1CAL SOCIETY OREGON HISTORIC PUBLIC V p 0 FT 7 L A ! 0RE Volume 48, Number 42. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Dec. 31, 1931 Subscription $2.00 a Year BRIGHTER OUTLOOK FOB WOOL IN 1932 National Marketing Cor poration Manager Cites Influencing Factors. IN BETTER DEMAND Consumption Increased in 1931 and Steady Price Maintained in Face Of General Price Declines. With one of the most difficult marketing years in history behind it, during which a tremendous task was accomplished, the National Wool Marketing corporation looks forward to 1932, convinced that the trend of events in the coming year will favor a more active wool mar ket at firm to better prices. That is the opinion of J. Byron Wilson, McKinley, Wyoming, gen eral manager of the wool market ing agency for 40,000 wool growers of the United States as the coop erative begins activity to await ar rival of an anticipated large 1932 clip from the thousands of pro ducers. "Through 1931, darkest year of a world-wide depression, when every commodity took price declines, wool held its own," Wilson said. Wool was one of the few commodities to show an Increase in consumption during the unsettled year. The in crease came during retrenchment periods of production, labor diffi culties and general inactivity. "During this period the market ing agency for the 40,000 wool growers was' outstanding as a fac tor in keeping market levels on their proper plane," Wilson said. "Our policy of never selling below current price levels and that of re jecting bids below a fair price, did much to keep wool on its prop er level. At the same time we urged Independent dealers not to sell their wool when efforts were made by large consumers to force the market down. This resistance to lower prices brought us respect from buyers and as the year ended It left the growers' cooperative with more strength than ever. "These factors clearly demon strated to wool growers and buyers that the 'national' is the leader in wool marketing. No attempt to create a false price was made and the cooperative did not make ef forts to dictate on which the price should be, except to refuse to dis pose of its members' clips at a sac rifice to make a sale. "Recognition of what the 'nation al' has done during these past un certain and trying days was ac corded the growers' cooperative by the Boston Transcript, wool auth ority, in its issue of December 17 when that paper said, 'the nation al cooperative, which is the largest holder of unsold wool is quoting prices slightly above the market average and shows little hesitation, apparently, in turning down low bids. Some hesitation, if not un certainty, is usual in the closing month of the year; but sentiment is actually more cheerful now than a year ago'." Marketing conditions for wool should improve during 1932 for many reasons, Mr. Wilson believes. These Include increased consump tion, curtailed production because of smaller carry-over of sheep and a constantly growing demand for wool. Large replacement needs by mills now operating with depleted stocks on a hand-to-mouth buying policy also will bring about heav ier buying. "For the first ten months of 1931 the United States consumed 63 mil lion pounds more wool than in the same period of 1930," Mr. Wilson said. "These figures, which are ex clusive of imported carpet wools, clearly Indicate that the nation has returned to wool and that general betterment is In store for the long suffering wool industry. "Style trends brought wool into the spotlight a year ago and the steady demand for lighter woolens and worsteds has grown so strong ly that wool cannot be easily re placed or removed from a now wool-minded buying public. The 'national' has cooperated with all branches of the wool industry in conducting wool promotion and an education campaign to boost wool. In the fall of 1931 our organization took the lead in sponsoring Nation al Wool' Week, when $25,000,000 worth of woolen and worsted fab rics were sold; "The present popularity of wool, the sterling of all fabrics, makes it obvious that wool will be the standard - bearer of dominating style trends for 1932 and for many years to come. With this demand Increasing, wool consumption will continue in proportion and the sup ply for this year should bring bet ter prices. "Consumption on all grades of domestic wool, except low quarter blood was greater in the first nine months of 1931 than for the same period a year ago. This is espe cially true of three-eighths blood wool, which experienced' a 'run' from mills when it was learned that the supply was low The Increased demand for three-eighths