HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1931. PAGE FIVE L(g nil IBIiijp)piBnisag , ... ., 4 Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Moore, ac companied by Mrs. Robert Lees, left yesterday on a two day trip to the northern part of the state. Rev. Moore will attend an executive council meeting of his missionary district in Pendleton this evening, after which he and Mrs. Moore will visit members of their family in Heppner. Mrs. Lees is going to vis it her mother, Mrs. Fred Luoaa, at Lexington. Ontario Argus. C. W. Smith, formerly Smith. Hughes instructor in the local high school and now county agent of Morrow county, and Spencer Craw- ford, of the Heppner Gazette Times, were in Dufur Saturday from Hepp ner. They had been in attendance at the Eastern Oregon wheat lea- gue conference, held In The Dalles, and Charley took occasion to run out here for a visit with old friends. Dufur Dispatch. Being in the market for coarse wool ewe lambs, Willis Mercer, of the firm of Mercer & Hill, Prosser, Wash., spent a few days at Hepp ner, trying to get a band of this class of sheep. Whether he suc ceeded or not, this paper did not learn. Coarse wool lambs of the class Mr. Mercer desired are pretty scarce in this county at present Earl Hallock, former cashier of the Farmers and Stockgrowers Na. tional bank of Heppner, was in town last week end from his home at Shaniko, transacting business in connection with his present position with a livestock loan association, Mrs. W. R. Poulson, president of the Heppner Business and Profes sional Women's club, went to The Dalles Saturday night to be present for the addresB there on Sunday of the national president of the organization. Miss Marianne Palmiter, student at Oregon State college, Is spend ing Thanksgiving with her sister, Miss Jessica Palmiter, home econ omics instructor in the local school. Kenneth Bleak man, in town Sun day from Hardman, reported ten inches of snow at Tupper ranger station where he was located as for est ranger the past summer. Dr. and Mrs. Fred E. Farrior and son, Freddie, were Heppner visitors Sunday, coming over from Pendle ton to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. Anderson. For Sale Winona wagon, 2, good as new. To sell immediatetly. Nichols and Leach, Lexington. 39p Mrs. Emma Anderson of lone was a business visitor in this city Mon day. Mammoth bronze turkeys for sa.e. Emma Anderson, lone. 36-38p IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. Wilbur Browning and family from Vancouver, Wash., were here for a short visit with Mr. Brown ing's brother, Jack Browning, and family. Mrs. Wilbur Stevers accompanied her mother, Mrs. Brownell, to Port land Thursday and will visit a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel at Umatilla. The regular meeting of the Irri gon grange 641 was held in the school auditorium Wednesday eve ning. A short business meeting was held and the new members were given first and second degrees. The social hour was spent at "500," five tables ' at play,. A delicious lunch was served by the ladles late in the evening. Ralph Beneflel returned from Thornton, Wash., Friday, and will spend the winter here. A large crowd from Irrlgon at tended the Mason's dance at Uma tilla Friday night and reported a good time. Bert Rose of Eugene is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rose. Edith Markham visited relatives in Portland from Friday until Tues day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom and son Don, and Mrs. Mary Smith were shopping in Pendleton Saturday. Leonard Beavert from Union, Wash., was here -for a short time last week. His father, James Bea vert, who has been quite 111, return ed home with him. Several from Irrlgon delivered turkeys at Hermiston Friday and Saturday. The town basketball team start ed meeting for regular practice last week. George Haskell and Donald Brooks of Plymouth, Wash., were in town for a short time Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Oliver and son Floyd entertained all the young folks of the community at a party NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTIPF! IS TWFrRtrRV fiTTTPxr i i m oi i -rvi- xt- y-v- or Morrow County State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL. MEETING of said district win be held at the Council Chambers, Heppner, Oregon, on the 27th day of November, 1931, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with.the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the vSl 1ear,beginn,ln5 on JJune 193L anl ending June 30, 1932, is estimated in tne following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county iTi .1. miuui lunu, eiemeniary scnooi luna, special district tax, ana all other moneys of the district. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Balance on hand at beginning of school year (third Monday . vBiuuiiig ui bciiuui yeai In Jimitt fnr UrViinh tht. K...4..., I. From county school fund . e i uni Biaie scnooi xuna ... From elementary school fund . '.. . "TZZ '' From tuition for pupils below high school !! From county high school tuition fund for tuition and tran portation ..... Total animated receipts .. !"ZZ!r.Zr.Z..."!l.. Z $ 1,927.38 2.914.51 692.46 8.437.93 900.00 2.21Rn 17.857.00 29,946.18 ESTIMATED EXPENDITTOE8 OENEBAi CONTROL Personal service: Superintendent uierK I Elemen tary Stenographers and o5ierlin-'uslstanlii Supplies Elections and publicity ..'