PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 26, 1931. IONE (Continued from First Page ) Albert Petteys who some time ago underwent a cancer operation in a Portland hospital, returned on Thursday of last week to his home In lone. The many friends will be glad to know that Mr. Petteys is making a satisfactory recovery. Louis Bergevin is one of the first in this district to finish summer fallowing. He completed the job Monday. He has plowed about 1200 acres and has been running the "cat" both day and night S. H. Hatch of Arlington has been placed in charge of the Standard Oil plant here. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch moved in Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith are the parents of a son, born Thurs day, March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McElligott are the parents of a son born Fri- day, March 20. Mr. and Mrs. James Botts are the parents of a 9H pound son born Saturday, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Woods and children of Eugene arrived in lone Sunday. They visited at the John Bryson home and later Mrs. Woods and the children visited with rela tives in Heppner while Mr. Woods was in Condon on business. Mrs. Lana Padberg of Portland came with Mr. and Mrs. Woods. She will spend some time with her two sons on their Rhea creek ranch. Elmer Cochran returned home Sunday after six weeks spent in the Veterans' hospital in Portland where he was receiving treatment for an injury received in an auto mobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Holman, motored over from Yaki ma Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Holman returned Sunday evening to their home, but Mr. and Mrs. Cochran will remain for a two weeks visit at the T. E. Grabil home. . The Women's Topic club will hold its next meeting April 4 at the home of Mrs, Earl Blake on Sec ond street. Mrs. Roy Lieuallen entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon. March 19, honoring her mother, Mrs. R. W. Brown. Present were Mrs. Carl H. Brown, Mrs. Harlan D. McCurdy, Mrs. George E. Tucker, Mrs. Wer ner Rietmann, Mrs. Oliver Kincaid, Mrs. Carl F. Feldman, Miss Kath eryn Feldman, Mrs. Catherine Kin caid, Mrs. Dale Brown, Mrs. Charles Becket, Mrs. Walter C. Corley, Mrs. Martin E. Cotter, Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Lee Beckner and Mrs. Louis Bergevin. Mrs. Becket won high honors, and low went to Mrs. Kin caid. The day following Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown departed for Gar field where they will spend the summer. A club for girls nine years of age or older has been organized with Miss Fern Engelman as guardian. Thursday is the regular day for meetings which are being held im mediately after school. The mem bers are Winona Ritchie, Eva Swan son, Charlotte McCabe, Margaret Lindeken, Mildred Lundell, Helen Lundell, Anabelle McCabe and Valjean Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Inez Freeland entertained at bridge Saturday evening at the Rietmann home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan D. McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Smouse, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. McNamer, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ma son, Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Cotter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Corley and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith. High awards were given Mrs. Smith and Mr. McNamer. Low scores were made by Mrs. Corley and Mr. Tuck er. Refreshments of chicken sand wiches, vegetable salad and coffee were served. I. H. S. Alumni Notes Five students completed the high school course in 1926. Lucile Bris tow is at home with her parents In lone. Elva Balsiger whose marriage to Melvin Kathan took place a few weeks ago at the home of her grandparents in Newberg, is teach ing this year in the high school at Riverton, Oregon. Mrs. Kathan had one year's work at Willamette uni versity before entering the Univer sity of Oregon from which she was graduated last June. Mr. Kathan is also a teacher in the Riverton school. The young couple make their home at Coquille. Mary Flet cher is the wife of C. J. Calandra. They make their home in Hood Riv er. Floyd Grabil spent two years or more in study at Oregon State college and is now located in sou thern California. Marvel Akers took the normal school training at Monmouth and La Grande and is following the profession of teach ing. Roy L. Skeen was principal of lone school at this time. sented after which an elaborate luncheon was served by the hostess. Miss Stallard, the county health nurse, was in this vicinity Friday and raised the quarantine from the Bedwell family which was placed some time ago. Nothing serious was the matter; just a scare. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Chaney and Mrs. O. Coryell were shopping in Hermiston Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler Jr. attended a party at the Mac Grabiel home in Umatilla Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dawald. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wier, Miss Renfro and Miss Laughbon attended the insti tute at Lexington Friday. A special meeting of the Irrigon grange was called Saturday night for the purpose of practicing the fifth degree work which this grange will put on at Pomona Saturday, March 28. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Shannon of Walla Walla were in this vicinity Sunday looking after land interests. A. C. Houghten and Roscoe Wil liams were Heppner business vis itors Saturday. The Home Decorating 4-H club met at the F. Fredrickson home Friday. The Brooks orchestra is giving a dance Friday night, March 27, in the gym. Roscoe Williams had the misfor tune to have a good tire and tube stolen from the back of his car Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom were calling on the Houghtons and Cory ells Sunday. Salad Suggestions Offered By Nutrition OSC Expert The coming of spring means va rious things to various persons, but to the homemaker it means one thing in particular a new supply of fresh vegetables to aid in keep ing the daily menus healthful and attractive. One of the most acceptable ways of serving vegetables raw, the state in which they retain the greatest number of vitamins, is in salads, says Miss Lucy Case, nutrition specialist of the home economics division of the Oregon State college extension service. There are thous ands of salad combinations and more are being discovered every day by homemakers with imagina tion and ingenuity. To be attractive, however, salads should always be cold, crisp and fresh, says Miss Case. Ingredients for bowl salads are best mixed by folding and tossing with two forks. Stirring is likely to result in a mushy texture. Another essential factor in pre paring salads is to have the edge of the bowl or plate clean and free from drippings, and to look ingre dients over carefully for specks of dirt of other foreign material and bad places in the greens. It is also best to dry the lettuce leaves or greens before using, and to use the right amount of dressing not too much nor too little, Miss Case points out. Numerous other hints for prepar ing salads, as well as a list of 101 suggested salad combinations of vegetables, fruits, meats and other foods, are contained in a mimeo graphed pamphlet, HE 182, recently prepared by Miss Case and now available upon request at the col lege. IRRIGON The Dramatic club of Hermis ton put on a splendid program dur ing the Grange lecture hour Wed nesday night. A large crowd at tended from here. After the pro gram the evening was spent In dancing, the local orchestra fur nishing the music. A dejicous lunch was served at a late hour. The en tire Grange takes this opportunity to express their appreciation to those helping on the program. Mrs. Frank Leicht was a Hermis ton visitor Thursday. A series of slides, views of the Yellowstone National park, were presented to the public Thursday evening at the gym, which everyone enjoyed. Floyd Oliver was host at a de lightful party given for the young folks of the community at his home Thursday evening. The eve ning was spent In playing games and partaking of delicious eats. Mrs. Frank Brace entertained the H. E. club ladles Thursday at an afternoon meeting. It was also the occasion of a shower given on Mrs. George Kendler, Jr., who was a guest Many lovely gifts were pre- Horse Numbers Shrink During Past Ten Years Should production of colts be con tinued at the present rate, the num ber of horses and mules will proba bly be reduced to around 10 million by 1940, according to a report just issued by the Oregon State college extension service. The horse and mule population in 1920 was 25 mil lion. The horse and mule population of Oregon on January 1, 1931, was 174,- W(l head, compared to 286,000 head 10 years ago. This is a reduction of 40 per cent. The market outlook for horses and mules depends largely upon the extent power operated equip ment may continue to replace work animals, the report continues. Prices remain low In the western states, and only a slight tendency for prices to advance has been not ed in the eastern states. Some ob servers think the demand, especial ly for mules, may be good in five or six years. LESS WOOL IMPORTS IS FAVORABLE SIGN (From National Wool Marketing Corp.) One of the principal points of encouragement in the 1930 wool con sumption figures of the U. S. De partment of Commerce, as analyzed bv the National Wood Marketing corporation, is the sharp decline in importation and consumption of foreign wools. Imports of combing and clothing wool into the United States in 1930 were smaller than for any year since 1913. Imports of carpet wools for the same year were the small est since 1920. Imports of combing and clothing wool for the past year amounted to approximately 60.000.000 pounds, a sharp decrease from the 1929 im 000.000. The maintenance of way and structures budget, which in cludes roadway and track, tunnels and bridges, ties and rails, ballast, fencing, signals and telegraph, and buildings and other structures, amounts to $27,000,000. The capital expenditures budget, which covers new work, totals $10,200,000. The budgets indicate that the Union Pa cific intends not only to maintain the system at its present high stan dard but also to actively prosecute the improvement programs which have characterized its transcontin netal lines for a number of years. The major items of new work in clude yard trackage, passing track extensions, rail renewals, new bridges and bridge improvements. grade separations, line changes, new signals and telegraph and telephone lines. In addition there ate to be provided new freight and passenger facilities and improvements to present similar facilities including further work on the new Omaha Union station, improvements at the Cheyenne passenger station, and a new freight house at Laramie, Wyo. The principal expenditures for new work on the O.