Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 31, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Where Business Is To
I was lunching with a group of
high executives, and the discussion
turned to economic problems. Pre
sently out came the usual line of
"Congress 1b a bunch of idiots.
How can we hope for any sensible
program- when our laws are made
by such men?"
I was annoyed.
All my business life I have lis
tened to that sort of talk. I have
known a good many Senators and
Congressmen. My judgment is that
they are fairly representative of
the nation, neither better nor worse
than the rest of us. They do not
originate very much in the matter
of national policy and legislation.
They merely record In laws the
sentiment that grows up in the
country around them. They re
spond to public opinion.
And what does Big Business do
to create and guide an intelligent
public opinion? Practically noth
ing. Every young man who enters
Big Business is told in effect: "Now
you have taken the veil. From
now on you must not express any
opinion on a controversial subject
You are no longer merely an indiv
idual; you are the representative of
a large body of stockholders who
hold divergent views on almost ev
erything. You must not offend ei
Three solid blocks, nearly eight
acres, in the heart of Manhattan
Island are to be known as "Rocke
feller Center."
King George II of England gave
this land to found King's College.
King's College is now Columbia
University and still owns the land.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., leased it
from the university for eighty-seven
years at a rent of $3,000,000 a
year, and is financing the construc
tion of a group of buildings which
are expected to surpass in beauty
and utility anything yet attempted
anywhere. Only unlimited millions
can handle an operation of this
magnitude. Mr. Rockefeller Is do
ing this as a public service rather
than for the possible profit
Nobody today is afraid that the
Rockefellers are trying to seize
control of the United States. They
are not that kind of people.
A Methodist minister's son got a
job as a financial reporter on a
New York paper. He attracted the
attention of J. P. Morgan, the eld
er, who offered him a job and then
took him into partnership. He now
ranks next to J. P. Morgan, II,
head of the famous banking house.
Thomas W. Lamont spent a day
recently giving a Senate commit
tee the lowdown on international
debts. When he had finished, the
r s
r Q WIIf ttWMM
ther our stockholders or our cus
tomers. Your duty is to work, and
keep your mouth shut"
Big bankers and corporation of
ficials regard this a policy of "dig
nified silence." As a matter of fact,
it is laziness and cowardice.
My father was a distinguished
clergyman, the spokesman of a
1 " .! TI 1
laige uuugicgauuu, lie never uea-
itated to have views or to give
them vigorous expression. Some
times parishioners criticized him,
He said to me once: "If I do not
know better than the members of
my congregation what sort of
preaching my people should have
then I am not entitled to be their
The president of a corporation
with world-wide interests ought to
know more whether our present
tariff policy is a help or a hindrance
to our economic life, and have the
courage to say so.
He ought to know whether our
war debts should or should not be
revised, and guide his stockholders
in their thinking.
-He ought to know what our pol
icy should be toward Russia.
Ours is a democracy. For a gen
eration or more we have been lur
ing our best brains into business.
The time is coming when those
best brains must render some more
positive service in the formation of
a sound public opinion.
It is not enough just to sit back
and grumble about congress.
Senators and public who read the
report of Mr. Lamont's testimony
had a new and clearer understand
ing of the functions of an interna
tional banker. Instead of the en
ormous profits which banks are
supposed to make through lending
money to foreign governments, Mr.
Lamont rrvade it clear that the
profits were never more than 5 per
cent, often less, divided among hun
dreds of thousands of investors in
foreign loans, and that the House
of Morgan sometimes got as much
as a quarter of one percent fee for
managing the distribution of these
loans, but often did the job for
The foolish idea that great for
tunes are made by robbing the pub
lic is gradually being dispelled.
Jack ("Legs") Diamond "got his"
at the hands of rival gangsters, af
ter a Troy jury had acquitted him
of a kidnapping charge. Both in
life and In death this dullwitted,
vain, cheap crook got a great deal
more publicity than he ever de
served. His career is worth mentioning
only on one ground. It furnishes
the perfect proof that crime does
not pay. His widow and friends
could not raise enough money be
tween them to pay his funeral ex
penses and had to ask for charity.
