Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1931, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(BtxzttU intra
Established March 8Ui 1883;
Established November 18. 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner. Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear
Six Months
Three Months
Single Copies
. 12.00
. 1.U0
. .75
. .05
Official Paper for Morrow County.
THANKSGIVING Day has become
such a universally observed na
tional holiday that few people real
ize that its general observance on
the last Thursday in November is
quite a recent development All of
the states of New England and
some of the other northern states
had an annual day of thanksgiving
by the proclamation of the Gover
nor, but while this custom came
from the earliest colonial times, it
seldom happened that more than
two or three states picked the same
The real "mother of Thanksgiv
ing Day" was Mrs. Sarah Josepha
Hale, who was the editor of the first
magazine published especially for
women, Godey's Lady's Book. Mrs.
Hale, before 1850, tried to get the
President of the United States to
issue a proclamation for a national
Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Ruth E.
Kinley, in her new book, "The Lady
of Godey's," tells how she bombard
ed president ofter president with
her demand until, in 1863, Presi
dent Lincoln issued the first nation
al Thanksgiving proclamation,
naming the last Thursday in No
vember as its date. From that time
on every President has issued such
a proclamation, and since the 1870s
the Governor of every state has
also proclaimed the last Thursday
in November as Thanksgiving Day.
Since there has never been an act
of Congress on the subject, Thanks
giving Day is not technically a na
tional holiday, but it would be dif
ficult, to keep the people of any
state from observing it, even if the
Governor forgot to issue his proc
lamation. In recent years there has been a
tendency to take Thanksgiving
Day lightly. We are all too much
inclined, in good times, to take cred
it to ourselves for our blessings,
whatever they may be, while in
times of distress it is a very human
inclination to ask "what have I got
to be thankful for?" We hear lots
of people asking that question this
year, but in our opinion one of the
best cures for pessimism is to stop
thinking of your hard luck and try
for one day to think of all the good
things that have come your way
since last Thanksgiving.
There is, perhaps, small consola
tion in that for people who have
lost their faith in spiritual things.
But we believe that the great ma
jority of Americans, by whatever
name they may call their religious
creeds, still believe that there is a
Divine Providence which has guid
ed and still will guide our nation.
and when we consider the state of
most of the people of the rest of
the world, we ftel that there is am
ple ground for a National Thanks
giving Day.
Sunday School
Lesson ::::
International Sunday School Lesion for
November 22.
Acta 28:16-24. 30. 31.
Rev. Samuel D. Price, D. D.
Keeping up with Paul will make
you busy and also a student This
time you must undertake a real sea
voyage and in winter time. Work
out the navigation as you allow for
wind and drift and you arrive at
Malta where the shipwreck took
place. Begin your reading at least
with chapter 24. See how Paul made
friends with and gained the confid
ence of his centurion guard and the
ship's captain. As a result the pris
oner had the freedom of his own
hired house in Malta, though he
was necessarily chained to the
changing guard. Paul went to
Rome by reason of the privilege of
his Roman citizenship. When he
saw that he could not obtain jus-
tice at Caesarea he demanded,
appeal unto Caesar."
It was with real interest that the
Jews in Rome arranged an audi
ence for Paul, tor many years
to go to Rome had been the ambi
tion of this great traveler. In
most thorough manner this man of
many experiences retold how Je
sus Christ was the Messiah of the
Jews, long prophesied in Scripture.
Then Paul settled down to make
the most of his opportunities. First,
he could gospelize as the guard wag
not changed every few hours.
During the two years that follow
ed Paul wrote four letters that are
still helping mankind: Ephesians,
Philipplans, Colossians and Phile
mon. Try and find time to read
each of these during the week.
While In Rome some years ago the
writer read the five letters which
Paul wrote while in the midst of
his two Imprisonments in that city.
In one of these epsitles the author
reveals at least one of his life se
'crets: "I can do all things in him
that strengtheneth me," Philipplam
4:13, which is the Golden Text for
Speaking of Teeth.
I doubt if any one every fully
appreciates his or her teeth quite
so much as when they have just
been all extracted by the dentist.
When the victim struggles through
the agonizing days, trying to "break
in" a new set of artificial teeth he
remembers what a treasure he has
lost in his natural teeth; if it were
to do over again, he'd treat native
molars and incisors with a great
deal more of respect than he did
when he had them.
