Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 07, 1932, Image 1

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    ,MTc "is toi
Volume 48, Number 43.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Lions Asked to Fulfill
Service to Community
By Social Worker.
Secretory of State Social Hygiene
Society Gives Series of Talks
Sponsored by Womens Club.
In one of a series of lectures giv
en in the schools and before various
organization of the county this
week, Dr. Fred B. Messing, execu
tive secretary of the Oregon Social
Hygiene society, appealed to the
Heppner Lions club Monday to do
its bit toward civic betterment
that oncoming generations may be
given "a fair chance."
"The fault of present day social
evils lies not with the boys and
girls of the country but with the
older folks," Dr. Messing said, while
expressing the belief that the young
people of today are better than they
were in his generation. He said
that he had been told by one young
person that Heppner was "wide
open," and added that if it were
true, it was the only place to his
knowledge In Oregon where such a
condition existed. He also said he
had been told that nothing was be
ing done here to give young peo
ple wholesome recreation.
He said he had bene told that in
toxicating beveijages were easily
accessible to young folks, and that
they were permitted to watch gam
bling where money flowed freely
and was apparently easily got.
"What can we expect from our
boys and girls if we ourselves do
not set a good example?" he asked.
"We owe to our own boys and girls,
or "if we have none of our own, to
those of our neighbors, a fair
chance for a life of happiness." He
asked if we might not give our
boys and girls as much time and
attention as we do our pigs and
Probably the most vital factor in
social life is sex, which has a large
bearing on both health and men
tality, he said. It is time to teach
the truth about sex and stop
shrouding it with sham and hypoc
risy and allowing boys and girls to
go through life blindfolded. He
placed responsibility first upon the
home, declaring that the time to
enlighten the boy and girl Is when
he first begins to ask questions.
The question should be directly an
swered with the simple truth in
stead of by evading them with some
beautiful fairy tale. When boys and
girls are thus correctly Informed
at the proper age, parents gain
their confidence which is usually
retained throughout life. Ignorance
of sex and lack of spiritual train
ing is the cause of the large ma
jority of unsuccessful marriages,
he said.
He cited many pitiable cases that
had come to his attention in his
work with the clinic which the so
ciety maintains at Portland, all
based on Ignorance, and said that
many muddles had been cleared up
by the society by Imparting the
simple truth. He touched on legis
lation aimed to safeguard the in
stitution of marriage and recom
mended the law in force in some
states where a period of three to
ten days Is required to elapse from
the time application Is made before
the license is issued. Many licen
ses applied for were never issued
In these states and divorce rates
were greatly lowered.
Dr. Messing was brought to
Morrow county by the Heppner
Business and Professional Womens
club. He addressed the Pomona
grange meeting at Rhea creek Sat
urday, met with parents at Hepp
ner churches Sunday, and oh Mon
day worked in the Heppner schools
besides addressing the Lions club
at noon and a woman's meeting In
the evening. He was in the lone
and Boardman schools Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Maurice E. Smead, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Smead of this city,
has received the appointment of
general agent of the Portland office
of the Pacific Mutual Life Insur
ance company. Mr. Smead has been
agency supervisor of the company
for several years, and the new ap
pointment announced In yesterday's
Orcgonlan comes as an advance
The annual meeting of the Hepp
ner Public Librray association has
been called by Mrs. Lucy E. Rod
gers, president, to be held at the
library at 2:30 p. m Saturday. The
meeting Is for the election of offl
cers and is open to all interested
people of the community, who are
urged to be present.
Inadvertantly omitted from the
list of births for 1931 In the last
issue of the Gazette Times was that
of Helen Fay Baker, born August
24, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of
lone. We are pleased to add the
young lady's name to the 1931 ar
rivals, bringing the total to 54,
FLYING HIGH, with Charlotts
Greenwood and Bert Lahr, will pop
the buttons off your vest See It at
the Star Theater Sunday and Monday.
Lions Start Work on "Corporal
Egan," After Style of "Aunt
Lucia"; 100 Take Part
AH who attended the Lions club
community play, "Aunt' Lucia,"
given in the fall of 1930, and who
remember the rollicking good time
had on that occasion will welcome
the announcement of the club of
a similar entertainment to be given
the latter part of this month. Again
there will be upwards of 100 people
on the stage, Including large chor
uses, children's pageant, the play
cast and an added comedy attrac
tion, "the awkward squad."
