Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 22, 1931, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Established March SO. DSS3;
Established November IS, 1S97;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner. Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear
Six Months
Three Months ,
Single Copies
Official Paper lor Morrow County.
Autocaster Service.
FOUR years ago, when President
Co&lidge appointed Dwlght W.
Morrow Ambassador to Mexico, his
name was all but unknown to the
people of the United, States. He
had been a classmate of Mr. Cool
Idge's in Amherst College, had be
come a partner in the great inter
national banking house of J. P.
Morgan and Company, and had ser
ved as one of the American gov
ernment's financial advisers during
the war. But so quietly and mod
estly had he done his work that
very few people outside of the lim
ited circle of his personal acquaint
ances had ever heard of him.
Everybody wondered what this
quiet little man could do to straight
en out the extremely strained re
lations between this country and
our -neighbor to the. south. It did
not take long to find out This coun
try and the Mexicans soon learned
that Dwight Morrow had a mind
which went directly to the heart of
things, and a personality which
charmed everyone with whom he
came in contact In a surprisingly
short space of time he had estab
lished the relations between the
United States and Mexico upon a
more friendly basis than they had
been for nearly a hundred years.
. He was chiefly responsible for
Lindbergh's good-will flight to Mex
ico, which culminated in the young
airman's romantic courtship of the
Ambassador's daughter, and their
subsequent marriage.
Mr. Morrow's election, as U. S.
Senator from New Jersey was re
garded by political leaders as a step
toward the White House. From the
moment of his election President
Hoover leaned 'upon him heavily
for advice and council in interna
tional finance. He was one of the
lew men in American public life of
whom it can be truthfully said that
he was universally beloved and re
spected. In his all too brief public
career he had made himself a na
tional figure of the first import
ance. His death is a loss to the
whole world.
Autocaster Service.
I TNDER the wonderfully stable
yJ government which has been set
up in Czechoslovakia since the war,
the industrial workers have
greater sense of security than In
any country, including our own.
When this nation was formed out
of territory which used to be part
of Austria, a little more than twelve
years ago, its people chose for their
Sunday School
u " Lesson 13
International Sunday School Lesson for
October 25.
Acts 18:1-11; I Corinthians 13.
Rev. Samuel D. Price, D. D.
Many items of fascinating inter
est are omitted in the lesson text.
The careful student will, however,
become thoroughly familiar with
all the in-between portions. Right
now we are passing over the visit
of Paul to Athens, and especially
that great address on Mars Hill,
when Paul told those who worship
ped many gods about the one true
Corinth came next, and it must
have required the maximum of
faith to think that any impact
could be made by a few outsiders
upon such a profligate city. That
Isthmian city was the playground
for the Romans who did not find
wickedness enough in their own
town. But Paul was God's man and
was not afraid to settle down for
work in any place that his Lord directed.
Again, as speaker In the local
synagogue, there was opportunity
. of declaring that Christ was the
long expected Messiah. Both Jews
and Greeks were attentive listeners.
When Silas and Timothy arrived
from Macedonia a school was set
up in the home of Titus Justus, and
there were many converts. Cripus,
ruler of the synagogue, was also a
believer. All confessed their faith
in the sacrament of baptism, which
is still the approved way of giving
personal testimony to the new birth
in Jesus Christ.
Repeatedly visions came to Paul
In times of special need. Strength
came In Corinth for further service
by one of those nocturnal messages
in which the Lord said: "Be not
afraid, but speak and hold not thy
peace; for I am with thee, and no
man shall set on thee to harm thee
for I have much people In this city."
Thus encouraged the ministry was
continued, in Corinth for a year and
' six months. Two wonderful letters
were .written to the Christians there
and one of the choicest passages to
memorize Is I Corinthians 13, the
blessed love chapter,
ray xx
Try, and Be Convinced
I am not prone to giving recipes
in my newspaper work. Rarely do
I actually prescribe in front of your
physician. But, here is a recipe for
a physical exercise that should have
free publicity, because of its gen
uine worth in practice.
I am not the originator of this
sort of self-treatment I do not
know who is. And the advice here
in is not copyrighted it's yours
for the using.
