Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 28, 1931, Image 1

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Volume 48, Number 11.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Veteran Driller Declares
Gas at Wells Springs in
Paying Amount.
Sam Foster Instructs Officers of
' Company in Procedure; Gas to be
Separated from Water Soon.
Glowing prospects for the future
of Morrow county's Infant gas In
dustry were painted by Sam Foster,
veteran oil and gas well driller
whose advice was sought by officers
of the Wells Springs Oil and Gas
company and who visited the hole
at Wells Springs Monday afternoon.
Beaming countenances of hope
were those of John Harbke, presi
dent, Lloyd Estes, secretary, and
Fred Nichoson, driller, as these
men, taut with eagerness, heard
Foster say that he was satisfied
that gas in paying quantity had
already been struck, and as he in
structed them how to shut off the
water from the gas.
Officers of the company expected
to follow out Foster's instructions
immediately, and the veteran driller
was expected to return within a
few days, as soon as the necessary
equipment was on the ground, to
make a thorough test.
Basis for Foster's statement was
the fact that the gas now bubbling
from the well is forcing its way
through a column of water 320 feet
deep, which exerts a pressure, ac
cording to the figures of Driller
Nichoson, of 136 pounds to the
square foot. With this water pres
sure relieved, the gas would blow
in with such force as to be heard
for a mile, Foster predicted.
Supervised lUekreall Well.
Foster, who said his drilling ex
perience has reached all the way
from South America to Canada and
that when wells which he is now
drilling are sunk he will have gone
into the earth for the 132nd time,
has been retained as consultation
expert by several gas and oil con
cerns in the northwest. He super
vised bringing in of the gas well
recently at Rickreall, Polk county,
the story of which was given large
notice over the country. He has
also been in close touch with the
Rattlesnake operations in Washing
ton. The latter wells are supplying
five adjacent cities with gas and
the service will be extended as new
wells are brought in, he said.
He declared that a ready market
exists for all the gas that may be
found in the Wells Springs devel
opment, while advising that gas
would be more profitable than oil,
should the latter be sought, and
would require much less attention.
Once a gas well is capped and
connected with the mains it re
quires practically no, attention, and
the history of gas coming from
such formation as that in which the
Wells Springs gas comes Is that the
quantity does not diminish over a
long period of time. It is this cer
tainty of duration combined with
the low overhead cost of operation
that makes such gas development
a particularly attractive Investment,
Foster said.
Long Gas Lines Known.
That remoteness of the field from
market is no deterrant to the sale
ability of the gas is shown, declared
Foster, by the fact that gas lines
are now being laid over long dis
tances. One line tapping the Louis
iana fields is being run to Indianap
olis at a cost of $90,000,000. Anoth
er line is being laid from Roseburg,
Oregon, to British Columbia. A net
work of gas lines is planned to
touch every center of population in
the country. Much more prdouction
is needed and any new field will fit
nicely into the picture. There is a
virgin market for natural gas all
over the country, said Foster.
The veteran driller made no pre
tense of being a geologist, except as
he had learned Mother Earth from
digging into her. However, from
his observations he was satisfied
that the Wells Springs district of
fered all the potentialities for a
paying gas development that do the
Rickreall ano Rattlesnake projects.
He encouraged the local company
to go ahead with its development,
offering the advice only that the
drill be moved next to higher
ground that the spongy formation
encountered In the present hole
might be avoided.
Bolinvos In Providence.
