1 ORECOM HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUD1TOR.UU PORTLAND. alette i Volume 48, Number 39. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Dec. 10, 1931 Subscription $2.00 a Year fieppec lues BUSINESS DISTRICT STRICKEN BY FIRE Three Firms and Six Or ganizations Burned Out In Morning Blaze. WAS OLD LANDMARK McMurdo Building Once Minor Ho tel; Victims Have Insurance and Flan to Reopen Businesses. Fire which struck the business section of Heppner early Tuesday morning for the third time in two months completely gutted the Mc Murdo building, causing three bus iness houses to suspend business temporarily and leaving six organi zations without a Home. The or-! ganizatlons met in the American Legion hall which occupied the up per story of the two-story, wooden building. , The business houses are Dick Wells' barber shop; F. W. Turner & Co., real estate and insurance of fice, and Art Bibby's pastime. The organizations left without a home are the American Legion, Amercian Legion Auxiliary, Woolgrowers' Auxiliary, Lions club, Boy Scouts and Woman's Relief corps. Consumed by the flames were the charter and flag of the local G. A. R. post which gave up its char ter a few years ago because of de pleted membership. These had been left in the keeping of the American Legion. All Have Insurance. The total amount of damage is difficult to estimate. The building is considered a complete loss. Dr. A. D. McMurdo, owner, carried $3000.00 Insurance on it Each of the business firms carried insur ance sufficient to cover their losses, it is believed. The American Le gion auxiliary had $600 insurance on its properties in the hall. An adjuster was expected in the city today. The Masonic building adjoining was estimated to have been dam aged to the extent of $500 by water seeping through the walls and loosening plaster as well as damags to ths roof from the tramping of firefighters. Wilson's store was damaged by water seeping into one show window and ruining the ar ticles on display, and by smoke which filled the store. F. W. Turner & Co. and Dick Wells have made arrangements to move their businesses into Hepp ner hotel building, occupying the space recently -vacated by MacMarr stores. Mr. Bibby has not secured a new location, though he expects to reopen his business, it is an nounced. The various organizations are securing temporary meeting places until they can again become permanently located. Dr. McMurdo has made no plans for rebuilding, saying only that he would like to rebuild and that it is possible he may do so. When the fire was discovered and the alarm turned in at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, the flames were shooting high into the air. The light shining Into the room of Mrs. Glen Bryant, sleeping in the Gil man apartments just across the al ley from the rear of the burning building, awakened her and her screams gave the first warning. These awakened Mark Merrill, named fire chief Just the eve ning before, who was sleeping in a near-by apartment and he rushed for the fire truck while Mrs. Bry ant sent her boy across the street to the corner of Humphreys' Drug store to turn on the siren. Merrill had the truck out of the garage by the time the ' siren sounded and with the assistance of the group of men who had rushed to the scene, three hoses of water were playing on the flames within five minutes from the time the alarm was sounded. An additional two-Inch hose was brought into action from the protective system of the Ma sonic building and it was not long before the crown of the fire was laid low and danger of its spread ing minimized, though the fire proved stubborn and It was several hours before it was completely ex tinguished. Cause Unknown. The fire apparently started in the upper story, though the exact cause was not determined. The Ameri can Legion had held a meeting in the hall the night before, but all of the Legion boys were reported to have left the building by 12 o' clock. The flames had such a start that it was impossible to save any thing out of the hall. The old wooden building, half of which was torn down several years ago, was originally built for a ho tel, and was known for years as the Minor hotel building. It was one of a few original landmark of the Heppner of old, though long since it had been shorn of its1 wooden awnings and its lower story had been made over Into mod era store rooms. A few years ago the top story of the remaining half of the building was renovated and made over into a hall to accommo dote the American Legion who held a lease on It and shared it with other organizations. It's superb entertainment THE CUBAN LOVE SONG at the Star theater, Sunday and Monday. GRAND JURY GIVES THREE TRUE BILLS Indictments Returned Against John Akers, Robert Burnside, Travis And Hubert McCullough. Indictments were returned by the grand jury in session last week against Robert Burnside, burglary; John Akers, operating a still; Trav is and Hubert McCullough, larceny of horses. The three true bills were returned on four cases investigated. A not true bill was returned against Charles McGirl,- charged with as sault with a dangerous weapon. It Is thought all three cases will be disposed of when the December term of circuit court convenes Mon day. Judge C. L. Sweek of