- Y w OF-- r, R I Volume 48, Number 20. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, July 30, 1931 Subscription $2.00 a Year c - 1 i C A L S - - 4 fcette MARGARET BECKET IS Swap With Round-Up Ar ranged; Insures Wild Bucking Broncs. PARADE FEATURED Many Prizes to be Offered; All Committees Hard at Work for Celebration, Sept S-4-5. Miss Margaret Becket comely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket fo Eight Mile, will rule over Heppner's rodeo Sept. 8-4-5, as Queen Margaret I, rodeo headquar ters making the announcement this week. Queen Margaret's entourage was left for her own selection. Like all queens of the past, Queen Margaret is a product of the west, the glamorous life of which she will hold reign over during its vivid portrayal the three days of rodeo. A capable equestrienne, and possessed of a charming personal ity, her regime over the annual fall cowboy celebration, plans for which have been rapidly progress ing, should prove popular, Indeed. Along with the selection of the queen, the rodeo commission has announced an exchange arrange ment with the Pendleton Roud-Up whereby the local string of buck ing horses will be used at the world's most famous wild-west ex hibition the week end preceding rodeo, August 27-28-29, and in re turn horses from the round-up string will be brought to Heppner for use in the rodeo. President McNamer believes this to be an ideal arrangement, Insuring the toughest mustang competition available to test the ability of as piring champion buckaroos in the three-day bucking contest, the fin als of which will be staged on Sat urday. Old Cars Featured. The rodeo parade committee has also been busy and announces that prizes will be offered for various entries in the largest rodeo parade ever staged, to be held Saturday, the final day. Substantial cash prizes will be given for first, sec ond and third best floats entered by organizations, with any organ ization of any nature in the county elegible to compete. In addition a large number of cash and merchandise prizes have been volunteered by business houses and Individuals of Heppner. This list may be added to. It in cludes so far: $5 in merchandise by Wilson's for best dressed cowboy; $5 in merchandise by J. C. Penney Co., for best dressed cowgirl; $5 cash by Dr. C. W. Barr for best decorated automobile; $2.50 cash by Wise Bros, bakery for second best decorated car; kodak and roll of films by Gordon's for first place entry in pet parade; $2.50 cash by John Anglin for best all-round clown; $2.50 cash by Vaughn & Goodman for the oldest Buick car; $2.50 cash by Ferguson Motor Co. for oldest Chevrolet car; $2.50 cash by Vinton Howell for oldest Ford car; $2.50 cash by Pat Mollahan for oldest car, any make other than Buick, Chevrolet or Ford. It is stipulated that In the "old car" en tries the driver and any other occu pants of the car must be attired in the mode of the year In which the car was made. To Give Information. Donors of prizes for the different parade entries were named as su perintendents of their particular division of the parade, and anyone wishing information of any kind concerning any particular kind of entry should get In touch with the respective superintendent. If the efforts of the parade com mittee bear the fruition deserved, there is no doubt but what Satur. day's parade will far exceed any parade ever before seen in Hepp ner. Attractive posters were put out this week by the advertising com mittee, premium lists are available from L. L. Gilliam, secretary, and with the assistance of the Geo. T, Scott Greater shows, Bob Fletch er's Round-Up orchestra for the dance music and the Heppner all school band, there should be e "great time In the old town" Sep tember 3-4-5. LEG IS BROKEN, Wm. McDonald, well known flock tender who has been spending some time In Heppner, was the vic tim of an accident Sunday evening. Just exactly what happened Is not known, but the victim says he was hit by a car while asleep in the road. Both bones of his right leg were broken below the knee. He crawled to the Alex Wilson room lng house, and a doctor was sum moned. MATINEE DISCONTINUED. Saturday matinee at the Star theater has been discontinued until further notice, according to B. G. Slgsbee, manager. Sunday matin ees will continue to be held as us ual with the doors opening at o'clock. The matinee last Sunday was not held' because of the films being delayed. Doors now open at 7:30 for the evening showings, with pictures starting at 7:45. Mrs. Maggie Hunt returned home Friday from a visit fo two weeks at Seattle and vicinity, 0 QUEEN TAMBLYN HOME UPSET BY FIRE Early Morning Blaze Takes $2000 In Personal Effects; Owner Loses Residence, Furniture. Fire destroyed the residence of Mrs. Lillie Cochran and personal effects of the Harry Tamblyn fam ily early Monday morning. The residence on South Court street, be ing rented by the Tamblyns, caught fire about 5 o'clock, presumably from a faulty flue. Mr. Tamblyn built a fire In the range to heat wa ter for wash day and had returned to bed when the smoke and flames from the kitchen aroused them. An alarm was turned in, but by the time the water was turned