The modern advice as to care of
the teeth is plenty voluminous; the
ether-wave sizzles with the bray of
the charlatan. The hawker merci
lessly besets you with his sugar
coated nostrum, and wise colum
nists hand you tooth-theories, soph
istries and "isms." . . , Those and
many more, why snouia i aaa my
bit? Well, common sense at this
time may not be amiss.
There is no law on God's green
JE HAVE not seen any more in-
telligent or biting explanation
of the economic depression from
which the country seems now to be
beginning to emerge than that
which was written a little while
ago by Miss Emily Woodward, edi
tor of the Vienna (Ga.) News. This
is what Miss Woodward said about
A people, for the most part ac
customed to living moderately and
even frugally prior to the war, we
launched into an orgy of spending
such as has never been known in
the history of man. Although en
dowed with a modicum of reason
ing power, we have deliberatetly
thrown discretion to the winds,
changing our standards of living
from quiet simplicity to frenzied
luxury. Equipped with sufficient
mathematcial knowledge to know
that four from two leaves minus
two, men and women with incomes
of $200.00 a month have spent at
the rate of $400.00. This has ap
plied quite generally whether the
income has been $25.00 or $2500.00.
Farming and other businesess are
more or less demoralized, but it is
not due altogether to 6-cent cotton
and the tariff. It is due in part to
our waste, abuse of credit, poor bus
iness management and laziness.
Before we see the end of this
many of us who are now riding may
be walking, but that probably
would be as it should be. The men
and women who honestly work
their ways out of the present econ
omic labyrinth will be those pos
sessed of the proper intestinal
stamina. For some time now, we
have needed something to divide
the. sheep from the goats. Crooks cent per annum from the Fifth day of
nnrl HpnHhftflts have hwm saHinETiMAv 1930: the further sum of Three
along in the vanguard of society
and the church, enjoying all the
privileges and often more than
those who make up the ranks of
honest citizenry. If the present
crisis serves as a leveler in the busi
ness and social realms, much will
be gained. The seeming success of
the dishonest during the reign of
extravagance through which we
have just passed, has had a baneful
effect, serving to give sanction to
the theory that the way to win is
through shady paths.
Oysterpuff Did you hear that
young Dr. Bitterdose has made his
mark already?
Fogg Why, that's extraordinary!
Oysterpuff Not so very. You see,
he vaccinated a baby.
Friend Don't you know that
Spendalot Is simply marrying you
for your money so that he can pay
his bills?
Goldie Nonsense! Why, he nev
er thinks of paying his bills!
Algernon Eusebla, what is it
your father sees in me to object to?
Eusebia He doesn t see anything
In you, Algernon; that's why he
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of the laws of the State of Ore
gon I have taken up the following
described animal at my farm, 8
miles northwest of Lexington, Ore
gon, and that I will sell the same at
said place to the highest bidder for
cash in hand on Saturday, Novem
ber 24, 1931, at 10 o'clock a. m., sub
ject to the right of redemption of
the owner thereof. Said animal is
described as follows:
I brown stallion, 3 or 4 years old,
no visible marks or brand.
34-36 Lexington, Ore.
suant to a petition of the requisite
number of legal voters of Road District
Number One (1) of Morrow County,
State of Oregon, and an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, made and entered
on the 4th day of November, 1931, a
meeting of the legal voters of said Road
District No. One of Morrow County,
State of Oregon, will be held at the
School House in Irrlgon, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, in said Road District Num
ber One (1), on Saturday, November
the 28th, 1931, at the hour of two o'
clock in the afternoon of said day, for
the purpose of voting an additional tax
for Road Purposes upon all the Tax
able Property In said Road District to
the amount of Five (5) Mills on the
dollar, said tax to be expended as fol
lows: For the betterment of all coun
ty roads in the Road District.
County Judge.
(SEAL) County Clerk.
Dated this 4th day of November, 1931.
D. E. Gilman and Bertha D. Gilman,
husband and wife, Plaintiffs,
Frank S. Barlow and Marian Barlow,
husband and wife, defendants.
By virtue of an execution, judgment
order, decree and order of sale issued
out of the above entitled Court in the
above entitled cause, to me directed and
41,. 1u Aar rt Odihan 1U.l1 ,n
on a judgment rendered and entered
earth that requires obedience as to
how often you should see your den
tist, or how often a man or child
should apply a nostrum to any part
of the mouth, gums, teeth or throat
Just the simple, well-known admon
ition: Be clean, alert against any
harmful practice and consult your
dentist at the first symptom of re
bellion in the dental region. There
is no minimum or maximum on
your visits to the tooth doctor; go
when you need his service, be it
one, none, or twenty times a year.
