OREGON lb " PUBLIC AUDITORS atte etnmer Volume 48, Number 38. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1931 Subscription $2.00 a Year OF T0LDJJ1S CLUB Business and Professional Club Unique in Field: President Speaks. ' RED CROSS HELPED Ready Response Reported by Com mittee; Plan Proposed to Assist Unemployment .Relief. v The Lions club, not alone in the field of service clubs in Heppner, welcomed the program outline of a sister organization the Business and Professional Womens club, as given by its president, Mrs. William R. Poulson, at the Lions' Monday noon luncheon. Organized primarily for the purpose of advancing the edu cation of its members, the nation al Business and Professional Wom ens .club serves the various com munities in which its 60,000 mem bers are located similarly to men's service organizations. It is the only Buch women's organization of its kind. Mrs. Poulson, with other mem bers of the local chapter, attended a meeting in The Dalles a week ago, addressed by the national organi zation's president Its aims, she said, include assisting In the educa tion of worthy girls who them selves are not able to pay for a higher education, through a schol arship loan fund, $60,000 of which is now In use; fighting the discrim ination against married women in giving of employment, and a cam paign giving especial attention to the rural girl, whom the club be lieves has a better opportunity for advancement by finding a place for herself in her own community rather than by heeding the call to the big city. Locally the business and profes sional women are sponsoring a gymnasium class for women, the proceeds above expenses of which go to the national scholarship fund. Also they are offering a summer school scholarship to the outstand ing girl in 4-H club work In the county. Organized last spring, the club was not In position to start work In earnest until this fall, Mrs. Poul son said, as meetings were aban doned during the summer. A year of successful activity is contem plated. Chas. W. Smith, Lions president, expressed appreciation of Mrs. Poulson's comprehensive report, and extended best wishes on behalf of the men. Ready and liberal response to the Red Cross roll call was reported by J. W. Hiatt, who with W. W. Smead assisted in local solicitation of -funds for the Lions. Nearly 100 per cent response was had from the people contacted with more than $100 received from the buslnss sec tion which they covered. A com parison with the contribution list of the year before showed many now names and by the time the check-up is completed It. was be lieved the total would exceed that of a year ago. More discussion of unemployment relief work uncovered a new plan whereby there might be an Inter community hook-up for the equit able distribution, of supplies. It was announced that a director of relief work had been appointed In each community, and that each community was gathering its own supplies. Already, it was said, a sit uation has arisen whereby one com munity has more of some kind of supplies than it has need for, while it is lacking other supplies. It was thought that a survey might reveal the possibility of an ex change between various commun Hes so that the needs of each could be cared for. W. R. Poulson, In charge of local Christmas seal sale, announced that $50 worth of the seals had been received here, and would be sold this week by school children. The proceds of the sale go to local, state and national health work, the Morrow County Public Health as sociation being in charge of the county-wide sale. STOCK REPORTED STARVING. Some 21 head of stock, consisting of horses, cows and calves, belong ing to August Raynor of Six Dollar canyon, were reported to the sher iff's ofllce Tuesday as being In a starving condition. Deputy Cox went out to investigate the matter Wednesday forenoon, taking along several bales of hay, and he found that two head of the stock had al ready died, while several others were down. The place was desti tute of any feed, and had not relief been forthcoming, the entire bunch af horses and cattle would have perished In a very short time. Mea sures will be taken by the author ities to place the stock on feed. T. C. Shankard, Insurance adjust er from Portland, Is expected here tomorrow to adjust the loss of the state of Oregon and Wise brothers In the residential fire here last Sunday evening. THE SQUAW MAN, with War ner Baxter and Lupe Valez, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. Ralph Harris, lone hotelman, was doing business In the city Tuesday. WORK WOMEN B. P. 0. E. TO HOLD LODGE OF SORROW Program Arranged for Annual Ob servance Sunday Afternoon; T. A. Hughes to be Remembered. Each year on the first Sunday in December all Elkdom s head is bow ed In memory of its departed bro thers. The annual custom will be observed by Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at its temple, with an invitation extended to the public to join In the rites. The local roll of departed for the year has but the one name, Thomas A. Hughes. Joel R. Benton, pastor of the Church of Christ, will deliver the memorial address. The complete program follows: March, Mrs. J. O. Turner. Opening ceremonies of the lodge. Invocation. "There is No Death," American Legion Auxiliary trio, Coramae Ferguson, Lenore Poulson, Eva Marble. "Thanatopsis," Mrs. Paul Mene gat "Recessional" by DeKoven, vocal solo, Miss