I believe the "laziest" muscles of
the human body are those of the
abdomen and colon. Especially so
in cases of corpulency, very com
mon in middle-aged and 'beyond
those "bay-windows," if you get
what I mean. Those unwelcome
hammocks, hanging-baskets which
make us look and feel ponderous,
as if we were carrying dead weight
too much ballast for the ship; not
actual disease just laziness in
president Professor Masaryk of
Columbia University, New York. A
native of what used to be called
"Bohemia," he had been laboring
for years for his country's Indepen
dence. When his people finally were
liberated by the Treaty of Ver
sailles and he became their leader,
he surrounded himself with strong,
and intelligent men and began to
work out a system whereby every
man in the nation .should be inde
pendent One of the nrst things tne new
nation did was to take over all of
the huge estates, many of them
owned by citizens of other coun
tries, and divide them up Into small
farms, which were sold or rented
to families which had never been
able to hold land before. The next
thing was to organize the Industries
of the nation, with the result that
Czechoslovakian efficiency is fa
mous throughout Europe, Presi
dent Masaryk . merely took Ameri
can experts over there and had
them show the manufacturers of
that country American methods.
But the most important variation
from the American system is a pro
vision whereby every industrial
worker will eventually have at least
one acre of land surrounding his
home. This has been accomplished
in many of the industrial centers,
and It is only a question of time
when it will be the rule throughout
Czechoslovakia, The avowed pur
pose is to refuse employment to
any man of family who will not
agree to live on one of these tracts.
An acre of land means little in
America. In Europe, where the
whole family is accustomed to out
door manual labor, it means the
cultivation of every square inch,
and at least a living for the occu
pants. In times of industrial de
pression the factory worker has his
land to fall back on, and is In no
danger of starvation from unem
ployment And in good times he
can save and invest a very large
percentage of his earnings in the
There are several lessons we
could learn from a closer study of
some of the smaller nations of Eu
rope. The principal one which all
of them have to teach, however, is
that you cannot separate the mass
of the people very far from the
land without subjecting them to un
necessary risks. And the next One
is that when every worker is a
landowner there is no danger of
Henry Rauch spent Sunday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rudolph Klinger.
Miss Rosella Doherty was In Pen
dleton and La Grande over the
week end.
Harold Gieger returned Wednes
day from a' visit with his mother
and sister In Eugene. He will re
main here this winter.
Mrs. Julian Rauch and Irvin and
Jean Rauch were in Echo Sunday.
Bernard Doherty came home on
Saturday from the mountains
where he has been with the B. P.
Doherty sheep.
Frank Kilkenny, who has been at
the Hinton creek ranch near Hepp
ner, returned to his home in Sand
Hollow Thursday.
Miss Gertrude Tichenor, Mrs. J.
P. Conder and Mrs. Glen Shearer,
accompanied by Jon Conder of Pen
dleton, went out from .Pendleton
toward Walla Walla on a picnic
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. E. P. Bowman of Pendleton
who has been with her sister, Mrs.
Dan Lindsay, was at the home of
Mrs. Charley Morehead from Wed
nesday to Monday.
Jimmy Monahan and Jimmy Far
ley visited at the Frank Kilkenny
farm Sunday.
'A number of friends and neigh
bors gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Irl Clary Sunday where
they played several games of cro
quet, Mrs. M. Peddicord and Irl
Clary played against Wlllard Haw
ley and Rhuey Ann Senter In the
morning, and Mrs. Bert Michel and
Bill McDaid against Mrs. McDaid
and Russell Moore in the afternoon,
followed by one in which John
Doherty, Alex Lindsay, Irl Clary
and Wlllard Hawley participated.
Frank Kilkenny, Jr., was a Hepp
ner and Pendleton visitor Saturday.
The election notices have been
posted for the purpose of calling a
meeting on the 31st of October to
elect a new member to take the
place recently vacated by Mrs. G.
L. Bennett on the board of school
Mrs. Margaret Peddicord, Wlllard
Hawley, Rhuey Ann, Vevll and
Bruce Senter were at Mr, and Mrs.
Irl Clary's for dinner Sunday.
John Doherty wag at the Frank
Kilkenny home Friday afternoon.
Iry Clary was at Wlllard Haw
ley's Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDaid were
av u "vr u
Try it when in bed. On retiring
and on awakening in morning. Lie
flat on back. Place a hand on the
abdomen. See how high you can
lift the hand with the abdominal
muscles, then, how low you can let
the hand settle by the same mus
cles. Up-down,-up down, twelve
times; that's all for each treatment
Continue a month, night and morn
ing, in bed. The lungs need not en
ter into this exercise.
You will note beneficial results in
constipation and in the increased
activity of these sagging muscles
which leads to a better feeling all
over: vour waist-band will actually
become too loose in due time if
you keep up your treatment faith
fully. You get a nice degree of vol
untary control of muscles in this
old hanging-basket of yours that
may have caused you backaches in
the past from only moderate use
Learn the benefits of "belly-breath
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Michel Sunday afternoon
At the next Farm Bureau meet
ing in November there is to be
brouE-ht un the Question as to
whether there will be a pie or bas
ket social in December. Why not
come and express your opinion on
the subject?
