Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 24, 1931, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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C. F. Swander, state secretary
of the Oregon Christian Missionary
society, and Guy L. Drill, vice pres.
ident of the same organization,
were in Heppner over Monday eve
nftijf, holding a rally at the Chris
tian church. A dinner was served
by the ladies of the church, and the
meeting was well attended. A fea
ture of the program was a vocal so
lo by Laurel Beach of Lexington,
who was accompanied at the piano
by Jon (Jonder ol fendelton.
The families of E. R. and Chas.
Huston drove to Celilo on Sunday
afternoon where they witnessed
some of the salmon fishing going
on there. Returning that evening
they were caught in the big wind
and dust storm with which this
part of eastern Oregon was afflict
ed, and made traveling on the high
way very unpleasant, and at times
almost Impossible
Miss D. M. Cameron, superinten
dent of the Presbyterian Chinese
Mission at San Francisco, is a guest
today at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Chinn. Mrs. Chinn is a
former student of this mission, and
Miss Cameron being in the North
west took this opportunity of mak
ing Mrs. Chinn a short visit. She
will depart for San Francisco to
night Orrie Downing, former Heppner
boy and one-time star baseball
player at the University of Wash
ington, arrived in Heppner the end
of the week and will spend some
time in this vicinity in the interests
of an underwriting company which
he represents. Orrie has been mar
ried since leaving Heppner and has
a two-year-old son.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Sackett and
Mrs. Robert C. Notson visited alst
week end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Notson from their homes
at Salem and Portland respectively.
Returning Saturday they were ac
companied by Miss Margaret Not
son who will enter Oregon State
college with the beginning of the
school year.
Miss LaVelle White, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Glen White, visited
at the home of her grandparents,
.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warner, at Al
derdale, Wash., this week. She was
driven that far by Mr. and Mrs. B.
G. Sigsbee who were on their way
to Yakima and other Washington
points. They ace returning home
Mrs. P. M. Gemmell returned yes
terday afternoon from Palo Alto,
Calif., to which point she accom
panied Mr. Gemmell last week. She
reports that Paul was showing con
siderable improvement at the time
she left, and she expects the treat
ment In the veterans' hospital there
will do hml a lot of good.
John Farley spent from Tues
day till Saturday last week In
Heppner, being relieved of his du
ties as manager of Wilson's store
at John Day by D. A. Wilson, own
er of the John Day and Heppner
stores bearing his name. Mr. Far
ley returned to John Day Saturday
Mr. , and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson,,
Kay and Mary Lou, and Mrs. Leon
ard Schwarz were week-end visit
ors at Joseph where they enjoyed a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Hayes, and from where
the men enjoyed a grouse hunting
trip. They returned home Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford
were visitors on Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Spencer, near Stanfleld. They were
caught In the severe dust storm
blowing over the north end of the
county on their return later in the
m Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Poulson mo
tored to Eugene Saturday and were
present there at the marriage of
Mrs. Poulson's sister, Miss Delilian
Olsen to Mr. Adrian Burris on Sun
day. Miss Olsen and Mr. Burris
visited in Heppner last year.
Gilliam Cr Bisbee
We have it, will get it,
or it is not made
Our stock is complete
in Bolts, Clevises, Sin
glet rees, Header
Forks, etc
Tents, Canteens, Wa
ter Bags, Camp Pots,
Who wants a Maytag
Washer on easy terms
or a Majestic Range.
Don't overlook any
thing for the farm,
ranch, camp or home,
go to
for it.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W TnrnAr
and daughters, Misses Jeanette and"
AnaDei, motored to Portland Fri
day to be present at the wedding
of their son and brother. Rnhm-t v
Turner and Miss Nancy Northup.
iney returned name Saturday.
R. H. Quackenbush, who is em
ployed on the W. H. Cleveland
farm south of town, had the mis
fortune of tearing muscles in his
side while doing some heavy lift
ing the first of the week, and has
been confined to his bed since.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges were
visitors in the city from Lexington
Monday. They recently returned
from a trip to Corvallis, where they
took their daughter, Miss Ruth
Dinges, to begin her studies at
Oregon State college.
Good Heppner residence property
known as the Bisbee place, for
lease. Barn, chicken house, free
water, 20 acres ground suitable for
garden and pasture. B. R. Swag
gart Lexington, Ore. 28-29
. Chas. Barlow and family motored
to Sunnyslde, Wash., Sunday, and
were accompanied home by Mrs.