wool also helped stimulate demand for other medium grades. "Consumption by grades in the United States for the first nine (Continued on Fag Six.) MARRIAGES LEAD . DIVORCES, 1931 27 Licenses to Wed Are Issued In County; 10 Divorces Granted; September Popular Month. Dan Cupid must do some fast work if he gets December, 1931, in to his record of fatalities in Mor row county. So far, this month and February are the only months in the year in which no marriage li censes were issued. June has an parently lost its charm among mat rimonial prospects, as being the best month in which to get mar ried, as only three couples chose this month, while five chose Sep tember, the leading month of the year. Twenty-seven licenses were issued In all for the year. And to partially offset Dan's work, ten di vorce decrees were granted in the same period. Following is the record by months for the year: Marriages. January Ivolene Verona Brum bach and Carl Cason; Vivian Stout and James J. Hayes. March Edna Lovgren and Lloyd Emery Harshman; Juanita Cavan augh and Lester L. Knowlton. April Anna Blahm and Clifford L. Shaw; Cecelia Fraters and Geo. Kennteh Burnside; Harriet White and Hillery Stout May May Ellis and Lonnie Rit chie; Alice Keithley and W. par ley Anderson. June Hazel O. Feldman and Emil R. Russell; Verdie Leach and Earl Elliott Isom; Bertha Otto and Jesse J. Wells. July Ruth Hoeft and Leonard E. Marty. August Luola Benge and , O. H tiding Bengston; Gwendolyn Cantwell and Eslie M. Walker. September Alice Arbogast and Sidney Walter Burnette; Oma Juanita Scrivner and Elbert L. Cox; Mildred Morgan and Johnnie Ed ward Eubanks; Pearl Vail and John Eugene Gentry; Velton Owen and Henry F. Stark. October Fern E. Engelman and John Winnard Turner; Edris Rit chie and Franklin Lindstrom; Helen Wells and Cletus Dudly Ni chols; Edith Minnie Ely and Wal lace William Matthews. November Martha M. Titus and Earl D. Cramer; Annie May Rich ardson and Harry H. Jayne; Marie Breshears and Wilbur Steagall. Divorces. February Stacy Roberts' vs, Le ora K. Roberts. April Minnie B. Furlong vs. Charles H. Furlong. May Elsie L. Merrltt vs. John Franklin Merritt. June Jessie M. Cox vs. Percy C. Cox; Marion Barlow vs. Franklin S. Barlow. August Herbert Hynd vs. Mil dred Hynd. November Sydney Bruneau vs. Francis Bruneau. December Luola Beavert vs. Frank L. Beavert; Irene Yocom vs. George Yocom; Violet Wightman vs. Glenn R. Wightman. TO STAGE ANNUAL BALL. The first annual ball for the ben efit of the Heppner volunteer fire department has been announced for January 16 at the Elks hall. Plans for the affair were discussed by the fire boys at a meeting last week and each of the ten men al lotted a job for the evening. All details are being taken care of by the firemen themselves who prom ise tht public one of the outstand ing social events of the year. Pro ceeds above expenses will go into the firemen's coffers to be used any way they see fit A keen Interest is being taken by the boys under the leadership of Mark Merrill, chief, and weekly practices have been held regularly in spite of Inclement weather conditions. At last week's practice it took the boys just 15 seconds to get the water turned through the hose from the time the truck was stopped. Hydrants in different sections of town are tap ped each week to assure their func tioning properly. Practices are held on Wednesday nights at curfew time. GET EMPLOYEES' CHECK. Morrow county last week receiv ed Its portion of the first contribu tion of state employees to unem ployment relief, amounting to $30. The check was turned over to the central committee for unemploy ment relief. State employees are giving a day's salary each month for the four winter months to be used for unemployment relief, and the $30 check represented Morrow county's portion of the first month's contribution. The central commit tee for unemployment relief, or ganized at Heppner, Is handling county-wide relief with the assist ance of a director appointed from each community in the county. Two funds have been established by the committee, one a county- wide rund composed of such con tributions as that received from the state, and the other a local fund for ubb in Heppner, made up Dy purely local contributions. WATCH PARTY TONIGHT. The Christian church is staging a watch party tonight to usher in the new year. Beginning with a chicken supper, the evening's en tertainment will include a program with each class of the Sunday school providing numbers. Hugh Shaw who is now located on his mother's farm In Clark's canyon, was a business visitor In the city today. Full Day's Program Set For