Anne Ree, age 4 years and her
cousin, Nadine Bowman, also 4
years old, were missing from their
home Monday afternoon. After a
fruitless search around the place,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay went to
the Alpine school, a half mile dis
tant, and there found the two run
aways peacefully playing with the
other children.
Ed Ditty accompanied Percy Jar-
mon to the dance at Stanfield Sat
urday evening.
Olney Saling and some friends
from Pendleton left last Thursday
for a hunting trip to the mountains.
Miss Gertrude Tichenor and Miss
Margaret Howard were in Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay visited
Mr. Morehead's Sunday after at
tending church at Pine City.
John Moore and son Russell went
to the mountains for wood Tues
day morning. Mr. Smithurst went
with them.
Mrs. 3. Moore was in Hermiston
Saturday having some dental work
Johnny Aw, Ma, I know where I
came from now.
Mother W-why, Johnny, who do
vou mean?
Johnny Well, my name's Ross,
isn't it and I just passed a high
building with the sign on it, "Ross
Manufacturing Co.
For Sale Good range cook stove,
Mrs. Alex Green. Heppner. 30-33
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account as
Executor of the estate of Hamilton E.
Burchell, deceased, and that the County
Court of the State of Oregon "ior mor
nnitntv hn Annointed Saturday,
the 14th dry of November, 1931, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, as the time, and county court
in the crmrt house at HeDDner,
Oregon, as the place of hearing and
settlement of said final account. Ob
jections to said final account must be
tiled on or Detore saiu uaie.
31.35 Executor.
I- I...-,,... ni.. an tlnat VlO lin.
dersigned was duly appointed by the
, T.. i-i.- nf t,o MlotA of flrppnn
county iuu,i i i" J,v':- , . ;
for Morrow County administratrix of
tne estate or jvnurew x?auu, -jcc.-.,
and that all persons having claims
i .U .M.t. nl ciairl rl ofoa 0ti are
hereby required to present the same to
.1 ii..H,tv nt tha lour nftlro Of
Jos. J. Nys, at neppner, ureguu, wim
.. ,U tUa rlnta Viorortf
111 S1A IIIUUIIIB ll Ulll mi-
Dated and first published this 22nd
day oi uctoDer. xvu
wnTTr'm ts HERKRY OIVEN that by
virtue of an execution issued out of
the Circuit Court or tne atate or ure
gon for Morrow County to me directed
and delivered upon a judgment and de
cree and order of sale rendered in said
,.,,.. nn tho 13th rinv of October. 1931.
in favor of The Federal Land Bank of
Spokane, a corporation, against itu
H,,inh rflincpr and Nora D. Klinger,
husband and wife, in the suit therein
pending wherein the said The Federal
i,and nank or enoKane, a curpuimiim,
in ninintiff And the said Rudolph Klin
ger and Nora D. Klinger. husband and
W11U: VIiai ICO lilllfeci , oiiJwv -
her and Tone National Farm Loan As
socliition. a corporation, are defendants,
for the sum of $113.75, with interest at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
the 30th day of October, 1930; and the
sum of $113.75, with interest at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum from the 30th
day of April, 1931; and the sum of
$2948.73, with Interest at the rate of
5V4 per cent per annum from the 30th
aay oi April, iyai; aim uie num
t9.ffl.1R. with Interest at the rate of
per cent per annum from the 8th day
of June, 1931; and the sum of $30.40 in
surance; and the sum of $25.50 abstract
charges; and all of said sums amount
In in the aggregate to $3592.34, togeth
er with Interest thereon at 8 per cent
per annum from the date of entering
this decree until paid; and the further
sum or $uu attorneys rees in mis sun
and the further sum of $59.20 plaintiff':
costs and disbursements, which said
decree and iudirment and order of sal
have been duly docketed and enrolled
In the onlce of tne cieark ot saia court,
and in and bv which said judgment
decree and order of sale It was directed
that the hereinafter described real
property in Morrow County, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and
annurtenances thereto belonging or in
anywise appertaining, and also all of
the estate, right, and Interest of the
said defendants in and to the same, be
sold by trie Hheriff of Morrow County,
Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment and
all costs.