."LT." . " Legil service (clerk's bond. audiiTefivi " BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE Beware of Imitations GENUINE Bayer Aspirin, the kind doctors prescribe and millions of users have proven safe for more than thirty years, can easily be identified by the name Bayer and the word genuine as above. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and sure; always the same. It has the unqualified endorsement of physi cians and druggists everywhere. It doesn't depress the heart No harmful after-effects follow its use. . Bayer Aspirin is the universal anti dote for pains of all kinds. Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoacetkacidester of salicylicadd. Total Expense of General Control xxi oxau u-rwn supervision rcisuimt service: Principals . Stenogranhern Aiiri nthei. nffln "a'aoiai.'Zi'Z" SUDDlieS. Drlnclnflln find aiuianrlonF. """ aumu xisjnuB, onpervuion INSTRUCTION Teaching rvi aunui service : Superintendent reacners Gym Teacher . Supplies (chalk, paper, etc) Textbooks (desk r.nnipn nnH InHYcwiTaV" Total Expense of Teaching- OPERATION OF PIiANT .personal service: , Janitors and other employes Janitors' supplies j?iiei Light and Dower . water Total Expense of Operation , ' , MAINTENANCE ft REPAIRS Kepair and replacement of furniture and equip- - Repair and maintenance of buildings andl En mndu i iuiu ijjvjiojiD vi maintenance ana nep&irg AUXILIARY AGENCIES Library: Personal service (librarian, etc.) Grade text books Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies FIXED CHARGES Insurance Total Fixed Charges . CAPITAL OUTLAYS Assessments for betterments Total Capital Outlays f DEBT SERVICE Principal on bonds :. . Principal on warrants . Principal on other indebtedness Interest on bonds . .... Interest on warrants .. . Interest on other indebtedness Total Debt Service .. EMERGENCY Total Emergenoy 760.00 150.00 150.00 76.00 25.00 26.00; 1,700.001 25.00 26.00 8.000.00 760.00 200.00 16.00 1,000.00 150.00 400.00 150.00 100.00 50.001 100.001 76.001 150.00 70.001 100.001 High School TOTAL 760.00 160.00 160.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 600.00 26.00 26.00 600.00 6,716.00 750.00 200.00 10.00 1,000.00 150.00 400.00 150.00 100.00 60.00 100.001 76.00 70.00 100.001 2,360.00 2,300.00 17,240.00 3,600.00 300.00 300.00 140.00 200.00 ... 2.600.00 ... 6,600.00 . 12.600.00 ... 2,426.00 ... 493.00 .- 802.00 I 200.00 ' $24,320.00 200.00 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year $50,950.00 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax 29,946.18 naiance, amount to o raised ay district tax EE 1,004. 83 Personal service Supplies SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPEND rTTTRBS For school year from June 30, 1931, to June 30, 1932 Maintenance and reDairs Debt service Miscellaneous Construction . Emergency . Total ..$23,315.00 1,060.00 300.00 . 24.320.00 1,666.00 200.00 200.00 $50,960.00 INDEBTEDNESS Amount of bonded indebtedness (including all warrants Issued -by vote of electors) $48,000.00 Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants issued and en dorsed "not Dald tor lack of funds 5.500.00 Amount of other indebtedness 12,600.00 Total Indebtedness $88,100.00 Dated this 4th day of November, 1931. Attest: VAWTER CRAWFORD, District Clerk. CHAS. THOMSON, Chairman, Board of Directors. NOTICE OF MEETING OF TAX LEVYING BOARD OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1931, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening of said day. at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, Oregon, the tax levying board of said City of Heppner will meet for the purpose of discussing and considering the tax budget hereinafter set forth of said City of Heppner for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1932, and any tax payer of said City of Heppner may at that time appear and be heard either in opposition to or in favor of the tax levy set forth herein, or any item thereof. BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. PERSONAL SERVICE Chief of Police City Recorder City Treasurer . City Attorney .......... Health Officer . Night Marshal ....... Insurance (State) .. 1,320.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 100.00 900.00 70.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Lights $ 8,200.00 Printing ..$ 1,650.00 .. 130.00 MAINTENANCE AND BRIDGES Streets and Bridges i .......... FIRE DEPARTMENT Hose, Fire Chief, Extras and Incidentals ..... Truck, Storage, Fuel,, Gas , $ 1780.00 ....$ tooo.oo $ 1,000.00 600.00 160.00 BOND REDEMPTION Redemption Water Bonds ..... BOND INTEREST Interest on Water Bonds . $ 660.00 ...$ 8,000.00 $ 6,000.00 ..$ 4.640.00 LIBRARY Donation $ 4,640.00 ..$ 180.00 MISCELLANEOUS Kent $ 180.00 Incidentals ..$ 144.00 .. 1,000.00 WATER DEPARTMENT Salary superintendent KKei $ 1144.00 Book keener Labor, repairs, incidentals . 2,160.00 $ 1.440.00 3WJ.OU TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES .. , ESTIMATED RECSIPTB Water Collections ................ Pastime Licenses Theater License :. Billboard Licenses ........ Fines County (Road Tax) Ealance in General Fund . , TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS '. $16,400.00 ,.$14,000.00 ,.. 180.00 60.00 10.00. 160.00 800.00 ... 1,200.00 $ 8,960.00 $22,664.00 $16,400.00 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenditures for the year 1932 rotai estimatea receipts tor tne year 1932 .....$22,664.00 .... 