OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM POHTLAMD, ORi.. Volume 48, Number 2. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Mar. 26, 1931 Subscription $2.00 a Year teette PROTESTS FEATURE ARM ACTION Money Available to Work Summerfallow, Hyde Tells Steiwer. MAHONEY QUITS JOB Local Banker Condemns Ineffective ness of Administration; Farmers Urged to Write to Board. Morrow county farmers may at last receive some financial assist ance from the government accord ing to word just issued by Secretary Hyde that farm relief loans will be made for summerfallow operations in eastern Oregon. This word fol lowed protests from Senator Stei wer and W. P. Mahoney, Heppner banker, and the resignation of Mr. Mahoney as head of the advisory board in Morrow county. R. L. Benge has been appointed to a place on the local board and C. B. Cox has taken the chairmanship. The protests of Mr. Steiwer and Mr. Mahoney, as told in a Wash nigton news dispatch in yesterday's Oregonian, declared that only one drouth relief loan had been made in Oregon, and that the farm relief measure was a farce as administer ed in this section. Mr. Mahoney contended that those in charge of the Grand Forks, N. D., office had no conception of farming conditions in this section, as shown by their answer to one application for a loan of $250 on 250 acres of wheat land, In which they advised the farmer to diversify and rejected the application. Only one loan has been allowed In Oregon out of 114,600 made, Involving $17,445,600, the re port stated. Field Man to Visit In addition to the ruling obtained by Secretary Hyde from the solici tor of intermediate credit that loans be made for working summerfallow for the 1932 crop, ex-Governor Da vis of Idaho was detailed to con fer with Oregon people and it is ex pected that he will visit Morrow county within a short time, accord ing to word given out yesterday by C. W. Smith, county agent. Mr. Smith advised that It would be well for all farmers in this coun ty who have made applications for loans to write the county board a letter explaining their situations and the urgent need for relief, then a full showing may be made to ex Governor Davis when he arrives to make his Investigation. Report of the protests of Mr. Stei wer and Mr. Mahoney as given In the Oregonian dispatch, follows: Mr. Mahoney informed Secretary Hyde there has been no man on the various administration boards with a knowledge of northwest condi tions. "Without practical know ledge they expound to us theories about dlversiiied farming in eastern Oregon wheat sections. No amount of theoretical talking and letter writing will change climatic condi tions In the territory mentioned to enable It to become a diversified farming district" RWief Measure Fails. The well-known banker specially mentioned Morrow, Gilliam, Sher man, Wasco, Umatilla counties and detailed how farming is conducted there. Warming up In his Indigna tion, he told the secretary that it Is a sad commentary on present af fairs "after so many brilliant prom ises of relief for agriculture" that there should be "failure to provide any immediate or permanent relief in any particular." From Oklahoma today Senator Steiwer telegraphed Secretary Hyde that the relief machinery has done nothing In Oregon and reiterated his assurance no worth-while re sult Is possible unless an office for direct loans Is established in the northwest, as Grand Forks accom plishes nothing. Credit Would Help. "Indirect loans from the interme diate credit bank," telegraphed Stei wer, "will be most helpful If genu ine, prompt effort is made to supply ndenuate aeoncles and provide cap ital loans for credit corporations. I hope you will see that effective ac tion is taken. . As a result of these proddlnga, Secretary Hyde tonight telegraphed Senator Steiwer that a ruling had been obtained from the solicitor that loans needed In Oregon for summerfallowing can be made. This ruling Is very Important, as hereto fore the department has Insisted on the 1931 crop as security for loans. Summerfallowing this year la for the 1932 crop. Money for summer fallowing operations has been the big Oregon need. MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED. The manuscript of Earl Thomson, local high school student, has been accepted for entrance In the Ore gonian state oratorical contest. C. L. Swcek Is contest director for this district. Dates and places for com petition were not known, when the report was made. Word received by Frank Turner this week from Kenneth J. Ackley, who last summer was a reporter on this paper, states that he Is now with the Record at Baker. For merly a weekly paper, the Record has now become a dally, being Is sued as a morning paper. Instructors Elected For Heppner