THEREFORE, I will, on the 21st day
of November, 1931, at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
the front door of the courthouse in the
City of Hepner, Morrow County, Ore
gon. sell all the right, title and Inter
est which the said defendants or either
of them, had on the 30th day of Octo
ber, 1919, or since then have acquired
or now have, in and to the following
described premises situate in Morrow
County, State of Oregon, to-wlt:
The Northeast Quarter, the East
Half of the Northwest Quarter, the
Southwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter, the Southwest Quar
ter of Section Six, Township One
North Range Twenty-six, East of
the Wlllnniette Meridian, contain
ing 472.88 acres, all situated in
Morrow Countv. Oregon.
together with the tenements, heredlta,
merits and appurtenances thereto be
longing or in anywise appertaining;
and also any of the estate, right, title
and interest ox said defendants In and
to the same; said lands to be sold at
uMic auction to the highest bidder
r rash in hand, the proceeds of sale
i be applied to the- satisfaction of
said execution and all costs.
Dated this 22nd day of October. 1931.
32-36. C. J. D. BAUMAN.
Sheriff oi Morrow county. Oregon.
virtue of an execution issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
dun for Morrow County to me directed
and delivered upon a judgment and de
cree and order of sale rendered in said
court on the 13th day of October, 1931,
in favor oi ma Federal uua cann oi
Spokane, a corporation, ana againsi
West Extension National Farm Loan
Association, a corporation, in the suit
therein pending wherein the said The
Federal L,anu isanK or sponane, a cor
poration, was planum, ana tne saia
Harry H. Crawford, also known as H.
H Crawtord. a Dacneior; i. ra. nener
and Jane Doe Keller, husband and
wife and West Extension National
h'iirm Loan Association, a corporation,
were defendants, for the sum of $65.00
with interest at the rate of 8 per cent
nor annum trom tne zstn aay oi June,
1929: and the sum of bo.uu. witn in
terest nt the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 28th day of December,
1929: and the sum oi stio.uu, witn inter
est nt the rate of 8 Der cent per annum
from the 2Sth day of June. 1930; and
the sum of $65.00 with interest at the
rte of 8 Der cent per annum from the
2Mh day of December, 1930; and the
sum of $1786.93, with interest at the
rate of 5 '4 per cent per annum from
the 28th day of December, 1930; and
the sum of $48.75 from the 20th day of
Ma v, 19-9 ; and tne sum oi 4a. witn
interest at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the 20th day of November,
1929; and the sum of $48.75, with in
terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 20th day of May, 1930;
and the sum of $48.75, with interest at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
the 2Uth day of November, 1930, and
the sum of $1374.01, with interest at the
rate of 5Va per cent per annum from
the 20th day of Novembe, 1930; and the
sum of $124.68, with Interest at the rate
f 8 per cent per annum irom tne ntn
day of October, 1929; and the sum of
$177.76, with interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from the 21st day
t Alay, mzy; anu tne sum oi w.ta in
surance; and the sum of $24.50 abstract
harges; and all of said sums amount
ing in the aggregate to X4201.2b. to
gether with interest thereon at 8 per
cent per annum irom me aate oi enter-
ng this decree until paid; and the fur
ther sum of $250 attorneys fees in this
suit; and the further sum of $70.30
Dlaintifrs costs and disbursements.
which said decree and judgment and
order or sale have been duly docket
ed and enrolled in the office of the
clerk of said court and in and by
which said judgment, decree and oraer
or sale it was airecrea mar. tne nerein-
after described real property in Morrow
county, uregon, togetner witn tne ten
ements, hereditaments and appurten
ances thereto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, and also all of the es
tate, rignt, ime ana interest or saia
defendants in and to the same, be sold
bv the Sheriff of Morrow County. Ore
gon, to satisfy said judgment and all
THEREFORE. I will, on the 2lst day
of November, 1931, at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at
the front door of the courthouse in the
City of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore-
son, sen an tne rignt. title ana inter
est which the said defendants, or either
of them, had on the 20th day of Novem
ber. 1923. or since then nave acquired
or now have, in and to the following
described premises situate in Morrow
uounty, state or uregon, ro-wit:
The Northwest yuarter or toe
Southeast Quarter of Section Thir
teen. Township Four North, Range
Twenty-four, East of the Willam
ette Meridian.
The Northeast Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter of Section Thir
teen. Township Four North, Range
Twenty-four, East of the Willam
ette Meridian,
together with the tenements, heredita
ments and appurtenances thereto be
longing: or in anvwise annertainine :
and also all of the right, estate, title
and interest oi said deienaants in and
to the same: said lands to be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, the proceeds of sale to
be applied in satisfaction of said exe
cution and all costs.
