PAGE TWO HEFPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THUR SPAY, DEC. 31, 1931, Chronology of the Year 3 1931 Compiled by E.W. Pickard INTERNATIONAL Jan. 8 Pope Pius XI issued an encyclical condemning; divorce, -birth control and many phases of modern ilia. Jan. 2 League of Nations coun oil decided to convene world disarm ament conference Feb. 2. 1932. Jan. 26 Austria and Hungary signed treaty of amity and arbitra. Uon. March 1 France and Italy reached an accord on naval strength. March 27 International wheat conference opened in Rome. April 27 New commercial accord signed by Italy and Russia. May 4 China abrogated all extra territoriality treaties, effective Jan. 1, 1932. May 16 Commission on proposed European union met in Geneva, and Austro-German customs union was debated. June IS World bankers at Basel extended 1100,000,000 credit to Ger many. Juns 20 President Hoover pro posed one year suspension of Ger man reparations and payments on war debts. June 23 Rotary International met In Vienna and elected S. W. Fascall of London president. June 24 France made counter proposal for war debt moratorium. Great Britain and Italy accept Hoo ver's plan. July 6 France and Dnited States agreed on moratorium plan and it became effective as of date of July 1. July 7 British government called conference to work out details of moratorium. July 20 International conference on German crisis opened In London. July 23 London conference ad journed after adopting recommenda tions that short term credits to Ger many be renewed, Aug. 11 Protocol co-ordinating moratorium plan with Young plan signed by International experts In London. Aug. 27 American and French bankers arranged for M00, 000,000 loan to Great Britain. Sept 1 Germany and Austria formally abandoned the proposed customs union. Sept. 6 World court ruled Austro German customs union was illegal. Sept. 7 League of Nations assem bly met In Geneva, electing Nikolas Titulescu of Rumania president. Sept. 8 Mexico accepted bid to Join League of Nations. Sept. 12 German Foreign Minis ter Curtius told League of Nations Germany must have new deal in reparations and parity in armaments. Great Britain and Egypt signed new trade treaty that forced out Russia. Sept. 14 Panama and China given eats in League of Nations council. Sept. 19 Japanese troops shelled and occupied Mukden, Manchuria Sept. 20 Japan occupied all cities In southern Manchuria; China sent note demanding Japanese cease hos tilities and withdraw troops to pre vious positions. Oct. 6 Fourth Pan-American com mercial congress opened in Wash ington. Oct 8 Japanese army planes bombed Chinchow, temporary capital of Manchuria, killing many soldiers and , s A F E T Y & Greetings of the season. All the gifts and blessings and joys that go with it. Smile . . . that's it. And keep smiling throughout' 1932! Firt National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON PcC TTTCTilna served ultimatum on Japan, demanding Immediate evacuation of Manchuria. Oct 11 Secretary of State Stlm on called on League of Nations to avert war between China and Ja pan. Oot 15 League of Nations coun cil invited United States to partici pate in discussion of Sino-Japanese embroglio, Japan opposing. Oct 24 League of Nations coun cil demanded that Japan evacuate Chinese territory by November If and adjourned to that date; Japan rejected the demand. Nov. 4 League of Nations again told Japan to withdraw troops from Manchuria. Nov. 6 Japanese won three day battle with Chinese under Gen. Ma Chanshan at Nonni river bridge. Nov. 8 Three thousand armed civilians rioted In Tientsin; Fifteenth United States Infantry called out, together with French and Italian troops. Nov. 12 Germany asked a mora torium on reparations. Nov. 16 League of Nations coun cil met in Paris to consider the Sino-Japanese embroglio; Ambassa dor Dawes present as American ob server. One year armament truce declared In effect by league secretariat Nov. 18 Japanese routed General Ma and captured Anganchl and Tslt sihar. Nov. 20 Truce In Manchuria, planned by League of Nations coun cil, rejected by Japan. Germany proposed new conference on reparations and debts. Nov. 23 Japanese army In Man churia began advance southward on Chinchow Nov. 26 Chinese and Japanese troops began fierce fighting in Tient sin. Dec. 1 Japanese stopped advance on Chinchow; General Ma defeated Japanese troops near Tsitslhar. Dec. 6 Japanese in Manchuria be gan war on bandits on three fronts. Dec. 7 International bankers committee to investigate Germany's ability to resume reparations pay ments next summer met in Basel, Switzerland. Dec. 10 Japan and China ac cepted with reservations the League of Nations resolution for cessation of hostilities in Manchuria and a commission of inquiry. Dec. 20 Chinese army began