o r z z o r !-is::r.icAL society J' 'J B L I C A 'J D I T 0 " I - pkppttet Volume 47, Number 46. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Jan. 29, 1931. Subscription $2.00 a Year special CALLED FOR FEB. 9 Weather Said to Make Time Opportune to Rid City of Rubbish. MAYOR ORDERS DAY Occasion Set Also for Purpose of Aiding Jobless; Director Asks Cooperation of Everyone. A special clean-up day for the city of Heppner has been set by Mayor W. G. McCarty for Monday, February 9. The day has a dual purpose in that it is calculated to provide work for unemployed men of the city while furthering the "city beautiful." The mayor's mes sage proclaiming the day, says: "It being the desire of your city administration to cooperate to the fullest extent in aiding the unem ployment situation, and believing the present an opportune time to clear the city of the usual winter's accumulation of tin cans, ashes, garbage, junk, unused shacks and other eyesores and menaces to the public peace, health and safety, I hereby declare Monday, February 9, 1931, Special Clean-Up day in the city of Heppner, and ask the full cooperation of all citizens to make the occasion successful in its pur pose. Where property holders may be able to do so, it is desired that the labor of those needing employ ment be used in the general clean-ing-up of premises." In carrying out the special clean up day the usual procedure followed in the past will be carried out by the city. Property holders are ask ed to have all rubbish or junk sack ed or boxed or put in containers where possible, and placed at a con venient place at the street curb in front of their property by the morn ing of the special day, and it will be picked up and hauled away during the day by trucks provided by the city. In connection with the day, Chas. W. Smith, director of the county unemployment relief program, points out that the unusually fine open weather now prevailing makes the time opportune for a general city clean-up, and also urges that available jobs in connection with the occasion be listed at his office that men may be provided to fill them. Forest Sees Progressive Improvement During '30 By F. F. WEHMEYER, Forest Runger. The 1930 season saw the most pro gressive improvement the Heppner district of the Umatilla National forest has ever experienced. Fifty miles of road were built to speed up fire suppression work. It is now possible to travel the summit of the mountains from Ukiah to Fossil, via Ellis, Tupper, Bull Prairie, Long Prairie and the Notch. We have nearly 300 miles of road and motor way through the district and it is possible to get a car within one and a half miles of any point except in the Wall creek basin where the dis tance is about three miles. A telephone line was built from Tupper to the summit of Red hill which will be used as an emergency lookout point in smoky weather. The telephone line was rebuilt be tween Bull prairie and Whltetall butte which will also be used in emergency. The main telephone system was extended from Long prairie to the Notch prairie where it contacts lines giving communica tion direct to Lone Rock, Wlnlock, Kinzua, Fossil and Condon. The tower on Arbuckle mountain was remodeled and a cabin built for the lookout. Skookum ranger station pasture fence was rebuilt and the cabins at Tupper and Dixon ranger sta tions were re-roofed. A fifty-acre pasture was built at Tamarack mountain and a new cab in erected for the lookout. Numerous other miscellaneous Im provements were executed as water development, toilet facilities, etc. Today the Heppner district Is one of the best Improved In Oregon and Washington and It is expected that the work will be pushed ahead as rapidly as funds allow, until the program for this section is com pleted. The Improvements desired in the future are too numerous to be out lined in this article but they call for a ninety-foot steel tower for Tamar ack mountain, the Improvement of another 100 miles of road, the build ing of a cabin and pasture at Long prairie, etc. We now have a fire truck which will be fitted with tanks, pressure pump and hose. We have tools and equipment scattered at various sta tions to put 50 men to work on a Are with no delay and can equip 100 more within 24 hours. The re gional office has Issued orders that all fires must be put under control by 10 a. m. of the succeeding day of their start. With rare exceptions this can and will be accomplished. Quick, aggressive action and a thorough mop-up of all fires that start will keep us sitting on top of the situation. Joan Crawford In