Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 07, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Parent-Teachers association
sponsored a dance New Years eve
in the school auditorium. About $8
was cleared by the association. The
Irrigon orchestra furnished the
Mrs. L. V. Root and Vernon were
Hermiston visitors Sunday.
Frances Skoubo was taken to
the Hermiston hospital Sunday
morning where it was found that
she had double pneumonia. Mrs.
I. Skoubo, her mother, is staying
there with her.
Mrs. Lottie Atteberry and Billie
Price returned home Sunday from
Portland where they spent the hol
idays. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chaffee and
family and Mr. and Mrs. James and
family were guests at a New Year's
dinner at the Carroll Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Fortier
and Norma from North Powder
came Thursday for a visit at the
Frank Cramer home. Mr. Fortier
is recuperatin from a recent illness.
Bethmyrl Miller and Norma Gib
bons returned to La Grande Sun
day afternoon.
Vernon Root returned to Port
land Monday where he will con
tinue his studies at the Decker
Business college.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Macken ex
tended their hospitality to a num
ber of friends New Years day, hav
ing as their dinner guests Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Skoubo, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Delano, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers
and family, Aaga Jenson and Ed
ward Skoubo.
Mr. and Mrs. William James and
family who have been visiting at
the Chaffee home returned to their
home in Eugene Monday. Mrs.
James will be remembered here as
Esther Chaffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goodwin and
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Warner were
guests at a lovely dinner Friday at
tne ves Atteberry home.
The young folks enjoyed a dance
Saturday evening at the LaHugh
A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed
at the community church Sunday
noon. This was given by the losers
in a contest which has been taking
place in the Sunday school. This
also was a farewell dinner for the
Sunday school superintendent, Mrs.
Anna G. Miller.
Arthur Porter now has charge of
the local airport.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow have
recently purchased the Cramer
house in which they have lived for
a number of years.
Mr. and Mrs. Gay Leyman of
Portland were guests at the A. E.
Porter home when returning to
their home after spending the hol
idays in La Grande.
Miss Nellie Dillon returned to
Portland Sunday after spending the
holidays here with her parents.
Danny Ransier who is ill with
pneumonia in the Hermiston hos
pital is greatly improved but will
not be able to come home for sev
eral days yet. Mr. Ransier is stay
ing in Hermiston with him.
Vene McMenamin of Portland
came Saturday for a visit at the
Wigglesworth home.
The two pet bears which have at
tracted much attention in their
cage at Tom's Auto camp were kill
ed last week, by Wm. Francis, state
police. The meat was given to
Mrs. Frank Kilkenny and her
daughter Peggy spent Thursday
and Friday in Heppner. They re
turned home Friday evening with
Ilene Kilkenny and friends who at
tended the dance at Doherty's.
Miss Dorothy Doherty is visiting
relatives at Pilot Rock and Pendleton.
Miss Ann Conmey left Saturday
morning for her home in Portland.
She has been visiting here with her
sister, Mrs. Marie Clary, for the
last two weeks.
Miss Gertrude Tichenor writes
from Newark, N. J., that she is
having a good visit with relatives
and friends, and is enjoying her
stay. She expects to return some
time next month.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bowman and
family of Pendleton were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Lindsay during the Christmas hol
Mrs. Crockett Duvall and child
ren, Helen and Alvin, spent the
Christmas and New Year holidays
at the home of Mrs. Anna Schmidt
Mrs. Duvall is from Nyssa, Ore.
The B. P. Doberty family enter
tained a large group of friends and
relatives at their home Friday eve
ning. Among those present from
outside the community were Mrs.
Cassie Smart and daughter Jose
phine, Misses Tina, Betty, Gertrude
and Mae Doherty, Miss Annie Car-
ty, Francis, Gene, Paul and Ber-
Japan's Premier
Tsuyosln Inukai, new head of the
Japanese Government, who warn
the rest of the world to keep hands
off in Japan' difficulties with
Pleads China's Causa
fifi?it.iii n, , i , fVU
Dr W W Yen, newly-appointed
Minister of the Chinese Republic
to the United States, who hopes to
enlist American influence against
Japan's invasion of Manchuria
nard Doherty and Ilene Kilkenny
and friends. There was dancing in
the bunk house and several tables
were set up for playing cards in
the house. Delicious refreshments
were served later in the evening.
Due to an oversight the program
of Wednesday evening at the Al
pine school was omitted. It was as
follows: "Little Town of Bethle
hem" and "We Three Kings," sung
by the Alpine school; recitation,
"Spilling Secrets," Vevel Senter;
recitation, Wallace Ebsen; "Silent
Night and Jolly Old Saint Nicho
las," Alpine rythm band; "Santa
Claus and Arithmetic," Bruce Sen
ter; "Slient Night," by everybody;
"The Reason," by Mildred Clary
and Bernard Doherty; piano solo,
Miss Alma Neill; "Accidents," Irl
Clary; "Just Before Christmas,"
Bruce Lindsay; Pine City band,
three selections; "How Santa Came
Down the Chimney," Cecilia Healy;
"Story of the East," Bruce Senter;
short three act play by Strawberry
school, "The Third Little Stock
ing"; vocal solo, Oleta Neill; Piano
solo, Iris Omohundro; "Whispering
Hope," Reltha Howard and Bert
Michel; a tap dance by Rosetta
Healy; "Jingle Bells" sung by Al
pine school and joined by everyone
concluded the program. There was
a large number present, several
from Lexington, lone, Heppner and
Hermiston, besides those of the
Butter creek, Sand hollow and Jun
iper districts. Santa Claus appear
ed at just the right moment and
the Christmas treats were passed
Miss Nora McDaid left on De
cember 27 for Portland where she
attended the Oregon State Teach
ers association. Miss McDaid was
chosen, at the October institute in
Heppner, to be our representative
at that meeting, and will make a
report on it March 12 at the insti
tute to be held at Irrigon. While
in Portland Miss McDaid visited
with friends and relatives. She re
turned Thursday, Dec. 31.
A good time was had by all who
attended the dance at the Frank
Kilkenny ranch Wednesday eve
ning. There was a good crowd and
refreshments were delicious.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Klinger
and Kenneth and Doris spent Sun
day at Henry Rauch's.
Mrs. Doris Lindsay and Alex
were business visitors in Pendleton
Mrs. Margaret Peddicord and
Mrs. Bert Michel motored to Her
miston Monday.
Bill and Bernard Doherty were
in Pendleton Saturday and Sunday.
Bill s hngers are slowly improving,
though it is still uncertain whether
he will have to have any amputa
ted. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay and
Anne Ree were in Hermiston Mon
Miss Naomi Moore spent Wed
nesday evening with Margaret
Howard. They both attended the
dance at Kilkennys that night
Willard Hawley and Gene and
Bruce Senter were at the home of
Mrs. Bert Michel Sunday.
Miss Camilla Kilkenny was ill
and absent from school Monday.
After the Christmas program
Wednesday, Dec. 23, the larger part
of the crowd collected at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Curran where
they spent the evening dancing and
playing pinochle. Guy Shaw of
Lexington called several good quad
rilles during the evening.
Mrs. Crockett Duvall and child
ren had dinner at Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Melville's last Sunday.
A small crowd gathered at the
home of Henry Rauch Mondey eve
ning where they played cards and
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and
Audrey, Naomi, John and Russell
and Mrs. Margaret Peddicord, Wil
lard Hawley and the Senter child
ren spent Christmas day at Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Michel's, ' where they
nearly made themselves ill by eat
ing too much Christmas goose and
duck. They spent the evening play
ing solo, pinochle and several oth
er card games.
Dr. Gray made his last trip to
Alpine a week ago Monday when
he gave the last of the three "shots"
for diphtheria,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDaid of
Hermiston were at Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Michel' over the Christmas
week end.
The Womans Relief Corps will
hold its regular meeting on Janu
ary 13 at the home of Mrs. D. E.
Gilman at 2:30 p. m. A full attend
ance of members is desired. There
will be installation of olllcers.
Mrs. Ollie Coryell and mother,
Mrs. Lorenzen, are visiting relatives
at Benson, Ore., thi3 week.
Mrs. Fred Reiks has been quite
ill the past two weeks. Her daugh
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ward of La Grande, are visiting
her for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weir return
ed from Baker Saturday.
Mrs. Rice from San Francisco is
visiting the Carl Eisley family this
Fred Markham and Jess Oliver
are working over near Heppner this
week, tagging sheep.
A son and son-in-law of Mrs. W.
Morsett arrived here from North
Dakota last week and will settle in
this vicinity if they can find a suit
able location.
Otto and Elmer Beneflel motored
to Walla Walla Sunday.
C. W. Acock was a Hermiston
visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom and son
Donald were business visitors in
Pendleton Saturday.
Chas. Smith of Heppner gave a
free picture show at the Caldwell
garage Wednesday night. It was
enjoyed by everyone present.
Maurice Burchett was busy all
of last week hauling hay by truck
from Irrigon to Boardman for a
new resident of that vicinity.
Mrs. Fred Markham and Mrs.
Marshall Markham were shopping
in Hermiston Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stewart and
family of Walla Walla and a sister
of Roscoe Williams visited the
Williams family over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Dawald re
turned from their vacation late Sat
urday night
Miss Joyce Caldwell and Earl
Stewart both left for their schools
near Portland Sunday.
Miss Bullfinch and Miss Renfro
returned Saturday after a two
weeks' vacation.
The Irrigon school resumed Its
usual activities Monday after a va
cation of two weeks which all en
joyed. W. C. Isom is erecting a new
granary and chicken house this
Roscoe and Maurice Williams
were doing business in Hermiston
Billy and Freddy Markham have
been quite 111 with flu the past week.
A little son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Smith Monday night
and died shortly after. The little
one was laid to rest in the Irrigon
cemetery Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vera Jones were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom
Saturday night The evening was
spent in playing 500.
George Hendricks is visiting rela
tives in Portland this week.
tenburger and Earle Tuesday .eve
ning. Misses Neva and Oleta Neill
were hostesses to a sleighing party
and also a watch party Thursday
evening. A party was given by Al
ma Neill at her home Saturday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Morehead and
children were business visitors in
Heppner Saturday.
Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughters
Neva, Oleta and Lenna, Mr. and
Mrs. Burl Wattenburger and chil-
ALMA NEILL, Correspondent
James O'Brien, who has been vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. O'Brien, returned to Salem Sun
day where he will attend school.
Roy Jarmon of Portland spent
New Year's day with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon.
W. D. Neill and son Harold vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Charley Plourd
Sunday. Bernice Neill, who has
been visiting there, returned home
with them.
School opened Monday after a
week and a half vacation. Hard
studying is beginning to prepare
for the semester exams next week.
Miss Shirley Jarmon and Roy
Jarmon left Sunday to resume
their work. Miss Jarmon is a
teacher in the grade school at Laur
el and Roy is employed in Portland.
Parties were the main diversion
of the vacation. A surprise party
was given Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wat-
Published In the Interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volnme J93S
Heppner, Oregon Jannary 7, 1932
Number 1
In 1932 there will
be 5 double holidays
this will let "OLD
take lots of vacations
let's kick him out
right now.
Now's a good time
to PLAN. Let's talk
about that building
you have in mind.
As fast as weather
will permit, Mrs. Lil
lian Cochran's house,
which was badly dam
aged by fire last sum
mer, is being rebuilt
Osmin Hager has
almost completed re
moving the remains
of the Dr. McMurdo
building. While Dr.
McMurdo doesn't say
much we think he is
doing some - serious
See you next week.
The Gazette Times for Everything in Printing
Start The
New Year . .
With the. firm resolution "from
now on I'LL SAVE a few dollars
every week." Never tell when those
spare dollars might prove "life sav
ers" in tiding you over an "emergen
cy." Or when they might be the
means for grasping a promising Op
portunity. BANK WITH US !
Fir& National Bank
Gilliam & Bisbee's
Saves You Money
With every quart of
NISH at the regular
price of $1.25 per qt.
you get a 3-inch bris
tle Varnish Brush
that sells at 60 cents.
This Quick-Step sale
continues for 30 days
only and will close on
the evening of Decem
ber 17th.
ideal varnish for
floors as well as for
all kinds of wood
work. In addition to the
above we will be glad
to furnish you any
thing in the Paint and
Varnish line.
dren Junior and Lucille, Mrs. Roy
Neill and Alma were Sunday din
ner guests at the A. E. Wattenburg
er home. '
Mrs. Truman Sether and daugh
ter Phoebe, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew
for Beveral days, returned to their
home in Eugene Saturday.
Miss Opal Jarmon left Saturday
for Albany where she will resume
G. T. Want Ads Get Results.
bowel trouble
Constipation may very easily become
chronic after forty. And any continued
constipation at that time of life may
bring attacks of piles and a host of
other unpleasant disorders.
Watch your bowels at any age.
Guard them with particular care after
forty. Whenever they need any help,
remember a doctor should know what
is best for them.
"Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin"
is a doctor's prescription for the bowels.
Tested by 47 years practice, it has
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It has proven perfectly safe even for
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herbs, pure pepsin and other harmless
ingredients, it cannot gripe; will not
sicken you or weaken you; can be used
without harm as often as your breath
is bad, or when your tongue is coated;
whenever a headachy, bilious, gassy
condition warns of constipation.
MEN WANTED to operate world
renowned Rawleigh Home Service
business in counties of Morrow,
Grant, parts of Umatilla and city
of Pendletoji. Reliable hustler can
start earning $35 weekly and in
crease rapidly. Write immediately.
Rawleigh Co., Dept. OR-18-S, Oak
land, Calif.
For Sale Bourbon Red Turkey
toms, from blue ribbon stock, $6.
Daisy Butler, Willows, Ore. 42-45
is always SAFE
Da. W. B. Caldwell's
A Doctor); Family Laxative
Beware of Imitations
GENUINE Bayer Aspirin, the
kind doctors prescribe and millions
of users have proven safe for more
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identified by the name Bayer and
the word genuine as above.
Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and
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unqualified endorsement of physi
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doesn't depress the heart. No harmful
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Bayer Aspirin is the universal anti
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Headaches Neuritis
Colds Neuralgia
Sore Throat Lumbago
Rheumatism Toothache
Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer
manufacture of monoaceticacidester
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Every day .
is Bargain day with
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Consider the values of everyday
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More than
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P. nour
For Electrical Equipment Consult Dealer in Your Town.
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Gilliam & Bisbee, Hardware
Latourell Auto Company
W. F. Mahrt Electrical Store
Peoples Hardware Company
Peterson's Jewelry Store
Karl L. Beach Store Lexington
Bert Mason Store lone
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at Your Service"