Pomona Grange Meet Morrow County Pomona grange will hold its regular quarterly meet ing at the Rhea Creek Grange hall on Saturday, January 2. An inter esting program has been arranged by Mrs. Oscar Lundell, lecturer. Dr. Fred B. Messing of Portland will be the principal speaker of the day. The business meeting will be called at 10:30 o'clock a. m., and the program, to which the public is Invited, will start at 2:00 o'clock sharp. The initiatory work in the fifth degree, to be put on by the Rhea Creek grange, will start at 8:00 p. m., according to O. E. Wright of Heppner, master of the Morrow County Pomona grange. It is the hope of those in charge of the program that the public will take advantage of this opportunity to hear Dr. Messing, executive sec retary of the Oregon Social Hy giene society. LIONS ENJOY SHOW OF COLLEGE FILMS County Agent Exhibits Educational Service Supplied by State Col lege; Clam Feed Enjoyed. An example of the educational film service obtainable by county agents from the state college ex tension service for use in their work was given the Lions club at its Monday noon luncheon by Chas. W. Smith, county agent and club president, following a feed of steamed clams enjoyed through the courtesy of Central market Miss Jeanette Turner served as pianist for tharday in the absence of Mrs. W. R. Poulson, regular accompan ist, and Paul Marble ltd the club singing. Cecil L. Lieuallen, state policeman, was a guest Two reels of moving pictures were shown the Lions. One de picted the construction of the Cas cade tunnel on the Great Northern railroad in Washington, the long est railroad tunnel in the world, and the other gave an illustrated lecture on citizenship. The projec tor and films had been obtained by Mr. Smith for use at a 4-H club meeting in Heppner that afternoon and at other meetings over the county. 1 The pictures and projector are furnished by the extension service for the cost of transportation, mak ing the cost quite light, Mr. Smith explained. The projector, showing standard moving picture films, is very compact and efficient It is wired for both 110 and 32 volt elec tric circuits, so that It may be con nected to a light socket in town or may be supplied with "juice" from an automobile when used In the country. Films covering a wide range of educational subjects are supplied by the college and Mr. Smith has found the service invaluable in work with farmers, 4-H clubs, granges and other organizations over the county. 1931 Winter Wheat Crop Worth Third of 1929 Crop Decreased acreage and lower per acre yield played a part but lower prices was largely responsible, for Oregons revenue from its 1931 winter wheat crop being cut to nearly one third of the amount re ceived for the 1929 crop, as shown by the December, 1931, statistical table issued by the U. S. depart ment of agriculture. The dollar value of Oregon's 15,262,000-bushel 1931 wheat crop is given at $7,631,- 000, while the 18,520,000-bushel crop of 1929 brought a return of $20, 557,000. The average yield In 1931 was 18.5 bushels as compared to 20 bushels in 1929. The 1931 figures are given subject to revision in De cember, 1932. Figures for 1930 showed total production of 19,159,000 bushels, av erage per acre yield as 23 bushels, and a dollar value of $11,112,000. Total acreage for each year was: 1929, 926,000; 1930, 833,000, and 1931, 825,000 acres. A similar decline in value of the United States winter wheat crop is shown. The total 1931 yield for the nation was 782,465,000 bushels, hav ing a total value of $341,458,000, as against 577,009,000 bushels in 1929 with a value of $609,360,000. The per acre yield for the nation in 1931 was 19.2 bushels compared to 14.2 bushels in 1929. Total acreage showed an increase in 1931 with 41,009,000 acres compared to 40,- 580,000 acre) in 1929. The United States figures for 1930 showed total acreage of 39,509,000 acres; per acre yield, 15.2 bushels total production, 601,840.000 bush els; dollar value, $381,491,000. FINED FOB BAD CONDUCT. Patrick J. O'Reilly, an Irishman who came from Edinburgh, Scot land, was arraigned before Justice Huston Tuesday morning and fined $25 and costs on a charge of drunk and disorderly conduct The charge arose from O'Reilly's actions at the Jerry Kilcup farm near Lena re cently. CONVICTED OF MISDEMEANOR Byrd Swift was convicted on the charge of breaking glass on a state highway by a Jury in the court of Justice Huston Mondav afternoon and was fined $20 and costs. Swift was arrested Christmas night at Lexington by Cecil L. Lieuallen state policeman. A fine cast In a fine comedy mijLJUJNAlKK star Thea ter