Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 21, 1932, Image 1

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    Volume 48, Number 45.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Ticket Sale Progresses
For Second Showing
This Evening.
150 Local People Participate In
Colorful, Patriotic, Hilarious
Play, "Corporal Eagen."
"Corporal Eagen," the hilarious
comedy of army rookie life spon
sored by the Ueppner Lions club as
produced and directed by the Uni
versal Producing company, was hi
lariously received by a large au
dience at its first presentation at
the school auditorium last night!
The ticket sale for its second pres
entation tonight has already reach
ed a large figure, and it is expect
ed an equally large attendance will
be had tonight. Reserved tickets
will be available at Gordon's until
6 o'clock this evening, when the
plat will be removed to the audi
torium. ' With 150 local people participat
ing in the play cast, rookie squad,
sailors' and girls' choruses and the
patriotic pageant, the play revolves
around the life of Corporal Eagen,
an Irish-American rookie, and Izzy
Goldstein, whose nationality need
not be mentioned, pal of Eagen.
The way Bill Poulson and Earl
Gordon perform in the respective
roles brings waves of mirth from
the audience. Marjorie Clark as
Sally, Eagen 's sweetheart; Al Ran
kin as Abe, father of Izzy; Rice
McHaley as Michael, father of Red
Eagen; Juanita Leathers as the
willing war worker; Clarence Bau
man as the hard-boiled sergeant;
Dr. A. D. McMurdo as the captain;
-P. W. Mahoney as the guard and
spy; Mary Patterson and Dorothy
Straughan as the attractive Red
Cross nurses, and Gay M. Ander
son and Harold Buhman as Kfloozy
and McGinnis, all got a big hand
as they portrayed their roles last
The curtain rose on the sailors',
soldiers' and girls' choruses and a
large group of youngsters singing
"My Dream of the Big Parade,"
with Jack Stewart delivering the
song in musical recitation. The
scene is in the form of a pageant
with many colorful costumes and
flags lending to the attractiveness
of the scene.
Many prominent business men of
the city take parts of rookies and
sailors, with high school girls com
posing the dancing choruses. Dean
T. Goodman's singing of "Sailor's
Sweetheart" was one of the enjoy
able spots of the play last night,
with the sailors joining In the cho
rus, and "The Nurse of No Man's
Land" as sung by Miss Charlotte
Woods was an appealing, sentimen
tal bit of war life. Little Miss Mary
Moore won the audience with her
solo, "Good Night Sweetheart."
Between the first and second acts
of the play Chas. W. Smith pre
sides as interlocutor, and a minstrel
skit Is provided with Frank Turner,
Jess Turner, J. T. Lumley and Jas
per Crawford as end men, and all
the choruses sing a variety of war
The play ends with a grand fin
ale presenting all the cast, choruses,
rookie squad and end men in a col
orful ensemble, making an hilar
ious and dramatic climax.
Colorful, full of snappy action,
with appealing lighting effects, con
trasting the sublime with the rl
dlculous, "Corporal Eagen" affords
all who have not seen it one of
the outstanding entertainment
events ever to be presented in
Harold Townsend was fined $100
by E. R. Huston, justice of the
peace, on arraignment Tuesday af
ternoon, for killing deer out of sea
son. He preferred Jail sentence.
Charges were preferred against
Townsend by George Glenn of Pen
dleton and W. E. Francis of Ar
lington, state game officers, who
apprehended him some 20 miles
south of Heppner near the Barker
mill site.
, The regular meeting of both se
nior and juvenile groups of the De
gree of Honor will meet Tuesday,
Jan, 26, at 4 o'clock In I. O. O. F.
hall. All members are urged to
be present. The state regional dl
ector will Install new officers. Par
ents and friends are invited. Nora
Moore, juvenile director.
Ferguson Motor company re
ceived their first carload of the new
1032 Chevrolet eras Tuesday, Four
models are Included In the ship
ment, showing the many improve
ments Included in the new models.
The cars are now on display, and
the company has invited the public
to view them.
H. C. Robertson and Frank Swag-
gart were accepted as bondsmen
for Wayne Neal, arrested Saturday
on a charge of transportation of in
toxicating liquor. Neal was bound
over to federal court with $1500
Would Entertain 1933 Convention;
Road Problem, Educational Flan
Given Club's Consideration.