on; the fire was out of control, and none of the contents were saved except for such clothes as the family could grab on their way out. The heat was intense for a time, and It was necessary to throw wa ter on the Orve Rasmus residence adjoining to keep it from catching fire. Personal effects of the Tamblyns lost Included a radio, electric re frigerator, chlnaware, clothing and ther articles that would aggregate more than $2000 In value. They had no" insurance. Mrs. Cochran's loss included the house and much furniture, the total value of which was several thousand dollars. It is thought by her friends that she carried insurance. She was noti fied at Rockaway. Valiant effort was made by the volunteer fire fighters who respond ed to the alarm, but the lack of ef ficient organization was the sub ject of much comment because of the slowness in getting to the fire and the apparent lack of director ship. Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn, Harry and Peggy, found immediate refuge in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomson across the street, and have since been busy arranging their living accommodations, while being not a little inconvenienced through loss of personal effects. Harry, Jr., found much joy on discovering his bicycle in the base ment had survived the fire, run- able with repairs. RESPONSE LIVELY. Response to the fire alarm Tues day morning was lively, with mem ory of the disastrous Are of the day previous still fresh In the minds of Heppner folk. The con flagration for which the alarm was sounded proved to be a small grass fire adjacent to the city reservoir on the cemetery hill. There was no property damage. Do You Remember When- The Gazette Times is wondering how many people living in Morrow county today remember when Heppner boasted a daily newspa per. Back in 1891 "The Daily Hepp ner Gazette" was a live, hustling little sheet. It had a 4-column page and consisted of four pages. True, it did not live long, but it thrived while it lived. The merchants were generous with it and its columns were filled largely with Items of sporting interest. From an issue of June 6, 1891, we find that Jim Corbett arrived in Portland. Corbett had just finished off Peter Jackson, the heavy weight champion of Australia, and had come to Portland to fill a the atrical engagement. The story tells us that Corbett has always led a temperate life, that he Is warm hearted, friendly, carries a merry twinkle in his eye and wears the same boyish smile of days before. 'He has filled out wonderfully," says the telegraphic report from Portland. "His arms and legs are stronger, his face has broadened out like a Minnesota pumpkin in an August sun. On surveying his Apollo-like form one Is impressed with the hidden possibilities that yet He dormant In that young man, and no prophet need fear of Injur lng his reputation by predicting that Corbett Is the coming heavy weight of the world." Corbett was then 24 years old and later did be come the heavyweight champion of the world. Here is a little item of those early days which should make the young people of today realize that In those dear dead days of dad and mother folks were sometimes a little careless In a moral way. One Item tells about a certain prominent citizen and business man who had become a trifle Inti mate with the town's leading mill iner. Finally they eloped to other parts. The Injured wife of the bus iness man put up a stiff howl and the paper covered the affair in de tail. The business man finally came out of hiding over In Pendle ton and issued a statement to the press In which he claimed he had done nothing wrong; that his wife had forgiven all when she under stood. The Gazette printed a story from the wife claiming she had not forgiven and Editor Patterson thru the columns of his paper warned the erring spouse that "half had not yet been told." It was a Juicy bit ol scandal. The annual race meet was on out at the Jones track, above town on Willow creek. The day opened bright, clear and cool, but by the (Continued on Page Five) 2D PER CENT CUT IN TAXES SIMPLE District Attorney Turns Mathematician for Ben efit of Taxpayers. WOULD SAVE $31,432 Where Ax Would Land Not Known; All Taxes Could be Abolished By Dismissing Government. In line with Governor Meier's tax conservation program, S. E. Notson, district attorney, took pencil In hand and calculated how Morrow county might cut taxes 20 per cent. His figures show how this might be done, figuratively speaking, but just where local government would re ceive the ax is not plain. On hearing the governor's pro posal of a 20 per cent cut in taxes levied by local tax-levying bodies, some local people believed the gov ernor was putting It too mildly; why not a 50 per cent reduction? And Mr. Notson says, why stop there? Do away with all govern ment and cut out taxes entirely. All of which explains the why of taxes. The more we expect govern ment to do for us, the more we must expect to pay. In his playful handling of figures, taken from a recent county budget, the district attorney took into account the gov ernmental purposes for which the taxes were levied, and the author ity for such levying. State Plays a Part. . He found that out of the total $246,986 levied by the county bud get committee, there was a total of $161,991 that the committee was helpless to do anything about, this including items provided for by leg islative or popular enactment. There remained $84,995 additional which the committee levied as be ing necessary to carry on the coun ty government. Items over which the committee had no control, In cluded: Judge, salary $ 1,600 Clerk, salary . 