Sunday and Monday. RAYMOND DRAKE WINS U. P. AWARD $100 Scholarship Won in 4-H Club Work; Achievement Ping Given 22 Clubbers at Meeting. The $100 scholarship awarded an nually by the Union Pacific rail road to the outstanding boy in 4-H club work in each county in its ter ritory has been awarded to Ray mond Drake, Jr., for Morrow coun ty in 1931, it was announced at a 4-H club achievement meeting and picture Show at the Star theater Monday afternoon. The meeting was attended by 110 boys and girls interested In 4-H club work, and achievement pins were given 22 of the number. Gordon Akers was named alter nate recipient of the Union Pacific award, and would be entitled to the scholarship in case Drake were unable to use it Drake has been a member of the lone Calf club for four years and has done outstand ing work. Akera is a member of the Eight Mile Center Poultry club with an excellent record Ethel Hughes of Heppner was introduced as the winner of'an O. S. C. 4-H club summer school schol arship for outstanding work in homemaking. Four year achieve ment pins were awarded Raymond and Donald Drake. A two-year pin was given Marjorie Parker, and one-year pins were issued Douglas Drake, Margaret Sprinkel, Vina McConkie, Dora Bailey, Harriet Hager, Helen Egan, Marie Barlow, Ethel Bailey, Elsie Crump, Ruth Green, Gladys Casebeer, Irene and Norma McFerrin, Ernest Clark, Stephen Wehmeyer, Wm. McCaleb, Ellen McConkie. Commendation of the efforts of the boys and girls in club work, which has placed Morrow county in the ranks of leading counties in 4-H club work in the state, was given by Chas. W. Smith, county agent, who made the awards. Ed ucational moving pictures obtained through the extension service of Oregon State college were also shown by Mr. Smith. Other club members not attend ing who are entitled to pins can get them by calling at the county agent's office, it was announced. THRONGS ATTEND NAT WEBB RITES Dr. W. A. Bratton Reads Eulogy to Friends Who Fill Church to Ca pacity; Well Known Here. The following account of the passing of Nat Webb, who for many years conducted a farm in Morrow county in company with his broth er, Paul Webb, will be of interest to his many friends here. It was taken from the Walla Walla Bulle tin of last Sunday: Friends to the number of several hundred paid final tribute yester day afternoon to Nat H. Webb, prominent native son of Walla Wal la, who died Thui-sday afternoon and was buried following services at St. Paul's Episcopal church with the Rev. Stanley T. Boggess offi ciating. In addition to the burial service of the denomination to which Mr. Webb belonged, a fitting eulogy by Dr. Walter A. Bratton was read from the pulpit and music was giv en by a mixed quartet, with violin obligate The church, filled to capacity and overflowing, was massed with greenery and with flowers sent by friends and associates from near and far. Pall bearers were Werner A. Rupp or Aberdeen, Otto B. Rupp of Seattle, B. E. Sherman, Lester Robison, Dr. W. G. Hughes and Byron Lutcher, all of Walla Walla In his eulogy Dr. Bratton said: "Nathanial Henry Webb was born Aug. 23, 1876 In a houes which stood between Main and Alder streets near Fourth. His father, Nathaniel Webb, came around the Horn in 1849 to California. His mother, Eli za Jane Boggs, came across the plains by ox team in 1853 to Rose burg, Ore. They were married and came to Walla Walla about 1875. Nats' home has been in Walla Wal la through his whole life, although he conducted a sheep business in Eastern Oregon and Southern Ida ho for more than 10 years. He had his education In the Catholic school here and in trie academy and college at Whitman, from which he graduated with the class of 1898. Ho married Ella Ay ers Vall Nov. 1, 1923. "He was a Mason, member of the York Rite bodies of Walla Walla, and of El Katlf, Mystic Shrine, of Spokane. He was a member of the Walla Walla Rotary club, a direct or of the Peoples State bank and a member of the board of overseers of Whitman college. He died Thurs day, Dec. 24, 1931. Son of Pioneers "Friends, Nat Webb was a prod uct of the Walla Walla valley at Its best. He was the son of pioneer parents and breathed In from baby hood the simple virtues of the pion eer family. He knew both from par ental Instruction and from his own experience how to separate the real values of life from its frills and furbelows. Always esteeming oth ers more than himself, he never sought positions of public acclaim but made himself the solid bul wark of support for any of his (Continued on Page Six) Social Worker to Address Series of Meetings Here Dr. Fred B. Messing, executive