The Oregon Woolgrowers' asso
ciation in convention at Pendleton
Monday and Tuesday was extended
an Invitation by the Lions club to
hold its next annual convention in
Heppner. The action was taken by
the club Monday, when it was ex
pressed that the city should thus
show its appreciation of the large
membership from this section. It
was also believed that Heppner
should be given consideration in
view of the fact that the last con
vention of the association held here
was in 1915. That Heppner can
handle such a convention was
shown at that time, and more re
cently when the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league was entertained here
two years ago.
The club s action was immediate
ly transmitted to its president, C.
W. Smith, who was in attendance
at the Pendleton convention, and
Heppner's bid was placed before
the convention Tuesday by R. A.
Thompson. The place for the an
nual convention will be decided by
the executive Committee of the as
sociation in the fall, and it is not
probable that it will be brought
here next year, due to its being
held so close at hand this year. Ap
preciation of Heppner's proffer of
hospitality was expressed by the
woolgrowers and it was considered
probable that the convention will
be brought here the year following.
S. E. Notson, who presided at the
meeting, reported Information from
W. T. Campbell, county judge, that
the state funds for unemployment
relief work were getting low and
that the state was looking to the
counties to raise such funds as
might be further needed to carry
on the work. No definite action
had yet been taken here, Mr. Not
son said, though some proposal was
expected that might later be
brought before the club.
W. R. Poulson, school superin
tendent, told of a plan to give high
school commercial students prac
tical training by having them go
into business offices of the town to
do stenographic work. No charge
would be made for their services,
and he asked for the cooperation
of Lions club members in allowing
the students to do this work when
called upon.
Much time of the meeting was
given over to practicing songs for
the "Corporal Eagen" presentation
which the club gave last night and
will stage again tonight at the
school auditorium. Visitors includ
ed F. T. McMahon, state policeman,
and J. I. Zimmerman and Mr. Mc
Bride, federal officers.
The Rhea Creek grange held its
social evening on January 16. The
evening was spent in playing cards
with only a few present The play,
"The Man in the Green Shirt," put
on by members of the Rhea Creek
grange, was taken to Cecil and pre
sented. There was a large turnout
to see the play and .dance. Those
going from Rhea creek were Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Beckett, Velma and
Genia Huston, Barton Clark, Evan
geline Phillips, Lewis Batty, Mar
garet Beckett, Hanna Anderson,
the play cast, and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Beckett, Cliev Huston, Wil
liam Mbnroe, Fred and Claud
Buschke, Ben Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Wright, Beth Wright,
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom and
daughter Caroline, Mary, June,
Dorris, Don and Otis Allstott. Ev
eryone from here had an hilarious
ly good time afforded by the Cecil
On Tuesday afternoon Miss Nel
lie Wright bride-elect of Fred Kru
ger, Jr., was the Inspiration 'for a
shower tendered her by her sister-
in-law, Mrs. Ray Wright. Miss
Wright was the recipient of many
beautiful and useful gifts. De
lightful refreshments were served
by the hostess. Present were Mes
dames O. E. Wright, O. C. Steph
ens, Sterling Fryrear, Walter Bec
kett, Chas. Beckett, C. G. Wright,
F. L. Lleuallen, John Bergstrom,
Clive Huston, Tyndal Robison, N.
A. Clark, Frank E. Parker, Loyal
Parker, Misses Margaret Beckett,
Beth Wright Nellie Wright. Vel
ma Huston and Mrs. Ray Wright.
John Jones, brother of Jeff Jones
of this city, died at his home in
Prairie City Sunday afternoon, Jan.
3, aged 70, from heart trouble with
which he had suffered for several
years. Mr. Jones had farmed near
Prairie City for many years, later
selling his farming Interests and
making his home In town. He
moved to Prairie from Burnt Riv
er. Burial services were held there
Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 12.
The first annual ball of the Hepp.
ner volunteer fire department, held
at the Elks hall Saturday evening,
was largely attended and netted
the fire boys $111. The money will
be used largely for the purchase of
Individual fire-fighting equipment.
