Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 17, 1931, Image 1

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.AND. OP.t.
Volume 48, Number 40.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Churches, School and Or
ganizations Prepare
For Events.
School to Give "The Christ Child"
"Father's Son" Is Picture That
Will Entertain Kiddies.
Dec. 20 School cantata, school
auditorium, 8 o'clock.
Dec. 23 Pageant at Episcopal
church, 7:30.
Dec. 24 Community show and
treat at Star theater, 2:30.
Pageant at Methodist church,
Dec. 27 Program at Christian
church, 7:30.
The school, churches and organ
izations of Heppner have prepared
programs in commemoration of the
real spirit of Christmas. "The first
scheduled presentation is a can
tata by the school next Monday
evening. The community show and
treat by a number of organizations
will be given at the Star theater
next Thursday afternoon. The Ep
iscopal church will present a pa
geant Wednesday evening, the Me
thodist church a pageant Thursday
evening, and the Christian church
will give a program the following
"The Christ Child" by L. B. Haw
ley is the cantata to be given by
the school under the direction of
Miss Charlotte Woods, music su
pervisor. The program with con
tata In two parts begins at 8 o'
clock, at the school auditorium, as
follows :
Instrumental prelude.
Invocation, Rev. Glen P. White.
Soprano aria, bass recitative.
Girls' quartette, "He Shall Feed
His Flock."
Alto recitative and soprano reci
tative. Octette and chorus, "How Beau
tiful Upon the Mts."
Soprano solo, "My Soul Doth
Magnify the Lord."
Octette and chorus, "Sine O Hea
Audience and chorus, "Adeste Fl
delcs." PART II
Soprano solo, "The Plains of
Alto recitative.
Chorus and soloists, "Glory to
Chorus, "Holy Night, Peaceful
Chorus, finale.
Benediction, Joel R. Benton.
The solo parts will be given as
duets by Nancy Cox and Phyllis
Pollock, contraltos, and Anabel
Turner and Jessie French, sopran
os. Composing the octette are Mat
Kenny, Claude Hill, tenors; Nancy
cox, fnyms ronocK, contraltos;
Anabel Turner, Jessie French, so
pranos, and Gay Anderson, Billy
Cox, basses. Members of the cho
rus are, soprano, Rachel Anglln,
Hazel Bcymer, Anne Crump; Jes
Bie French, Lora Gllman, Myrtle
Green, Ileen Kilkenny, Frances
Rugg, Jennie Swindig, Roberta
Thompson, Anabel Turner, Lydia
Ulrlch; alto, Lucille Beymer, Win
ifred Case, Nancy Cox, Mary Dris
coll, Juanlta Morgan, Adele Nick
erson, Phyllis Pollock; tenor, Ralph
Forgey, Claude Hill, Mat Kenny,
Wrex Langdon, Anson Rugg, Jack
Slocum; bass, Gay Anderson, Billy
Cochell, John, Franzen, Marlon
Morgan, Billy Schwarz.
The community show and treat,
sponsored by Elks, Lions, Ameri
can Legion and Business and Pro
fessional Womans club, will be giv
en at the Star theater Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for all
children under high school age. The
featured picture will be "Father's
Son," a talkie entertainment ap
pealing especially to boys and girls.
The story was written by Booth
Tarkington and Leon Janney takes
the leading role. The story in brief
Is that of a middle-aged father who
falls to be lenient with the pranks
of his young son until almost too
late to do so. The misunderstood
lad finally runs away from home
and then things begin to happen
somewhere in the region of dad's
heart, all of which mother aids in
ways which mothers know. But it
is the razzle-dazzle of boy life that
makes the play so real the freckle-
faced gang the circus the swim-
mln' hole the village bully the
tousled pup and all the rest.
The pageant to be given at the
Methodist church at 7:30 Thursday
evening is entitled, "In Old Judea."
"Suppose a Real Shepherd Came"
is the pageant to be presented Wed
nesday evening at 7:30 at the Epis
copal church.
Christmas recitations and music
will make up the program at 7:30
at the Christian church the follow
ing Sunday.
Judge C. L. Sweek and J. S.
Beckwlth, court reporter, return
ed to Pendleton this morning, court
having been adjourned for the
term yesterday evening.
Judge Sweek Gives Inspiring Mes
sage In Face of Depression;
Local Musicians Heard.
Words of commendation from
their former president, Calvin L.