16,400.00 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION $ 6.164.00 Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 9th day of November, 1931. LEVYING BOARD, J. O. THOMSON, WALTER MOORE, Attest: W. CLAUDE COX. Secretary. ' W' SMim in their new home Satuday night The evening was spent in games and dancing. Refreshments were served at a late hour and were enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Jones and family deft Sunday morning for Portland to visit relatives until af ter Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markham and family left Sunday for Van couver, Wash., on a business trip. They were accompanied by their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alberta Markham who was here visiting her children. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom enter tained at a birthday party honor ing their son, Earl, Sunday. The day was enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Leo la Beavert was a Her miston visitor Monday. Mrs. Prank Fredrickson enter tained the H. E. C. ladies at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clara Smith, Thursday afternoon. A good crowd was present' Delicious re feshments were served by the hostess. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. In memory of Brother Henry Mills, who died November, 1931. Once again death hath summoned a Brother Odd Fellow, and the gol den gateway to the Eternal City has opened to welcome him to his home. He has completed his work in ministering to the wants of the afflicted, in shedding light into darkened souls and in bringing joy Into the places of misery, and as his reward has received the plaudit, "well done" from the Supreme Mas ter. And whereas, the all-wise and merciful Master of the Universe has called our beloved and respects ed Brother home, and he having been a true and faithful member of our beloved Order, therefore be It Resolved, that Willow Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. F., of Heppner, Oregon, in testimony of her loss, drape its Charter in mourning for thirty days and that we tender to the family of our deceased brother our sincere condolence in their deep affliction Fast Economical These essential transportation require ments are fulfilled by our service and more it is also DEPENDABLE. $10,000 Cargo Insurance for your protection. John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) M. VENABLE, Manager. Office 5 E. May 8t Phone 1863 HUSTON'S ntfiitiiMitiiimintMiiiiiiiiinmiiH GROCERY nitMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllfllllllfNIIIIIIIIlltllllllllllllMIMItllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllini E. R. HUSTON, PROPRIETOR nitlllllltlllllllllHIIIIIIHllllllllillltlMlllliliniMIIIHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIItllllltlHIIIIIIIiltlllllllllltllllllll Discriminating People , CHOOSE THE BEST That's why we feature MONARCH CANNED FOOD DELIGHTS Fresh Candies and School Supplies always on hand for the kiddies. D0 a1! Day If comeone came to you and said: "For ten cents a day I will postpone old age, give you better health and more leisure," what would you say? "Yes," of course. Or, if you are in clined to be more skeptical, "rot," or some thing equally expressive. But we are pre pared to promise just that. - Unnecessary manual work means fatigue. Continued over a period of time it means im pairment of health, which, in turn, brings old age long before its time. If the end of the day finds you too tired to en tertain, to read, or do the things you wish to do, ask yourself, "What have I done today that electrical appliances could have done for me, or could have helped me do? There are many efficient electrical helpers for the home which not only lessen the physical effort required for almost evey task, but cut down hte amount of time required to do the work "in the old way." Don't do work that electricity can do for 10c A DAY ! Pacific Power & Light Company "Alwayi'at Your Service" and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. A. J. CHAFFEE, E. L. AYERS, J. L. Y EAGER, Committee. The Gazette Times' Printing Ser vice is complete. Try it Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright. Mc Kinney creek folks, were trading in the city on Monday, and report that it Is quite winter ish out their way. For Rent 320 acres tractor land. Write A. S. Akers, 1225 Campaign St, Portland. 35-37 Your Pants Are Down Again Boys' Cords : New Price Ages 8 to 11 $1.95 Ages 12 to 16 $2.35 Young Men's Cords in the new popular Elephant color A Can't Bust 'Em $2.95 Young Men's and Men's Cream Color Cords $3.45 Campus Cords $4.85 Just Received The New ARROW TRUMP SHIRT in Stripes $1.95 Guaranteed for permanent fit THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE They Cost $5.90 a Year Ago! Ohecplined rJolcstiln Coats . NOW 30 It's yours-now for almost two dollars less! Yes, the exact cozy, wear-giving garment of last year. And what's more, it now boasts a VVambino col lar the deep, billowy kind found before only on more expensive coats. Drab and forest tones, lined sleeves, armshields and many other com fort features. Get yours early . . . and save I Imagine 1 Smart Fall Patterns! Doys' nibbed Mens Fancy Union Suits Hose 4r" Wool and cotton mixture medium havy weight ml Never have you seen such huge Ideal for men who demand long values. A .turdy garment in a wear and Rood appearance. A favored weight that will be pop- mixture of wool and cotton ular with active boys and thrift- add$ both warmth and service, wise mothers. Sues 6 to 16. price1 unusuaiiy iow for this Ankle or knee lengths. excellent quality. J. C Penney Co. DEPARTMENT Inc STORE Store Phone 59 HEPPNER, ORE. Manager! Phone U8I it