Pendle ton will preside. Burnside, who was arrested last Thursday evening, entered a plea of guilty. The grand jury, Frank Saling, foreman, H. A. Cohn, E. A. Bennett, Clyde Denney, T. J. Jones, G. Guy Shaw and Charles Vaughn, return ed the following report. We have been in session three days and have inquired Into all vio lations of the criminal statutes of the state of Oregon, committed or triable in this county, which have been brought to our attention or of which we had knowledge. . We have returned three true bills and one not a true bill. We have examined the officers connected with the administration of justice and find the records prop erly kept and the officials in charge courteous and efficient. We have examined the jail and county poor house and find them in good condition. Having completed our duties, we respectfully ask that we be excused from further attendance upon the court. Business Women's Club Backs Christmas Event The Business and Professional Women's club at its meeting Mon day evening voted to assist in the sponsorship of the community Christmas, joining forces with the Elks, Lions and American Legion. Mrs. Agnes Curran, Miss Helen Curran and Miss Lucille McDuffee were hostesses for the meeting at the Curran home. Mis Ruth Furlong, a member of the club who recently underwent an operation in Portland for goiter, was remembered with flowers. It was decided to discontinue the wo men't gym class until March. Mrs. Harriet Mahoney reported the na tional president's address at The Dalles. The club voted to give a scholarship to the outstanding girl In 4-H club work in the county. "Evolution in Education Since the 13th Century" was discussed by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers. "Education and Child Welfare" was discussed from the grade school point of view by Miss Beth Bleakman and from the high school point of view by Mrs. Elizabeth Dix. MASONIC BODIES ELECT. On Thursday evening last, Hepp ner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., held their annual election of officers, choosing R. C. Wightman, high priest, J. J. Wightman, king; G. M. Anderson, scribe; Frank Gilliam, treasurer; E. R. Huston, secretary; Harry Tamblyn, captain of the host. Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., had their regular communi cation Saturday evening, when they elected E. R. Huston, master; L. L. Gilliam, senior warden; Earl Gil liam, junior warden; Frank S. Par ker, treasurer; Spencer Crawford, secretary; appointive officers will be announced later. In conjunc tion with Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S., who hold their election on tomorrow evening, Joint installa tion of Heppner Lodge No. 69 and Ruth Chapter will be held on Sat urday evening, Dec. 19th. Heppner chapter R. A. M. will install next Thursday evening. STOREBREAKER ARRESTED. Robert Burnside was arrested last Thursday evening for breaking Into the store of Thomson Bros. He was seen to enter a rear win dow about 7:30 o'clock by Ed Gon ty, whose home is within view of the rear of the store. Mr. Gonty sent his son to tell the marshal, who with several men conducted an. Investigation. Burnside was dis covered behind a pile of dresses and when asked what he was doing there, replied that he was looking for a place to sleep. Marshal Dev- In placed him under arrest His case was Investigated by the grand jury in session next day, and on returning a true bill, Burnside plead guilty. It la expected sen tence will be given by Judge Sweek shortly after court opens Monday, STUDY CLUB TO MEET, The regular meeting of the Wo man's Study club will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 14, at 7:45 at Pariah House. This change in the meeting place has been made neces sary owing to the fire of Monday night. The following papers will be given: "Spain Under the Mon archs," Mrs. Gienn Jones; "Span ish Religious Crusaders, Mrs. Har old Case; "The Spanish Republic," Mrs. Edwin Ingles. A special fea ture will be Christmas songs sung in Spanish by Miss Charlotte Woods and Spanish speaking skit by mem bers of the high school Spanish Qlass under the direction of Miss Dorothy Straughan. T SET Lions Again Take Part In Sponsorship; Re lief Work Cited. MANY GIVEN HELP Questions and Answers Bring Out Interesting Information; Women Invited to Attend Meeting. The Lions club meeting next Monday will be held at L O. O. F, hall dining room, due to the fire which destroyed the for mer meeting quarters. S. K. Notson, Chas. Thomson and Al Rankin, the committee appoint ed at the executive committee meeting Tuesday evening to in vestigate housing accommoda tions, made this report yester day. Another joyful community Christ mas is aasured the kiddies, the ex act nature of which is yet to be de termined. This was brought out at Lions club Monday when the Lions voted to Join in the sponsorship again this year. Gay M. Anderson of the Elks committee presented the proposal. Last year more than 300 kiddies received treats at the community tree under the joint sponsorship of the Elks and Lions at the Elks hall. That the central committee for unemployment relief has been doing a good work was brought out in the report of Charles Thomson, the club's representative. Sixteen fam ilies or individuals had been help ed. Eight