Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 10, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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About ten inches of snow had
covered the ground in this locality,
until Monday when the warm wind
melted most of it
The Ladies Aid annual bazaar
held Friday evening in the school
house was well attended in spite of
the cold weather. Mrs. Morgan,
chairman of the dinner committee,
and her helpers served a lovely din
ner in the cafeteria. The menu
was: corned beef and cabbage, or
salmon loaf, apple and celery sal
ad, pumpkin pie and coffee. Mrs.
Macomber, chairman of the fancy
work booth, had a number of pret
ty aprons, dresses and embroidery
work. The rummage sale was in
charge of Mrs. Gillespie and was a
popular booth. The candy booth,
under the supervision of Mrs. Al
len, had a lovely assortment of
candies. The ever-popular country
store was an attraction to both
young and old. This was in charge
of Mrs. Shannon. Mrs. Sundsten
was in charge of the archery booth;
this is always fascinating to the
crowd. Mrs. Dillabough was in
charge of the dining room. The
room and tables were prettily dec
orated with flowers and wreaths
The Boardman high school bas
ketball team motored to lone Sat
urday evening to play their first
game of the season. They were de
feated by a score of 18-24.
Miss Mabel Brown and Ernest
Milton spent the week end at the
Ray Brown home.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. F. Barlow spent
Saturday in The Dalles. They went
on the stage.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin
were dinner guests Thursday eve
ning at the Claud Ballenger home.
Nels Kristenson and Ray Barlow
were visitors in Heppner Thursday.
Gladys Wicklander of La Grande
is spending the week at the Geo.
Wicklander home.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands were
guests at a lovely dinner Satur
day evening at the Ray Brown
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Warner were
dinner guests Sunday at the Sau
ders home.
Mrs. Bottemiller and daughter
and Mrs. Sundsten and daughter
were Arlington visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blayden and
family came to Boardman Tues
day. Mr. Blayden is building a
house on his land north of the de
pot where they will make their
Mrs. Kate Macomber has been ill
during the past week.
The next P. T. A. meeting will be
held Friday evening, December 11,
in the school auditorium. An inter
esting program is being planned by
the program committee.
Mrs I. Skoubo received word
Monday of the death of her mother
in Denmark.
The Ladies Aid Silver tea met
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Tyler. The attendance was small
on account of the deep snow, but
those who were there enjoyed the
meeting. The final plans were made
for the bazaar. A lovely lunch was
served by the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and fam
ily have moved into the S. H.
Boardman house near the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skoubo will
live in the house formerly occupied
by the 1. Skoubo family.
The highway crew was required
to work during the night several
days last week to clear the high
way of snow.
Truman Messenger of Pendleton
spent Sunday here with his wife
and family.
The members of the Christian
Endeavor society enjoyed a sleigh
ride Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oakes nad
Elder Rouse of St Anthony, Ida.,
were visitors Sunday at the Wes
ton home. Mrs. Oakes is a sister
of Mrs. Morgan.
Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. J. F. Bar
low and Guy Barlow motored to
Heppner Monday.
The high school play, a delight
ful comedy in three acts, "All of a
Sudden Peggy," by Ernest Denny,
will be given in the school auditor
ium December 18th. The charac
ters are well developed and each
has a style of his own. The antics
of Willard Baker as the "spider
mad" scientist, Tod Anthony Crack
enthorpe, are screaming. The hau
teur and dignity of his mother,
Lady Crackenhtorpe, afford a dis
tinct contrast to the young and im
pulsive Peggy O'Mara. Dorothy
Compton plays the part of Lady
Crackenthorpe and Mary Chaffee
that of Peggy. Celia Partlow is an
Irish widow, Mrs. O'Mara. Jimmy
Keppel, the leading man, is played
by George Wicklander. Jimmy's
sister, Millicent, is Elsie Wilson,
Dale Cox plays the part of Major
Archie Phipps, an ex-calvaryman,
and brother of Lady Crackenthorpe
The butlers are Delbert Mackan
and Marvin Ransier. The plot is
pleasantly complicated and is in
teresting until the end. The cast
Is working hard and hopes to see
a large crowd.
Mrs. Wilbur Stevers returned
this week from Portland where
she had been visiting her parents.
R. V. Jones delivered a load of
turkeys to the Co-op at Hermiston
Mrs. Leola Beavert and Mrs.