secretary of the Oregon Social Hy giene society, will address a series of meetings in the county starting Saturday when he will appear be fore the Pomona grange at Rhea creek Sunday afternoon at 2:30 he will address a meeting of parents at the Methodist church in Heppner, and will work in the Heppner schools Monday and Tuesday. He will ad dress the Lions club Monday noon and that evening at 8 o'clock will speak before an open meeting of women at the- Episcopal parish house in this city. He will spend Wednesday with the schools at Lexington and lone, and on Thursday he will visit the Boardman and Irrlgon schools. Dr. Messinga visit to the county is sponsored by the Heppner Business and Professional Womens club. SOUTH END POINTS ISOLATED BY SNOW Stages Unable to Get Through to Hardman, Eight Mile Yesterday; Glare of Ice Covers City. Highways and by-ways near Heppner are a glare of ice today as the result of a cold rain last night that followed in the wake of a snowstorm Monday which piled up four inches of the beautiful here to give residents their second touch of winter for the season. Drifts on the road to Hardman had that city isolated yesterday, and the stage could make it to within only five miles of the little south end city, and that after Creed Owen, driver, had shoveled away at drifts. It was a matter of conjecture when the stage left this morning whether it could make it through today. Wm. McRoberts, driver of the Eight Mile stage, was also unable to make it through to the Eight Mile postoffice, but ex pected to make it tomorrow. The road was reported passable to Rhea creek this morning. Monday s snow followed the Chi nook of the week before that ridded hills about Heppner of the last ves tige of the cloak of snow and ice that had enveloped them for three weeks, and gave a touch of spring for nearly a week, with grass liter ally springing from the ground and trees showing signs of budding. A high wind developed the end of the week which rapidly 'dried the sur face of the ground, switching di rections in a prankish manner. It started snowing Monday morning and with the temperature above freezing much of it melted as it hit the ground. Moderation Tues day caused the snow to melt down more and bare spaces on the south hillsides were showing when the cold rain that rapidly turned to ice came last night While it was raining at Heppner it was snowing to the north and two inches of new snow was report ed at lone and Cecil this morning. The snow extended to within three miles of Heppner, covering the highway just below the Alfalfa Lawn dariy, making driving safer than on the icy highway this side, cars coming through this morning reported. Reports from the outside this morning were that the Old Oregon Trail and Walla Walla highways out of Pendleton were closed be cause of icy surface, and traveling was reported dangerous on the Co lumbia river highway through the mountains. The sun is shining here today, softening the ice and making trav el by either foot or car less hazard ous. Many Kiddies See Movies At Community Christmas 'I never knew there were so many youngsters in Heppner," was the comment of one onlooker as he viewed the throng of beaming faced kiddies who turned out for the free picture show and treat given by the Elks, Lions, American Legion and Business and Profes sional Women s club at the Star theater last Thursday afternoon. "Father's Son," a picture of boy life, was the featured attraction. Following the movie a bag of treats was handed each youngster as he passed through the door. The Christmas season was a glad some occasion on every hand with large attendance at all programs, the last of which was held at the Christian church Sunday evening. The pageant, "Their Gift and Mine" was given, followed by a treat. Though the total volume of Christ mas business by local stores was reported considerably under that of former years, a brisk trade was enjoyed. MRS. COCHRAN VERY ILL. Dr. McMurdo was summoned to Cecil this morning to attend Mrs. John Lawrence Cochran who was reported In a very critical condl tlon with slight hope held for her recovery. Mrs. Wilson Bayless and Mrs. Frank Turner, sisters-in-law of Mrs. Cochran, accompanied the doctor. Mrs. Cochran has been an invalid for many years, suffering from paralysis. Mrs. Bayless re mained at Cecil. A half-sister re siding at Oakland, Cal., was noti fied by wire this morning. Star Theater, Sunday and Mon day, George Arllss in THE MIL LIONAIRE, from story by Earl Derr Biggers. BIRTHS - DEATHS GIVEN FOR 1931 Vital Statistics Show 27 Who Died In Year, and 53 New Ar rivals; Names Given. The