Dated this 22nd day of October, 1931,
. U. J. U. HAU MAIN ,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an execution in foreclosure
duly issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow County
by the Clerk of said Court on the 19th
day of October, 1931, pursuant to a
judgment and decree entered and ren
dered in said Court on the 17th day of
October, 1931. in favor of Owen French,
plaintiff, and against A: L. Cornett, de
fendant, for the sum of $1360.00, with
Interest from September 14th, 1930, at
the rate of eirrht per cent per annum,
the sum of $150.00. attorney s fees, and
$16.00. cost and disbursements, and di
recting me to sell the following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
Lot 4 in Block 2 In Looney's Ad
dition to the town of Heppner as
platted and said plat recorded in
the office of the County Clerk of
Morrow County. State of Oregon,
size of lot 3 chains and 35 links
front by 5 chains and 99 links deep,
there is reserved from West side of
the above described lot, a strip of
lapd 16 feet wide, described as fol
lows: Commencing at the North
west corner of said lot 4 in Block
2 of Looney's Addition, running
thence East on the North line of
said Int. 16 feet, thence South "220
feet, thence West 16 feet, thence
North 220 feet to the place of be-
t inning. There is also reserved to
lmer E. Beaman the right to use
and maintain a water ditch that
now runs through said lot, said
grantee herein to have the right to
use ther.-from what water they
need to irrigate the premises here
by conveyed.
Also commencing at a point 2.33
chains South from' the Southeast
corner of lot 6 In Block 2 of Loon
ey's Addition to the town of Hepp
ner, Oregon, runninj thence South
3.92 chaitu. thence West .82 chains,
thence South 8.91 chains, thence
West .97 chains, thence South 18
degrees West 10.43 chains, thence
West 11.2.ri chains, thence North 19
degrees 61 minutes East 7.00 chains,
thence North 32 degrees 43 minutes
East 7.011 chains, thence North 41
degrees 42 minutes East 7.21 chains,
thence BJost 5 chains to place of be
ginning, Also commencing on the South
line of Section 27 in Township 2
South. Range 26 East of Willam
ette Meridian, at a point 6.20 chains
West of .Southwest corner of lot 10
of Block 1 of Pi Looney's Addition
to the town of Heppner, Oregon,
and running thence Northerly 5.96
chains to tiie Southwest corner of
' lot 4 in Block 1 of said P. Looney's
Addition, thence North along the
West line of said lot 4 and of lot 8
to the Northwest corner of said lot
3, Block 1 of said P. Looney's Ad
dition, thence West 4.90 chains,
thence South 18 degrees West 10.43
chains to the South line of said
Section U7, thence East along said
Section line, 8 chains to the place of
Also beginning at the Southwest
corner of lot 8 of Block 1 of Loon
ey's Addition to the town of Hepp
ner. Oregon, thence East 120 feet,
thence Nm thwestorly 150 feet to the
point of 112 feet East of the West
line of said lot 8, thence North
westerly 274 feet to the Northwest
corner of lot 2 of Looney's Addi
tion to the town of Heppner, Ore
gon, thence South 402 feet to place
of beginning.
Also beginning at the Northwest
corner of lot 7 in Block 2, Looney's
Addition to Heppner, Oregon,
thence West 8 chains and 86 links,
thence South 4 chains, thence East
3 chains and 35 links, thence North
4 chains to place of beginning. Also
beginning at the Southwest corner
of lot 14 Tn Block 2 of said Looney's
Addition to the town of Heppner,
thence North 3 chains, thence West
6 chains und 66 2-3 links, thence
. South 3 chains, thence East 8 chains
and 06 2-3 links to the par.e of be
ginning, save and except therefrom
the following, viz: beginning at the
THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1931.
Southwest corner of lot 14 in Block
2 of said Looney's Addition to the
town of Heppner. running thence
West 100 feet, thence "North 150
feet, thence East 100 feet thence
South 150 feet to the place of be
ginning. aim hee-lnnine nt the Southeast
corner of lot 5 of Block 2 of said
Looney s Addition to tne town oi
Heppner, Oregon, running thence
South 6.99 chains, thence West 24
chains, thence North 6.99 chains,
thence East 24 chains to the place
of beginning, save and except
therefrom the following, viz: com
mencing at the Southeast corner of
lot 5. Block of said Looney's Ad
dition to the town of Heppner, Ore
gon, and running thence South 8
rods, thence West 10 rods, thence
North 8 rods, thence East 10 rods
to the place of beginning, all in
Morrow County, Oregon,
NOW, THEREFORE, In obedience to
said execution, I will on Saturday, the
21st day of November, 1931, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day at the front door of the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the above described real property
and apply the proceeds of such sale to
the payment of said judgment, said
real property being the property mort-
gageu Dy tne aerenuant to tne piaintirr.