Charlotte Woods. Ceremonies of the lodge. Address, Joel R. Benton. "Auld Lang Syne," American Le gion Auxiliary trio. Closing ceremonies of the lodge. Benediction. The committee In charge of the service is H. A. Cohn, L. Van Mar- ter, B. R. Patterson, Ralph Jack son and Harlan McCurdy.. J. G. Barratt, exalted ruler, will preside. STATEM0VE SAVES COUNTY 3.3 MILLS Elimination of Property Tax for State Purposes Amounts to $43,000 In County. A saving of approximately $43,- 000 or 3.3 mills in the property tax In Morrow county next year will result from the elimination of the property tax for state purposes, an nounced by Governor Meier the first of the week. The announce ment said that the counties would not be asked to levy a tax for any state purpose other than the two mill elementary school levy, all of which stays In the counties. Last year Morrow county levied $64,070 for state purposes. The two mills for the elementary school fund amounted to $21,070, the dif ference to be saved next year thereby amounting to $43,000, ac cording to the figures of Gay M. Anderson, county clerk. Governor Meier said the goal of eliminating the property tax for state purposes, long sought by the state government, had been made possible by revenue received from the Income tax, Intangibles tax and other sources. Farmer Brown to Speak At Lexington Tomorrow Said to have the wit and humor of a Will Rogers and the earnest ness of a man fighting for a just cause, Farmer Brown comes to Lexington tomorrow to address a meeting of the Morrow County Grain growers on behalf of the fed eral farm board and the agricul tural marketing act. The Farmer Brown series of meetings, which started November 20 in the north west, have been widely heralded and the officers of the local coop erative organization are expecting a large turnout of the membership. The meeting at Lexington will be at 2 o'clock In the Leach building. Farmer Brown comes loaded with Information concerning the accom ri'shments and alms of the farm marketing set-up, and will show why It Is to the farmer's advantage to belong to the organization, It Is said. He will answer any questions that may arise at the meeting. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Morrow County, Oregon, will hold the reg ular examinations of applicants for State Teachers' Certificates at the Court House In Heppner, Oregon, as follows; Commencing Wednes day, December 16, 1931, at 9:00 o' clock A. M., and continuing until Saturday, December 19, 1931, at 4 o'clock P. M. Wednesday Forenoon. United States History, Penman ship. , Wednesday Afternoon. Physiology, Reading and Compo sition. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology. Thursday Afternoon. Grammar, Geography, American Literature, Physics. Friday Forenoon. Theory and Practice, Spelling, Physical Geography, English Lit erature. Saturday Forenoon, Geometry and Botany? Saturday Afternoon, General History. LUCY E. RODGERS, 38-39 County Superintendent. A license to wed was Issued by Clerk Anderson last Friday to Ma rie Brashears of Lexington and Walter Steagall of Fossil. Joseph W. Rector Was Early Settler in County Funeral services for the late Jo seph W. Rector, who passed away at the hospital of Mrs. Lulu G. Herren on Wednesday evening, No vember 25, were held at the Chris tian church on Sunday afternoon, with Joel R. Benton, pastor, officiat ing, and Phelps Funeral home In charge. Interment was in Masonic cemetery. These services were quite largely attended by those who had known the deceased from early pioneer days in this community. Joseph Wesley Rector was born at Independence, Mo., September 18, 1843, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rector, and at the time of his passing he was aged 88 years, 2 months and 8 days. His family lived in Missouri until when they came across the plains by ox team to Oregon. An Incident of their journey to this promised land, all of their oxen except one died or were stolen by the Indians, but it so happened that two bach elors, John Day and Martin Comer, offered the family room In their wagon for themselves and their real necessities. Reaching the Col umbia river they camped at the boat-landing at The Dalles from where they took passage for Port-' land where they lived for some time, then going to Astoria and later to Salem where the home of the family was established on a farm. Mr. Rector was a blacksmith by trade and as a young man he work ed at Salem, Walla Walla, Heppner and Portland. In 1878 he came to Heppner with Willard Herren and located on a homestead on Hinton creek about three miles east of Heppner. He eventually went into the cattle business and added to his Hinton creek ranch until he had accumulated quite a large body of land. He retired from the ranching business several years ago and came to Heppner, spending his remaining "days here, but retaining his Interests in the ranch that had been his home from the time he took the homestead In 1878. He is survived by two brothers, Charles Henry Rector of St. Marys, Idaho, and Franklin Rector of Spo kane, Wash. One brother, Enoch, and two sisters, Margaret Rector Carter and Kate Rector Haydon, have children living in Idaho, Ore gon and Washington. J. L. Carter, a brother-in-law. of Mr. Rector, came from his home at Portland to be present at the funeral. 