The awkward squad, made up of
leading business and professional
men of the city, in itself will be a
treat to recall fond memories of
the "flapper" chorus that every
body enjoyed so much in "Aunt
Lucia," say the committee in
charge, composed of W. R. Poul
son, Earl W. Gordon and Jasper
This typical military body is an
adjunct to the play selected for
presentation this year. The play,
"Corporal Egan," is itself a riotous
comedy, vibrant with American
ism, depicting the wholesome side
of war and reflecting not one iota
of its melancholy aspect. Its lead
ing characters are an Irish-American
corporal, Red Egan, and his
comrade, Izzie Goldstein, a Jewish
doughboy. Contemplation of these
characters alone should conjure
the great entertainment possibil
ities of the play, and add to these
the hard-boiled top sergeant, the
special guard, McGolley the spy,
the captain, reserved and dignified,
the rookies McGinnis and Klofzey,
charming Sally and . the comely
Red Cross nurses, and enough more
situations present themselves to
cinch the deduction that "Corporal
ugan" will be filled with more real
fun than anything that's come to
Heppner since "Aunt Lucia."
Work on the production has
started in earnest and It Is expect
ed announcement of those in the
various roles, together with the
definite date will be made shortly.
Government Approves
Loan to Finance Group
Approval of a loan up to 70 per
cent of Its $27,500 capital stock was
received this week by the Morrow
County ' Farm Loan ' association
from the United States department
of agriculture through the Hyde
relief fund, announces P. W. Ma
honey, secretary of the association.
Though the association is incor
porated for $30,000, and additional
stock has since been sold, only
$27,500 had been subscribed at the
time of application for the loan.
No authorization has yet been re
ceived from the Federal Interme
diate Credit bank of rediscounting
privileges for which application has
been made. The association was
formed for the purpose of financing
stockmen who have good security
to offer but who have experienced
difficulty in obtaining capital loans.
The company will not loan money
for operating expenses.
Snow Fall in Mountains
Exceeds Previous Years
Forty inches of snow at hts
ranch at the head of Rock creek
on December 31 was reported by
Harry French to F. F. Wehmeyer,
district forest ranger with head
quarters at Heppner. Mr. Weh
meyer said this was more snow
than had fallen there in the last
several winters put together.
Like reports have been received
from other points in the Blue
mountains, and so far with the oc
casional thaws that have been ex
perienced there has been practically
no run off, all the moisture going
Into the ground. This bodes well
for next summer's stock range in
the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Antone Cunha were
honored by a pleasant surprise par
ty new year's eve at their Lena
home when a party of friends gath
ered to see the old year out and the
new year In In a very enjoyable
manner. The evening was spent in
dancing, with refreshments served
at midnight. Those present besides
Mr. and Mrs. Cunha and daughter
Mary were Mr. and Mrs. Eb
Hughes, Miss Juanlta Hughes, Mr.
Hlrl, Mr. Vail and Miss Duncan,
all of Umaplne; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Swaggart, Raymond Clark, John
D. Watklns, Jimmy Higgins, Ray
mond Howe, Dan Waid and Miss
Elsie Tucker.
The new officers for the coming
year -for Kate J. Young lodge No.
29, Degree of . Honor, are as fol
lows: Past president, Edna Coxen
president, , Izora Vance; vlce-pres-
Ident, Sara Furlong; second vice
president, Ellen Moore; usher, Ag
nes Huston; assistant usher, Alice
Gentry; secretary, Clara Beamer;
treasurer, Lillie Aiken; pianist, Lot
tie Huston; inside watch, Nora
Moore; outside watch, Ruth Roh
rer. These will be installed Janu
ary 26th.
The local unit of the Womens
Auxiliary of the Oregon Woolgrow
era meets today at the home of
Mrs. Ernest Clark, with Mrs. Clark
and her sister, Mrs. Walter Becket
of Eight Mile, as hostesses.