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,600 1,600 300 200 150 13,930 11,929 Sheriff, salary Treasurer, salary Assessor, salary Superintendent, salary County Physician, sal'y Library Institute County Schools High School Tuition Road Bonds, sinking fund Road Bonds, interest General Roads State Indigent Soldiers Sealer 5,000 26,895 13,567 80,000 100 120 Total $161,991 The committee levied amounts for purposes stated, as follows: Clerk's office, deputy 1,600 600 2,520 700 500 600 200 1,200 150 400 1,200 400 250 150 200 3,000 1.000 100 350 700 300 1,500 30 1,080 600 600 Books Sheriff's office, deputies Books Traveling expense Tax Collection Treasurer's office, books Assessor's office, depu ties Extension Books Field work . Superintendent's office, travel expense Books Club work Coroner, mileage Circuit Court County Court Surveyor Audit of books Telep hone, stationery, etc. Jail Elections Indigent Soldiers Court House, janitor .. Fuel Light and Water Equipment, etc 1,500 Incidentals 600 Poor 3,000 Widow Pensions 1,500 "Insane 100 Justice Courts :.. 250 District Attorney, ex pense 250 2,850 100 585 50 2.500 1,200 177 470 County Agent Tax Rebates Water Master Institute "County Nurse Road Overseers Insurance Official Bonds Emergency 5,000 Market Roads 15.000 Road Master 2.000 General Roads 27,133 Outstanding Warrants.. 1,000 Total $ 84,995 This amount would be Increased to $4,400 and be compulsory for lo cal levying under the governor's plan of having the county pay for all charges sent to state instltu Hons. The county retains no nurse at present. No Cut In State's Part. Estimated receipts from other sources, such as county's share of automobile license fees, etc., to tailed $14,225, leaving $70,770 of th amount over which the committee had control to be raised by taxa tlon. In his figuring, Mr. Notson de ducted the $80,000 that must go to the state from the first total of $161,991, leaving $81,991. To this he added the $70,770 (balance after es NOTED CHESSMAN TO VISIT HEPPNER Arthur Dake, In Czecho-Slovakia, Writes Intention to Call on Dr. and Mrs. Gray. Arthur Dake, 21-year-old chess wizard of Portland, now at Prague, Czecho-Slovakia, participating in a world tournament, in a card to Dr. A. B. Gray this week said that he expected to visit Heppner on his return home, toicall on his friends, Dr. and Mrs. Gray. The doctor was elated over the news, and is look ing forward with much pleasure to Mr. Dake's visit. Dr. Gray, himself a chess player of no mean ability, finding it diffi cult to locate any member of the local" chess and checker club who can make him extend himself, says that beyond a doubt young Dake is the most outstanding player in the world for his age, and predicts that the youthful Portlander will some day hold national, if not interna tional, championship records. The tournament at Prague, the first international match for Dake, is being participated in by the best players from 25 nations, and should prove a valuable experience for the youth, Dr. Gray believes. Dake ac companied Frank Marshall, pres ent United States champion, on the trip abroad. While on the subject of chess, the doctor called attention to the fact that the Heppner Chess nad Check er club meets Tuesday and Friday evenings in the sample rooms at Hotel Heppner, and the play is open to anyone interested. A 12 foot table provides ample room for playing. LARGE TAX SUM PAID BY RAILWAY $91,657 Is Amount This Year, Says W. H. Guild, O.-W. Superinten dent on Visit Here. ' Twenty-three percent of the tax es in Morrow county are paid by the O.-W. R. & N. company, is the assertion of W. H. .Guild, superin tendent of the Oregon division, who was in Heppner Tuesday evening accompanied by E. A. Jjtllppel Jr., assistant general passenger agent; J. H. Cunningham, district freight and passenger agent, and O. I. Paulson, assistant supervisor of ag riculture for the company. The company this year pays into the coffers of the county $91,657, he said, making it by far the largest single taxpayer in the county. Ur the amount of taxes paid bv the company, 51 percent goes for educational purposes, and 21 per cent into roads, and not a cent of this tax money goes toward main taining the company's own roads, or extension of its lines, which must be taken care of on the side, the superintendent asserted, to show that the railroads are a large contributing factor to the territory which they serve. Of the gross railroad receipts, 8.8 percent goes nto payment of taxes. Free pick-up and deliverv service for freight recently started by the company here to improve the ser vice to its patrons, was cited by the superintendent, in the discussion of an institutional