Sweek, came to Heppner Lions
Monday to cheer them on their
way to further community better
ment work, following a discussion
of ways and means of lifting the
club from its difficulties arising
from the depression. There was
no thought of giving up the ship
expressed by the membership, but
the meeting was largely given over
to a discussion of facts facing the
club, which the members decided
to buckle up their belts to meet.
The meeting was held at I. O. O.
F. hall because of the fire of the
Tuesday previous which destroyed
the American Legion hall, former
meeting place.
Mr. Sweek, cricuit judge for the
sixth judicial district, was over
from Pendleton to preside over the
court which convened here Mon
day. He said he had kept in close
touch with the activities of the club
since moving to Pendleton, and was
pleased to note its many accom
plishments. He noted the attend
ance as being very favorable com
pared to that of other service clubs
over the district it had been his
privilege to attend. Enlightened
by his usual number of timely and
fitting stories, the short talk of the
former president warmed the
hearts of his old associates.
Much appreciated by those in at
tendance was the special enter
tainment feature, a local quartet
of stringed instrumentalists, James
T. Lumley, Leonard Gilliam, Frank
and Jesse Turner. Their offerings
were heartily encored. Guests in
cluded Jason Biddle of Rhea creek
and Ralph Jackson of Lexington.
Arrangements for the second
drive on wharf rats, in progress
this afternoon, were announced by
C. W. Smith, president
At its meeting next Monday the
club will entertain the Business
and Professional Women's club.
The annual convention of the
Oregon Wool Growers association
will be held at Pendieton, January
18-19, announces J. G. Barratt vice
president who returned Tuesday
night from an executive committee
meeting held that afternoon at .Ba
ker. Plans for the convention talk
ed at the meeting give promise of
a lively and fruitful time at the
Pendleton convention, Barratt said.
The lamb campaign will hold a
prominent place on the program,
and more consideration will be giv
en local talent than heretofore
with many local sheepment slated
for talks on local problems.
Gilliam county is at work on its
portion of the Heppner-Eight Mile
Condon road, reported Harry Tam
blyn, county engineer, who depart
ed for Condon expecting to spend
two or three days there on work
connected with the route. Part of
the route is being relocated, Mr.
Tamblyn said, to cross Rock creek
about a mile above the Burton Wil
son place, the old crossing. This
road was put on the secondary
highway map by repent action of
the state highway commission.
The pupils of the Idea school
have organized a 4-H club in han
dicraft The officers of the club
are Michael Murtha, president;
Robert Scrlvner, vice-president and
yell leader; Bonnie Jean Demaris,
secretary; Jess Ray Beezley, news
reporter. Members of the club are
Mildred McClintock, Florence, Bon
nie Jean and Valdora Demaris, Pat,
Michael and Jimmie Murtha, Lewis
and Jess Ray Beezley and Robert
Scrivner. Some of the members
have their first piece of work near
ly completed.
Fifteen men were put to work
again Monday morning on the
state road unemployment relief
work below Lexington. The men
are being worked a week on and a
week off, though In cases of great
est need some men have been al
lowed to work straight through.
The work is progressing nicely on
the rock point on which the men
were started, and another point a
ways above lone has been drilled
ready for blasting when the pres
ent work is completed.
"Gamey" Albee, charged with at
tempt to steal a case of ginger ale
from the pastime of Curran and
Barr last Sunday evening, was
placed under arrest and has since
been confined to the county bastlle
awaiting hearing.
Albee was arraignde in justice
court before Judge Huston yester
day and on plea of guilty to the
charge of petty larceny was given
o days in the county jail.
In line with the action of state
employees, Judge C. L. Sweek has
given one days salary each month
covering a six month period, to un
employment relief work in Morrow
and Umatilla counties, the amount
being divided with two-thirds going
to Umatilla and one-third to this
county. Judge W. T. Campbell re
ceived Morrow county's apportion
ment the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Valentine of
Sourdough canyon were Saturday
visitors in Heppner.
Richard McEUigott, 78, died
Thursday, December 10, at the
home of his daughter in Portland.
Funeral services were held Decem
ber 14 at 10 a. m. at the Zellar Fun
eral chapel, Portland, and Inter
ment was at Mt Calvary cemetery.
