OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND . ORE - Volume 48, Number 29. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1931 Subscription $2.00 a Year mmt$ COUNTY INSTITUTE STARTS THURSDAY State Superintendent to Be Here; Will Meet School Boards. PROGRAM ALL SET Speakers, Committees, Entertain ment Features Announced; O. S. T. A, Unit to Meet Friday. Morrow county teachers institute will open in Heppner for two days with registration at 8:40 o'clock next Thursday morning, when all teachers of the county are expected to be on hand unless detained by ill ness or other unavoidable cause. The complete program has been prepared by Mrs Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent Among instructors to appear are C. A. Howard, state superintendent of public instruction; Prof. Francis Curtis from the University of Michigan; Miss Kate L. Houx, training school supervisor at the Eastern Oregon Normal school; Miss Ida Mae Smith and Mrs. Shel don, Oregon Normal school; Miss Henrietta Morris, director of health education of the Oregon Tubercu losis association; Mrs. Ada Dawald, Irrlgon high school, and Miss Clara Holey, Lexington high school. Committees Include; nominating, W. R. Poulson, Velma Huston, Mrs. Ingles; membership, Mr. Ingles, Hildegarde Williams, Audrey Bey mer; resolutions, Mr. Marschat, Miss Straughan, Miss Heath; regis tration, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Knights en, Miss Knight; hospitality, Mrs. Dix, Miss Leathers, Mr. Shuirman, Miss Palmiter; periodicals, Mrs. Brown. Flag Ceremony Feature. Instjtute will open at 9 o'clock Thursday with two numbers by the Heppner school band, followed by invocation by Joel R. Benton, min ister of the Church of Christ. Other numbers on the morning program are an address by Charles W. Smith on "The American Flag," flag salute by the audience, "The Star Span gled Banner," played by the band; address, "Education and Democra cy," S. E. Notson, and adress, "Looking Ourselves in the Eye," by Prof. Francis Curtis. At 10:46 the institute will be resolved into sec tional groups with Professor Cur tis leading the high school group, Miss Houx on "Reading" with the upper grades, Miss Sheldon on "Ge ography" with intermediate grades, Miss Ida Mae Smith leading the' primary grades, Miss Holey at the head of the music group, Miss Mor ris leading the rural group and Miss Case at the head of the 4-H club group. Thursday afternoon's session will open with a piano duet by Mrs. W. R. Poulson and Mrs. J. O. Turner, and a reading by Mrs. Paul Mene gat F. A. McMahon will speak on "Highway Safety" at 1:15, followed by an address, "Some Practical Suggestions for Classroom Testing." At 2:15 Miss Houx will speak on "Enjoyment of Modern Poetry," and sectional groups will commence at 2:45. Afternoon sections will In clude: high school, Mrs. Dawald; rural hot lunch, Miss Case; upper grades, geography, Mrs. Sheldon; lower grades, Miss Morris; interme diate grades, reading, Miss Houx; upper grades, Professor Curtis; pri mary grades, Ida Mae Smith, and musio appreciation, Miss Holey. Superintendent Speaks Friday. Opening Friday, Rev. Glen P. White will offer invocation, follow ed by a piano duet by Miss Holey and Mrs. Turner, and a reading by Mrs. Paul M. Gemmell. The coun ty Oregon State Teachers associa tion unit will convene at 9:15, fol lowed by the address of C. A. How ard, state superintendent. Seotions will begin at 10:45 with Mr. How ard In charge of the high school, and Mrs. Sheldon heading history and civics. Ida Mae Smith will have charge of the primary; Miss Case, upper grades, posture; Miss Morris, intermediate, and music, Miss Holey. Mr. Steelhamnier will play a piano solo, and Mr. Lindsay will sing a vocal solo at the afternoon opening at 1 o'clock, .followed by an address on 4-H club work by C. W. Smith, an address by Miss Lillle Alllnger, cashier of Farmers and Stockgrowers National bank, and an address by Mr. Howard. A round-table discussion for school boards, led by Mr. Howard, and committee meetings will follow at 2:30 o'clock. BRUISED IN ACCIDENT. Laurel Beach and Guy Shaw were in tho city this morning from Lexington, Mr. Boach showing some the worse for wear as the re sult of an auto accident Tuesday. He was driving alone when the car hit the soft gravel at the turn on the Lexlngton-Jarmon market road at the Jarmon ranch on Butter creek, and turned over twice, land ing on its top each time. Mr. Beach escaped with many bruises but no broken bones and considers himself fortunate. Mr. Shaw driving the Beach truck, came upon Mr. Beach shortly and assisted In taking the car to Lexington. Take advantage of Permanent Wave Special. Chapln's Beauty Shop, pnone uu. CENTRAL RELIEF BODY ORGANIZED