vital statistics in the office of Dr. A. B. Gray, county physi cian, record 27 deaths and 53 births in 1931. Both deaths and births showed a decline from 1930 when 32 deaths and 76 births were record ed. No compilation had yet been made of deaths from various causes for 1931, but recently received from the State Board of Health was a chart which showed but three of the deaths in 1930 caused by con tagious diseases, putting Morrow county well down in the rank of counties in the percentage of deaths caused by preventable dis eases. Following are the deaths and births recorded in 1931, listed by months, with the day preceding the name: Deaths. January 1, Lucy C. Baird. February 12, Josephine L. John son; 15, Edward Baker Hunt; 20, Charles William Craddick. March 1, Charley Repass; 3, Martha Combast; 5, Andrew Olson; 6, Hugh McNerney. April 5, Frederick Loven Kuns; 9, Hugh Alger Conner. May 6, Salina Bauman; 6, Jessie H. Robertson; 14, Caroline Omo hundro; 19, Karl Langford Beach; 31, Mrs. Sarah King. June 5, Andrew Jackson Cook; 5, Alfred Elmer Bates; 22, Richard Lafayette Wisdom; 23, Ruth Ade lene Hunt; 24, Nathaniel Lee Shaw. July 7, Harley Raymond New port August 5, David Henry rGabill. September 26, Frank Hale. October 2, Andrew Baird. November 23, Andrew J. Saffell; 25, Joseph W. Rector. December 20, Franklin B. Elder. Births. December 25, 1930 (since last re port) Elsie Rosetta Ball. February 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Al fred John Caldera, boy; 8, Doris Mae Williams; 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mule Miller, girl. March 9, Elmer Robert Hake; 19, Bruce Dixon Smith; 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas McElli gott, boy; 21, John William Jep son; 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Cohn, boy; 21, to Mr. and Mrs. John Calvin Botts, boy; 21, John Albert Lovgren; 22, Perry Allen Adams; 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Lester Drake, boy; 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Walson Cutsforth, girl; 31, Robert Alva Jones. April 4, Patricia Ann Wilcox; 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Frank Buschke, girl; 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lytle McMillan, girl; 12, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Burl Wattenbur ger, girl; 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel J. Turner, boy. May 5, Bernice Vivian Scott; 22, William Albert Nirschl. June 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Her bert E. Cole; 12, Eunice Marie Keithley; 16, Francis Terrance Grant; 17, Kenneth Reinson Law- ther; 19, to Mr. and Mrs. William Ray Barrett, boy; 23, Elizabeth May Edwards; 30, Paul A. Morey, Jr. July 10, Jean Elizabeth Cave; 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burn side, boy; 25, John Louis Smith; 27, Lois Faye Key. August 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindsay Scott, girl; 14, William Pe terson Whitson; 29, Robert Allen Bennett September 5, to Mr. and Mrs. James Stout, boy; 9, Treva Jean Davidson; 10, Janet Marie Sprouls; 14, Anna May Ekleberry; 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frederick Berg- strom, boy; 15, Eldon LeRoy Mc Ferrin; 15, Georgia Ann McMillan; 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Victor Bergstrom, boy. October 2, Beverly Mae Griffith; 7, Gladys Fay Ball; 16, Francis Ann Hisler; 17, Glen Setphen Har rison. November 18, Carl William Thorpe; 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gustav Peterson, boy; 28, Gerald Martin Smith. December 20, Betty Jean Wag ner; 30, Patricia Marie Moore. MORROW WOMAN IS DEVISEE. Allle Coryell of Irrigon is one of the devisees named in the will of George Lorenzen who died in this county December 6. Petition to ad mit the will for probate in Wasco county was made by Fred Thomas, executor, according to The Dalles Optimist. The estate includes real property In Wasco county valued at $4000 and personal property val ued at $6000. The will, executed in May, 1931, named the following de visees: Alice Lorenzen, The Dalles, Anton L. Lorenzen, Dufur; Clara Sauter, Bingen, and Allie Coryell, irrlgon. RESUMES MID-WEEK SHOWS. B. G. Sigsbee, manager of the Star theater, announces that mid week shows which were discontin ued through December- will be re sumed beginnng the first of the year, giving the public a show each night at the theater. Programs are changed on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. AUTOMOBILE BURNS. Harold Cohn lost his Dodge se dan by fire one day last week, when the car became overheated and caught fire in bucking the