Bailey and Bobb, contractors,
have Btarted repairing the Gllman
building, damaged by fire last week.
Adjustment of insurance for losses
was made the end of the week.
Odd Fellows, Rebekahs
Hold Joint Installation
Joint installation of officers for
Heppner Odd Fellow and Rebekah
lodges was held at I. O. O. F. hall
Friday evening. The evening's en
tertainment included a pot-luck
supper and program, a reading by
Miss Reita Neal; vocal solo, Mrs.
Frank Turner; tap dance, Louise
Anderson, and piano solo by Mar
jorle Parker. Laura L. Kent, a
past president of the Rebekah as
sembly, brought greetings from
Iowa lodges.
New Rebekah officers are Mar
garet Phelps, N. G.; Katie Swen
dig, V. G.; Lillian Turner, secre
tary; Opal Ayers, treasurer; Etta
Parker, warden; Tacie Parker, con
ductor; Hattie Wightman, Inside
guardian; Emma Jones, outside
guardian; Mable Chaffee, R. S. N.
G.; Ella Benge, L. S. N. G.; Sadie
Sigsbee, R. S. V. G.; Alice Gentry,
L. S. V. G.; Bessie Campbell, chap
lain; Verna Hayes, musician. In
stalling officers were Alice Rasmus,
president; Sadie Sigsbee,' grand
marshall; Charlotte Gordon, grand
warden; Rubina Corrigall, grand
secretary; Anna Brown,
Alice McDuffee,
Lucy Rodgers,
Millie Doolittle,
New Odd Fellow officers are R. C.
Phelps, N. G.; F. E. Parker, V. G.;
E. L. Ayers, secretary; J. L. Yeag
er, treasurer; A. J. Chaffee, war
den; A. J. Knoblock, conductor;
Sherman Shaw, inside guardian;
Ernest Hunt, outside guardian; J.
J. Wightman, R. S. N. G.; W. E.
Mikesell, L. S. N. G.; Jeff Jones,
R. S. V. G.; Charles Swendig, L. S.
V. G-; J. L. Yeager, chaplain; O. F.
Scott, R. S. S.; Ralph Benge, L. S.
S. Installing officers were J. J.
Wightman, grand master; George
McDuffee, grand marshall; W. E.
Mikesell, grand warden; Adam
Knoblock, grand secretary; Jeff
Jones, grand treasurer; Ralph
Benge, grand chaplain.
Arlington and Pendleton
Stage to Resume Runs
Starting February 1, Cole Mad-
sen, owner and manager, announces
he will resume operation of the
stage from Heppner to Arlington
and Pendleton. No stage has been
maintained on these runs since Mr.
Madsen's stage was damaged in an
accident two months ago, and Mr.
Madsen himself put in the hospital
for some time.
The stage will run to Arlington
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days, and to Pendleton on Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays. It
will leave Heppner at 9:15 each
morning, and will arrive from Ar
lington at 6:15 and from Pendleton
at 6:30 in the evening. Time of
arrival at both Arlington and Pen
dleton will be 11:15 a. m and time
of departure from-Arlington will
be 5:15 p. m., "and from Pendleton,
4:30 p. m. Local headquarters is
Gordon's drug store.
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, president of
the Oregon Woolgrowers auxiliary,
had her first experience in talking
over the air to a large unseen aud
ience last Friday afternoon, when
she helped launch a new campaign
to increase the consumption of
lamb, with a talk from KGW, Port
land. Mrs. Mahoney'S talk was lis
tened to with interest by many
Heppner friends, and many compli
mentary remarks concerning It
were heard.
Reported from Hardman are
three more 1931 babies, not yet in
cluded in the Gazette Times list,
bringing the total to 56. They are
Percy Leroy Johnson, born Nov. 6;
Reita Del Johnson, born to Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Johnson in Decem
ber, and Albert Eugene Johnson,
born to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram John
son on Christmas morning.
v. m. tsenucy, examiner or op
erators and chauffeurs, will be In
Heppner, Wednesday, Jan. 27, at
the court house between the hours
of 1 p. m. and 5 p. m., for the pur
pose or receiving applications and
conducting examinations for op
erators' and chauffeurs' licenses,
All patrons of the school are re
quested to attend a special meeting
oi mo r. t. A. to be held in the
nijjn scnooi auuitorium at 3:30 p.
m., xuesdny, January 26. Mrs. P.