Churches, Lodges, Social Orders Represented ; Committee of Five Elected to Handle Details. Representatives of Heppner fra ternal orders, churches and uncial organizations formed the nucleus ior a central unemployment relief agency at a meeting held at the Elks temple Saturday afternoon. The meeting was called by the Mor row county emergency employment committee annotated hv GnvTnr Meier in accordance with his sug gested plan. The new organization when per fected will be used as a clearing house for the searching out and dis pensing of relief, as well as helping to administer the emergency em ployment program, to give assist ance to unemployed persons where needed, and to prevent dUDlieation of relief measures. After discussing what might be the best way to proceed the meet ing Saturday voted to elect a com mittee of five to handle the details of the organization, with an advis ory member to be elected from each church or other organization doing benevolent work which might desire to cooperate with the cen tral organization. Elected on the committeft nf flv were Garnet Barratt, Mrs. Jeff Bey- mer, Mrs. Olive Frye, M. L. Case and Mrs. Ed Bucknum. Reports bv different nersnns In. dicated that there would be need for considerable relief work in the county this winter, and the spnse of those present was that the best way to meet the situation was to prepare for it ahead of time. Many suggestions were offered to what measures could be taken, which were taken under advisement by the committee. The committee expected to meet Mondav evening for the purpose of organizing it self into a functioning body, and to procede with an Investigation of the suggestions made. Senator Steiwer to Speak At Pomona Grange Meet Frederick W. Steiwer, United States senator, will be the principal speaker at the afternoon session of Morrow County Pomona grange at lone Saturday afternoon. In order that everyone may have the privil ege of hearing Oregon's junior sen ator the afternoon meeting will be open to the public. As Mr. Steiwer is in a favorable position to keep in close touch with the chords of national government, it is expected he will have a message of extreme Interest to all. Other numbers on the program will include: Instrumental selection. Mrs. Hatch, Willows grange; vocal solo, Mrs. Trannle Parker, Lexington; vocal duet, Velma Huston and Ruth Bergstrom, Rhea Creek grange; vocal solo, O. B. Spaulding, Willows grange; vocal solo, Mr. Brooks, Ir rlgon grange; cornet and piano se lection, Donald Isom and Florence Brace, Irrigon. BRIDAL SHOWER GIVEN. Miss Fern Engelman of lone, whose marriage to John Turner will be an event of nex tSunday, was honoree for a shower given by a group of friends at the home of Mrs. F. W. Turner Saturday eve ning. Guests Included Miss Jaunita Leathers, Miss Charlotte Woods. Miss Rieta Neel, Miss Helen Olsen, Miss Elaine SIgsbee, Miss Blanche Hansen, Mra Andrew Baldwin, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Leonard Schwarz, Miss Mary Patterson, Mrs. Harry Turner, Mrs. Sam Tur ner, Mrs. Snyder, Miss Beth Bleak man, Mrs. R. W. Turner, of Hepp ner, Mrs. Frank Lundell, Miss Nor ma Swanson, Mrs. Victor Rletmann, Mrs. Ruby Roberts,, Mrs. Frank Engelman of lone. Bridge was played during the evening, and re freshments were served by the host esses, Mrs. F. W. Turner and Mrs. J. O. Turner. FIRE ALARM SOUNDED. Heppner was aroused last nlcht at 9:30 o'clock by sounding of the Are siren to learn of the conflagra tion of a pile of used lumber on the school playgrounds below the gym auditorium. The Are had gained such headway that it was useless to attempt to save tne lumber when the fire truck arrived a few min utes after sounding of the alarm. Weeds had been burned near the lumber nlle in the afternoon. and though Wm. Driscoll, janitor, made an inspection at 5:30 in the evening and found that the fire was appar ently all out, it was thought that there might have been some smoul dering embers beneath which start ed the pile burning. ACCIDENTAL SHOT FATAL. Report reaching Heppner an nounces the death of Wnltnr M Hoffstetter, harness maker of Pen dleton, from an accidental gunShot wound. Mr. Hoffstetter was the husband of a former Heppner girl, nee Miss Dessa Devln. The acci dent occurred when he attempted to crawl through a fence to get a shot at a coyote, which he saw while driving on the road to Pen dleton. With nnn hnnrt almn.1 completely shot off and a foot bad- ly injured ne drove the six miles into Pendleton unaided. Funeral arrangements had not been an nounced. No theatre-goer who Is decently graieiui tor tne divine gift of eye slirht should fail to sen hrt.T.'S am. GELS at the Star Theater Sunday, ivionaay ana Tuesday. Rural Teachers' Club, Holds First Meeting