received food and cloth ing, one food only, and seven dott ing only. Clothing and bedding dis tributed included 230 garments or pairs of shoes or stockings, 1 mat tress and 2 quilts. Four men had been given one day's work and one woman a few hour's work. Most of the relief work had been done in cooperation with the county, some had been local, some in Hardman and some, in the mountains, with ages of those helped ranging from babies to old people. "Some with tears couldn't thank you enough," the report said. The main entertainment feature of the meeting was the questions and answers time in charge of Earl W. Gordon, program chairman. Many interesting questions of an amusing or educational nature were answered. It was learned that Wasco county was once larger than the entire state of Oregon, then known as Waco territory. Waco was the name of an Indian utensil made from horn. White men changed the pronunciation to Was co from which the present Wasco county received its name. The first incorporated county was said to be Tualatin in the Willamette valley. No scientific information was ob tained on the question, "Why is it that flies will not molest meat that Is hung more than twenty feet in the air?" One question asked for the exact number of persons drown ed in the Heppner flood. The an swer was 219 that were buried at Heppner, though S. E. Notson de clared that one body was uncovered the next spring north of town, and two were buried at Lexington, mak ing the total 222. On behalf of the club Charles W. Smith, president, was presented a baby blanket for "Cub Gerald" who arrived last week at the Smith home. An Invitation was extended to the Business and Professional Women's club to meet with the Lions at their meeting a week from Monday to foster a better understanding and cooperation of the two organiza tions in their community work. Visitors included F. A. McMa- hon, state policeman from Arling ton, and Hugh Snyder, local man ager of the Union Oil company, a member of the La Grande Lions club. Departed Elks Honored In Lodge of Sorrow Appropriate ceremonies in honor of their departed members were held by Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, at their hall at 2:30 o'clock last Sunday afternoon. The roll of departed for the year had but one name, Thomas A. Hughes. Joel R. Benton, pastor of the Church of Christ, delivered an appropriate and forceful address. Other num bers on the program were: March, Mrs. J. O. Turner; open lng ceremonies of the lodge; invo cation; "There Is No Death," Amer ican Legion Auxiliary trio, Coramae Ferguson, Lenore Poulson, Eva Marble; "Thanatopsis," Mrs. Paul Menegat; roll call by secretary; vo cal solo, "Recessional," by DeKo- ven, Miss Charlotte Woods; cere monies of the lodge; "Auld Lang Syne," American Legion Auxiliary trio; closing ceremonies of the lodge; benediction. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. S. W. Creasey will celebrate holy communion Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at All Saints' Episco pal church. The service will be held In the parish house. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the Rev. Creasey will hold services at Cecil. s SAFER ROADS AIM OF DRIVER'S LAW New Act Calls for Obtaining of license Every Three Tears; Division Manager Visits. When one stops to consider that more people are killed in automo bile accidents each year and a half in the United States than there were fatalities among the American Expeditionary forces in France dur ing the World war, one may well believe it is high time something 3 done about it The state of Ore gon is attempting to do that some thing through Its new automobile operators' license law, said William H. Hammond, manager operator's division, department of state, who was in Heppner yesterday. To accomplish the purpose of the new law it has been necessary to set up considerable machinery, and before old licenses are called in for renewal and holders of the old li censes are required to take the op erator's examination provided for In the new law, it is necessary to get the new machinery to running smoothly. Hence it will be from a year and a half to two years before the old licenses will be called In. Also, out of fairness to those who had paid a dollar for their license just before the law went into effect July 1, it was deemed advisable not to assess them another 50 cents too soon. In the meantime all chauf feurs and those who have not had drivers' licenses before are required to take the examination. For the purpose of giving these examinations, travelling examiners have been sent over the state since July. An examiner has visited Heppner every two weeks, on Tues days from 8 to 12 a. m. He was last here December 1 and his next call will be on the 15th. His head quarters are at the courthouse where anyone desiring to take the examination may do so. The new law requires that li censes be Issued for three years only, making it necessary for ev eryone to take an examination ev ery three years. By this means any physical defects that might af fect his driving ability which an operator may have developed since he last acquired a license, will be uncovered, andTthe highways made safer. While there seems to be a gen eral impression that the examina tion is very difficult