Continued and senseless scrub
bing of the teeth is highly capable
of doing grave harm; many a case
of pyorrhoea has been set up by
the use of septic tooth brushes;
the enamel of your teeth was not
put there as a field for exploitation
by the swarm of nostrum-venders
that infest the land. Nature gave
us about all we need in food-elements
for keeping the teeth clean.
Look for them and use them and
don't believe everything you hear.
in said Court on the 9th day of June,
1931, in favor of D. E. Gilman and Ber
tha D. Gilman, husband and wife.
Plaintiffs and against Frank S. Barlow
and Marian Barlow, husband and wife,
defendants, for the sum of $6,500.00,
with Interest at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum from the 1st day of Novem
ber, 1929, and the -further sum of $400.00
attorneys fees, and the further sum of
$29.30, costs and disbursements and the
costs 01 ana upon tnis writ commanaiiiB
me to make sale of the following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
The Southeast (SE) quarter of Sec
tion Two (2), the North half (N)
of Section Three (3) and the North
west quarter (NW"4 of Section
Eleven (11), in Township 3 South,
Range 24 East of Willamette Me
ridian, and the Southwest quarter
(SW&) of Section 35 and the South
half (S) of Section 34, in Town
ship 2 South, Range 24 East of
Willamette Meridian,
Now Therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution, judgment order, decree and or
der of sale and in compliance with the
commands of said writ, I will, on Sat
urday, the 12th day of December, 1931,
at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public
auction (subject to redemption), to the
highest Didder for cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the with
in named defendants. Frank S. Barlow
and Marian Barlow, his wife, had on
the 9th day of June, 1931, the date of
said judgment or since that date had
in and to the above described property
or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe
cution, judgment order and decree, in
tprest costs and accruing costs.
Dated this 6th day of November, 1931.
First issue JNovemDer in, isdi.
Last issue December 10. 1931.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, to me directed, and
dated November Fourth, 1931, in that
certain suit wherein the State of Ore
gon, a public corporation, as plaintiff,
recovered judgment against Roy A.
Campbell and May A. Campbell, his
wife, as defendants, on the Fourth day
of November, 1931, for the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars.
togetner wun in-
and Six and 70-100 Dollars costs and
disbursements, and plaintiff further
was granted in said suit a decree of
foreclosure of its mortgage against
Roy A. Campbell and May A. Campbell,
his wife, and Merietta Fridley, widow
nf T.ewU i. I.. Fridlev. deceased.
Now, therefore, Dy virtue oi me
foregoing, I will, on Saturday, the Fifth
day of December, 1931, at the hour of
10 o'clock' A. M. of said day, at the
frnnt rtnnr of the Countv Court House
in Heppner, Morrow County, State of
Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the
highest bidder for cash in hand all of
the following described real property
in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-
The South half of Section numbered
Sixteen; the Southeast quarter of
Section numbered Seventeen; the
West half of the East half of Sec
tion numbered Twenty-one, in
Township Two South of Range
Twenty-five, East of the Willamette
or so muchTif said real property as
mflv he necessary to satisfy the plaln-
tiffs iudement. costs, attorney's fee
and accruing costs of sale.
Sheriff of Morrow County. State of
Oregon. 34-38
Date of First Publication, November
Fifth, 1931.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, executrix of the last Will
and Testament of Clinton A. Low, de
fonAH hnn fllprt her final account with
the Clerk of the County Court of the
and the Judge of said Court has fixed
Friday, the 27th day of November, 1931,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day as the time, and the County Court
room in me couniy uoun nouae, ai
Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hear
ing and settlement of said account, any
objections to said final account must be
filed with the Clerk of said Court no
or before said date.
Executrix of the last Will and Tes
tament of Clinton A Low, de
ceased. Date of first publication of this no
tice October 29th. 1931.
Date of last publication of this no
tice November 26tn, 1931.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Morrow County administratrix of
the estate of Andrew antra, deceased.
and that all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are
hereby required to present the same to
said administratrix at the law office of
Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 22nd
day of October, 1931.
virtue of an execution Issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County to me directed
and delivered upon a Judgment and de
cree ana oraer 01 saie renaerea in saia
court on the 13th dav of October. 1931.