Members of the Rural Teachers' club spent an enjoyable and worth while day .Saturday, September 26, when the first meeting of the year was held at the Morgan school. Many parents and friends In the community were also present and participated In the discussions of the various problems and difficul ties which have been confronting the rural teachers. Valuable sug-" gestions and devices were offered and many problems cleared up. The meeting opened at 10:30 a. m. with Audrey Beymer presiding as president and introducing various competitive work that might be carried on throughout the county. Announcements and helpful explan ations of materials were made by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers. New offi cers for the coming year were elect ed as follows: Mrs. Marie Clary, president; Miss Audrey Beymer, vice-president; Miss Rosella Doher ty, secretary-treasurer; Miss Nora McDaid, club historian. Talks which followed proved very inter esting and helpful and were made by Mrs. Anna Heiny on "Character Education;" Mrs. Lucy Rodgers on "Testing Before Teaching in Spell ing," and Miss Alice Palmer on "In troduction of Multiplication and Division of Fractions." A pot-luck dinner was served by ladies of the community at the Grange .hall. A fine program is being planned for the next meeting of the club to be held November 7 at Golden West school. Members of school boards and parents as well as the teachers are invited to attend. JUNIOR PATROL GUARDS SAFETY Organization of School Boys Insti tuted to Replace Stop Sign for Crossing Street Intersection. A new safety measure for the protection of Heppner school child ren was instituted last week with the organization of a Junior Safety Patrol by L. H. McMahon, state policeman. Under the new system the stop sign formerly used at the principal highway crossing for school children at the corner of Main and Baltimore streets is no longer used, and instead the child ren are conducted across the Inter section in groups by Ihe junior pa trolmen, who wear badges signify ing their authority. "Heretofore, the greatest danger to the children came when school was dismissed at noons and eve nings, and they went helter-skelter in a hurry to get home," said W. R. Poulson, superintendent, in telling of the new plan. "Under the new system they are conducted across the street in an orderly manner, and in groups so that there is little danger of a single child dashing out in front of an approaching au tomobile. Persons who have occa sion to drive across this Intersec tion regularly at noon or in the evening say they like the new sys tem much better than the old one," Mr. Poulson said. James Furlong is captain of the patrol and James .Driscoll lieuten ant High school patrolmen are Claude Hill, Howard Furlong and Marvin Morgan, and grade school patrolmen are Richard Benton, Wil liam Mitchell and La Verne Van Marter. Boys Honor Old Glory When Usefulness Past "How many boys would do this?" asks Paul Marble, commander of Heppner post, American Legion. William and Omer McCaleb saw Old Glory, seered and partly burn ed by the recent fire which devas tated part of the city's business sec tion, among the wreckage at the Noble shoe shop. It was not fitting, they thought, for the national em blem to be seen in such dillapidated condition. Fresh In their minds were thoughts of flag courtesy, recently conveyed to school children by Mr. Marble and Charles W. Smith on behalf of the Legion. They thought It proper to destroy the multilated emblem but with deference to what it once represented. Out In an open field William and Omer stood with heads uncovered and bowed while the curling smoke carried evidence of their conviction into the heavens. FRANK HALE DIES. Frank Hale, a native son of Mor row county, passed away at the Morrow General hospital Monday, following an illness of long dura tion, the result of chronic stomach trouble. Funeral services were held at the Episcopal church Wednes day afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, Joel R. Benton, pastor of the Heppner Church of Christ, officiating, and arrangements being in charge of Phelps Funeral Home. Interment followed In Masonic cemetery, Mr. Hale was aged 57 years, 6 months and 18 days, and all of his life had been spent In Morrow and Grant counties, during the greater portion of which he had engaged In stock- raising and ranching. He Is sur vived by three sons, Lynn. Loren and Vere Hale, besides numerous other relatives residing In this com munity and elsewhere. Thos. A. Drlskell is 111 at the home of his son, Wm. Drlskell of La Grande, and Mrs. Elsie Stephenson, daughter of The Dalles, is at his oensme, according to word received Dy relatives m this city, STUNT IE TO BE REALVARIETYSHOW