mud up Skinner creek. The car was a mass of flames before Mr. Cohn could do anything about it except save him self. It was insured. To Trade Duroc boar for what you have. Frank Mason, lone. 42 KEYNOTE T IT Reduced Foreign Stores, Low Estimated Yields Change Outlook. PRICE HOLDS WELL Grain Corporation Official Asks Co operation of Farmers to En hance Good Market Trend. Spokane, Wash. In a year-end forecast prepared by Henry W. Col lins, vice president in charge of the Pacific coast division of the Farm ers' National Grain corporation, bright prospects are outlined for the wheat crop and prices next year. The report as made public by the Spokane office of the Farmers' National Grain, corporation is as follows: "Although world wheat prices have advanced from recent record low prices, the more recent foreign exchange fluctuations and the dis turbed financial conditions in this country and abroad have again re duced prices, although not to the low point previously reached. It would seem, however, that the fact that grain prices have not declined more in the face of such conditions augurs well for commodity values. 'Sentiment with respect to condi tions prevailing in connection with wheat has changed considerably. Whereas a few months ago many were pointing to large stocks of wheat in all countries, especially in Russia, there is now the belief that stocks are less in the exporting countris, with the exception of the United States and Canada and that the quality of wheat in Russia and Argentina is so much below stan dard that it is reasonable to expect continued demand from importing countries for the high grade wheat held in North America. "Many authorities are also call ing attention to the prospect for a smaller crop next year in the Uni ted States and Canada. In the American winter wheat states, where a bumper crop was harvest ed last year, conditions are less sat isfactory than they have been In many years, and all indications point to a greatly reduced crop. Due partly to unfavorable weather conditions, acreage of fall sown wheat has been greatly reduced in the United States. The December government report on winter wheat acreage is the fourth lowest since 1870, and moisture conditions In the spring wheat area are also poor. In the Paciflc northwest it is noticeable that this year the price of wheat has been several cents above Chicago, whereas the normal spread is several cents below Chi cago. This improvement in local price is due to the reduction in the wheat surplus which normally ex ists on this coast The carry-over on July 1 was much less than had been anticipated, and this supple mented by a short crop in Oregon, Washington and Idaho had an im mediate effect on the price. The recent sale of 15,000,000 bushels of wheat for flood relief in China and the crop failure in California nec essitating large shipments to that state have reduced stocks of wheat in the Paciflc northwest to the lowest quantity known in many years. "As a result of the Improved price of wheat in the local market, and with favorable weather pre vailing, prospects might be termed bright for the 1932 crop in the In land Empire. Generous rains in the wheat belt and exceptionally heavy rainfall in the mountains present ideal conditions. It is gen erally believed that heavy snows In the watersheds are conducive to rains in this territory in the spring and to a prevention of hot winds such as those which ruined the bright crop prospect which existed before last harvest "One point I would like to em phasize is the necessity for con servative acreage and limited pro duction on the part of growers to maintain the present favorable sup ply situation and the consequent price advantage." PARTY AT BEYMER HOME. Last Wednesday evening, Dec. 30, Misses Lucille, Hazel and Audrey Beymer entertained a group of young folks at their home on Hin ton creek. Six tables of "Bunko" were set. High honors for boys went to Roy Gentry and for girls to Adele Nickerson, with Gladys Cason carrying away low honors. Refreshments of ice cream, cookies and cocoa were served, followed by more games and dancing. Those present were: Herman, Green, Ralph Fogery, Eugene Roh rer, Merle Becket, Billy Becket, Beatrice Thomson, Jimnile Fur long, Gladys Cason, Curtis Thom son, Roberta Thompson, Earle Bry ant, Anabel Turner, June Anderson, Gay Anderson, Jr. Wrex Langdon, Roy Gentry, Claude Hill, Adele Nickerson, Francis Nickerson, Hone Kilkenny and Genevieve West HAVING NEW YEAR'S DANCE. Heppner Elks and their ladles together with members of their families will enjoy a dance at their hall tonight to usher in the new year. n