HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1931, PAGE FIVE orae 4 I The last issue of East Washing tonian, published at Pomeroy, Wn, contained the account of the death of Mrs. Mattie Darby, who passed away in Portland Tuesday, May 5th, and was burled at Pomeroy Friday afternoon, May 8. Mrs. Darby was a sister or J. H. Cox of this city, who was not informed of the death in time to reach Pomeroy for the funeral.' She was born at Hunne- well, Missouri, on November 7th, 1856, and was married to James A. Darby on May 1, 1873. The family came to Pomeroy in the summer of 1885 and that city had heen her home since. Frank Ward visited with rela tives in Morrow county over the week end, and on Sunday departed for Kellogg, Idaho, where he has other relatives living. Mr. Ward has been a resident of Walterville. Oregon, for the past ten years, go ing to Lane county from here. He was recently bereft of his wife, Mrs, Ward passing away at her home at Walterville some two weeks ago. While here Mr. Ward visited with his sister, Mrs. J. A. Adams and family at Hardman. C. E. Carlson and son were visit ors here Saturday from the farm home in the Gooseberry section. Mr. Carlson has no complaint con cerning crop prospects, as every thing points to an abundant yield this season. Like other wheatrals ers, he would be feeling a little bet ter if the price outlook would measure up to the prospects for a yield. Some reports reach this office that the extremely warm weather of the first of the week had done some damage to the growing crops. Grain has been progressing very nicely up to this time, and perhaps a little too rank, but as the condi tions have changed to cloudy and cooler over most of the county, no great damage will likely result The airplane which was damaged recently in attempting to land on the hill above Heppner and which has since remained in plain view from Main street, is reported to have been sold to Ted McDaid. The report is that the former owners will put the ship into flying shape and give Mr. McDaid instruction in flying it Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Benton mo tored to Echo Sunday evening, where Mr. Benton delivered the bac calaureate address in the Methodist church there to the large class of graduates of the Echo school. Mr. and Mrs. Benton report a very in teresting service that was attended by a large audience. Mr. and Mrs. French Burroughs were in town for a while Saturday from the farm home south of Jor dan Siding. Since warmer weather vegetation is making rapid growth; wheat fields have shown a lot of tar weed recently, but the wheat Is now getting the upper hand, Mr. Bur roughs states. Mrs. W. L. McCaleb returned home Saturday from Portland, Mr. McCaleb driving down for her. She has been absent for several months, during the greater portion of which time she was a patient in the hos pital. Mrs. McCaleb has been quite fully restored to normal health. The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday evening, May 19. Members who haven't already done so are asked to bring an inexpen sive article to be added to the "kit ty." A service of tribute to the memory of Mrs. Bauman will be given at this meeting. Shearers are busy this week at at the John Kilkenny ranch on Hin ton creek, and the wool is being rushed to the warehouse in Hepp ner by trucks. No sales have been reported on the big clips so far this season. Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford visited for a short time Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer near Stanfleld. Going on to Pendleton they spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cooley. Mrs. Fred Elder of Wapato, Wn., and Mrs. Willetta Vincent of Free water spent Sunday in this city with their mother, Mrs. Mattie Ad kins, and enjoyed a short visit with numerous old time freinds. Russell E. Pratt, John Hlatt, Ed Kellcy and Andy Baldwin com posed a party of local fishermen who visited Suttle lake, Deschutes county, over the week end. They report good luck, Leonard Schwarz and Stanley Reavls report a nice catch of fish mado on Cottonwood creek, Grant county, Sunday. Jason Blddle, Rhea creek farmer, was looking after affairs of bust ness in this city Tuesday. Chas. Melville, Alpine wheatrais er, was looking after matters of business in this city Saturday. Crop prospects down his way are just about the best they have been in many years. Roy Neill, who was In the city Saturday from his home near Pine City, reports that his shearing Is done and the wool sold. The fleeces brought him 14 cents per pound. Wm. Driskell and son Clyde from La Grande, and Mrs. Elsie Steven son from The DaHes visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hayes In this city Sunday. Sid George, past state commander of the American Legion and adjust er for the state Industrial accident commission, was in the city yester day on business. The Women's Missionary society of the Methodist church will hold its regular meeting next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. L. Case. Edw. Lindekin was here from lone Saturday, spending several hours in the city while attending to business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson of Lexington were vWtors in this city for a short time Wednesday after noon. Mr., and Mrs. Jos. Devine were visitors here Wednesday afternoon from their farm north of Lexing ton. David H. Grabill of lone is a pa tient at Heppner hospital where he is receiving medical attention. He came up from his home Sunday. T. W. Cutsforth, who formerly engaged in farming in this county, was a visitor here Saturday from Lexington. Buck Adams, farmer of Hard- man, was attending to business matters in Heppner Saturday. J. A. Adams, pioneer resident of Hardman, was a visitor in Heppner for several hours Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene were visitors in the city Saturday from their home on Rhea creek. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer were Lexington folks in the city Saturday. HARDMAN. MRS. ELLA FARRENS. Miss Mary Saling returned home Saturday from the Wright ranch where she has been working. Victor Johnson left town to drive Ray Wright's cattle to the reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke mo tored to Pendleton Friday. Peter Frisker flew from Arling ton to Hardman in his new plane, and took up the following passen gers: Frances Leathers, Guy Hast ings, Esten Stevens, George Kirk, Morris McKitrick and Fay Ash-baugh. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steers moved to their mountain home for the summer. Owen Leathers was home from where he has been shearing in Washington, with blood poisoning in his hand. Elmer Musgrave went to The Dalles Saturday. He was accom panied by Loes Stevens and Mrs. Lee Bleakman and son Norman. Mrs. Bleakman Is going to meet her husband who is surveying on the Roosevelt highway. Mrs. Hazel Saling is visiting her mother this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McDonald have moved to the Elmer Musgrave place. Frank Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Stokes are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Robison were business visitors in Heppner. The following people were doing business in Heppner: Jess Coats, J. B. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson, Elvira Bleakman, Guy Hastings, Mrs. Charlie Hastings and daughter Lorllla. Mrs. Emil Johnson had the mis fortune to fall and crack a bone in her leg. Miss Zetta Bleakman returned home from Heppner where she has been working. The people of the community enjoyed a picnic on Rock creek Monday. Miss Marie Saling and Victor Johnson visited at the home of Mrs. Lee Bleakman Sunday. Mrs. Opal Adams and Debbie Mc Danlel spent the week end at the home of Mrs. O. H. Leathers. Misses Mildred and Murl Farrens and Darrel Farrens went to Lone Rock to the dance Saturday. Beth and Nellie Wright were vis iting in Hardman Saturday. Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman, Mrs. Bert Bleakman and family and El vira Bleakman went to Tupper FREE MANICURE WITH EVERY FINGER WAVE THREE DAYS ONLY Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday MAY 18-19-20 For Appointment Call 1112 Chapin Barber & Beauty SKoppe ranger station Saturday for the week end. Mrs. Carey Hastings was visiting a few days in Lone Rock with friends and relatives. Miss Edith Stallard was visiting the schools Friday. Raymond McDonald went to work on the Hardman-Spray road. Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke and children and Mrs. Maxene McDan- iel visited with Mrs. Buschke's par ents in the mountains Tuesday. ALPINE. MARGARET McDAID. The Pine City school had their commencement exercises May 7. Guy L. Drill, pastor of the Chris tian church of Pendleton, delivered the commencement address with "Preparation for Life" as his topic. Music was given by the Misses Fredreckson of Stanfleld and the Pine City band. Neva Neill was valedictorian, William McCarty was salutatorian and Oscar McCarty gave the class will and prophecy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Klinger and family motored to Pen dleton on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan and daughter Mary Francis were in the community Sunday on their way to Pendleton. John Curran and Joe Kilkenny motored to Echo and Pendleton Thursday on business. Bernard Doherty was looking af ter business interests in Heppner Saturday. Martin Kerrnan of Butter creek was a visitor in Alpine Saturday. C. W. McNamer of Heppner was visiting in this community one day last week. Mrs. Margaret Peddicord, Mrs. Bert Michel and Miss Reitha How ard attended the commencement ex ercises at Pine City Thursday evening. Julian Rauch and son Irvin were present at the commencement exer cises held at Pine City May 7. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Michel motor ed to Ukiah on business Saturday. They returned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Finley and son Claud were Sunday visitors at the Gorger home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay and family drove to Pine City Thursday where they were present at the commencement exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller and children Tad, Colleen and Marvin, of Lexington were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Doher ty Sunday. Edward McDaid, W. J. McDaid, Nora McDaid and Margaret McDaid motored to lone for a short while Sunday. Irl Clary left Monday for Port land where he will visit for a few days. LEXINGTON NEWS By RUTH DINGE3. The baccalaureate services for the graduating class of 1931 were held in the Congregational church at seven-thirty Sunday evening. Rev. Stanley Moore of Heppner addressed the class, taking as his theme the story of the rich young ruler. The church was beautifully decorated wtih spring flowers. A Mothers' Day program was giv en Sunday morning by the members of the Christian church. The ladies choir of the church sang two songs; there were readings by Amabel Strodtman, Rose Thornburg and Louise Hunt Mrs. Trina Parker sang a solo, "Mother Calling," and Mildred Sanford played a piano solo. Mrs. Jim Omohundro is seriously ill at her home north of Lexington. Lawrence Beach of Walla Walla spent the week end visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Beach. Lexington Grange will meet on Saturday evening. Candidates will be initiated into the third and fourth degrees by members of the Willows Grange. Coffee and cake will be served after the meeting, and all members are urged to at tend. K. L. Beach is quite ill at his home in Lexington." Miss Helen Falconer recieved word this week of the serious illness of her father at his home in Enter prise. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spellman and family recently removed to Port land, and will locate somewhere in the Willamette valley. Mrs. E. J. Evans, Gwen Evans, Ruth Dinges and Erma Duvall re turned Monday evening from Eu gene, where they had been visiting with Helen Valentine for the past three days, and enjoying Junior Week End. Local ads in the Gazette Timui bring results. IRRIGON MRS. W. C. ISOM. James Warner, who has been in Canada for some time planning an extended trip by airplane to some gold fields in Alaska, changed his mind and returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wooley from Idaho visited several days this week with their cousin, Mrs. Amy Collins. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Suddarth have again taken up their residence on their place three miles, south west of town. The Asa Scarlet fam ily, who spent the winter on the Suddarth place, have purchased the Eggleston place and are moving this week. Mrs. OUie Coryell was called to The Dalles last Wednesday by the serious illness of her father. Word received Sunday stated that he was very low. Mrs. A. C. Houghton entertained the H. E. C. ladies at her home Thursday afternoon. A pleasant Too Good To Last Long Our stock adjustment prices can oly last until a desired volume is sold. Naturally choice merchandise will go first. $5,000.00 reduction means Ranges, Dressers, Mattresses, Glass ware nothing reserved from our large stock. Your choice is our pleasure. SATURDAY, MAY 16 at Nine A. M.-Our window will be full of surprise values. Case Furniture Company SPECIAL SHOWING THIS WEEK New, Smart ALLEN-A SHIRTS 6- SHORTS l - 75c - 50c the garment Without exception, these new Allen-A Shirts and Shorts are the coolest, most comfortable and smartest Underwear for Summer wear. . . . The airy, light Shirts of rayon or fine lisle mold closely to the body. . . . The Shorts of broadcloth, madras or rayon fit thlnily around the waist, then flair smartly, . . . The patterns are more conservative with pencil stripes or solid colors. . . . Se our complete display of Allon-A Shirts and Shorts. Price from $1 to 50c the garment The Store of Personal Service social time was spent and a deli cious lunch partaken of at the close of the day. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Frank Frederickson, May 21. Earl and Donald Isom, Verdie Leach and Florence Brace visited Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler Jr. at Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Williams were guests at a table of "500" in the Houghton home Friday evening. Mrs. Frank Brace had her tonsils removed at the Hermiston hospital Monday and is now at home very much improved In health. Henry Weir was in Hermiston Saturday having some dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Don Rut ledge Sunday afternoon. Jack McFall and M. McCoy were visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Dawald mo tored over to the Condon country on a pleasure trip Sunday. Bill Grabeil and Snow McCoy left Sunday for San Diego, Cal., to visit relatives. W. C. Isom was a Hermiston vis itor Saturday where he purchased a used Ford coupe from Frank Pierson. Mr. Isom is employed on the Wallula cut-off and will begin work Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jones and family were Umatilla visitors Sun day. Mr. Jones shipped the first GIVE YOUR SPRING CHICKS THE RIGHT START WITH Sperry Chick Feeds We carry a full line priced right. We want every boy or girl under 14 years of age raising baby chicks under 4-H club supervision to call at our office and receive a real p r e s e n t f or their chicks. HEPPNER TRADING CO. INC. Phone 1482 Free Delivery In City limits crate of strawberries going from this vicinity, Monday. Mrs. Batie Rand returned from Pendleton Wednesday and will re main in the home of her mother, Mrs. James Warner, for a few days. Several men with teams were em ployed at the cemetery Saturday, doing some much needed Improve ment Let us hope the good work will continue and God's acre be made a place of beauty. 75 weaner pigs for sale, $5 each. Frank Swaggart, Lena. 7-10 OPTOMETRIST COMING. DR. F. W. CLARKE, optometrist and optician, will be In HEPPNER. Sunday, May 17th. at the Hotel Heppner, on his regular trip. We are better equipped than ever to take care of your eye troubles. Special low prices on all work. Twelve years in Portland; making this city six years. When In Port land we invite you to visit our office. Centrally located, 6th and Washing ton, 202-203 Merchant Trust Bldg., just across from Imperial hotel. PR. F. W. CLARKE, Sole Owner. "Peni-Arch" "the new way to say: fcRCH-SUPPORT COMFORT SMART SHOE STYLE REASONABLE PRICE YouH find comfort features in "Peni-Arch" Health Shoes almost identical with those in arch-support shoes at much higher prices. Fine quality leather. Steel arch supports. First and fifth metatarsal pockets. Two widths narrower heels for snug fit. Welt soles. ' And the styles are so smart that no one but you will know you're wearing an arch-support shoe I J. C Penney Co., inc. Qiow When you buy a Pair I iwwnum We are able to offer today the Finest Goodyears Ever Built Quality Up Prices Down FOR EXAMPLE Latest Improved Goodyear Sl'PERTWIST CORD Pathfinder Balloon Tire9 FULL OVERSIZE Pathfinder HEAVY DUTY TRUCK TIRES 30x5 Heavy 33x5 Heavy 32x6 Heavy 36x6 Heavy 34x7 Heavy 6.00-20 Heavy 6.50-20 Heavy Duty Truck Duty Truck Duty Truck , Duty Truck Duty Truck Duty Truck Duty Truck Prloa for Two .$34.90 . 38.70 . 57.90 . 63.60 . 82.20 . 29.50 . 37.20 Pathfinder HIGH PRESSURE Prio. for Two 30x3y3 CI. Cord, 0. S 8.74 31x4 S. S. Cord 14.90 32x4 S. S. Cord 15.40 33x4 S. S. Cord 17.40 4-PLY REOULAB Price for Two 4.40-21 9.58 4.50-20 10.90 4.50-21 11.10 4.75-19 12.96 4.75-20 13.10 4.75-21 13.50 5.00-19 13.60 5.00-20 13.80 5.00-21 14.30 5.00-22 15.80 5.25-18 15.30 5.25-19 15.80 5.25-20 16.10 5.25-21 16.60 5.50-18 17.00 5.50-19 17.30 5.50-20 6.00-18 6.00-19 6.00-21 6-PLY HEAVY DITTY Prlc for Two $16.80 17.05 18.70 21.30 22.05 23.90 23.40 25.40 26.10 26.80 28.60 29.10 30.50 VAUGHN 6- GOODMAN HEPPNER GARAGE HEPPNER, OREGON