Wide Range of Talent by - Home Folks Employed To Help Library. PROGRAM ALL FIXED Low Admission Price, Type of En tertainment and Object of Show Make Attraction Appealing. Library Stunt Nite next Thursday at the gym-auditorium is going to offer the public a rare treat, Indeed, if the low-down or so much of it as lias leaked out on what the different organizations are up to, can be taken as a criterion. You see, the nature of the stunts is not being revealed, as each organiza tion is not taking the chance of having any of Its thunder stolen, so that one person's guess will be as good as another's until after the curtain goes up at 8 o'clock sharp. In order to prevent duplication, and to assure a variety of enter tainment, however, the committee in charge, headed by Paul Menegat, did ask for a wee bit of informa tion concerning the nature of the stunts, in answer to which they re ceived the promise of dancing, sing ing, athletic, dramatic, and comedy acts, with assurance that the Or pheum circuit offers no broader ar rayif less appealing lot of talent in a single evening's program. With the admission price set at 25 cents straight ,and the money to go to a very worthy cause, the com mittee believes there should be ev ery incentive for everyone to at tend and little to deter anyone from attending. Especially, considering the fact that tie large seating ca pacity of the auditorium-with all seats affording a good view of the stage and having equal acoustical advantage assures everyone . will get to hear and see the perform ance. At least there is not the like lihood of anyone being turned away as was the case back in 1917 when the first such library benefit was staged. Organizations who are lending their support to the library by pre paring stunts Inchiae the Lions club, American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Elks, Woolgrow ers Auxiliary, Bookworms, and Wo man's Study club. And in addition there will be sutnts by the school faculty, and school students. 'The way everything is shaping up, the committee is certain they were not exaggerating in promising a big night next Thursday," said Mr. Menegat this morning. At a meeting last night it was possbile to set practically all the final de tails, even up to arranging the or der of appearance of the stunts. Mrs. Earl Gordon, In charge of the advertising, has her committee hard at work, and "property man" W.. R. Poulson assures that every thing will be fixed for the smooth running of the show. The Degree of Honor juveniles will hold a popcorn ball sale during the evening, with proceeds to be turned over to the library. Fire Prevention Week Proclaimed Oct. 4-10 "The nation's yearly losses from fire amount to nearly $500,000,000. Thousands of human lives are lost and countless thousands of people are seriously burned each year," de clared Governor Julius L. Meier in proclaiming October 4-10 as Fire Prevention Week. "In 1930 the Fire Demon took a toll of 35 lives in Oregon. One hundred and one Or egon citizens were seriously injured or crippled by fire. 'Statistics reveal that fully 90 percent of the conflagrations which wrought this havoc were due to carelessness, neglect and thought lessness." Believing that the people of Ore gon should be educated and awak ened to the need of exercising greater care In the prevention of Are, in accordance with the procla mation of Hie Presdient of the Uni ted States, Governor Meier "earn estly urges the people, the press, and all civic, patriotic, fraternal and Industrial organizations of the commonwealth to put forth their united efforts toward the elimina tion of the loss and suffering which follow In the wake of preventable Ares. TAX MEETING POSTPONED. The meeting of the Morrow Coun ty Tax Equalization and Conserva tion league, announced last week for next Saturday, has been post poned to Saturday, October 10, ac cording to R. B. Wilcox, secretary. It is expected all outstanding com mittees will report at that time, and league members as well as oth ers interested are urgde to attend. FOOTBALL GAME FRIDAY. The first football game of the season to be played on the Heppner field will be played Friday after noon between Lexington and Hepp ner high schools. The game is list ed as a practice game, as Lexing ton will play several who have grad uated from high school. Another game has been added to the local schedule with arrangements made for a game to be played with Athe na at that place October 17. Wheat League to Meet At The Dalles Dec. 13-14 The annual conference of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league is slated to be held at The Dalles, De cember 13-14, announces C. W. Smith, secretary, who attended an executive committee meeting at Arlington Saturday, held