M. Gmemcll, president
Pendleton Takes II. II. S.;
To Play Lexington Friday
In their first basketball game of
the season Heppner high school
boys lost to Pendleton there last
Friday evening, 30-17. The local
boys played hard, but the more ex
perienced play of the Pendleton-
ians who had played two previous
games gave them a decided advan
tage. Pendleton high will play a
return game here on Saturday, the
The locals meantime will meet
Lexington here tomorrow night,
and Umatilla at Umatilla Saturday
night The high school pep band
will accompany the team to Uma
tilla. Coach Shuirman cut the squad
just before the Pendleton game.
Those retained aie Roy Gentry,
Curtis Thomson, Jimmie Furlong,
Ralph Benton, Harold Ayers, Her
man Green, Bill Becket, Jimmie
Farley Cleo Hiatt, Clair Phelan,
Ralph Forgey and Tom Hottman.
Officers Seize liquor, Mash and
Still; Walt Ritzert, Wayne
Neal Arrested; Bonds Set
Walt Ritzert and Wayne Neal
charged with manufacture and
transportation of intoxicating liq
uor, on arraignment Monday were
bound over to appear in federal
court in Portland under bail of
$2500 and $1500 respectively. A
charge of manufacture was placed
against Ritzert and a charge of
transportation against Neal follow
ing a raid by county, state and fed
eral officers Saturday in which they
confiscated 700 gallons of mash In
the process of being run off, the
still, and a gallon of liquor.
Sheriff Bauman, state policemen
McMahon and Lleuallen, and feder
al officers Zimmerman and McBride
raided the still, located on the old
Scherzinger place on Rhea creek.
It had been under observation for
some time but the officers waited
until the running off process was
started Saturday. Ritzert was
found at the still and submitted
peaceably to arrest
Neal, when arrested on the road
from the still, was said to have
thrown a gunny-sack containing
five one-gallon jugs of moonshine
over the fence, all but one of the
jugs breaking.
Forty-three years ago Lexington
supported a newspaper named
Weekly Budget A copy of It has
been handed to me. It bears the
date Nov. 1, 1888, and is volume
one, number five. It was publish
ed by Snow and Whiteson. This
paper is badly worn and yellow
with age but tells many interesting
things about the advancement of
the town and surrounding country.
At this time the railroad company
was busy building the Willow creek
branch line and was working two
miles above town. Stage coaches
were still operating. I also have
a copy of the first weekly issue of
the Lexington Wheatfleld, dated
Sept. 28, 1905, and published by
S. A. Thomas. These papers both
belonged to D. A. Porter, and are
now the property of Ralph Phil
lips. Mrs. Gene Gentry returned Mon
day to her duties as teacher in the
Irst and second grade room. She
had been absent for the past sev
eral weeks on account of illness
and Mrs. La Velle White substi
tuted for her.
Lexington schools are busy this
week taking semester examina
tions. Lexington high school basketball
team played Boardman here last
Friday night and defl ated them by
the score of 28-12. The high school
students served hot soup, sandwich
es and cake to the visiting team
after the game. Saturday night the
boys went to Irrlgon and defeated
them 33-20. Next Friday night they
will play Heppner at Heppner and
on the following night Condon will
come here for a game.
Wednesday night, Jan. 27, the
Three Link club will give a card
party at the Leach hall for the
benefit of the of the Rebekah lodge.
Bridge and "500" will be played.
(Continued on Page Six.)
Speakers and Committee Members
Drafted From Here; Mrs. Ma
honey Tells of Campaign.
Heppner woolgrowers and auxil
iary members took a prominent
part in putting across the Oregon
Woolgrowers association convention
at Pendleton Monday and Tuesday.
Holding a prominent place on the
program Monday morning, Mrs. W.