Schools Selection of the list of teachers for the Heppner schools for the coming school year was nearly com pleted at the meeting of the board of education on Tuesday evening. It is expected the full corps will be chosen by this week end. Nearly the entire teaching force of the present year has been retained, and the new teachers will fill the places of but three, and possibly only two, that are going elsewhere. Theo. Lumley of the high school has ap plied for another position in the county and may be accepted, as Mrs. Lumley may also have a place in the school as a grade teacher. Should he not receive this place, he will be retained at Heppner. Those elected at Tuesday's meet ing were Beth Bleakman, 1st grade; Elizabeth Dix, 2nd grade; Helen Ol sen, 3rd grade; Adelyn O'Shea, 4th grade; Juanita Leathers, 5th grade; Miriam McDonald, 6th grade; Blanche Hansen, 7th grade; Harold W. Buhman, grade principal and teacher of 8th grade; Paul Menegat, high school principal; Jessie E. Pal miter, home economics; Charlotte E. Woods, music; Neil Shuirman, supervisor physical training; Alice Montgomery, English and Madge Coppock, commercial. At this meeting the school board also closed a deal for the land ly ing on the fiat east of Willow creek, with J. L. Morrow, which will be added to the campus, making a fine playground that has been a long- felt want. Golf Course Improved ; Is in Good Condition Heppner's golf course presents its most inviting appearance this spring, having undergone much im provement under the personal su pervision of Roy Ohleschlager, re cently named president of the club, and devotees of the grand old Scotch sport are enjoying added zest given their game by the im provement Since work was started several weeks ago all the greens and tees have been smoothed, new cups placed, and part of the fairways dragged where most needed. In ad dition, the course of the road going up the hill to the links has been changed, eliminating the bad rocky place on the old road and making the course easier of access for auto mobiles. Repainting of benches and signs, with distance of holes marked, has also been undertaken, and adds much to the appearance of the links. Dental Clinic to be Held In School Next Week Miss Edith Stallard, county health nurse, announces that dental examinations will be held for the Heppner schools, starting on Tues day morning, March 31. It Is es pecially urged that all children who will enter school next fall attend this clinic and have their teeth ex amined. The parents should bring them in and take advantage of this opportunity. Drs. McCrady and Barr, local dentists, have kindly consented to conduct the examinations, and they are free to all who will take advan tage of them. Star Theater to Install New Talkie Equipment The Star theater will be closed next Monday and Tuesday, when the present talkie equipment will be replaced with more modern equip- mcnt that will assure theater-goers of this vicinity much better sound reproducion than was before possi ble, B. G. Sigsbee, manager, announ ced yesterday. In connection with the new installation, acoustical properties of the theater will be In proved also. The new equipment will use films which carry the sqund reproduction perforations, eliminating all chance of sound and picture being desyn chronized as often happened with the old disc equipment, Mr. Sigsbee said. The theater manager called especial attention to the good show on Sunday, with Marion Davies In "The Bachelor Father," that will be shown the one night only due to the shut-down for installing the new equipment. EIGHT BOYS ARRIVE IN WEEK. The past week end has been the time when there was noted a mark ed increase In the population of Morrow county, and the new arri vals have all been boys. From the oftlce of Dr. McMurdo we report the advent of a 9-pound son, born on Sunday, March 22nd, at Heppner hospital to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lov gren of Hardmnn; to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohn, Saturday, March 21, a 9-pound boy; on Friday, March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McElligott of lone an 8'4-pound son. At the same hospital on Sunday, March 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake of lone had born to them a 13-pound boy, whose death occurred at the time of delivery. At the maternity home of Mrs. Lillle Aiken on Sat urday, March 21st, a 9-pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepson of Rhea creek. Dr. A. B. Gray reports the arrival of a son, Bruce Dixon Smith, born Thurs day, March 19, at Herrcn's hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Smith of lone; Saturday, March 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. James Botts of lone, a pound boy; and on Sunday, March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ad ams of Hardman, a 7-pound son. THE BACHELOR FATHER," fea utrlng Marlon Davies, SUNDAY ONLY at Star Theater. COUNTY TEACHERS MEET IN INSTITUTE Eighty Attend Meet at Lexington; Paul Menegat Delegate to Na tional Education Conclave. RUTH DINGES, Correspondent. Teacher's institute was held in Lexington, Friday, at the school house. Exhibits of the work being done by pupils in Morrow county was displayed in the various school rooms. In the morning Mr. Riggs of lone led In singing several songs and the regular business meeting was held. Mrs. Irl Clary of Alpine, Mrs. Lilian C. Turner of Lexington and George E. Tucker of lone gave talks on their experiences at tne last annual meeting of the O. S. T. A. in Portland. S. E. Notson spoke on various phases of the teacher's work, stressing the Idea that the building of character was more im portant to the pupil than mere book learning, a great deal of which will probably soon be forgotten. Mrs. Dawald of Irrigon spoke on "The Dull and Retarded Child," explain ing something of his psychology and giving a number of suggestions for teaching him. At noon the ladies of Lexington P. T. A. served dinner In the Leach Memorial hall. About eighty teach ers were served. In the afternoon there was more group singing, after wnicn a voie was taken to determine who would be the official delegate to the N. E. A. convention at Los Angeles. Paul Menegat of Heppner was chosen. Mr. Marschat, principal from Boardman, spoke on the ethics of the teaching profession. After his talk the meeting broke up Into sec tional groups. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barton, and their daughters, Barbara and Shir ley of Portland, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Barton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis. On Wednesday, April 1, Lexing ton grange will meet as usual. Mas ter S. J. Devine desires the pres ence of all members who can come, as there will be much important business to discuss. Although it had been planned to initiate new members at this meeting, the in itiation will be postponed until a later date. Fred Kuns, who has for some time been 111 at his home in Lexing ton, has been obliged to return to the Heppner hospital for treatment. On Saturday evening, Lexington grange held Its regular social meet ing. A program was given, after which those present were divided into groups, who competed in a series of games. The committee preparing the evening's entertain ment was Mrs. John Miller, chari- man, Mrs. Ed Kelly, Mrs. Harry Shriever and Mrs. Harry Dlnges. Demonstrations of the old and new ways of doing housework were giv en. Eva Wilcox, Helen Smouse and Alice Palmer gave a skit and Dan- .ny Dlnges gave a reading. Mrs. Nellie Dinges and Mrs. A. w. Jones of Portland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges. Miss Helen Valentine returned Thursday, March 19, and will spend her spring vacation with her par ents. Buster Gentry came home from Corvallis on Monday. Saturday morning Miss Helen Falconer and Miss Helen Wells ac companied Mrs. Frank Turner to Walla Walla where they spent the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Furtney of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Peck. Mrs. Furtney was formerly Arlene Morey. Mr. and Mrs. Furt ney returned home on Monday morning. Mrs. McNeil of Portland, accom panied by her son Gordon, is visit ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Shriever. Mrs. Laura Scott entertained a group of her friends at a "500" par ty on Friday evening. COLLEGE STUDENTS HOME. Among Morrow county students attending higher institutions of learning who visited at home dur ing spring vacation this week are the Misses Marjorie Clark and Pa tricia Mahoney, Merle Becket, Vaw ter and John Parker of Heppner, from the University of Oregon; the Misses Erma Duvall and Helen Val entine of Lexington from the U. of O., and Terrel Benge and Roderick Thomson from Oregon State col lege. HEADS FROLIC FEATURES. University of Oregon, Eugene, March 25. Marjorie Barton Clark of Heppner has been selected to ar range the features for the April Frolic at the University of Oregon. The Frolic Is for university wo men and for senior high school girls who are prospective students. It Is a costume affair, and stunts are giv en by the various classes. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn of Pomeroy were guests over Saturday night and part of Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reav Is In this city. Mr. Thorn, formerly of Heppner where he was lcoal man ager of Pacific Power & Light com pany, holds this position at Pom eroy. Howard Kcithley, who has been 111 for several weeks from pneumo nia, underwent a major operation at. Heppner hospital on Monday. His recovery has been slow and It Is hoped that the operation will assist in restoring his health. TWILIGHT LEAGUE PLAYERS WANTED; NOBODY IS BARRED Many men about town remem ber the good time had a few years ago when a twilight baseball league was formed In Heppner. And many have been heard to re mark, "Why can't It be done again?" There's a lot of fellows who admit they can play better ball than some of the fellows who ap pear in uniform on the town team each year. In fact, If any fellow ever played baseball, he is prone to deny that he cant play just as good as he ever did. But that's not here or there. The idea is, If a fellow ever really played baseball, when just the right "feel" to the air comes In the springtime, he "Itches" to get hold of the "old apple" again. All of which leads to the case in point The "feel" Is in the air now, and some of the fellows have arranged a time and place to start twilight ball this year. They have given out word that any and all men between the ages of 6 and 60 who ever did, or who think that they would like to, play baseball, should report at Rodeo field at 5 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) eve ning. The purpose will be to choose up, or otherwise select teams, to play a series of five Inning games two or three eve nings a week. Nobody is barred ; all are urged to turn out O. S. C. Band Appears At Arlington Tomorrow Attired in new and colorful mili tary uniforms, the Oregon State college band will arrive in Arling ton early tomorrow in time to make several public appearances before their concert that evening at the high school gymnasium. The band will stage a street parade in full re galia some time during the day. The concert in the evening is be ing sponsored by the high school. A dance in the high school gymnasium with the selected college dance or chestra as music will follow the concert Forty-five of the best college mu sicians are in the band, which in cludes a saxophone quartet and an eight piece collegiate dance band composed of band members and se lected as the pick of the campus musicians. The band itself will feature such famous numbers as "WHilam Tell Overture," "Semiramide," "Stars and Stripes Forever," including a number of college medleys used in Chicago. Ted Gilbert of Albany, a radio singer of considerable exper ience and a member of the band, will contribute several selections. Incidentally he won the local audi tion in the Atwater-Kent contest last year and competed In the state contest In Portland. In addition to the regular concert numbers a va ried program which includes vocal and instrumental solos, quartet fea tures and two reels of campus life will be offered. Even the campus clowns will be at large. During its stay in Arlington, the band will be quartered at the Ven dome hotel. Local Wool Cooperative Gets Optimistic Report Encouragement to wool growers Is seen in late wool market reports received by the Pacific Coopertaive Wool growers from the National Wool Marketing corporation. The ten-year-old Pacific organization Is one of the 26 unit members of the national sales agency and last year delivered approximately one-ninth of the huge national accumulation of 119,000,000 pounds. "There is a decidedly better feel ing throughout the entire wool man ufacturing Industry," says the March 21 report Issued by the na tional corporation. Fall goods lines are opening with promise of in creased volume of sales. "Woolen mills are getting more business. London prices have been fully maintained. All foreign mar kets are strong. The Brisbane sale closed March 12 with prices about 30 per cent above January lows Only about 400,000 bales of the Aus tralian clip are left to sell out of a total clip of about 2.100,000 bales. Stocks of wool In domestic mar kets will be low by the time the new clip comes on in volume. The mar ket Is witnessing a much greater demand for three-eights wool, which has not had a real call In eighteen months. "There Is growing belief among close followers of the textile Indus try that the Improvement witnessed during the past month heralds the opening of a period of strong prices. While no one expects any very rad ical upturn In the near future, steady advancement as conditions warrant seem to be fairly generally anticipated. Wools are beginning to arrive at the warehouse of the Pacific Coop erative Wool Growers at 12th and Davis streets, Portland. The asso ciation has for several months been making preshearlnir advances to gffcwer-members In Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, California and Ne vada and wool advances are avail able upon delivery of the clip. It Is expected that the Pacific's 1931 vol ume will at least equal Its 1930 ac cumulation of ten million pounds Miss Virginia Dix who Is a stu dent at Whitman, arrived home on Tuesday to spend a short vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Dix. PIONEER'S BIRTH HONORED AT I0NE Many Attend Dinner for W. F. Palmateer; Week's Activities Of Neighbor City Told. JENNIE E. McMURRAT. Mr. and Mrs. Hal O. Ely were hosts Sunday at a most enjoyable dinner party given at their home on Second street The occasion was in celebration of the seventy-third birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ely's father, W. F. Palmateer of Morgan. Besides the hosts and honor guest, those present were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ekleberry, Mr. and Mrs. Rood Ekle berry, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and children, George Ely and son Frances, Wal lace Matthews, W. G. Palmateer, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troedson and daughter Francis, Edith and Mar garet Ely, Rev. W. W. Head and daughter Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind and son, Mrs. Willard Farrens and Mrs. Delia Corson. A most delicious dinner was served by Mrs. Ely, and after a pleasant afternoon the guests de parted, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Ely for their kind hospitaltiy and wish ing Mr. Palmateer many happy re turns of the day. Mr. Palmateer was born at Estacada, Oregon, Mar. 22, 1858, and has been a farmer all his life. Thirty-three years ago he bought the farm near Morgan where he still makes his home. He is a loyal son of Oregon, only hav ing been out of the state a few times, and then only for short vis its. He enjoys good health. Four of his five children live near him. A daughter, Mrs. DeShazer, resides at Dilly. The school declamatory contest was held Friday evening in the aud itorium with the following contest ants named as winners: dixision 1, oratorical, Donald Heliker, first; Helen Smouse and Francis Ely tied for alternate; humorous, Jean Hus ton, first; Walter Bristow, alter nate; dramatic, Minnie Normoyle, first; Elizabeth Head, alternate; division 2 (grades 5-6-7-8), humor ous, Junior Mason, first; Stuart Rankin, alternate; non-humorous, Carl Lindeken, first; Eugene Nor moyle, alternate; division 3 (grades 1-2-3-4), humorous, Harold Buchan an, first; Van Rietmann, alternate; non-humorous, Mary K. Blake, first; Paul Rietmann, alternate. Judges for the try-out were Alice Mont gomery of Lexington, Paul Mene gat of Heppner and W. W. Head of lone, Mrs. Earl Blake substituting for Mr. Head in dramatics. The high school divisional decla matroy contest between the winners from Heppner, lone, Hardman and Lexington will be held at this place March 28. An admission fee of 15 and 25 cents will be charged. The divisional contest of the grades will be March 27 at Lexington, with representatives from lone, Lexing ton, Heppner and the near-by rural districts competing. The O. E. S. Social club met in regular session on Friday afternoon at Masonic hall. Mrs. W. J. Blake was hostess. Other members pre sent were Mrs. R. E. Harbison, Mrs. A. A. McCabe, Mrs. Oliver Kincaid, Mrs. Peter Timm, Mrs. Roy Lieu- alien, Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mrs. John Krebs, Mrs. George Krebs, Mrs. Ella Davidson, Mrs. Ray Beezely and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy. All of the lone teachers were In attendance at the institute held Fri day at Lexington. Our 4-H Sewing club has completed the work for the year and this work was exhibit ed at the institute. There are 12 members of the club. Miss Hilde- garde Williams, third and fourth grade teacher, is the efficient leader of the club. David Grabll was taken to Hepp ner Friday where he entered the hospital for treatment (Continued on Page Six.) DR. HALL TO SPEAK. Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi dent of the University of Oregon, has accepted the Invitation to de liver the commencement address to the graduating class of Heppner high school on May 15, announces W. R. Poulson, superintendent. Kev Thomas D. Yarnes, Methodist min ister of Salem, has accepted the in vitation to deliver the baccalaur eate address to the same class on in the school auditorium. May 10. Both exercises will be held LODGE GIVES CUP. The lone I. O. O. F. lodge is donor of the silver loving cup to be award ed the school winning the lower dl vision of the county spelling con test, announces Mrs. Lucy E. Rod gers, county school superintendent George R. Barker and F. A. Doty of Portland, and Fred, Dean and Bob Owen of Everett, Wash., ar rived here Wednesday and proceed ed to the Fischer mill on Rhea creek. These gentlemen come fully prepared to take over this property and It will be" put Into operation Immediate v. so this paper is in formed. Mrs. Joel R. Benton's young peo ple's class of the Christian church was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bar ratt, east of town, Tuesday evening, a taffy pull being the main feature on the program, while many amus ing games were played. Lexington Couple Enjoy 50 Years of Wedded Life The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis near Lexington was the scene of a very happy gathering on Wednesday, the occasion being the celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are pioneers of this county, having settled at Lexington in 1883, and that place has been their home con tinuously ever since. They were married at Durham, Cal., March 25, 1881, and it was two years after this event that they came to Oregon. Nine children have been born to this union, and all of these were present on this occasion but two, Lottie S. Allison, deceased, and Glen Davis, residing at Bend. The other children present for the occasion were Lucy E. Pointer of Oakland, Calif.; Clark T. Davis, Jas. L. Dav is and Mabel C. Gray of Lexington; Leona A. Slate of Bend; Nettie V. Barton of Tulalip, Wash., and Glad estine C. Mikesell of Toppenish, Wash. Heppner Schools Choose Declamatory Entrants Elimination contests for the se lection of entrants in the sectional declamatory meets were finished in the Heppner schools the first of the week, and representatives of the school were named. Theodore Thomson will enter the oratorical division of the high school meet; Earl Thomson, the dramatic, and Ralph Currin, the humorous. In the grades, Hene Kil kenny will represent the upper di vision non-humorous, and Francis Rugg, the humorous section. Alice Latourell will appear in the lower division non-humorous and Mary Moore in the humorous section. The high school sectional contest In which Heppner will take part will be held at lone on Saturday, the 28th, and the grade school con test at Lexington on Friday, the 27 th. Oregon Gets Forest Highway Moneys Oregon will receive $1,344,741 out of the allocation of $9,500,000 in for est highway funds to be expended in 33 states and territories in the fiscal year 1932, according to an nouncement issued today by the re gional forester, Portland. The total for the United States Is the same as that available for the current fiscal year, which in point of highway construction on the national forests is to set a new record. The 1931 program Is being rushed to aid in relief of unem ployment, as well as to open up na tional forest areas to use and to facilitate protection of forest and watershed against fire, according to the regional forester. Oregon ranks second of all the states in total amount received, be ing exceeded only by California. The funds are used in the states having national forest lands within their boundaries and apportioned on a basis of acreage and value of these forests. Construction and maintenance of forest highways is handled by the Bureau of Public Roads. The highway-building program for the national forests was more than doubled for the current year, $5,000,000 having been added by congress to the amount appropria ted annually in recent years. Re ports from many communities in dicate that road building in the na tional forests is proving helpful in relieving the local unemployment situation. The forest highways are first- class roads, generally linking up with state highway systems. The Forest Service Is also expending $3,000,000 on forest development roads and trails within the national forests in fiscal year 1931, as part of an annual program of develop ment and forest protection. CONTESTS THIS WEEK. Sectional contests in the Morrow County Declamatory league, includ ing all the schools of the county, will be held tomorrow and Satur day. The grade school contests will be held at Boardman Saturday and at Lexington tomorrow. The high school contests will be held at Alpine Friday and at lone Satur day. Schools tributary to the va rious points will journey to the places named. County finals will be held in Heppner April 11. A change In the dates has been made from those appearing in these columns last week. McKINNEY WORK STARTS. A county road crew under Henry Taylor, foreman, moved onto the McKinney creek section of the Heppner-Spray road the first of the week. Camp has been established and work will start immediately In grading the new survey. George Bleakman, commissioner, said all the right-of-way had not been clear ed for the new route, but that the court expected to complete the grading of the four-mile stretch this season if possible. John Turley has returned to the county after spending the winter at Coburg, Lane county, and Is again helping tend the sheep flocks on the D. O. Justus farm. Elils Thomson Is home this week for the Easter vacation. He is at tending the university at Eugene Marlon Davies In THE BACH- F.LOR FATHER, Star Thcate SUNDAY ONLY. For Sale White I'ekln duck eggs, 50c per setting. Beulah Nichols, Lexington. l-3p "S TOLD BYMG MAHON Traffic Officer Is Friend of Motorist, Giving Much Assistance. GIVES LIONS DATA Club Gives Thanks to Charter An niversary Helpers; Notson to Attend State Chamber. The motoring public is rapidly learning that the state traffic officer is its friend and not its enemy, L. H. McMahon, highway patrolman for this district, told members of the Heppner Lions club at their Monday luncheon. The old name of "speed cop" no longer applies to the khaki-clad boys who ride in white automobiles, he said, as the majority of their work is giving as sistance to the motorist who meets with misfortune, and only about one out of ten cases handled by them is an arrest for speeding. Mr. McMahon stressed the im portance of drivers not allowing their minds to wander while travel ing. A car traveling 35 miles an hour covers 51.3 feet in one second, at 60 miles it covers more than 80 feet a second. Loss of attention for only an instant at usual traveling speeds means an uncontrolled cov erage of distance that may easily end in an accident There will be no change in the speed law from the maximum of 35 miles an hour until the new traffic code goes into effect on June 6, he said. "Another thing," Mr. McMahon emphasized, ho driver may expect leniency from me, even though he be my best friend, if he is found under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Gasoline and whiskey absolutely will not mix." 280 Killed In 1930. The officer quoted statistics show ing total number of automobiles in operation in the world, in the Uni ted States and in Oregon. Uncle Sam has 76 per cent of all automo biles. In Oregon there is one motor vehicle to every three persons. More than 250,000 out-of-state cars vis ited Oregon last year. To patrol the highways and keep all these cars in order the state maintains a force of 65 traffic officers at the present time. Oregon is among the first six states in fewer automobile fatalities in proportion to miles traveled. Last year there were 280 persons killed by automobiles in the state. The per automobile fatality rate in the state showed a decrease from the year previous. To better give assistance to the motorist who meets with misfor tune most of the state traffic officers are now adept at applying first aid, Mr. McMahon said. He said he was attending a Red Cross school at The Dalles evenings and expected to have his first aid certificate in a short time. The officers' automo biles carry extra gas, oil and water, fusees, shovel, first aid kit and a large number of tools to help mo torists in trouble. Any motorist so afflicted is subject to help by the traffic officer and should not hesi tate to call him. This is a real worthwhile service, he said, to which many motorists do not know they are entitled. Origin of Sheriff Cited. Mr. McMahon spoke on Invitation of the day's program committee, W. W. Smead and C. J. D. Bauman. Mr. Bauman spoke briefly on the origin of the name sheriff, and cited the similarity of the duties of his office, as such, to those of the first sheriffs in England. S. E. Not son, as president of the Heppner commercial club and director of the Oregon State Chamber of Com merce, said he expected to be in at tendance at the meeting of the lat ter body in Portland today, and urged all who signed the member ship roll of the local club to pay in their dollar to Dean T. Goodman, secretary, in order that the club's membership with the state chamber might be taken. Special entertain ment numbers were given by Miss Jeanette Turner and Ralph Currin, high school students, who gave readings. W. R. Poulson gave a financial report of the charter anniversary celebration of the Monday previous, showing the occasion to have been self-supporting. A vote of thanks was given Wise brothers for cook ing the meat, Central Market for obtaining the meat, and the ladies who assisted with the entertainment and serving. District Attorney S. E. Notson and M. L. Case departed Tuesday night for Portland, where they were called on business. While In the city Mr. Notson expected to attend the meeting of the State Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Heppner Commercial club. W. L. McCaleb motored to Port land Tuesday to visit with his wife. Mrs. McCaleb, who has been 111 for several weeks, will be removed from the hospital but is not yet able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Parker left Tuesday for their new location at Dayvllle. Mr. Parker will have charge of the big hay ranch of R. L. Ford near the John Day valley town. MA WR