Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 19, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MRS. A. T. HEREIM, Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ware were
visitors at the Strobel home this
week. Mrs. Ware and Mrs. Strobel
are sisters. The Wares have been
living in Eugene this winter.
Death again invaded the family
circle of the Bennett family when
the wife, Myrtle, aged 27, was tak
en Thursday night after a long ill
ness. Her mother, Mrs. Henry Ellis,
was with her at Willow creek for
three weeks, then she was brought
here but later taken to The Dalles
to the hospital where death came
as a result of dropsy and other com
plications; Her husband, Bert Ben
nett, and a daughter Alice, 7 years
of age, are left to mourn her early
passing, as well as her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Ellis, four brothers,
Howard, Mitchell, Elmer and Cecil,
and a sister, Mrs. Joe White of Wil
low creek. A son Jesse was killed
by a passing car in September two
years ago when the Bennetts were
living at Messner. Funeral services
for Mrs. Bennett were held Sunday
at the church with the Nazarene
pastor in charge. A quartet con
sisting of Mr. Barlow, Mrs. Coats,
Mr. Marschat and Miss Shellenber
ger, with Mrs. Titus at the piano,
sang. Pallbearers were Mr. Cooney,
Nels Kristensen, Wm. Strobel, A. T.
Hereim, L. V. Root and H. V. Tyler.
Interment was in the Boardman
Victor Porter left Monday evening
for his home in Seattle after a
pleasant visit with his parents.
The Marschats were visitors in
The Dalles Saturday.
Truman Messenger and family
were here from La Grande over
Sunday and visited at th.e Messen
ger and Barlow homes. The Mes
sengers have been living in Pendle
ton this winter but have been trans
ferred to La Grande where he will
continue his work with the high
way department
Mrs. Marie Shane was pleased to
have her father here from Califor
nia for a visit with her. They drove
to Portland Friday.
Friends were glad to welcome
Rev. Miller back to the pulpit Sun
day evening after his recent illness
with pneumonia.
Messrs. Frank and L. Hiatt of
La Grande were visitors at the
Rands home Monday on their way
to Bend.
Mrs. MaGoon who is in charge of
the Highway Inn gave a pleasant
party Saturday night for her son,
Jack Sayers, having the high school
students for guests. A most de
lightful evening was spent with
games and music, followed by a de
licious lunch.
Services were held Sunday in the
Catholic church. The priest from
Hermiston now has charge of the
services here.
The Packards extended their hos
pitality Sunday at a bounteous din
ner. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Porter and Victor Por
ter of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Jenkins and Elvira, Mr. and Mrs.
Spagle and Robert Dye of Seattle
and the hosts. Mr. Dye is a nephew
of the Jenkins and Packards and
was a house guest at their homes
for a few days this week, leaving
Monday for his home.
Boardman is becoming quite so
phisticated since its pioneer days
and the Senior Frolic, which is an
annual event anticipated with many
heart flutterings on the part of the
younger set, and many new gowns
are to be in evidence on that aus
picious occasion.
Mrs. Roy Howell visited in Hood
River, returning Sunday night
Mr. and Mrs. Llye Blayden went
to their home in Spokane after a
few days' visit at the C. G. Blayden
Mr. nad Mrs. Bruno Kroon stop
ped for a short visit at the Mead
home Thursday on their way to The
The government landing field
near Tom's Camp is taking on the
appearance of a city field. It has
been nicely leveled and a row of
lights placed around the field. The
beacon has been casting its rays
about for several months.
Elizabeth Kristensen has been
having a severe case of whooping
cough and has been unable to re
tain any nourishment for so long
that she has become very thin. It
is indeed a dread malady for the
little people. No new cases have
developed for some time so it Is
hoped that it has run its course.
The Falers came home Saturday
from Lexington where they visited
at the Schriever home, and on Sat
urday and Sunday they were at
Stanfield visiting friends.
Hereims were guests Sunday at
the Cooney home at a lovely dinner.
Lee Mead and family are planning
to move shortly to their ranch,
which they have been getting in
Friction at school and over school
matters was formerly the common
thing here, but for the past three
years there has been comparative
peace and quiet. The climax came
when a young high school girl spoke
in a rude and disrespectful manner
to Miss McMahon, the matter was
taken to the board and being dissat
isfied with their findings in the case,
Miss McMahon resigned, leaving
Monday for Spokane where she will
visit It' is indeed unfortunate to
have difficulties of this sort in the
school. The girl was suspended,
and there are three or four more
youngsters in the school who might
well be, or perhaps receive an old
fashioned application of "hickory
oil" or birch, to remove some of the
super egotism with which they feel
endowed. When children defy a
teacher the modern methods of ed
ucation might well be dispensed
with for a time and some of the
older means used. The board han
dled this matter in a very discreet
way and no favoritism was shown
whatsoever. Miss Marian Camp
bell of Portland Is here and has
taken up Miss McMahon's work.
G. A. Harju and son John left
Saturday night for Mass, Mich. The
family lias been there for the past
year and like it very much. They
have a farm there and already have
8 or 9 cows. illiam, the eldest
boy who was here with his father,
left the first of the year. Mr. Harju
thought he had the Boardman
ranch sold when he bought the one
in Michigan, but the deal fell
through, so the family was divided
for a year. The Hereims have mov
ed on to the Harju place.
Meadow Larks Eleanora and As-
to Skoubo had their birthday cakes
at School Friday. They were out
with whooping cough at the time
of their birthdays. The cakes had
seven candles on them.
Last week we washed our library
table and chairs.
We have our exhibits all ready
to go to Lexington to the institute.
All the first and second grade peo
ple who live in town are to go home
at 2:15 unless they are kept to prac
tice. Anna Ludemann.
Mount Hood Alice Wicklander is
our hostess in the cafeteria.
Janet and Echo brought some
pretty flowers Monday.
Echo was in The Dalles Saturday.
We are writing diaries this week
We are fixing our exhibits for the
Teachers' Institute.
We are learning our pieces for
declamation. Clara Mae Dillon.
Columbia Wanda Shane went to
Portland to have her eyes tested.
The boys of the upper grades are
bringing money to buy a new ball.
Mrs. Titus has the first boquet of
yellow bells on her desk. They were
found by Mary Smith and Helen
Our program plan for girls club
is as follows: 1. Plan of rooms for
girls; 2. Color harmony; 3. Constitu
tion and by-laws and name; 4. How
to prepare old furniture for reflnish
ing; 5. Demonstration of work be
gun by different girls; 6. How to
make a dressing table from orange
crates; 7. Braided rugs; 8. Picture
framing; 9. Finishing walls; 10. Re
ports on work done.
Maxine Machan.
The student body gave a party
Monday evening in honor of Miss
Mariam Campbell, the new high
school teacher. Alumni were pres
ent as well as student body mem
bers and all had a most delightful
The grade declamatory contest
will be held here the 27th and the
high school at Alpine the 28th. The
room tryouts will be held next Mon
day. There will probably be a small
charge to cover expenses at the sec
tional contest
Wins Civic Award '
i tFyM If k1 :
Dr. Taul I'hillippe Cret, Univer
sity of Pennsylvania professor and
a famous designer of war memorials,
won this $10,000 Bok prize as the
person contributing the greatest
service to the advancement of his
fellow men.
The Alpine grade and high school
are well on their way practicing for
the declamatory contest There are
going to be four entries from the
grades and three from the high
school. Those entering from the
grades are Reitha Howard, humor
ous; Peggy Kilkenny, non-humor
ous, for the upper grades, and
Bruce Lindsay, humorous and Irl
Clary, non-humorous, for the lower
grades. Entering from the high
school are Joe Kilkenny, oratorical;
Margaret Howard, dramatic, and
Alex Lindsay, humorous.
The Snappy Snippers held their
fourth 4-H sewing club meeting at
the Howard home Saturday eve
ning, March 14. The members were
pleased to have Mrs. Lucy E. Rod
gers, county school superintendent,
and Miss Edith Stallard, county
nurse, with them. Mrs. Rodgers
presented the club wtih its charter.
She also presented members and
leaders of last year's Strawberry
and Lone Tree joint sewing club
with club pins. The club came
through 100 percent. Members re
ceiving achievement pins were Dor
is Klinger, Edna Rauch, Margaret
McDaid, Annie Doherty and Henry
Rauch. Co-leaders Nora McDaid
and Mae Doherty received silver
leadership pins. Arrangements were
made for all the members of the
club to meet with Mrs. Rodgers and
Miss Wynken, state assistant club
leader at the Strawberry school-
house on Monday or Tuesday of
next week. Dancing was enjoyed
after the meeting by ftie young peo
ple of the community. Refresh
ments were served. A pleasant eve
ning was reported by all present
The high school divisional declam
atory contest for north Morrow
county will be held at the Alpine
schoolhouse on Saturday evening,
March 28, at 8 o'clock sharp. Come
and bring your friends. Admission
15 and 25 cents. Coffee and sand
wiches and cake will be served in
the basement of the school after the
Herbert Shaw of Heppner was in
the community Monday on business.
Mrs. W. T. Doherty and Mrs. P.
J. Doherty were Alpine visitors Sun
day from their home in Juniper.
Mrs. Frank Kilkenny has been ill
at her home for the past week but
is reported to be much better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bucknum of
Heppner were visitors in Alpine
Miss Mary McCabe and Miss Hel
en Doherty were Sunday callers at
the home of Mrs. Glen Shearer of
the college economists, but poultry
men apparently plan to raise fewer
pullets than usual. Commercial
hatcheries In the United States
turned out 50 per cent fewer Janu
ary chicks and around 40 per cent
fewer February chicks than last
year. The cut was even heavier on
the Pacific coast Poultrymen have
also marketed so many hens that
the number now on farms is some
what less than a year ago.
Egg production has been unusual
ly heavy during the winter months
because of the mild, open weather,
but the recent trend has been tow
ard normal production. The use of
eggs by consumers, however, has in
creased substantially because of the
low prices.
Thursday evening, March 12, the
Lexington grade school held try
outs for the declamatory contest.
Speakers from the first, second,
third and fourth grades were war
ren Blakely, Jerrine Edwards,
Harding Smith and Eileen Kelly in
the non-humorous division; in the
humorous division Norma Howell,
Maryan Spellman, Kenneth Jack
son and Danny Dinges Spoke. In
the division made up of members
of the fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth grades the speakers were
Alfred VanWinkle, Kvelyn Kirk,
Alma Van Winkle and Kenneth
Palmer, non-humorous; the speak
ers in the humorous division were
Rose Thornburg, Elwynn Peck, Mil
dred Sanford and Marvin Cox. The
speaking was interspersed by musi
cal numbers. The winners were:
non-humorous, Jerrine Edwards,
first, and Warren Blakely, second;
humorous, Kenneth Jackson, first,
and Danny Dinges, second. In the
upper-grade division, the winners
were, Evelyn Kirk, first, and Alfred
Van Winkle, second, in non-humorous;
Marvin Cox first in humorous.
The judges were unable to agree on
a second place winner in the upper
grade division.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus McMillan have
returned from Portland where Mr.
McMillan has been receiving medi
cal attention.
A. C. Bechdolt and Miss Alice
Montgomery were week-end visitors
in Portland last week.
Mrs. Merle Miller and baby
daughter have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas enter
tained a group of their friends
from Lexington, lone and Heppner
with six tables of bridge on Satur
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Craigo of
Spokane spent a few days last week
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Evans. Mrs. Craigo and Mrs.
Evans are sisters.
The students and faculty were en
tertained on Friday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schrie
ver. The evening was . spent in
playing games, and delicious re
freshments were served.
Sunday afternoon Joel R. Benton,
Christian minister from Heppner,
preached a sermon at the Lexington
Christian church. Next Sunday af
ternoon at three o'clock there will
again be services here. Everyone
is invited to attend.
W. J. Davis suffered an injury to
his foot and a good many bruises
when the brakes of his car failed
to hold and the car ran over his
Good 3-bottom, 16-in. John Deere
plow for sale hardened shears.
Frank Shively, Heppner, 52tf.
would do him no harm. I gave him
a slightly astringent nntlspntic
powder to take between meals, and
Hudson coach, looks good, runs
fine. Trade for cattle, horses, lum
ber, or anything but cash. Dwight
Misner, lone, Ore. 52-3p.
Notice is hereby given that the snder
signed has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County. Executrix of the
Last Will and Testament of Edward B.
Hunt, deceased, and she has duly qual
itied. All persons having claims against said
estate must present them to me. duly
verified as required by law, at the
office of C. L. Sweek in Heppner, Ore
gon, on or before six months from the
date of first publication of this notice.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of Edward B. Hunt
Date of first publication : March 19, 1931.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of the laws of the state of Oregon. I
have taken up and now hold at my
place one mile northwest of Heppner,
Oregon, the hereinafter described ani
mals, and that I will on Saturday, the
28th day of March, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at
my place, offer for sale and sell the said
animals to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, subject to the right of redemp
tion by the owner or owners thereof.
Said animals are described as follows:
One aged black saddle horse, weight
about 1100; blotch brand on left hip.
52-2 Heppner, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the under-
New Consul-General
Gerald Campbell. Britain' new
consul -general to N. Y. G, is no
itranger . in this country, having
erred in a similar capacity at San
Francisco. Succeeding Sh- Harry
Gloster-Artnstrong, Campbell be
comes the highest ranking British
consular ofiicot;.
Morris McKitric and Raymond
Packard were visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson, Mrs.
B. H. Bleakman and daughters, Del
sie and Pat, were business visitors
in Heppner Saturday.
Chas. Johnson: was visiting in
Heppner Saturday.
Leslie Brannon and Leslie Bleak
man visited at the home of Tilden
Hogue near Gooseberry one day
last week.
Miss Zetta Bleakman spent the
week visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Bleakman near
Friends were sorry to learn of the
serious illness of Tilden Williams.
He has been receiving medical at
tention from Dr. McMurdo for some
The townsladies have been quite
busy piecing a quilt to be sold some
time in the near future. The pro
ceeds are to be used to buy tennis
croquet sets for the town.
Mrs. Ada Cannon was attending
to matters of business in Heppner
Sunday. She was accompanied by
Mrs. Ethel McDaniel.
Mrs. Kinnard McDaniel and chil
dren were visiting relatives here
Carl Leathers made a business
visit to Hyak, Wash., one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman were
transacting business in Heppner
Mrs. Frank Elder of Heppner was
visiting at the home of Mrs. Wes
Stevens Friday.
College Predicts More
Turkeys, Fewer Chicks
More turkeys may be raised In
Oregon this year but current Infor
mation Indicates a reduction In ear
ly hatched pullets, according to a
report Just Issued by the college ex
tension service, on the agricultural
situation and outlook.
Prices for turkeys were not quite
as high for the 1930 crop as In other
recent years but returns were good
compared to other products. The
turkey outlook appears favorable
from the demand standpoint, the
report says, but not much is known
about the probable supply from oth
er states.
The market outlook for eggs dur
ing the 1931-32 marketing year ap
pears fairly favorable, according to
With Dorothy Sebastian and Mary Carr.
A fast action Western that will hold you in suspense.
COVERED WAGON, two reel talking Chimp comedy that will
make you howl with laughter.
Evenings 20c and 40c. Matinee Saturday 2:00 p. m., 10c and 25c.
SUN.-MON.-TUES., MARCH 22-23-24:
With Zazu Pitts furnishing the comedy. An heiress sacrifices
wealth and position to marry her young chauffeur. What happens
then makes a dramatic soul-thriller you'll never forget. From the
novel by Kathleen Norris. Not of interest to children.
Also CRAZY HOUSE, colortone revue.
Evenings 25c and 50c. Matinee Sunday at 2:00 p. m., 15c and 30c.
There's no stopping the irrepressible "Red Head." Here she is
with the new Bow lines, the new coiffure, the new boy friends and
a million dollars worth of pep, personality and "the old zingo."
Tangle Farce Comedy. 20c and 40c.
Gary Cooper and Fay Wray in THE TEXAN, March 27-28:
Marion Davies in THE BACHELOR FATHER, Eunday, March 29,
one day only. We are going to be closed for a couple of days
(Mon. and Tues., March 30-31) Installing our new film talkie.
Opening Wed., April 1, with our new reproducer, Lawrence Tibbett
in THE PRODIGAL (new title for "The Southerner")
Thomson Bros.
MARCH 21 & 23
LINDY Fine Golden Yellow, 2'b RED MEXICAN
3 tor 40c A M Extra Fine Quality Aj"
Can J.H 5 Pounds for DC
Quality. Dromedary, Fitted or Unpittod.
Large 22-oz. Jar A a Your Choice i A.
Jar ZOC Package ; ltJC
Sandwich Brand. Northern Al- A E ,
aska Facie. Rich In Natures Mayonnaise
Iodine. Quart Size UfA,
2 tar 25C Can 50C
Bleached Bottle, Pint UiX,
CinAP Laoga Brand, Rich Quality,
New Pack.
P & G White Naptha, The choice pint T(n '
for laundry; more women use It n r mf S
than any other. 2 Cans for
10 Bars for .tOC CREAM OF WHEAT
Always For a good breakfast
COFFEE Large Size Od
maxwell house "Good to Package AVV
the Last Drop." "
BEANS T? Florlda' z'8 1 Q
WILAMET That Famous En- an M.tfs
gene Pack, Green Cut
o'V. ttf OYSTER8
o Cans for tw otter brand
-" Fancy New Pack, l's C
WALDORF Finest Quality.
Large ,tolto 05 P FLAPJACK FLOUR
iur ALBER'S For Delicious
FREE OFFER TODAY Large si,"ot Cak ftft.
proved by 73 leading derma-
tologists for even the most del- i
lcate complexions. 1 Cake Ca- Macarni, Spaghetti,
may FREE with Each S-Cake XrMna
Purchase. OOUltS
Regular Value 40c AQA Quaker, Your Choice A
All for ZtlC Package
signed. Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of M. S. Corrigall. deceased,
has filed her nnal account with the
County Court of the State of Oregon
fur Morrow County, and that said
Court has set as the time and place
fur settlement of said account. Monday
the Fourth day of May. 1931. at the
hour of Ten o'clock A. M in the court
room of said court in Heppner. Oregon.
All persons having objections to said
final account must hie the same on or
before said date.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of M. S. Corrigall,
Date of first publication: March 19. 1931
Notice is herbey given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Morrow County, administrator of
the estate of Thomas A. Hughes, de
ceased, and all persons having claims
agHinst the estate of said deceased are
hereby required to present the same
duly veriiled as required by law. to
said administrator at the law office of
Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 12th
day of March, 1931.
52-4 Administrator.
Published In the interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
VoL 31
Heppner, Oregon, March 19, 1931.
No. 11
According to his ad
mirers the only thing
that Mussolini has'nt
been able to straighten
out in Italy is the Spa
I was a pretty little
house until I contract
ed a bad case of blis
ter and scale. Then I
became ugly. Finally
my owner called in
the Tum-A-Lum paint
doctor and he fixed me
up. Now, I am heal
thy, happy and easy
to look at again. My
advice to any sick
looking house is to
get painted.
T h 6 r e is nothing
strange in the fact
that the modern girl
is called a live wire.
She carries practically
no insulation.
1 'hT
The whitest white
known to painters is
an estimate on the
cost of painting your
home with a paint
that will last for five
And speaking of in
sulation. For sum
mer comfort insulate
with FIR - TEX and
enjoy a cool home this
summer. It will make
a difference of 20 de
grees temperature.
And there is a world
of difference between
the North and South
Poles. Just like there
is a world of differ
ence between cheap
paint and Tum-A-Lum
Paint. Try a coat of
Hajndi-Man is still
waiting to help with
your Spring Cleaning
and Painting.
Get our new low rates on hauling live
stock to .North Portland Stockyards.
$109000 Cargo Insurance
John Day Valley Freight Line
M. VENABLE, Manager. Office 5 E. May St Phone 1363
Taking No
In the conduct of our Bank we
handle every item of business as care
fully as though it was our own per
sonal affair. We leave nothing to
That's why our bank is a good
bank for YOU. We realize our re
sponsibility. Our officers know how
to weigh transactons carefully. Hence
our bank has grown steadily from
year to year. We have a SAFE bank,
offering all modern banking facilities.
We would be glad to have you inves
tigate. Fir& National Bank