Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1931, Image 1

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    ..... u,T0R1CAL SOCIETY
Volume 48, Number 36.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Problems of the Industry
Discussed at The'
Dalles Meet.
Dr. Davis Says Market Mending;
Stelwer Asks Legislative Sup
port to Lower Taxes.
The sixth annual convention of
the Eastern Oregon Wheat league
was brought to a close at The
Dalles Saturday evening with elec
tion of officers and the choosing of
Condon for the 1932 meeting, 'jas.
K.. Hill of Pendleton was elected
president, Frank Emerson, The
Dalles, vice-president, and C. W.
Smith, Heppner, secretary-treasurer.
George N. Peck of Lexington
was renamed Morrow county com
mitteeman. Running the gamut of timely
problems facing the wheat farmers,
outstanding action of the conven
tion was its unanimous endorse
. ment of the federal farm board and
the cooperative ' marketing act.
"While members of the league be
lieved improvements were possible,
and were actually in progress, In
the administration of the market
ing act, there was unanimous ap
proval of the theory of the act and
the way It has worked out to date,"
said A. R. Shumway, president of
North Pacific Grain Growers, af
ter the meeting. Mr. Shumway and
E. J. Bell, Jr., head of the grain
section of the division of coopera
tive marketing of the federal farm
board, were both on the program
upholding the present cooperative
marketing set-up.
Low Point Passed.
Dr. J. S. Davis, noted specialist
on wheat from the food research
Institute of Stanford university,
gave as his opinion that coopera
tive marketing has helped the
wheat market He believed that
the wheat market had touched Its
lowest point and was again on the
upgrade, though he did not expect
it would return to former high lev-'
els for several years. Decreased
consumption rather than increased
production was Dr. Davis' theme,
accounting In large measure for the
severe drop In prices and for the
expected slow recovery of the mar
ket. He did not picture the future
of wheat farming as being dismal,
Declaring that farm taxes had
Increased 150 per cent since 1914,
Senator Frederick W. Stelwer asked
backing for two proposed bills that
he believed will help lift the bur
den. ' These are House Bill 2801,
seeking authorization for establish
ment of a separate unit in the de
partment of agriculture to study
rural taxation, and a proposal for
a bill to exempt farm mortgages
from income tax. The latter he be
lieved would encourage capital In
making farm loans. A larger tax
on big Incomes was proposed by the
senator as a means of shifting the
tax burden. ' ,
Local Men Have Fart
Success of cooperative selling of
gasoline and oil In this county was
told by J. O. Turner and C. W.
Smith. The local company last year
handled 63,000 gallons of gasoline
and 1500 gallons of oil at a saving
of $3,000 to farmer-members, they
R. A. Thompson of Heppner as
sisted in the discussion of feeding
wheat to lambs, declaring that prof
itable use of grain not worth cut
ting could thus be made. H. A.
Lindgren, extension specialist of
Oregon State college, led the dis
cussion. He said that wheat was
Just as good a feed for lambs as
corn or barley if fed right. He rec
ommended the proportion of 100
pounds of .wheat to 300 pounds of
hay or a mixture of linseed meal
with the wheat
The league endorsed development
of the Columbia river for naviga
tion. Appointed on standing commit
tees from this county were H. V.
Smouse, lone, wheat handling; D.
W. Mlsner, lone, transportation,
and J. O. Turner, Heppner, legisla
tion and taxation.
Among those attending the meet
ing from this county were P. A.
Troedson and Wld Palmateer of
Morgan, Fred Mankin, Dwlght Mis
ner and Henry Smouse of lone, R.
B, Rice of Lexington and C. W
Smith, J. O. Turner, R. A. Thomp
son and Spencer Crawford of Hepp
ner. Attendance of farmers was
reported to be light. The Dalles
proved a genial host, those from
here report
The American Legion auxiliary
held an Interesting meeting last Tu
eBday evening with a .goodly turn
out. Its membership drive was re
ported as successful with Its quota
.of 60 exceeded by three. Flans were
laid for a kid's party next time, all
being asked to come dressed for
school days. This meeting falls on
December 1. Mrs. Lera Crawford
won the kitty. Hostesses, Mrs. J,
G. Barratt and Mrs. Harold Cohn,
served weenies and buns and cof-
fee from an improvised hot-dog
United Drive Tuesday is First of
Two Attempts to Exterminate
Vile Varmints of City.
