent, told briefly of plans for
the district high school basketball
tournament to be held in Heppner
on March 11 and 12, asking sup
port of the' Lions for the event
Eight teams will participate in the
tournament, and it Is certain that
Mac Hi of Milton-Freewater, Pen
dleton and Heppner high schools
will all participate, he said. A fea
ture this year will be the low sea
son ticket price of $1. Heppner
made a financial success of the
tournament three years ago, Mr.
Poulson said, and such a favorable
impression was made at that time
that it was the onplnlon of the di
rectors that the tournament should
come here every three years. The
proceeds go entirely to pay tourna
ment expenses, each team getting
its proportionate share. There is
no guarantee and in case of a defi
cit it is stood proportionately by
the schools represented. Support
of the tournament means assur
ance of its being held here again,
Mr. Poulson emphasized, adding
that anyone who likes basketball
will receive full value for his mon
ey. There will be seven games in
Boys Show Work.
Francis Nickerson, patrol leader,
was presented to the club by Frank
Turner, contact man between the
scouts and Lions. Scout Nicker
son in turn presented the members
of the patrol, Frank Anderson, as
sistant patrol leader; Howard Bry
ant, Howard Furlong, Gerald Ca-
son, Dick Benton and Hubert Al
bee. One member, Stephen Weh
meyer, was unable to be present
The boys first demonstrated their
knot board, a board on which was
displayed examples of various rope
knots learned from their manual.
Each of the scouts present explain
ed the main features and uses of
several of the knots.
The patrol leader then reviewed
briefly some of the activities of
the patrol which included assist
ing in placing the Christmas trees
along the street curbs of the busi
ness section of town and ushering
for the Lions club play, "Corporal
Eagen." Forty-three tests had been
completed by the boys, he said.
He thanked the Lions for their
Interest in the work of the patrol
and expressed the hope that the
patrol might prove worthy of a
continuation of the interest He
expressed the hope that someone
would take over the leadrship when
Mr. Poulson, their present leader,
left at the end of the school term
as there would be greater oppor
tunity to devote more time to the
work during the summer season.
The boys plan many hikes as soon
as the weather permits.
Assistance Offered.
For the benefit of the Lions sev
eral patrol members were called
upon to give the oath, motto, laws,
significance of tho Insignia and
demonstration of the grip of the
Boy Scouts. The fine results of the
work of the boys was apparent to
their sponsors who offered what
assistance they might be able to
give to further the work. Odd jobs
were offered by several of the Lions
to assist members of the patrol in
earning their Boy Scout dues.
Mr. Poulson announced that the
Elks club had been obtained as
meeting place for the weekly meet
ings of the boys on Wednesdays.
and Lions and others Interested In
the work were urged to drop In on
Tonight Is exalted rulers' night
In Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O.
Elks. All chairs will be occupied
by past exalted rulers of the lodge,
and a special program uder the
supervision of past exalted rulers
will be given. A special invitation
is given all membes and visiting
brothers to attend, by Garnet Bar
ratt, exalted ruler.
On account of the prevalence of
floMn and Illness, the regular Feb.
ruary meeting of the Women's For
eign Missionary society of the
Methodist church has been post
poned until a week after next
The Union Missionary society
will meet at the Episcopal church
tomorrow, "World Day of Prayer"
and Lincoln's birthday. Miss Cath
erine Peterson will lead. The meet
ing will begin at 2:30 o'clock.