Carrie Vaughn, grandmother, who
Is visiting relatives and friends
R. B. Wilcox, secretary of the
Morrow County Tax Equalization
and Conservation league, was in
Heppner this morning from his
mountain home at Herrens mill.
Scott Furlong brought in a buck
today, weighing 205 pounds over
the scales at the Peoples Hardware
company. The buck was bagged
between Ditch and Swale creeks.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye Sight spec
ialist of Pendleton, Oregon, will be
at Heppner Hotel on Tuesday, Sep
tember 29, hours 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.
A. S. Akers acompanied the F. W.
Turner family from Portland Sat
urday and has been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barlow.
Margaret Castlio from the Port
land office of the U. S. Veterans
bureau was in Heppner Tuesday on
Shell Fish
afford a delicately
appetizing change
for your diet.
Prepared to your
order the way
you like them.
Local Men in Accidents
In Wallowa County, Said
Willie Doherty, said to be from
Heppner, and Jim McGovern, also
Martin Turner (given as Martin
Keanier in the Wallowa Sun), were
reported as automobile accident
victims in last week's Wallowa
items in the Enterprise Record
Chieftain. The items said:
About 7 o'clock Monday evening
while rounding the curve at the
corner of the Miller hotel on the
main 'highway, a Chevrolet coupe
driven by Rev. S. E. Smutz of Jo
seph, accompanied by Thelma Mel
ger of Walla Walla, collided head
on with a Dodge roadster driven
by Willie Doherty, a sheep man
from Heppner, accompanied by
Jim McGovern, another sheep man.
All four occupants of the cars were
taken to the Wallowa hospital
where it was found none were ser
iously injured altho all were cut
more or less with glass as well as
bruised. Both cars were badly
wrecked. Miss Melger, who has
been in poor health,, was on her
way to Joseph to visit the Smutz
family, thinking that a change In
altitude would be a benefit to her,
and is an old friend of Rev. and
Mrs. Smutz. They were able to con
tinue their journey on to Joseph
that evening after having their
wounds dressed, being taken up by
Rev. E. A. Pollock in his car.
Monday afternoon Martin Turner,
a sheep man, while passing another
car on the highway west of Wal
lowa, got off in the soft gravel and
upset his Ford coupe, badly wreck
ing it He was alone in the car, and
glass from the broken windshield
cut a deep gash in his right wrist,
and he was otherwise bruised up,
but not seriously. After having his
wounds dressed at the hospital he is
again able to be around and tend
to his business as usual.
BIG FIRE BALE of Women's
ready-to-wear and millinery, con
tinues at the Gurdane building.
Goods are moving fast at bargain
prices. Curran Hat Shop.
For Sale 28 Delane bucks, 5-yr.-oids,
$5 a head at Pine City farm.
L. D. Neill, Echo, Ore. 27-28p.
What was considered a young
cloudburst is reported by B. F.
Swaggart to have hit the Swaggart
buttes northeast of Lexington last
Friday, with more water coming
down there than at any other point
in the county, he said. Had the wa
ter continued coming for five min
utes longer it would have floated
his barn and probably resulted in
considerable property damage. As
it was, the water was most wel
come, and one or two more little
showers will bring the grass along
nicely on his place, Mr. Swaggart
said, while in town Monday.
E. O. Apple and C. Reanev of Sa
lem, and Andrew Baldwin, city,
plead guilty to charges of night
hunting and were fined $25 before
E. R. Huston, justice of the peace,
Tuesday. The men remained out
later than they thought and did not
realize that the time for huntine
had passed, they said. Apple also
plead guilty to hunting without a
COUNTY. L. R. Schwraz. and Henry Schwarz,
partners, Planitiffs,
F. A Doty, Defendant.'
SUMMONS. No. 2850.
To F. A. Doty, defendant above named :
OREGON, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
gainst you in the above entitled court
nad cause on or before four weeks from
the date of first publication of this sum
mons upon you. and if you fail to so
appear or answer the plaintiffs will
take judgment against you for the sum
of $640.33. with nitercst thereon from
the 27th day of July. 1931, at the rate
of six per cent per annum, and the fur
ther sum of $30.74, with interest there
on from the 7th day of July, 1931, at
the rate fo six per cent per annum, and
their cost and disbursements incurred
You are further notified that plaln-
I J I For Troubles
- ; V III! due to Acid
ABOUT two hours after eating
many people suffer from sour
stomachs. They call it indigestion. It
means that the stomach nerves have
been over-stimulated. There is excess
acid. The way to correct it is with an
alkali, which neutralizes many times
its volume in acid.
The right way is Phillips Milk of
Magnesia just a tasteless dose in
water. It is pleasant, efficient and
harmless. Results come almost in
stantly. It is the approved method.
You will never use another when
you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by
physicians for correcting excess acids.
25c and 50c a bottle any drugstore.
"Milk of Magnesia" has been the
TJ. S. Registered Trade Mark of the
Charles 11. Phillips Chemical Com
pany and its predecessor Charles H.
Phillips since 1875.
Fast Economical;
These essential transportation require
ments are fulfilled by our service and
more it is also DEPENDABLE.
$10,000 Cargo Insurance
for your protection.
John Day Valley Freight Line
M. VENABLE, Manager. Office S E, May St Phone 1363
in Your bowels!
Poisons absorbed into the system
from souring waste in the bowels,
cause that dull, headachy, sluggish,
bilious condition; coat the tongue;
foul the breath; sap energy, strength
and nerve-force. A little of Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will clear
up trouble like that, gently, harm
lessly, in a hurry. The difference it
will make in your feelings over night
will prove its merit to you.
Dr. Caldwell studied constipation
for over forty-seven years. This long
experience enabled him to make his
prescription just what men, women,
old people and children need to make
their bowels help themselves. Its
natural, mild, thorough action and
its pleasant taste commend it to
everyone. That's why "Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin," as it is called, is the
most popular laxative drugstores sell.
Dr. W. B. Caldwell'!
A Doctor Family Laxative
Blew Fain Coats
wrap far on the side! .
Penney'8 presents
the important new
. fashions at
Every coat carefully select
ed in order to present the
BEST possible b Style.
Quality, Value 1 The fabrics
are the NEW rough finishes
that are the height of fash
ion 1 Beautiful hand-picked
fur sets I
Uh our -LAY . AWAY"
PLAN ... a small deposit will
hold your.xOoat until wanted!
Ik &
Store l'hone 502 HEPPNER, ORE. Manager's Phone 1383
tiffs have caused to be attached as your
property, the sum of llOOu.OO. in the
Eotutesxion of the Heppner Log and
umber Company, and that execution
wiil isHue, and said sum or so much
thereof as may be necessary applied
to the satisfaction of said Judgment
This summons is published upon you
for four successive weeks in the Hepp
ner Gazette Times, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation, by order of Hon. Wm.
T. Campbell, Judge of the County
iuuii ui iiic maie 01 vjregon ior Mor
row County, which order is dated Sep
tember 16th, 1931, and the date of the
first publication of this mimmnna la
September 17th, 193L
Attorney for Plaintiffs,
Residence and postoffice address,
Heppner, Oregon.
Rodeo-Buckeroo-3 days
Fireworks -Canoe Canal
Boys and Girls Free Day
$60,000 Prizes Purses
Night Horse Shows
Oregon Products
Horse racing
Band contest
Farmers' day
I' n
are here, selling at prices less than at any time II
for the last 10 years. II
I The colors are beautiful in new shades of blue and autumn II
I brown. . . . The tailoring is exquisite. ... II
SUITS - $22.50 to 29.85
O'COATS - $15, $22.50, $27.50
Same quality suits sold for $30 and $35
a year ago.
at the lowest price in history
w 1 H (q) 5
kl Regular Price $161.00
ft. ff c
"Our Silver Jubilee Price
on the Tior washer and
ironer is the most excep
tional value we have ever
offered in our 25 years of
manufacturing experience.
"We have always built the
finest home laundry equip
ment that scientific engin
eering, technical skill and
efficient manufacturing
methods could produce.
We use only the finest
materials and build to the
most rigid speciications."
. Hurley Machins Co.
Now is the time to buy! Think what your money will
purchase! Complete laundry equipment for about the
price of the washer alone! The Thor people make this
offer to celebrate 25 years of successful manufacturing.
Over two million women in the United States are Thor
users. They'll tell you that the Thor washer does a
thorough cleaning job that it's easier on the clothes
than rubbing- and that it does a complete family
washing in less than two hours! Ironing with the Thor
ironer is a joy! Sheets, slips, towels, table cloths, speed
through it, acquiring a beautiful glossy sheen! No back
aches or arm achessimply easy, restful enjoyment.
It's easy to take advantage of this manufacturer i
marvelous offer. Only $5.00 delivers both washer
and ironer. Balance in easy monthly payments.
(Washer may be bought separately for $99.75.)
Buy now --save $44.50
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at Your Service"