PAID, from "Within the Law," Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. WALLULA CUT-OFF COMING IN YEAR Delegates to Walla Walla Meeting Told of Route's Progress; $163, 000 to be Spent In Washington. That the reelected officers of the Wallula Cut-Off association will have the privilege of dedicating their road before expiration of term of office was the Arm expression of opinion on every hand at the annual meeting of the association held in Walla Walla yesterday evening. Leading to this conclusion, said President Huntington, Walla Walla, of the Eastern Washington High way association, is the fact that the state of Washington in conjunction with the federal bureau of public roads has appropriated $165,000 for expenditure on the road this year, and that the bureau is also forceful in its demand that Oregon take ac tion on its end of the project A time stipulation that the mon ey appropriatetd be expended by September 1, 1931, because it was appropriated as an emergency to help relieve the unemployment sit uation, and also the fact that the money was made available six months before the time of usual ap propriations will result in the work being carried out rapidly on the Washington side. Washington's part of the program includes the build ing of a bridge across the Walla Walla river near Walla Walla and completion of the road to the state line. The association's annual meeting with H. B. Nolan, president, presid ing, was attended by more than 60 persons representing the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, Heppner's delegation, headed by Al Rankin, chairman of the Lions club good roads committee, represented the most distant point taking part, and was given much notice in the discussions. Paul L. Marble and Jasper Crawford attended the meet ing with Mr. Rankin. President Huntington of the East ern Washington association made the keynote address in which he cited the tremendous progress of good roads in the last few years and declared that such a meeting, in which persons from such a wide area took part, was probably never before possible. The fact of such representation is evidence, he said, that people generally are beginning to get a broader vision of good roads which looks to the building up of the entire northwestern empire, and not alone to the petty benefits of each individual community. He drew a beautiful word picture of the Pacific northwest of the future which will contain cities and indus tries as large as those now existing on the Atlantic slope, when agricul tural products of the region will be consumed by the people within Its borders and no longer be put at a disadvantage for a market by high freight rates. All the natural po tentialities of such a picture are present, he declared. GRANGE LEADERS TO ATTEND MEET Lecturers of Organizations to Study New Methods From O.S.C. Specialists. ".'What Every Grange Lecturer Should Know," might well be the title of the Fourth Annual Grange Lecturers' school which will draw grangers from every part of the state to Corvallis, February 9, 10, and 11. Everything from how to play to how to conduct serious educational and literary discussions is Included in the three-day program, just re leased by Paul V. Maris, director of the Oregon State college extension service. Among the Items listed are community singing, music apprecia tion, literary periods, round table discussions, play hours, dramatic periods, demonstrations of use of lantern slides, and talks on various subjects by the masters of the Ore gon state Grange and lecturers of numerous subordinate granges. In addition to a number of mem bers of the college staff who will lead discussions and demonstra tions, several prominent outside speakers will appear on the pro gram. Among these are C. C. Hu let, master of the Oregon Grange; M. J. Rarcy, lecturer of the Wash ington State Grange; Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, lecturer of the Ore gon State Grange; Miss Harriet Long, state librarian; and Miss Ethel M. Viscox, educational repre sentative, R. C. A., Victor company, Lecturers and members of various subordinate granges of the state who have accepted Invitations to take part in the program are Mrs. A. J. French, Carlcton; Mrs. Mar garet Denney, Beaverton; Mrs. Nel lie Peterson, North Fork Grange, Lane county; Mrs. Karl Novell, Mal heur county Pomona grange; Mrs. C. F. Calef, Lane county Pomona grange; Mrs. Beth Culver, Brldgt grange; and M. S. Shrock, Milwau- klo grange. A man was heard to remark that if Southern California should ex perience such a day