Mr. McEUigott was the father of
Edmond McEUigott 'of San Fran
cisco, Charles McEUigott of lone,
and Arthur McEUigott of Salem;
Mabel and Helen McEUigott and
Esther Alderson of Portland. He
is also survived by seven grand
children. Mr. McEUigott was a pio
neer resident of the Eight Mile
district where he had extensive
land holdings. He made his home
on his ranch until the last few
years when he had spent the most
of his time in Portland. Mrs. Mc
EUigott died several years ago. At
tending the funeral services from
here were the son, Charles McEUi
gott, and a nephew, Richard McEl
ligott, Jr.
Gilbert Petteys visited relatives
here last week. He was returning
to his home in Pendleton after hav
ing paid a visit to his father, Al
bert Petteys.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger were
called to Portland Saturday night
by the lilness .of their son, Alfred,
a student at Adcox school. Accom
panying them were Louis Balsiger
of lone and Dr. John Balsiger of
White Salmon. While still in the
hospital, the young man is improv
ing and will soon be'able to return
to his home here. The Balsiger
party returned Sunday.
In a preliminary bout at the high
school smoker last Friday night,
Eugene Normoyle received a brok
en right arm. He was taken to
Heppner for medical attention.
During the same evening's enter
tainment Norman Everson had a
rib broken, and is under a doctor's
In the wrestling match, Paul
Smouse vs. John Botts, decision
went to Smouse. Boxing, Elwayne
Lieuallen vs. Robert Botts, decision
to Lieuallen. Boxing, Howard Eu
banks vs. Ralph Gibson, a draw.
Boxing, Joe Engelman vs. Norman
Everson, decision to Engelman.
Boxing, Donald Heliker vs. Leo
Lieuallen, decision to Heliker. In
the basketball game between the
high school boys and town team,
the high school team won by a
score of 11-16. In the game be
tween the high school girls and
town team, the town team won by
a score of 20-1. The proceeds of
the evening amounted to $22.
The high school boys and girls
are going to Umatilla Saturday
night, Dec. 19, to play the second
basketball game of the season.
Mrs. Harriet Brown and Miss
Hildegarde Williams were in Hepp
ner Saturday, assisting in the work
of correcting the 6th, 7th and 8th
grade papers from the county ex
amination given during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom
have moved to their farm home
near Morgan.
The members of the Young Peo
ples unoin will serve a 6 o'clock
pot-luck dinner next Sunday eve
ning at the Congregational church
dining room to which all young
people are Invited.
A get-together meeting of Hard-
man, Lexington, Heppner and Mor
gan lodges of Rebekahs and Odd
Fellows will be held Saturday night
In lone. AIJ members of the order
are urged to be present.
The Christmas program of the
Union Sunday school will be given
Wednesday evening, December 23,
at the Ohrsitian church. A cordial
invitation to attend is extended to
The members of the American
Legion and Legion Auxiliary are
sponsoring a Christmas program
to be given Thursday evening, De
cember 24, in Legion hall. There
will be the usual tree, a program
and treats for the children. The
program will begin promptly at
7:30. Those who have the program
in charge hope to be through by 9
o'clock that each family may -enjoy
Christmas eve at home.
Tuesday, J. E. Grimes brought
into town the first load of Christ
mas trees. These are for sale at
the Grimes home.
Maxine, the small daughter, of
Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Ely of Morgan
is very ill at a Heppner hospital
The child was taken sick Friday
night and was moved to the hos
pital Sunday.
From the Curry County Report
er we learn that Gold Beach has
taken formal steps to organize a
Masonic lodge, and that W. E. Bui-
lard, former business man of lone
now residing In Gold Beach, has
been recommended as worshipful
master of the new organization.
At the regular meeting of Locust
chapter No. 119, O. E. S., held De
cember 8, the following members
were elected to office for 1932: Lola
McCabe, worthy matron; George
Ely, worthy patron; Grace Misner,
associate matron; Dwlght Misner,
associate patron; Ruth Mason, sec
retary; Clara Howk, treasurer; Oral
Feldman, conductress; Ruby Rob
erts, associate conductress.
A little daughter was born Wed
nesday, Dec. 9, to Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Olden of Rhea creek. The
baby woighed eight pounds and has
been given the name of Carletta
Clair. The mother and baby are In
a Heppner hospital.
Fred Mankln made a business
trip to Pendleton Saturday. He
found some of the roads at the be
ginning of his trip badly drifted
with snow.