Much January Business
Holds Court Over Today
County court continued to grind
today on business coming before
it for the January term, having
convened yesterday. The docket
shows all members, including Judge
W. T. Campbell and Commissioners
George Bleakman and George Peck
present. Besides the payment of
claims, business transacted up to
this morning Included:
Agreement to cooperate with the
state to amount of $2000 for main
tenance of secondary highways.
Appointment of road foremen for
the various districts as follows:
district 1, R. D. Rutledge; 2, John
L. Jenkins; 3, George Krebs; 5,
Chas. Bartholomew; 7, Ray Drake;
9, A. F. Young; 15, Frank E. Par
ker; 17, John Brosnan; 20, J. B.
Adams; 24, Gene Gray; 4, George
White; 6, Lindstrom; 8, Arnold Pie-
per; 14, H. Harshman; 16, J. H.
Gentry; 19, R. W. Voile; 23, E. C.
Heliker; 25, W. Warren.
A. A. McCabe was appointed road
Henry Howell was reappointed
court house janitor at $80 a month.
The Heppner Gazette Times was
named county official paper.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo was appoint
ed county physcian at $25 a month.
M. L. Case was appointed county
undertaker as per bid of January,
Application for license of Irrigon
dance hall was continued.
Court allowed $25 to cover care
of dependents of prisoners In coun
ty Jail.
Frank Keller returned last week
to his work near Weston after
spending the holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keller.
Arthur Reed returned Tuesday to
lone after spending a few days
with his family in The Dalles.
Mrs. Sam Hatch is enjoying a
visit with her mother, Mrs. Frazier,
whose home is in Long Beach, Cal.
Fred Buchanan made a business
trip to Portland Friday, returning
The weather report for Decem
ber follows: total precipitation,
1.85; total snowfall 8.7; number of
days clear 7, partly cloudy 6, cloudy
16; sleet on the 16th; prevailing
wind, N.E.; silver thaw on the 17th.
Precipitation since September 1,
4.16; same period last year, 2.37.
Elmer Griffith, cooperative ob
server. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy
and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Tucker
were dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Ella Davidson. The
occasion was the anniversary of
Mrs. Davidson's birth.
Mabel Smith, teacher in the Ma
pleton schools,' spent the holiday
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Smith.
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
of Morgan held a watch party at
their hall New Year's eve. All
those present report a jolly good
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray of the
road camp near Hardman, and
Mrs. Lena Ray and son John, of
lone, returned home Monday from
a trip to White Salmon, Wash., and
Willamette valley points.
A .gentleman by the name of
Crowder was in town last week
looking over the old lone Independ
ent printing outfit with a view to
purchasing same and resuming
publication of our weekly paper. It
is reported that he will return this
week to make final decision. Mr.
Crowder formerly edited the Ar
lington paper but recently has been
making his home in McMinnville.
The high school play, "Polishing
Papa," given recently, was a suc
cess from the standpoint of presen
tation, but was not a success from
a financial standpoint. Total re
ceipts were $33.45; total expendi
tures, $30.63. The small attendance
was due, no doubt, to the inclement
The high school students are now
planning a basket social and old
time dance which will be given In
the near future.
Sunday morning the friends here
received word of the death Satur
day night of Frank Louy, former
business man of Arlington. Funeral
services and interment were - in
Pendleton Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Louy was a brother of Mayor John
Louy of lone. He died following a
lingering illness and John Louy has
been in Arlington many weeks help
ing to care for the sufferer.
G. A. Petteys and Fred Nichoson
departed early Monday morning for
Court Rock, called there by the
sudden change for the worse in the
condition of Albert Petteys who is
suffering from cancer. They re
turned at once to Arlington, bring
ing the sick man with them. There
Mr. Petteys and Mr. Nichoson took
train for Portland where Mr. Pet
teys will be placed under the care
of a specialist. G. A. Pcteys re
turned the same day to his home
near lone.
Carl Allyn, who last week opened
a barber shop In the Oscar Coch
ran building, has rented house
keeping rooms In the M. Jordan
house on Second street and has his
family comfortably established
The Women's Topic club met Sat
urday afternoon at the pleasant
ranch home of Mrs. Fred Mankln.
Fourteen members of the club, and
one guest, Mrs. Frazier, mother of
Mrs. Sam Hatch, were present. The
topio which was presented in a
most Interesting and pleasing man
ner, was "Art Through the Ages."