as-was enjoyed In Heppner Saturday, It would be worth a headline on the front page of the national press. Springtime In midwinter Is unusual, even in Eastern Oregon, but enjoyed nono the less. Matinees Saturday and Sunday, Star Theater, at 2:30. Local Hoopsters Down Fast Pendleton Five Eyes of many local sports fans who witnessed Heppner's fast town basketball team in action for the first time when they played the Pendleton Kiwanis team here Tues day evening were opened to the fact that "Heppner has a real basketball team," as evidence remarks on every hand. The fast Pendleton five jumped off to a large lead early in the first quarter, but Heppner came back strong to overcome this lead early in the game, and from then on were never headed, the final whistle leav ing the score 30-18. Spectacular shooting, fast floor work and close checking featured the play of both teams. Neil Shuirman for the locals was high point man of the game with 14 points, with "Bus" Neel, Heppner, running him a close sec ond with 12. Shepperd and Laing led the scoring for the visitors with 8 and 6 points respectively. Fergu son, local guard, proved a thorn in the visitor's side by keeping under basket shots at a premium, and such as the visitors got a chance at were rushed so fast that feW( were successful. A return game on the local floor is announced for Tuesday, Feb. 13. Playing for Heppner were Shuir man, Farley, Corrall, Ferguson, Aiken and Robertson; for Pendle ton, DeWilde, Raymond, Laing, Shepperd, Albee, Wright, Estes and Golman. STATE CAMPAIGN ON LAMB STARTED Mrs. W. P. Mahoney Arranges for Radio and Store Advertising In Portland for Send-off. Launching of a general wool and lamb campaign in Oregon, starting February 1, is announced by Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, who has been in Portland this week arranging de tails for extensive use of the radio and store window displays in the city. This campaign is undertaken as a part of the work of the wom en's auxiliary of the Oregon Wool growers' association of which Mrs. Mahoney is president, in an attempt to get people to eat more lamb and use more wool. A lamb and wool program will go on the air three times a week from KGW, the Oregonian radio service, beginning February 3, and Jean- nette Cramer, head of the home ec onomics department of the Oregon ian, will give lamb recipes during her regular addresses, it is an nounced. Mrs. Mahoney said she had re ceived excellent cooperation from the department stores in providing window space for the displays of wool products, and a number of the large meat dealers have offered as sistance. One effect of the cam paign is expected to be the estab lishment of Saturday as lamb day, similar to the association of Friday and fish. The Oregon woolgrowers' auxil iary was formed five years ago and similar organizations now are ac tive in eight of the 14 states in which sheep raising is an important Industry, Mrs. Mahoney said. In line with the campaign, pre viously introduced in Heppner, Miss Jessie Falmiter, home economics instructor of Heppner high school, offers a number of lamb recipes in her column, "About the Home," in this issue of the Gazette Times. Four Veterans to Get Medals at K. P. Meeting Doric Lodge No. 20, Knights of Pythias, will honor four 25-year members of the order by the pres entation of veteran's Jewels at an open meeting of the lodge Tuesday evening, Feb. 17. Those to receive jewels are Charles Thomson, Her man Nielson, D. T. Colliver and Os car Davis. J. W. Maloney of Pen dleton, grand master of exchequer, has been invited to make the pres entation and other grand lodge of ficers are also expected to be pres ent. A full program featured by a sup per is being arranged by the enter tainment committee, headed by Dr. C. W. BarrP for the enjoyment of the Knights and their invited guests. FINANCIAL STATEMENT MADE. The following financial statement of the Heppner Public Library as sociation for the year 1930 has just been released by Mrs. Charles Swin dig, treasurer: Balance on hald January 1, 1931 $ 2.45 Local donations 80.00 From Rood Estate 125.00 Fines, Rentals, etc. 6.16 Membership fees 201.14 Total received $414.75 Expenditures Rent $ 75.00 Light ....... 6.00 Insurance 8.64 Janitor service 1.95 Books 55.24 Furniture and fixtures 49.21 Desk and office supplies 14.21 Postage and frelghe 3.09 Total .. .