W. E. Ahalt was a week-end vis
itor at the home of hii son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Havecoat, at Rhea siding.
Mr. Corley, Sr., who has been s
Chinook Dispels Winter
Adding Warmth to Hol
iday Spirit.
Legion and Boy Scouts Put Trees
In Place While Stores, Homes
Make Preparations.
The green-tinged surface of Mo
ther Earth' emerged from its icy
covering on the hills about Hepp
ner for the first time in nearly a
month this morning, as the cold
east wind, shifting to the south,
turned to a Chinook at an early
hour and rapidly melted the snow
and ice. Though prospects of the
often-desired white Christmas are
lessened by the resultant black ef
fect Nature this year could proba
bly have- made a no more accept
able gift Hearts and bodies, chill
ed by the wintry blasts of the last
few weeks, have been warmed by
the chinook, adding to the season's
cheer. Stockmen, especially, who
have been forced to feed heavily,
will welcome such a Christmas gift.
But whatever Nature may have
to offer at Christmastime, prospects
are bright for a merry yuletide.
Morrow county people are prepar
ing to give Saint Nick a warm wel
come whether hills be b lack or
white. Heppner's Main street was
lined with many small flr trees last
Sunday by members of Heppner
post American Legion, who also ex
tended their thoughtfulness to their
neighbors at Lexington. The post
went to the mountains in force and
gathered the trees, and with the
assistance of local Boy Scouts, put
the trees in place. The scout detail
headed by Francis Nickerson, in
cluded Frank Anderson, Howard
Bryant, Gerald Cason, Leonard Gil
liam, Howard Furlong, Hubert Al
bee and Stephen Wehmeyer.
The trees, added to the bright
store windows, decorated in Christ
mas colors and showing attractive
stocks of Christmas merchandise,
bear evidence to Heppner's hospit
able welcome of Santa Claus. Home
windows already show brightly dec
orated trees and trimmings, too,
making Saint Nick's visit a cer
Riot of Laughs Expected From
Clever Comedy; Proceeds Go
to Unemployment Relief.
"The Home Town Mystery," to be
presented next Tuesday evening by
the school faculty at the gym-auditorium,
offers a double appeal.
With a well-selected cast taken
from the abundance of dramatic
talent contained in the faculty, it
not only assures an evening of ex
ceptional entertainment, but the
purpose for which it is being given,
that of aiding the unemployed,
should bring out one of the largest
crowds of record at a local enter
tainment At the low admission
price of 25 cents, the ticket sale in
charge of grade pupils has already
met with ready response.
Because of the mysterious na
ture of the play, to divulge its plot
would be to rob the audience of a
great part of its enjoyment. It is
said that the antics of grandmother
would do justice to a young mas
culine athlete, and that the inter
pretive powers of a certain young
lady woud do honor to Sherlock
Holmes. Plenty of good wholesome
comedy enlivens the play through
out The cast has been hard at work
for several weeks, and the inter
pretation of the various parts is
well in hand, it is announced.
In honor of the visit of W. A.
Ekwall, district deputy exalted rul
er, Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O.
Elks, will stage a big turkey feed
at their hall tomorrow evening at
6:30, to be followed by regular lodge
session and initiation. The feed
will be purely a stag affair, and the
ladles will not be entertained, as
this paper erroneously announced
last week. It Is to be regretted that
the work of the evening precludes
the possibility of entertaining the
ladies on this occasion, said J. TJ.
Barratt, exalted ruler, in asking
this paper to make the correction.
Mrs. Lillian Cochran, whose resi
dence on north Court street was
badly damaged by Are several
months ago, has started rebuilding
the house to again put it in shape
for renting. The house was occu
pied by the family of Harry Tam
blyn at the time of the fire.
guest for some weeks at the home
of his son, Walter Corley, returned
Sunday to his home at Parkdale.
The lone schools will close De
cember 23, to re-open January 4.
The teachers plan on spending the
vacation time at their, various
Saturday night the Lexington
grange will meet and install their
officers for the coming year. They
will also obligate those who have
not had the third and fourth de
grees: All members are requested
to be present and those who have
the rituals are expected to bring
them or send them. A pot-luck sup
per will be served at 6:30 and after
the business meting the lecturer,
Mrs. Edith Miller, will have charge
of the social entertainment
Mrs. Beulah Nichols and Mrs.