Edith Puckett attended the P. T. A.
dance at Hermiston Friday night
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Houghton,
Milo McFarland and Mr. Packard
were Heppner business visitors on
The benefit dance for the band
given Saturday night at the school
auditorium was attended by a large
crowd and a good time reported.
L. Laurenson, uncle of Mrs. O,
Coryell, who has been making his
home with Mr. and Mrs. Coryell
for some time, died suddenly from
heart trouble Sunday. The remains
were taken to his former home at
of old, tradition has it, bur
ied their gold for safe-keeping.
So did many of our ancestors.
Today that "burying" procedure
would be ridiculed . . in fact,
the thought of it banished as
involving too great a risk, to even
be considered.
You can bank here in AB
your savings earn INTER
EST besides!
FivSt National Bank
The Dalles of interment
Seen Christmas shopping at Her
miston Monday from Irrigon were
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom, Hugh and
Chance Grimm, Vern Jones, Mance
Burchett, Fred Markham and Jack
White .
Mrs. A. C. Houghton entertained
the Home Economics club ladies at
her home Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kendler, Jr.,
of Umatilla were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Isom Sunday.
Both the boys and girls basket
ball teams were defeated by the
Umatilla players Friday night but
splendid games were played and
enjoyed by the good crowd present
Batie Rand is on the sick list
this week with a very severe cold.
A number of turkey buyers have
visited this vicinity the past week
and state the demand for turkey
hens for exceeds the gobbler demand.
The townspeople met at the home
of Mrs. Clair Ashbaugh Saturday
and decided upon buying Christmas
candy for the youngsters with the
proceeds of the quilt which was re
cently raffled off. There were twen
ty ladies present
Roy Ashbaugh and children, Ar
leta and Lester, haev moved into
the McCarty house in the lower end
of town. Arleta and Lester attend
high school here. Mrs. Ashbaugh
is living with her son Clair and
Sheriff Bauman was here Mon
day looking after business interests.
The Misses Muriel Farrens, Fer
ry Stanton, Edith Stevens, Neva
Bleakman, Arleta Ashbaugh, Mrs.
Ethel McDaniel and children, Har
old Stevens, Elwood Hastings,
Owen Bleakman, Ellis Sail rig, Dar
rel Farrens, and Lester Ashbaugh
composed a, party of merry sleigh
riders Friday night
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Knighten mo
tored to Pendleton Saturday, spend
ing the week end visiting friends
near there.
Mr. and Mrs. Brriery Moore of
Heppner are spending a few days
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leath
ers. Nick Leathers returned from the
mountains Sunday where he has
been trapping for several days.
Miss Catherine Peterson was out
from Heppner Friday organizing
Sunday School here. Miss Peter
son has charge of the Bible class,
Mary Ellen Inskeep was elected
teacher of the primary grades and
Lucille Farrens has charge of the
3rd, 4th and 5th grades. Some
twenty pupils have enrolled and
more are expected next Friday.
Bernard Carlson was a caller in
town Sunday.
Hiram Johnson has been hauling
wood from the mountains this
Gus Steers has been spending a
few days at his home here.
Darold Hams was a Rood can
yon visitor here- Monday.
Walter Farrens has been busy
hauling wood from Elmer Mus-
grave s the past week.
The school children have begun
practice on a program to be pre
sented Christmas.
Herbert McDaniel was visiting
Iriends and relatives here Sunday.
Foster Collins came in from his
mountain ranch Saturday in a bob
ALMA NEILL, Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
made a business trip to Hermiston
and Echo Saturday.
Miss Oleta Nelll spent Tuesday
night with Miss Lila Bartholomew.
Several of the Pine City people
attended the Farm Bureau meet
ing, program and pie social at Al
pine Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms, and
children were business visitors ni
Echo Saturday.
L. D. Vinson spent the week end
with Dick Carlson. They made a
sled Saturday and they, accompan
ind by Oscar Jarmon attended the
pie social Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
and Mr. and Mrs. E. B Watten
burger and children, Junior and
Lucille, Mis Elsie Strain, Ralph and
Bernice Neill were Sunday visitors
at the Roy Neill home.
The Pine City plays will be given
December 18. The band will play
a few numbers between plays. Ev
eryone is Invited to attend. Cur
tain at 8.
Miss Elsie Strain, Burl and Earle
Wattenburger made a business trip
to Pendleton Saturday.