for the purpose of discussing plans for the coming conference. Frederick Stei wer, junior United States senator from Oregon, will be one of the conference speakers, having already accepted an invitation, Mr. Smith said. Other speakers who have been in vited include Dr. John D. Black, chief economist for the Federal Farm board; Max Gellaher, direct or of the state department of agri culture; Leslie Scott, of the state tax commission. Men from Oregon State college, the Portland termin als and inspection department, will complete the roster of speakers. Committees to be out and to re port at the conference will include committees on wheat handling, pro duction and feeding, transportation, taxation and legislation, and agri cultural marketing. A complete list of all committee appointments will be available in the near future, said the secretary. I0NE JENNIE E. McMURRAT. Rev. W. W. Head will hold preaching services at the Congre gational church next Sunday morn ing, October 4. A cordial invita tion to attend is extended to all. Please remember October 7, the date of the visitation meeting at the Congregational church at which L. L. Lobeer, missionary from Ma dura, India, and C. H. Harrison, su perintendent of Congregational churches, will be present Lunch eon will be served at the evening hour and at this time the visiting gentlemen will speak. The American Legion Auxiliary sewing club met Tuesday, Sept 22, at the home of Mrs. Thelma Corley. Ten members were present namely Vivian Haguewood, Amy Sperry, Snoda Blake, Maude Farris, Ber- nice Blackwell, Elaine Rietmann, Ida Grimes, Beulah Mankin, Gladys Drak eand the hostess. The sewing for fall and winter was nicely start ed and preparations made for a used clothes closet which will be kept by the auxiliary this year. Committees were also appointed for the annual carnival and dance which this year will be held Satur day, October 10, at Legion hall. At the close of the meeting refresh ments of pie and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keller went to Weston Saturday where they spent a few days wtih their son Frank. Miss Mildred Martha Morgan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mor gan of Cecil, and John Edward Eu banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Eubanks, of lone, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon, September 23, at The Dalles. Rev. W. A. Eck, pastor of the English Lutheran church, was the officiat ing clergyman and the ceremony was performed at the pastor's home. Mr. Eubanks is a graduate of lone high school, class of 1930. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eubanks are popular among the younger set and have the good wishes of their many friends. They will make their home in Lexington. On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Alice McNabb received informa tion of the death of her brother, George Warfield, at his home at Clarkston, Washington. Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock Fri day, September 25, from the Pres byterian church of which Mr. War field was a member. Interment was In Vineland cemetery, the Masonic order having charge. Mr. Warfield, a former resident of this section, was born April 23, 1873, at Yaquina Bay, Oregon, and in 1904 was mar ried to Miss Alma Madsen. He moved to Clarkston in 1918. He was a veteran grain buyer and warehouseman of the northwest, and for eleven years represented the Kerr-Gifford company in Lew- iston. He Is survived by his widow and eight children, all of whom live at Clarkston except one son, Ray mond, who is located at Peters burg, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Fisk of Kenne- wick, Wash., motored to lone and took Mrs. McNabb to Clarkston to attend the funeral services for her brother. Last Thursday Mrs. R. E. Harbi son of Morgan received the news of the sudden death of her youngest brother, Harvey Vincent Rand, 46, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harbi son departed Saturday for the city. Funeral services were Sunday. Mr. Rand was an employee of the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph com pany. He is survived by his widow and five children. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. DeShazar were guests tne first of the week at the home of Mrs. DeShazar's sister, Mrs. Hal O. Ely. The De Shazar family recently sold their property at Forest Grove and were en route to- Idaho Falls, Idaho, where they will make their home. Mrs. Hal O. Ely was hostess at a family dinner served at her home Tuesday evening, complimenting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. DeShazar. Besides the hostess and the honor guests, those present were Edith and Mar garet Ely, Hal O. Ely, W. G. Pal mateer, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer, W. F. Pal- (Contlnued on Page Six.) LIONS TO ASSIST CENTRAL RELIEF Means of Raising State Chamber Quota Cited; Frank Turner Talks on Insurance. Heppner Lions voted Monday to assist the central organization, formed Saturday, to administer un employment relief, and elected Charles Thomson as Its represen tative. Mr. Thomson was president or Associated Charities which did a good work in the city last winter. Al Rank m reported for the com mittee appointed the week previuos to Investigate ways and means of raising the county's J200 quota to assist the work of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce. The com mittee decided to contact the coun ty court to see if at least a part of the sum could not be put in the budget for the coming year, and to raise what might be necessary through individual memberships, if possible. The matter is slated to be presented before the Pomona grange meeting at lone Saturday, it was stated. President Smith urged all the Lions who could to attend the Po mona grange meeting to hear Sen ator Steiwer's address, which he be lieved would be of Intense interest W. R. Poulson and E. W. Gordon, last year's committeemen in charere of staging the Lions play, "Aunt Lucia," which was accorded a large hearing, were retained by the club to take charge of the play this year to be given the latter part of Octo ber, and Jasper Crawford was ap pointed to assist them. Mr. Gordon, also in charge of the club's production for Library Stunt Nite, announced that all the de tails had been arranged and that work was progressing well. b eatured on the program was an insurance talk by Frank W. Turner in which he told the duties of the insurance adjuster and cited ac complishments of the national fire protective movement The insur ance adjuster is supposed to be a man interested in neither the In sured or insurer, Mr. Turner said, whose duty it is to arrive as nearly as possible at a fair and equitable basis for adjustment of losses. He believed that in most cases the find ings of adjusters have been found so. After the recent fire in Hepp ner, he said, it appeared that the adjustments made were quite satis factory to the insured in most ev ery instance. The national fire protective work is carried on for the purpose of cut ting down fire losses, Mr. Turner said. He read from a report show ing that in many cities where work has been done savings amounted to at least fifty precent of losses suffered in an equal length of time before the work was started. He read a list of causes of fires which placed carelessness with matches and cigarettes well toward the front, with defective flues a close runner-up. About 17 percent of fires are caused by dfeective wiring or carelessness with electrical ap pliances, the report said. Among ways stressed by the as sociation as effective in eliminating tire losses was enforcement of fire proof building rules, and mainten ance of an adequate flrefighting de partment MRS. PARKER SURPRISED. Coming as a complete surprise, was the gathering of friends from both the Methodist and Christian churches at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker on Monday evening, the surprise being of course on Mrs. Parker, who had a birthday on that date. The party had been arranged by Mrs. Sarah Parker, mother of Frank S., in con junction with the women's class of the church, and gathering just at the supper hour a pot luck lunch eon was served as the offering of the guests, and a very pleasant evening was had. Mrs. Parker was remembered by numerous appro priate gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Benton and son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Glen P. White, Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case, Mr. and Mrs Gus Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Parker, Mrs. Carrie Vaughn, Mrs. Chas. Barlow and Marie and Lucile, Mrs. Emma Gemmell, Mrs. Chas. Huston, Mrs. Rebecca Patter son, Mrs. Jennie Booher, Mrs. Les lie Emery, Mrs. E. Albee, Mrs. W. G. McCarty, Mrs. T. J. Humphreys, Mrs. Mattie Adkins, Mrs. S. E Not son, Mrs Jennie Carter, Miss Lulu Hager, Robert Jones, Donald Jones, Norman Griffin, Mrs. Sarah Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker and Katherine. BUDDIES INITIATE BENEDICT. Elbert L. Cox, deputy sheriff, whose marriage was an event of last week, was visited by his bud dies of the American Legion last evening and made aware of the fact that his plunge into matrimony was thoroughly appreciated. Hand cuffed, he was taken through Main street to the accompaniment of many popping firecrackers, and made to set up the treats, after which he was escorted to the coun ty bastile to spend tho