Orville Cutsforth entertained the
Home Economics club at the Nich
ols home last Thursday afternoon.
The ladies spent the afternoon
quilting and later the hostesses
served salad, wafers and coffee.
The following members were pre
sent: Mesdames A. H. Nelson, Myl
es Martin, John Miller, Merle Mill
er, Joe Devine, George Peck, Harry
Shriever and George Allyn.
Mrs. Eldon Gentry of Heppner is
spending a few days visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cuts
Gwen Evans, Peggy Warner,
Mae Gentry, Llewellyn Evans and
Kenneth Warner motored to Pen
dleton and Walla Walla last Satur
day and spent the day shopping.
George McMillan was here last
week from his home at Cherryville.
He came up on business and to see
his mother who is ill.
Sunday evening, Dec. 20, the
Christian bible school, under the
direction of Mrs. Elmer Hunt, will
give a Christmas program. There
will be singing and recitations, also
a two-act play entitled "Going
Home for Christmas." The charac
ters for the play are as follows:
Mrs. Mary Hollister, Granny Hol
lister, Mrs. Sarah White; Alice Hol
lister, a graduate nurse, Naomi Mc
Millan; Mrs. George Arlington
Wells, one of the four hundred and
daughter of Granny, Rose Thorn
burg; Jason Hollister, a successful
young portrait painter, Garland
Thompson; Andrew McGregor, in
whose home Granny lives, Lonnie
Henderson; Nettie McGregor, La
Verne White; Tina McGregor, only
ten but not too young to "co-wop-erate"
in any plan of Christmas
cheer for Granny, Norma Howell.
Mrs. Iona Gilbreath and her son
Gilbert from Dayton, Wash., spent
several days here visiting with Mrs.
Glibreath's mother, Mrs. Sarah
White. They returned home last
Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs.
White, who will visit with them
for some time.
Mrs. Katherine Slocum left Mon
day for Los Angeles, Calif., to
spend the winter with her daugh
ter, Mary.
Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Walker from
above Heppner spent several days
the past week visiting with Mrs.
LaVilla Howell.
Mrs. George White returned
home Friday from Oakland, Calif.
She had been there for the last few
weeks visiting with her son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray White.
On Sunday morning, Dec. 20,
Rev. W. P. Napier will give a
Christmas message and we are very
anxious to see a good crowd out
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth
and children went to Walla Walla
last Friday on business.
Lexington is decorated for the
Christmas holidays with a nice lot
of trees brought down from the
mountains Sunday by the Ameri
can Legion boys of the Heppner
Monday evening W. F. Barnett
and family entertained the follow
ing guests at dinner, Mrs. Lee Gil
breath, Mrs. Sarah White and Gil
bert Gilbreath.
The volley ball tournament con
sisting of five games, was played
last week by the two teams of the
girls athletic association. At the
close of the fourth game the score
was 2-2. The last game was filled
with thrills and excitement. It was
a very close race all the way
through and at the end the score
was 32-34. Those on the winning
side were Ruth Luttrell, LaVerne
White, Grace and Doris Burchell,
(Continued on Page Six.)
It's Christmas eve. A bright
sunshiny little face looks smil
ingly up Into yours as you fas
ten the last button of the flow
ing outing-flannel nightgown
preparatory to tucking the little
one away to slumberland. Then
two rosy little lips quizzically
part. "Mamma,' is there a San
ta Claus?" What's the answer?
Yes, there's no denying It there
must be a Santa Claus. Why
wait til Christmas eve to make
up your mind. Stocks of Hepp
ner merchants, attractively ar
ranged, await your early selec
tion. Make out your shopping
list from the Gazette Times ad
vertising columns now. These
merchants tell you of their
Hiatt & Dix.
J. C. Penney Co.
Gilliam & Bisbee.
MacMarr Stores.
M. D. Clark.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
First National Bank.
Farmers & Stockgrowers Na
tional Bank.
Star Theater.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Humphreys Drug Co.
E. R. Schaffer Breaks Knee Cap
and Suffers From Exposure
When Wagon Overturns.
Overturning of the hay wagon he
was driving on the Hynd brothers
Freezeout ranch Sunday, caused
the fracture of the left knee cap of
E. R. Schaffer and left him helpless
for half an hour exposed to the raw
cold until he was found, nearly fro
zen, Dy , , herder.
A phone call was sent to Paul His
ler, on an adjoining farm, and Mr.