A real "rat killin' " was staged in
Heppner Tuesday afternoon under
the supervision of Roy Fugate,
rodent control expert with the U.
S. Biological survey, when a united
war was waged against wharf rats
which have been on the increase
here for the last two years. The
war was conceived at the Lions
club meeting Monday noon, and im
mediately following handbills were
printed telling the populace of the
Mr. Fugate and Chas. W. Smith,
county agent, mixed the bait using
a poison that kills rats, only, and
these were distributed free to the
58 people who responded. It was
believed that the response included
a large majority of representatives
from homes which have been mo
lested by the rats.
Wharf rats are anything but
pleasant critters to have around, it
is said. They gnaw around, keep
ing householders awake at an hour
when Orpheus should be in full
control, muss up and destroy
things in the cellar, and besides are
carriers of unhealthful germs. They
have never been known to attack
humans, at least so far as it has
been possible to ascertain locally,
but a few citizens have been fear
ful lest they wake up some morn
ing and find the baby gone.
It was the idea Tuesday to have
everyone who has been bothered by
the rats to place baits in the run
ways. At the same time Mr. Fu
gate and Mr. Smith gassed burrows
of the animals along the creek
banks where they are thought to
Mr. Fugate thought the only way
to control the situation was to put
on such a united drive to be follow
ed in two weeks by another such
drive, and he expects to be back
December 8 for a repeat attack.
If the rats are to be extermin
ated, he says, extreme caution must
be used in the disposal of garbage.
Decaying food stuffs thrown on junk
piles furnish sustenance for the
rats, and lessen the appetite essen
tial if a poisoning campaign is to
be successful. Therefore, "if you
want to get rid of the rats, you
must clean up the garbage," advis
ed Mr. Fugate.
The wharf rats reproduce rapid
ly, being known to multiply as
much as ten times a year, it was
said, and it was urged that too
stringent measures could not be
taken if hopes of eradication are to
be had.
Health Association and
P. T. A. to Meet Jointly
A joint meeting of the Morrow
County Public Health association
and Lexington Parent-Teachers as
sociation is scheduled to be held in
the Lexington school auditorium at
7:30 o'clock, Monday, November 23.
This meeting has been called for
the purpose of passing on a revi
sion of the constitution and also
for the purpose of electing such
officers of the health association as
may be necessary.
The program for the evening is
being arranged by the parent-teachers
association. This group will also
furnish the after-meeting refresh
ments. The health association has
the assurance of Mrs. Sadie Orr
Dunbar, executive secretary of the
Oregon Tuberculosis association,
that she will be present to address
the group if it is at all possible for
her to do so.
Report of the marriage of Miss
Bernice Sigsbee to Mr. Emil Gro
shens In Portland last Thursday is
being circulated here. Both are
prominent Heppner young people,
Mrs. Groshens being the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sigs
bee, and Mr. Groshens, a sheeprais
er with headquarters on upper
Rhea creek, a native Morrow coun
ty son. No report was made as to
when the young couple might be
expected to return, but they will be
greeted by the well wishes of many
friends. .
The open season for shooting
ducks and geese opened at noon
Monday and will remain open until
the evening of December 16. Though
a lew bands of geese have been
reported seen going over Heppner,
so far as could be learned no local
nimrods have yet made bags. The
season was limited to one month
this year by presidential proclama
tion because of a purported short
age of the birds.
Reports of a foot and a half of
snow at Kelley prairie were brought
to town yesterday, snow fell in the
mountains coincident with heavy
rains in the lower country the past
week, reaching low down In the
foothills a night or two. The rains
have been starting the grass and
the hills about Heppner have taken
on a greenish cast The rains have
been general over the wheat belt,
reports state.
The regular communication of
Heppner lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M.,
will be at Masonic hall on Saturday
evening. There will be work in the
E. A. degree, and members and vis
itlng brothers in the city will be
gladly welcomed. Leon W. Brlggs,
Jury Panel Selected for
December Term Court
The December term of circuit
court will convene at the court
house in Heppner, Monday, Decem
ber 7, with Judge Calvin L. Sweek
presiding. Judge Sweek will be in
Heppner next Monday for a short
preliminary term. The panel of
jurors selected for the regular term
Blaine Chapel, - Hardman; Jerm
O'Connor, Heppner; Lester Doolit
tle, Heppner; Frank J: Holboke,
Heppner.; Hanson Hughes, Hepp
ner; J. B. Adams, Hardman; R. A.