P. Mahoney, state president of the
auxiliary, explained the recently
inaugurated lamb campaign being
carried out in conjunction with the
Safeway stores. Mrs. Mahoney her
self had a part in inaugurating the
campaign when she gave an ad
dress from KGW last Friday after
noon. R. A. Thompson gave an address
Tuesday morning on feeding wheat
to sheep. Mr. Thompson has had
remarkable success with feeding
wheat anl he told the growers as
sembled how this was done.
C. W. Smith, county agent, was
a handy man in the proceedings,
and served as secretary to the com
mittee on taxation and legislation.
W, P. Mahoney was a member of
this committee, and Frank Wilkin
son also did committee duty.
J. G. Barratt, a vice president
of the association, had a prominent
part in helping steer the business
of the convention, besides doing
special committee duty. Mr. Bar
ratt and Mr. Smith were both
speakers at the Monday evening
banquet ,
Mrs. Barratt president of the lo
cal unit of the woolgrowers auxil
iary, and Mrs. Harold Cohn were
conspicuous in many places con
ducting the sale of an afghan shawl
which the ladies of the auxiliary
had made. The sale proved very
And still almost to be claimed as
one of Heppner's own, Calvin L.
Sweek was toastmaster at the ban
quet Monday evening.
Among those seen at the conven
tioft from here were Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Cohn, Mrs. Eleanor Cohn Page, Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Barratt C. W. Smith, R.
A. Thompson, John Kilkenny, John
Kelly, James Monahan and Frank
Wilkinson. Gay M. Anderson, P.
W. Mahoney and Jasper Crawford
motored to Pendleton Monday af
ternoon and attended the banquet
that evening.
I. O. 0. F. Get Together
Draws Large Attendance
More than 100 folks were pres
ent at an enjoyable get-together
session of Heppner, lone, Lexing
ton, Hardman and Mbrgan Odd
Fellows lodges at I. O. O. F. hall
here last night An enjoyable pro
gram, followed by games and pot-
luck supper provided diversion for
the evening. The next get-together
is announced for Lexington on Feb
ruary 11. The following program
was given.
Piano solo, Irene Beamer; reci
tation, Ella McConkie; drill, ten lit
tle sunflower girls; recitation, Bet
ty Marie Adkins; music,. Richard
Hayes; tap dance, Louise Ander
son; piano duet Irene Beamer, Bet
ty Adkins; vocal duet Marjorie
Parker, Louise Anderson; dialogue,
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, Mrs. Tacie
Parker, Richard Hayes, Marjorie
Parker; Scotch song, Alex Gibb.
The Womans Christian Temper
ance union of Heppner is holding
Its "Victory Day" twelfth year pro
grom this afternoon at the Method
ist church. The program follows:
song, "Hold Fast and Go Forward";
scripture, Ephesians 6:10-18, and
prayer, Mrs. G. P. White; American
Loyalty, Mrs. Emma Gemmell; To
tal Abstinence Means Patriotism,
Mrs. Ray Taylor; What is a Good
Citizen, Mrs. Joel R. Benton; min
utes; song, "Christ for the World
We Sing."
Miss Audrey Beymer, teacher of
the Davis school near lone, recent
ly received through the American
Red Cross a gift to the children of
her school from Samoa. The pack
age contained articles used by chil
dren In Samoa, and carried with it
best wishes for a happy new year
from the children of Samoa to the
children of the Davis school who
have taken an active Interest In
junior Red Cross work under the
leadership of Miss Beymer.
A basketball game between the
186th Infantry, Oregon National
Guard of Pendleton, and the Hepp
ner town team has been scheduled
for next Wednesday to be played
In the local gymnasium, the game
to start at 7:30 p. m.
"I beg your pardon, sir, but what
is your name?" the teller politely
asked the man presenting a check
"Name," replied the indignant
customer, "don't you see my signa
ture on the check?"
"I do," answered the teller.
"That's what aroused my curios
ity." Condemned Have you done any
thing for me at all?
Lawyer Yes, Indeed.
Condemned What; commutation
of sentence?
Lawyer No, I have had the day
of your execution changed from
Friday to Thursday. Friday is an
unlucky day, you know.