$213.34 Balance on hand Dec. 31 . $201.41 Young people of the Epworth League of the Methodist church gathered to the number of 30 in the church parlors Tuesday evening for a social time. A pot-luck supper was served and games played until 10:30 o'clock. All report a good lime. WHEAT I1RIAL ADOPTED AT SALEM Double Relief Aim of Measure Introduced By Earl Snell. WOULD USE SURPLUS Grinding of Stores Held by Farm Board, Free Distribution to Drouth Sufferers Asked. Much of the surplus wheat held by the United States Wheat Stabili zation corporation would be ground into flour and distributed gratuit ously to sufferers in the drouth stricken area of the country if the memorial adopted by the Oregon state legislature is acted upon fav orably by congress. The memorial was introduced by Representative Earl W. Snell of Arlington, and passed both houses of the legisla ture Monday. The full draft of the memorial, entitled House Joint Me morial No. 4, follows: To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress Assembled: We, your memorialists, the legis lative assembly of the state of Ore gon, respectfully represent that: Whereas in the areas of the Uni ted States stricken by drouth, a se rious situation exists; and ' Whereas in that area stricken by drouth failure of crops has result ed therefrom; and Whereas the failure of crops has produced an unusual economic con dition; and Whereas the federal farm board now has in its possession a vast amount of surplus wheat; and Whereas the price of wheat has been driven below cost of produc tion by reason of this surplus and the wheat farmers thereby greatly injured; and Whereas the said store of wheat is now greatly reduced in value; and Whereas there is at present much unemployment throughout the Uni ted States; now, therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Or egon, the Senate jointly concurring therein: That the congress of the United States respectfully but urgently be requested to enact such legislation as will authorize and empower the federal farm board to have ground into flour and gratuitously distrib uted, so much of said stored wheat as will meet the needs of the afffict ed people in the areas of the Untied States suffering from drouth. LOCAL ITEMS Wednesday was the occasion of the 5th birthday of Phyllis Jean Marble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marble. During the afternoon a number of her little friends called as they were out airing their dollies, and this meeting of mutual friends merged into an impromptu tea par ty, tables for which were spread in the yard. As the afternoon passed, others came, among them a number of the "sterner sex" and the little party developed into a real joyful affair, made more so, perhaps, be cause of the informality. Then, too, zest was added by the fact that the sun was shining brightly, the weath er was springlike, and the kiddies could have their party out of doors in mid winter. S. E. Notson, district attorney, president state organization of dis trict attorneys, received word from Senator Steiwer at Washington, D. C, on Wednesday afternoon, an nouncing that Judge Walter H. Ev ans of Portland, who was appoint ed to the position of judge of U. S. customs court with headquarters at New York city, had his name sent to the senate by President Hoover for confirmation. At the recent meeting of ' district attorneys in Portland, Judge Evans received the endorsement of that body for this important post. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney have been spending the week in Portland. During their stay there they attend ed the meeting of stockmen in the interests of forming a cooperative association under the farm act, and Mrs. Mahoney, as president of the Women's Auxiliary of the state woolgrnweis' association, made ar rangements to further the program of advertising lamb and wool. Mr. and Mis. Mahoney were expected home todny. E. L. Young, Eipht Mile wheat raiser, was in the cily this morning on business, expressing himself as well pleased with the spring weath er. MATINEE HOI K CHANGED. Matinees at the Star theater Sat urday and Sunday afternoons will begin at 2 o'clock beginning this week instead of 2:30 as formerly, announces B. G. Sigsbee, manager. This change is made for the accom modation of out of town folks. Mr. Sigsbee says the matinees, showing the regular Saturday and Sunday evening features at reduced prices, have been proving popular, and he Is planning additional features to make them still more attractive. Joan Crawford In PAID, from "Within the Law," Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. Degree of Honor Lodges Hold 1931 Installation Junior and adult lodges Degree of Honor held installation of officers Tuesday, the juveniles in the after noon