Thompson, Heppner; O. J. Cox,
Lexington; Frank E. Parker, Hepp
ner; C. M. Scrivner, Heppner; John
Clark, Lexington; C. H. Bartholo
mew, Echo; Earl Morgan, Morgan;
W. P. Mahoney, Heppner; James T.
Morgan, Heppner; W. O. Bayless,
Heppner; Harry Duncan, Heppner;
W. E. Mikesell, Heppner; Scott
Brown, lone; Owen French, Hepp
ner; Charles Dillon, Boardman;
H. J. Biddle, lone; H. E. Peterson,
lone; Archie Padberg, Heppner;
Fred Albert, Lena; A. C. Crowell,
Heppner; W. F. Pettyjohn, Hepp
ner; Elmer Musgrave, Hardman;
Chas. Thomson, Heppner; C. N. Mc
Laughlin, Lena; Jas. Warfleld, lone.
Widening of Curve at Rock Point
Below Lexington First Move;
To Work Ten Men.
The relief road work by the state,
for whioh Morrow county was allot
ted $7000 at the recent meeting of
the state highway commission, will
be started here next Monday, an
nounces W. T. Campbell, county
judge, who was in consultation with
state road engineers at the court
house Tuesday. The first work to
be undertaken will be the blasting
of the rock point just east of the
Petteys farm on the Oregon-Washington
highway west of Lexington,
and widening of the road on the
curve there.
Ten men will be employed for the
first week, Judge Campbell said,
and it is expected that twenty men
will be called the week following.
The county will furnish its com
pressor and drill in charge of
George Hayden, who has had
charge of this equipment for the
county for several years, in doing
this first work.
This is the only work announced
by the engineers so far, said the
judge. He expressed satisfaction
with the rapidity of action taken
by the state following the allotment
of funds, and believes the work will
be a big factor in helping relieve
the unemployment situation here.
Wheat Men Given Facts
To Help Their Guesses
Oregon State College, Corvallis,
Nov. 17. Fluctuations In the wheat
market have been so great recent
ly that many people are guessing
what will happen next
One guess may be as good as an
other," says L. B. Breithaupt exten
sion specialist in charge of market
information, "but a few figures on
the situation might "help the indi
vidual to make his guess.
Roughly speaking, the world
wheat carryover on July 1 this year
was from 200 to 300 million bushels
above normal and greater than in
any recent year," Breithaupt says.
'World production of wheat this
year, however, is expected to be
perhaps 200 million bushels less
than last year.
"The normal Increase in demand
for bread and the decrease in pro
duction of wheat probably offset
the larger carryover. Other factors
on the firm side of the market are
a world rye crop probably 150 to
175 million bushels less than last
year, substantial cuts in the new
winter wheat acreage and unofficial
information indicating increased
use of wheat for feed."
On the other hand, Breithaupt
points out that doubt persists as to
the probable volume of wheat to
be exported from Russia and the
Danube countries, There is still
too much wheat on hand In this
country, especially east of the
Rockies, and prices for foodstuffs
In general are down.
"There has been a good deal of
talk about high wheat prices re
cently because of the upturn in the
market,' 'he adds. "As the season
advances, crop reports will play a
greater part In influencing the trend
of prices."
How high were wheat prices any
way at the peak of the recent
bulge? -
Oregon wheat was 22 cents a
bushel higher on Novmeber 6 and
7 than on October 15, is Breltr
haupt's answer. "But at mid-October
the farm price of wheat in Ore
gon was only 38 per cent of the av
erage price on that date from 1926
to 1930. Even at the top of the re
cent advance, wheat on the farms
of the state was worth Just 50 per
cent of the average farm price at
the same tlmo during the past five
years." 5
"Sonny Jane," comedy-drama,
will be presented by the junior class
of Heppner high school at the gym
auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight Re
hearsals have been progressing as
siduously under the direction of
Miss Dorothy Straughan, and the
public is assured a treat The pop
ular admission price of 25 cents
I straight is being charged.
Businessmen Aid Venture
Calculated to Relieve
Credit Condition.
Application Made for Drouth Relief
Money and Redslcount Privil
ege From Government
To make capital loans to local
sheep and cattle men whose finan
cial condition justifies such loans,
the Morrow County Agricultural
Credit corporation has " submitted
application for privilege of redis-
counting paper with the Federal In
termediate Credit bank, and has
also applied to the. U. S. department
of agriculture for the privilege of
borrowing 70 per cent of its capital
stock from the drouth relief fund,
created by congress for such pur
pose. Should these privileges be ob
tained, the company, incorporated
for $30,000, is expected to be of
great benefit in relieving local cred
it conditions, it is believed by spon
sors, i
The organization, still incom
plete, and whose success depends
upon the provisions of obtaining
the drouth loan and securing redis
count privileges with the intermed
iate credit bank, has gained the
support of local business firms as
well as a large number of stock
men who feel the help that would
be provided, while small compared
to the need, would be a godsend. As
the situation now stands, not only
is it impossible for local banks to
make capital loans, but they are not
in position to furnish operating
capital to many stockmen whose
flocks and herds are free of incum
brance. If the organization is perfected,
and rediscount privileges secured, It
is expected that loans on good se
curity totalling more than $150,000
may be made, as the policy of the
intermediate credit bank, which is
authorized to loan as high as ten
times the capital stocS, makes the
obtaining of such an amount prob
able. Under the set-up,-ft completed,
loans could be made only on sheep
and cattle. No real estate loans
could be made. It is expected the
organization would be permanent
Paul F. Matson, assistant mana
ger of the Federal Intermediate
Credit bank of Spokane, investigat
ed the local organization the first
of the week, and took its applica
tion for tie-up with the intermed
iate credit bank. It is expected a
report may be forthcoming within
the next two weeks.
Officers of the corporation were
elected Tuesday evening, as fol
lows: Frank Wilkinson, president;
W. G. Hynd, vice president; P. W.
Mahoney, secretary and treasurer.
These men with R. I. Thompson
and T. J. O'Brien, constitute the
board of directors.
The Morrow County Public
Health association will meet joint
ly with the Parent Teachers asso
ciation next Monday night, Nov. 23,
at the Lexington high school audi
torium at 7:30. Everybody is invit
ed to come. . good program is
being arranged and important bus
iness will be discussed. The Lex
ington P. T. A. members are re
quested to bring cake to be served
at the close of the meeting.
Elmer Hunt made a business trip
to Portland. He went down Friday
with J. M. Stewart manager of the
Standard Oil company at Heppner,
and returned home on the stage
Sunday. Garland Thompson and
Ed Cummins had charge of the ser
vice station while Mr. Hunt was
The Rebekah lodge entertained
the Odd Fellows last Thursday
night at the hall. The evening was
spent playing games and baked ap
ples with whipped cream, dough
nuts and coffee were served.
Several from here motored to Ar
lington Sunday to see the Morrow
County All-Star football team meet
the Arlington etam. They were
defeated by a score of 6-0.
Edith Tucker spent the week end
here visiting her sister, Mrs. Beu
lah Nichols.
Mrs. Lorena Isom, Mrs. Lavllla
Howell and daughter Norma visited
Sunday with Mrs. Howell's brother.
Eslle Walker on the Swift ranch
above Heppner.
The constitution committee of the
Morrow County Health association,
cnsistlng of Mrs. Edwin Ingles, Mrs.
Lillian Turner and Bert Mason met
here Tuesday evening to draft the
The Lexington school pupils are
preparing to take their six weeks'
tests the last of this week.
Grange dance Saturday night,
Nov. 21. Everybody invited to come,
Music will be furnished by Cecil
orchestra. Lunch served at mid
Mrs. Laura Scott and Mrs. Gene
Gentry entertained at the home of
Mrs. Scott on Armistice afternoon.
There were over thirty ladies pres
ent Each guest brought her
thimble and during the early part
(Continued on Page Six.)
Arlington Retaliates Win;
Defeats All-Stars 6 to 0
A blocked punt recovered by Ar
lington across the Morrow County
All-Stare goal line early In the sec
ond quarter gave the Columbia
river boys their lone touchdown
victory over the locals in a game
played on the Arlington field Sun
day afternoon. The victory evened
the score against the All-Stars, who
defeated Arlington here two weeks
ago, 13-0. The All-Stars blocked
the attempted place kick for extra
Weakened by the absence of Bob
Correll, regular fullback, and Paul
Jones and Harold Evans, husky
linemen, the All-Stars put up a
scrappy battle, in which the defense
work of Judge Carmichael, substi
tute fullback, nad the punting of
Vester Lane, halfback, were out
standing. Hoffstetter, Arlington
fullback, was the bulwark of the
opponents' offensive, catapulting
through the line and on punt re
turns for many large gains.
Harold Gentry called signals for
the All-Stars, and did some spec
tacular broken-field running. Crock
et Sprouls, playing with a sore
mouth from having several teeth
pulled last week, was not up to his
usual form at halfback, and to add
to his discomfiture had the misfor
tune of getting his face stepped on
which forced him temporarily from
the game. Russ Wright of Lexing
ton relieved him.
Playing also with the All-Stars
were Francis Gentry, Clarence
Hayes, Onez Parker, Ralph Moore,
E. Palmer," Max Muller, Dit Warner,
Burchell and Vinton Howell.
The program and pie social given
by the Women's Missionary society
of the Valby church in Gooseberry
last Saturday evening was indeed
an enjoyable affair. Twenty-two
pies were auctioned off which
brought the society the neat sum of
$16.45. Henry Baker acted as auc
tioneer. Following is the program
given- at that time. Song, "Praise
the Lord Each Tribe and Nation,"
by the audience; Scripture reading
and prayer by Mrs. L. Carlson;
song, "More About Jesus," by the
Sunday school children; recitation,
"Crickets," Thelma Nelson; saxo
phone duet, "Perfect Day," Charles
and Raymond Lundell;- reading,
Why a Missionary Society," Mrs.
L. Carlson; song, "Evening Prayer,"
Laura Warfleld and Thelma Nel
son, with accompaniment by Elaine
Nelson; recitation, "My Kitty," Mar-
jorie Peterson; song, "Come to the
Saviour," David Baker and Clif
ford Carlson, with accompaniment
by Joyce Carlson; dialogue, "Pies
for Sale," Arthur and Norman Berg-
strom; song, "See the Shining Dew
drops," by the children; talk, "The
Early Missionaries," Oscar Peter
son; quartette, "Work for the Night
is Coming," Algott Lundell, Henry
Baker, Mrs. Carl Bergstrom and
Mrs. L. Carlson, with Mrs. Henry
Baker, organist; remarks by Mrs.
Carp Bergstrom.
The American Legion and Auxil
iary celebrated Armistice Day in a
very pleasing manner. At six o'
clock dinner was served at Legion
hall to members of the order and
their families. At eight o'clock an
excellent program, poen to the pub
lic, was presented as follows: "Star
Spangled Banner" by the audience;
invocation, ev. W. P. Napier of the
Congretational church; presenta
tion c." the Flag; vocal trio, high
school girls; reading, Elaine Riet-
mann; duet, Charles and Raymond
Lundell; "When Liberty Welcomed
Them Home," a muscial reading by
Vivian Haguewood; vocal solo, Eu
gene Normoyle; saxophone solo,
Earl Blake; address by State Rep
resentative Earl W. Snell of Ar
lington; tap dance, Betty Trevett;
"American Girls," a tableaux by
Auxiliary members with the sing
ing by Mrs. Walter Roberts; "Amer
ica" by the audience and benedic
tion by Rev. Napier. At the con
clusion of the program, dancing
was enjoyed until a late hour. The
high school orchestra furnished the
music which was very good.
Locust chapter No. 119, O. E. S.,
initiated two candidates for Ruth
chapter last Friday evening at the
latter's hall in Heppner. Officers
going from here were Mrs. Delia
McCurdy, worthy matron; George
Ely, worthy patron; Mrs. Oral Feld-
man, conductress; Mrs. Lola Mo-
Cabe, associate conductress; Mrs.
Anna Blake, associate matron; John
W. Krebs, associate patron; Mrs.
Hila Timm, chpalain; Mrs. Beulah
Mankin, secretary; Mrs. Fannie
Griffith, treasurer; Mrs. Roxy
Krebs, marshal); Miss Kathcryn
Feldman, Ada; Mrs. Mabel Krebs,
Ruth; Mrs. Viola Lieuallen, Esther;
Mrs. Mary Beckner, Martha; Mrs.
Ruby Roberts, Electa; Miss Opal
Finn, worder, Mrs. Margaret Blake,
organist, and Elmer Griffith, sen
tinel. Other members going were
Mrs. uRth Mason, Mrs. Adclia God
frey and Mrs. Alice McNabb.
Mrs. Frank Lundell, assisted by
her mother, Mrs. C. W. Swanson,
gave a quilting party Monday after
noon. Guests present were Mrs.
Blaine Blackwell, Mrs. Lee Beck
ner, Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Mrs. Emll
Swanson, Mrs. Ernest Lundell, Mrs.
Ernest Shipley, Mrs. Charles Bat
tersby, Mrs. Ida Fletcher, Mrs. John
Bryson, Mrs. Hal Ely, Mrs. Frank
Engelman, Mrs. Ed Bristow and
Miss Luclle Brsltow. Sandwiches
and salad with coffee were served
as refreshments.
The Harold Rankin home on
Rhea creek was the scene of a Jolly
party Tuesday evening of last week.
Dancing and vocal and Instrumen-
(Continued on Page Six.)
Officers of North Pacific Grain
Growers Speak at Meeting
Here; Ritner Quoted.
"Farmers today are receiving a
greater share of the selling price of
their wheat as well as better prices
than would be possible without the
existence of the Farmers National
Grain corporation, national cooper
ative marketing agency," said Roy
Ritner, a director of North Pacific
Grain Growers, Inc., regional coop
erative, in an address at the Elks
temple here last Thursday before
some 150 stockholders of North Pa
cific. Mr. Ritner spoke as the per
sonal representative of Henry W.
Collins, western vice president of
Farmers National Grain corpora
tion. Other speakers were A. R.
Shumway and Orris Dorman, pres
ident and manager respectively of
North Pacific.
"Farmers National Grain corpor
ation has made a record of which
we all can well be proud," declared
Mr. Ritner.
"It has provided storage space at
terminals for every bushel of mem
ber wheat that could not be stored
in the country, and reduced rates
on sacked grain.
"It has reduced the rate of inter
est on consignment advances.
"Storage charges on consign
ments originating at points where
Farmers National has warehouse
facilities have been reduced one
"Farmers Natonai always has
paid full market price for track-
loaded shipments.
"It Is in the market every busi
ness day of the year and will buy
all the grain offered by its coopera
tive members, paying the highest
market price.
"Every day, it leads the market
and it will continue to do so.
"Framers National operates ware
houses and elevators for the benefit
of its locals, and will sell them to
the locals at any time they want
them and are in position to buy
"Farmers National Grain corpor
ation is first, last and always a
grain trading organization. Its ef
forts are directed entirely to secur
ing for members of its locals the
utmost 'possible income from their
farming operations."
Boy Scouts Organize;
Patrol Leaders Named
The Boy Scouts, of Heppner were
organized Into three patrols at a
meeting at Legion hall last night
under the direction of W. R. Poul
son, scoutmaster, and Theodore
Thomson, assistant scoutmaster.
The patrols, each of which is being
sponsored in a competitive contest
by an organization of the city, were
allotted as follows: patrol led by
Ted McMurdo, Elks; patrol led by
Curtis Thomson, Legion; patrol led
by Francis Nickerson, Lions.
Theodore Thomson, assistant
scoutmaster, will be in active
charge of the entire troop, it was
announced. Several boys completed
their first tests at the meeting.
Al Rankin, Morrow county direc
tor of the state chamber of com
merce, is in receipt of a letter from
W. G. Ide, inquiring as to the prob
ability of our raising the quota for
the state chamber in this county.
The county has been given a very
small quota, only $200. Under the
new plan of the state chamber, if
sufficient money Is turned In by the
people who are interested, we will
undoubtedly be greatly benefitted
by the advertising which will be
done throughout the east and mid
dle west Those who are Interested
and feel that they can contribute
something toward this quota should
see Mr. Rankin and indicate what
they are willing to do. Mr. Rankin
will gladly explain the new plan if
you desire to know about it
A surprise was given Mr. and
Mrs. Tyndall Roblson on Sunday,
Nov. 15, when several of their
friends gathered to help them cel
ebrate their 26th wedding anniver
sary. A no-host chicken dinner was
served at 5:30. Present were Mr,
and Mrs. Clive Huston, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Worden and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Beckett Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Beckett Mr. and Mrs.
John Bergstrom and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Tyndall Roblson and the
Misses Margaret Beckett, Margar
et, Dorothy and Velma Huston,
Norma Jean and Florence Beckett,
and Messrs. Kenneth Batty, Wil
liam Monroe and Clyde Barratt
and J. W. Beckett of Portland.
Mclaughlin gets life.