Thirty-one guests were delight
fully entertained at the Omar Riet
mann ranch home Saturday eve
ning by Mr. and Mrs. Rietmann
and Mrs. Inez Freeland. Bridge
was enjoyed until a late nour and
other games followed. High hon
ors In bridge went to Mrs. Walter
Corley and Earl Blake; consolation
to Mrs. Clyde Denny and Edward
Lindeken. Delicious refreshments
were Berved.
Mrs. Dwight Mlsner was genial
hostess to the O. E. S. social club
Friday afternoon at her home north
of lone. During the business ses
sion all of the 1931 officers were
er-elected. They are Mrs. Oral Feld
man, president; Mrs. Margaret
Blake, vice-president; Mrs. Viola
Lieuallen, secretary-treasurer. The
time of meeting of the club was
changed to the first Tuesday nl each
month. Thursday of this week the
ladies will hold an all-day meeting
at the country home of Mrs. Oliver
Kincaid. The time will be spent
in quilting on the quilt which they
have just finished piecing. Twelve
ladies were present at the Mlsner
home and all did ample justice to
the fruit salad, sandwiches and tea
served by the hostess.
Last week Carlton Swanson went
to Seattle where he enrolled as a
student in a trade school. Going
with him was his sister, Miss Nor
ma Swanson, who will visit rela
tives at Seattle, Centralia and
South Bend, Wash., and Salem, be
fore returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and Mr.
and Mrs.'M. E. Cotter were lunch
eon guesst of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Bergevin Thursday evening of last
Clifford Christopherson made a
combined business and pleasure
trip to Camas, Wash., last week.
While there he visited at the home
of his brother-in-law, Stanley See
ley. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Christoph
erson motored to the Jay Griffith
home on Rock creek the first of
last week, expecting to return home
the same day, but were forced to
spend several days with their
friends because of the high water
In Rock creek.
The Girl's league of the high
school held election of officers last
week with the following results:
Minnie Normoyle, Queen' June; Je
anne Huston, Goddess Hebe; Clara
Nelson, Goddess Minerva; Ellen
Nelson. Goddess Fortuna. Miss
Marguerite Mauzey is director,
Mrs. Ed Buschke returned home
Saturday after spending several
'weeks visiting relatives near Seat
tie and in Portland. Accompany
ing Mrs. Buschke on the return
trip was her brother, Harold Ma
son, who will spend some time here
among relatives and old friends.
Billy, the nine-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biddle, had
the first finger on his right hand
severeyl injured on Wednesday of
last week when the door to the
school bus was accidentally closed
on his hand. The child was taken
to Heppner at once by Carl Troed-
son and Mrs. Harriet Brown, super-
intendent of the grade school. The
physician in charge is doing all in
his power to save the finger, how
ever amputation may be necessary.
Raymond Crowder has taken ov
er the lone Independent printing
outfit and this week will publish
the first Issue of our new weekly
paper, "The lone Viewpoint." Mr.
Crowder is experienced in the
newspaper game. He was former
ly editor of the Arlington Bulletin.
Alfred Balsiger who is recovering
from a recent operation returned
home last Thursday from the Hood
River hospital and is now conval
escing at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger.
Mrs.- Del Ward entertained at
luncheon on Wednesday evening of
last week, honoring her house
guest, Mrs. Lora Dinimick of Pen
dleton. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Mason, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Bergevin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Lleuallen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter.
Dwight Misner was a business
visitor in Sunnyside, Wash., Satur
day. Ed Rietmann returned Saturday
from a business trip to Portland
and The Dalles. While In the city
Mr. Rietmann purchased a new car
but did not drive it home because
of the dangerous condition of the
Mrs. John Glasscock of Hermis-
ton visited several days last week
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella
Davidson. Mrs. Glasscock was on
her way to Pendleton to attend
the Oregon Woolgrowers conven
The sportsmen of the community
gathered at "Windsor Castle" Sun
day to participate In the turkey
shoot sponsored by Walter Eu-
banks and "Baldy" Hayes.
The master of "Windsor Castle"
celebrated his seventy-ninth birth
day anniversary a few days ago
Mr. Windsor Is hale and hearty and
enjoying life on his small ranch
where he raises thoroughbred Ches
ter White hogs and vegetables for
the lone market
Our basketball teams journeyed
to Arlington Friday night for
double-header game with our
neighbors. The final score was
boy's game, 16-12 In favor of lone,
girl's 23-7 in favor fo Arlington,
The next game Is scheduled for Ru-
fus on January 23.
Father P, J. Stack, parish priest
was unable to bo present at the
regular monthly meeting in lone
January 10, but will meet with his
parishoners as usual in February.
(Continued on Page Six.)
Oregon Woolgrowers Are
Optimistic at Pendle
ton Convention.
National Association President Says
Readjustment Progressing;
Problems Discussed.
With an average attendance of
160 persons vitally interested in the
welfare of the sheep industry, the
annual Oregon Woolgrowers' asso
ciation convention at Pendleton
Monday and Tuesday brought out
discussions of various afflictions
that have brought the industry face
to face with disaster, and remedial
measures characterized by a deter
mination of those represented to do
their utmost to reestablish the in
dustry on a paying basis.
The keynote address or tne enure
convention was that of F. J. Ha
genbarth, president of the Nation
al Woolgrowers association, who
spoke yesterday afternoon. His
hair grown white in the service of
the industry, and for several years
heading the destinies of the nation
al association, Mr. Hagenbarth is
credited with a fuller knowledge
of the problems of the industry '
than any other man in the United
States. His was not a speech of
fault-finding, though he blamed
transportation companies, commis
sion men and packers for part of
the present plight of the woolgrow
ers. He believed that the natural
law of survival of the fittest had
been at play and that the survivors
now face an upward trend, though
complete recovery was not antici
pated before 1933.
Though many readjustments have
taken place the last two years, in
cluding the reaching of rock-bottom
economy in many production
costs, that have been favorable fac
tors in leading to recovery, other
readjustments must yet take place
before complete recovery can be
hoped for, declared President Ha
genbarth. A continued program of
economy Is essential to success.
Continua Lamb Campaign.
A note of optimism was sounded
throughout the convention sessions,
shown more particularly by the
spirit fn which the members re
ceived the proposal to carry on the
Eat More Lamb Wear More
Wool" campaign, last year's results
of which were given in detail by
Erie M. Rocey, advertising - repre
sentative. While the campaign was
carried on out of state and nation
al association funds without spec
ial assessment of the members, the
fresults were such that all express-
ions of members present were hear
tily in favor of continuing the work.
Last year Omaha was the only city
in which the campagin was carried
on, and consumption of lamb there
was increased 60 per cent in three
months time, Mr. Racey said. The
campaign will be carried into other
cities this year.
Cooperation of all growers is
needed to. carry on the work, it
was brought out, and no better co
operation can be given than by
joining the state association, it was
Heppner's bid to entertain the
1933 convention of the association
was read Tuesday evening and re
ferred to the executive committee,
who each year choose the next
meeting place at' their meeting in
the fall. Heppner's was the only
invitation extended, but in view of
the fact that the national associa
tion meets in Portland next year,
it was expected the state meeting
would be held there at the same
time in order to have the largest
possible attendance of growers.
Officers Named.
Officers were also elected Tues
day evening, with the re-election of
Fred Phillips of Baker, president;
Ernest Johnson, Wallowa, first
vice-president; Garnet Barratt,
Heppner, second vice-president; E.
E. Miller, Union, third vice-president
John Withers, Lakeview,
was elected to fill the newly created
office of fourth vice president Wal
ter M. Holt, county agent of Uma
tilla couqty who has served effi
ciently as secretary for several
years, will continue in that office,
A wide range of problems was
covered by various speakers, in
cluding production costs, transpor
tation, grazing, feeding, diseases,
predatory animals, marketing and
outlook for the industry. The last
subject was handled by F. A.
Clarke, well known wool buyer,
who predicted an active and ag
gressive market for wool next
Sounding of the Are alarm short
ly after 9 o'clock yesterday morn
ing brought a ready response of
firemen and others of the city. The
alarm was turned in for the resi
dence of Mrs. Hllma Anderson, but
on arrival there, no sign of fire was
seen, and the firemen were directed
to the Ray Taylor home, where no
lire was found to exist It was later
learned that a small fire had brok
en loose In the Anderson home, but
was extinguished before the fire
men arrived.