drive to recaptjre Mukden from Japanese. FOREIGN Jan. 2 Government of Panama overthrown by revolutionists and President Arosemena captured. Rl cardo Alfaro, minister to the United States, accepted offer of the presi dency. Jan. 4 Dr. Daniel Salamanca elected president of Bolivia. Jan. 19 Round table conference on India closed In London. Jan. 22 French cabinet headed by Steeg resigned. Jan. 26 Pierre Laval formed new ministry for France. Feb. 7 King of Spain restored constitutional rights and called an election. Feb. 9 Earl of Bessborough ap pointed governor general of Canada. Feb. 14 Berenguer cabinet of Spain resigned and king cancelled call for parliamentary elections. Feb. 16 Pehr Svinhufvud elected president of Finland. Feb. 18 New Spanish government formed by Admiral Juan Aznar, monarchist Feb. 20 Attempt to assassinate King Zog of Albania In Vienna failed. Peruvian counter revolution sup pressed with bloodshed at Callao but continued at Arequlpa. March 1 Navy junta In Peru forced Provisional President Cerro to resign and put Chief Justice Hi cardo Ellas at head of government Dr. Gabriel Terra Inaugurated as president of Uruguay, and Arturo Araujo at president of Salvador. March 6 Army junta In Peru ousted Ellas. March 10 Lieut. Col. David Ooam po became provisional president of Peru S E R V I C E March 29 India Nationalists de manded complete Independence from Britain at convention and named Gandhi as envoy to parley, April 4 Mutinous troops seized Madeira Island; Portugal rushed warships to crush rebellion. April 12 King Alfonso's enemies triumphed ss Spain voted; Repub licans routed monarchists In munici pal elections. April 14 King Alfonso abdicated and sailed for exile; republic set up headed by Alcala Zamora. April 19 Civil war broke out in Honduras, loyal troops defeating rebels In three battles. April 20 Honduras Insurgents captured and looted Progreso. April 23 Honduras rebel forces routed by federal troops. May 2 Rebels In Madeira Island surrendered to Portuguese forces. May 13 Aristide Briand defeated for presidency of France; Paul Dou mer elected. May 22 Spanish republic decreed absolute freedom for all religions. May 30 Premier Mussolini or dered dissolution of all Catholic ac tion youth organizations in Italy; Pope Pius responded by placing the Catholic Action in control of the bishops. Junel Spanish republic abolished all titles of nobility. Egyptian elections, held with army mobilized, won by the gov ernment party. June 8 Great Britain awarded ownership of Jerusalem walling wall to Moslems, with free access for Jews at all ttines. June 13 Paul Doumer Inaugurat ed president of France. Juan B. Perez resigned presi dency of Venezuela on demand of congress. June 15 Cardinal Sigura expelled from Spain. June 16 Government of Austria resigned. June 19 Juan Vicente Gomes elected president of Venezuela. June 20 Pope Pius denounced the Fascist government' of Italy. Doctor Buresch formed new gov ernment for Austria. June 28 Spanish elections won by Republican coalition. Alexander Malinov became pre mier of Bulgaria. July 9 Mussolini barred all Fas cists from joining Catholic Action. July 11 Financial crisis In Ger many due to failure to get huge loan for Reichsbank. July 24 Serious riots In Chile. July 26 Carlos Ibanez, president dictator of Chile, resigned and fled. Princess Ileana of Rumania and Archduke Anton of Austria were married at Sinala. July 27 Juan Esteben Montero became acting president of Chile. July 81 Gen. Chiang Kai-shek announced complete defeat of com munists in Kiangsi province of China. Aug. 9 Plebescite failed to over throw Prussian government, and radicals staged fatal riots. State of war declared in Havana as revolutionary movement broke out. Aug. 14 Cuban army captured Gen. Mario Menocal and other revo lutionary leaders. Aug. 17 President Machado an nounced the Cuban revolt was sup pressed. Aug. 19 Count Bethlen resigned as premier of Hungary and was suc ceeded by Count Karolyt. Aug, 24 British labor cabinet re signed and Premier Ramsay "Mac Donald was asked to form a coali tion ministry to balance the budget Isldro Ayora, president of, Ecua dor, resigned. Aug. 25 British national govern ment formed with MacDonald as prime minister. Sept 1 Mutiny in Chilean navy threatened government. Sept 2 Italy and the pope reached an accord In Catholic Action societies. Chilean cabinet resigned. King Alexander restored constitu tional government in Jugo-Slavia. Sept. 6 Chilean government planes bombed warships held by mutineers, Sept. 7 Chilean mutineer surren dered. Sept. 8 British parliament met and national government won vote of confidence. Sept. 10 House of Commons ac cepted Snowden's budget, increas ing taxes and cutting the dole and pay of government employees. Sept. 14 Round table conference