All that he ever got out of life was
a little brief momentary excitement
and a constant fear of exactly the
thing that finally happened to him.
He was a perfect example of the
type of undeveloped mentality in
which vanity and laziness are com
bined. He never did an honest
day's work but was a thief from
childhood. He was a boastful cow
ard, as all gangsters are.
Good citizens of Chicago have
long been disgusted with their com
munity's reputation as the crime
center of America. Not very much
was ever done about it until Col.
Robert Isham Randolph, President
m GOOD WVA..0?
?WST FND SHOW - Tttt &tfc
CO (k "fine ri
(Wt MO Htm
50 LPHG AS they make.
'of the Chicago Associaion of Com
merce, appointed a committee,
whose names were known only to
himself, of energetic citizens whose
job was to find evidence which
would stand up in court and clean
up the town.
The "Secret Six" and the Chicago
Crime Commission now say that
they have got crime licked in Chi
cago. A year ago the Crime Com
mission published a list of twenty
eight "public enemies." Today five
of these criminal leaders are in pri
son, two are under sentence, one is
awaiting deportation, two have
been killed by their own kind, four
are fugitives from justice, one is
under arrest on a murder charge,
and the others are under the con
stant surveillance of the reorgan
ized Chicago police force.
If the Chicago citizens and news
papers do not stop there, but con
tinue their war on organized crime,
the world will not be afraid to go
to Chicago's World's Fair next
What do we mean by prosperity?
A return to the boom times of 1928?
What is the standard of prosper
ity? I make no claim to being a pro
phet, but I think that we are all
fooling ourselves if we expect pri
ces of goods, wages, rents, salaries
and other items of income and out
go to return to the high figures of
four years ago.
I think it is much more likely
that When we recover our economic
balance we will find that we are
about where we were before the
great war, with the exception that
a higher percentage of our people
will be earning a living income
than was the case in 1913.
Then something will happen
again to make us believe that we
can all get rich quick and we will
have another crazy speculative
boom and another panic. That is
what has always happened, and
what has been will be.
Portrait of Dr Charles H. F'ark
hurst, painted by Paul King recently,
hangs in the rooms of the Clergy.
Association of New York. Dr
Farkhurst gained world-wide fame
by his attacks on political partner
ship with vice.
ts n r i irr .
Crusader of the '90s
m u
OF 2500 ffc0W
Public Interest is Firwt Concern in
Administration of Service;
Chief Explains Theory.
A land use program that will in
sure stability for the nation's for
est acres, was urged by Major R.
Y. Stuart, chief of the U. S. forest
service. In his address at the recent
land utilization conference at Chi
cago, according to Regional Forest
er C. J. Buck, Portland.
"Stable use is reasonably assured
for most of the approximately 100
million acres of forest land that is
now owned by the public," Major
Stuart said. "The national forests
and national parks are not likely
ever to be turned over to other
forms of use, if public sentiment
continues vigilant to safeguard
them against schemes or measures
endangering their Integrity. The
same can be said of the state for
ests and parks in those few states
which have definitely and perman
ently dedicated them to forest use
by constitutional or legislative en
actment" '
In very few states, however, Ma
jor Stuart pointed out, is there a
definite policy on the use of land
that reverts to the state or counties
as a result of tax delinquency.
"Most of them," he explained, "en
deavor to return the land to private
ownership, without regard to. its
economic possibilities, and without
any assurance that the process will
not be repeated after a few years.
One of the first steps that should
be taken Is to formulate definite
policies for stabilizing the owner
ship and use of unreserved forest
land now owned by counties, states,
and federal government and of
that which is returning to public
ownership. Such land should not
be alienated unless it can be de
pended on to remain in private
ownership and to be utilized In a
way that will not conflict with the
public interest"
The bearing of forest policy on
the future of American agriculture
is apparent, Major Stuart declared,
when it is realized that forests oc
cupy nearly half of the land that is
potentially available for future ex
pansion of the crop area. At pres
ent the forest area, comprising one-
fourth of the land area of the Uni
ted States, is larger than the com
bined area in crops and improved
pasture. One-seventh of all the
land in farms, and east of the
Mississippi River more than one
fourth, is woodland'.