Mrs. Ounnar Lindhe of Pendle
ton, Russell Moore and John Veed
man went to Everett, Wash., Sun
day. They went by way of Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill and Alma
were business visitors in Hermiston
and Echo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wigglesworth
are the proud parents of a young
son, isugene Walter, born Friday,
December 4.
Hugh Neill went to Pendleton on
Saturday with Tom Boylen and re
turned home with Burl Wattenbur
ger. He has been having trouble
with his eyes so he had his glasses
changed Satuday.
Walt Wigglesworth was a busi
ness visitor in Echo Saturday.
Bill Dennis of Salem and former
ly ofButtercreekiis visiting on
the creek. Mr. Dennis was former
ly a partner of Fred Lee.
W. D. Neill made a business trip
to Heppner Monday.
The sixth, seventh and eigntn
grades will take the county examin
ations Wednesday and Thursday,
Dec. 9 and 10. County tests are be
ing used this year instead of state
Advantages of Barley Are
Told by Crops Specialist
Barley production has been stead
ily Increasing in western Oregon
and just as steadily decreasing in
eastern Oregon over the last 20
years, a comparison on census fig
ures made by D. D. Hill, associate
agronomist at the Oregon Experi
ment station, shows.
In 1929 western Oregon produced
more than a million bushels of bar
ley, after a steady Increase in acre
age that was most noticeable in the
last 10 years. In eastern Oregon,
on the other hand, the census shows
that in 1909 there were 100,000 acres
of barley grown, while in 1929 this
had shrunk to 43,000 acres, though
the total cereal acreage east of the
mountains had Increased close to
225,000 acres.
Mr. Hill points out that there Is
now considerable Interest, and
rightly so, in feeding cheap wheat
to livestock. On the other hand,
if grain is to be grown expressly
for this livestock, Mr. Hill calls at
tention to the fact that in both
eastern and western Oregon barley
will normally produce more pounds
of feed per acre than wheat
"For example, at Moro, Marlout
barley will outyleld Hybrid 128
wheat," says Hill. At the Union
station Trebi barley beats the best
wheat, and at Pendleton figures
show Trebi outyielding the best
wheat by 300 pounds per acre. In
western Oregon barley will beat
either wheat or oats on fertile, well
drained upland soil.
"Feeding trials with barley and
corn show that 100 pounds of barley
is equal to 90 to 95 pounds of corn.
But the corn usually shipped in
here from the east usually arrives
with 15 to 18 per cent moisture,
while barley often has a moisture
content of 8 to 9 per cent, so that
it equals corn pound for pound In
such cases."
Lexington Farmers
Warehouse Company
Dealers in Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds
OIL MASH and SCRATCH FEED For Tour Winter Layers.
General Warehouse Storage and Custom Grinding.
IParehed or tomsted
ikls zszro lb mmm
The bedrock of Camel popularity is
the inherently fine quality of the tobaccos
that go into our cigarette.
These tobaccos are notably mild, full
mellow, delicately flavored by nature
the finest Turkish and mild, sun-ripened
Domestic tobaccos that money can buy.
To safeguard the essential goodness of
these fine tobaccos we exercise every
care to conserve their natural moisture
and natural flavors.
They are never parched or toasted
the Reynolds method of scientifically
applying heat guarantees against that.
That's why we say Camels are made
fresh to start with and why the Camel
Humidor Pack can bring them fresh to
you, in prime smoking condition.
If you want to know what a blessing
that means in unalloyed smoke -enjoyment,
switch to Camels for just one day
then leave them if you can.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Winston-Salem, N. C.
'Are you LitlenM? n
camel quarter hour, Morton Downey,
Tony 'Wons, and Camel Orchestra, direc
tion Jacques Renard, every night except
Sunday, Columbia Broadcasting System
"Old Hunch," and Prince Albert Orchestra,
direction Paul Van Loan, every night ex
ccpt Sunday, N. B. C. Red Network
See radio page of local newspaper
for time
Made FllESU-Kept FRESH
Don't remove the moisture-proof wrapping front
your package of Camels after you open it. The
Camel Humidor Pack is protection against sweat,
dust and germs. In offices and homes, even in the
dry atmosphere of artificial heat, the Camel
Humidor Pack can be depended upon to deliver
fresh Camels every time
1931, K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company