on India opened in London with Gandhi present Sept. 19 Mexico recalled Ambas sador Manuel Tellez from Washing ton and selected Dr. Pulg Casauranc for the post. Sept. 21 British parliament passed measure suspending gold standard act for six months. Sept 27 Norway and Sweden sus pended gold standard. Oct 4 Juan Esteban Montero elected president of Chile. Oct. 7 German cabinet resigned and Chancellor Bruenlng was com missioned to form a new govern ment with greatly Increased powers. Oct. 13 Spanish cortes voted sep aration of church and state. Oct. 14 Zamora resigned as president of Spain and was suc ceeded by Emanuel Azana. Oct 22 People of Cyprus re volted against British rule, burning the government building In Nicosia. Oct. 23 Cyprus revolt suppressed by troops. Oct. 24 Sanchez Cerro elected president of Peru. Oct. 26 President Guggiarl of Paraguay handed over the presiden tial powers to Vice President Nav ero, because of disorders. Oct. 27 MacDonald's National government won a sweeping victory In the British elections. Nov. 6 Prime Minister MacDon ald of Great Britain announced new cabinet of 20. Nov. 11 Duke of Norfolk sold Arundel castle, seat of the Howards for centuries. Nov. 16 Philip Snowden was cre ated a viscount and elevated to house of lords. Nev. 19 Spanish national assem bly declared former King Alfonso an outlaw. Nov. 25 Labor cabinet of Aus tralia was defeated and resigned. Nov. 27 British conference on Burma opened In London. Dec 1 Round table conference on India ended without result, Dec. 2 Moderate coalition won New Zealand election over radicals. Dec. 3 President Arturo Araujo of Salvador ousted by military revo lution. Wages of Canadian railway work ers cut 10 per cent. Dec. 8 German government de creed reductions in wages, salaries, and nearly all costs of living. Sanchez Cerro Inaugurated presi dent of Peru. Dec. 10 Zamora was elected con stitutional president of Spain. Dec. 11 Japanese cabinet re signed. Smetona re-elected president of Lithuania. Dec. 12 Tsuyoshl Inukal, hend of Selyukal party, made premier of Japan, Dec. 13 Japan suspended the gold standard. Dec. 16 Chiang Kai-shek resigned as president of China. Lin Sen suc ceeded him. Dec. 17 Giuseppe Motta elected president of Switzerland. DOMESTIC Jan. 1 President Hoover pro claimed the London naval treaty In effect. Jan. 6 Congress resumed busi ness and house passed bill appropri ating $46,000,(100 for drought relief; senate Increased amount by $ 1 5,000, 0UA. foc-fuuii luaiia. WIDENING MARKET ROAD, Work of widening the market road up Butter creek from Gaylord Madison's corner to the Morrow county line started thla week, The work la being done by a county crew. The entire road is to be widened to 24 feet to meet the re quirement of the state highway de partment, which will take over the road and maintain It hereafter. Echo News. JanT 8-Tongress modified drastic Jones 6 and 10 law. Jan. 9 Senate asked President to resubmit three nominations to power commission. Merger of Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads called off. Jan. 10 President Hoover refused to return power commission ap pointments to the senate. Jan. 13 All members of new tariff commission confirmed by sen ate. Jan. 15 House passed army ap propriation bill carrying $446,024.0u0. Jan. 16 Senate passed $30,000,000 bill for modernizing three battle ships. Jan. 18 President Hoover named Red Cross relief drive committee headed by Calvin Coolidge. Jan. 19 Wickersham commission report on prohibition delivered to President Hoover. Jan. 20 Wickersham report, trans mitted to congress, found to be a straddle of the liquor question. Jan. 29 Secretary Stlmson apolo gized to Italy for remarks deroga tory to Mussolini made by Gen. Smedley Butler, who was ordered court martialed. Feb. 4 Senate reconfirmed Gar saud and Draper as members of power board but rejected George Otis Smith. Feb. 6 Compromise In drought relief matter reached by congres sional leaders by adding $20,000, 000 to loans fund. Feb. 8 General Butler reprimand ed and his trial called off, Feb. 13 House passed $349,000, 000 naval appropriation bill. Feb. 14 Interior department ap propriation carrying $20,000,000 for drought relief passed by congeess and signed. by the President Feb. 16 House passed bill In creasing loans on veterans bonus certificates to 60 per cent Feb. 18 Senate rejected treaty with Canada for preservation ot Niagara falls. Feb. 19 Bonus loan bill passed by the senate. Feb. 20 House adopted conference report on bill for government opera tion of Muscle Shoals. Feb. 21 Senate passed $358,000, 000 naval appropriation bill, adding funds for eleven destroyers. Feb. 23 Senate adopted Muscle Shoals measure; house passed the Wagner employment agency bill. Feb. 24 United States Supreme court again