Hisler brought the injured man to
town ror treatment, two hours hav
ing elapsed before he reached med
ical aid.
An x-ray picture revealed a hori
zontal fracture of the knee cap,
with a gap in the bone an inch
wide. The injury was very painful.
though after being treated and
dressed by the doctor, Mr. Schaffer
rested easier, and the pain had be
come less severe, hurting worse
whenever it was necessary to move
the injured leg. The injury Is of a
slow-healing type, his physician re
ported, and may require Mr. Schaf
fer to remain bedfast for several
weeks. He is at Heppner hospital.
Mr. Schaffer, son-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Cecil, is
foreman of the Hynd brothers
Freezeout ranch. He was putting
out hay for the sheep when the
wagon slipped on the steep moun
tainside and overturned. His first
thought was holding the horses,
and he had considerable difficulty
in doing this owing to his Injury,
which he found made it impossible
for him to move. He remained
thus, exposed to the cold, for half
an hour until the herder arrived
with the sheep to feed.
The knee cap was apparently
fractured from having struck a
rock. The horizontal fracture was
accounted for by the physician, by
the nature of the physcial struc
ture of the member. The pull of
the large muscle in the thigh of
the leg is quite tense when the leg
is bent and it is natural for a suf
ficient blow on the cap, when the
leg is thus bent to result in a cross
wise fracture.
In the operation performed the
knee cap was sewed back together
after the large accumulation of
matter had been removed. In the
healing process, It is necessary to
work the knee joint to keep it
from becoming stiff, and at the
same time prevent enough strain
being put on the cap to break
apart the stitches. This is the rea
son for the slow recovery.
Former Morrow Resident
Dies at Gladstone Home
Funerl services were held Tues
day, December 7, at the Augustana
Lutheran church, Rodney avenue
and Stanton street Portland, for
Paul Troedson, 83, retired Morrow
county rancher, who died at his
home in Gladstone Decmeber 5.
Rev. S. E. Johnson, pastor of the
church, conducted the services and
interment was in Rose City ceme
tery. Mr. Troedson was born in Swe
den, September 2, 1848, and came
to' the United States in 1871, mak-.
ing the journey to California by
way of Panama and walking across
the isthmus in order to reach the
west coast. In 1884 he moved to
eastern Oregon and operated a
wheat ranch near lone until 1918,
when he retired and moved to
On April 4, 1892, he married Miss
Sophie Swenson in Portland.
He is survived by his widow, two
daughters, Mrs. Frank C. Tews, Se
attle, and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson,
Portland, and two grandchildren.
Mr. Troedson was a member of
the Augustana Lutheran church.
Rhea Creek Grange is sponsor
ing a play and dance at their hall
next Saturday evening. "The Man
in the Green Shirt" is the three-act
comedy drama to be presented with
grange members cast in the various
roles. The cast follows: Mr. Geo-
Fuller, always out of money, Chas.
Becket; Mr. Ivan Ross, a guest
from Arkansas, Barton Clark; Mr.
Egbert Cain, a clever crook, Lewis
Batty; Willie Roach, Fuller's hired
man who keeps the house in an up
roar, Velma Huston; Mrs. George
Fuller, with millionaire ideas,
Gladys Becket; Delphine Larule,
an adventuress, Evangeline Phil
lips; Millie Fuller, daughter of Ful
lers , Margaret Becket; Mra T. Jef
ferson G. Janes, a social leader,
Hanna Anderson; Lena May Crow,
maid of the Fullers, Gene Huston;
Emma Rockhart a hard-boiled po
lice woman.
Ruth chapter No. 32, O. E. S., of
Hoppner eelotetd officers Friday
evening as follows: Florence
Hughes, worthy matron; E. R. Hus
ton, worthy patron; Gertrude Par
ker, associate matron; Earl Gor
don, associate patron; Ealor Hus
ton, conductress; Hazel Vaughn,
associate conductress; Vivian Ball,
secretary, and Nellie Anderson,
Installation will be held the com
ing Saturday evening, December 19,
in conjunction with the installation
of officers of Heppner lodge No. 69,
A. F. & A. M. The ceremonies will
be preceded by a banquet, starting
at 5:30, for members of the two
ordors and of Heppner chapter No,
R. A. M.
McCulIoughs Found Guil
ty of Horse Stealing:
Get Two Years.