"The major objective of a forest
policy, Major Stuart said, "is to
keep existing forest land in such a
productive condition that it will
furnish needed supplies of timber,
conserve water, check erosion of
the soil, and conserve recreation
values and wild life, and to keep the
land from being diverted to other
uneconomic uses which would
threaten the welfare of existing ag
riculture." 'Forest cover can be destroyed
and the land utilized for crops or
pasture on a very short notice," he
continued, "but once the cover has
been destroyed, it is not so simple
a matter to return the land to for
est use, either for timber produc
tion or even for protective cover.
For this reason, stabiltiy of policy
is essential if the land is to be used
for forestry. Stability of pol
icy requires either a fairly strict
public control over the use of the
land or a considerable degree of
stability of ownrship."
Scappoose Members of the Par
ent Teacher association in Scap
poose met recently and made defi
nite plans for providing a school
cafeteria to serve 165 children.
Sarah V. Case, home demonstration
agent, cooperatetd in working out
plans which vwill provide "these
school children with hot school
lunches. Within recent weeks Mrs.
Case has given 13 demonstrations
of school lunches and carried
lunches for any member of the fam
ily. The Gazette Times' Printing Ser-
vlce Is complete. Try it
Aches and
When you take Bayer Aspirin you
are sure of two things. It's sure relief.
and it's harmless. Those tablets with
the Bayer cross do not hurt the heart
Take them whenever you suffer from
Headaches Neuritis
Colds Neuralgia
Sore Throat Lumbago
Rheumatism Toothache
When voitr hear! arW-fmm am
cause when a cold has settled in
VOUr Joints, or VOU fefj thru rWwn.
down pains of rheumatism, sciatica,
or lumuago, take uayer Aspirin and
get real relief. If the package says
RflVM. It's CrpnilinA AnA nonti!nA
Bayer Aspirin is safe.
Asnirin is the trade-mnrlr nl Ravw
manufacture of monoarpriYnrirlmitpr
01 salicylicaciU.
Yes, Clara Bow
.""7 . ( vy
After several denials, the "It" girl of the movies admitted that she had
married Rex Bell, who nursed her back to health on his ranch. The film
directors are angling for her return already
Agricultural Men of State and Na
ton Preparing Economic
Forecast of Future.
What is ahead of farming in gen
eral and of Oregon farmers in par
ticular? While thousands of Oregon farm
owners and operators are serious
ly mulling over this question, state
and government aid is being mobil
ized to bring them the latest and
best outlook information possible
to gather to be applied on the prob
Right now final information and
statistics are being assembled for
the annual nationwide agricultural
outlook conference to be held in
Washington D. C. where at least
one representative from every state
will meet late in January to pre
pare a national report on agricul
tural trends pertaining to demand,
supply and, probably, costs.
Many angles of the present situa
tion were forecast in previous out
look reports, though the business
slump has continued longer and
gone deeper than expected, says L.
R. Breithaupt extension economist
at Oregon State college, who heads
the outlook work in Oregon. As
soon as he returns from the na
tional meet he will head the work
of preparing local adaptations of
the report as . applied to conditions
in this state.
"It is significant that the nation
al conference this year is giving in
creased attention to demand trends
as well as supply," says Mr. Briet
haupt. "The events of the past
two years clearly demonstrate that
in periods of deflation and business
recession, farm income declines
more because of weak demand than
because of overproduction.