upheld validity of the Eighteenth amendment House passed resolution for abol ishing of "lame duck" session of congress. Feb. 26 President Hoover vetoed the veterans' bonus loan measure and the house repassed it. House appropriated $30,000,000 to modernize three battleships. Feb. 27 New York World news papers sold to Scrlpps-Howard syn dicate. Bonus loan bill was repassed by the senate and became law. Al Capone, liquor gang leader of Chicago, sentenced to six months In jail for contempt of court by Fed eral Judge Wilkerson. March 1 Treasury offered securi ties for $1,700,000,000 for bonus loans. March 2 House voted for 90 per cent cut in immigration. March 8 President Hoover ve toed the Muscle Shoals bill and the senate sustained the veto. March 4 Congress made "Star Spangled Banner" the national an them. Seventy-first congress adjourned. March 6 Alexander Legge re signed as chairman of federal farm board and was succeeded by James C. Stone. March 17 Formal charges filed against Mayor Walker of New York. March 18 Rioting convicts In Illi nois penitentiary at Statevllle burned the mess hall and other buildings. Sam H. Thompson of Illinois ap- gointed. a member of federal farm oard. March 19 President Hoover sailed on Battleship Arizona for Porto Rico and Virgin Islands. Nevada legislature legalized gam bling. March 20 Birth control Indorsed by committee representing 27 Prot estant churches of America. March 22 Federal farm board an nounced stabilization of wheat prices would end with marketing of 1930 crop. March 23 President Hoover land ed at San Juan, Porto Rico. New York legislature voted to Investigate conditions in New York city government and lower courts. March 25 President Hoover spent day at St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. March 29 President Hoover re turned from Carribean cruise, April 1 Methods of collecting crime statistics condemned by Wick ersham commission. April 7 Anton J. Cermak, Demo crat, elected mayor of Chicago. April 22 King of Slam, with his queen, came to United States for an eye operation. May 4 International Chamber of Commerce met In Washington, May 11 President Hoover or dered drastic reductions In expenses of all executive departments. May 16 Harvey H. Bundy of Michigan appointed assistant secre tary of state. May 18 Supreme court upheld legality of the Hoover dam act "Red flag" clause of California anti-communist statute held Invalid by Supreme court May 21 American Red Cross cele brated Its fiftieth anniversary. May 25 Supreme court ruled for eigners seeking citizenship can ex press no reservations about bearing arms for the country. May 28 Presbyterian general as sembly opened In Pittsburgh and elected Dr. Lewis S. Mudge of Phila delphia moderator. May 29 C. C. Teague " resigned from federal farm board and W. F, Schilling was reappointed. May 30 'resident Hoover deliv ered Memorial day address at Val ley Forge, Pa. May 31 Secretary Mellon an nounced an $800,000,000 bond Issue. June 1 Minnesota's press gag law held unconstitutional by United States Supreme court Supreme court refused to review the case of Albert B. Fall. June 6 Al Capone, Chicago gang leader, Indicted for Income tax eva sions. June 6 President Hoover ordered abandonment of Guam naval station. June 7 Report by Wickersham commission blamed excessive crime on system of prosecution. June 9 Tennessee lower house voted agalnHt Impeachment of Gov. H. H. Horton. June 12 Al Capone and 68 others indicted by federal grand Jury at Chicago for conspiracy to violate prohibition laws. June 15 President Hoover ad dressed the Indiana Republican Edl. 'torlal association In Indianapolis, predicting a renewal of prosperity. S. R. McKelvle resigned from fed eral farm board, June 16 President Hoover, for mer President Coolidge and other notables took part In dedication of the Harding memorial at Marlon, Ohio. Al Capone pleaded guilt In Chica go to income tax evasion and pro hibition law violation Indictments. June 17 President Hoover spoke at dedication of remodeled Lincoln tomb In Springfield, 111. Railways of country asked Inter state commerce commission to au thorize 15 per cent Increase In freight rates, June 2.1 Dwlght Davis resigned as governor general ot Philippines, effective June 30. July 7 John 11. Coen of Sterling, Colo., elected grand exalted ruler of the Elks. July 11 Runpenslon of sentence denied Albert B. Fall. July 13 lien. B, D. Foulols ap pointed chief of army air corps, ef fective December 20. July 16 Criminal court procedure criticized In a report from Wicker, sham commission. July 20 A. B. Fall entered the New Moxlco penitentiary. July 24 Federal court of appeals upheld conviction of Ralph Capone on Income tax fraud charges, July 20 itoport by Wickersham commission declared American pris on system a failure In almost every sense. . -Jul 28aiinlUA States JlUeL ""r poration directors renucrcT nlVldTTfTd rate and authorized lowering of salaries. July 29 Centenary of McCor mlck's reaper celebrated at Blacks burg, Va. Aug. I C. B. Curtis appointed minister to Salvador and Arthur Schoenfeld minister to Dominican republic. Aug. 4 Governor Murray closed the Oklahoma oil wells and pre claimed martial law, demanding a price of $1 a barrel. Aug. 7 Farm board rejected offer from Germany for Its cotton hold ings. Wickersham commission report criticised deportation methods. Frank Evans of Utah appointed member of federal farm board. Aug. 8 Navy a dirigible Akron christened by Mrs. Hoover. Aug. 12 Farm board asked cot ton planters to plcw under one third of crop. Aug. 17 Five large Toledo banks closed their doors. Texas oil wells closed and mar tial law in the fields proclaimed. Aug. 19 President Hoover named W. S. Gi fiord head of unemployment relief body. Aug. 21 Farm board traded 26, 000,000 bushels of wheat to Brazil for 1,050,000 bags of coffee. Contract let for Chicago's $16, 000,000 post office Building. Aug. 26 Col. Luke Lea of Ten nessee, publisher and former sena tor, convicted of bank fraud and sentenced to prison. Aug. 81 Farm board announced It was through buying wheat and cot ton for stabilization. Sept 4 Sale of 15,000,000 bUBhels of farm board wheat to China an nounced. Veterans of Foreign Wars voted for repeal of dry law. Sept. 8 Alphonse Capone with drew his plea of guilty to crimes against the dry law, in Chicago. Sept 11 Farm board sold 7,600, 000 bushels of wheat to Germany. Sept. 14 American Legion labor conference opened in Washington. Sept 17 Samuel P. Town of Philadelphia elected commander In chief of the G. A. R. at encampment In Des Moines. Sept. 21 President Hoover ad dressed American Legion convention in Detroit Iowa state troops called out to suppress farmers' revolt against tu berculin tests of cattle. Sept 22 United States Steel, Bethlehem Steel and Youngstown Sheet and Tube, announced wage cuts of 10 per cent; General Motors reduced salaries; United States Rub ber adopted 5-day week. Sept 24 American Legion voted for referendum on dry laws, decided not to ask immediate payment of compensation certificates, and elect ed Harry L, Stevens, Jr., of War saw, N. C, national commander. Sept 28 Aluminum Company of America cut wages 10 per cent Oct. 1 Eastern trunk lines agreed on plan for merging eastern roads Into four systems. Oct 6 American Federation of Labor opened Its annual convention In Vancouver, B. C. Oct. 6-President Hoover an nounced comprehensive financial plan to check depression, which was approved by leading members ot congress. Oct 8 Billion dollar bankers pool formed to carry out Hoover plan. Oct 13 National Credit associa tion Incorporated in Deleware. Oct. 14 A.T.sricah Federation of Labor convention voted against com pulsory unemployment Insurance. Oct 15 Federation of Labor voted for legalization of 2.75 per cent beer. Oct 17 Al Capone, boss gangster, found guilty in Chicago ot Income tax fraud. Celebration of 150th anniversary of Battle of Yorktown begun. Oct. 19 President Hoover spoke at Yorktown celebration. Oct 20 Interstate commerce com mission denied freight rate Increase of 15 per cent, offering a substitute plan of temporary Increases. Oct. 22 Premier Laval of France arrived In Washington for confer ences with President Hoover. Oct 24 Al Capone sentenced to 11 years In prison and fined $50,000. Oct 25 Hoover-Laval conversa tions concluded with agreement that revision of war debts and repara tions should go side by side. Nov. 2 President Hoover named committee of five to examine charges made against administra tion policies by the Navy league. Nov. 3 By electing a congress man In the Eighth Michigan district the Democrats gained control of the next house of representatives. A. Henry Moore, Democrat, was elected governor of New Jersey; Martin S. Conner, Democrat, gover nor of Mississippi, and Ruby Laf foon. Democrat, governor of Ken tucky. Nov. 7 Committee on Navy league charges reported they contained many false and Inaccurate state ments, and vindicated President Hoover's navy policy. New cruiser Indianapolis launched. Nov. 11 Armistice day observed, President Hoover speaking In Wash ington. Nov. 18 President Hoover pro posed federal system ot home loan banks. Mrs. Hattle Caraway appointed temporary senator from Arkansas. Novi 16 President Hoover's ad visory committee on education re ported recommending wide revision of federal educational policy and creation of a department of educa tion with a secretary In the cabi net Nov. 16 Dlno Grandl, Italian for eign minister, arrived In Washing ton for conversations with Presi dent Hoover. Nov. is Grandl concluded his conversations with President Hoo ver and Secretary Stlmson. Nov. 21 Federal Judge FltzHenry at Springfield, 111., ruled alcohol permits to food manufacturers Ille gal. Nov. 24 Robert L O'Brien, Bos ton editor, appointed chairman of tariff commission. R. M. Kleberg, Democrat elected congressman from Texas to succeed the late H. W. Wurzbach, Repub lican. Nov, 80 Representative B. H. Snell of New York chosen Republi can candidate for speaker. Vice President Curtis announced he would be a candidate for renoml nation. Dec 1 W. Warren Barbour ap pointed senator from New Jersey. Wabash railway put In receiver's hands. Dec. 2 President Hoover opened conference on home building. Dec. 6 Steamer Manhattan, larg est merchant vessel ever built In America, launched at Camden, N. J. Dec. 7 Seventy-second congress convened; John N. Garner of Texas, Democrat, elected speaker of the house. Communist "hunger marchers" re pulsed by police In Washington. Interstate commerce commission granted railroads $100,000,000 freight rate Increase. Dec. 8 President Hoover gave congress his message on the state of the Union, asking higher taxes, a reconstruction finance corporation and other emergency measures. Illinois Central cut pay of offi cers and nonunion employees. Dec. 9 President Hoover sent congress his budget message togeth er with the report of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon recommending Increased taxes. New York Central passed Its divi dend, first time in more than $0 years, Deo. 10 Message on foreign rela tions sent to congress by president Dec. 10 President Hoover's mes sage on forolgn relations asked rati fication of the moratorium and pro posed reconstltutlon of war debt commission. Harry Powers, West Virginia "Bluebeard" murderer, convicted and sentenced to death. Dec. 11 Seven convicts escaped from Leavenworth: three died In bat tle with posse, three were recap tured. Dec. 16 Republican national com mittee voted to hold presidential convention In Chicago, opening June 14, Dec 17 Senator Swanson named a delegate to disarmament confer ence. Dec. II The house ratified the Hoover moratorium but went on record as opposed to reduction or cancellation of war debts. SPORTS Jan. 1 Alabama defeated Wash ington State in Pasadena, Rose Bowl football game. Feb. 6Capt Malcolm Campbell of England established world automo bile speed record of 245.7$ miles an hour at Daytona Beach, Fla. Feb. 2$ First James E. Sullivan memorial medal of A. A. U. present ed to Bobby Jones. Feb. 28 Northwestern university won Big Ten basketball champion ship. March 20 Gar Wood at Miami Beach set new speed boat record of 102.256 miles an hour. March 21 Cambridge crew beat Oxford. April 14 Jack Thompson, Chicago colored welterweight regained world's title by defeating Tommy Freeman of Cleveland. April 24 Tony Canxonerl retained lightweight title at Chicago by knocking out Jack (Kid) Berg of England. May 9 Mate won the Preakness. May 12 American amateur boxers defeated French team, S bouts to i, In Chicago. May 16 Mrs. Whitney's Twenty Grand won the Kentucky derby. May 22 Erio Smith Won British amateur golf title. May 23 Wisconsin won Big Four track and field championship. May 27 William Harrldge elected president of American Baseball league. May 30 Louis Schneider won In dianapolis 600 mile automobile race. Southern California won intercol legiate track championship. June 8 English derby won by Cameronlan, the favorite. June 5 Tommy Armour, Detroit professional, won British open golf championship. June 6 University ot Southern California won national collegiate track meet University of Illinois won Big Four baseball championship. June 16 Navy won the Pough keepsle regatta. June 19 Harvard beat Yale In the New London regatta, June 20 Mate won the American derby at Chicago. Ed Dudley won Western open golf championship. June 21 Johnny Goodman of Omaha won Transmlsslsslppl golf title. June 2! Yale won collegiate golf team title. June 27 American golfers de feated British, regaining the Ryder cup. George Dunlap of Princeton won oollegiate golf championship. July 3 Max Schmeling of Ger many whipped Willie Stribling in 16 rounds at Cleveland, retaining the heavyweight title. July 4 George Von Elm and Wil lie Burke tied for national open golf championship, July 6 Von Elm and Burke again tied in play-off of national golf championship. July 6 Billy Burke won open golf title in second playoff with Von Elm. July 11 Walter Hagen and Percy Alliss tied for Canadian open golf title. July 14 Hagen beat Alliss In playoff for Canadian title. July 18 Mate won the $82,600 classic at Arlington track, Chicago, Old Aiken polo team won Interna tional series from Santa Paula team ot Argentina. Don Moe won western amateur golf title. July 19 British tennis team de feated Americans and won