PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1931. ilfrppurr (Banrttr Qrtmrs THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March Sa 1883: THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUART 15, 191A Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEB and SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner. Oregon, as second-class matter. AJDVEBTISESO BATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear Six Months Three Months Single Copies 12.00 1.00 .75 .06 Official Paper for Morrow County. SOLDIERS' BOXTS MONEY Autocaster Service. THE first effect of the distribution 1 of several hundred million dol lars among ex-soldiers, in the form of loans against their compensation certificates, will be felt by retail storekeepers in every line. More money in hand means more money spent The effect will not be more noticeable in any one .part of the country than in any other, but it will spread evenly all over the Uni ted States. Increased sales by retailers will compel the speedier replenishment of stocks, and thus will stimulate wholesale trade and, in turn, manu facturing. Just how much effect the Government financing, necessary to provide the funds for these bonus payments, will have upon the cur tailment of credit for industrial ex pansion, remains to be seen. Sec retary Mellon opposed the project because of the added burden upon taxpayers and the drain upon gen eral credit facilities. It may not prove as serious as he anticipated, In the meantime, one fact stands out clearly. The merchants who will gain the chief benefit from the in crease in business through this new spending will be the ones who are enterprising enough to keep up their stocks and courageous enough to tell the people of their commun ities about their wares, through in telligent advertising. There never was a situation, it seems to us, when advertising had such an op portunity to prove its value. GOVERNMENT IN BUSINESS Autocaster Service. THE element in politics which wants the Federal Government to go into business is neither Republi can nor Democratic but Socialistic. That is the essence of Socialism, that Government should do every thing, and all individual enterprise be subordinated. That is not the way in which America has become great. It is , not the way in which any nation ever became great. We in this country believe, whether we call ourselves Democrats or Republi cans, that the individual is greater than the State, that government is set up to serve the individual and not to rule him. We have always resented, even in war time, the com petition of Government with private enterprise. There are emergencies, as Presi dent Hoover pointed out in his mes sage vetoing the Muscle Shoals bill, Sunday School na Lesson n:n International Sunday School Itesson for March 29 JESUS, THE WORLD'S SAVIOUR Golden Text Acts 10:38. REV. SAMUEL D. PRICE, D. D. The quarterly review gives fine opportunity to fix in mind the stud ies during the past three months. We are in the midst of a six months course on the Life of Christ and all lessons are based on the Gospel of Luke. First read chap ters 1-12. Do this with a map at hand. You can supplement by read ing paralell and other events in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John. Only by getting the content of each can you obtain the fullest picture of His wonderful life among men. The title is a fine generalization. After thirty years at Nazareth Je sus announced the Kingdom of God and stated its active principles as in the Sermon on the Mount Some of the dsiciples of John the Bap tist left the wilderness preacher to sit at the feet of the Master Teach er. From a large number of such students, Twelve were chosen as apostles and had more intensive training. These men journey often with Jesus. School was held by the wayside in the siesta periods of resting and when they camped at night. Three general periods define the reception of Jesus. At first He was in Obscurity. Then favorable at tention was gained because of His miracles. During the long minis try in Galilee He was in popular favor. This continued until He re fused to be their bread making king, after the feeding of the five thou sand. After that there was a per iod of retirement and a still more Intensive training of the twelve. During more recent weeks we have been Journeying with tllm in His approach to Jerusalem through Pe rea. The Golden Text Indicates what It is all about: "Jesus of Na zareth who went about doing good, and healing all that were op pressed of the devil; for God was with Him." Acta 10:38. when Government is justified in going temporarily into business, but who that remembers how the rail roads were managed during the War would want to go back to that inefficient, extravagant way of do ing things? Government operation of any business enterprise means the employment of people not be cause they are good at their jobs but because they voted right at the last election. The Wilson dam at Muscle Shoals and the government nitrate plant there were built as a war emer gency measure. It would be desir able to utilize the water-power that is now going to waste there, but it would be smiply a plunge in to socialism for the Government to enter into the business of manu facturing and selling electric power. It is easy enough to determine what a fair rental for the existing facil ities there would be, and if private enterprise is not willing to pay that rental, that in itself is pretty good proof that the Government could not operate it at a profit. And there is no possible justification for burdening the taxpayers of all the nation with the losses of an unprof itable business enterprise which can directly benefit only a few. The action of W. P. Mahoney of this city in protesting the ineffec tiveness of the farm relief loan measure as administered by the Grand Forks, N. Dak., office, and re signing his position on the advis ory board has apparently been re sponsible to a large degree in get ting some worthwhile results from the measure for Morrow county, It now appears that intermediate credit will be extended farmers for the purpose of working their sum merfallow a relief that is sorely needed by many Morrow county far mers. THE HOPE OF THE NATION. By WILLIS A. SUTTON, President of National Education Association. The country boy and girl are the hope of America. They know man's greatest blessing how to work They are reared in an environment of nature that produces character and enriches life. To give equal and adequate edu cational opportunities to the rural boy and girl is the greatest need of America. I was born and reared in the country. I know the blessings and happiness of it, but I know too the lack of educational opportuni ties afforded by the average rural community. For that reason I am niterested in seeing better schools for the average country district. Some states and communities have made marvelous progress in giving country children schools equal to those of the city child, but in four particulars the average rural school lags behind the city school. In length of term the city school has about a thirty day advantage over the rural school throughout the United States, while in some sections the city term doubles the county term in length. There are certani distinct educational advan tages in the country but they can not offset a short term of school. The country boy or girl needs and deserves a full nine months of school attendance. The training of the average rural school teacher is two years less than that of the average city school teacher. It requires as much or more training to teach rural chil dren as city children. A young, un trained, inexperienced teacher is as much out of place in a rural school room as in a city school room. The amount of money per month or year paid to the average rural school teacher is about sixty per cent of that paid the city teacher with the same duties and responsi bilities. This is unfair to teacher and child alike. The type of school house and the educational equipment provided for the average country child is far be low that provided for the city child. The differences are unjust and unfair, but they have existed and continue to exist. The causes are many. Some of them can be reme died by the local community itself, others must ba corrected by the state. There are three remedies I wish to suggest, but all three are de pendent upon the aroused interest of the parents of rural children. While fifty per cent of America's population live in cities, sixty-three per cent of. her children live in the country. These children are the hope of the world. If their mothers and fathers, however, are content PINKY DINKY ' fVY MOTHER rgT. v)'V l I )fea-frR- I WAS JUST THINKING- I T . '( A PlE WOUL.p TATE NICE 0M"T "kjLi V-y V ABOUT THI TIME OFPAV- JIN6LE6' WxZs A XJ ON6 DAV MY BIG FAT AUNT A P5, Louise W lllrY XZ? WA4 STAMPING ON ACHAlP flX Uj --VLLffi'' H,P,N6 PROM A tJTTLB The Amateur Gardener .GIVES OUT. i i fOfcTHE t TfiE UFAMDDLY DOCTOK JOHN JOSEPH GAINESMD. FIELD NOTES The physician who is literally "in the harness," encounters many very condition; in fact, a condition that doing the best he can for suffering humanity. His is a hand-to-hand encounter with his brother's arch foes, disease and death. He has little time for sentiment or empty theories; none for political debate; his purpose is embodied in the one principle, that of relief for suffer ing and the conquering of affliction, fighting even to death's door. A few days ago I was called to the bedside of a man seventy-five years of age; he had been indispos ed two or three days previous and had supposed he had a "cold." A year ago he had had an attack of "dropsy," of heart and renal origin; from this he had only in part re covered. He was a very poor risk for the case of "flu," which he had mistaken for a severe cold. I found him with a well-established case of broncho-pneumonia; the "linnets" were chirping all over one side of the chest; fever and dis turbed breathing; a very irregular heart, with feeble pulse at the wrist; to let them receive but half of the educational advantages which they deserve they can never render the service which they should to the world. These children will be tried by the same courts if they commit offenses as their city cousins. The same standards, of citizenship will be demanded. Why should not the state provide the same educational opportunities? Does a mother think more of a child born while she lives in the city than she does of a child born while she lives in the country? Does a mother state grant to a citizen who happens to be born in a city environment great er privileges than to one born in the great open spaces? It may be true that the state appropriates the same amount, but she should ar range to help the poorer community more, because often times the poor WELL, WASN'T PINKY RIGHT? Starts His Spring Exercise By Albert T Reid now -Listen To me. Every Year, ARE A CtC STRONG UAH AND YOU MUST CAN VOR.KOUT. THEN WHEN THE. WEEDS VEU-IVE EXEROSEOAHOE LAST Time ,1f so Vou Gutter think a TWICE. I'M f OUT FOR GOOD J " :. i : rrz-ig : -.rut m ilvvv ' hi i i i u i cool extremities; "foggy" mental keep him alive for his aged wife boded one chance in ten for recov ery, which at best meant the meag er existence of an enfeebled old man but he had a right to that! It was my affair, my business to keep him alive for his aged wire and other loved ones, as long as possible. Dear reader. I prescribed alco holic stimulants, to be combined with nourishment; fire cannot burn long without fuel. He used a pint of whiskey in the next four days! It was not a very difficult matter to control the cough to keep the temperature within safe limits. To day the old man is recovering at least his usual health. Neither I nor my aged patients are "wets." We are no wetter than you, dear sir, I care not how "dry" you claim to be. I am very sure my patient would have died, had it not been for the timely use of the alcoholic stimulant, which was here simplest, best! My moral is, I per mit no theory to step between me and the man who trusts me with his life. I demand freedom in cases like this. er community is richer in human wealth, children. First of all, we should see to it that the state makes larger appro priations to the local schools on a population or census basis; There are many local communities poor that no matter what the tax rate they cannot provide adequate schools. Every rural father and mother should familiarize them selves with the needs of the schools and demand of their legislators bet ter school support. Second, the old fashioned, out worn, small, local school district must be abolished and a county unit basis must be established placing all the schools of a county on the same basis, giving every school child an adequate school training. There is so much local partisan feeling in the small school district, It is often By TERRY GILKISON about this time you HAVE A GAR DEM VHERE You GET R-EAL HEALTHY' YOUR. Wind poor in soil and poor in taxable property of itself it cannot sup port a school. If it were absorbed in a county other sections would help bring up the average. We must have larger local taxation units and larger supervisory units before we can have better schools. In the third place, we must have better trained teachers. Many com munities pauperize their own chil dren by insisting that some local boy or girl teach the school. The home boy or girl, if he teaches, might do better some other place, but often an inferior teacher is tak en because of local feeling or kin ship. The country child deserves the best. I plead with the father and mother of the rural children to de mand the best for his or her off spring. Reliable Man Wanted to call on farmers in Morrow County. Won derful opportunity. Make $8 to $20 daily. No experience or capital needed. Write today. FURST & THOMAS, Dept. F. 426 Third St., Oakland, Calif. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Gil liam. In the matter of the estate of J. F. Deos, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the County Court ot Gilliam County, Oregon, his Final account as Administrator of the estate of J. F. Deos. Deceased, and that the Court has fixed Monday the 13th day of April, 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock at the Court House In Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to file objections with the County Clerk and Clerk of said Court or to be present at said time and place and offer any objections they may have to said Final Account and the settlement and allowance of the same and the closing of said estate. Data of first publication March 13, 1931. Date of last publication April 10, 1931. JESS DEOS, Adminsitrator of the estate of J. F. Deos, Deceased. 52-4 D. N. Mackay, Condon, Oregon, Attorney for the Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of Emellne Howard, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, his final ac count, and that said court has set Mon day, the 6th day of April, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court nouse, at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said final account, and all nersons having obiections to said final account or the settlement of said es tate are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time .set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 5th day oi marcn, 1331. JESSE J. WELLS. Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of M. S. Corrigall, deceased, has filed her final account with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that said Court has set as the time and place for settlement of said account, Monday the Fourth day of Muy, 1931, at ttie hour of Ten o'clock A. M. In the court room of said court In Heppner, Oregon. All persons having objections to said final account must file the same on or before said date. ISABEL FRANCIS CORRIGALL. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of M. S. Corrigall, deceased. Date of first publication: March 19, 1931 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the snder nlgned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Edward B, Hunt, deceased, and she has duly qual ified. All persons having claims against said estate must present them to me, duly verified as required by law, at the oltlce of C. L. Sweek In Heppner, Ore gon, on or before six months from the date of first publication of this notice, MAGGIE ANN HUNT, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Edward B. Hunt, deceased. Date of first publication: March 19, 1931. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the state of Oregon, I have taken up and now hold at my place one mile northwest of Heppner, Oregon, the hereinafter described ani mals, and that I will on Saturday, the 28th day of March, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at my place, ofTnr for sale and sell the said animals to the highest bidder for cash In hand, Hubject to the right of redemp tion by the owner or owners thereof, Said animals are described as follows: One aed black saddle horse. weiKht about 1100; blotch branti on left hip. FRANK H. rAKKKK. 52-2 Heppner. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is herbev eiven that the un dersigned 'was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estule of Thomas A. Hughes, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same duly verified as required by law, to said administrator at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months irom the date nereoi. Dated and first published this 12th day of March, 19:11. JOSEPH J. HUGHES, 52-4 Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution in fore closure duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County on the 24th day of Febru ary, 1931, by the Clerk of said Court pursuunt to a judgment, decree and or der of sale rendered and entered in said Court on the 21st day of February, 1931, in a certain suit in said Court wherein Charles Allineer. was plaintiff and E. H. Turner, and Bessie L. Turner, his wife. Northwestern National Bank, a corproation, Portland Trust and Sav ings Bank, a corporation, and A. A. Schramm, Superintendent of Banks of the Slate ot Oregon, were aeienaants, and which judgment is in favor of plaintiff and against E. H. Turner, and Bessie L. Turner, for the sum of $1172. 93, with interest thereon from the 9th day of August, 1922, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, for the further sum of $140.00, attorney's fees, for the further sum of $233.09, with interest thereon from the 14th day of January, 1931, at the rate of six per cent per an num, and 21.90, the costs and disburse ments of said suit, and by which de cree all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants was order ed sold in and to the following des cribed real property, situate in Morrow County, uregon, to-wit: The east half of Section 29 in Town ship one U) North of Range 24 East of the Willamette Meridian. NOW, in obedience to said execution, I will on Saturday, March 28th, 1931, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, at Heppner, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of said defendants in and to the above described real property, and apply the proceeds thereof to the pay ment of said judgment and decree and accruing cost of sale. Dated this 26th day of February, 1931. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. 50-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has been duly appointed tby the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County administrator of the estate of Josephine Johnson, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers as required by luw, to the undersigned at the law of fice of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of February, 1931. HARRY JOHNSON. 49-1 Administrator. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County by the Clerk of said Court on the 24th day of February, 1931, pursuant to a judgment and decree rendered in said Court on the 21st day ot February, 1931, in favor of The Farmers and Stock growersNational Bank, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Joseph M. Hayes, cieienuani. lor me sum ot 2uoo.uu with interest thereon from the 27th day of August, 1930, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, the further sum of $225.00 attorney's fees: the further sum of .flOO.OO. with Interest thereon from the 21th day of February, 1923, at the rate f eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of $225.00, attorney's fees. md $25.70. the cost and disbursmeents of said suit in a certain suit in said court wherein said The Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank, was pTain- tin, ana Josepn M. Hayes, a red 11. fe shon and Fred Rood, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Fannie O. Hood, deceased, W. T. Matlock. L. F. Duval!. Liquidators, a corporation. W. (I. McCarty, Trustee. Peoples Hard ware Company, a corporation. Heppner Farmers Elevator Company, a corpora tion. M. D. Clark; Charles Vaughn and Dean T. Goodman, partners doing bus iness as Vaughn and Goodman, John F. Vaughn. Charles Vaughn, and Carrie Vaughn, partners doing business 4ft Vaughn and Sons, were defendants, and in which decree the following described real property, situate In Morrow Coun ty. Oregon, was ordered sold, to-wit: E'. of SEH of SE'A of Section 7, SE'i, W'. of NE'4. SW'i, EV4 of NW'i SW'i of NW'i of Section 8, all of Section 9. except NE'4 of NE'i thereof, SWA of NW'4, of Section 10. NE',i of NWS, W'i of NW'i, NWH of SW'4 of Section 17, E'A of SEVi of NE'4 and B'A of NE',4 of SEli of Section 18, SEVi of NEVi of Section 20. SW'4 of NE'4. NW',4 of SEVi, SV4 of SW'4, and 8 of NW'i of Section 21, SV4 of SWVi of Section S3 in Township three (3) South of Range 29 East of Willamette Meridian. ALSO, commencing at the center of the NEVi of Section 3 in Township four (4) South of Range 29 East of Willamette Meridian, running thence South 80 rods, thence East 34 rods, thence In a Northwesterly direction to a point which is 6 rods East of the point of beginning, thence West 6 rods to the point of beginning; the SEVi of SE'i, W',-4 of SEVi, SWVi of NEVi, SW'i and SM. of NW'i of Section 3. SE'4 of NEVi and EV4 of SEVi of Section 4. NE'I of NEVi of Section 9, NWV4 of NWVi and NE'4 of Section 10. In Township 4 South of Range 29 East of Willamette Meridian. NOW, THEREFORE, In obedience to said execution. I will on Saturday, the 28th day of March. 1931, at the hour of iu:uu o clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, at Heppner, Oregon, sell the above described real property nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash and apply the proceeds of said sale on payment of said Judgment and accru ing cost of sale, said real property be ing the nronertv mortgaged bv defend ant, Joseph M. Hayes, to the plaintiff ncrcin. Dated this 26th duy of February, 1931 C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. 50-2 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ON EXECUTION. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution In foreclosure duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County by the Clerk of said Court on the 24th duy of February, 1931, pursuant to a Judgment, decree and order of sale ren dered and entered by said Court on the 21st doy nf February, 1931, In a certain suit In said Court wherein The Farm ers and Stockgrowers National Bank, a corporation, was plaintiff and John H. Hayes, and Mcdvlna F. Hayes, his wife, Fred H. Deshon and Fred Rood, Execu tors of the last Will and Testament of Fannie O. Rood, deceased, D. E. Gil man. W. G. McCarty, Trustee, Peoples Hardware Company, a corporation, Heppner Farmers Elevator Company, a corporation. M. D. Clark; Charles Vaughn and Denn T. Goodman, part ners doing business as Vaughn and Goodman, Charles Vaughn, John F. Vaughn, and Carrie Vaughn, partners doing business as Vaughn and Sons, were defendants, and which Judgment Is In favor of plaintiff and against de fendant John II. Haves, fur the sum of $2500.00, with interest from August 27th, 1930, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, the further sum of $225,00, at torney's fees, and $19.80, the cost and disbursements of said suit, and In which decree all the right, title and in terest of the above named defendants in and to the following described real property in Morrow County. Oregon, was ordered sold, to-wit: SVi of N and S", of Section 4. BE' of NE'i of Section 5. E4 of NE!4 of Section 8. all of Section 16. Et. SE'i of NW'i. E4 of SW'i and SW'i of SW'i of Section 17, NE'i of NE'i, W',-2 of NE'i. W'i of SE'i. NE'4 of SW'i and NW'i of Section 20, NE'i of SE'i. E'4 of NE'i. NW'i of NEK. N'A of NW'i and N!4 of SW'4 of Section 21. NWH of NE'i of Section 29. all in Township three (3) South of Range 29 East of Willamette Meridian. NOW. THEREFORE. In obedience to said execution, I will on Saturday. March 28th. 1931. at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at me ironi uoor or the court House, at Heppner. Oregon, sell the above des cribed real property at public auction 10 me mgnesi muuer lor casn, ana ap ply the proceeds thereof on the pay ment of said judgment and decree and accruing cost of sale. Said real prop erty being the real property mortgaged to plaintiff by the defendants, John H. Hayes, and Melvina F. Hayes, and or dered sold by the court. Dated this 26th day of February. 1931. C J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. 50-2. Professional Cards A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN fc SURGEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Eyes Tested and Olassas Flttad. GENERAL HOSPITAL CONVALESCENT HOME Dr A. B. dray, Physiclan-in-Charge Miss Helen Cnrran, Surgical Nurse Miss Ona Gilliam, Anesthetist Mrs. L. O. Kerren, Superintendent Open to All Physicians WM. BROOKHOUSER faintiho papeehakroino interior decorating: Leava orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. C. W. BARR DENTIST , Telephone 1013 Office In Gilman Building 11 W. Willow Street DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST Z-Ray Diagnosis L O. O. F. BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER 905 Guardian Building Residence. GArflpM kuo Business Phone Atwater 1348 PORTLAND. OREGON A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trained Nnne Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon C L. SWEEK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offlces In Pint National Bank Building Heppner. Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Speoialty "The Man Who Talks to Beat tha Band" G. L. BENNETT, Lexlngten, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks . Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon P. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Llna Csmpanlea. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Condcr, N. D. 80th year in practice In Heppner and Morrow County. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING Office Phone 03, Residence Phone 08. Heppner Sanitarium Hospital SvAdSriTSssST Oldest Institution of Healing and I Oldest Practicing Physician in Mor- row I'oiimy: wiin ine least percent age of fatality and greatest percent age of benefit