Dated this 21st day of October, 193L
32-36 C. J. Li. BAUMArl,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
DISTRICT, PlaintifX,
George Blume; Dan Brunton; Thom
as A. cronk; Q. u. ungnsn, Trus
tee; B. Firrell; O. A. Graham, and
Jane -Doe Graham, his wife; Mar
garet A. Fleming; Martin Gilbert
son; Anna Lanegraph; T. A Scott;
Phillip Lerner; W. J. Locke; J. M,
McCaw; Ellen M. Partlow, the un
known heirs of Ellen M. Partlow;
N. W. Usher; W. R. Walpole, Trus
tee; Ralph Walpole, Administrator
of the estate of W. R. Walpole, De
ceased; John F. Willows; J. W.
Tabor; I. I. Kaasa; David E. Lof
gren, and Jane Doe Lofgren, his
wife; George C. Howard and Jane
Doe Howard, his wife; C. E. Peter
son; unknown heirs of Victor St.
Raynor; Paul Partlow; Frank Part
low; Robert Harwood, Maggie
Cruikshank; John Partlow; A. C.
Partlow; George Partlow; Morrow
County, Oregon; and also all other
persons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in or to the real estate
herein, described. Defendants.
To N. W. Usher. George Blume. Dan
Brunton, Thomas A. Cronk, B. Firrell,
Martin Gilbertson, Anna Lanegraph, T.
A. Scott, Phillip Lerner, J. M. McCaw,
John F. Willows, J. W. Tabor. I. I.
Kaasa. tarl V. Kaasa. C. E. Peterson.
John Partlow, A. C. Partlow, George
Partlow, Frank Partlow, Ralph Wal-
Sole. administrator of the estate of W.
:. Walpole. deceased, the unknown
heirs of Victor St. Ravnor. and also ail
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in or to tne real estate herein
OREGON, You are hereby notified that
tne west extension irrigation District,
Plaintiff, is the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency No. 2475, In the amount of
$235.65, the same being the amount due
and delinquent for irrigation taxes for
the year 1928, together with penalty,
oiierest, ana cosrs tnereon.
That plaintiff is the holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency No. 2476 in the
amount of $266.33, the same being the
amount due and delinquent for plain
tiff's irrigation taxes for the year 1928,
together with penalty, interest and
costs thereon.
That each of said Certificates were
issued by the Sheriff and Tax Collector
of Morrow County, State of Oregon, on
the 13th day of April, 1931, the same
being the amounts then due and de
linquent for taxes assessed for the year
1928 upon real property situated in
Plai ntifTs district in Morrow County,
No. 24768236.78
Assessed Owner
Present Owner
George Blume Lot 8, Blk 20W 25 5N 26 $ 8,25 i 1.90 $ 10.15 1928
Dan Brunton Lot 1, Blk 15W 25 6N 26 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
Thomas A. Cronk Lot 2, Blk 3W ' 25 6N 26 8.25 1.90 10.16 1928
Q. C. English,
Trustee . Lot 6, Blk 15W 25 6N 26 8.25 ' 190 10.15 1928
B. Firrell Lot 15, Blk 19W 25 6N 26 8.25 1.90 10.16 1928
O. A. Graham &
Jane Doe Graham
ar garet
Fleming . E SE4 16 4N 25 115.50 26.58 142.06 1928
Martin Gilbertson Lot 11, Blk 23E 20 6N 27 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
Anna Lanegraph Lot L Blk 24E 20 6N 27 10.10 2.32 - 12.42 1928
T. A. Scott
Phillip Lerner Lot 7, Blk 23E 20 5N 27 8.32 1.91 10.23 1928
W. J. Locke Lot 3, Blk 34W 23 5N 26 8.25 1.90 10.15 1928
No. 24763266.33
Assessed Owner
Present Owner
J. M. McCaw Lot 6,7, Blk 28E
Ellen M. partlow,
Paul Parti o,w
Frank Partlow,
Robert Harwood,
Maggie Cruik
shank, John Part
low, A. C. Part
low; George Part
low &
N. W. Usher
W. R. Walpole,
Trustee & Ralph
Walpole, Admini
strator of the Es-
tate of W. R. '
Walpole Lot 1, Blk 34W
Jn. F. Willows Lot 7, Blk 38W
J. W. Tabor Lot 6, Bk 23E
I, I. Kaasa, Earl V.