in favor of The Federal Land Bank of
Spokane, a corporation, againat Ru
dolph Kllnger and Nora D. Kllnger,
husband and wife, in the suit therein
E ending wherein the said The Federal
.and Bank of Spokane, a corporation,
is plaintiff, and the said Rudolph Klln
ger and Nora D. Kllnger, husband and
wife; Charles Kllnger; Albert F. Ker
ber, and lone National Farm Loan As
sociation, a corporation, are defendants,
for the sum of $113.76, with Interest at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
the 30th day of October, 1930; and the
sum of $113.75, with Interest at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum from the 30th
day of April, 1931; and the sum of
$2948.73, with Interest at the rate of
6,4 per cent per annum from the 80th
day of April, 1931; and the sum of
$267.18, with Interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from the 8th day
of June, 1931 ; and the sum of $30.40 in
surance; and the sum of $25.50 abstract
charges: and all of said sums amount
ing in the aggregate to $3092.34, togeth
er with interest thereon at 8 per cent
per annum from the date of entering
this decree until paid; and the further
sum 01 WJU attorneys leet in this suit;
and the further sum of $59.20 plaintiffs
costs and disbursements, which said
decree ana judgment and order of sale
have been duly docketed and enrolled
in the office of the cleark of said court
and in and by which said judgment
decree and order of sale it was directed
that the hereinafter described real
property In Morrow County, together
with tiie tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereto belonging or in
anywise appertaining, and also all of
the estate, right and interest of the
said defendants in and to the same, be
sold by the Sheriff of Morrow County,
Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and
all costs.
THEREFORE. I will, on the 21st oav
of November, 1931. at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
the front door of the courthouse in the
City of Hepner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, sell all the right, title and Inter
est which the said defendants or either
of them, had on the 30th day or Octo
ber. 1919, or since then have acquired
or now have, in and to the following
described premises situate in Morrow
County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter, the East
Half of the Northwest Quarter, the
Southwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter, the Southwest Quar
ter of Section Six. Township One
North Range Twenty-six, East of
the Willamette Meridian, contain
ing 472.88 acres, all situated in
Morrow Countv. Oregon.
together with the tenements, heredita
ments ana appurtenances tnereto De
loncing or in anvwise anDertalniner:
and also all of the estate, right title
and Interest of said defendants in and
to the same; said lands to be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
tor cash in hand, the proceeds of sale
to be applied in satisfaction of said
execution and all costs.
Dated this 22nd day of October. 1931.
32-36. C. J. D. BAUMAN,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
virtue of an execution issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
enn for Morrow Countv to me directed
and delivered upon a judgment and de
cree and order of sale rendered in said
court on the 13th day of October, 1931,
in favor oi Tne Federal iana nanK oi
Spokane, a corporation, and against
West Extension National Farm Loan
Association, a corporation, in the suit
therein pending wherein the said The
Federal Lna uanK oi BpoKane, a cor-
? oration, was piaintin, ana me saia
larry H. Crawford, also known as H.
H. Crawford, a bachelor; T. M. Keller
and Jane Doe Keller, husband and
wife, and West Extension National
Farm Loan Association, a corporation,
were defendants, for the sum of $65.00
with interest at the rate of 8 per cent
fer annum from the 28th day of June,
929; and the sum of $65.00, with in
terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 2Sth day of December,
1929: and the sum of $65.00. with inter
est at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
irom tne zm aay oi June, ismu; ana
the sum of $65.00 with interest at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum from the
28th day of December, 1930; and the
sum of $1786.93, with interest at the
rate of bVi per cent per annum from
the 28th day of December, 1930; and
the sum of $48.75, with interest at 8 per
cent per annum from the 20th day of
May, 1929; and the sum of $48.75 with
interest at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the 20th day of November,
1929; and the sum of $48.75. with in
terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 20th day of May, 1930;
and the sum of $48.75, with interest at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
the 20th day of November, 1930, and
the sum of $1374.01, with interest at the
rate of 5A ner cent tier annum from
the 20th day of Novembe, 1930; and the
sum of $124.68, with interest at the rate
of s per cent per annum from the litn
day of October, 1929; and the sum of
$177.76, with Interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from the 21st day
oi may, laza; ana me sum oi $3. as in
surance; and trie sum cf $24.50 abstract
charges: and all of said sums amount
ing in the aggregate to $4201.26, to
gether with interest thereon at 8 per
cent per annum from the date of enter
ing this decree until paid; and the fur
ther sum of $250 attorneys fees in this
suit; and the further sum of $70.30
piaintins costs ana disbursements,
which said decree and judgment and
order of sale have been duly docket
ed and enrolled in the office of the
clerk of said court and in and by
which said judgment, decree and order
of sale it was directed that the herein
after described real property in Morrow
uountv. uregon. togetner wun tne ten
ements, nereaitaments ana appurten
ances thereto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, ana aiso an 01 tne es
tate, right title and interest of said
defendants in and to the same, be sold
by the Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore
gon, to satisfy said judgment and all
THEREFORE, I will, on the 21st day
of November, 1931, at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
the front door of the courthouse In the
City of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, sell all the right, title and inter
est which the said defendants, or either
of them, had on the 20th day of Novem
ber, 1923, or since then have acquired
or now have, in and to the following
described premises situate In Morrow
uounty, state 01 Oregon, 10-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of Section Thir
teen, Township Four North, Range
Twenty-four, East of the Willam
, ette Meridian.
The Northeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter of Section Thir
teen, Township Four North,Range
Twenty-four, East of the Willam
ette Meridian.
together with the tenements, heredita
ments and appurtenances thereto be
longing or in anywise appertaining;
and also all of the right, estate, title
and Interest of said defendants in and
to the same; said lands to be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash jn hand, the proceeds of sale to
uv appiica m satisfaction 01 saia exe
cution and all costs.
Dated this 22nd day of October, 1931.
32-36. C. J. D. BAUMAN,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice la hprphv crlvpn that nnner and
by virtue of an execution in foreclosure
duly issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow County
by the Clerk of said Court on the 19th
day of October, 1931, pursuant to a
judgment and decree entered and ren
dered in said Court on the 17th day of
October. I'.i31, in favor of Owen French,
plaintiff, and against A. L. Cornett, de
fendant, for the sum of $1360.00, with
interest from .September 14th, 1930, at
uie mitj ui Pint per cent per annum,
the Sum of l;.nnn nMnrnftvrn fees. And
$16.00, cost and disbursements, and di
recting me to sell the following de-
senneu real property, to-wit:
Lot 4 in Block 2 in Looney's Ad
dition to the town of Heppner as
flatted and said plat recorded in
he office of the County Clerk of
Morrow County, State of Oregon,
size of lot 3 chains and 85 links
front by 5 chains and 99 links deep,
there is reperved from West side of
the above described lot, a strip of
land 16 feet wide, described as fol
lows: Commencing at the North
west corner of said lot 4 In Block
2 of Looney's Addition, running
thence East on the North line- of
said lot, 16 feet thence South 220
feet, thenr-e West 16 feet thence
North 220 feet to the place of be
ginning. There is also reserved to
Elmer E. Beaman the right to use
and maintuin a water ditch that
now runs through said lot, said
grantee herein to have the right to
use therefrom what water they
need to Irrigate the premises here
by conveyed.
Also commencing at a point 2.33
chains South from the Southeast
corner of lot 6 in Block 2 of Loon-,
ey's Addition to the town of Hepp
ner, Oregon, running thence South
3.92 chains, thence West .82 chains,
thence South 8.91 chains, thence
West .97 chains, thence South 18
degrees West 10.43 chains, thence
West 11,25 chains, thence North 19
degrees 01 minutes East 7.00 chains,
thence North 32 degrees 48 minutes
East 7.00 chains, thence North 41
degrees 42 minutes East 7.21 chains,
thence East 5 chains to place of be
ginning. Also commencing on the South
line of Section 27 in Township 2
South, Range 26 East of Willam
ette Meridian, at a point 5.20 chains
West of Southwest corner of lot 10
of Block 1 of P. Looney's Addition
THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1931.
to the town of Heppner, Oregon,
and running thence Northerly 5.96
chains to uie southwest corner of
lot 4 in Block 1 of said P. Looney's
Addition, thence North along the
West line of said lot 4 and of lot S
to the Northwest corner of said lot
8. Block 1 of said P. Looney's Ad
dition, thence West 4.90 chains,
thence South 18 degrees West 10.43
chains to the South line of said
Section 27, thence East along said
Section line, 8 chains to the place of
Also beginning at the Southwest
corner of lot 8 of Block 1 of Loon
ey's Addition to the town of Hepp
ner, Oregon, thence East 120 feet
thence Northwesterly 150 feet to the
point of 112 feet East of the West
line of said lot 1, thence North
westerly 274 feet to the Northwest
corner of lot 2 of Looney's Addi
tion to the town of Heppner, Ore
gon, -thence South 402 feet to place
of beginning.