According to reports reaching
Heppner, Ed McLaughlin was al
lowed to enter a plea of guilty to
second degree murder at Canyon
City the first of the week, where
he faced an indictment of first de
gree murder for the killing of Joe
Blessing. Witnesses that had been
subpoenaed from Heppner on the
case were notified that it would not
be necessary for them to appear In
court A sentence of life imprison
ment was given McLaughlin.
No program tonight at Star the
ater. Attend Junior Class play at
school auditorium.
FIVE STAR FINAL, sensational
dramatic hit Star theater, Sunday
and Monday.
Report of Road Money
Made to Lions; Secon
dary Roads Named.
Proposed Livestock Loan Associa
tion Cited; Plans to Wage War
on Wharf Rats Laid.
The promise of $7000 to assist In
the unemployment road work in
Morrow county this winter was re
ceived by the county's delegation at
the meeting of the state highway
commission in Portland last Friday,
S. E. Notson, a member of the del
egation, told the Lions club Mon
day. Just how soon the money will
be received or where it will be ex
pended was not learned. The efforts
of the local men to have the money
spent on the Heppner-Spray road
were fruitless, it being announced
by J. M. Devers, commission attor
ney, that state road bond money
could not be spent on secondary
highways. Approved in this coun
ty as secondary highways were the
Heppner - Spray, Heppner - Eight
Mile and Lexington-Jarmon mar
ket roads.
Mr. Notson said it is doubtful if
Morrow county will receive its last
half of the 1931 market road money
from the state. The routes selected
as secondary highways will be eligi
ble for money available after Janu
ary first when the secondary high
way act goes into effect
The local delegation, including
also Judge W. T. Campbell, Com
missioners George Bleakman and
George Peck and Roadmaster W. L.
McCaleb, contacted federal road of
ficials in behalf of the Heppner
Spray route, and an encouraging
report was given of the possibil
ities of early completion of the
Tells of Loan Company.
Organization of a local livestock
loan association as told by Paul F.
Matson, assistant manager of the
Intermediate Credit bank, Spokane,
held the interest of Lions. Mr.
Matson said steps to organize such
an association are being taken, with
a proposed capitalization of $30,000,
with the object of rediscounting pa
per with the Intermediate Credit
bank in a manner provided by an
act of congress. Should the set-up
materialize it will be necessary for
it to be sanctioned by the Interme
diate Credit bank, in whose behalf
Mr. Matson was investigating the
organization it might have the ef
fect of strengthening local credit
some $150,000, as something like
that amount should be available
under the $30,000 capitalization, de
pending on the type of security the
organization would have to offer.
A credit association of this kind,
organized on the proper basis.
should prove permanent and be of
benefit to the community. That
such is thought to be the case is in
dicated by the fact that many local
business concerns have subscribed
stock in it
Attend Wheat Meeting.
J. O. Turner and Chas. W. Smith,
who attended the meeting of the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league in
The Dalles last week end, told the
club something of that event Next
year's convention will be held at
Condon through invitation of the
Condon Lions club.
John W. Hiatt, appointed to han
dle the business district in the lo
cal Red Cross drive, asked cooper
ation or the club In making the
drive a success. W. W. Smead was
appointed by the chair to assist Mr.
Hiatt in soliciting memberships.
Following its action the week pre
vious in deciding to sponsor a pa
trol or local Boy Scouts, the club
named Frank W. Turner to act as
contact man between the scouts
and Lions.
. Infestation of the city by wharf
rats, and the .presence of Roy Fu
gate, representative of the U. S.
Biological survey, led to the setting
of plans for a united drive against
the pests' last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Fugate told the club that the
only way the city could hope to rid
Itself of the rats was to conduct
a united drive with everyone set
ting baits at the same time, and
to follow up the first drive with a
second two weeks later.
Rev. B. Stanley Moore and Mrs.
Moore of Ontario, Oregon, are vis
itors here today, coming over from
Pendleton this morning to spend a
few hours In greeting their numer
ous Heppner friends. Mr. Moore,
formerly in charge of All Saints
Episcopal church here, Is now serv
ing both Ontario and Vale, and he
and Mrs. Moore were called to a
meeting of the church which is be
ing held in Pendleton tonight, so
they took advantage of a little
spare time to run over to Heppner.
They were accompanied by Miss
Ella Fell, who has been living with
Mr. and Mrs. Moore at Ontario for
several months, and who will visit
with her parents until after
Troy Bogard, In town today from
the Mike Kenny neighborhood, re
ported a lot of rain, also some snow,
th elatter not remaining long, however.