HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. FEB. 4, 1932. PAGE FIVE Garnet Barratt reports all hli sheep campg equipped with provis ions for the next two weeks, and the men would not starve should ten feet of snow arrive. He exner ienced some difficulty reaching his .camp two miles southwest of Hepp ner on Heppner flat the first of the week, and had to make the trip on foot several times. Mr. Barratt was expecting a report on highway con- omons to iaicevlew today, and snould they prove favorable he ex pects to leave in the morning to at- iena a aistrict meeting of Oregon Woolgrowers' association it that place. Raymond Fereruson will . company him in case the trip is maae. Harold Cohn, forced to stop on the srrade enlntr into Rlnz-khnru Monday to fix a chain, had the sad experience or nis car starting to move while he was "out and un der," the car running over one of nis ieet jne member was not ser iously injured, and he caught the car before it went intn th Hut Several hours were required in oucKing tne snow to reach his uneep on uie mover place. Miss Marv VanVantor . tie, who has been visiting here with ner parents, Mr. ana Mrs. S. E. VanVactor, left yesterday for lone, where she will spend some time with her sister. Mrs. Kdwnrrt Riot. mann, said The Dalles Optimist last ween Arnold Pieper was transacting Dusmess in uie city yesterday from his home In Piper canyon. Plenty of winter out that way, he said, adding that there would be no change until the change of the moon Saturday. Sterling Pryrear was In town yes terday from the Rhea creek farm. He reported a high wind In the hills south of town yesterday morn ing that had about cleared the south hillsides, and had drifted the snow badly. Mrs. Bonnie Cochran, who has been in Heppner for some time su pervising the reconstruction of her recently flre-damaged residence, has announced that she plans to make her home her in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marble and children returned home Monday from a short visit at Yakima, Wn their former home. They encoun tered poor driving conditions as the result of the recent snow. Mrs. Mary Brosnan, pioneer neppner resident, fell at her home the first of the week, fracturing a rib. She is being cared for by Mrs. Shirley Straight. E. S. Duran, Blackhorse farmer, was brought to Heppner hospital the first of the week, seriously 111. ' His condition is reported as improv ing Leslie Matlock, who has been 1 Statement of Taxes LEVIED IN MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1932 (1931 ROLLS) Oenerol Ibm Leried for Bute and County Furpont Character Valuation Rate Tax of Tax Mills State & County..J13.032,184 4.94 $64.378 99 General School.... 13.032.184 1.06 13.814.11 Roads & Bridges 13.032,184 2.2 28.670.83 Market Road 13,032,184 1. 13,032.18 Bond Sinking Fund Interest 13,032,184 L9 24,761.15 High School Tui tion 6,420,114 2.1 18,482.24 Gain , .20 Spwlal Taxes Levied la Other Taxing; Distrlots West Extension Irrigation Dis trict $7,036.82 Westland Irrigation District 840.00 Forest Fire Patrol ... 3,441.17 Dist. No. 1 a 8 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 31 82 83 ,. 84 35 86 87 .. 88 39 40 41 42 48 49 60 61 63 69 0 Gain Loss OENEBAL SUMKABT State, County and General School..$ 78,193.02 Special School ...... 111,815.65 Union High School . .... 2.433.32 High School Tuition . ,. 18.482.27 General Road . . 28.670.83 Market Road 13,032.42 Bond Sinking Fund and Interest 24,761.16 Towns ............ .. 11,888.63 Irrigation ., 7,876.82 Forest Fire Patrol 8,441,17 School Bonds and Interest ... .. 27,492.82 $322,588.01 mm spending some time in Pendleton, returned to his native heath for a while the first of the week. John Krebs and Jack Hynd of ecu were in the city Tuesday, re porting lamDing starting among the flocks of that vicinity. Horace M. Yoakum returned to Heppner Saturday after spending several weeks visiting in the Wil lamette valley. George Hayden and son were in from Hardman Tuesdav. renortlncr real winter prevailing at their farm iiume mere. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slevin. Board- man project residents, were trans acting ouslness in the city Tues day. LEXINGTON NEWS By MRS. HARRY DUVALL. That we are in for more hurt weather was indicated Tuesday when the sun was out all dav lnne- and old Mr. Groundhog scampered back Into his hole to stay for six weeks. The Girls Athletic association nun been practicing for the past four weeks preparing for their basket ball tournament to be held in ahnnt two weeks. The players and subs have been chosen as follows: Team A, Naomi McMillan, La Verne Whitet Pave Luttrell Fl Moyer, Ruth Luttrell and Belva Bundy subs, Rose Thornburg and Zelma Bundy; team B, Erma Lane, Doris Burchell. F.rfith Tnrkor T?t ty Doherty, Fern Luttrell and Grace curcneu, suds, L&na. Blahm and Bernlce Martin. Lexington 31. Boardrinn 14 Thla was the final score in .the basket ball game last Friday night at Boardman. Our bovs will Dlav New Ruler of Porto Rico J. B. Beverly has been appointed Governor of Porto Rico in place of Theodore Roosevelt, who was assigned to the Philippine Islands. Special Taxes Town Heppner Lexington lone Boardman Loss ... Special Taxes Levied In Union High School Distrlots Dist No. Valuation Mills Tax 1 $737,367 8.3 $2,433.31 School Bonds & In terest 6.6 4,129.26 - Gain 01 J158.139.70 (Comprised of Special Taxes Levied in School Districts Bonds Valuation Mills Tax & Int. Tax Mills $1,219,761 13.3 $16,222.82 13.3 $16,222.82 .4 159.97 6. 1.518.98 6.9 1,138.16 8.3 859.57 1.1 239.46 2.9 646.34 12. 11280.29 14.6 8,788.16 8.6 756.45 3.. 491.24 11.2 1,271.49 4.3 627.60 1.9 263.75 4.3 111.28 1.1 147.42 4.1 690.33 19.1 24.887.34 12.1 6.103.18 16.7 3,684.87 6.2 635.79 2.3 409.18 2.5 ; 462.65 2.6 685.90 195 16,281.37 3.1 462.28 .2 33.65 2.6 422.93 1.2 638.61 6.2 2.246.53 4.9 1.492.40 8.6 1,860.28 4.4 475.95 6.6 . 411.55 1.2 224.84 8.9 475.59 14.8 1,727.32 .15 $111,815.55 ...... SHH.aira 253,164 164,949 449,070 ...... 260,477 L' 217.691 188.393 1,190.024 12. 14,280.29 119.U01 601,928 14.6 8,788.15 252.6S9 181.436 87.959 163,748 113,626 122,698 138,818 25.880 134.015 143.983 1,3113,002 604.395 220.651 103.037 177,904 181.061 22,074 263,806 , 834,942 145,898 168,248 4.8 1.3 .6 6.2 162.664 448.762 362,344 804,572 216.312 108.170 74.828 187.366 252.325 121,945 116,711 821,878 ................... I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement, according to the records of my office. JESSB J. WELLS, County Assessor. Dated this 25th day of January, 1932. Condon next Saturday night at London. Parent-Teachers association held their retrular monthly meetin? on Wednesday night of last week. They uismissea eariy so tnose wno wisn ed to attend the Rebekah card par ty might do so. The pupils have started practice on a ueorge Washnigton program to be given February 22 at the scnool auditorium. Monday morning the Bundy and Martin school busses were unable to reach school on account of the heavy snow which fell during the weeK ena. The same morning the Merle Kirk buss went off the road on Willow creek near the Luttrell place and turned over. The chil dren all climbed out. the bus was straightened out and they came on to scnool. Tne roads were broken out by Tuesday morning and all ousses were running. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menegat, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Inelea and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas entertained joint ly at the Lucas home last Thurs dav evenincr. Seven tables of bridge were played and the following guests were present. Mr. and Mrs . A. i nompson, Mr. and Mrs. Han son Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. D. M Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAtee. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nick- erson, Mrs. Anna Thomson, Mrs Lucv Rodcers. Mien Anna Wlo-ht. man. Miss Clara Hnlev and Genrce Gillis. High scores were won by Mrs. Artnur McAtee, Mrs. Hanson Hughes and C. W. McNamer. De licious refreshments were served. George Gillis went to Portland Friday night for a visit with his parents. Me returned Sunday. Gwen Evans has been suffering an attack of Influenza. She was unable to return to her school at Balm Fork the first part of the week. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will hold a get-together meeting at Leach Memorial hall on Thursdav night, Feb. 11. . They hope to see as many present as possible. Despite the severe snow storm of last Saturday eveniner the Hnrd Times dance given by the H. E. club was a success. An extra laree crowd was present. Ralph Jack son won the men's nrize fnr wnr. iner the best hard times costume. The prize for the lady was not giv en out owing to the fact that the ladies were about eauallv attired in house dresses and a decision could not be reached. The next H. E. r.Itih meetlno- win De neid at the home of Mrs. Ed Kelley. It will be on Thursday, Feb. 11, and will be an all dav meeting. Bob McMillan and his father-in law. Herb Ulerv. motored tn Pen. dleton last Friday. They went over so that Mr. Ulerv mie'ht see mnre of Eastern Oregon before returning to nis nome in huiisboro. Claude Ward from Stanfleld vis ited last week with his sister, Mrs. Harry Duvall. The sad news has reached us of the death of Mrs. William B. Fin ley of Hermiston on Mondnv .Ton 25. Mr. and Mrs. FInley were old time residents or this county, living on a wheat ranch north of Lexing- Levied In Towns Valuation Mills Tax $915,077 6.8 $6,222.52 110.444 20. 2.208.88 172,563 14.8 2,553.94 40.875 22.1 903.34 .05 $11,888.63 $6,562.58 No.'s 19, 40 & 61) 4.7 $5,732.88 8.7 4,403.09 6.5 8,912.53 2.8 3,648.41 1,059.12 133.95 131.90 4,841,70 $23,868.56 Will Govern Reconstruction Finance Board t ,13 fa I J till nam in in General Claries G. Dawes, former Vice-President and recently Ambassador to England, is shown leaving the Senate Office Building with Eugene Meyer. Gen. Dawes, as president, and Mr. Meyer, as chairman of the new corporation, will have charge of distributing the two billion financial pool sponsored by the Government to absorb frozen assets ton for about forty years. Mrs. Finley had many friends here who regret to hear of her passing. Henderson Brothers are busy moving into their garage on Main street They have been located in the past at the Venturi garage own ed by Mr. Nordyke. Eula McMillan and Helen Valen tine, University of Oregon students, were initiated last Sunday after noon into the Alpha Delta Pi na tional sorority. Erma Duvall was sponsor for Helen and was present for the initiation, going down last Friday from Monmouth. While Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schrie- ver were enroute to Portland last week they run into a blinding snow storm and went off the highway Into a rock embankment. Mrs, Schriever received a severe bruise on her knee and as a result she is on crutches. No one else was in jured. The damaged car was left at Bonneville and they went on to Portland on the train. Mrs.' Sarah White entertained the Social Ridge neighborhood at a party Saturday night at her home in Lexington. A large crowd was present and they spent the evening playing games, cards and dancing. Refreshments were served to the guests and they departed for home at a late hour. On account of the heavy snowfall during the evening Otto Ruhl and family and Gene Gray and family -ware unable to climb the grade out at the rock pit and they had to return to George Peck's and spend the remainder of the night Alonzo Henderson of the Hender son Bros, garage returned home last Saturday from Hot Lake san- itorium. He had been there for the past week receiving medical atten tion. Orlo and Randall Martin were stranded In the snow storm last Saturday night after the dance. They were forced to abandon their car and stop at the Schriever farm for the night The card party given last Wed nesday night by the Three Link club for the benefit of the Rebek ah lodge was well attended. Seven tables of bridge and nine tables of 500 were played. High scores in bridge went to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas and high scores in 500 to Mrs. Laura Scott and Lee Slocum of Heppner. Mrs. Karl Miller was confined to her bed for a few days the last of the week with influenza. The play entitled "Grandpa 1 Brezees In," announced for Wed nesday night, Feb. 10, has been postponed on account of the pres ent snow and cold weather. PINE CITY ALMA NEITiTi, Correspondent Burl and Earl Wattenburger went to Heppner Tuesday. W. D. Neill and Roy Nelll were business visitors in Pendleton Wed nesday. John Healy and son Tom went to Heppner Thursday. Mrs. Lon Wattenburger spent Friday at the home of her son, E. B. Wattenburger. Charley Morehead and Roy Neill were visitors at the Hynd brothers ranch in Sand Hollow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiggles- worth and son Eugene spent Thurs day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger. Marlon Finch was a business vis itor in Echo Saturday. When re turning home Saturday evening the For Railroad Wage Cut Daniel Willard, president of the B. & O. railroad, asked all railroad men to accept a 10 percent cut so the roads could live. bus went off the road into the ditch. 0. F. Bartholomew was unable to work for several days last week due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien went to Pendleton Mondoy. While there Mrs. O'Brien had some dental work done. , Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill, Mr. and Mrs. NEW ACCOUNTS ? Lift is a gamble but we all play our own cards. , www This bonk is a Financial Service Station for you and all the people of this com munity. Our officers are eager to ad vise with you on money mat ters or business problems. If time is money many are rich and don't know It Don't put your problems off put 'em OVER. Farmers and Stocltgrowers National Bank There Is No Substitute for Safety Gilliam & Bisbee's VARNISH DEAL Saves You Money With every quart of QUICK-STEP VAR NISH at the regular price of $1.25 per qt. you get a 3-inch bris tle Varnish Brush that sells at 60 cents. This Quick-Step sale continues for 30 days only and will close on the evening of Decem ber 17th. UICK-STEP is the ideal varnish for floors as well as for all kinds of wood work. In addition to the above we will be glad to furnish you any thing in the Paint and Varnish line. GILLIAM &BISBEE W D Neill and Mr. and Mrs Char ley Morehead and children attend ed Mrs. Finley'a funeral at Hermis ton Thursday. Mrs. Charley Morehead and chil dren Bobby and Delpha spent Sun day at the Roy Neill home. Tommy Kay Boylen, son of Tom Boylen, Jr., spent Saturday and Sunday at the W. D. Neill home on the Boylen ranch. Mrs. Ollie Neill, Lon and Burl Wattenburger were business visit ors in Echo Friday. Miss Nancy Kononen spent the week end in Pendelton. Tom O'Brien has a band of sheep feeding at the Ollie Neill ranch. Several pupils have been absent from school for several days due to sickness. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gorley, Miss Ruby Corrlgall and mother spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Corrlgall. A group of the Pine City young folks attended a party given at the Antone Cunha home Wednesday night in honor of Ernest Drum mond. Those attending from Pine City were Neva, Oleta and Lenna Neill, Stan Atkin, Russell Moore, Lila Bartholomew, Naomi Moore Lexington Farmers Warehouse Company Dealers in Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds OIL MASH and SCRATCH FEED For Your Winter Layers. ALSO ALL STOCK FEEDS. General Warehouse Storage and Custom Grinding. LEXINGTON, OREGON Heppner Gazette Times LOW-COST TRANSPORTATION coupled with fast and efficient delivery service direct to your door at no addi tional cost should be considered in plac ing your freight oders. $10,000 Cargo Insurance for your protection. John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) M. VENABLE, Manager. Office 5 E. May St Phone IMS THEY MUST BE BOOB EE When you consider that EE I MONARCH CANNED FOODS U have been favorites of the American public S for more than 60 years you can come to but U H one conclusion "THE Y MUST BE GOOD" S I QUALITY FOODS ALWAYS AT I Hustons The Gazette Times for An Important Group of Selected Spring Patterns! rjen'o Broadcloth Ghocrto Hcrt'i a real incentive to buy a liberal qtaotftjrl Wefl tak lored in every feature, cut to Penrwy's generous standard sue. There are patterns to suit every taste I Alma Neill, John Moore, Lowell Young, Marie Young, Nancy Kon onen, Charles Lee, Evelyn Lee, Mrs. Fred Lee and Raymond Lee. Ev eryone reported having a good time. Fred Rouclrwas a business visit or in Hermiston Thursday. Blalock Man Fails With Debt Total of $233,955 The Dalles Optimist Due to the failure of the Hiber nian bank of Portland, which con stituted the banking connection of E. M. Hulden, he has filed a pe tition in bankruptcy in federal court The Oregon Journal con tains the following under the head "Bankruptcies Listed:" "Elmer M. and Beulah M. Hulden, farmer and housewife, Blalock, debts $233,955, assets $176,185, exemption $3975." Due to failure of the Portland bank Mr. Hulden faced the prop osition of large deficiency judg ments had he followed any other course than that taken, with the possibility that many of his credi tors would be left with nothing. He will continue on his Blalock ranch. Only $2.00 Per Year 1 Grocery Everything in Printing