Kaasa, David E.
' Lofgren & Jane
Doe Lofgren,
George C. Howard
& Jane Doe How- v '
ard, C. E. Peter
SE',4 and Lots
1 & 2 (gov t)
Excepting therefrom
the following:
t on 22. thence
chains to the
to the place of
Victor St. Raynor
Unknown heirs of
Victor St. Raynor
Gov't Lot 1
Excepting therefrom
the following:
Commencing at
N, Rg. 26 E. W.
said Section to
East line 2" rods
ther notified as the respective owners
of the legal title to the said several
tracts of property as the same appears
of record, and each of the other persons
above named, that Plaintiff, West Ex
tension Irrigation District, will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for. a decree foreclosing
the Hon against the property above de
scribed and mentioned In said Certifi
cates. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby
summoned to appear on of before the
21st day of December, 1931, and defend
this suit or pay the amount due Plain
tiff upon Plaintiff's Hen, together with
costs and accrued interest and in fail
ure to do so a judgment and decree will
be rendered against you as your Inter
a .... rinlv annotated by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow county,
the estate of Joseph Blessing, deceased,
also known as Joe Blessing and all
persons having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are hereby re
quired to present the same with proper
vouchers as -required by law, to said
administrator at un " ..cf- i.
J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six
montns irom ma um . .
Dated and first published this 22nd
day of October, 193. XTTf!TVS
" Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned as Superintendent of Banks
in charge of the liquidation of the Bank
of lone and in pursuance of an order
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, dated Aug
ust 25, 1931. will receive bids for the
assets of said bank consisting of the
liability of stockholders on account of
an assessment as follows:
L. A Beckman ?26(M
Mrs. J. B. Dye 400
Matt Halvorsen . - ,60
T. J. Mahoney 1UoU
Mrs. i-i. a. i-aaoerg, auuj.
Estate of E. L. Padberg
Wm. H. Padberg
fWni. Patoronn A rim. ICstatfl Of
J. E. Peterson . 400
Victor Peterson, Balance
iiia 33.20
Said assessments bear Interest at the
rate of 6 per cent from Decmeber 6,
1929. Bids will be received for the above
Oregon, being assessed respectively to
you as hereinafter set forth In this
summons. . .
You are hereby notified that in tne
subjoined tabulation of this summons
tha laft hnnri fnlnmn of said tabulation
under the words "Assessed Owner and
Present Owner" is correctly represent
ed and alleged the name of the person
to whom tne respective parcels were
assessed for the year 1928, as shown by
th Thv Rn a nr Morrow countv. ure
gon, which name appears directly op
posite the description of the tract to
whom said property was so assessed;
following and directly under and be
neath the name of the assessed owner,
as shown by said Tax Rolls, is the
name of the present record owner of
said tract or having some rignt, uue,
lien or Interest in said property, if dif
ferent from the assessed owner as
shown hv sAiri assessment roll : that in
the column next following in said tabu
lation under the word "Description"
shows and proporly alleges the descrip
tion of the tracts of land herein re
ferred to; that In the said description
In every case the abbreviations "N",
"W". "S". "E" mean and are equivalent
to the four points of the compass,
"North", "West ". "South", "East", and
in everv casa the abbreviation blk
means and is equivalent to the word
'block'; following each description in
said tabulation and reading from left
to right therein the column "Sec" indi
cates and correctly represents "Section
Numhor" tha rnlnmn honriAd "Twn"
means and indicates and correctly rep
resents "township" and the column
"Rg" means and indicates and correctly
represents the "Range East of the Wil
lamette Meridian"; the column headed
with the word "Tax" indicates the
amount in dollars and cents for which
said Certificates were Issued upon the
respective tracts referred to and set
opposite said sum in the column head-
ea xtescription ; tne woras t-en. &
Int." Indicate and correctly represent
the penalty and Interest accumulated
upon the respective amounts Included
rn tne preceding column irom tne date
of delinquency to the 13th day of April,
1931, and in the column headed "Total",
in the column next following, indicates
and correctly represents the total tax
due Plaintiff for Irrigation District
Taxes, together with penalty and in
terest to the 13th day of April, 1931; in
the column next following, and the
words "Assessed for the year". Indi
cate and correctly represent the year
for which said taxes were assessed and
levied; in the column headed "Twp
"S" and "N" represents South or North
of the base line; Lot and Block Num
bers are according to the Plat of the
Oregon Land and Water Company on
file with the County Assessor of Mor
row County, Oregon; a more particular
description of which property is as fol
lows, to-wit:
Total for
Sec.Twp.Rg. Tax
Total for
Sec.Twp.Rg. Tax
the year
20 6N 27 16.50 3.90 20.30 1928
24 4N 24
62.36 1928
23 6N 26
23 6N 26
20 6N 27
10.16 1928
10.15 1928
20.45 1928
22 6N 26
88.02 20.26 108.27 1928
All that part of the SSEVi, being and lying South of the
right of way of the O. W. R. & N. Company's Railway and
the Columbia River Highway.