Nature has not made this old
earth aimlessly nor with discrimin
ation, is Foster's belief. He told a
story to Illustrate his point. He
was standing with a Los Angeles
man on a prominence in the South
ern California city. On one side
could be seen Mt. Whitney, highest
peak in the United Statese; below
It Death Valley, the country's low
est depression. A fertile valley lay
on the opposite side. To the north
and south the landscape was bar
ren. "Where lies the greatest wealth
of Los Angeles?" Foster asked his
companion. "To the east and west,
of course," came the reply. To
which Foster called his attention
to the many millions of dollars
worth of porcelain that was being
taken from the barren hills, all the
porcelain that went Into one of the
leading makes of automobile spark
Greater Oregon Meeting
To be Held by Women
The Woman's Study club of
Heppner and the Wool Growers'
auxiliary will hold a Greater Ore
gon meeting on Thursday, June 4,
at which the lone Study club will
be their guests. The meeting will
be held at the fair pavilion at 12
o'clock where a pot luck dinner
will be served. Each woman is re
quested to bring a cup, plate and
spoon. The program, including
four-minute talks on the subjects as
listed, follows:
Duet, Mrs. Walter Moore and
Mrs. Chas. Smith; sheep, Mrs. W. P.
Mahoney; cattle, Mrs. C. W. Me
Namer; hogs, Mrs. Gene Gilman;
fruit, Mrs. T. J. Humphreys; paper
and pulp, Mrs. Walter Moore; lum
ber, Mrs. E. E. Clark; Oregon poet
ry, lone study club; mining, Mrs.
Earl Gordon; duet, Patricia and
Mary Monahan; fishing, Mrs. Jeff
Beamer; manufacturing, Mrs. J. G.
Barratt; Oregon playground, Mrs.
Gay Anderson; work done by T. B.
association, Miss Edith Stallard;
miscellaneous industries, Mrs. Ar
thur McAtee; grain, Mrs. Frank
Turner; community singing.
Observes Local Library, Assists in
Classification; County Uses
Facilities Offered.
Miss Harriet C. Long, state librar
ian, was in Heppner Monday and
Tuesday visiting the public library
and advising with members of the
library board. She complimented
the local library on its attractive
quarters and the substantial nu
cleus had in the good books now in
circulation, and also assisted in
classifying the books to facilitate
finding them on the shelves. Non
fiction books are being classified
according to subjects and fiction
books according to authors.
A special pleasure to Miss Long
was the large number of gift books
which she recommended marking
by special plates bearing names of
donors. She said the library had a
good start in both fiction and non
fiction books, while recommending
that the children's section be fur
ther strengthened and more stress
also given reference material.
"While the public library should
afford an abundance of reading ma
terial, it has come to be recognized
very much as an information bu
reau, and as such it gives probably
its greatest service to the commun
ity," Miss Long said. In this con
nection, she pointed out that the
Heppner library is in position to
give almost any information de
sired, for if the material is not on
the shelves, it can be obtained
quickly from the state library.
Miss Long was highly enthusiast
ic over the manner in which resi
dents of Oregon are making use of
the state library, especially those
living in outlying sections of the
state who do not have access to city
"The library at Salem is distinct
ly a state activity serving thous
ands of readers who otherwise
would be denied the pleasure which
they derive from the reading of
good books," Miss Long declared in
discussing the work of the state li
brary. "In Morrow county alone last
year there were 18 travelling li
brary stations to which the state
library shipped 1050 volumes. Fig
uring that each of these books was
read at least three times in each of
these communities it is safe to es
timate that these books from the
state library were read more than
3000 times last year.
"In addition to this travelling li
brary service the state library serv
ed 242 mail order patrons In Mor
row county during the year with
specially requested books on all sub
jects from books on chivalry to ad
dresses of welcome used in public
"It is the function of the library
to serve every section of the state
and I am pleased to know that so
many people appreciate this service
and take advantage of this oppor
tunity to satisfy their demands for
good reuding. Last year 42,541
books were sent out from the state
library in 954 travelling libraries
scattered throughout every county
In the state. In addition we served
19,319 mall order patrons who re
ceived over 125,000 books,"
Coming as a surprise to her many
Heppner friends was the announce
ment of the marriage on Sunday of
Miss Helen Bennett of this city to
John T. Haddox of Pendleton, The
ceremony was performed in Pendle
ton. Mrs. Haddox Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bennett of
Alpine and for more than two years
has been employed at the J. C. Pen
ney store in this city as bookkeeper.
