Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 28, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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We were at the opening night of
a play. Between the acts we were
talking with the author when a
friend rushed up. "It's going to be
a great success, old man," he cried.
"I congratulate you."
Then his expression suddenly
changed. Jealousy shot into his
eyes. "I wish I knew how you get
away with it," he exclaimed. "Why
in the world can I write a play?"
As he walked away we looked af
ter him with pity. We know him
well. We have seen him act the
same way before. His whole atti
tude is Introspective. Envy gnaws
forever at his soul.
One of the most pathetic figures
in the literary history of England
was the author George Gissing.
What was the secret of his con
stant unhappiness? He reveals a
part of it in presenting the hero of
one of his own novels:
Intensely self-conscious, he suf
fered from a habit of comparing,
contrasting himself with other men,
with men who achieved things, who
made their way, who played their
part in the world. He could not
read a newspaper without reflecting
sometimes bitterly, on the careers
and position of men whose names
were prominent in its columns.
Philosophers and religious teach
ers have attempted in various ways
to account for the gross inequal
ities of life, and to hold out future
hope to those who seem to have
received only a niggardly portion of
Christian theology presents the
promise of another world where re
wards will be distributed in propor
tion to sacrifice, courage and fidel
ity to truth.
The reincarnationist holds that
the soul is but a short time tenant
in any human frame; that if I
make spiritual progress in this in
carnation I shall reappear in hap
pier form; or, failing to progress,
will be demoted, to work my way
painfully up again.
Until we have passed across the
River we shall not know which, if
either, of these philosophies is true.
Meanwhile, the sensible man is
not afraid to face frankly the facts
about life and about himself. He
recognizes that he was born with
certain limitations; that, however
strong the desire for brilliant
achievement, he has neither the tal
ent nor the opportunity. He recog
nizes further that success, as the
woVld views it, contains a very ap
preciable element of chance.
He surveys his own equipment
and tries serenely to do the best he
can with whatever he has. As he
grows older and more mellow, he
recognizes that every minute of
jealousy poisons his own soul.
And that he can vastly increase
his own pleasure by the habit of en
joying other people's success.
I was one of fifty thousand people
who saw Twenty Grand win" the
Kentucky Derby at Churchill
Downs. It was a unique race be
cause the best horse won and broke
a track record and because the win
ner was also the favorite. It was the
betting rather than the beautiful
spectacle that interested the crowd.
Without betting there yould be no
horse races. Kentuckians are still
disputing how to pronounce the
name of this race. They always
called it Durby until the English
Earl of Derby visited the track last
year. He pronounced it as if the
second letter were "A," so half the
spectators at the race used the Eng
lish pronunciation.
More interesting than the racing
was a flight over the track by a
young lady in an autogiro, which
landed in the middle of the field.
There are now more republics in
Europe than there are monarchies,
for the first time in history. Seven
teen to fifteen Is the exact propor
tion. True, some of the republics,
like Estonia, Latvia, and little San
Marino and Andorra are pretty
small nations; Andorra has only
191 square miles, which is only two
thirds the area of New York City,
while San Marino has only 38
square miles, just 1,280 acres larger
than the standard western county
of 3B square miles. But there are
some tiny kingdoms, too. The small
est independent nation in the world,
Monaco, is a monarchy consisting
of just one square mile or 640 acres!
The principality of Liechtenstein
has only 65 square males and the
Grand Duchy of Luxumbourg only
All of these European republics
and many of the monarchies are
trying new and different systems of
government. Europe is an experi
ment station of democracy. None
of the existing governments is uni
versally satisfactory; the speed
with which the pepole change them
indicates that The only govern
ment in the world which has endur
ed for more than 150 years without
material change of form is that of
the United States of America. We
may not all like everything about
our own government, but is seems
to suit most of us pretty well.
The biggest task for farm copoer
atives, says Chris L. Christensen,
secretary of the Federal Farm
Board, is finding the right men to
manage them. The trouble here, as
in other fields of business, is that
most men think they are just as
able as any other man. "Men are
commanding a high premium in the
cooperative movement," says Mr.
These are hard times, and many
good men have been thrown out of
work by the closing down of the
enterprises where they had jobs.
But I know several men who imme
diately got better jobs than they
had ever dreamed of, because they
were exceptionally able. Indeed, I
know of no man who was a real
top-notcher in his line, who is not
being constantly offered more mon
ey to go with somebody else. One
old friend of mine, in the motion
picture business, recently got an of
fer from another company. He was
getting $125,000 a year; the rival
company offered to double that.
"We'll give you half a million a
year and a five year contract to
stay with us," said his old employ
ers. He has ability, and his com
pany recognizes it
The National Research Council,
composed of America's foremost
scientists, has determined the age
of the earth to be just about 1,852,
000,000 years. That figure differs
from estimates made by some oth
ers, which range all the way from
a hundred million years to seven
trillions. The Research Council
estimate, however, is not based on
It is easy to determine the age
of rocks which give off radium em
anations, by calculating the propor
tion of lead of uranium contained
in them. There is ground for be
lief that all of the uranium on earth
was a part of this planet when it
was torn from the body of the sun
by a passing giant star. Hence, if
we can find the oldest uranium
bearing rock and calculate its age
Tears and flowers
G loving thoughts--This
is Memorial Day
IN MEMORY of those who
have roiio In-fore and who
(rave ul, that wo who followed
might enjy llf.n lilerty mill
tlio puituilt of hiippliires.
They would nU nolillng more
than that we remember them
kindly tlnm It l to them wo
dedleate Memorial Day.
and Stockgrowers
National Bank
Dhcro Is Xo Substitute for
3?L i r
Thrifty day of former years are here again and it's a real pleasure to of
fer 70a snch high quality foods at the extremely low pricei of today. It ia
our aim to give you the best foods with the greatest economy always!
Come In nowl Buy the finest foods at these reduced prices.
Saturday & Monday Specials
Fresh, light and fluffy
4 LBS 49c
Best Foods "It's the Best"
Pts. 25c Qts. 49c
Fancy broken slice.
22 tins 19c; 6, 90c
Fancy large 40-50 size
10 LBS 750
25 LBS. $1.49
mn. sj j T"sO Fancy Halves In Delicious Syrup
FCAlMllZ.J 2 Ig. 2'2 tins 35c; 6 tins $1
American Brand Ileppner's Favorites
0 T rp- RQn MacMar Blend, 3 LBS. 95c
1 LargC linS .... 0C Economy Blend. 3 LBS. 59o
Closed All Day Saturday
In memory of father and mother; in memory of daughter and son;
In memory of lover and sweetheart who've passed to the great
We pause from our tolls and labor to visit their last resting place
And place a fresh flower In all reverence on their grave in a beauti
ful vase.
For that delicious cake
2 Pkgs. Wheutles and 1 beau
tiful cereal dish
n A TO Pure concentrated soap, the Qg
r A lm best monev can buy. 2 Pkjjs. I Ov
MucMurr fancy Del
Mulz Corn
3 tall tins 49c
Good quality.
Sold In bulk.
2 Lbs 17c
Good size, fancy
Per Doz. 29c
PHONE 1082
Orders of 13.00 of over
delivered FBEB.
we can come close to telling how
long ago the earth became a sep
arate unit in the solar system.
The oldest such rock so far found
is in Russia, and the figure reached
as a result of its examination is the
one I have cited. How much longer
the earth will last is another ques
tion, for which there is less solid
basis for an answer. It will be
hundreds of millions of years, be
yond doubt, but whether it will be
habitable for human beings until
the end of time is still debatable.
America's airship expert is Cem
mander Charles E. Rosendahl, who
will command the new Navy dirig
able now almost completed at Ak
ron, Ohio. Of German descent, born
in Chicago, reared in Texas, a grad
uate of Annapolis, Commander Ros
endahl has spent 3,333 hours in the
air on dirigible balloons and air
ships of all types. He commanded
the Los Angeles, which was built
in Germany and came to us as
spoils of war, on its longest flights.
He was a passenger on the Graf
Zeppelin when that airship flew
from Germany to Amreica. He was
in command of the Shenandoah, the
largest airship ever built in this
country, when it broke in two in
a thunderstorm. The end that Ros
endahl was in remained aloft and
he navigated it like a free balloon
to a safe landing.
The new Goodyear - Zeppelin
which he will pilot is four times as
large as the largest airship now in
existence. If It comes up to expec
tations it will be the forerunner of
a fleet of American-built aircraft
running on regular routes carrying
passengers and mails to Europe and
Try a G. T. Want Ad.
N. Y. Physician Tells
Of Sargon's Powers
Dr. G. H. Warburton, Graduate
Famous Bellevue Hospital Medical
College, New York, was so con
vinced of the great good In Sargon
that he recently declared:
"It is not what we eat that counts,
but what we assimilate. Sargon
helps us get more good out of our
food, thus aiding the natural build
ing up of enduring strength, firmer
flesh, calmer nerves, improved brain
power and a sense of physical well
being. You eat with a keen appe
tite, sleep with a new peaceful
soundness and wake up with a feel
ing of renewed strength and ener-
While those who actually benefit
from the use of Sargon marvel at
the results of this triumphant com
pound, only the trained physicians
who have been retained to examine
the formula can understand why
Sargon is now considered one of the
great outstanding health giving
remedies of the age.
Sold by Patterson & Son, Drug
gists, Heppner. (adv.)
Pure IC
Made from Heppner's Artesian Water
Leaves no sediment when it melts. .
Regular Delivery.
Morrow County Creamery
Phone 872
Oshkosh Could you get anything
out of the book our friend George
W. W. W. Stimpson has written on
"Popular Answers Questioned?"
Kenebunk Oh, yes, 25 cents at
the second-hand book store.
Wanted -200 to 300 range year
lings to make out band for summer.
Inquire this office. It
The Gazette Times' Printing Ser
vice is complete. Try It
Years of experience together with a modern funeral home
and equipment permit us to handle quietly, with decorum and
dependability, every detail. Every effort is made to provide satis
factory service.
. Phelps Funeral Home
TTTnliisBltA a crania In TTonntiAr fnr Pnamfilr Tlnral sTVk r ThA TlnllM
Vacation Rate for
your Telephone
IF YOUR telephone will be idle for any
period between one and eight months
you can enjoy a discount of 50 on regular
exchange service.
While you are away, service on incoming
calls is suspended. Occasional outgoing
calls can still be made at any time.
Full service will be restored immediately
upon your return, without charge. . ;
The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company
TSue Inlairvesiteir-TlliiiresSiieir
avings Investment Plan
Under This New Plan Every Responsible Grain
Grower Can Pay for His McCormick-Deering Out
of a Part of the Savings His Combine Will Make
CROP production cost figures compiled by
McCormick-Deering Harvester-Thresher
users show savings in harvesting and thresh
ing costs of 20 cents or more per bushel when com
pared with government average costs for farms
with similar yields.
We are so confident that thousands of additional
grain growers can make proportionate savings with
a McCormick-Deering Harvester -Thresher that
we are announcing the McCORMICK-DEBRING
Harvester -Thresher Savings Investment
Plan, under which you or any other responsible
grain grower can purchase a combine now and
meet the first payment after harvest with just a
part of the savings made possible by the new ma
chinewith two more years to pay the balance.
Keep in mind that under this plan you get a
time-tried and time-tested combine backed by 18
years of field experience with harvester-threshers.
It is sold to you by a well-established McCormick
Deering dealer in your own community, whose
stocks and service are supplemented by this large,
permanently established International Harvester
branch house right here in your own section.
In McCormick-Deering dealers' stores the re
pair bins are well stocked with genuine IHG repair
parts. Thousands of these dealers maintain com
pletely equipped service stations, offering factory-
standard service on McCormick-Deering Harvester-Threshers
and Tractors and all International
Harvester equipment. Additional service stations
are being established as rapidly as they are justi
fied by business in the community. As a direct re
sult, McCormick-Deering service is better today
than it was last year or 10 years ago; our resources
and reputation are your guarantee that it will be
still better when the harvester-thresher, tractor,
or any other machine you buy today is 10 years old.
Consider well the value of this superior service
before you select a harvester-thresher. You want
to buy where you get the greatest value ; not just
the day you sign the order, but through every day
and every year you rely on your purchase for cost
reducing performance at home and in your custom
work. Consider, too, the advantage of being able
to pay for your combine under the McCORMICK
Deering Harvester-Thresher Savings In
vestment Plan . . . making it doubly advantage
ous for you to buy your equipment where you can
get the absolute assurance of good, quick, complete
service which is offered you by this International
Harvester branch and the McCormick-Deering
dealer serving your community.
See the McCormick-Deering dealer for full
details of the McCormick-Deering Harvester
Thresher Savings Investment Plan.
International Harvester Company
( Imtorporottd )
Lexington, Oregon Heppner, Oregon