Guilty Plea Entered by Moonshin
er; Circuit Court in Session Since
Monday, Hears Many Cases.
Travis and Hubert McCullough,
facing two years in the state peni
tentiary, and John Akers, to serve
a one-year stretch, were taken to
Salem yesterday in the custody of
C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, as a re
sult of the grinding of the wheels
of Justice which have been in mo
tion since Monday morning in the
circuit court presided over by
Judge C. L. Sweek.
The McCulloughs, charged with
larceny by stealing of livestock,
went to trial Monday, after having
entered a plea of not guilty on ar
raignment Saturday. The case was
turned over to the jury late Mon
day afternoon, and after remaining
out all night the jury returned its
verdict of guilty signed by W. O.
Bayless, foreman. Joseph J. Nys
was appointed defense attorney by
the court and S. E. Notson, dis
trict attorney, prosecuted the state's
case. Sentence was given Tuesday
morning. On the jury were Earl
Morgan, C. M. Scrivner, Owen
French, H. E. Peterson, H. A. Dun
can, Hanson Hughes, Lester Doo
little, Frank E. Parker, Jerome O'-
Conner, J. B. Adams, W. O. Bay
less and B. E. Chapel.
The state s case against the Mc-
Cullough's arose from charges
which alleged they stole a number
of horses from James Carty of Jun
iper canyon. In their defense, the
accused men admitted taking the
horses, but asserted they believed
the horses belonged to Shane and
Montague, north Arlington ranch
ers, who, they said, directed them
to the animals. This was the only
criminal case to come to trial, and
it attracted a court room full of
On arraignment Tuesday morn
ing, John Akers entered a plea of
guilty to the charge against him,
and sentence was given later in the
Robert Burnside, who had pre
viously enterel a plea of guilty to a
charge of burglary was sentenced
Monday by the court to two years
In the state penitentiary, and yes
terday the court paroled Burnside
to Charles Thomson. The parole
was granted in view of the fact
that Burnside had no criminal rec
ord, on a petition signed by leading
business men of the city, presented
by Burnside.
The first of a number of civil ac
tions slated to arise against Hepp
ner Log and Lumber company,
came to trial Tuesday. In this ac
tion State of Oregon, ex. rel., C. H.
Gram, Commissioner of Bureau of
Labor of the State of Oregon,
brought suit against Heppner Log
and Lumber company and F. A.
Doty, to recover judgment on a
number of labor items. The Jury,
with Henry Peterson, foreman,
found for the plaintiff in the sum
of $189.05 and $50 costs.
Order of dismissal was given by
the court on plaintiff's petition in
the case of R. H. Lane vs. S. E.
Simonton and Jane Doe Simonton,
his wife.
In a trial action Tuesday In which
the State of Oregon, through the
state highway commission, sought
to recover damages from Margaret
Jones and William Instone for al
leged appropriation of land, the
jury, with R. A. Thompson fore
man, .allowed $100 to plaintiff.
Default and Judgment was en
tered in the case of Bristow and
Johnson vs. Clifford Christopher
son. Of three civil actions on the doc
ket yesterday against the Heppner
Log and Lumber company, one was
settled and dismissed and two re
mained for final settlement when
Judge Sweek adjourned court for
the term yesterday evening. The
case dismissed was that of Robert
Owen vs. Heppner Log and Lum
ber company. In the case against
the company with A. E. Hollenbeck
and Sons plaintiff, stipulation as to
facts was given and testimony tak
en and the case was resubmitted to
the Judge to be taken on brief later.
In the case of John Otto, plaintiff,
tried without a jury the Judge took
the findings under advisement
An order of motion was entered
by the Judge requiring plaintiff to
itemize and make more certain in
the case of William Sanford vs. H.
F. Duvall.
Confirmation of sale was given
in the case of State Land Bank vs.
R. A. Campbell.
The grand Jury to act to succeed
the one dismissed at the beginning
of the term was named by the Judge
as follows: H. J. Biddle, foreman,
W. F. Pettyjohn, James T. Morgan,
Lester DoolltUe, John Clark, Fred
Albert and Elmer Musgrave.
New officers of Heppner Chapter
of Royal Arch Masons will be in
stalled this evening at Masonic hall.
All companions are urged to be
present. Spencer Crawford, H. P.
For Sale Mammoth Bronze tur
keys. Emma Anderson, lone. It