advertising cam paign being run in newspapers of tne state which has for its purpose acquainting the people with facts concerning the railroads and why peopie snouia "snip oy rail." Local Breed Guernseys Sold to John Day Man John Wightman, of Wightman brothers' "Alfalfa Lawn Dairy" farm, reports the sale of two bulls from their herd of purebreds to H. Hayes of John Day, the end of the week. Both animals, one yearling and one six months old. were sired by blooded stock directly descended from the greatest Guernsey sire of all time, says Mr. Wightman, and bear pedigrees of high rating. When Mr. Johnson, county agent of Grant county who accompanied Mr. Hayes to Hetroner. saw the pedigrees he immediately told Mr. Hayes that their search was over, as it was improbable that nnv Guernsey stock of higher ratine could be found in the northwest. Mr. Wightman is proud of the improvement his herd has shown in the past few years through ac quiring of some of the best animals obtainable, and it is the ambition of himself and associates to build up one of the very finest Guernsey herds to be found anywhere. MANURE TEST MADE. Tests of the value of manure ap plied to alfalfa, the oldest contlnu ous experiment carried on at the Umatilla Branch Experiment sta tion at Hermiston, show that man ure applied at eight tons per aero is more valuable and effective than when applied at 32 tons. It has also been proved that the value of man ure Is not leeched out rapidly, but is available over a period of years. timated receipts from other sources had been deducted from second to tul), making $152,761. But In the future the county must levy for its charges In state Instl tutlons, so ho added the $4,400 to got a total of $157,161. Then he de ducted 20 per cent, or $31,432. Just a simple matter of mathe. matlcs. But then, how would you do it? FIRE FIGHH CREW BY Matter to be Placed Be fore City Council by Special Committee. LACK SAID COSTLY Compensation of Force Advocated to Keep up Interest; Work of Emergency Squad Told. The need for a volunteer fire de partment in Heppner, made evident by the fire which consumed the house of Mrs. Lillie Cochran early Monday morning, was discussed by the Lions club at their noon lunch eon that day. Hearty endorsement was given to the reestablishment of such a force and M. L. Case, P. W. Mahoney and Art Bibby were ap pointed as a committee to formu late resolutions to be acted on by the club next Monday noon, with the matter to be taken up with the city coucil that evening. Mr. Case, who opened the matter for discussion before the club, de clared that the city can ill afford to be without a trained flre-flghting force. A conservative estimate would place losses, because of its lack in past fires, at not less than $100,000, he said. Certainly it would be a good investment for the city to pay the boys in a volunteer squad a fair compensation for their services if any considerable propor tion of such an amount could be saved. It is a matter that should have the heartiest cooperation of all property-holders, he declared. History of Force Told. Different members spoke of suc cessful efforts in the past in organ izing an efficient force, and also told of unsuccessful efforts made at different times in the last few years. It was brought out that the city council has been aware of the need of such a force and had ex pressed themselves at times as be ing willing to authorize expenditure of city money for such a cause if volunteers could be found to make up the force. A notable improvement in the city fire-fighting force and equip ment followed the two disastrous fires of 1918 which took toll run ning into the thousands of dollars. It is history that following every serious fire in the city there has been a revival of interest in flre flghting. People soon forget, how ever, and by the time another bad fire happens interest has waned and very little good has been ac complished, it was brought out The proposition of compensating the boys for learning to fight fire and responding to calls met with general favor as a possible means of keeping the force alive. S. E. Notson, president of the most recent hose squad functioning in the city, told of its efficient oper ation for several years. At that time much worthwhile instruction was given by a representative from the state fire marshal's office. The state office could again be relied upon to help instruct an interest ed group, he believed. Boys Express Interest Several young men attended the Lions meeting to express their will ingness to volunteer as prospective members of the force, if organized. It was thought there would be no difficulty in getting together a bunch of good timber for the work. John W. Hiatt, chairman of the club's forest relations committee, reported that the group of emer gency forest Are fighters of which he Is captain had their first chance to be of service last week. While the Are, 17 miles above Heppner on Willow creek, was not serious, it did threaten to become serious when the Heppner boys arrived on the scene. It was out of control of the few men already there, but was soon under control with the assist ance of the