Mr. Haddox is an Insurance man.
Following the ceremony the young
people were given a charivari by
friends at the Bennett farm home.
Mrs. Haddox is continuing her work
at the Penney store for a short time
but It Is announced the newlyweds
will make their home In Pendleton
after a trip to Seattle about June 1.
It's a wow! George Sidney and
Ohaiile Murray in "The Chnens and
Kelleys In Africa," Star theater on
plugs. The barren land was produc
ing Its share of the wealth. Thus,
Foster believes, Nature has made
all kinds of land for a purpose.
Services for War Dead at
10 o'CIock; Salute
To be Fired.
Holiday in Force With Closing of
Stores; Indians and Heppner
Will Flay Baseball.
"... These honored dead . . . that
they may not have died in vain."
As Abe Lincoln spoke at Gettys
burg, "four score and twenty years
ago," of our forefathers starting a
new nation on the American contin
ent, so on Saturday more than sixty
years will have elapsed since that
same memorable occasion to which
the hearts of the nation will turn
in remembrance of those heroes
in whose honor Memorial day orig
inated. In Heppner services will be held
at 10 o'clock in the morning at the
Star theater under the auspices of
Heppner post American Legion and
Heppner unit American Legion
Auxiliary. Decoration of graves and
firing of the salute by the Legion
will follow at the cemetery.
C. C. Proebstel, district attorney
of Umatilla county, will deliver the
Memorial day address. The address
will be preceded by singing of
"America" by the audience, invoca
tion by Joel R. Benton, pastor of
the Church of Christ, and vocal solo
by Harvey Miller. It will be fol
lowed by recitation, "In Flanders
Fields," Earl Thomson; solo, Mrs.
Chas. H. Latourell; furling of the
flag, Rawlins Post, W. R. C; "Star
Spangled Banner," audience, and
benediction, Mr. Benton.
While outstanding tribute will be
paid those who gave their lives in
defense of their country, as is cus
tomary on Memorial day, these will
not be alone in the minds of those
who will place flowers on the
graves of departed loved ones. For
Memorial day is also Decoration
day, when the memory of all de
parted is refreshened.
In honor of the day business
houses will be closed all day. How
ever, to assist the buying public in
obtaining week-end needs, all will
remain open until a late hour Fri
day evening.
In the afternoon the only sched
uled event is a baseball game to be
played between Heppner and the
Cayuse Indians of Umatilla bounty
at Rodeo field.
Two County Students
Graduate From O. S. C.
Oregon State College, Corvallis,
May 27. (Special) Two students
from Morrow county will receive
their bachelor of science degrees at
the sixty-second annual commence
ment exercises here June 1, when
542 students will make up the larg
est class ever to be graduated from
Oregon State college.
President W. J. Kerr will preside
at his twenty-third commencement
exercise when he will confer mas
ter's degrees upon 36 advanced stu
dents, 1 pharmaceutical chemist
degrees and 496 bachelor of science
degrees. The commencement ad
dress will be delivered by Dr. W. C.
Thompson, president emeritus of
Ohio State university.
Dr. Herbert S. Johnson of Boston
will deliver the baccalaureaU ad
dress Sunday, May 31, in the men.'s
gymnasium. He is a former Ore
gonian and spoke to the graduating
class here three years ago.
Marvin Wightman of Heppner
will receive his degree in the school
of agriculture. He was a member
of the Agriculture club; the Oregon
Countryman, the Oregon State sec
tion of the O. S. C. Monthly; the
dairy judging team, and historian
and vice president of the Dairy
club, an organization for students
specializing in dairy husbandry.
Wightman was manager of the Ed
ucational exposition, a week-end
when high school students are en
tertained on the campus, and ad
vertising manager of the Oregon
Countryman. He was a member of
Theta Kappa Nu fraternity.