Also beginning at the Northwest
corner of lot 7 in Block 2, Looney's
Addition to Heppner, Oregon,
thence West 3 chains and 35 links,
thence South 4 chains, thence East
8 chains and 35 links, thence North
4 chains to place of beginning. Also
beginning at the Southwest corner
of lot 14 In Block 2 of said. Looney's
Addition to the town of Heppner,
thence North 3 chains, thence West
6 chains and 66 2-3 links, thence
South 3 chains, thence East 6 chains
and 66 2-3 links to the place of be
ginning, save and except therefrom
the following, viz: beginning at the
DISTRICT, Plaintiff,
George Blume; Dan Brunton; Thom
as A. Cronk; Q. C. English, Trus
tee; B. Firrell; O. A. Graham, and
Jane Doe Graham, his wife; Mar
garet A. Fleming; Martin Gilbert
son; Anna Lanegraph; T. A. Scott;
Phillip Lerner; W. J. Locke; J. M.
McCaw; Ellen M. Partlow, the un
known heirs of Ellen M. Partlow;
N. W. Usher: W. R. Walpole, Trus
tee; Ralph Walpole, Administrator
of the estate of W. R. Walpole, De
ceased; John F. Willows; J. W.
Tabor; I. I. Kaasa; David E. Lof-
gren, and Jane Doe Lofgren, his
wife; George C. Howard and Jane
Doe Howard, his wife; C. E. Peter
son; unknown heirs of Victor St
Raynor; Paul Partlow; Frank Part
low; Robert Harwood, Maggie
Cruikshank; John Partlow; A C.
Partlow; George Partlow; Morrow
County, Oregon: and also all other
fiersons or parties unknown claim
rig any right title, estate, lien or
interest in or to the real estate
herein described, Defendants.
To N. W. Usher. Geortre Blums. Dan
Brunton, Thomas A. Cronk, B. Firrell,
Martin Gilbertson, Anna Lanegraph, T.
A. Scott Phillip Lerner, J. M. McCaw,
John F. Willows. J. W. Tabor. I. I.
Kaasa, Earl V. Kaasa, C. E. Peterson,
John Partlow, A. C. Partlow, George
Partlow, Frank Partlow, Ralph Wal
pole, administrator of the estate of W.
R. Walpole, deceased, the unknown
heirs of Victor St Raynor, and also all
other persons or nartlea unknown
claiming any right title, estate, lien or
interest in or to tne real estate herein
OREGON, You are hereby notified that
the West Extension Irrigation District,
Plaintiff, is the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency No. 2475, in the amount of
$235.65, the same being the amount due
and delinquent for irrigation taxes for
uie year isms, togetner wun penalty,
interest and costs thereon.
That plaintiff is the holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency No. 2476 in the
amount of $266.33, the same being the
amuum aue ana delinquent lor plain
tiff's irrigation taxes for the year 1928.
together with penalty, interest and
costs thereon.
That each of said Certificates vara
issued by the Sheriff and Tax Collector
of Morrow County, State of Oregon, on
uie wui uay 01 April, ismi, tne same
being the amounts then due and de
linquent for taxes assessed for the year
1928 upon real property situated in
Plaintiff's district in Morrow County,
No. 2476
Assessed Owner
Present Owner
Description Sec.Twp.Rg. Tax
George Blume Lot 8, Blk 20W 25 5N 26 $ 8.25 $ 1.90 $ 10.15 1928
Dan Brunton Lot 1, Blk 15W 25 5N 26 8.26 1.90 10.15 1928
Thomas A. Cronk Lot 2, Blk 3W 25 5N 26 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
Q. C. English,
Trustee Lot 6, Blk 15W 25 5N 26 8.25 . 1.90 10.15 1928
B. Firrell Lot 15, Blk 19W 25 6N 26 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
O. A. Graham &
Jane Doe Graham
Margaret A. v
Fleming E SE 16 4N 25 115.60 26.66 142.06 1928
Martin Gilbertson Lot 11, Blk 23E 20 5N 27 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
Anna Lanegraph Lot 1, Blk 24E 20 5N 27 10.10 2.32 12.42 1928
T. A. Scott
Phillip Lerner Lot 7, Blk 23E 20 5N 27 8.32 1.91 10.23 1928
W. J. Locke Lot 3, Blk 34W 23 6N 26 ' 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
No. 2476
Assessed Owner
Present Owner
Description Sec.Twp.Rg. Tax
J. M. McCaw Lot 6,7, Blk 28E 20 6N 27
Ellen M. Partlow,
Paul P a r 1 1 o,w
Frank Partlow,
Robert Harwood,
Maggie Cruik
shank, John Part
low, A. C. Part
low; George Part
low &
N. W. Usher EUSEKNW14.
W. R. Walpole,
Trustee & Ralph
Walpole, Admini
strator of the Es
tate of W. R.