5th District President Visits Woman's Club Mrs. E. D. Towler of La Grande, president for fifth district of Ore gon Federation of Woman's Clubs, was guest of honor at a luncheon given by the Heppner Woman's club at the home of Mrs. Lillian Turner last Friday. Accompanying Mrs. Towler was her sister, Miss Phyllis Chandler of Portland, also an honored guest The subject of Mrs. Towler's talk was the district convention at Pendleton next week, at which a large attendance from Heppner was hoped for. Local women present at the lun cheon included Mrs. Turner, presi dent of the local club; Mrs. J. F. Lucas, secretary; Mrs. W. O. Dix, Mrs. Harold Case, Mrs. W. P. Ma honey, Mrs. T. J Humphreys, Mrs Paul Marble, Mrs. W. E. Moore, Mrs Charles Cox, Mrs. C. W. Mc Namer, Mrs. Earl Gordon, Mrs. Russoll Pratt, Mrs. George Thom son, Mrs. Glenn Jones, Mrs W. E. Pruyn, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. J. O. Turner. ALPINE. By MARGARET HOWARD At the Alpine Farm Bureau meet ing to be held Saturday evening, a good time is expected. There will be a varied program after which the pies will be auctioned. The money raised will be used In buy lngthe Christmas treat, so we hope everybody will help. It snowed all day Wednesday In the Alpine vicinity and a little at times since, so the farmers are now unable to complete their fall seeding. Mrs. Frank Kilkenny and her daughter-in-law, May Kilkenny, and Peggy, were at Mrs. B. P. Doherty's for Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and Johnnie, Audrey and Naomi, were gueses of Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Lindhe in Pendleton during the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Rose Sandborne, who has been at the Frank Kilkenny ranch In Sand Hollow is now visiting In Heppner where she will remain for some time. Henry Rauch and the children visited at Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kllnger's Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary and chil dren, Mrs. Margaret Pedicord, Wil lard Hawley, Bruce, Vevel and Gene Scnter and Russell Moore spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Michel. There were several very close games of pinochle and solo played. Kenneth Gelger has been confin ed to his bed for the last week. He is having serious trouble with his eyes. Mrs. Rose Sandborne, James Hlgglns, John Curran and John Ward were at the Kinkenny home Thursday. Miss Camilla Kilkenny and her brother were in Hoppner Saturday evening. MIbs Rosella Doherty's attend ance record for the month ending Nov. 27 was 100 per cent. This Is the third perfect record they have (Continued on Page Six) PJORWESTER ROUTS HOOK IN BATTLE Prankish Nature Stages Clash of Winds, With Heppner in Center. THAW AND SNOW HIT Moderation and Rain Visit South End While Eight Inches of the Beautiful Comes to North. Mother Nature was of a prankish disposition yesterday as she staged a battle of the winds at Heppner, To the south the warm chlnook held sway, and to the north the cold nor'wester blew, coming to gether here to brine the moisture precipitation in the form of sleet and rain, though the fall was light Rain was the order in the hills to the south while eight inches of snow fell to the north, between Lex ington and the river. The temper ature moderated for a very short time here as the chlnook was mo mentarily felt, then dropped as the nor'wester got the best of the bat tle, chiling pedestrians to the mar row. This morning Old Sol gleam ed brightly for a while, and with all winds laid low, a crisp cold pre vailed. , Adam Knoblock, government trapper, who' walked into the post office yesterday morning, his clo thes covered with Ice, was not ap preciative of the prank. He had just come off Heppner flats where it was raining, and as he pulled down into the valley the nor'wester turned the water In his wet cloth ing into solid ice, affording him a private refrigerating plant. Winter's first appearance was made here a week ago yesterday, when snow followed a warm rain which is believed to have effective-, ly ridded the ground of frost The temperature fell gradually with clear nights, reaching the low point of 2 degrees above zero Saturday night, according to Frank Gilliam, government weather observer. The temperature hovered between zero and 30 degrees above, until yester day morning when, for a short time moderation reached a point which turned the descending sleet into rain. The nor'wester soon got the best of the chlnook, however, and the temperature again dropped. The cold snap, one of the earliest of record here, has had the usual effect of Inconveniencing residents through freezing water pipes and plumbers have been largely In de mand. So far the snow has not been heavy enough to block travel on the highways, though those who have ventured forth by car have found the going treacherous and several cars were reported to have slid .off the road. Stockmen have probably felt the greatest effect of the snap. They have been forced to start feeding their stock several weeks earlier than was anticipated, and many report feed insufficient if no break occurs in the weather before the scheduled advent of spring. Local Futures Market Active as Wheat Skids The recent advance In wheat prices has been gradually dwind ling away and the prevailing senti ment is again bearish, but the low relative value of wheat is still a decidedly bullish factor, reports the Portland Grain exchange for week ending November 28. The world situation