and adults in the evening, at I. O. O. F. hall. Both meetings were featured by initiation. Shirley Wilson and Lucile Barlow obliged with a piano duet at the ju venile meeting, and new officers in stalled by Mrs. Agnes Huston, pres ident of the adult lodge, and Mrs. Lillie Aiken, usher, are Ruth Cow ins, P. P.; Irene Beamer, president; Ethel Hughes, vice president; Beth Vance, second vice; Rosanna Far ley, usher; Margaret Farley, asst. usher; Olivia Baldwin, secretary; Robert Baker, color bearer; Kath erine Parker, inner watch; Dean Goodman, outer watch; Marie Bar low, musician; Jackson Gilliam, cap tain of staff; Bernard McMurdo and Harriet Hager, Guy Moore and Bet ty Happold, Patricia Cason and Joe Aiken, staff; Mary Helen Thomson, Francis and Mary White, service committee. Mrs. Emma Jones was installing officer for the adults, assisted by Mrs. Nora Moore, grand usher. Of ficers installed are Agnes Huston, P. P.; Edna Coxen, pres.; Izora Vance, V. P.; Jennie Elder, 2nd V. P.; Win ifred Coxen, usher; Myrtle Aiken, asst. usher; Sarah Furlong, I. W.; Elsie Ayre3, O. W.; Clara Beamer, financial secretary; Lillie Aiken, treas.; Mary White, pianist. The "Chevrolets," losers in the recent contest, entertained with luncheon. WHEAT CONTROL PLAN FAVORED Senator Wilmer Says Holding Part of Crop on Farm Beneficial; Counties Organized. Spokane Wash., Jan. 26. Senator Frank J. Wilmer, Rosalia, president of the North Pacific Grain growers, while a visitor at the grain head quarters in Spokane the past week, said that the Columbia County Wheat Control association has been launched with a membership includ ing 85 per cent of the farmers of that county. Senator Wilmer re garded this as an epochal step in the plan for the retention, by the wheat growers, of one-fourth of the grain on their farms, with the idea of finally bringing the nation to a domestic wheat basis. "The nation's domestic call for wheat is approximately 650,000,000 bushels annuallyr and if the wheat control movement is able to enlist farmer cooperation throughout the land to the extent that the market is required to digest no larger amount, economic history dictates and it is reasonable to assume a much higher price for wheat will be enjoyed," the senator commented. "With wheat on a domestic basis the farmer will stand a good chance of getting a price for the three fourths of his wheat ample to com pensate for the fourth held by him and still afford him a reasonable profit. He also has the advantage of developing farm uses for the grain retained." Referring to the same plan, Roy Perringer of Belmont, speaking at the Washington Farmer luncheon in the Hotel Spokane Saturday, Jan uary 24, said that Whitman county is also organizing to put it into ef fect. 4-H Homemakers Meet, Organize Year's Work The first meeting of the 4-H Homemaking club of Heppner was called to order by Mrs. Lucy E. Rod- gers and officers were elected as fol lows: Ethyl Baily, president; Paul ine Piercey, vice president; Ruth Cowins, secretary; Ethyl Hughes, news reporter. The second meeting was called to order by Ethyl Hughes, president. The Instruction book was received and the leader, Mrs. Ed Piercey, demonstrated how to make a bed properly, and it was practiced at her home. The last meeting was held January 26, when a bedmaking demonstration was scheduled. Moth ers were invited to see this demon stration. HARDMAN. Chas. Repass, who has been ser iously ill at his home for the last week is now reported to be on the road to recovery. Dick Steers and Bernard Bleak man have also been on the sick list this week. O. E. Johnson was transacting business in Heppner Saturday. Miss Marie Saling and Victor Johnson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Robison were business visitors In Heppner Tues day. The play, "Rube and His Ma," will be presented at the high school auditorium Saturday, Feb. 14. The cast has been working hard to ward its preparation and It is an ticipated that it will be a huge suc cess. Lucille Fnrrens completed her work at the Hardman union high school at the close of this semester. She expects to take up correspond ence work from the U. of O. the remaining part of the year and to enter an institution of higher learn ing next fall. We feel that mention should be made of the fact that Delsie Bleak man received a straight "A" grade In her semester examinations. BEST NEWSPAPER HONOR GIVEN G.T. Sigma Delta Chi Cup Awarded This Newspaper by Judges of Con test at Press Conference. The Heppner Gazette Times re ceived official notification Monday of its selection