emergency crew. Sev eral of the crew stayed over a day putting out two spot fires that might have led to further trouble. Mark Taylor of Portland, son-in- law of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston, and Earl Eskelson responded to President Smith's introduction guests. "BIG" AND AUTO COLLIDE. A collision Sunday afternoon of a bug driven by Quincy Cunning. ham and a touring car driven by Erma Schultz, resulted In injuries to Mary Cunningham, demolished two wheels on the bug and other wise wrecked it The touring car and occupants were unhurt. Miss Cunningham was riding in the bug with Quincy Cunningham. The touring car full of youthful joy riders was coming off the driveway at the Heppner Trading company warehouse, and hooked Into the bug as it was going down the high way, causing the bug to somersault into the ditch. Miss Cunningham was pinned beneath the car and was knocked unconscious for half an hour by a slight concussion of the brain. Bruises and scratches were the only other physical In juries suffered. Anyone having bottles marked "Heppner Soda Works" please no tify Andrew Baldwin at earliest convenience. He will pick them up Mrs. Ralph Jackson of Lexington was shopping in the city yesterday, ENDORSED MOTORISTS URGED TO LEARN CODE Pamphlets May be Secured From Secretary of State; Examiner's Schedule Here Given. An examiner from the secretary of state's office will be in Heppner Tuesdays, Aug. 11 and 25, Sept 8 and 22, from 8 a. m. to 12 m., at the court house for the purpose of ex amining motor vehicle operators and chauffeurs. "The Uniform Operators and Chauffeurs License Examination law, that went into effect July 1, is not intended to prevent the compe tent driver from obtaining an oper ator's license," says Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, "but is intended to make sure that every person re ceiving an operator's license in Or egon understands the road laws of this state and especially those con tained in the uniform code, passed at the last session of the legisla ture, which put into effect some very definite changes. Examiners who have been covering the state are reporting that a very small per cent of applicants for operator's and chauffeur's licenses are able to pass the written examination on the law without study. This means a delay at the time of application for the purpose of studying the law, or means that the applicant must return at a later date, after he has studied the law for his examina tion. Our department has prepar ed in booklet form a list of ques tions and answers from the new law for the purpose of informing the motoring public and especially the new applicants, the answers that are expected when making ap plication for an operator's license. Booklets are available at the office of the secretary of state or from any of the examiners, and the ques tions and answers will be published in a number of the newspapers of the state." The new law also provides that operator's licenses, issued between the year 1920 when the first opera tor's licenses were issnpri in rr. gon, and July 1st, 1931, when the last licenses under the old law were issued, are to be cancelled within the next three years and the hold ers of these old licenses should also know the answers to these ques tions. The secretary of state wish es to emphasize the fact, however, that the old licenses are not being cancelled at this time. HAND BADLY BURNED. L. Van Marter, manager of Peo les Hardware company, suffered Dainful accident Slinrlnv whllo In Pi the mountains, when he accidental ly got his hand in a nnnl nf mnlton pitch that had run out of an old stump adjacent to the camp Are. io nrsi aia material was at hand, and three hours elapsed before a doctor was reached and the injury treated, during which time the pain was extreme. A DAY ON MAIN By OLDTIMER Just thinking what these com bine, cutting and threshing ma chines have done to the floating harvest hand and the horse. . . . remember when Gilliam & Bisbee sold a man by the name of Foster a threshing machine and the new owner crated it out to Heppner Flat and started work. He had a bunch of Spray bronco busters and what they knew about threshing machines could have been printed In pica on a cigarette paper. . . . Lew Bisbee had to make that ma chine run so he drummed up a new crew. . . . Hank Howell and Jake Wattenburger went to forking, "Biz" climbed aboard the Jackson self feeder and they sent the writ er of this out back of the stack to handle one of the derrick teams. . . Boy, how we did thresh that fall now three birds climb aboard, press the gas and away they go. . . . This comes about from having watched an outflt operating on the Dutton hill west of town. . . . Paul Marble hits a pace for the Gazette office to confer with Spencer Crawford upon matters of Legion importance and Gay Anderson takes Main and Court on high. . . . There goes the Rev. Mr. Benton of the First Chris tian at a drag pace after a vaca tion and a couple of weeks Illness. Frank Rasmus In his blue Star and his pipe belching a cloud of smoke and Owen French heading Into Main from his home up tho canyon. Walter Moore, the First National