Alton Klitz of Boardman will re
ceive his degree in the school of
Report of the state convention' of
Business and Professional Womens
clubs held in Salem last week will
be given at a meeting of the Hepp
ner unit next Monday, 6:30 p. m., at
the Parish house, by Charlotte Gor
don, delegate. Mrs. W. R. Poulson,
president, who is spending the sum
mer in Eugene also attended. Miss
Martha Gasch of Portland was re
elected president of the organiza
tion, Mrs. Gordon says, and also re
ports that the "Know Our Oregon"
luncheon was very Interesting. All
clubs featured the outstanding in
dustry of their community and the
Heppner club featured sheep and
wheat. The Heppner club was the
baby club In attendance and was
given special recognition on every
Harold Cohn returned this morn
ing from Montana, where he went
last week with a big sheep shipment
Park Organization Set;
To Incorporate at Once
Municipal park will be the name
of Heppner's city park to be devel
oped on the lots recently acquired
by the American Legion adjacent to
the swimming tank. This was de
cided by the park commission or
ganized yesterday afternoon at the
office of J. J. Nys by the American
Legion and Lions club committees
of three in whose hands the mat
ter was placed.
Earl W. Gordon was named as
president of the commission, and
J. J. Nys, secretary-treasurer. Steps
of incorporation will be taken im
mediately, it was decided. Trustees
were named as follows: one year,
J. W. Hiatt and C. J. D. Bauman;
two years, C. W. Smith and J. J.
Nys; three years, Earl Gordon and
W. E. Moore. Representing the
Legion were Bauman, Smith and
Moore; the Lions, Nys, Gordon and
Business houses of Heppner
will be closed all day Saturday in
honor of Memorial Day, announ
ces J. O. Peterson, chairman of
the Lions club committee, who ar
ranged for the closing. That all
shoppers may be accommodated
the stores will remain open until
a late hour Friday evening, and
shoppers are reminded to take
advantage of this opportunity as
there will not be another chance
to shop until the regular opening
hour Monday morning.
Many Attend Last Rites
Honoring K, L. Beach
Attesting the high regard in
which he was held by the people
of the entire county, some 500
neighbors, friends and relatives of
the late Karl L. Beach gathered at
the family residence in Lexington
on Sunday afternoon to witness the
last rites. His funeral was perhaps
one of the largest ever held in that
town, and the general expression of
regret at the passing of one who
had been not only a useful citizen,
but was in every sense of the word
an honorable and upright man,
was heard on every hand. The
seemingly untimely death of Mr.
Beach had cast a gloom over the
community, and the large attend
ance at the funeral services and
burial was the expression of regret
because of his pasng, as well as
a token of sympathy to the family
and immediate relatives.
As stated in the last issue of this
paper, Mr. Beach had, from his boy
hood, been active in the affairs of
the town, and was esteemed for his
leadership in everything that was
for its betterment, whehter this was
political, moral or religious, and it
is going to be hard to find one that
can take his place.
The funeral services were in
charge of Rev. W. W. Head of lone,
who, in a short eulogy paid hom
age to one whom he had learned
to know and love. All that he said
was appropriate and did honor to
Mr. Beach, who, while being a pop
ular and influential citizen, was
nevertheless an humble servant to
the people about him. The musical
numebrs were appropriate. Mr.
Harvey Miller sang a solo, with
Mrs. J. O. Turner at the piano;
song by quartet composed of Mrs.
Trannie Parker, Miss Dona Bar
nett, Mr. F. W. Turner and Mr.
Harvey Miller; solo by Mr. Alex
Lindsay, Miss Eula McMillan at the
piano. The honorary pall bearers
were Paul Balsiger, Louis Balsiger,
George Allyn, L. E. Bisbee, B. H.
Peck and A. A. McCabe; active pall
bearers, J. O. Turner, Fred Man
kin, George Peck, C. W. Smith, Glen
Jones and J. O. Kincaid. The floral
offerings were many and very beau
tiful. Burial was in Lexington cemetery
and the services at the grave were
in charge of Lexington grange, Mr.
Beach being a prominent member
of the order. The remains were
followed to their last resting place
by a very large concourse of peo
ple who witnessed the final rites
impressively said by the officers of
the grange, and bid a long farewell
to a departed friend and neighbor.
Baby Clinics to be Held
In Heppner Next Week
Baby clinics for all babies under
six years of age are slated to be
held In HeDoner next Werinpsrtnv
and Thursday, announces Miss Ed
ith Stallard, county nurse. On Wed
nesday, June 3, J.T. McMurdo will
hold a clinic at his oHIcp nnrt nn
Thursday Dr. Gray will hold a clinic
at his ofilce. Both clinics will be
held from 9 to 12 o'clock in the
All parents with children of this
age are urged to take advantage of
this opportunity, and each may visit
his family physician, Miss Stallard
Among Morrow county educators
planing to attend the National Ed
ucational asoselation convention at
Los Angeles Juno 27 to July 3 inclu
sive are Mrs. F. VV. Turner, Mrs.
Lucy E. Rodgers, Paul A. Menegat,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles. L. E.
Marschat and W. R. Poulson also
may attend. Mrs. Rodgers, county
superintendent, has received an
nouncement of attractive railroad
fares for the event.
IN AFH1CA" at the Star theater
Locals Find Kelsay for
Nine Hits, and Take
Game 10-9.
Heppner Pitcher Keeps Blows Scat
tered; Nip-and-Tuck Fracas
Finally Won in Eighth.
Heppner won a ball game. Af
ter taking it on the nose four times
the home boys came back Sunday
and took Fossil 10-9 on Rodeo
field. In accomplishing the victory
they touched Kelsay up for nine
hits Kelsay, who so far had not
allowed more than five hits in a
It wasn't an errorless game, but
errors were evenly divided, and the
final score was undecided until the
last out was chalked up. With the
score 9-all when Heppner came up
in the eighth, Turner clouted a
three-bagger and scored on Wilcox's
hit, giving the one run lead that
let Heppner win when Fossil was
blanked in the ninth by Crawford
taking a couple of pop flies in left
field, and Wilcox whiffed Kelsay af
ter allowing A. Jackson a scratch
Fossil started the scoring in the
first Inning when one hit and a ser
ies of errors allowed three men to
score. Heppner came back in Its
half when a replica of the same
kind of ball, combined with Cason's
two-bagger and singles by Correll
and Thomson accounted for four
runs. The next time up Fossil
came through for four more runs
and a three-tally lead. They work
ed this lead up to four by another
run in the fourth before the Hepp
ner boys again got started in their
half of the same frame. Turner,
first up, was hit by a pitched ball,
Wilcox singled and Cason walked
to fill the bases. Successive hits
by Harold Gentry, Crawford and
Correll, accounted for the five runs
which gave Heppner its total of
nine and again put the home boys
in the lead. Fossil worked in its
tying score in the seventh, and the
outcome was finally decided as be
fore told.
The record of the game would not
be complete without giving Wilcox
due credit. Charlie was on the
mound throughout for Heppner, al
lowing but 10 scattered hits, and
striking out seven batsmen. He
showed plenty of stuff in the
pinches, and withal pitched a
mighty pretty game.
The Heppner boys will perform at
home again Saturday afternoon
when they meet the Cayuse Indians
from Umatilla county in a non
league game. Then on Sunday they
go to lone to cross bats again with
the Egg City lada.
Box score and summary:
Heppner 19 AB R H OA E
Cason, 3 4 2 114 2
H. Gentry, s 5 2 1 0 3 1
Crawford, 1 5 2 1 2 0 0
Correll, c 4 1 2 8 0 0
Thomson. 1 4 0 19 10
R. Gentry, r 5 0 0 1 0 1
Robertson. 2 4 0 0 2 2 2
Turner, m 3 2 1110
Wilcox, p 4 1 2 3 10 1
38 10 9 27 20 7
Fossil 9
H. Van Horn, 2 5 114 3 1
C. Jackson, s 4 3 1 2 2 2
Scliomp, 1 5 2 1 10 1 0
J. Van Horn, c 5 1 3 5 3 2
Sawer. 3 5 110 3 1
Iremonser. 1 , 2 0 0 0 0 0
McGreer. 1 3 0 110 0
O'Rourke. m 5 0 0 1 0 0
A. Jackson, r 10 10 0 0
Layman, r 3 110 0 1
Kelsay, p 5 0 0 1 8 0
43 9 10 24 20 7
Umpires. Hayes and Gregg: scorer F.
J. Dolierty; earned runs. Heppner 4,
Fossil 1: three base hit, Turner: first
base on balls off Wilcox 2, off Kelsay 3;
left on bases, Heppner 8. Fossil 9: wild
pitch, Kelsay; first base on errors,
Heppner 5, Fossil 6; two base hits. Ca
son. Crawford. J. Van Horn; struck out
by Wilcox 7. by Kelsav 6; double play.
H. Gentry-Robertson-Thomson; hit by
pitcher, Turner by Kelsay.
Masons Acquire Land;
To Improve Cemetery
The Masonic Cemetery associa
tion is closing a deal with the Rob
ert Dexter estate for the purchase
of six acres of land just south of
the present cemetery which will be
added to the land used for burial
purposes. The association in con
junction with the city of Heppner
plans to enclose the entire cemetery
with an Iron and woven wire fence
in the near future.
H. A. Cohn, Percy Hughes, John
Brosnan, John Hanna and O'Con
nor Bros, were shippers of 50 car
loads of sheep going out of the lo
cal yards Saturday ngiht with des
tination at Browning, Mont, where
they will go on summer range. A
special train handled them.
Grand jury for the June term of
court, convened Monday, took a re
cess Tuesday afternoon to meet
again next Tuseday. No report has
been made so far. Members of the
Jury are Dean T. Goodman, Emil
Groshens, R. H. Zinter, Lewis Ca
son, P. S. Grltlln, J. O. Hnger and
A. E. Johnson.
All members of Heppner post are
requested to meet at Legion hall to
morrow (Friday) evening for the
purpose of selecting and drilling a
firing squad for Memorial day.
Park Body, Delegates
Elected by Lions Club
Heppner Lions club meeting was
given over Monday to nomination
of officers for the coming year,
election to be held on June 8, and
election of delegates to the state
and national convention, and mem
bers of the city park committee.
The park committee, named to act
with a similar committee from the
Americna Legion in developing a
park and playground, is composed
of J. J. Nys, E. W. Gordon and J.
W. Hiatt. Chas. Thomson and W.
E. Moore were chosen as delegates
to the Lions international conven
tion to be held in Toronto in July,
and delegates named to the state
convention to be held in La Grande
on June 23 and 24 are W. W. Smead,
Paul Marble, C. W. Smith, Jasper
Crawford and Albert Adkins.
An entertainment feature was
the song by Miss Mary Moore; her
mother, Mrs. W. E. Moore, playing
the accompaniment
43 Eighth and 76 Seventh Graders
of County Successful ; List and
Rules for Repeat Given.
Forty-three eighth grade students
of the Morrow county schools suc
cessfully passed the recent state ex
aminations and are entitled to re
ceive state elementary diplomas,
and 76 pupils of the seventh grade
passed the state examination in ge
ography. The names as announced
by Lucy E. Rodgers, county school
superintendent, follow:
Eighth grade students Frances
Rugg, Jennie Swendig, Chester
Christenson, Floyd Jones, Lowell
Winters, Ilene Kilkenny, Howard
Furlong, William S. Cochell, Steven
S. Wehmeyer, Cleo Hiatt, James J.
Beamer, Louis Williams, Ray L.
Pettyjohn, Billie Jane Markham,
Bessie Wilson, Nelly Leicht, Arthur
Collins, Mildred Sanford, Helene
Breshears, Edward Hunt, Rose
Thornburg, Jeff Yocum, William
Van Winkle, Belva Bundy, Fern
Luttrell, Lester Cox, Doris Klinger,
Arleta Ashbaugh, Delbert Machan,
Niles Robinson, Hugh Neill, Thom
as Healy, Murray Potts, Raymond
Batty, Myrtle Green, Gordon Akers,
Alice Patterson, Dolly Farrens,
Mary Cunha, Dallis McDaniel, Dor
is Jackson.
Seventh grade students Darrel
Tim Vinson, Delbert Ted Vinson,
Donald McElligott, Ruth Kitching,
Lee Pettyjohn, Roberta F. Troed
son, Wayne Caldwell, Ruth Leicht,
Rose Corey, William L. Scarlett
Fred M. Hoskins, Betty Doherty,
Alma Van Winkle, Edith Edwards,
Woodrow Tucker, Zelma Bundy,
Fred Ashinhust Gladys Reaney,
Donald Turner, Doris Burchell, El
lis Williams, June Way, Dan Mc
laughlin, Alan Chaffee, Jimmie Far
ley, Helen Mead, Josephine McEn
tire, Wilma Meyers, Norvel Slanger,
non, Pat Shane, Elizabeth Slanger,
Donald Strobel, Mary Smith, Fran
cis Titus, Hazel Tyler, Loise Robin
son, Bernice Neill, Lenna Neill, Ma
rie Healy, Berdena Bowman, Ray
mond Lee, Reitha Howard, Boyd
Redding, Jean Adkins, Irene Zinter,
Elaine Nelson, Arthur Bergstrom,
E. M. Steers, Allan Struthers, Mar
vin Howell, Donald Cowdry, Olga
Cunningham, Helen Van Schoiack,
Richard Benton, Ruth Cowins,
Katherine Healy, James Driscoll,
Rosanna Farley, Margaret Farley,
Margaret Sprinkel, William McRob
erts, Howard Cleveland, Irene Bea
mer, Bernard McMurdo, Marshall
Fell, Ethyl Hughes, Marie Barlow,
Ray Coblantz, Ethel Baifey, Betty
Hill, Pauline Piercey, Mary E. Ad
kins, Leo Osmin, Gerald Cason, Ern
est Clark.
Pupils who failed in one or two
subjects will be given an opportun
ity to take another state examina
tion on June 4 and 5. The program
for this examination follows: Thurs
day morning, 9 o'clock, arithmetic;
Thursday afternoon, 1 o'clock, his
tory, spelling and agriculture; Fri
day morning, 9 o'clock, language;
Friday afternoon, 1 o'clock, geogra
phy, civil government reading.
The questions will be mailed to
the district clerks of the districts
that have failing pupils and the
school boards will make arrange
ments for a competent person to
conduct the examinations.
Pupils who have failed in more
than two subjects are required to
repeat the grade unless they have
already been in the grade two years,
In which case they should take the
examination again June 4 and 5. If
the teachers or principals of the
schools that have pupils failing in
more than two subjects will state in
writing legitimate reasons why fail
ing pupils should not repeat the
grade the examining board will be
glad to consider those reasons and
make every effort to make fair and
just decisions wtih reference to
such pupils. The examining board
consists of Mrs. Frank Turner, Mrs.
C. W. McNamer, Mrs. Werner Riet
mann and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers,
Judge D. R. Parker of Condon
held a short term of circuit court
here Monday. Divorce was granted
Elise Merritt from John Merrltt
with custody of three minor chil
dren given the plaintiff and the de
fendant to pay $40 a month toward
their support Decree in foreclo
sure was granted Federal Land
Bank of Spokane vs. Peter Curran,
et al, and dismissal was made in
the case of State of Oregon vs.
Harvey Coxen.
Free Chautauqua Offers
Holiday Attraction for
All Morrow County.
'The Big Push" and "Kibitzer" are
Head liners; Variety of Musical,
Speaking Talent Included.
The full list of attractions for
Morrow county's 1931 free Chautau
qua to open in Heppner the evening
of June 20 has been received. Af
ternoon and evening programs un
der the big tent will continue thru
the following three days offering a
variety of attractions some of which
are sure to appeal to everyone. An
extra large tent will be provided
again this year, so that there will
be plenty of room for everyone,
says J. W. Hiatt, secretary of the
local Chautauqua association, who
bids everyone to plan now to at
tend as many sessions as possible.
Mr. Hiatt says that all who sign
ed as sponsors for this year's Chau
tauqua can greatly aid the commit
tee by calling for their receipts by
June 13, either from him at Hiatt
and Dix store or from Gay M. An
derson at the court house. All hold
ers of receipts will be entitled to
reserved seats, and others who did
not sign as sponsors and who wish
reserved seats may secure them on
presentation of receipts, one for
each $2.50 contributed. The reserv
ed seats will be good for all four
Time to Forget Cares.
It is the aim of the association
to make of Chautauqua week a
holiday for everyone a time to for
get cares and troubles, and to rub
elbows with the fellowman while en
joying the fine entertainment which
Chautauqua affords. Throwing the
tent wide open to everyone is done
with this idea. But as the talent
'must be paid for it is believed that
those who shoulder the burden (and
these are located in all parts of the
county) should receive some re
ward. This the association has giv
en in the form of reserved seats.
The program to be offered during
the 1931 Chautauqua is a combina
tion of wonderful entertainment
that has been gathered from far
and near. Most interesting proba
bly to most people will be the two
great plays, "The Big Push," which
comes on the first night, and "Kibit
zer" which will appear on the third
The first play, "The Big Push," Is
a swift moving romance with plen
ty of action and a mighty popular
hero and heroine who appeal to
Is New York Success.
The third night play, "Kibitzer,"
is the story of a Jewish business
man who insists on running every
body and everything, particularly
his daughter's love affairs. It is a
1930 New York success.
On the second day the Lombard
Entertainers, who have been fea
tured in a number of radio sta
tions and particularly at WLS, Chi
cago, in their "Show Boat" enter
tainment, give the musical pro
gram, while the speaker is to be
John E. Aubrey of New Jersey,
probably the most widely heard
speaker in America among high
schools, Parent Teacher associa
tions, Rotary, Kiwanis and service
clubs on matters of popular educa
tion. Instrument Unique.
On the fourth day DeWillo Sem
erau with his concertina grand, the
only instrument of its kind in the
world, is heading a big entertain
ment program. The speaker on
that day is Morris Anderson, law
yer, football player and mayor of
Mark Twain's home town, Hanni
bal, Missouri, whose cheerful logic
appeals to the thinking element of
the community as well as to those
seeking entertainment
Jean Macdonald, "the Marie
Dressier of Canada," gives a hilar
ious afternoon entertainment on the
third day and there are many other
features throughout the week that
everybody will be interested in.
On Tuesday the first meeting of
the Child Study club was held at the
home of Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers.
Mrs. Munroe and Mrs. Clouston of
Pendleton were present to help us
organize. Mrs. Munroe gave an In
teresting and helpful talk concern
ing topics and material studied by a
similar ekib in Pendleton. The of
ficers elected were Mrs. Jas. Cash,
president; Mis. Albert Adkins, vice
president. Mrs. Gene Ferguson, sec
retary. The meetings will be held
on the second and fourth Wednes
days from three to four o'clock, and
place of meeting will be announced
It was decided to follow the pro
gram outlined In the correspond
ence course offered by the Oregon
State college on "Behavior Prob
lems of Children."
A large and interested group was
present and refreshments were
served. All mothers of pre-school
children are invited to attend the
next meeting.
Local ads In the Gazette Times
bring results.