This was given by four leaders:
(Continued on P Six.)
Results of Woolgrowerg Auxiliary
Contest Given by Mrs. W. P.
Mahoney, President.
Morrow county wag signally hon
ored in the recent essay contest
sponsored by the Women's Auxil
iary of the Oregon Woolgrowers
associatoin with Ave of her stu
dents winning awards, Mrs. W. P.
Mahoney, president, said in an
nouncing the awards to the Hepp
ner Lions club Monday. The win
ning students from this county
were Murl Farrens of Hardman,
Roberta Thompson, Ernest Clark
and Allen Struthers of Heppner,
and Mary Chaffee of Boardman.
The contest was run in two di
visions, with the high school divis
ion writing on "Wby We Should
Eat More Lamb and Wear More
Wool," and the seventh and eighth
grade division writing on "The
Raising and Marketing of Lambs.
Any student in the state coming in
either division was eligible to com
pete. Prizes in the contest were given
by the auxiliary and Interested bus
iness firms, and judges were Miss
Claribel Nye of Oregon State col
lege, Mrs. C. W. McNamer of Hepp
ner, and Herman Cliver of John
Day. Prize winners, awards and
their donors follow:
High school division First, Murl
Farrens, Hardman, $25 given by
the auxiliary; second, Roberta
Thompson, Heppner, blanket, Pen
dleton Woolen Mills; third. Max
Sears, Baker, camp blanket, Pa
cific Cooperative Woolgrowers as
sociation of Portland; fourth, Ann
Barry, Lakeview, sport coat, Kay
Woolen Mills, Salem; fifth, Mary
Chaffee, Boardman, swimming suit,
Jantzen Knitting Mills, Portland.
Prizes and donors in the grade
school division were the same as
those in the high school group with
the exception of the fourth, which
in the grade division was won by a
boy. "He was given a wool sweater
and shirt by Swift & Co. instead of
the sport coat These awards
First, Jack Newman, Condon;
second, Douglas Dunbar, Condon,
district 34; third, Ernest Clark,
Heppner; fourth, Allen Struthers,
Heppner; fifth, Harvey Miller, Ba
ker. Honorable mention was award
ed as follows:
High school, Be!lah Bussey,
Lakeview; Floyd Jf?s, Heppner;
Bobby Boyd, Baker; Lora Gilman,
Heppner; Billie Leathers, Hard
man; Helene Karr, Washington
high, Portland. Grade school, How
aid Cleveland, Heppner; Byron
Turpin, Yoncalla; Jerald Duby, Ba
ker; Mildred M. Tuhy, Springfield;
Don Woodruff, Anchor.
Mrs. Mahoney complimented the
energy expended by the Heppner
school teachers and pupils which
resulted in the good showing made
Teachers who handled the work
in the Heppner schools were Miss
Dorothy Straughan and Miss Mir
iam McDonald.
Lower Rate on Wheat
Indefinitely Recalled
"On again, off again, gone again,
Finnigan," has been the history of
the interstate commerce commis
sion's order for lower freight rates
on wheat for which farmers of the
northwest have put up a united
fight under the direction of Arthur
M. Geary, attorney, for the last
three years. After a series of post
ponements of effective dates for
the order, now comes news from
Washington that Charles Evans
Hughes, chief justice of the United
States supreme court, has entered
a restraining order indefinitely
recalling the lower rates on wheat
provided for in the interstate com
merce commission ruling, which
went into effect August 1, 1931.
Reason for the chief justice's ac
tion was that changing conditions
since the order was first made have
caused the railroads to face a cri
sis which does not permit of low
ered rates, and a concession to
wheat in the face of Increased rates
on other commodities would not be
The Oregon Woolgrowers asso
elation and the women's auxiliary
will hold their conventions Jointly
In Pendleton on January 18 and 19.
Dates for the National Woolgrow.
ers association convention have
been set for January 11, 12 and 13,
the convention to be held at Salt
Lake, announces Mrs. W. P. Ma
honey, president of the Women's
Auxiliary of the Oregon Woolgrow
ers association, who contemplates
attending each convention.