right to play French for Davis cup, July 22 Jack Sharkey and Micky Walker fought a 15 round draw In Brooklyn. - July 26 French tennis team de feated .British, retaining Davis cup. Aug. 1 Sun Beau, winning the Arlington handicap, became record breaking money winner. Aug. 8 American women's tennis team won Wlghtman cup from Brit ish. Aug. 23 Helen Wills Moody again won women's tennis championship. Aug. 28 Rev. Garrison Roebuck of McClure, Ohio, won Grand Amer ican handicap. Aug. 29 Mrs. O, S. HIU won wom en's western golf title. Sept 6 Francis Quintet won na tional amateur golf championship at Chicago. Sept. 6 Kaye Don's Miss England II beat Gar Wood's Miss America IX In first heat of Harmsworth trophy race at Detroit. Sept. 7 Harmsworth races ended when Don's boat was disqualified and then sank. Sept 10 Tony Canzonerl, light weight champion, defeated Jack Berg In title fight at New York. Sept. 12 Ellsworth Vines of Cali fornia won national tennis cham pionship. Sept. 15 Philadelphia Athletics won American league pennant Sept 16 St. Louis Cardinals won National league pennant Sept. 19 Tom Creavy won the professional golf championship, Santa Paula team of Argentina won American open polo title. Sept 26 Helen Hicks won wom en's golf championship, defeating Mrs. Glenna Collett Vare. Oct. 10 St. Louis Cardinals won world championship, Oct. 12 Jack Sharkey whipped Primo Camera In Brooklyn. Oct. 20 Nova Scotia boat Blue nose won Atlantic fishing fleet tro phy permanently. Oct 23 Lou Broulllard won wel terweight title from Jack Thomp son, Oct 26 Young Peres of Tunis won flyweight title from Frankle Genaro of New York In Paris. Nov. 2 Lewis outwrestled Zbyszko In Chicago and won world title. Nov. 4 Battallno beat Earl Mas tro In Chicago, retaining feather weight title. Nov. 20 Canzonerl defeated Kid Chocolate In New York. Nov. 21 In football Yale' defeated Harvard, and University of Southern California beat Notre Dame, Nov. 28 Northwestern, Purdue and Michigan tied for Western Con ference football championship; Army defeated Notre Dame; Yale beat Princeton; Tulane won Southern con ference title. Dec, 20 Annual conference of Na tional Collegiate Athletic association opened In New York. DISASTERS Jan. 8 About 170 persons killed by typhoon In the Philippines. Jan, 14 Oaxaca City, Mexloo, wrecked by earthquake; many killed. Feb. 3 Cities of Napier and Hast ings New Zealand, wrecked by earth quake; many killed. Feb. 16 One hundred Chinese drowned when steamer sank In Pearl rive. March 7 Earthquake In the Balk ans killed 150 and wrecked many towns. March 81 Knute Rockne, Notre Dame football coach and seven oth ers killed In T. A. T, Western Ex press liner crash near Bazaar, Kan, City of Managua, Nicaragua, ruined by earthquake; 1,100 dead. May 25 Forty-seven killed by Are In gold mine In Kolar fields, 9 British submarine sunk In collision near Welhalwel, China; 24 men lost June 14 French excursion steam er capsized near St Nasalre; about 600 Uvea lost. June 22 Ten million dollar Are In St, John, N. B. Aug. 21 Flood of Yangtse river drowned 200,000 and threatened de struction of Hankow, Aug. 27 Thousands reported killed by earthquake in Baluchis tan. Aug. 80 Terrible floods north of Yangchow, China, resulted from breaking of Grand canal dykes; 160,000 drowned. Sept, 8 About 200 drowned by floods at Poneo, Porto Rico. Sept. 10 Belize, British Honduras, devuitaiuI-Uik hmrlcoiUU. lAUH killed. - OcTTl-ITussran- reTSmarTn'e"STjnk In collision; 50 drowned. Nov. 6 Five killed and eight In jured by gun explosion on U. 8. 8. Colorado. Nov. 20 Explosion In colliery near Can ton bury, England, killed 42 men. Nov. 12 Stock show special wrecked In Missouri; seven men and many valuable horses killed. Dec. 13 Three hundred Chinese died when ship blew up near Shang- hR' NECROLOGY Jan. 1 Hugh C. Wallace, former ambassador to France. Jan. 3 Marshal Joseph Joffre of France, hero of the Marne. Jan. 11 Nathan Straus of New York, millionaire merchant and phi lanthropist Jan. 22 Anna Pavlowa, noted dancer, at The Hague. Jan. 26 Edward I. Edwards former governor of New Jersey and former United States senator. Feb. 14 MaJ. Gen. C. R. Edwards, commander of Yankee division, A. E. F., In Boston, Feb. 18 Louis Wolhelm, stage and screen star. Frank C Emerson, governor of Wyoming. W. R. Merriam, former governor of Minnesota. Feb. 23 Dame Nellie Melba, fam ous soprano, In Melba, Australia. March 1 Representative Henry A. Cooper of Wisconsin. Rear Admiral Thomas S. Rodgers, U. S. N., retired. March 2 Lieut Gen. Edgar Jad wln, chairman of Interoceanio canal board. March 10 Joseph P. Cotton, un dersecretary of state. March 16 Cardinal Pletro Maffl, archbishop of Piss, March 24 Robert Edeson, stage and screen star. Rear Admiral C. P. Plunkett, re tired, In Washington. March 