-W. R. & N. in volves a total of $460,000 for line changes and improvements near Portland reducing and eliminating a number of curves. For Seattle the budget provides $46,000 for the Un ion Pacific's share of a grade sep aration to be made in Albro Place by the construction of a viaduct. Nelson Johnson ranch where he has bten assisting during the lambing season. He reports a 120 lambing. Dick Steers and Jim Miller hv been improving their property by lencing uieir iota. The saw mill at the Wm. Greener place opened Monday. Leslie RIpaU- man went out to work there Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. StsnW T?nhi ann and Miss Ruth Nyland were Lone Rock visitors here over the week end. Miss Alice Bleakman spent the week end visiting Misses Mary and Marie Saling. Carey Hastings has gone to Cali fornia where he expects to work during the shearing season. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bleakman made a business visit to Portland this week. Zetta Bleakman is teach ing school for Mrs. Bleakman dur ing her absence. Mrs. Ethel McDaniel and family have moved to the mountains so the children may attend the Burton Valley school. Orin McDaniel was visiting friends and relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman and Wes Stevens were Heppner visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith of Lex ington visited at the home nf Mr and Mrs. Hiram Johnson Sunday. Mr. ana Mrs. John Adams return ed from Portland last week, where they had been residing during the winter. Miss Goldie Johnson, Bernard Carlson,' Miss Lily Johnson and Morris McKitrick were a party of voung lows wno motored to Pen dleton Sunday. IIARDMAN. A spelling contest was held at the grade school Thursday to deter mine who would represent our school at the Morrow County Spell ing contest to be held at Heppner April 11th. High honors for the upper division went to Roland Far rens, a sixth grade pupil, he having spelled correctly 97 words out of a hundred. Neva Bleakman. also a sixth grade pupil, received the next highest grade and will accompany him. Francis Inskeep won high honors for the lower division and Lois Stevens received the next high est grade. A large crowd attended the dance held at the I. O. O. F. hall Satur day night. Owen Leathers held the lucky number which entitled him to the quilt raffled off at that time. Hardman boasts of two new citi zens, born this week. A 10-lb. son, named John Albert, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lovgren at Heppner, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams are also the parents of a son named Perry Allen, born at their home Sunday, March 22. Wm. Johnson and Blaine Chapel returned home Tuesday to spend Easter vacation with home folks. They have been attending the Ad cox mechanical school for the past six months. Wm. Meidinger, former principal of Hardman high school, was vis iting old time friends here Saturday. Mr. Meidinger has held the position as superintendent of the Dufur schools the past three years. Leah Mahrt spent Friday visiting former school mates here. Wes Stevens returned from the Well's Springs, historic watering place on the route of the Old Ore gon Trail, is now the site of oil drill ing operations. Recently northern Morrow county became suddenly in terested in the operations because a strong flow of gas was struck. The gas when first released makes a 30-inch column of flame, which gradually falls away to about eight inches, according to S. E. Notson, district attorney of Morrow county, who arrived in the city yesterday for the meeting of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, which con venes today. Water taken from the well, if allowed to stand, collects a slight film of oil. The operators were recently advised, however, by a geologist that the more promising location for an oil well would be on a rounding hill near the springs. He believes that this may be an oil "dome." Mr. Notson stated that the present shaft, which is now down about 300 feet, will be continued in hope of striking a strong enough gas flow to supply fuel for the con templated drilling operations on the "dome." Well's springs are made up of a group of artesian water out croppings. The water has sulphur WRITES ABOUT SCHOOL. To the Edtior: In reading over hte Boardman items it seems that they feel at lib erty to speak out in public In re gard to their school matters, and as time is drawing near for the hiring of our teachers for the- com ing year, we as patrons of the Hardman district are very much interested in having a better school. We believe this can be accom plished only by hiring teachers who have the welfare of the pupils at heart and will take an active Inter est in community affairs. For the past year there has been a great deal of dissatisfaction am ong the parents even to the extent that some have taken their chil dren out of school and are placing them in another district. There seems to be a lot of com plaint about the use of bad lan guage on the school grounds. We also feel that as the time draws near, when our children will take their final examinations that they should lose no unnecessary time that should be applied to their work and yet it seems to be a daily occurrence for school to take up late and dismiss early, to say noth ing of the time lost In giving long intermissions. PARENT. An unusual comedy featuring Marion Davies THE BACHELOR FATHER Star Theater-SUNDAY ONLY. Fake Schwager says he never paid a doctor's bill in his life. Bosch Exceptionally healthy, eh? Fake No; exceptionally poor pay. WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE Market prices paid for livestock, eggs, poultry, cream. ' Fhone for Prices lone Cash Market Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats Phone 31 IONE, OREGON GIVE YOUR SPRING CHICKS THE RIGHT START WITH Sperry Chick Feeds We carry a full line priced right. We want every boy or girl under 14 years of age raising baby chicks under 4-H club supervision to call at our office and receive a real present for their chicks. HEPPNER TRADING CO. INC. Phone 1482 Free Delivery In City Limits Complete Funeral Services In our New Home $50 and Upward A respectable burial without charge to those who cannot pay, from Cases' Chapel Economy IS WHAT WE'RE ALL AFTER and besides you sacrifice nothing in smooth and effi cient operation when you use approved STANDARD OIL Western Oils. ZERO LENE is still the leader in it's field. GEMMELL'S Service Station P. M. GEMMELL, Prop. "Our Service Will Please You; Your Patronage Will Please Us" and other minerals in solution, but is suitable for drinking purposes. When the pioneer trains crossed eastern Oregon it was a favorite camping place. Near it are the graves of a number of members of emigrant trains, who died in their struggle to gain the west The site was marked by the placing of a suitable tablet several years ago. Oregonian. Lon McCabe, Rhea creek farmer, was transacting business in the city Tuesday. He expressed satisfaction with growing conditions this spring. 32 PHYSICIANS REPORT FINDINGS ON NEW SARG0N So remarkable have been the re sults accomplished by Sargon in helping restore health to countless thousands of people that during the past thirty days alone thirty-two leading physicians have broken the rule of a Tife-time and have come out openly and publicly to give it their unqualified endorsement So startling have been the reports in many thousands of cases that selected physicians in principal cities were expressly retained to study the Sargon formula and re port their findings so that the pub lic might know the whole truth. Outstanding among the number are: Dr. P. K. Drummond, plant phy sician for the Ford Motor Company, Detroit, for 12 years. Dr. C. J. Roberts, Philadelphia Examining Physician for the Penn- sylania Railroad for 26 years. Dr. W. L. Mair Graduate McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Montreal Medical examiner for Sears-Roebuck, Detroit. Dr. G. Wraburton Graduate fa mous Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. Dr. Eugene Perkins Phvsician for Western Electric Company. Philadelphia. Dr. W. W. Kern Examining phv sician for New York Life Insur ance Company and many others. In order that the public may re ceive the full benefit of the advice of these well-known physicians, their reports will be published in later issues of this papier. The statement of physicians of such standing are perhaps without prec edent, btudy their reports and prof it by their advice. Sold by Pattreson & Son, Drug- gists. Heppner. (adv.) TASTY, FRESH Shell FISH Eat them here now. Pre pared to your order. FOR A GOOD MEAL ANY TIME or Just A LIGHT LUNCH OR FOUNTAIN REFRESHMENTS ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. H ousewives! -We will save you time and money 1 in the Spring HOUSE CLEANING H Fresh, bright paint, in a wide j choice of colors, for porch, home, floors, wood work, fur- niture. Pabco Paints, fully guaranteed, ready mixed. Wa- E ter-Tint, the cheery sanitary S wall coating. Glass for broken windows, or perhaps you want a breakfast nook, built in cab- E inets, cupboards or a H We can, and will, bookcase, a new door, help you and inside or out, or a EE please you. French door. Heppner Planing Mi 1 and Lumber Yard H Phone 1123 H "The Home of Friendly Service" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiii J. P. Clancy ROSENTHAL BROS, Topm akers Boston Will be in Heppner during the buying season to pur chase wool, and expects to be a heavy buyer in this section. The Gazette Times for Everything in Printing HUSTON'S IMMIIIIIIinMllinilllllllllMIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIItlllllllllllMMHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHItllMllllllllllllllHIinill GROCERY ItMIIIIiiHHIIIHIMMIIIIIIIIHHMIHIIIMIIIIIItlMIIIIIIIIHItHMIHIIIMIIMIMIIIIlllltMIIIMMIIIMIinilMII E. R. HUSTON, PROPRIETOR MIHMIIIMIIMIIItlllllllMlllllllllllllltMIIIMittlllllllltlM1MMIIMUIIIIIllllMlllllllttllttHIIMIIMIIIMM . Choice Foods Always to be found here featured by Monarch Quality for 77 years, 1853-1930 GARDEN TIME COME TO GILLIAM & BISBEE for your Garden and Flower Seeds, either in packets or bulk grown here in the North west. If you have our catalogue we will supply anything shown in it. Come in or or der by mail. What we are out of we will get for you. Alfalfa, Blue Grass, Whife Clover or any other grass seed you want. Onion Sets and Fertilizer. If you need a disc harrow, we have it at a very low price. GILLIAM & BISBEE We Have It, Will Get It, or It Is Not Made HIATT & DIX "A RED & WHITE STORE" COMMUNITY BUILDERS This store and each Red & White Store is an independent unit owned by citizens of the community, who have the welfare of the community at heart. All earnings stay at home and are not sent to some head office in the larger cities. Group buying accomplishes the savings from which you benefit. SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY Ry Krisp, large size package 35c My Choice Hard Wheat Flour No better flour made for the money Crown Mill Product 49-lb. Sack $1.21 Cream of Wheat, large package 25c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 bars 23c Red & White Catsup, large size 21c Oysters, 3 cans for 36c Red & White Orange Marmalade, 16-oz 26c EXTRA SPECIAL Superior Crackers. Butter is used for shortening in these crackers. 5-lb. wood box for only 71c QUALITY Always Higher Than PRICE