W. W. Smead, postmaster, nas
been confined to his bed for the last
two weeks suffering an attack of
Influenza, Though his condition
has shown somo progress, it was
not expected that he would be able
to be back on the job for some time
Services will be held at All
Saints' Episcopal church In Hepp
ner next Sunday morning at 11 o'
clock by Rev. S. W. Creascy. He
will hold services at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon at Cecil, and at 7:30
In the evennlg at Echo.
Local ads lo the Gazette Times
bring results.
High School Hoopsters
Meet Town Boys Friday
Heppner high school boy bas
keteers will see their first real ac
tion of the season next Friday eve
ning when they engag the town
boys. They have been working
hard for several weeks, says Neil
Shuirman, coach, and it is expect
ed they will give the older boys a
tough tussle. The game is called
for 7:45.
The incomplete schedule of
games has been announced by
Coach Shuirman as follows: On
January 15 they will play the Pen
dleton high school first team at
Pendleton; January 22, Lexington
high school will play here; Janu
ary 30, Pendleton will play a re
turn game here; February 22 the
boys will journey to Lexington, and
on February 23 they will play at
Umatilla. Tentative games have
been set with Arlington high school
the teams playing here January 23
and at Arlington February 6. On
the same dates games are being
arranged between the Heppner and
Arlington town teams and it is ex
pected the games will be double
headers. Dates for the Arlington
games were picked by Heppner and
have been submitted to Arlington
for approval.
Karl Allyn moved last week with
his family to lone. He has opened
up a barber shop there. Best wish
es for success go with him to his
new location.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cox enjoyed a
visit of several days last week from
their son, Jay Cox and -family of
Gwen Evans entertained Peggy
Warner, Ruth Dinges, Mae Gentry
and Erma Duvall at a slumber par
ty last Thursday night at her home.
They spent the evening playing
cards and greeting the new year.
A lovely suppper was served at
On Wednesday morning, Dec. 30,
at 3 a. m., someone in a Ford car
boldly drove up to the side of the
decorated Christmas tree on Main
street and stole several of the large
colored electric light bulbs. They
were discovered in the act but be
fore they could be apprehended
they left town. This is the second
year the lights have been stolen
and with several clues they now
have, the guilty parties may yet be
brought to justice.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and
Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jack
son, Kenneth and Marcella went
to the home of Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Blakely in Heppner and sur
prised Mrs. Blakely, it being her
birthday. They spent the evening
playing cards and sat up to watch
the old year out.
Erma Duvall left by train Satur
day night for Monmouth to resume
her studies at the Oregon State
Gene Gentry is having some re
modeling done on his house this
week. Clark Davis is doing the
Helen Valentine and Eula McMil
lan left Sunday for the University
of Oregon to take up their studies
after a pleasant holiday visit with
their parents. Vernon Scott also
left for San Francisco where he at
tends business college. The party
was taken to the train at Arlington
by Wayne McMillan and James
Wednesday evening of last week
Mrs. Elmer Hunt gave a party at
her home for those who took part
in the Christmas play given at the
Christian "church. Those present
were Mrs. Sarah White and La
Verne, Naomi McMillan, Rose
Thornburg, Norma Howell, Alonzo
Henderson and Garland Thompson,
A waffle supper was served at 6
o clock followed by games and sing
ing. Later in the evening they pull
ed taffy. A delightful time was had
by all.
Jay Yardley left for Melrose, Ida
ho, after spending several weeks
here with his brother, Roy.
- The home of R. B. Wilcox was
the scene of a New Year's party
and a large crowd of neighbors and
friends were present. Cards and
dancing were the main enjoyments
of the evening. Lunch was served
to the guests at midnight.
Mrs. Mary McMurtry and small
son Glen from Salem spent some
time here last week with Mrs. Mc
Murtry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Services will be held here at the
Cnogregational church both morn
ing and evening Sunday, Jan. 10
We are sorry to hear that this will
be the last Sunday Rev. Napier
win De witn us.
Elmo McMillan'from Salem was
here one day last week visiting
witn -his relatives.
Mrs. Ruby Matteson has been vis
iting for the past week with her
granamotner, Mrs. S. C. Thorn
Ray McAllister received a letter
last week from his brother Harve.
He is at the Roseburg Soldiers
home and getting along nicely.