27 Arnold Bennett, Eng lish novelist and playwright Henry Ives Cobb, American architect. March 29 Byron Bancroft John son, founder of American Baseball league. Dr. George A. Dorsey, anthropol ogist, In New York. April 1 Maclyn Arbuckle, stage and screen star. April 9 Nicholas Longworth, speaker of the national house of representatives. May 2 George F. Baker of New York, America's richest banker. May 9 Dr. Albert A. Michelson, eminent scientist, in Pasadena, Calif. May 10 Walter A. Strong, pub lisher of Chicago Dally News. May 12 Eugene Ysaye, violinist, In Brussels, Belgium. May 14 David Belasco, dean of theatrical producers. May 29 Congressman C. A. Moo ney, of Cleveland, Ohio. June 4 Mortimer L. Schilf, New York banker and philanthropist. June 6 John L. Stoddard, Amer ican author and travel lecturer, June 15 Miss Anna Adams Gor don, former president of World W. C. T. U. June 20 Ralph Booth, American minister to Denmark. June 25 Alfred Aloyslus Smith ("Trader Horn"), In London. June 27 Wilbur C. Whitehead, bridge whist authority. July 1 Miss Alice M. Robertson, former congresswoman from Okla homa. July 2 Dr. Stephen M. Babcock of University of Wisconsin, Inventor of the milk test July 4 George S. Graham of Pennsylvania, oldest member of con gress. July 7 John Brlsben Walker, sol dier, business man, writer and mag azine editor, In Brooklyn. July 9 John L. Agnew, mining magnate, at Copper Cliff, Ont R. L. Henry, former congressman from Texas, In Houston. July 13 Representative C. G. Ed wards of Georgia. July 28 Congressman Sam C. Major of Missouri. Aug. 8 Merrltt Star, Chicago at torney and author Aug. 11 Rev. Peter J. CCallaghan of Chicago, president of Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, Aug. 26 Frank Harris, author, In Nice, France. Aug. 29 Alfred P. Dennis, mem ber of tariff commission. Aug. 81 Sir Hall Calne, English author. Sept 12 F. W. Lehmann of St Louis, former United States solici tor general. Sept 18 J. F. Nugent, former senator from Idaho. Col. Zack Mulhall, Oklahoma pio neer and showman. Sept. 19 Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor emeritus of Stanford uni versity. Sept. 29 Sir William Orpen, Brit ish artist Oct 5 Dwlght W. Morrow, sena tor from New Jersey. Oct 7 Daniel Chester French. American sculptor. Oct 11 Fleming H. Revell of New York, publisher. Oct. 13 Dr. H. B. Learned, his torian, at Stanford university. Oct 14 W. H. Williams, presi dent of Wabash railway. Oct 16 Charles W. Murphy, former owner of Chicago National League Ball club. Oct. 18 Thomas A. Edison In West Orange, N. J. Oct 20 W. A. Rogers, cartoon ist. Oot 21 Arthur Schnltzlcr, Aus trian dramatist and novelist Oct. 22 Fletcher Hale, congress man from New Hampshire. Oct 24 C. F. D. Belden, librarian of Boston Public library and presi dent of American Library associa tion. Oct 26 Charles A. Comlskey, owner of Chicago White Sox ball club, Ronald W. Boyden, American member of the Hague court Oct 26 Oohs Oakes, editor of Current History, In New York. Oct 28 John M. Bowman,' presi dent of Bowman-BUtmore hotel cor poration. Nov. 1 Seymour Mandelbaum, Baltimore philanthropist Nov. 6 C. A. Greathouse of Indi ana, secretary of Democratic na tional oommlttee. Prof. O. E. Rolvaag, novelist and educator, at Northfleld; Minn, Nov. 6 Senator T. II. Caraway of Arkansas. Henry M. Wurzbach, only Repub lican congressman from Texas. Nov. 7 Richard T. Crane, Jr., of Chicago, president of Crane com pany. Nov. 9 Col. Isaao N. Lewis, In ventor of machine gun, In Hoboken, Nov. 17 Edward Simmons, Amer ican painter, In Baltimore, A. J. Wlmpld, corn developer, In Centervllle, S. D. Nov, 21 Dr. Sam Small, editor and evangelist, In Atlanta, Oa. Nov. 22 Louis Loucheur, French statesman. Nov. 25 Former Gov, Al Taylor of Tennessee, Nov. 27 Robert Ames, American actor, Hoke Smith, former cabinet mem ber, senator and governor, In At lanta, Ga, Nov. 80 Henry Walters, railway magnate, In New York, Dr. K. G. Mathesnn, president of Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Daniel Sullivan, multimillionaire banker of San Antonio, Tex. J. J. Hattstacdt of Chicago, vet eran musical educator. Deo. 1 W. O. Shepard, Methodist bishop ot Mediterranean area, In Paris. Deo. 2 A. H. Cock burn, govern ment gun expert, at Watorvllot, N.Y. Deo. 8 Vincent D'Indy, French composer, Dec. 4 ,T. F. .TelUe, philanthropist and manufacturer, In Chicago F. H. Bedford, oil magnate, In New York, Charles MacVengh, former Amer ican ambassador to Jspnn. Deo. 5 Viicholl Llndsny, Amer ican poet, In Springfield, 111, Deo, (Clarence H. Howard, steel magnate, In Boston. Dec. 7 K. C. Hupp, automobile manufacturer, In Detroit. . Deo. 9 Antonio Salandra, war premier of Italy. Deo. 18 Former Cardinal Louis Billot at Arrlcla, Italy. (ffl by Western Newspaper Union.)