cashier, with a handful of legal looking papers headed up Main and the banitary Bakery driver carry lng great loads of fresh, sweet bread Into one of their dealers. Ed Chinn shopping from one place to another, laughing and chatting gayly as he goes and assuring all he meets, "pretty hot today, yes, pretty hot" . . . W. O. Dlx and Tom Humphreys bantering each other for a game of croquet as Sheriff Biiuman drives speedily, and alone, up tho street and swings onto May No race suicide In this town what a gang and where did they get all those bicycles. . . . George Bleak man is trying to make Orve Ras mns believe his latest hunting yarn and Orve grlnningly replies: "I'd shot just as you did and wouldn't have told different." . . . And the clock in the tower strikes 1 2 3 46-6. PLACE TO SLASH 11 BY COURT Investigation Reveals 18 Per Cent May be Cut From Roads. STUDY TAX PROBLEM Governor's 20 Per Cent Could be Reached Without Serious Im pairment, Bleakman Says. Members of the Morrow county court have taken seriously Govern or Meier's request that local taxes be cut 20 per cent, and have con ducted an investigation to find if such a cut on the next budget to be adopted in November, Is possi ble. They And that such a cut will be the natural course from the completion of road projects that called for expenditure of money this year which will not be neces sary next year. Budgeted last year was $40,700 for general road purpose's, some $20,000 of which was granted by the levying committee on requests by. property holders on various roads of the county for improvement work. Practically all this work, for which money has been available through payment of taxes, has been completed. The saving which can be made in this department of the county's business alone amounts to 18 per cent of the total budget for last year, according to the figures given by George Bleakman, county commissioner. Possible shaving on other items will easily make up the 20 per cent asked, he says. Watch Expendtlures. "The court has been well aware of the conditions which call for the exercise of strictest economy, and all expenditures the last year have been watched very closely," Mr. Bleakman said. "We were all pleas ed to find that such a worthwlle re duction in expenditures for the coming year is possible, and will be pleased to recommend our findings to the budget committee." Budgeted also last year was $1500 for repair work on the court house, work that was urgently needed. This work has been taken care of, and it is thought probable this item may be shaved considerably. New Levy Necessary. There are a few places where the committee may find it necessary to Increase the budget, most notably in the case of people sent from the county to state institutions. Re cent legislative enactment places tne responsibility for paying for charges in state institutions upon the counties from which such charges are sent While it is the purpose of the law to have such expenss paid by relatives of the persons in charge of the state in the several Institutions, responsi bility for collecting the money Is placed with the counties and it Is estimated that in only a small pro portion of cases here is there any possibilty of collecting the money many persons sent to institu tions from this county have no rel atives here. The estimated amount that will be needed for this purpose is $4400. Mr. Bleakman does not believe that it would be good policy to do away with the one-mill tax for market roads this year as sacrific ing the work needed to be done would prove to be false economy. Water Meter Rates Set; Less Income Expected The city council this morning took final action on the new water rates on which charges, based on meter readings, will be made for July. The new rates are: $1.50 for the first 1000 gallons, 50 cents a thousand for the next 2000 gallons, and 15 cents a thousand for all over 3000 gallons. These rates were adopted subject to revision, but will be used in computing state ments to water users issued for July. It is expected that the new rtaes will raise on an average of $1000 a month less revenue for the city than the old flat rates, but the council felt justified in giving users a reduction in line with economic conditions generally. The rates were finally decided upon after tak ing a four-months average reading for each meter In the city and com puting the charges with the pro posed rates. OPENING LAW OFFICE. Othce space upstairs In the Hum phreys building is being renovated to receive the library and fixtures of J. O. Turner who expects to open his law practlc in this city shortly. Mr. Turner, who last year graduat ed from the Willamette university law school and passed the state bar examination, recently finished har vest on his wheat farm and the family residence will be moved to town shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Tur ner and son Don will be domiciled in the Whetstone residence on Church street NOTICE TO WATER USERS. No Irrigation will be allowed from 6 a. m. next Sunday to 6 a. m., Monday. A special deputy will be employed to see that the order is enforced. By order of the City Council W. G. McCARTY, Mayor.