and that it is made as hard as poesibW for anyone to get a license, Mr. Hammond said such was not the case. All ques tions asked are reasonable. There are no catch questions. And any one may have a copy of the ques tions for study before taking the examination. Questions and an swers are both provided. Appli cants for license who have not had a license before are asked to take an actual driving test, but this is not required of holders of old li censes. What the state wants to know is that everyone driving an automo bile is physically and mentally qual ified to do so. Similar examina tions put Into effect in other states have lowered accidents as much as 28 per cent If that good a record can be made in Oregon, a good work will have been done, Mr. Hammond believes. Farmer Brown Absent; Officers Talk at Lex Farmer Brown, who was to have addressed a meeting of the Morrow County Grain Growers at Lexington last Friday, was unable to appear, having been called east In his stead, A. R. Shumway, president of the North Pacific Grain growers, and Orris Dorman, director, ad dressed the meeting. Mr. Shumway discussed the rela tionship of the various organiza tions the local, the regional and the national organizations to each other, and the relationship of these to the federal farm board. Mr. Dor man talked on general cooperation. Information was given by Mr. Shumway concerning the salaries received by the various officials. George Milnor, manager of the grain stabilization corporation, re ceives $50,000 a year, he said. Cancellation of Notes Gives Return to Growers What amounts to an 18 per cent dividend no their stock will be re ceived by members of Morrow County Grain growers through can cellation of their two-series notes. This announcement was made by the directors following their annual meeting last week. Cancellation of of the notes was made possible by earnings received from the North Pacific Grain growers, regional or ganization, and does not take into account earnings of the local itself. Those members who have already paid their notes will be given a check for the amount, and those who had paid up in full will receive a dividend In the same ratio, am ounting to 18 per cent of the total ahiount of their stock, the directors announced. APARTMENTS RENOVATED. The apartments In the Case Apartment building, damaged by fire last week, ere being rapidly renovated and will soon be ready for occupancy, says M. L. Case, owner. THE CUBAN LOVE SONG will be shown at the Star theater Sun day and Monday, FIRE ORGMTI STARTED BY 10 MEN Mark Merrill Is Chief, R. B. Ferguson Captain of Volunteer Squad. SEE QUICK ACTION Enthusiastic Start Made Before Time for First Practice When Main Street Blaze Bursts. "If we must fight fire, we want to do it right" That's the idea that caused ten public-spirited young men of the city, .whose experience in the recent epidemic of fires had taught them that unorganized ef forts of fire-fighting were at least discouraging, to ask the council for permission to take charge of the fire equipment and organize them selves into a capable organization, and who after receiving that per mission Monday evening, later per fected a preliminary organization. Dean T. Goodman was chairman pro tern of the meeting. Mark Mer rill was elected chief and R. B. Fer guson was named captain. Named for the squad were Harlan Devm, Leonard Schwarz, Vinton Howell, Carl Cason, Stanley Reavis, James Thomson, Jr., Ray Wise and An drew Baldwin. After deciding to have their first practice at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, the boys had not much more than touched their heads to their pillows before they saw real action, as the siren called them out to the fire on Main street at 3:30 o'clock that morning. Though no opportunity had been had for each to acquaint himself with his Job, the enthusi asm engendered by the meeting told in the manner the boys at tacked their job, and there is little doubt that better work was accom- plished through having the nucleus of an organization. In their papers of organization the boys asked the city to pay each member of the team $2.50 for each fire attended. They asked that they be given full charge of the equipment with the city to pay ex pense of upkeep, the boys agreeing to clean and roll up hose after a Are, and to have equipment ready for call at all times. They discussed the probability of staging a fire men's ball for the purpose of rais ing funds with which to buy hel mets, gas masks and other indi vidual equipment Deciding to start actual training at once with the city's permission, preliminary placements were an nounced, with Mark Merrill, Ray Ferguson and Neil Shuirman nam ed as truck drivers, and Harlan Devin, Leonard Schwarz, Stanley Reavis and Carl Cason, hosemen. Practices were slated for 2:30 o' clock each Tuesday afternoon. The organization papers will be presented to the council for ap proval at its January meeting. Cup Held by This Paper To be Awarded Again University of Oregon, Eugene, Dec. 9. The best weekly newspaper in Oregon, to be determined by judges selected in the near future, will be awarded the Sigma Delta Chi cup at the Oregon Press con ference at the University of Ore gon, January 21, 22 and 23. This is the third successive year in which the