remainder of the night. TO GIVE LIBRARY STUNT. Business and Professional Wo men's club executive committee met at the home of Mrs. W. R. Poulson Monday evening. They decided to put on a stunt for the library bene llt. Dinner will be served at the Pariah house next Monday. Please call Miss Allinger for reservations. MANY 4-H CLUBBERS EXPECTEDJR FAIR Heppner to Welcome Boys And Girls in First All-County Show. PARADE IS FEATURE Demonstrations by Nearly All Clubs Expected; Wool-Grain Show to be Hold at the Same Time. "Nearly every club In the county will have a demonstration of some phase of its work at the 4-H club fair to be held in Heppner a week from next Saturday," announces C. W. Smith, county agent who has been busy for several days getting coops, pens and tables arranged at the county pavilions in readiness to receive the many exhibits to be put on display. Included will be all the first prize winning exhibits In each division at the recent North Mor row County fair at Boardman. A feature of the day will be the Morrow County Wool and Grain show, also to be held at the pa vilions. Reports indicate that there will be a large percentage of members in attendance from all the clubs in the south end of the county as well as many from the north end. The parade to be held at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, in which each club will appear in a group mark ed by a banner or other distinguish ing means, i3 creating a sense of competition and arousing much In terest, Mr. Smith said. The parade will immediately precede the dem onstration contest at the pavilion, which, from the promised number of entries, will occupy the larger part of the afternoon. Judges will be Miss Helen Cow gill and L. J. Allen, leaders in club work from Oregon State college. It is expected that Miss Lucy Case, home demonstration agent from the college, will also be present, as she will be in Heppner Thursday and Friday for teachers' Institute, said Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county su perintendent, who ha3 charge of the home-making clubs of the coun ty and who is also taking an active part in the preparation of demon strations. The clubbers will be given a warm welcome to Heppner in their first county-wide fair since the in ception of 4-H club work in the county. From a few straggling clubs five years ago, the work has steadily grown until there are now 30 active clubs located over the en tire county with 300 active mem bers. The Heppner school band will as sist in the entertainment, and the clubbers will be addressed by lead ing men of Heppner. Members of Heppner Post Start Membership Drive The entire last vear's mpmhpr. shin of Hermner nost. AmoHpfln Legion, has been divided Into two teams in a membership contest by means of which it is expected to DUt the Dost "over the ton" for the coming year. The drive starts on ucioDer etn witn a big joint meet ing with the auxiliary, and ends on Armistice Dav. November 11 C W. Smith and Elbert Cox were named team cantains. and the nor. sonnel of the teams follows: Smith's team: Flovd Adama Clsr. ence Bauman, Clyde Bailey, Otis Biddle. J. D. Cash. H. P. Cohn. .T E. Copenhaver, Jas. G. Cowlns, Aul- ta c;. tjoxen, Til dowry, Ben Chris man. H W. Dobvns. Wm riiiron Wm. Eder, Paul Gemmell, Wm. Greener, E. A. Hackett, Walter Hayes, Clarence Hesseltine, N. A. Hansucker, C. R. Howell, D. E. iiuason, wm. instone, A. H. Jack son. Geo. D. Johnston, fllon a Jones, C. A. Kane, John Krebs, -uri jR.iau, -aui Marble, Loren Matteson, E. A. Miller, W. E. Moore, Floyd Worden. James Omohi L. R. Parker, W.R.Poulson, Erie M. nacey, Henry smith, Albert Schunk, Wm Smithurst Jr., J. O. SDellman. Rov Scott Hn blyn, Joe Thornburg, John R. Voile, nicnara wens, uienn Whitman, S. R. York. Cox's team: Belvl Ad E. Ahalt H. O. Bauman, Clarence . Kiddle, Roy E. Brown, E. D. Clark, Harold A. Cohn, Lloyd E. Chenowlth. Percv Cox. Crawford, Arthur J Craig, Jas. Da- ly, tester JUoolittle, Chas. Dykstra, A. M. Edwards, E. E. Gilliam, W. C. uosny, uienn R. Hadley, Michael Hartin. F. J. Hiatt. J. C. cinuxtnn Elmer Hunt Lynn Hale, E. R. Jack- man, lirnest Johnson, Alva Jones, Ralph R. Justus, Chas. Kllnger, Henry Krebs, John Lawther, El mer Matteson, Adolph F. Mojcske, Arthur A. McAtee. Alfrnd Miirv.u- Andrew C. Olsen, Chas. J. Osmon rienry fcterson, J. R. Quiring, Henry Rauch, Chas. A. Schoene, Harry Schriever, Milton, Spurlock, Roy Stamp, Geo. M. Shields, Amon B. Thompson, Sam Turner, Rube Voile, Gus Williamson. BEAK, BOB CAT, HUNT PRIZES. L. Van Marter and F. B. Nicker son, who hunted last week In the Desolation country, added a bear and a bob-cat to their hunting bag. Mr. Van Martor killed the bear, a young black fellow, while Mr. Nick ei'son killed the bob-cat.