Last Thursday afternoon the 4-H
club members enjoyed a picture
show at the hall and a talk by
ueorge reck. Mr. Smith, county
agent presented the members with
achievement pins and Audrey Bey
mer from Heppner was present and
led the stnging and club yells.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mikesell
from Toppenish, Wash., were here
during the holidays visiting with
Tuesday, Veda Bundy returned to
ner studies at Behnke-Walker bus
iness college in Portland.
(Continued on Page Six.)
State College Moisture Records
Show Bright Outlook for
Coming Crop Year.
Oregon's dry climatic dry cycle,
which has continued with more or
less severity for 10 years and which
has been acute the last two years,
appears definitely broken. A check
up of last year's rainfall together
with present conditions through
out the state shows the most favor
able moisture condition from an ag
ricultural standpoint in the last
decade, report men of the soils de
partment of the Oregon State col
lege Experiment station.
Weather records at Corvallis
show that the rainfall there for
1931 was 39.50 inches as compared
with 23.68 inches in 1930 and 24.45
in 1929. The present normal for
the calendar year at the experiment
station is 40.92, having been lower
ed somewhat by the long succession
of dry years.
More significant in the opinion
of the soils men, is the fact that for
the rainfall or crop year starting
last September 1, the total to Janu
ary 1 this season is 21.41 inches
compared with 9.10 inches last year.
While these figures would not apply
throughout the state, the compara
tive difference exists elsewhere, in
dicating a much better moisture
supply for crops than for many
years past
Much of the recent rainfall in
the warmer sections of the state
has come in the form of snow in
the mountains and other higher or
colder regions, thus assuring bet
ter irrigation supply and better
range conditions than have existed
Fall crops west of the mountains
went into the winter in good shape
in the main, but in the lower sec
tions fields will require some atten
tion to prevent damage from stand
ing water, the soils men point out
The soil is comparatively saturat
ed with water now so that the main
problem through the remainder of
the winter is to keep the excess
from accumulating on the surface.
Keeping surface ditches open at
all times and tile lines clear will
prevent damage.
Meanwhile the extra moisture
which may be expected between
now and spring will still further
add to the welcome supply of stor
ed moisture in the mountains and
in eastern Oregon where more may
still be held in the subsoils.
Women Will Study China
At Meeting Next Monday
One of the most interesting of
the Women's club meetings of the
year will be that on China. The
meeting will be held on Monday
evening at 7:45 at the Parish
House and is open to all ladies of
the town.
The following varied and instruc
tive program will be presented:
Review of a Novel of Chinese Life,
Mrs. J. O. Turner; Chinese Cus
toms and Superstitions, Mrs. Earl
Gordon; Manchurian Crisis, Mrs.
Frank Turner; Reading of Chinese
Light refreshments will be serv
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Harold
Case, Mrs. J. T. Lumley, Mrs. Wil
liam Poulson and Mrs. Paul Mene
gat Game Licenses In County
Bring $1937.50 For Year
A record, just compiled by Gay
M. Anderson, county clerk, of game
licenses issued in Morrow county
for the year 1931 shows a total of
$1937.50 from all such licenses.
There were 390 hunters' licenses
sold, amounting to $1170; 65 ang.
lers" licenses, totaling $195; 71 com
bination licenses, $355; 40 hunters'
county licenses, $60; 26 anglers'
county licenses, $39; 4 anglers' non
resident licenses, $12; 7 hunters'
non-resident licenses, $105; 6 cer
tificates of lost licenses, $1.50.
The American Legion Auxiliary
met the evening of Jan. 5 in their
new quarters in Hotel Heppner.
These rooms have been cleaned and
arranged by members of the Le
gion and we are very pleased with
them. The Americanization chair
man reported that the eighth grade
essay contests would be started
this month. The sewing club will
not meet again until further notice
The hostesses, Mrs. Eva Marble and
Mrs. Lulu McCarty served delicious
refreshments to the seventeen
members present. Secretary.
Mid-term examinations in Hepp
ner high school are scheduled to
begin next Tuesday and Wednes
day, announces W. R. Poulson, su
perintendent No mid-term exam
inations will be held for the sixth,
seventh and eighth grades because
of the county examinations, on
which the work of the students In
these grades is based. Three coun
ty examinations are held through
out the year.
Mr. Bentley, examiner of opera
tors and chauffeurs, will be in
Heppner, Wednesday, January 13,
at the court house, between the
hours of 1 and 3 p. m., for the pur
pose of receiving applications and
conducting examinations for oper
ators' and chauffeurs' licenses.
FLYING HIGH fast and funny
Star Theater, Sunday-Monday.
Golden Yardstick is Used
As World Measure,
Says Writer.
Sterling, No Longer Standard, is
Wanted by Other Nations Be
cause of Scarcity of Gold.
Gold is today the measure of val
ue the world over. That is not be
cause gold in itself is any more
valuable than any other metal, but
because it is rather easily stored
and does not rust or corrode. When
it comes to actual value in useful
ness, there is no doubt that a ton of
steel or of copper is more useful
than a ton of gold.
But from time immemorial gold
has been the principal standard of
wealth, as it is today practicaly
the world's sole standard. It is a
yardstick, In fact. All units of mea
sure are arbitrary. They represent
something agreed upon between in
dividuals and nations, and individ
uals and nations are unanimous in
agreeing that gold, measured by
weight is the standard by which
all money and all wealth is meas
ured. For thousands of years, when
silver was less plentiful than it is
now, silver was the principal money
standard in many parts of the
world and until comparatively re
cent times both silver and gold
were used as measures of wealth
everywhere. Until after the great
European war the gold unit
by which ail other money was
measured was the English pound
stetrlnig. It is curious that the
name of this unit comes down
from the days when silver was the
standard. A "pound" in money was
a pound of silver. But by the early
part of the nineteenth century sil
ver had begun to be so plentiful
by comparison with gold that it no
longer served as the best standard
of money, and first England and
then one by one the other nations
of the world accepted gold as the
sole monetary standard. The value
of the gold pound, measured by
united States dollars, is S4.8665.
That represents substantially a
quarter of one ounce of the precious
metal, which is so compact that a
bar of gold 6 3-4 inches long, 3 1-2
inches wide, and 1 3-4 inches thick,
is worth $10,000.
All over the world statesmen and
economists are now discussing the
possibility of arriving at some new
agreement by which silver will be
restored, in part at least to its for
mer position as a standard or meas
uring stick for money. And the
reason for that is that with the ex
ception of the United States and
France, none of the great nations
of the word has been able to hold
on to enough gold to be able to pay
its bills in gold when gold is asked
The English pound is no longer
the standard money of the world.
The American dollar has taken its
place. For England went off the
gold standard last summer and the
pound sterling today represents
merely the British Government's
promise to pay. And the British
Government is in such serious fi
nancial difficulties, as compared
with the United States, that the
price of the paper pound has been
as low as $3,20, and well under $3.50
instead of $4.66, for several months
In other words, the nations of
the world are measuring their mon
ey and their wealth by the stand
ard of the United States dollar.
That is because we have in the
vaults of the United States Treas
ury, the Federal Reserve Banks
and other banks, the largest volume
of gold that has ever been accu
mulated under one flag in the his
tory of the world. We hold, in
round figures, about forty-five hun
dred thousand dollars ($4,500,000,
000) worth of gold, France has be
tween two and a half and three
billion dollars worth of gold behind
its currency.
The trouble In England has been
that her trade with foreign nations
got to a point where she could not
collect gold for the commodities
she exported as fast as she had to
pay out gold for the commodities
which she imported. For while
gold cuts very little figure in busi
ness transactions inside of national
boundaries, it is the only univer
sally acceptable medium of ex
change In international trade. So,
in order to prevent the complete
loss of all of her gold reserves, Eng
land had to begin to refuse all de
mands for gold and to offer Instead
unsecured promises to pay, which
is what the notes of the Bank of
England amount to today. Nobody
questions that eventually England
will come back to the gold stand
ard. Nobody in a position to pro
phesy, however, is willing to pre
dict how long It will be before that
happens. In the meantime, the
money of the British Colonics has
depreciated, measured by the Uni
ted States dollar standard. Canad
Ian dollars have betm worth lex
than eighty-five cents in United
States money for several weeks.
Money of the other nations that
have not been able to maintain the
gold standard is also down when
(Continued on Page Six)