of wheat sup plies at this time balances pretty well with the figures of a year ago. Australia and Argentina estimate harvests to yield about 60 to 100 million bushels under last year, while 36 Northern Hemisphere countries show a harvest of 31 mil lion bushels less. The 'world's vis ible supply this year almost bal ances this reduction in yield. The drastic decline of sterling ex change during the week, made the possibility of export business more remote than ever and the only bus iness reported locally was about 300 tons worked for shipment to California. The futures markets of the Pa cific Northwest are again very 'ac tive and proving their value In af fording a trading medium for local wheat at a time when outside bus iness is rather dull and receipts at terminals are of considerable pro portions. Portland futures show net de clines for the week of 8Ho for the December delivery and 3 7-8c per bushel for the May. Portland, Astoria and Longvlew visible supply 4,092,455 bushels .Portland car receipts for the week: wheat 369, flour 113, oats 13, barley 4, corn 22, hay 14. To Sound Fire Siren At 9 Each Evening From Marshal Deyln, "this paper has the Information that from this date forward, the fire siren will be sounded each evening at 9 o'clock. This Is done for the double pur pose of trying the siren to keep it In working order, and as a curfew, warning children that it Is time they were off the streets and at home. So If you are disturbed by the fire alarm at this hour, you may know why and not chase out to locate a blaze somewhere. I0NE JENNIE E. McMURRAY. Winter weather has come a little early this year. Last week snow fell in the lone district to a depth of about five Inches and the mer cury dropped to the zero mark. The ground is still covered with snow but the temperature has moderated considerably. The young people of the town are using the Gorger loading platform near the railroad track as a tobog gan slide and are Indeed having a jolly time, greatly enjoying the snow even if the older people are not Mrs Elmer Griffith who nas been very ill, is now rapidly improving. During the Union Sunday school hour at the Christian church Sun day a vote was taken to decide whether to continue or discontinue the Union Sunday school. The vote was strongly In favor of continuing and union literature is being order ed and plans are under way for a Christmas program. Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge No. 91 elected officers at their last reg ular meeting as follows: Edith Mat thews, N. G.; Fern Turner, V. G.; Lena Lundell, secretary; and Etta Bristow, treasurer. Appointive of ficers will be announced before In stallation, which will take place the first of the year. Jack Grimes recently made a trip to his ranch near Trent He was accompanied by Bill Whitson who remained in Portland until after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving guests at the John Grimes home were Mrs. Grimes' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers of Hardman, her neice, Mrs. William Whitson of lone, and William Windsor of Windsor Castle. Hank Adams, "Baldy" Hayes and Carl Troedson returned home last Friday after an absence of three weeks. The three gentlemen visit ed Hoover dam and continued their sight seeing trip as far south as Tia Juana, Mexico. While they enjoyed the trip, they state that Oregon never before looked so good to them. Guests at the Carl Feldman home on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. John Wilt of Grass Valley and Neil Shuirman and Harold Buh man of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. J. E., Swanson were hosts at a six o'clock dinner Sat urday evening complimenting their two sons, Garland and Norman Swanson, students at Salem, who were home for the Thanksgiving vacation. Seated at the table, be- sides the honorees were Miss Eva I Swanson, Miss Norma Swanson, Carlton Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom, Miss Veda Eu banks, and Carl Troedson. Follow ing the dinner the young people at tended the grange dance at Lexing ton. Those enjoying turkey at the J. E. Swanson home on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swan son, Norma and Carlton, F. A. Lun dell and the five members of the J. E. Swanson family. Those enjoying the sumptuous dinner at the Ernest Lundell home Thursday were the immediate members of the family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell and Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake. Sixteen gathered around the fes tive board at the J. W. Howk home Thanksgiving. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charley O'Conner and son Charles, Miss Elmlra O'Conner. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn of Morgan, Elmer Griffith, and Virginia, Katherine, George and June Griffith. Mrs. Esper Hansen returned Sun day to her home in Portland after a pleasant week's visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma3 J. David son and little daughter departed Sunday for their home In Los An geles. Enroute Mr. Davidson will spend a short time In Portland on business for the American Gas as sociation by whom he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were ac companied as far as Arlington by Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy. The Edward Lindeken family re turned home Sunday from Wood burn where they had spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Lindeken's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Grossman. Mr. Lindeken states that as he neared home he found stretches of slippery road, making driving difficult and dan gerous. They witnessed the load ing in Salem of Tusco, famed ten ton elephant that was being taken by truck to his winter quarters in Portland. The huge beat was in an ugly mood and Mr. Lindeken said even the road hogs were will ing to give him more than his share of the road. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman entertained at Thanksgiving dinner the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nlchoson, Mr. and Mrs. John Tur ner ef Heppner and Mrs. Esper Hansen of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Blake were hosts at a family dinner Thursday served at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blake, In lone. Plates were laid for sixteen as follows: Mr. and- Mrs. Ed Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake, Mary K., Helen and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blake, Bethel and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blake and Marjory of Grass Valley, and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Wilt who had been guests at the Feldman home, de parted the same evening for their home in Grass Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berglven and children motored to Pendleton last Wednesday where Mrs. Bergevin took train for Baker to spend the STAGE AND SEDAN COLLIDE NEAR I0NE 5-Day Abandonment of Run Ex pected; Injuries to Occupants Not Serious. A head-on collision between the Heppner-Arlington-Pendleton stage and a Ford sedan driven by John Freed of Hood River, four miles below lone at 5:30 o'clock yesterday evening, resulted In personal In juries to occupants of the two cars and put- both the cars out of run ning condition. Cole Madsen, stage driver, was feared to have received internal injuries and was taken to the Heppner hospital, but he is re ported improving this morning. Russell Hill of Brownsville, the only passenger in the stage, was not seriously injured, and after be ing treated by Dr. McMurdo went on to Brownsville. With Freed in the sedan were Lloyd Ordway and Fred Jennings also of Hood River. Jennings re ceived a severe cut above his right eye which took two stitches to close. Freed and Ordway were un hurt. All three men went on to Hood River 'by train. The accident was reported to have been caused by the slick highway, and took place on a curve. Both cars were travelling at a slow speed. Madsen expected to take advan tage of the 5-day lay-off privilege granted by the state in case of such an emergency. He carried public liabilty and property damage In surance, as well as a personal auto mobile accident Insurance policy. Fire in Case Apartments Destroys Davis Property Fire at 10:30 o'clock this morning broke loose In the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis In the south west corner of the Case apartment building in the second story, re sulting in the loss of personal prop erty of the Davis's and material damage to the building by smoke and water, though the fire was con fined to the living room of the apartment The fire was caused by an oil stove. Everything was cov ered by insurance, according to M. L. Case, proprietor of the building. The family of E. D. Bronson, who with Davis is an employee of the O.-W. R, & N. company, occupied the apartment just below, and their belongings were removed to protect them from the water running through from above. They were damaged some by the water. The smoke completely filled the building, and other apartment hold ers were inconvenienced by it Ap artments near by were occupied by Dr. J. H. McCrady and Miss Lil- lie Allinger, cashier of Farmers and Stockgrowers National bank. Wise Brothers Sustain Loss in Residence Fire Fire which gutted the . residence occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wise, about 8 o'clock Sunday evening, destroy ed most of their personal effects and damaged the house extensively. The house, on east Willow street is owned by the state of Oregon. Each of the Wise brothers carried $1000 insurance on their personal property. The two families have been domiciled at the Case apart ments since the fire. The cause of the fire is unknown. At the time it broke through and the alarm was turned In, both the Wise brothers and their wives were at the theater. They said they had built no fire In the stoves after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The ex treme cold made the fire hard to combat, and It was necessary to thaw out one hydrant before wa ter could be got through It Wise brothers are proprietors of the Sanitary bakery. holidays with her parents, and Mr. Bergevin and the children drove on to Gibbon for a visit with his parents. The family returned home Saturday. The L. M. and B. W. club had their Sunday dinner this week at the Louis Bergevin home. All mem bers were present Mabel Cool received a badly cut arm last week when she accldently thrust her arm through a glass window at the school house. She was taken to Heppner where a physician placed eleven stitches to close the wound. As French Burroughs was driv ing on the highway above the Pet teys home his car left the road, ov erturned twice and landed In the ditch, motor still running. Neither Mr. Burroughs, nor his wife who was riding with him, were injured, and only slight damage was done the car. The accident was due to slippery roads. Garland and Norman Swanson took train Sunday for Salem to re sume their studies, Garland in the Eyerly Aviation school and Nor man at Willamette university. When John Bryson was return ing from Heppner on Wednesday of last week his car collided with a car driven by a stranger. The stranger's car went Into the ditch and was slightly damaged, Mr. Bry son's car being also very slightly damaged. Mr. Bryson states that although he tried to avoid the col lision he was unable to do so, the driver of the advancing car being blinded by the snow storm. No one was hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Hal O. Ely and (Continued on Pag Six.) NATIONAL GRANGE OUTLINES POLICIES Stand Taken on All of the Country's Outstand ing Problems. FAVORS DEBENTURE American Market for American Farmers Asked; Taxation, Bank ing Recommendations Made. From National Grange Publicity Bureau. While the 65th annual convention of the National Grange was not as largely attended as the great gathering at Rochester, New York, last year, because of meeting in less thickly-populatetd territory, it was nevertheless one of the most sig nificant sessions this big farm fra ternity has ever held, and every one of the 32 organized grange states was represented by its ac credited delegates, these states reaching from Atlantio to Pacific, and from Minnesota on the north to South Carolina on the south. The meeting was held at Madison, Wis., November 11 to 20. The session was noteworthy for its emphatic pronouncements on big pending questions of the day, while its definite programs adopt ed on taxation, tariff, marketing and land policy will command wide spread attention. Offering no new or radical remedies for present de pression and ills, the national grange points the clear pathway to the restoration of national prosper ity by setting up sound economic principles, from which a wide de parture has been made by the na tion, in recent years. General ap proval will mark the grange de mand that the American market be preserved for the American farm er, and that adequate protection be afforded him, both in the direction of reasonable tariff levels on im ported agricultural products and the Export Debenture or similar plan to aid in the disposition of farm surpluses at fair prices. Below is briefly summarized the general policy adopted by the na tional grange at Madison, followed by a concise tabulation of specific measures which it favors and op poses; these to be followed up by widespread discussion and action in the 8,000. granges throughout the land the coming winter: Outstanding Action Taken. 1. The American market for the American farmer: (a) Growers of crops producing an exportable sur pluses to be accorded equalized tariff benefits, such as are proposed under the export debenture plan. (b) No tariff rates permitted which breed monopoly and enrich the few at the expense of the many. (c) No imposition of tariffs upon such natural resources as cannot be renewed when once they are ex hausted, (d) Fixing at fair and reasonable levels import duties on commodities which the farmer must buy. (e) Reaffirming the long - established policy of the grange In demanding "Tariff for all, or tariff for none.'.' 2. A very definite taxation pro gram, to include: (a) Increase in the estate tax, and the greater por tion of amount collected to be re tained by the states; with no re duction permitted in Federal in come tax. (b) A limited tax on lux uries and a Federal and state gift tax. (c) Return to the states of a substantial portion of the Federal corporation income tax. (d) A debt control law for states and local communities, with limitation of all special assessments against real es tate, (e) Extension of the budget system for handling current ex penditures. 3. A specific land policy: (a) Co ordination of the activities of Fed eral and state agencies, (b) A bet ter administration of the remaining public lands, through reforestation or otherwise, to insure sound con servation, (c) The use of reclama tion funds in refunding indebted ness of irrigation and drainage dis tricts needing assistance. Oppose new Irrigation or reclamation pro jects, (d) Broadening of the for estry laws of the nation and of the states, to permit purchase of sub- marginal agricultural land for eith er forest purposes, recreational use or game preserves, (e) Creation of a Bureau of Conservation under the Department of Agriculture, with grouping of all conservatlonal ac tivities under one head, (f) A con tinuing survey to determine the pro- auctive possibilities of land, and progressive steps to stop soli ero sion, 4. A clear-cut program of rural finance and money stabilization: (a) Amending the Federal Reserve Act to provide for redlscountlng In termediate Credit Bank debentures. (b) An increased purchase In large volume of securities In the open market by the Federal Reserve Bank, (c) Reduction of re-dlscount rates by the Federal Reserve Bank, (d) Reduction of the legal mini mum gold reserve ratios of the Federal Reserve Banks, (e) In creasing the capital stock in Feder al Land banks; more substantial reserves by both Federal Land banks and National Farm Loan as sociations; appropriation to enable farmers in distress to meet Interest demands and to prevent foreclo- (ConUnued on Fag su.)