as the best weekly newspaper published in Oregon in 1930, from a field of weekly papers entered in a contest sponsored by Oregon chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalism fra ternity, at the state press confer ence held in Eugene last week end. The telegram of notification, signed by the University of Oregon school of journalism, Eric W. Allen, dean, follows: "This notifies you that board of distinguished judges consisting of Judge Robert W. Sawyer, Minister Edward E. Brodie and Frank Jenk ins, have adjudged Gazette Times best weekly paper published in Ore gon in 1930, and Sigma Delta Chi loving cup awaits your instructions. Warmest congratulations on this honor." In reply" to the telegram, instruc tions were given to forward the cup to Heppner, where it will be on dis play for the year at the Gazette Times office. No representative of this paper was present to receive the cup at the presentation made at the banquet of editors in Eugene Saturday. The contest, won this year by the Gazette Times, was instituted last year by the Oregon chapter of Sig ma Delta Chi, and the cup was first won by the Hillsboro Argus, pub lished by Verne McKinney. Second was taken this year by the Hood River News and third place by the Forest Grove News-Times. The judges are all pioneer daily newspaper editors of the state. Judge Robert W. Sawyer is editor of the Bend Bulletin; Edward E. Brodie, late U. S. minister to Siam and at present U. S. minister to Norway, is editor of the Oregon City Enterprise, and Frank Jenkins, for many years editor of the Eugene Register, is now one of the editors of the Roseburg News-Review. Announcement of the award was received with no little surprise and a sense of gratification by Vawter and Spencer Crawford, publishers of the Gazette Times, who feel a great honor has been conferred on this paper by being adjudged the best in a field of papers of outstand ing merit The Sigma Delta Chi loving cup is a rotating award which may be won but once by any newspaper, and is in the possession of the win ning paper for only one year. BEEKEEPING FOUND GENERAL IN STATE New Handbook for Honey Fanners Published by O. S. C. Gives Management Hints. While the Umatilla and Malheur irrigation projects are the leading commercial honey-producing sec tions of Oregon, there are probably few sections of the state where a few stands of bees cannot be suc cessfully maintained so as to pro duce a surplus of honey during the average season, says H. A. Scullen, specialist in bee culture at Oregon State college. The Willamette valley, according to Professor Scullen, is becoming more and more important as a com mercial honey-producing section, but owing to undependable weather conditions during the season when the better honey plants are in bloom, and to the abundance of Eu ropean foulbrood, development in this section has been slow. The val ley does, however, have a number of the best honey plants, including alsike and white clover and vetch, as well as those of secondary im portance such as maple, cascara and French pink. Commercial honey production is an occupation not for the general farmer but for the occasional man who is well versed in the fundamen tal behavior of bees and adept in the manipulations of the apiary, says Scullen. As a pastime, how ever, to provide the family supply of honey or for the orchardist who needs a few stands for pollenlzing purposes, beekeeping offers possi bilities, he says. With this latter class in mind, Scullen has just published a revis ion of his bulletin, "Beekeeping in Oregon." The new publication, Ex tension Bulletin No. 430, goes into detail as to the methods of acquir ing a colony or colonies of bees, the best honey plants in various loca tions, tools and equipment, manip ulation of bees and hives, requeen ing, and general management prob lems. It is available upon request from any county agont or direct from the college at Corvallis. HEALTH ARTICLES TO LOAN. Of the articles now owned by the Morrow County Public Health as sociation, three Invalid cushions are now in use; a wheelchair, bedside table, rubber sheets and male urinal may be loaned to any in need of such articles. Place your call with county nurse, Miss Stallard, or with any member of the nursing com mittee, composed of Mrs. Harry Tamblyn, Mrs. Walter Moore, Mrs. C. W. McNamer and Mrs. Earl Gil liam. Ask your doctor If any of these articles will add to the com fort of your patient. uDMPLETl SPRAY. LI HELD CERTAIN $130,000 Made Available for 1931 ; Lions Interest ed In Wallula Cut-OtT. RANKIN GIVES TALK Hotel in Relation to Community is Subject; Meetings and Trophy Reported by Members. Completion this year of grading on the south end of the Heppner Spray road is assured, G. A. Bleak man reported to Lions Monday, with the statement of Forest En gineer Norris that $150,000 has been made available, for the letting of new contracts on this portion of the road in 1931. Advertising for bids and letting of contracts is ex pected to be completed within twen ty days, he said. Al Rankin was delegated by Pres ident Sweek to represent the club at a meeting of the Wallula Cut-Off association in Walla Walla on the 28th, with authority of representa tion also granted other members who may accompany Mr. Rankin. The Wallula cut-off is of interest to the local club as it is a link in a proposed cross-state route of which the Heppner-Spray road is a part, the completion of which will entitle the route to receive additional fed eral road funds. D. A. Wilson and Walter Moore, program committee for the day, provided a lively program full of interest, a feature of which was a "third degree" act by "Professor" Moore in which he quizzed various members as to their street and house address, and other vital sta tistics which resulted in fines being assessed on each by Hollis Bull, special tailtwister. Members Make Reports In response to request of the com mittee C. J. D. Bauman reported on the state convention of sheriffs at tended in Portland last week end; Vawter Crawford told of the Ga zette Times winning the Sigma Del ta Chi loving cup for the best all round country newspaper in the state, and Paul Marble reported his attendance at the annual conven tion of power company represenr tatives in Portland last week. Al Rankin gave a short talk on hotel operation, as a special number. Special musical numbers were vio lin solos by Mrs. Carl Cason, and vocal solos by Ben Chrisman, with Mrs. W. R. Poulson, accompanist. Mr. Rankin's talk dwelt especial ly with the hotel in relationship to the community. While hotelmen are always prominent in boosting for good roads and other enterprises intended to bring more people and more trade into the town, they can not be accused of being wholly sel fish in taking such a stand, he said while quoting statistics to show that out of each tourist dollar left in a town the hotel gets but 20 cents, res taurants, 15 cents, and other busi nesses the remaining 65 cents. He also pointed out that tourist trade in the United States has increased 300 per cent in the last ten years, and has proved a source of income worth cultivating. To bring it a town must have good roads leading into it and something to attract peo ple over the roads. Landing Field Advocated In connection with tourist travel, Mr. Rankin declared aviation is ev er becoming a larger factor and that it behooves towns wishing to "keep in the swim" to have good landing fields. While the need may seem far-fetched at this time, the development in the next five years will be a surprise to many people. One must be able to vision the fu ture to build wisely, he said. The hotel business, the ninth larg est industry in the United States, is built around a great deal of pride, affection and other abstract quali ties linking it up with humanitarian service and holding those engaged in it for something more than cold sheckels, Mr. Rankin said, adding that if this were not so there would be little reason for many men re maining in the "game." A person ality is reflected in every hostelry, and if a traveler does not retain something from a visit to any hotel, either there is something wrong with the traveler or the hotel, he quotetd a leading hotelman and edi tor as saying. Hotel management is a game of merchandising, he said, though dif fering from store merchandising in that the hotel has a different sized stock of goods with which to start each new day, and still it is the same old stock of rooms except for occasional new furnishings and dec rations. The biggest thing the ho tel has to sell is service, however, and it is here where constant striv ing for betterment is made. Other members complimented Mr. Rankin on the type of hotel he maintains in Heppner, and stressed the importance of cooperation of other business men looking to In creasing business In the town gen erally. Mr. Wilson introduced another subject, "Looking into 1931, and what may be done to make it a bet ter year than 1U30," which may be taken up at a later meeting. Chas. Smith, program chairman, appoint ed M. L. Case and Vawter Crawford as the special program committee for next Monday.