HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931. PAGE FIVE L(gnl MupptiiiBkli Fred Hoskins is summering his two bands of sheep in the moun tains back of Meacham and reports that the feed is the best it has been in years. This holds good for the mountain ranges in the forest area, and is due n odoubt to the late rains. Mr. Hoskins also states that there are many more sheep in the mountains than usual, owing to the large holdover, and the abundant feed is proving a blessing to the llockmasters. Mr. Hoskins was in town from his Rhea creek ranch Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin and daughter Rachel motored to Yaki ma Saturday, returning home by way of Walla Walla and Pendleton Sunday. They had a rather un pleasant journey home as they traveled for about 200 miles in the dust storm what at times was very suffocating. Mrs. Henry Schwarz accompanied them as far as Wapa to, and Mrs. Anglin's mother, Mrs. Sowers, returned to Heppner with them from Yakima. John Harbke, president of Wells Springs Gas & Oil company, was in the city a short time Tuesday, having just arrived from his home in Portland. Mr. Harbke states that the harvest is now on at the big Wells Springs ranch, and he also expressed the hope that drilling will soon be under way at the gas field again, the idea of the company be ing to put down another and larger well on the higher ground. John Anglin, manager of the local MacMarr store, informs this paper that he is the proud possessor of a $25 cash prize, won last month in a selling contest. The contest was on Par, concentrated washing machine soap. Mr. Anglin is the more appre ciative of this prize as it was won , over a large field of contestants. This is the third prize captured by the Heppner store during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney de parted on Tuesday afternoon for Portland, Mr. Mahoney being on his way to Salem to attend the tax committee meeting as one of the representatives from Morrow coun ty, appointed by Governor Julius L. Meier. Chas. Wicklander of Board man is the other representative from this county. Howard Lane reports harvest quite general in the Lexington sec tor, and it will be on in full blast this week. Many fields are turning out much better yields than was ex pected, and 20 to 25 bushels to the acre is not uncommon, the grain having been much benefitted by the cool June weather. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and their two sons, Bernard and Scott, and Mrs. Osmin Hager and daugh ter, Harriet, departed Saturday for Portland. From there Dr. McMur do was going on to Fort Lewis where he will spend a couple of weeks on military duty. Emil Swanson, warehouseman of lone, was a business visitor in this city Monday. He is authority for the information that W. W. Head, pastor-editor, is now taking his va cation, and that the lone Independ ent has suspended publication for the time being. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hotlecker and young daughter visited over the Fourth with Mrs. Hodecker's bro ther, 'Garnet Barratt and family. The Hodccker home is at Camas, Wash., where Mr. Hodecker is in the garage business. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rogers and son and daughter, from Redmond, were over the Fourth visitors at the home of Mrs. Roger's father, Ches ter Darbee, and enjoyed visiting old-time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Wells re turned Monday from their honey moon and are now "at home" at the Wells farm just north of Heppner. The croquet season is on again, Saturday, July 4th, being the offi cial opening day on the Huston court and the first game was bet-ween W. O. Dix and T. J. Humph reys, the latter having been the challenger and he carried off the laurels for the initial contest in fact his game was so hot that Dix has not yet figured out just what it was all about. Two games fol lowed in the afternoon with Hum phreys and Huston vs. Crawford and Dix, getting a game each. This put new courage in Dix, and he challenged Humphreys to play an other two-handed game, and he re ceived another beating. On Tues day evening Crawford was matched against the champion and went down with a complete knockout, following which he and Dix pro ceeded to wallop Humphreys and Huston again, so to date it looks like honors are about even, with Humphreys strutting around like a bantam rooster. Mr. andv Mrs. John Hiatt and daughter, Miss Doris Hiatt return ed Tuesday from an outing and au tomobile trip that took them to points in Idaho and Eastern Ore gon. They visited Mountain Home, Idaho, and Eagle Valley, Baker county, and a number of other places and Mr. Hiatt states that the farther east they were the hotter and drier it seemed to be. Crops where he was in Idaho were poor and there is a great shortage of water for irrigation. Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Benton and their two sons, Ralph and Dick, re turned home early Monday morn ing from Turner where they spent the most of the past week attend ing the annual convention of the Oregon Christian Missionary soci ety. Mr. Benton was on the pro gram for the opening sermon. He will be In his pulpit at the Heppner church both morning and evening the coming Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee were visitors at Pasco over the week end with the parents of Mrs. Chaffee, also taking in the celebration of the opening of the Pasco-Kenewlck bridge as a toll-free institution. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shively, Merle and Billy Becket and Stacy Roberts motored to Portland for the Fourth and took in the picnic of former Morrow county residents at Laurelhurst park. GIVE YOUR TUR KEYS A POOR START AND THEY WILL GIVE YOU A POOR FINISH Start Them Right With SPERRY'S SUREPOULT We represent Balfour-Guthrie &Co. Grain Exporters and Millers See us for quotations on your new crop wheat HEPPNER TRADING CO. INC Phone 1482 Free Delivery in City Limits Going on vacation? If no one will be left in your home, let us give you the benefit of our vacation rates. This is done by hav ing service suspended for any period between one and eight months, with no delay lor resuming service. For de tails please call our "Busi ness Office." Telephone ahead for reservations! Tire Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Mrs. Walter Crosby was brought to town from the farm home at the muth of Skinner creek by the Phelps ambulance yesterday, suffer ing injuries received when she fell over a wagon tongue. She was plactd in Morrow General hospital. Injuries included a broken rib and sprained ankle. Dean T. Godoman and family de parted the first of the week on their summer vacation. Mr. Goodman attended Elks grand lodge at Seat tle as delegate from Heppner lodge. DR. CLARKE, EYE SPECIAL IST of Portland, will be in Heppner, Sunday, July 12th, on his regular monthly trip. Consult him about your eyes. It J. J. Nys and family returned Tuesday evening from a ten-day vacation visit at Salem, Corvallis and other Willamette valley points. Dry Slab Wood for Sale Either 16-in. or 4-ft $5.75 per cord, deliv ered in Heppner. Nell F. Knlghten. J. W. Becket is up from Portland this week looking after his farming interests in Morrow county. For Rent Two apartments in Gilman building. 15-tf. CARD OF THANKS. We extend our sincere and heart felt thanks to all the friends and neighbors who were so helpful and sympathetic at the time of our re cent bereavement We especially appreciate the assistance given us by the Neighbors of Woodcraft Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt, Mrs. Maggie Hunt. EYE DOCTOR COMING. DR. CLARKE of the Clarke Op tical Co., Portland, Ore., EYE SIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be in Heppner all day and evening, Sun day, July 12th, at the Hotel Hepp ner. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUR EYES. It ICE CREAM SOCIAL Saturdav afternoon from 2 to 9. Case Apt Bldg., by Epworth League. Public invited. it WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE Market prices paid for livestock, eggs, poultry, cream. Fhone for Prices lone Cash Market Dealers In Fresh and Cured Heats Fhone 82 IONE, OREGON PINE CITY Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Ne va made a business trip to Echo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell of Al pine made a business call at Lon Wattenburger's Sunday afternoon. Most of the Pine City folks at tended the Fourth of July celebra tion at Stanfield Saturday. The Pine City band led the parade down Main street to the camp grounds where the program was given. A basket dinner was enjoyed by all, with the people from the different communities located at separate ta bles. Free lemonade was served to everyone, and ice cream and pop were sold. Speeches and music were the main entertainment of the program. Ernest and Glenn Rothwell of Pendleton are visiting at the home of their aunt Mrs. J. S. Moore. Bruce Lindsey is now staying at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Charley Morehead. Band practice will be held once a week for the rest of the summer. Harvey Meyers of Echo is conduct ing the practice every Friday eve ning. Some band members of Her miston and also some from Echo will attend these practices. The Misses Lila Bartholomew, Jean Paine, Naomi Moore, Wilma McCarty, Ruth Thompson, Helen Jarmon and Alma Neill went for a horseback ride Tuesday. They took their lunch with them and spent the day riding. The following persons were din ner guests at the Lon Wattenburger home Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger and children, Junior and Lucile, Ralph Neill, Bruce Lindsey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill and Alma, Mrs. Charley Morehead and children Bobby and Delpha, and Lloyd Bald ridge. Roy Neill attended the woolgrow- REALISTIC METHOD Is the Original Croquinole Wind Permanent For your benefit thousands of dollars are spent in protecting the basic patents covering Cro quinole waving. The Realistic Method Is a prin ciple of waving with a Realistic Machine and genuine Realistic supplies. Insure satisfaction by having a Genuine Realistic Wave. My work is in no sense com petitive In its nature, nor are my charges Based on prices which may be asked by others. They are in every case based upon ac tual value. Montgomery's Beauty Shop Phone 1412 era" meteing at Heppner Monday afternoon. Mrs. Horace Strong nad children Bobby and Betty Lou and Miss Hel en Jarmon left Monday for Bakers field, Calif. They have been visit ing with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon of Butter creek. Mrs. Charley Morehead and chil dren made a business trip 'to Her miston Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Conrad, who have been working for W. D. Neill, are now at their home near Alpine. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger and children, Mrs. Anna Schmidt and Alfred and Arthur Schmidt spent the Fourth of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wig glesworth who live on the Lewis place. Miss Shirley Jarmon and Roy Jarmon spent the Fourth at the home of their parents. They were accompanied from Portland by some friends. They returned Sun day night Shirley is working in the library at Monmouth and Roy is working with the Bell Telephone company at Portland. Lloyd Baldridge of Popular Bluff, Missouri, is now visiting at the homes of his step-sisters, Mrs. Lon Wattenburger and Mrs. Roy Neill, and also at the home of his half brother, Charley Morehead. He ex pects to remain here some time be fore returning to Missouri. Lon and Burl Wattenburger are beginning their summer work of ex tracting honey. Mrs. Horace Strong and children and Lura. and Lida Jarmon called at the Helms and Roy Neill homes Wednesday evening. Johnny Brosnan called at the Charley Bartholomew home Thurs day night Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and children spent the Fourth at a camp near Ukiah. ATTEND N. E. A. MEET. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner and the Misses Anabel Turner, Audrey Beymer and Helen Falconer return ed Monday evening from Los An geles where Mrs. Turner and the Misses Beymer and Falconer at tended the meetings of the Nation al Education association in conven tion there last week, and the entire party enjoyed the sights of the sou thern California metropolis and the trip going and coming. A visit was enjoyed with the family of Mr. Tur ner's brother, Loy M. Turner, at Long Beach, and among attractions seen was a Mission play staged in the Hollywood bowl. While Los An geles and suburbs are very beauti ful, Mr. Turner gained the impres sion of much false prosperity with the city feeding some 40,000 unem ployed. "How is Lazy Lemuel getting on since his accident?" "Oh, he's lots better now since the doctor told him he'd never be able to work sprain. " BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS LIVESTOCK Get our new low rates on hauling live stock to North Portland Stockyards. $10,000 Cargo Insurance John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) M. VENABLE, Manager. Office 5 E. May St Phone 1363 fen .f. it.. u NLESS you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured above you can never be sure that you are taking the genuine Bayer Aspirin that thousands of physicians prescribe in their daily . practice. The name Bayer means genuine Aspirin. It is your guarantee of purity your protection against the imitations. Millions of users have proved that it is safe. Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly relieves: Headaches ' Neuritis Colds Neuralgia , Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache No hannfal after-effects follow hs use. It does not depress the heart. , MIT IP 'ill 111 Ari now on IFIUmSIHIIEIM SIHHMES WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service Choose your electric range NOW! receive this vw?i; x ' V 7-piece aluminum set rni.nHP.Tiji:miu'm-)tl r . . Penney s sensationally low price for these Crisp scrim curtains with tiny all-over figures in colors that are fast to sun and washing I 2 yards long ... 45 inches wide at top. Self-ruffles and cornice valance. Tie-backs to match. Investigate this value and prove to yourself that it pays to shop at Penney'st J. C. PENNEY CO. DEPARTMENT STORE Store Phono 893 HEPPNER, ORE. Manager's Phone ISM How many times have you thought, i'Some day I'm going to have a Hot point range." This is certainly the time to purchase it. Never again will you receive such value for your money the range and this costly aluminum set for the price of the range alone! 111 Think of all the extra time a Hotpoint gives you. It bakes a whole dinner by itself even to turning the oven off and on. It cooks with heat as clean and pure as sunshine. Speed is its middle name! Now you can have all the elements, even the large frying element, equipped with the Hi-Speed Calrod the fastest, most economical cooking element in the world. Hotpoint cooking is inexpensive. Here in the Northwest, the cost of electric cooking is exceptionally low. -Kthis set also given free for limited time with every new electric range purchased from your local merchant M avjMaJM.-By.-a-1 .4. ' ...... y:''''' III i l8Blli I jjl f HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE Completely Installed There's a Hotpoint range for your family for your budget. The Hotpoint illus trated, with 3 Hi-SpecJ Calrods and Thrift Cooker, is in the beautiful new French gray finish. Choose your Hotpoint now, receive the 7-piece aluminum set frcel Pacific Power, & Light Company "Always at Your Service"