Walpole Lot
Jn. F. Willows Lot
1, Blk 34W
7, Blk 3HW
J. W. Tabor Lot 6, Blk 23E
I. I. Kaasa, Earl V.
Kaasa, David E.
Lofgren & Jane
Doe Lofgren, ,
George C. Howard
& Jane Doe How
ard, C. E. Peter
son . SEVi and Lots
1 & 2 (gov't)
Excepting therefrom
Victor St Raynor
Unknown heirs of
Victor St. Raynor Gov't Lot 1
ther notified as the respective owners
of the legal title to the said several
tracts of property as the same appears
of record, and each of the other persons
above named, that Plaintiff, West Ex
tension Irrigation District, will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing
the lien against the property above de
scribed and mentioned in said Certln-
summoned to appear on or before the
21st day of December, 1031, and defend
thia anil nr nnv the amount due Plaln-
Itiff upon Plaintiff's lien, together with
costs and accrued interest and In fail
ure to do so a judgment and decree will
be rendered against you as your inter
Southwest corner of lot 14 in Block
2 of said Looney's Addition to the
town of Heppner, running thence
West 100 feet thence North 150
feet thence East 100 feet thence
South 150 feet to the place of be-
8 AlsSg'beginning at the Southeast
corner of lot '5 of Block 2 of said
Looney's Addition to the town of
Heppner, Oregon, running thence
South 6.99 chains, thence West 2tt
chains, thence North 5.99 chains,
thence East 2tt chains to the place
of beginning, save and except
therefrom the following, viz: Com
mencing at the Southeast corner oi
lot 6, Block 2, of said Looney s Ad
dition to the town of Heppner, Ore- .
gon, and running thence South
rods, thence West 10 rods, thence
North 8 rods, thence East 10 rods
to the place of beginning, all in
Morrow County, Oregon,
NOW, THEREFORE, in obedience to
said execution, I will on Saturday, the
21st day of November, 1931, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day at the front door of the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the above described real property
and apply the proceeds of such sale to
the payment of said judgment said
real property being the property mort
gaged by the defendant to the plaintiff.
Dated this 21st day of October. 1931.
32-36 C. 3. D. BAUMAN,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
Oregon, being assessed respectively to
you ua uerviinuier dvv iu
summons. ...
You are hereby notified that in the
subjoined tabulation of this summons
lhn lpft hnnil column of RAld tabulation
under the words "Assessed Owner and
Present Owner" is correctly represent
ed and allecred the name of the person
to whom the respective parcels were
assessed for the year 1928, as shown by
the Tax Rolls of Morrow County, Ore
gon, which name appears directly op
posite the description of the tract to
whom saia property was so asseaseu
following and directly under and be
neath the name of the assessed owner.
as shown bv BAid Tax Rolls. Is the
name of the present record owner of
saia tract or having some rignt, utie,
lien or interest in said property, if dif
ferent from the assessed owner aa
shown by said assessment roll; that in
the column next following in said tabu
lation under the word "Description"
shows and properly alleges the descrip
tion of the tracts of land herein re
ferred to; that in the said description
in every case the abbreviations "N",
"W". "S", "E" mean and are equivalent
to the four points of the compass,
"North", "West", "South", "East", and
in every case the abbreviation "blk"
means and is equivalent to the word
'block'; following each description in
SAid tabulation And reading from left
to right therein the column "Sec" indi
cates and correctly represents "Section
iNuinoer ; uie column neuueu 1 wp
means and Indicates and correctly rep
resents "township" and the column
"Rg" means and indicates and correctly
represents the "Range East of the Wil
lamette Meridian"; the column headed
with the word "Tax" indicates the
amount in dollars and cents for which
said Certificates were Issued upon the
respective tracts referred to and set
opposite said sum in the column head
ed "Description"; the words "Pen. &
Int." indicate and correctly represent
the penalty and interest accumulated
upon the respective amounts included
in the preceding column from the date
of delinquency to the 13th day of April,
1931, and in the column headed "Total",
in the column next following, indicates
and correctly represents the total tax
due Plaintiff for Irrigation District
Taxes, together with penalty and in
terest to the 13th day of April, 1931; in
the column next following, and the
words "Assessed for the year", indi
cate and correctly represent the year
for which said taxes were assessed and
levied; in the column headed "Twp"
"S" and "N" represents South or North
of the base line; Lot and Block Num
bers are according to the Plat of the
Oregon Land and Water Company on
file with the County Assessor of Mor
row County, Oregon; a more particular
description of which property is as fol
lows, to-wit:
Total for
Total for
the year
20.80 1928
24 4N 24
52.36 1928
23 5N 26
23 5N 26
20 5N 27
8 25
22 5N 26 88.02 20.25 108.27 1928
the following:
All that part of the 83E'A, being and lying South of the
right of way of the O. W. R. & N. Company's Railway and
the Columbia River Highway.
Beginning at a point 20 rods North of the East Quarter of
Section 22. Twp. 5 N Rg. 26 E. W. M running thence
South along the East line of said Section 40 rods, thence
West on a line parallel with the center line of said Section,
28.95 chains; thence North on a line parallel with the East
line of said Section to the North line of Lot 2 in said Sec
tion 22, thence East on said North line of said Lot 2, 8.66
chains to the Northeast corner of said Lot, thence South
along the East line of said Lot 2 to a point 20 rods North
of the Southeast corner thereof, thence East on a line par
allel with the center line of said Section 22 to the place of
Commencing at a point on the Section line 10.23 chains South
of the East quarter corner between Sections 22 and 23, Twp.
5 N., Rg. 26 E. W. M thence West 28.95 chains thence
South 13 chains to the right of way of the O. W. R. ft N..
Railway, thence along said right of way to a point where
same Intersects the Section line, thence North 15.8 chains
to the place of beginning.
22 BN 26
44.65 1928
Excepting mereirom
the following: .
. Commencing at the East Quarter corner of Sec. 22, Twp. 5
' N, Rg. 26 E. W. M., thence West along the center line of
said Section to the Southwest corner of Lot 1, thence
North along the West line of said Lot 1. 20 rods, thence
East on a Tine parallel with the center line of said Sec
tion 22 to the East line of Lot 1, thence South along said
East line 2" rods to the place of beginning.
est may appear from the tabulation
aforesaid foreclosing plaintiff's Hen for
Irrigation Dltrict T'axes and forever
barring you and each of you from
claiming any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in or to the real property de
scribed herein and for an order of sale.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable Calvin L. Sweek.
Judge of the above entitled Court, and
the date of first publication of this sum
mons Is the 15th day of October, 1931.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be nerved upon the under
signed in the State of Oregon at the
address hereinafter set forth. .
W. J. WARNER and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address, Pendleton, Oregon.
dersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Morrow County, administrator of
the estate of Joseph Blessing, deceased,
also known as Joe Blessing, tnd all
persons having claims agaiusi un ro
tate of said deceased are hereby re
quired to present the same with proper
vouchers as required by law, to said
administrator at the law office of Jos.
J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six
monins irom uie uaw ueiwi.
Dated and first published this 22nd
day of October, 1931.
32-36 Administrator.
Notice is nerebv given that the un
dersigned has filed with the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County, his nnai account 01 nis aa
mlnistration of the estate of Samuel T.
Humphreys, deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Monday the 7th day of
December, 193L at the hour of 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon of said day at
the County Court room at the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time
and place for hearing objections to said
final account and all persons having
objections thereto or the closing of said
estate are hereby required to file the
same with said court on or before the
time set for said hearing.
Dated tnis ztn aay 01 uctooer, i3i.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct
20 1931.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Frank
Cable, of Pendleton, Oregon, who, on
Nov. 28, 1930, made Homestead Entry
under Act. Dec. 29, 1916, No. 027221, for
Lot 3, NEW SWhi. Section 18, Town
ship 4 South, Range 31 East Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final Proof, to establish
claim to the' land above described, be
fore S. A. Newberry. United States
Commissioner, at Pendelton, Oregon,
on the 8th day of December, 1931.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Howard Jackson, of Pendleton, Ore
gon; Wm. Oman, of Pilot Rock, Ore
gon: Ben Short, of Albee, Oregon;
Walker Ellis, of Albee, Oregon.
33-37 Register.
Professional Cards
Attorney at Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Phone 333
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Telephone 1012
Office in Oilman Building
11 W. Willow Street
X-Say DlacnofU
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
906 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfltld 1949
Business Phone AtWater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Norse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offloe in I O. O. F. Building
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uroperty Sales
A Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
5229 72nd Ave., S. E Portland, Ore.
Phone Sunset 8461 .
............. ........i
Latest Jewelry and CHft Goods
WatchM - Clocks Duuttonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry '
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Companies. Beal Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberts Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon