Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 13, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ICRS. A. T. HEREIM. Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Eldon
Wilson of La Grande visited over
the week-end at the Robert Wilson
home. On Sunday the Wilson fam
ily and their house guests and Mr.
and Mrs. Carol Kennedy enjoyed
a lovely dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard,
Mrs. Lilly, Mrs. Sundsten and son
Albin, and Paul Mead left Sunday
to go near White Salmon where
they will pick huckleberries. They
expected to return home Thursday.
Mrs. Sundsten's daughter Lillian
is staying with Mrs. Jenkins dur
ing her absence.
Mrs. Weston and grandson Bobby
Morgan, returned home Friday
from a week's visit in Echo with
Mrs. Weston's daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Lowell Spagle who has been
visiting in Hubbard for several
weeks returned home Wednesday
accompanied by Roy Miller, Ray
Spagle, and A. J. Spagle.
A school meetnig will be held
Wednesday, August 19, at 2 p. m. in
the school house for the purpose
of voting on the budget for the
coming year..
Mr. and Mrs. AI Macomber and
family of Fossil visited relatives
in Boardman during the week end
Vernon Root who spent the last
week at the Macomber home re
turned home with them.
Gladys Graves returned home
Saturday from Baker. She has been
with her brother there since school
The Ladies Aid Silver Tea met
at the home of Mrs. A. E. Porter
Wednesday afternoon. About 45
ladies were present Several Uma
tilla ladies came over with Mr. and
Mrs. W. O. Miller, and acted as
judges for the darning contest
There were not many who took
part in the contest Mrs. J. F. Bar
low received first prize and Mrs. M.
K. Flickinger, second. Hostesses
for this meeting were Mesdames
Porter, Kunze, Johnson, Geo. Wick
lander, Hendricks, Cramer and
Robinson. The next meeting will
be held Wednesday, August 19, at
the church.
The regular grange meeting will
be held In Roots hall Saturday eve
ning, August 15.
Mr. Agee and daughter Emma
and Selma Ayers attended the Ad
ventist church services in Hermis
ton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Graves and
daughter of Lexington visited Sun
day at the Ward Graves home.
George Graves returned home with
them Sunday evening.
The threshing crew started to
work last Thursday on the A. E.
Porter ranch. They are threshing
this week for Mr. Stout
Mrs. Lee Mead and Carrol Ken
nedy, as representatives of the
Boardman school board, motored to
Heppner Saturday to attend the
meeting of the taxpayers which
was held at the courthouse. The
& mM S'
Teach Your Boy
Patiently teach him the value of
money . . instill in him the import
ance of Thrift as it concerns his fu
ture welfare. Explain to him what
it means to his education and later
toward achieving business success.
Start an account here in his name
and watch how proud he'll be every
time he can make his own deposit.
4 per cent Interest paid!
Fir& National Bank
purpose of this meeting was to or
ganize a Morrow county tax con
servation league.
Mrs. Chaffee and Mary and Mrs.
Kennedy motored to Pendleton
Mrs. Robert Berger's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. B. Brown of Madras,
visited Monday and Tuesday at the
Berger home. Eston, Selma, and
Mabel Brown who have been spend
ing their vacation here with their
sister, returned home with their
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Baker enter
tained at a lovely dinner in their
home last Sunday. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Broomfield
and daughters, Fern and Lois, of
La Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Eck War
ren, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bates,
Thomas Brew and the hosts and
their family.
Guests at the Dan Ransler home
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Moore and famliy, Mr. and Mrs.
Rodgers and family, Myrtle Chris
ten, and Ora Thompson of Hermis
ton. A. W. Price's cousin, A. Cox, and
wife, of Spokane stopped at the
Price ranch for a short visit last
week. The Coxes were returning
from a motor trip to California.
Word has been received from
Mrs. A. T. Hereim from Boulder,
Colorado, of the death of her fath
er on August 3. Mrs. Hereim has
been away for the past three
months, taking care of her aged fa
ther and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat and
son returned home Monday from
Berkeley, Calif., where Mr. Mar
schat has been attending summer
school for the past six weeks.
Al Bolsted who lives on the Alex
Wilson ranch is shipping water
melons this week in carload lots.
At the present time he has shipped
out seven carloads to Portland, Se
attle, and other cities. Some of the
earliest melons he took the The
Dalles in his large track.
Mrs. Waite left Tuesday for sev
eral days' visit in Troutdale.
Mr .Lewis of the Pendleton Trad
ing company, was in the Alpine
community Saturday on business
from his home in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Finley and
son Claud attended to business in
Hermiston and Stanfleld Tuesday.
Bill McDaid and P. J. Doherty,
who have been working in the
harvest fields near Walla Walla,
Wash., for the past eight weeks,
came home Thursday for a short
visit with friends and relatives in
Alpine and Juniper. They returned
to Walla Walla Friday afternoon.
Art Schmidt has secured a year
round tractor job in the neighbor
hood of Pendleton.
Mrs. Frank Kilkenny and sons,
John and Joe, and daughter Peggy
were guests at the home of Mrs
B. P. Doherty, Sunday.
Last week the school directors
held their meeting to prepare the
budget and the regular budget
meeting will be held at the school
house on the afternoon of Satur
day, August 15.
Rudolph Klinger and children,
Doris and Kenneth, motored to
Echo Monday on business. Doris
remained there with friends and
will return home on Sunday of next
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay and
daughter Annie were in Hermiston
on Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Curran and
daughters, Betty and Kathleen
were guests at the home of Mrs.
Curran's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
P. Doherty, Sunday.
Farrell Haunschell was a visitor
at the Willard Hawley home Sunday.
Mrs. Catherine J. Smart and
daughter Josephine of La Grande
visited with friends in Alpine and
Juniper, Wednesday. Mrs. Smart
returned to La Grande Wednesday
evening while Josephine remained
down with her grandmother, Mrs.
Madge Doherty who is spending
the summer at the home of her
Alex Lindsay is suffering from a
sprained ankle which he received
last Saturday in a fall. He went
to the doctor Sunday to have it
Mrs. Ed McDaid spent Wednes
day and Thursday of last week in
Pendleton on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Michel drove
over to the Omohundro ranch for
a visit Sunday, from their home in
Mr. Huston and Mr. Bennett of
The Dalles called at several homes
in Alpine on business Wednesday.
Mrs. Margaret Peddicord, Willard
Hawley, Gene and Bruce Senter,
Farrell Haunschell, Irl Clary and
children Irl and Mildred were din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Michell Sunday.
P. J. Doherty and W. J. McDaid
made, a business trip to Echo Fri
day morning.
Joe Kilkenny, who has been
wroking on Hinton creek for the
past two months, came home Sat
urday night for a visit.
W. J. Doherty, Alex Lindsay and
Miss Rosella Doherty were after
noon callers at the Bert Michel
home Sunday.
We take this means of extending
our sincere thanks to our friends
and neighbors for their kindly help
and sympathy during the illness
and death of our beloved father,
David H. Grabill.
Willard H. Grabill,
Archie T. Grabill,
Oren G. Grabill,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grabill
and Family.
To whom it may concern: My
wife, Mary Smith, having left my
bed and board, I will not be respon
sible for any bills or debts that she
may contract
22-23 E. L. SMITH,
Lexington, Oregon.
lic Corporation, Plaintiff,
Phillip Doherty, Howard M. Spencer,
B. P. Doherty, Annis Weston, Strong
& MacNaughton Trust Company, a
corporation, R. S. Howard, Jr., Re
ceiver, C. A. Philbrick, M. F. Coch
ran, James McNamee, Louis Brandes,
Minnie M. Lee, Victor St. Raynor,
J. K. Weatherford. Robert Riet
mann, Charles Canning, Viola Can
ning, Gilbert D. Becker, Corda Wil
liams, Arthur E. McBride, Orton W.
Beardsley, Asa L. Young, Estate of
Mary I. Ayers, Ellen A. Griffin, Hugh
McMurray, P. J. Linn and Grace
Linn, his wife, John Howell, J. A.
Adams, Elmer P. Dodd, Alvin J.
Kelly, and J. M. Kelly, and any other
person or persons owning or claim
ing to own, or having or claiming to
have, any interest in or to the real
estate hereinafter described.
HO. 3856.
To Phillip Doherty, Howard M. Spen
cer, B. P. Doherty, Annis Weston,
Strong & MacNaughton Trust Com-
5 any, a corporation, R. S. Howard,
r.. Receiver. C. A. Philbrick. M. F.
Cochran, James McNamee, Louis
Brandes, Minnie M. Lee. Victor St.
Raynor, J. K. Weatherford, Robert
Rietmann, Charles Canning, Viola
Canning, Gilbert D. Becker, Corda
Williams. Arthur E. McBride, Orton
w. Beardsley, Asa L. Young, Estate
of Mary I. Ayers, Ellen A. Grililn,
Hugh McMurray, P. J. Linn and
Grace Linn, his wife, John Howell,
J. A. Adams, Elmer P. Dodd, Alvin
J. Kelly, and J. M. Kelly, and any
other person or persons owning or
claiming to own, or having or claim
ing to have, any interest in or to the
real estate hereinafter described, De
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that the above named
plaintiff, a public corporation, is the
purchaser, owner and holder of cer
tificates of delinquency numbered 1703,
1710, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1723,
1724, 1729, 1730, 1737, 1744, 1751, 1765,
1777, 1791, 1792, 1808, 1812, 1817, 1818,
1830, 1834, and 1849, issued on the 3rd
day of July, 1926, by the Sheriff and
Collector of Delinquent Taxes for Mor
row County, Oregon, and filed by the
said Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent
Taxes in the office of the County Clerk
of the County of Morrow, Stute of
Oregon, on the 3rd day of July, 1926,
for taxes due and delinquent, together
with penalty, interest and costs there
on, upon real property situated in
Morrow County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate is is
sued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
land hereinafter set out, the same be
ing the amount then due and delin
quent for taxes for the year 1921, to
gether with penalty, Interest and costs
thereon, upon real property situate in
Morrow County, Oregon, and particu
larly bounded and described as herein
after set forth, said tract or parcel of
land being assessed for the year 1921
to the first person whose name imme
diately precedes the description there
of, and is followed by the name of the
person appearing to be the owner
thereof, as appears on the tax roll of
Morrow County. Oregon, for the year
1930, now in the hands of the Sheriff
of said Morrow County for collection,
at the date of the first publication of
this summons and notice, which date
of first publication is the 13th day of
August, 1931.
Certificate No. 1703, Phillip Do
herty and Phillip Doherty, the
Southeast quarter of Section
24, Township 2 North, Range
24 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, and the Northwest quar
ter of Section 30, Township 2
North, Range 25 East of the
Willamette Meridian $158.96
Certificate No. 1710, Howard M.
Spencer and B. P. Doherty,
The Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 31, Township 2 North,
Range 26 East of the Willam
ette Meridian 85.47
Certificate No. 1716, Annis Wes
ton and Annis Weston, Lots
1, 2 and 3, Block 10 in the
Town of Castle Rock 1.04
Certificate No. 1717, R. S. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Strong
& MacNaughton Trust Com.
pany, a corporation, all South
and East of Canal of Section
13. Township 4 North. Range
25 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, containing 395.55 acres,
more or less, and the East half
of the Northeast quarter of
Section 17. Township 4 North,
Range 25 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, and the North
half of the Northeast quarter
of Section 3. Township 4 North
Range 26 East of the Willam
ette Meridian 101.83
Certificate No 1718, R. S. How
ard. Jr.. Receiver, and Strong
& MacNaughton Trust Com-
fiany. a corporation. Commenc
ng at a point North 0 degrees
22 min. West 217.3 feet from
the center of Section 24. Town
ship 5 North, Range 26 East of
the Willamette Meridian, run
ning thence North 0 deg. 22
min. West 69.9 feet to the high
water line on the South bank
of the Columbia River, run
ning thence Soutn be deg. 04
min. West 2319 feet, running
thence South 0 deg. 22 min.
East 61.7 feet, running thence
North 85 deg. 39 min. West
231.9 feet to the point of begin
ning, containing .3 of an acre
more or less: shown on the
plats of the Oregon Land and
Water Company as Lot 3 in
Block 104 West.
Commencing at a point North
0 deg. 21 min. West 420.2 feet
from the Northwest corner of
the Northeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter of Section
24, Township 5 North, Range
26 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, running thence North
82 deg. 05 min. West 222.3 feet,
running thence North 0 deg.
21 min. West 133 feet to the
high water line on the South
bank of the Columbia River,
thence following said high wa
ter line Southeasterly 453.5
feet, more or less, running
thence South 124.7 feet, more
or less, running thence North
85 deg. 60 min. West 231.2 feet
to the point of beginning, con
taining 1.34 acres, more or
less; shown on the plats of the
Oregon Land and Water Com
pany as the West .67 acre of
Block 114 West and all of
Lot 1 in Block 244 West.
Commencing at a point where
the West boundary line of the
Townsite of Irrigon, Oregon,
intersects the North line of the
O. W. R. & N. Company's
right-of-way, which point is
North 0 deg. 21 min. West
617.79 feet from the Southwest
corner of the Townsite of Irri
gon, Oregon, running thence
North 87 deg. 51 min. West
parallel to and adjoining the
right-of-way on the North side
of the O. W. R. & N. Company
4015.76 feet to the West line
of Section 24, Township 5
North, Range 26 East of the
Willamette Meridian, running
thence North 0 deg. 22 min.
w West, following said Section
line 30.03 feet, running thence
87 deg. 51 min. East 4015.76
feet to the Townsite of Irri
gon, running thence South 0
deg. 21 min. East 30.03 feet to
the point of beginning, con
taining 2.77 acres, more or less.
Commencing at a point where
the West boundary line of the
Townsite of Irrigon. Oregon,
intersects the South line of the
O.W. R. & N. Company's right-of-way,
which point is North
0 deg. 21 min. West 417.61 feet
from the Southwest corner of
the Townsite of Irrigon, Ore
gon, running thence North 87
deg. 51 min. West parallel to
and adjoining the right-of-way
on the South side of the O. W.
R. & N. Company 4015.76 feet
to the West line of Section 24 .
Township 5 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Merid
ian, running thence South 0
deg. 22 min. East, following
said Section line 30.03 feet,
running thence South 87 deg.
jl min. East 4015.76 feet to the
Townsite of Irrigon, running
thence North 0 deg. 21 min.
West 30.03 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 2.77 ac
res, more or less.
All that one-half of the North
west quarter of the Northeast
quarter of the Northeast quar
ter of Section 25, Town
ship 5 North, Range 26 East
of the Willamette Meridian,
Morrow County, Oregon, lying
North and West and in a nor
therly and easterly direction
of a straight line from the
Northeast corner to the South
west corner of above mention
ed Northwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter, containing
5 acres, more or less; shown
on the plats of the Oregon
Land and Water Company as
parts of Lots 3, 4, and 6 in
Block 1 West.
Commencing at the North
quarter corner of Section 25.
Township 5 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Mer
idian, running South 0 deg.
24 min. East 660.4 feet, run
ning thence North 89 deg. 43
min. East 347.3 feet, running
thence South 0 deg. 24 min.
East 660, feet, running thence
North 89 deg. 43 min. East 330
feet, running thence North 0
deg. 24 min. West 660 feet,
running thence South 89 deg.
43 min. West 330 feet, running
thence North 0 deg. 24 min.
West 660.4 feet, running thence
South 89 deg. 43 min. West
347.2 feet, containing 10.26 ac
res, more or less; shown on
the plats of the Oregon Land
and Water Company as Lots
4 and 5 in Block 6 West and
Lot 3 in Block 5 West
The North 330 feet of the
South 660 feet and the West
677.5 feet of the South 330 feet
of the Southeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section
25, Township 6 North, Range
26 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, containing 15.26 acres,
more or less. Shown on the
plats of the Oregon Land and
Water Company as Lots 4, 6,
and 7 in Block 3 West.
Commencing at a point South
0 deg. 24 min. East 264 feet
from the Northeast corner of
the Southwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section
25, Township 6 North, Range
26 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, running thence South
0 deg. 24 min. East 396.2 feet,
running thence South 89 deg.
43 min. West 660 feet running
thence North 0 deg. 24 min.
West 396.2 feet running thence
North 89 deg. 43 min. East
660 feet to the point of begin
ning, containing 6 acres, more
or less. Shown on the plats of
the Oregon Land and Water
Company as Lot 2 in Block 4
Commencing at the Northwest
corner of the Southwest quar
ter of tiie Northeast quarter of
Section 25, Township 5 North,
Range 26 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, running thence
North 89 deg. 43 min. East
347.4 feet, running thence
South 0 deg. 24 min. East 660.4
feet, running thence South
89 deg. 43 min. West 1007.4
feet, running thence North 0
deg. 24 min. West 660.5 feet,
running thence North 89 deg.
43 min. East 660 feet to the
point of beginning, containing
15.27 acres, more or less.
Shown on the plats of the Ore
gon Land and Water Company
as Lot 4 In Block 4 West and
Lot 1 In Block 16 West.
Commencing at the West quar
ter corner of Section 25, Town
ship 6 North, Range 26 East of
the Willamette Meridian, run
ning North 89 deg. 42 min.
East 677.5 feet, running thence
North 0 deg. 23 min. West 330
feet, running thence North 89
deg. 42 min. East 660 feet, run
ning thence North 0 deg. 23
min. West 990.6 feet, running
thence South 89 deg. 43 min.
West 1337.4 feet running
thence South 0 deg. 23 min.
East 1320.7 feet to the point of
beginning. containing 35.54
acres, more or less. Shown on
the plats of the Oregon Land
and Water Company as Lots 1
2. 3. 4. 6. and 6 in Block 19
The West S47.4 feet of the
South 660 feet of the Northeast
quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section 25. Township 5
North. Range 26 East of the
Willamette Meridian, contain
ing 5.26 acres, more or less.
Shown on the plats of the Ore
gon Land and Water Company
as Lot 5 in Block 15 West.
The Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 25, Township 5 North,
Range 26 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, containing 162.12
acres, more or less.
The East 660 feet and the
South 330 feet of the West
677.8 feet of the Southeast
quarter of the Southwest quar
ter of Section 25, Township 6
North, Range 26 East of the
Willamette Meridian, contain
ing 25.12 acres, more or less.
Shown on the plats of the Ore
gon Land and Water Company
as Lots 1, 4, and 6 in Block 17
West and Lots 6 in Tract "A."
The North half of the North
west quarter of Section 27,
Township 5 North, Range 26
East of the Willamette Mer
idian . . 66.!
Certificate No. 1719, R. S. How
ard. Jr., Receiver, and Strong
and MacNaughton Trust Com
pany, a corporation, the North
east quarter of the Southeast
quarter of Section 19, Town
ship 5 North, Range 27 East of
the Willamette Meridian, ex
cepting therefrom the right-of-way
of the O. W. R. & N.
Company 100 feet in width
across said land and contain
ing 3.1 acres; said tract con
taining 37 acres, more or less.
Commencing at a point where
the O. W. R. & N. Company's
South right-of-way line inter
sects the West line of the
Northeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section
19, 'Township 5 North, Range
27 East of the Willamette Me
ridian, which point is North
0 deg. 02 min. West 250.3 feet
from the Southeast corner of
the Northeast quarter of the
. Southeast quarter of said Sec
tion, running South 76 deg.
05 min. West 723.9 feet ad
joining and parallel to said
right-of-way, running thence
South 0 deg. 02 min. East 61.5
feet running thence North 76
deg. 05 min. East 723.9 feet
running thence North 0 deg.
02 min. West 61.5 feet to the
point of beginning, containing
.83 acre, more or less.
A tract in the East half of the
Southeast quarter of Section
19, Township 5 North, Range
27 East of the Willamette Me
ridian, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest
corner of the Southeast quar
ter, running South 89 deg. 43
min. East 1317.7 feet, running
thence North 0 deg. 02 min.
West 1492.4 feet to the center
of a road, running thence
South 76 deg. 05 min. West
963.93 feet, running thence
South 0 deg. 05 min. West
594.78 feet, running thence
89 deg. 43 min. East 605.87 feet,
running thence South 0 deg. 02
min. West 330 feet, running
thence North 89 deg. 43 min.
West 988.1 feet, running thence
South 0 deg. 05 min. West 330
feet, to the point of beginning,
containing 27.61 acres, more or
less. Shown on the plats of the
Oregon Land and Water Com
pany as Lots, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6 in
Block 13 East and Lots 4, 6, 6,
7, and 8 in Block 14 East.
All that part of the West half
of the Northwest quarter of
Section 21, Township 5 North,
Range 27 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, lying North of
the O. W. R. & N. Company's
right-of-way; the East line of
said tract being 1219.3 feet
from North to South, and the
West line of said tract being
1674.7 feet from North to
South, containing 43.63 acres,
more or less. Shown on the
plats of the Oregon Land and
Water Company as Block 32
All that part of the Southeast
quarter of the Northeast quar
ter and all that part of the
South half of Section 21, Town
ship 5 North, Range 27 East of
the Willamette Meridian, lying
South of the right-of-way line
on the North side of the main
canal of the West Extension
Irrigation District as now con
structed and operated over and
across said Section 21. contain
ing 232.64 acres, more or less, 69.15
ieruncaie ino. lui, K. a. How
ard, Jr., Receiver, and Strong
and MacNaughton Trust Com
pany, a corporation, all that
part of the South half of the
Northeast quarter of Section
20, Township 5 North, Range
27 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, lying North of the O.
W. R. & N. Company's right-of-way
over and across said
sub-division; the East line of
said tract being 304.6 feet,
more or less, from North to
South and the West line being
1217.6 feet, more or less, from
North to South, containing 46.4
acres, more or less. Shown on
the plats of the Oregon Land
and Water Company as Blocks
27 and 29 East.
All that part of the Northeast
quarter of the Southwest quar
ter of Section 20, Township 6
North, Range 27 East of the
Willamette Meridian, lying
North of the O. W. R. & N.
Company's right-of-way over
and across said sub-dlvlslon,
containing 3 acres, more or
Beginning at a point North
148.2 feet from the Southeast
corner of the Southeast quar
ter of the Northeast quarter of
Section 20, Township 5 North,
Range 27 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, running North
203.9 feet to the right-of-way
on the South side of the O. W.
R. & N. Company; running
thence North 71 deg. 09 min.
East parallel to and adjoin
ing said right-of-way 784.3 feet,
running thence South 456.7
feet, running thence North 89
deg. 56 min. East 742.2 feet to
the point of beginning, con
taining 6.63 acres, more or less.
Shown on the plats of the Ore
gon Land and Water Com
pany as Lot 2 in Block 28
Commencing at the Southwest
corner of the Northwest quar
ter of the Southeast quarter of
Section 20, Township 6 North,
Range 27 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, running North
89 deg. 69 min. West 404 feet,
running thence North 642.2
feet, running thence South 89
deg. 69 min. East 404 feet, run
ning thence North 680.7 feet to
the right-of-way on the South
side of the O. W. R. & N,
Company, r u n n I n g thence
North 71 deg. 09 min. East
parallel to and adjoining said
right-of-way 1222.1 feet, run
ning thence South 1154.3 feet,
running thence North 89 deg.
64 min. West 600 feet, running
thence South 133 feet, running
thence North 89 deg. 54 min.
West 655.9 feet, running thence
South 832.1 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 32.38
acres, more or less. Shown on
the plats of the Oregon Land
and Water Company as Lots
2, 3, 9. and part of 10 in Block
24 East.
The West 251 feet of the part
of the Northeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter of Section
20, Township 6 North, Range
27 East of the Willamette Me
ridian, lying South of the O.
W. R. & N. Company's right-of-way,
containing 4.96 acres,
more or less. Shown on the
plats of the Oregon Land and
Water Company as Lot 8 in
Block 24 East.
Commencing at the Southwest
corner of Section 20. Township
5 North, Range 27 East of the
Willamette Meridian, running
North 620.1 feet running
thence South 89 deg. 69 min.
East 330.7 feet, running thence
South 620.1 feet, running
thence North 89 deg. 69 min.
West 330.7 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 4.71
acres, more or less. Shown on
the plats of the Oregon Land
and Water Company as Lot 9
in Block 23 East.
Commencing at a point South
89 deg. 69 min. East 850.7 feet
from the Southwest corner of
Section 20, Township 5 North,
Range 27 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, running North
66 deg. 34 min. East 610.9 feet,
running thence North 66 deg.
42 min. East 845.8 feet run
ning thence North 72 deg. 06
min. East 397.4 feet, running
thence North 89 deg. 37
min. East 167.5 feet to the cen
ter of a cement lined lateral
operated by the West Exten
sion Irrigation District thence
following the center line of
said lateral in a Northeasterly
direction to a point that is
North 89 deg. 54 min. West
521.55 feet and South 475.5
feet, more or less, from the
Northeast corner of the South
west quarter of the Southeast
quarter of said Section 20, run
ning thence North 475.5 feet,
more or less, running thence
South 89 deg. 64 min. East
621.55 feet to the Northeast
corner of the Southwest quar
ter of the Southeast quarter of
said Section, running thence
South along the East side of
said sub-division 1320 feet,
more or less, to the South line
of Section, running thence
Westerly and following the
South line of said Section 20,
3115 feet to the point of be
ginning, containing 46.4 acres,
more or less
Certificate No. 1723, C. A. Phil
brick and C. A. Philbrick, the
East half of the Northeast
quarter of the Northeast quar
ter of the Southeast quarter
of Section 17, Township 3
North, Range 24 East of the
Willamette Meridian
Certificate No. 1724. M. F. Coch
ran and James McNamee, Lots
1 and 2, the South half of the
Southeast quarter, except the
Town of Castle Rock of Sec
tion 8, Township 4 North,
Range 24 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, containing 98
Lots 11 to 16, inclusive, in
Block 1, Lots 9 to 12, Inclu
sive, in Block 2, the South
half of Block 3, Lots 9 to 12
inclusive, in Block 4, Lots 5
to 16 Inclusive, in Block 5,
Lots 2 to 13, Inclusive. In
Block 6. all of Block 7, Lots
3 to 8. inclusive, and the South
half of Block 8, all of Block 9,
Lot 4 and the South half of
Block 10, Lota 3 to 7, inclusive,
and 12 to 16, inclusive, in Block
11. Lots 3 to 7, inclusive, and
the South half of Block 12,
all of Blocks 13 to 18, Inclusive,
all in Town of Castle Rock
Certificate No. 1729, Louis Bran
des and Minnie M. Lee and
Louis Brandes and Minnie M.
Lee. the West half of the
Northwest quarter, the West
half of the East half of the
Northwest quarter of Section
16, Township 4 North. Range
27 East of the Willamette Me
ridian Certificate No. 1730, Victor St.
Raynor and Victor St. Raynor.
all of that tract and parcel of
land commencing at a point on
the Section line between Sec
tions 22 and 27 forty-nine
chains west of the common
Section corner of Sections 22,
23, 26 and 27, in Township 6
North of Range 26 East of the
Willamette Meridian, in Mor
row County, Oregon, said point
being 13 chains and 27 links
East of the Southwest corner
of the East half of the South
west quarter of said Section 22,
Township 5 North of Range 26
East of the Willamette Merid
ian in Morrow County, Oregon,
and said point being also the
Southeast corner of the tract
of 146 acres of land described
In the deed executed by Jesse
W. Walling on the thirtieth
day of December, 1908, to one
Ralph C. Grimm; and running
from said point along said Sec
tion line between said Sections
22 and 27 fourteen chains and
thirty-two links, thence North
on a line parallel with the
West line of said East half of
the Southwest quarter and Lot
3 of said Section 22 and a
straight line extended North
therefrom 97 chains and 37
links, more or less, to the low
water mark of the South bank
of the Columbia River, thence
Westerly along said low-water
mark of the Columbia River to
the point Intersecting the
low-water mark of said Colum
bia River extended North on a
straight line from a line 13
chains and 27 links East of and
parallel with the said West
line of said East half of the
Southwest quarter and Lot 3
of said Section 22 and a
straight line extended North
therefrom to the low-water
mark of the South bank of the
Columbia River aforesaid; and
from thence Southerly on a
straight line 106 chains and 12
links, more or less, to the place
of beginning. Being a tract
of land with the West line
thereof 106 chains and 12 links,
more or less, the East line 97
chains and 37 links, more or
less, and 14 chains and 32 links
in width, containing 146 acres
or more. And also all of the
accretions, riparian, wharf
age, alluvium, shore, water,
and all other rights and priv
ileges appurtenant, in front
of, or adjacent to the same.
All of that tract and parcel of
land commencing at a point on
the South bank of the Colum
bia River at high water mark
directly North of the North
west corner of that certain
ten acre tract of land con
veyed by deed by Jesse W.
Walling to one Irving Worth
lngton in the year 1906, as laid
down and described In said
doed in the Record of Deeds
in the office of the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon; running thence South
easterly along the high-water
mark aforesaid of the South
bank of the Columbia River
to a point on the East line of
Section 22, Township 6 North,
Range 26 East of the Willam
ette Meridian in Oregon,
thence Southerly along the
East line of said Section 22 to
a point South a sufficient dis
tance to Include seventy acres
by running a direct line there
from Westerly to a point di
rectly South of the place of be
ginning, and from thence nor
therly on a line parallel with
the East line of said Section 22
to the place of beginning, ex
cepting, however, from said
seventy acres so described that
certain ten acres aforesaid
conveyed by said Jesse W.
Walling in 1906 to to the said
Irving Worthlngton
Certificate No, 1737, J. K. Weath-
erford and Robert Rietmann,
the Northeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter, the South
half of the Southeast quarter,
except sold, of Section 4,
Township 1 South, Range 24
East of the Willamette Merid
ian. All of Blocks 20. and 23 to 28
inclusive. In the Town of lone, 92.48
Certificate No. 1744. Clarence
Canning and Viola Canning,
the West half of the South
west quarter of Section 30. the
Northwest quarter, the West
half of the Northeast quarter
of Section 31; all in Township
2 South. Range 23 East of the
Willamette Meridian 112.20
Certificate No. 1751. Gilbert D.
Becker and Gilbert D. Becker,
the Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 28. Township 3 South,
Range 23 East of the Willam
ette Meridian 29.78
Cerificate No. 1765, Corda Wil
liams and Corda Williams, the
Southeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter of Section
23, Township 4 South, Range
24 East of the Willamette Me
ridian - 11.11
Certificate No. 1777. Arthur E.
McBride and Arthur JS. Mc
Bride. the East half of the
Southwest quarter of Section
30, the Northeast quarter of
the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 31, all in Township 4
South. Range 28 East of the
Willamette Meridian 46.39
Certificate No. 1791. Orton W.
Beardsley, and Orton W.
Beardsley. the South half of
the Southwest quarter, the
West half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 4, Town
ship 6 South, Range 27 East
of the Willamette Meridian 55.35
Certificate No. 1792, Asa L.
Young and Asa L. Young, all
of Section 16. Township 6
South, Range 27 East of the
Willamette Meridian, all of
Section 16 Township 6 South,
Range 28 East of the Willam
ette Meridian, all of Section 16
Township 6 South, Range 29
East of the Willamette Merid
ian 755.08
Certificate No. 1808, Mary I. Ay
ers, Estate, and Mary I. Ay
ers, Estate, the North half of
the following described tract
to-wit: Commencing at the
Northwest corner of Block No.
9 of Jones' Addition to the
Town of Heppner, Oregon,
running thence North 0 de
grees 10 minutes East 241.2
feet along the East line of Jail
Street, thence East 38 feet,
more or less, to the Westerly
line of the water ditch of the
Heppner Flouring Mill Com
pany, thence In a Southeaster
ly direction along said line of
said water ditch to a point due
East of said starting point
thence West 68 feet, more or
less to the place of beginning 19.35
Certificate No. 1812, Ellen A.
Griffin and Ellen A. Griffin, be
ginning at the Northeast cor
ner of Block 22, Wills' Addi
tion to the Town of lone, and
running thence East about 30
feet to the Section line, thence
North along said Section line
400 feet, thence West about 230
feet to a point directly North
of the Northwest corner of
said Block 22, thence East to
the place of beginning, fur
ther known and described on
the ownership record of Mor
row County, Oregon, as Tract
No. 19 of the Town of lone,
all of Block 22 in the Town of
lone, 89.78
Certificate No. 1817. Hugh Mc
Murray and Hugh McMurray,
Lots 8 and 9 in Block 2 In
Halvorsen's Addition to the
Town of lone 31.62
Certificate No. 1818. P. J. Linn
and Grace Linn and P. J. Linn
and Grace Linn, commencing
at the Northwest corner of
Mrs. Mary Hale's place run
ning West 100 feet, thence
South 200 feet, thence East 100
feet, thence North to place
of beginning, further known
and described as Tract No. B
of the Town of lone; also:
commencing at the Southwest
corner of a tract of land owned
by Mrs. M. L. King on the
South side of 3rd Street and
running South 150 feet, thence
East 100 feet thence North 160
feet, thence West 100 feet to
the place of beginning, further
known and described as Tract
No. 22 of the Town of lone 61.37
Certificate No. 1830, John How
ell and J. A. Adams and John
Howell and J. A. Adams, Lots
3 and 4. Block 1, and Lots 7
and 8. Block 1. and Lots 4 to
9, inclusive, Block 2, all in
Adams' Second Addition to the
Town of Hardman 4 76
Certificate No. 1834 Elmer P
Dodd and Elmer P. Dodd Lot
23. Block 8, in the Town of
Boardman ,. go 40
Certificate No. 1849, Alvin J.'and
J. M. Kelly and Alvin J. and
J. M. Kelly, the West half of
the Northwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter, the West
half of the East half of the
Northwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter, the West
half of the Southwest quarter
of the Northeast quarter, the
West half of the East half of
the Southwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section
16 Township 4 North, Range
25 East of the Willamette Me
ridian 120 2(j
That said amounts bear interest at
the rate of eight per cent, per annum
from the 3rd day of July, 1928, the date
of the Issuance of said certificates, re
spectively. And you and each of you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty days
af er date of the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the day of
first publication thereof, to-wit: Aug
ust 13th 1931, and defend the suit In
the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount
due as shown above against the said
tracts or parcels of land, respectively,
above described, of which you are the
owner, or in which you have or claim
to have any interest or estate, together
. i ,1,ntercat and costs accrued in this
Service of a copy of your answer or
ner process mnv v,Q n,o.tA u .
nfarB'!!lnttr(,y, ,or Pal"tlff. t the
place specified below as his address?
and In case nf vmir fn..H
Judgment and decree will be entered
against you and each of you foreclos
ing said tax Hens for the amount set
,Tr.HVnd7tollowln tne description
f said parcel of land above set forth
together with Interest and costs there
on, against said tracts or parcels of
land, and said tracts or parcels of land
will be sold to satisfy said judgment
and decree obtained In this suit
You are further hereby notified that
the plaintiff will apply to the 1 Court
aforesaid for judgment and decree
foreclosing said tax liens against saTd
property hereinbefore described
This summons Is published once each
week for sixty consecutive days n the
Heppner Gazette Times, a newsnnoe?
of general circulation in Morrow Cmm
ty, Oregon, published weekly at Henp.
ner in said County, the date of firSt
publication thereof being August 11th
931, and said publication
UrTr?Ce 0f the "totutes of the
hlK"' "Hld newspaper hav
big been designated by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County as the newspaper n which
said summons should be published bv
thT,thUHy e",tercd ln ' Court Z
tnfiUh,5ny of A"Kust, 1931.
egonCOUNTY' state of
By C. J. D.Bauman, Sheriff of Mor
row County, Oregon, and Samuel
B. Notson, District Attorney for
Morrow County, Oregon, and At-
fr p,nlntllT whose ad
dress is Heppner, Oregon
193t ' flrBt pubUcatlon. August 18,
1831?t0 ' la8t pub,lcntlD-, October US,