Beginning at a point 20 rods North of the East Quarter of
Section 22. Twp. 6 N., Rg. 26 E. W. M running thence
South along the East line of said Section 40 rods, thence
West on a line parallel with the center line of said Section,
28.96 chains; thence North on a line parallel with the East
line of said Section to the North line of Lot 2 In said Sec-
East on said North line of said Lot 2. 8.
Northeast corner of said Lot. thence South
along the East line of said Lot 2 to a point 20 rods North
of the Southeast corner thereof, thence East on a line par
allel with the center line of said Section 22 to the place of
Commencing at a point on the Section line 10.23 chains South
,of the East quarter corner between Sections 22 and 23, Twp.
6 N.,- Rg. 26 E. W. M., thence West 28.95 chains thence
South 13 chains to the right of way of the O. W. R. & N.
Railway, thence along said right of way to a point where
same intersects the Section line, thence North 16.8 chains
beginning. , .
22 5N 26
44.66 1928
the East Quarter corner of Sec. 22, Twp. 5
M., thence West along the center line oi
the Southwest corner of Lot 1, thence
North along the West line of said Lot 1, 20 rods, thence
East on a line parallel with the center line of said Sec
tion 22 to the East line of Lot 1, thence South along said
to tne place oi beginning.
est itiav Annenr from the tabulation
aforesaid foreclosing plaintiff's lien for
Irrigation District Taxes and forever
barring you ana eacn or you rrom
Interest in or to the real property de
scribed herein and for an order of sale.
This summons Is published by order
of the Honorable uaivin u. eweon,
.Tiwlirn nf the above entitled Court and
the date of first ziublicatlon of this sum
mons is the 10th day oi uctooer,
All nrocflsa and nnoers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the under
signed In the State of Oregon at the
address hereinafter set lortn:
W. J. WARNER and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address, Pendleton, Oregon.
assets as a whole or for any one or
more of said assets and should be de
posited in the office of the Supertntend
dent of Banks, State House, Salem, on
or before 10 A. M. Saturday, October
24. 1931. All bids must be accompan
ied by a certirieu coeca iur nui ikw
than 10 per cent of the amount offered.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids or to receive additional bids or
revised bids alter tne oate set anu
without further netice. All bids will
ho anl.im t to final aoDroval by the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County.
31-32 . Superintendent of Banks.
Irene Yocom, Plaintiff,
George Yocom, Defendant.
SUMMONS. No. 2871.
To George Yocom, defendant above '
named :
OREGON, you are hereby required to
appear and answer plaintiffs complaint
nied against you in tne auuve cut-mu
court and cause within four weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons upon you, and if you
fall to so appear or answer, ror want
thm-anf the nlaintifT will aDnlv to the
above entitled court for the relief pray
ed for in her complaint, to-wlt: inai
the bonds of matrimony now and here
tofore existing Detween you ana plain
tiff be forever dissolved and that plain
tiff have an absolute divorce, and for
such other and further relief as may be
just and equitable.
rms summons IB serveu upon you vy
publication thereof once a week for
four successive weeks in the Heppner
Gazette Times, a newspaper of general
circulation, published at Heppner, Ore
gon, by order of Hon. Wm. T. Camp
bell, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
which order is dated September 24th,
1931, and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons upon you is
September 24th, 1931. 28-32
Attorney for plaintiff,
Residence ami PostolBce address,
Heppner, Oregon.
Professional Cards
Attorney at Law
Phone 173
Humphreys Building
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Fhons 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Olasaes Fitted.
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
' Company
Telephone 1012
Office In Gllman Building
11 W. Willow Street
X-Ray Diagnosis
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McJVlenamin
906 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfleld. 1949
Business Phone Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Norse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Office In X. O. O. F. Building
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Uropcrty Sales
A Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
- the Band"
6229 72nd Ave., S. E Portland, Ore.
Phone Sunset 3451
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks . Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon .
Old Line Cempanles. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberts Bonding, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon