Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 12, 1931, Image 1

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    nc1VJ !:;:tc'ica!. society
Volume 47, Number 52.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Assistant State Leader
Speaks ; Demonstrations
Staged by Workers.
Charter Anniversary Celebration to
Be Staged; Achievement Awards
Given Clubs and Members.
The meaning of the four "H's" of
boys' and girls' club work was im
pressed upon the Heppner Lions
club at its Monday luncheon when
representative leaders and club
workers were entertained as guests
of the service club and depicted
their work. L. J. Allen, assistant
state "4-H" club leader, was present
and gave a birdseye view of ths
work in a short address. Awarding
of leaders pins, 100 percent certi
ficates and scholarships by C. W.
Smith, county agent, was also made.
Featuring the business procedure
of the Lions was the selection of
next Monday night for celebration
of the charter reception anniver
sary, when ladies of Lions will be
entertained with an appropriate
program at I. O. O. F. hall. W. R.
Poulson is chairman of the special
committee having charge of details
of the entertainment
Through "Head, Heart, Hand and
Health" boys' and girls' club work
strives for those things fundament
al to good citizenship for the pur
pose of making better and more
useful citizens of the youth engaged
in it, and not alone for the making
of better pigs and calves, Mr. Allen
told the Lions. That great impetus
has been given the work is evidenc
ed by the ever increasing number
of boys and girls enrolled. With the
work but a quarter of a century
old, 850,000 boys and girls were en
listed in the United States in 1930,
and 15,355 in Oregon the same year.
Beginning of Work Told,
The work had its Inception when
a representative of the United
States department of agriculture
was sent into Kansas some 28 years
ago to assist the farmers in raising
corn. The -commiBsioned mam con
ceived the idea that It was easier to
teach new methods to the boys than
to their farmer dads, and carrying
out the thought organized a group
of boys for corn planting. The third
year, the boys raised three times
the average yield per acre of corn
and farmers came to them from
long distances for seed. Into the
work, as it grew from then on, was
inculcated the principles of the four
"H's", and the movement has now
come to be recognized as one of the
most outstanding boys' and girls'
movements in the country.
Following through the organiza
tion of a single club, by taking a
poultry club as an example, Mr.
Allen cited the beneficial nature of
the work. To organize a club five
or more boys and-or girls interested
in some phase of agricultural or
home economics work get together,
elect officers and choose a leader.
Meetings are held at least ten times
a year, conducted according to cor
rect parliamentary procedure with
a set order of business including
ceremonies expressing aims and
ideals of club work. Problems of
the club are also discussed at the
meetings. Judging teams are or
ganized In each club, which com
pete with each other, and thus stim
ulate good sportsmanship as well
as a keener interest In the work,
Each member must keep a business
record of his project in which he
learns the rudiments of business
practices. Demonstration teams are
formed and exhibits made at fairs
for the purpose of learning what is
being done by other clubs. The
work develops leadership, fosters
cooperation and assists in making
of worthwhile contacts. An example
of the latter was cited as the meet
ing itself, in which the club work
ers met with business men of the
Many Awards Available.
Worthwhile awards add to the
Interest in the work. An example
given was the offering of scholar
ships to the "4-H" summer school
at Corvallis by the two Heppner
banks. The state bankers associa
tion has created a fund of $5000,
Interest from which Is used to pro
mote the work. Each year the Un
ion Pacific railroad offers a $100
(Continued on Page Six.)
C. W. Smith, county agent, and L.
R. Allen, assistant state 4-H club
leader, visited Irrigon Tuesday
where they supervised awarding of
pins and scholarships for achieve
ment In club work. Belle and Shir
ley Frederickson were awarded six
year pins, the first pins of the kind
to be won in the county. Shirley
Frederickson was also awarded a
100 per cent club leadership pin,
having led a club while carrying on
a project herself. Scholarships were
awarded Clarence Frederickson in
calf club work, Billy Markham In
cooking and Bessie Wilson In sew
ing. These scholarships are for at
tendance at the 4-H summer school
at Corvallis.
Juno Collyer nnd Lloyd Hughes In
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Hugh McNerney, Native of Ireland,
Suffers III Health; Sheep Bus
iness I-eft in Good Shape.
Hugh McNerney, 42, Morrow
county sheepman, whose lifeless
body was found at the Rodeo
grounds east of Heppner Friday
morning, was adjudged a suicide at
the special inquest conducted later
that day at the call of the district
attorney due to the absence of the
coroner. Had the note revealed at
the inquest been found before, no
inquest would have been necessary,
S. E. Notson, district attorney, said.
The note, in McNerney's own hand
writing, read, "No call for inquest,
I did this myself."
The inquest also revealed $413.81
in cash on McNerney's person. The
facts as near as could be establish
ed by the authorities, are that Mc
Nerney shot himself through the
head with a .30 calibre rifle at about
11:30 o'clock Thursday night De
spondency over ill health was be
lieved to be the cause.
McNerney was known to have
spent some time in the Portland
sanitorium recently, and also at the
Coffey clinic in Portland. He had
returned to Heppner but a short
time back, and had been confined
to his bed for more than a week.
The day of his death he had made
his will before a local attorney, and
his business affairs are reported to
have been in good order, with a
good-sized cash account in a lftcal
bank. He had been operating sheep
in partnership with Emil Groshens,
having bought into the business last
Funeral services, held from St
Patricks' church last Sunday after
noon, were largely attended. Inter
ment was made in Heppner ceme
tery with Case mortuary In charge.
Hugh McNerney was a native of
Ireland, and came to this county
as a young man several years ago.
All his immediate relatives still re
side in Ireland. A brother, John,
was known here, having spent sev
eral years here before returning to
Ireland. The family home is at
Arva, County Cavan, Ireland.
Monday, March 9, Marie Flint
McCall, State Grange Lecturer, was
present at a joint meeting of Rhea
Creek, Willows and Lexington
Granges at Lexington. At the af
ternoon meeting, which was espec
ially for lecturers and other grange
members interested in program
work, Mrs. McCall stressed the lec
turer's school which is held annual
ly, and urged the attendance of all
who can possibly go. She made
many helpful suggestions for pro
grams, and the meeting was very
helpful to all who were present
Lucy E. Rodgers, county school su
perintendent spoke upon coopera
tion between the school and the
grange. Mrs. O. L. Lundell and
Mrs. Raymond Shane, lecturers re
spectively of Willows and Green
field granges, spoke on their work.
Charles Wicklander, state deputy,
also gave a talk.
At the evening session grange
was opened and a program, prepar
ed by Edith Miller, Lexington lec
turer, was given. First the audience
was led by Helen Falconer in sing
ing two songs, "Beautiful Grange
That We Love," and "America, the
Beautiful," with Mrs. Harry Schrie-
ver at the piano. L. G. Allen, 4-H
club organizer from Oregon State
college, spoke on club work In Ore
gon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner,
accompanied by Helen Falconer,
sang a duet, "Can't You Hear Me
Callin', Caroline," and resp mded to
an encore with Smilin Thru.
Marie Flint McCall then gave a
short talk on various phases of her
work as State Lecturer. After
grange had been closed, everyone
joined In the playing of games su
pervised by Mrs. McCall. Refresh
ments, consisting of cake, sand
wiches and coffee, were served af
ter which dancing was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dcvine enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wick
lander and Mrs. Raymond Shane
of Boardman, and Marie Flint Mc
Call, state lecturer, at dinner Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Harve Parkins spent Tues
day visiting nt the home of Mrs. A.
The Christian Sunday school at
Lexington is planning an Easter
It has been announced that on
Sunday, March 15th, Joel R. Ben
ton, Christian minister at Heppner,
will preach In the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Crites and baby son
of Elk River, are visiting rela
tives in Lexington. Mrs. Crites was
formerly Hazel Broadlcy, and at
tended high school here several
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Helllter of
lone, accompanied by Donald and
Harriet, visited with Mrs. Hellkcr's
father, Al Zlnk, with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Moyer and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Dlnges.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlgglesworth and
family, win hnvc been living on the
Bell ranch, have moved to Board-
Mr. and Mrs. Millet, parents of
Mrs. George Peck, who have been1
ill with Inlluenza, are reported Im
proving in health.
G. L. Bennett, extensive farmer of
Alpine, spent a short while In Hepp
ner on Friday while attending to
business Interests.
Andrew Carlson Was
Early Resident Here
Funeral services were held at
Case Mortunary in this city at 1:30
on Saturday- afternoon for Andrew
Carlson, who answered the final
summons at Heppner hospital at
8:00 p. m., Thursday, March 5th, at
the advanced age of 81 years. Death
was the result of a paralytic stroke
that Mr. Carlson suffered shortly
after noon Thursday at the home
of his son, V. L. Carlson at Goose
berry, and when the doctor arrived
later Mr. Carlson was immediately
brought to the hospital here but
failed to respond to treatment He
had suffered an illness, due to ad
vanced age, some few weeks ago
and spent a short time in the hos
pital here. Getting better, he re
turned home and had been there
but a few days when this attack
came upon him.
Many friends and old neighbors
of Mr. Carlson attended the services
here, which were conducted by Rev.
H. P. Johnson, pastor of Emanuel
Lutheran church of Portland. Case
Mortuary had charge of the funeral
arrangements and prepared the
body for shipment to Portland,
where final services were held at
Emanuel church, 19th and Irving
streets, at 2:00 p. m., Monday, with
Rev. Johnson officiating. Burial
was in Rose City cemetery, Pierson
Funeral Directors having charge of
the funeral arrangements in Port
Andrew Carlson was born Febru
ary 8, 1850, at Brunstition, Sweden,
and came to America in 1880, resid
ing one year at Kewanee, Ills., from
which place he came in 1881 to Mor
row county and located a home
stead In the Gooseberry section. To
this he later added a large acreage
and developed one of the best wheat
farms in that part of the county.
Mr. Carlson resided here until 1913
when he retired from active work
and with Mrs. Carlson removed to
Portland, making that .city his home
until 1928 and following the death
of his wife he returned to the old
home to reside with his son, Leon
ard, with whom he lived until his
death. Mr. Carlson came from very
hardy stock and when he landed in
Morrow county he had but little of
this world's goods. Yet by hard la
bor and frugal habits he accumu
lated a neat fortune and was able
to retire in his old age to spend
many years enjoying the fruits of
his labor.
Mr. Carlson is survived by three
sons and two daughters. These are
C. E., V. L. and B. O. Carlson of
lone; Mrs. Hilma Amanda War
field of Gooseberry and Mrs. Addle
Caroline Poulson of Portland. An
other daughter, Mrs. Hilda White,
formerly of Vancouver, Washing
ton, died a year ago. One brother,
of Sweden1, also survives.
Awards Given Pupils
In Flag Code Contest
One of the interesting features of
the P. T. A. meeting at the high
school auditorium on Tuesday af
ternoon was the presentation of
awards to those of the seventh and
eighth grades who were winners in
the recent flag code contest promot
ed by the local post of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary, and presen
tation was ih the hands of Mrs. P.
M. Gemmell, who also at this time
awarded the medal for scholarship
to Jennie Swlmdig of the eighth
grade girls, the medal to be pre
sented her at commencement time.
Eileen Kilkenny scored second, Jes
sie French third and Francis Rugg
fourth, and these will be presented
with award certificates.
Lewis Gilliam was first prize win
ner for the eighth grade in the flag
code contest, receiving $2; four boys
received second prizes of $1 each
these being James Beamey, Billy
Cochell, Chester Christiansen and
Joe Green. In the seventh grade
rst prize of $2 went to Marshal Fell
and second of $1 to Ernest Clark.
The sixth grade was featured in
the afternoon's program with Dora
Bailey, announcer, and their enter
tainment was well received. Mrs.
Walter Moore as acting chairman
announced the report of the nomin
ating committee composed of Mrs.
Harry Tamblyn, Mrs. E. D. Piercey
and Mrs. More. Officers for the
coming year nominated are Mrs. P.
M. Gemmell, president, Mrs. C. W.
Smith, vice-president, Mrs. Paul
Marble, secretary, and Mrs. Spen
cer Crawford, treasurer. The Miss
es Patricia and Mary Monahan also
appeared on the afternoon's pro
gram in vocal ducts, sang to their
own accompaniment.
Heppner-Pilot Rock Team
Wins Twice, Ties Twice
Heppner-Pilot Rock Gun club won
twice and tied twice In competition
with four teams In the second lap
of the Oregonlan telegraphic trap
shooting tournament Sunday. Mon
roe and McMinnville, each with 72,
were topped by the locals' 73, while
The Dalles-Wasco and Douglas
County gave them an even break,
each making a 73,
The Pilot Rock aggregation fur
nished the majority of the local
three-man team with F. R. Menden-
hall 25, and C. G. Bracher 24. Glenn
Hayes, Heppner, was the third
member with 24. A number of nim
rods from Pilot Rock were guests
at tho local traps. Shooting condi
tions were poor with a high wind
E. E. Lovgren and Martin Lov-
gren were former neighbors of An
drew Carlson who were In the city
on Saturday from their homes at
Hardmnn and Eight Mile to attend
the funeral services,
$104 Netted for Benefit of Play
grounds; Band Complimented on
Showing Made in First Concert
Things were in a turmoil around
the Lakin household for more than
an hour last evening, with the out
come of some love affairs In doubt,
all because of the strongheadedness
of most everyone except Gregory
Lakin, the head of the household.
In the end, however, all were sub
dued by the commands of Laken
whose sudden changing from ab
sent-minded, bug-chasing professor
to wilful husband and father helped
straighten out the muddle and bring
about a happy uniting of the lovers.
Members of the Heppner school
faculty, realistically lived this bit of
life in their presentation of "Too
Many Bosses" before a near-capac
ity house at the school auditorium.
An- added attraction of unusual in
terest was the appearance of the
Heppner school band under the di
rection of Harold Buhman, which
made its public debut after several
months in process of organization.
The play was given as a benefit
for the school playgrounds and net
ted $104.48, a financial success con
sidering the low admission price of
25 cents. Special mention is given
several students who did record
ticket selling. Ted McMurdo sold
43, June Anderson 39, Roberta
Thompson 33 and James Healy 20.
Miriam McDonald assisted as
prompter, Jessie Palmiter did make
up, Charlotte Woods supervised ad
vertising posters, and Mrs. W. O.
Dix had charge of the tickets.
W. R. Poulson, superintendent,
aptly portrayed the part of Gregory
Lakin, and no less aptly did Blanche
Hansen depict his strong-minded
spouse. Harold uunman in tne
part of Grandpa Lakin made a suc
cess of one of the most difficult
characters. Fern Lakin, eldest
daughter, about whose bethrothal
to Eric Waterman was wound the
.web of the plijt, was made very re
alistic by Bernita Lamson, while
Waterman, bashful, undecisive, but
very much in love, wa3 no less real
in the person of Paul Menegat The
talents of Beth Bleakman lended
themselves admirably to portrayal
of 15-year-old Vida Lakin, caprici
ous, full of devilment Much of
the comedy weight was thrown on
Juanita Leathers as Era, the col
ored maid, and it was carried well.
Mrs. Waterman, , vry sensitive,
weepy, was well taken by Grace
Nixon.' Ramsey Goulder, bachelor
uncle, whose strategy aided all con
cerned, was done justice by Ted
Lumley. Josephine Burnett land
Garrett Young, lovers, were aptly
taken by Helen Olsen and Neil
The showing of the band has been
highly complimented by many per
sons of the audience. Though only
two short numbers were played,
these were well handled considering
the short time of organization and
the fact that every member of the
band was new to his instrument
when the band was started last fall.
Members, with their instruments,
are Juanita Morgan, solo cornet;
Edna Crump, solo cornet; Jennie
Swindig, first trumpet; Ronald Co
blantz, first trumpet; Irene Beamer,
second trumpet; William McCaleb,
second cornet; Olga Cunningham,
third trumpet; Vivian Cunningham,
third cornet; Bernard McMurdo,
solo clarinet; Ray Coblantz, first
clarinet; Omer McCaleb, second
clarinet; Richard Hayes, third clar
inet; Nancy Cox, soprano saxo
phone; Billy Schwarz, alto saxo
phone; Jimmy Driscoll, first alto
horn; Don Jones, second alto horn;
Billy Cochell, first trombone; Mar
lon Oviatt, second trombone; Floyd
Jones, third trombone; Marvin Mor
gan, bass horn; Anson Rugg, snare
drum; Joe Green, snare drum; Ly
dia Ulrich, bass drum; Marie Scriv-
ner, baritone.
Cooperative Gopher War
Started on Willow Creek
Farmers on lower Willow creek
in cooperation with the Union Pa
cific railroad have started a gopher
poisoning campaign, poisoning be
ing made necessary to combat the
pests this year because of the short
age of water to drown them out in i
the usual manner, reports C. W.
Smith, county agent. Mr. Smith
demonstrated the method of mak
ing and placing the baits before a
group of Interested farmers at the
Krebs ranch at Cecil yesterday
morning, the demonstration having
been arranged for by the agricul
tural committee of Willows grange.
Members of the grange and creek
farmers cooperated in preparing
the baits.
The Union Pacific railroad is do
nating the services of an employee
to set the baits In the gopher run
ways in their right-of-way, the baits
being furnished by the grange.
Two wills, those of the late Thos.
A. Hughes and C. A. Repass, were
filed for probate this week. The
Hughes estate, amounting to $3500
In real property and $500 in personal
property, is left to the solo heir, Pa
tricia Hughes, daughter. The Re
pass estate of $400 in real property
and $1150 In personal property goes
to Sally A. Davis, sister, Cores, Va.,
and Lilllo Kirby, niece, Bland, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston were
visitors In the city on Friday from
their Eight Mile home, spending a
few hours while shopping.
Health Nurse Report
For Month of February
County Health Nurse.
Infant welfare has taken a good
ly proportion of time. Twins at
Boardman are being weighed week
ly, and were taken to their physi
cian at Hermiston. Under his ad
vice they are gaining. We have
eight babies on our list now.
Evert McDowell had been living
with his sister, Mrs. Frank Hamil
ton. He was aided with transporta
tion to his father in California.
Evert had the flu in the winter,
then met with an accident losing
the thumb of the left hand and was
unable to work here so wished to
be with his father.
Scabies in the lone school has
caused several trips to lone and sev
eral children brought to the county
health officer for diagnosis and ad
vice. The Umatilla County Health as
sociation met February 20. Re
sponding to their invitation to at
tend, Mrs. Sara McNamer of our
Nursing committee and Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers of our Educational com
mittee and the Morrow County
Nurse attended. We enjoyed their
yearly meeting and the visiting
speaker, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar,
Executive Secretary of the State
Tuberculosis association. Mrs. Dun
bar is a speaker of charming per
sonality and all should hear her
when she comes to the April meet
ing of the Woman's Study club.
About 300 school children have
been weighed for the second time
in the most of cases there has been
a normal gain in weight
There are a few wells in the coun
ty that we know of that do not
come up to the laboratory standard.
These are being worked on by the
owners to be made the best condi
tion and safe for drinking purposes.
In connection with the class of
Home Hygiene and care of the sick,
the film "Bathing the Baby" was
shown In Heppner and Boardman.
80 calls made on 18 patients car
ried through the month; schools vis
ited: Liberty, Hardman, Rocky
Bluff, lone, Pine City, Irrigon,
Boardman (4 times) and Balm
Fork; three 4-H health clubs were
organized during the month by Miss
Lucy Case, nutritional specialist of
Corvallis; total mileage 1403.
Eight Mile Boy Student
At Tex Rankin School
Woodrow Huston, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston of Eight
Mile, is a student of aeronautics in
the mechanical division at the Tex
Rankin school in Portland. He has
been spending the winter there and
just returned home where he ex
pects to remain until this fall, and
then go back to Portland and con
tinue his studies.
Continuing with his work, Young
Huston expects to complete his
ground course during the winter,
and will also have some experience
in the air, as thi3 is quite necessary
in the education of a mechanician.
He has been up numerous times
while proceeding with the first
stages of his work, and will doubt
less become an efficient pilot before
he completes the course. It is re
ported that Woodrow is already
very proficient in the mechanics of
an airplane engine, and was one of
the men from the Rankin field call
ed to the scene of the wreck in
which Pilot Case lost his life recent
ly, going to that point to assist in
the repairing of the machine of Mr.
Rankin which had met with grief
and was somewhat cracked up.
Mr. Swaggart Would Aid
In Raising More Mules
Lexington, Ore., March 10, 1931,
Editor Gazette Times:
If you see fit, and agree with me
that the farmers' best Interests is
to own mules instead of tractors,
you may insert the following in our
county paper:
The Eastern Oregon Stock Farm
will furnish the farmers of Morrow
county one fine jack free to serve
himself and his neighbors; all the
expense will be for the care and
feeding of any such animals. I have
12 jacks that can be used in 12 sep
arate neighborhoods, and this will
make a fair distribution over the
county, so that every farmer can
reach them. Come to my place and
get a jack. Bring a halter.
I believe this offer, if taken ad
vantage of by our farmers will
prove of much benefit, and may be
the means of saving the loss to
many of their farms.
Al Rankin, good roads chairman
of the Heppner Lions club, an
nounces the formation of the John
Day Highway association at a good
roads meeting which he attended at
The Dalles Monday evening. Repre
sentatives from many towns adja
cent to the highway and tributary
roads were present. One of the ob
jectives of the new organization will
be the building of a road due north
from Mitchell to Fossil, connecting
the Ochoco and John Day highways,
he said. Mr. Rankin spoke briefly
at the meeting, expressing the posi
tion of the Heppner Lions club as
being squarely behind good roads
wherever thry may be.
Jack Ferris of La Grande, govern
or of Lions International for Ore
gon, will be present at the annual
celebration of the Heppner Lions
club honoring the anniversary of its
charter, next Monday evening. This
word was received yesterday by the
committee in charge.
Miss Patricia Mahoney Has Part
In Presentation of "The Holy
City" at Eugene Sunday.
University of Oregon, Eugene,
March 10. Three major musical
events, in one of which Miss Patri
cia Mahoney of Heppner is partici
pating, will mark the closing weeks
of winter term at the University of
Oregon, which has already made
history for the campus ini the num
ber and quality of concerts and re
citals which have occurred. Within
the next two weeks performances
will be given by the Symphony or
chestra, the Glee club and the sec
ond section of the Polyphonic choir.
On Sunday afternoon the Poly
phonic choir gave "The Holy City"
by Gaul, in which Miss Mahoney
sang a first soprano part This sec
tion of the choir, which now num
bers 140 mixed voices, appeared for
the first time under the driection of
Roy Bryson, teacher of voice, who
assists Arthur Boardman, professor
of music, in this work.
The Glee club, which will appear
March 15, will present "The Seven
Last Words" by Theodore Dubois.
This composition, like the "St Ce
cilia Mass" given at Chrsitmas time,
has been sung by the glee clubs an
nually for the last ten years under
the direction of John Stark Evans,
and has become firmly fixed as a
traditional event Mr. Evans ac
companies the glee club on the or
gan and directs at the same time.
The University Symphony orches
tra, which is directed by Rex Uni-
derwood, professor of violin, pres
ented its second concert of the year
on Monday, with Howard Halbert,
of Corvallis, as concert master.
When William von Hoogstraten,
conductor of the Portland Symph
ony orchestra, was in Eugene re
cently to direct a concert he held
a special Sunday rehearsal of the
orchestra, working with them on
the Egmont Overture which was
one of the numbers on the Monday
night program.
The North lone Women's Topic
club was entertained Saturday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed.
Rietmann. An exceptionally inter
esting program was carried out as
follows: "Beginnings of High
Schools and Colleges," a paper by
Mrs. Omar Rietmann; "Early
Schools," a paper by Mrs. Albert
Lindstrom; "Modern Trend in Edu
cation," a paper by Mrs. Inez Free
land; "What's Wrong With Amer
ican Schools," a book review by
Mrs. Henry Gorger; piano solo by
Mrs. Earl Blake. Present were Mrs.
Earl Blake, Mrs. Harlan McCurdy,
Mrs. George E. Tucker, Miss Maude
Knight Mrs. Henry Gorger, Mrs.
Albert Lindstrom, Mrs. Walter Cor
ley, Mrs. Elmer Griffith, Mrs. M. E.
Cotter, Mrs. Inez Freeland, Mrs.
Carl Feldman, Miss Katheryn Feld-
man, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs.
Victor Rietmann, Mrs. Werner Riet
mann and Mrs. W. E. Pruyn and
Mrs. William Beymer of Heppner.
Ice cream, wafers and coffee were
served to the guests by the hostess,
Mrs. Edward Rietmann.
Mrs. Edmond Bristow and two
children returned Sunday to their
home in Baker. E. J. Bristow took
them as far as Pendleton by auto
and from there they finished their
journey by stage.
The room tryouts in the declam
atory contest were held last week
with the following adjudged as win
ners: high school, seniors: orator
ical, Helen Smouse and Norman
Swanson; dramatic, Francis Troed-
son; humorous, Grant Conway. Jun
iors: oratorical, Francis Ely and
Ralph Thompsen; dramatic, Eliza
beth Head and Minnie Normoyle;
humorous, Jeanne Huston. Soph
omores: oratorical, Elwayne Lieu-
alien; dramatic, Margaret Ely; hu
morous, Charles O'Conner. Fresh
man: oratorical, Donald Heliker;
humorous, Walter Bristow. In the
grade school, 7th and 8th grades:
non-humorous, Carl Lindeken and
Eugene Normoyle; humorous, Eva
Swanson and Mabel Cool. 5th and
6th: non-humorous, Margaret Lind
eken and Mignonette Perry; hum
orous. Junior Mason and Stuart
Rankin. 3rd and 4th: non-humor
ous, Katherlne Griffith and Billy
Eubanks; humorous, Helen Lundell
and Harold Buchanan. 1st and 2nd:
non-humorous, Mary K. Blake and
Paul Rietmann: humorous, Grace
Lindeken and Van Rietmann.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison of
Morgan transacted business in Port
land and other valley points last
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larsen and
Gordon Monroe motored to Madras
Saturday. They returned Sunday
accompanied by Mr. Larsen s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars B. Larsen,
farmers of the Madras district.
The regular monthly missionary
meeting of the Congregational
church was held last Thursday af
ternoon. Ten ladies were present
Mrs. Emil Swanson, Mrs. Ella Dav
idson, Mrs. Laxton McMurray, Mrs
Harvey Ring, Mrs. Paul Balsiger,
Mrs. Victor Peterson, Mrs. Louis
Balsgier, Mrs. Ida Peterson, Mrs,
John Louy and Mrs. Hal Ely. The
next meeting will be April 2. Every
one is invited to attend.
lone post, American Legion, is
giving a dance In Legion hall next
Saturday night. The auxiliary lad
les are furnishing the "eats.
In the district basketball tourna
(Continued on Page Six.)
Plans Laid for Making
Washington Memorial ;
Plat to be Made.
Fencing of Land Also Proposed;
City Park Project Planned by
Other Organizations.
Development of a memorial at
the city's artesian well was voted as
the project to be undertaken by the
Washington Bicentennial associa
tion of Heppner. The action was
taken by the body at its meeting
in American Legion hall Monday
evening, after a lengthy discussion
of several contemplated projects.
In line with the action Mrs. Ar-
thur McAtee, chairman, appointed
several committee heads who will
act together as an executive com
mittee in carrying out the project.
Chas. W. Smith was placed in
charge of landscaping the well site
and selection of trees suitable for
planting. Claude Cox and Gay M.
Anderson were named to prepare
the ground. Jasper Crawford was
asked to handle publicity and the
arrangement of a holiday when the
planting is expected to be done. Mrs.
J. D. Cash and Mrs. Earl Gordon
will handle suggestions for a mark
er and future improvements.
Cost Will be Shared.
The plan to be followed, as
brought out at the meeting, is to
have a landscaping plat with kind
of trees and estimated cost prepar
ed, which will be presented for ap
proval of the various organizations
represented in the association, each
of whom is expected to stand a
share of the cost. The land will
then be prepared, marker arranged
for, and a day set when everybody
will go to the site and assist in the
While sponsors of the artesian
well beautiflcation project had in
mind the making of a park to in
clude extensive improvements oth
er than the planting of trees, the
majority of representatives at the
meeting considered the power of
the association to extend im fur
ther than tree planting, which was
set as the objective of the national
Washington bicentennial movement
The objective of the national asso
ciation as anounced is to have 10,
000,000 new trees planted this year
as a growing tribute to George
Washington on the two-hundredth
anniversary of his birth.
It was announced at the meeting
that the city council this week pur
chased 25 Siberian elm trees for
planting at the well site, and also
that they expected to fence the
ground in the near future.
Projects Discussed.
Two sites for beautiflcation were
investigated by the sub-committee,
as announced by C. W. Smith, chair
man, because as first projected they
were the only ones calling for an
expenditure of money other than
the cost of trees. One, within the
city, was eliminated .from consider
ation when it was announced that
other organizations of the city plan
ned to make a park there regardless
of the action of the bicentennial as
sociation. The other was the well
site, where, the committee reported,
no additional land as first consid
ered could be purchased at this
time. The land owners interviewed,
however, said they would raise no
objections to any plans of beautifl
cation which the association might
wish to undertake.
Other projects mentioned were
the beautifying of a tract of land
n north Heppner, reported to be
available at a reasonable price, and
planting of trees along the high
way. These projects were not urged,
and dropped out of the discussion
for lack of support
The purpose of the local bicen
tennial association was to centralize
the efforts of organizations who ex
pected to participate in the tree-
planting, that the planting might
be grouped to make it of more val
ue and to serve as a larger memor
ial. The majority of organizations
of the city are represented in the
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent, announces
that there will be a local teachers
institute at Lexington on Friday,
March 20. Teachers will reeister
at 8 45 and the institute opens
propmtly at 9 o'clock in the fore
noon. A luncheon is to be served at
the noon hour by the Lexington Par
ent Teacher association. In conjunc
tion witn the institute there will be
a meeting of the county unit of the
O. S. T. A and the annual exhibit
of school work. Mrs. Rodgers states
that the program will be very inter
esting, and speakers to be present
will be Mr. Thos. Gentle of the Ore
gon Normal school and Mr. S. E.
Notson of Heppner. The public Is
cordially Invited to attend the ses
sions of the institute and will be
made welcome.
We sincerely thank the many
friends and relatives for the beauti
ful floral offerings! for our beloved
father, Andrew Carlson.