organization, men's na tional journalistic honorary, has conducted the contest The Heppner Gazette Times is the present holder of the cup, and according to the terms of the con test, cannot enter competition this year. The Hillsboro Argus won the cup the first year of the con test, and will be allowed to compete again in the forthcoming contest News and content editorial page, front page, mechanical make-up, and advertising are the main points on which the papers will be judged, according to Robert Allen, Eugene, in charge of the contest, and Ralph David, Woodburn, president of the organization. Bi-weekly newspa pers will be Invited to enter the contest as well as the weekly pa pers, those In charge state. IS SEVERELY BURNED. Victor Lovgren was burned se verely at the farm home In Eight Mile when a blow torch he was at tempting to light blew up. When it refused to work he lit a piece of paper and placed it under the Jet, which was apparently plugged, for as the gasoline in the tank be came warm it expanded and blew out the filling plug. His right hand and forearm, face and right ear were badly burned. He was taken to Heppner hospital for treatment and is reported to be progressing nicely. AUXILIARY TO MEET. The American Legion auxiliary will meet for its regular meeting next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. P. M. Gemmell. All mem bers are urged to attend as there are several things of interest to be discussed and decided upon. This Is also the date of the annual Christmas tree party. Each mem ber Is asked to bring a small re membrance, not to exceed 25 cents, Mrs. Gemmell, Mrs. Raymond Fer guson and Mrs. Alva Jones will be hostesses. TWO-THIRDS GOAL MADE IN SEAL SALE Boardman Leads Per Capita Sales With lone Second; Time Yet To Go Over the Top. With the close of the first full week of the Christmas health seal sale, the total amount sold In five community centers throughout the county amounted to $92.59. This amount does not include the rural districts whose returns would add consdierably to this amount Boardman leads the entire county with the amount of per captia seals sold, with lone coming in a close second. The amounts sold are as follows: Boardman $21.74, lone $28.76, Heppner $30, Lexington $10.24, Irrigon $1.85. The total amount of the first week's campaign is within two thirds of the quota for Morrow county this year, which is placed at $225, according to Edwin T. Ingles, county chairman of the seal sale. While the early returns are con sdiered generally satisfactory, the chairman is appealing for the coop eration of every section of the coun ty in order to assure the success of the drive. This is not only a nation-wide drive, but it is a county drive to promote the health of the less fortunate ones in our own county. Nearly one hundred dol lars was spent in the local commun ities last year, not for tuberculosis alone, but for any disease or sick ness which might impair the health of the children of the county. This money was raised by the sale of Christmas seals, and the Morrow County Public Health association solicits the help of all the county to carry on this work. Second Drive on Rats Slated for December 17 Another united drive on wharf rats in Heppner will be made the afternoon of Thursday, December 17, announces C. W. Smith, county agent During the afternoon baits will be distributed free from his office, and everyone molested by the varmints is asked to call for them and cooperate in the attempt to eradicate the rats completely. Not nearly so many baits will be required this time, as the drive held a few weeks ago had wonderful re sults, said Mr. Smith. There were no adverse reports from the drive Whatever and many people report ed much less sign of the pests. It was hoped that two drives would result in the desired extermination, and if equally good results can be had from the coming drive as were had from the first the hope may be realized, Mr. Smith believes. Deputy Exalted Ruler To Visit; Events Slated Heppner lodge of Elks, whose so cial calendar includes a dance next Saturday night at their temple for Elks and their ladies only, is look ing forward to the evening of De cember 18 when one of the major social events of the season will be staged, says Garnet Barratt, ex alted ruler. On that evening W. A. Ekwall of Portland, district deputy exalted ruler, will make his official visit, and in his honor a big tur key dinner will be served. There will be a full evening's entertain ment for both Elks and ladies, in cluding a lodge session with init iation. The exalted ruler especially ex tended a cordial invitation to all visiting Elks to attend these events. Train Wrecks Power Line Putting Out Lights Here A crane mounted on a freight car going up the Deschutes branch about 11:45 Friday morning tore out a section of the Pacific Power & Light company high power line, disrupting the service at Heppner as well as at other points In the Sherman district No report was made of the accident and it was necessary for employees of the company to chase down the trou ble, and materials for repairs had to be carried in on foot causing the service to be out until late that evening, reports Paul Marble, local manager. Local requirements were met for a time by the local steam plant, but the load proved too heavy; causing a valve seat to blow out in the steam engine. . HUMORETTES. Her You used to say that you were unworthy of me. Him Well, what if I did? Her Nothing. Only you seem to be spending your married life try ing to prove It Fay I'm trying to find a face powder that can't be kissed off. Ray Won't you put me in charge of your proving grounds? Trainer Say, I wanta congratu late yuh on this article you writ for the newspaper it's the berries! Pugilist Yeah, dat's what dcy tell me. By golly, I wisht I could read! MacSponger Come here, Blllle! Don't you know who I am? Blllle Yes, I've heard daddy speak of you often. You re moth- er's cousin who stayed here two months one time and never offered to pay a cent for board. CEMETERY BUDGET ACTED ON BY CITY $125 Allotted for Fence, Cleaning Graveyard; Budget Unchanged. FIRE BOYS PRESENT Council Instructs to Proceed With Organization; Charge for Wa ter for Protection Discussed. The city budget as advertised was passed by the council at its regular meeting Monday night To pay for Its share of the new cemetery fence and for cleaning up the city cemetery, council voted $125 to the Masonic cemetery association. A group of young men interested In organizing a fire department was instructed to go ahead with the or ganization and present the plan for approval of the council at its next meeting to be held the first Monday in January. Adjusting of the dif ference in charge being made for fire protection in buildings was left undecided following a discussion of the matter. Payment of current ex pense bills and reading of the wa ter report for November were In cluded In the order of business. Earl W. Gordon was spokesman for the Masonic Cemetery associa tion, represented also by Frank Gilliam and Robert Wightman. The bill of expense for building the new woven wire and iron post fence about the cemetery was read, show ing the cost to date of more than $800. When contemplated improve ments are completed the associa tion will have spent $1000 all told. All the cemetery ground, including the present cemetery portion and six acres of new ground recently acquired by the association, Is taken in by the new fence, which, with a little patching at uneven places In the ground, will be rabbit-tight, it was said. To Clean Up Cemetery. Inclement weather prevented putting in place additional fence along the north side of the lane In front of the cemetery, which will be done as soon as the weather permits, Mr. Gordon said. The as sociation plans to put a man, to work cleaning up the cemetery as soon as the weather permits. Weeds and rubbish will be removed, sunk en graves filled, fallen tombstones put in place and other needed work done. A clause in the new deeds will leave the digging of graves In the hands of the sexton, who will thus receive part of his compensa tion. The association, while cleaning up its own ground, will take care of the city plot in like manner. For their part of the fence and for this service the council voted the $125. Posts were placed on the line of the city property, and will be per manently marked, making the ground easy for anyone to locate. The volunteer fire fighters were represented by Mark Merrill aa spokesman. They expressed their willingness to organize into a fire fighting body, to become acquaint ed with the flreflghting apparatus and to train themselves in its use if the city wanted to accept their services. They were asked to go ahead with the organization and to present their plan of organization to the council for approval. . Discuss Basis of Charge. The question was raised as to why some owners of buildings in the city were charged for water for fire protection while others were not It was the opinion of the coun cil that a readjustment should be made so that everyone would be treated alike, though no definite action was taken. There was a difference of opin ion among councilmen as to wheth er it was right for the city to charge for water for fire protection. Some maintained that by installing their own fire protection property-hold ers were relieving the city of ex pense of protecting the property. Others held that the fire protec tion was Installed by property holders for the purpose of obtain ing a lower Insurance rate and they were more than compensated for the expense by the saving made In the insurance premiums. The city is put to expense in the case of such installations by having to Instill larger lead pipe Into the building. and some believed that only an in stallation charge should be made. And the.n the question arose as to whether those already having the service should pay the Installation charge, one contention being that this charge had been more than paid by some through the $2 a month flat rate that has been charged for the service. HAVE GOOSE FEED, W. R. Poulson, Nell Shuirman and Harold Buhman, superintend ent and instructor In thn Inral schools, divided the Bpoils of their nunt with a number of stag com- panions at a goose feed at the Poul son home last Friday evening. In vited guests contributed other items of the menu. The goose was cooked to a turn and pronounced excellent by the men present, In cluding besides the hosts, Earl W. Gordon, Russell E. Pratt John Tur. ner, Jasper Crawford, J. T. Lumley and Paul Monegat.