. In Oregon the annual cash in
come from crop and livestock pro
duction between 1924 and 1928 was
approximately $120,000,000, or a lit
tle more than $2100 per farm. This
year the Oregon cash income is es
timated at around $80,000,000 though
the gross production was only about
average, indicating that overpro
duction was not alone to blame."
it before th general public because
Portland this week; Mr. Dix tak
ing a little time off from business
for a vacation, while Mrs. Dix is at
tending the meeting of the State
Teachers' association.
Prices Effective Thurs., Sat., Mon., Dec. 31, Jan. 2 Cr k
Fancy Mix, delicious, .... 2 lbs. 29c
Old Fashioned Chocs., 2 lbs. 35c
2'2-lb. Boxes Fancy Assorted
Chocolates Per Box 79c
nnmj l.u
Shortening 6
It's always fresh.
Pumpkin jns25c
DEL MONTE. Large 2 Mi size tins.
Dates, A lbs. 45c
Got Married
Portland Of the 25 women en
rolled in the weight control project
of the Multnomah county home ex
tension unit 22 of them kept check
on their weight for a period of five
months. During that time, of 17
who were overweight at the out
set, 10 had lost weight and three of
the five underweights had gained
several pounds. Frances Clinton,
home demonstration agent, with
the cooperation of Lucy A. Case,
extension specialist in nutrition, su
pervised this project.
St Helens Clothing renovation
If baby has
A CRY in the night. Colic! No
cause for alarm if Castoria is
handy. This pure vegetable prepara
tion brings quick comfort, and can
never harm. It is the sensible thing
when children are ailing. Whether it's
the stomach, or the little bowels;
colic or constipation; or diarrhea.
When tiny tongues are coated, or the
breath is bad. Whenever there's need
of gentle regulation. Children love
the taste of Castoria, and its mildness
makes it safe for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose of Castoria
is always better for growing children
than strong medicine meant only for
adult use.
Hera's to a bright and happy New
Year. May increased prosperity be
Jours throughout the coming months,
n appreciation of your past loyal pat
ronage we pledg-e to yon an even finer
type of food service during 1933.
We extend to yon onr sincere cour
tesy to make your food shopping; at
onr stores a -real pleasure I
in- rLL
iyv vuri
M. J. B. in
lbs. 63c Matches ctn. 15c
and pattern alteration constitute a
continuous clothing program in the
home economics extension units of
Columbia county. Twenty-seven
made-over dresses and four chil
drens' remodeled garments were re
ported on at four meetings held re
cently. These clothing projects are
directed by Mrs. Sarah V. Case,
home demonstration agent
Corvallis A mimeographed leaf
let picturing a homemade cleaning
kit made from a fruit basket or a
few boards has been recently re
leased from the home economics
extension office. The contents of
such a homemade cleaning kit are
suggested and explanations given
for making a number of cleaners.
For example, an excellent cleaner
for woodwork is made by mixing
one quart of kerosene and one pint
of hot vingar, says Mrs. Zelta Ro
denwold, extension economist in
home management who prepared
the leaflet
The wood Is wiped with a cloth
wrung out of this solution and rub
bed dry with a soft cloth. Direc
tions for making linoleum cleaner,
window cleaners, furniture polish,
floor wax and a dustless duster are
found on this leaflet also. It Is
mimeograph No. 277 and may be
obtained free from any home dem
onstration agent or by writing the
home economics division of the ex
tension service at Corvalli3.
Run G.-T. Want Ad.
They used to joke
"Chicken Feed"
But now it has come to be a
substantial source of income,
on the well managed farm,
this poultry money.
And properly so. Any man
with two hundred hens can
earn a supporting income
and keep out of debt We
know because some of them
are our customers.
You can too Need any help?
and Stockgrowers
National Bank
There is No Substitute or
Peanuts, fresh roasted, 2 lbs. 29c
Almonds, soft shell .... 2 lbs. 33c
Brazils, 1931 crop 2 lbs. 35c
Walnuts, soft shell 2 lbs. 39c
tr-e bs.
new pack vacuum tins.
6 large boxes to carton.
0 e All sizes
rallies priced from
loc per Dozen to 29c per Dozen
1082 Free Del ivery