Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 08, 1931, Image 1

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    09. r 3 0:.' !:i iTC" I C " L SOCIETY
P U BL I C A - - I TO : I "
Volume 47, Number 43.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Goodman Seated as Only
New Councilman ; Mayor
Reappoints Two.
Largest Expense Comes for City's
New Artesian Water; May Assist
In Removing Rock Bluffs.
But one change in the personnel
of the city government, resulting
from the November election, took
effect with the initial council meet
ing of the year Monday evening.
Dean T. Goodman was seated as
councilman to succeed C- L. Sweek.
Continuation of W. G. McCarty as
mayor resulted in the reappoint
ment of S. P. Devin as chief of
police and Are chief, and Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, city health officer. W. C.
Cox and Jeff Jones qualified as
councilmen to succeed themselves.
Former councilmen expressed
gratification for the results obtain
ed the largest item of expenditure,
year, chief of which are the city's
artesian water supply and improve
ment of the pipe line to bring it to
town. The water department claim
ed th elargest item of expenditure,
including amount spent for these
improvements, a total of $20,976.05,
as shown by the annual report of
the city treasurer. The treasurer's
annual report, in full, follows:
Treasurer's Report Given.
Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1930
General Fund $ 4,643.69
Water Fund 2,374.34
Received from-
Sinking Fund
$ 7,018.03
.. 12,200.00
General Fund 3,000.00
First National Bank (over
paid check) .60
Check drawn short .10
Taxes 9,377.64
Fines 302.50
Licenses 260.00
Dog Tax 212.50
Road Tax 2,656.98
Total amt. received $42,683.07
Grand Total $49,701.10
General fund warrants
paid $ 7,788.48
Water fund warrants paid 20,976.05
Water Bonds, No's. 21, 22,
23, 24, 25 and 26 6,000.00
Interest on water bonds to
Nov. 1, 1930 4,400.00
Interest on funding bonds
to Nov. 1, 1930 900.00
Exchange on drafts 5.80
Withdrew and deposited to
water fund 3,000.00
Less check for warrant
No. 1375, not cashed 10.00
Total disbursements ....$43,060.33
Balance on hand, Jan. 1,
1931 .' $ 6,640.77
Total Sinking Fund, Jan.
1, 1930 $15,590.11
Interest received during
year 561.80
Withdrew during year $12,200.00
Total Sinking Fund, Jan.
1, 1931 $ 3,951.91
Seven Fires In Year.
Annual report of the chief of po
lice showed 20 arrests made during
the year, $302.50 collected from fines,
and days served in county jail in
default of paying fines, 10. He col
lected $212.50 for dog taxes. "Street
work consisted mainly of mainten
ance work except the removing of
rock point on K street," the report
read. Seven fires were reported for
the year with amount of loss esti
mated at $1250, mostly covered by
insurance. Fire equipment reported
on hand consists of one truck with
chemicals and 1000 feet of hose,
four hand carts carrying 1200 feet
of hose, and about 400 feet of old
hose set apart for use at Rodeo
A petition of property holders In
the vicinity for placing a street
light on the corner of Gilmore and
Cannon streets was read and left in
the hands of the streets and public
property committee for further in
vestigation. Road Work Discussed.
A proposition was made the coun
cil to participate in removing bluffs
along the highway near the school
house on the Oregon-Washington
highway, the state to furnish labor
and the county to aupply compres
sor If the city will provide powder
for blowing the rock. On discus
sion it was agreed that members
of the council would meet with the
county court yesterday to go fur
ther Into the matter. The project
was taken up by the state and
county as a part of the emergency
road program to help relieve the
unemployment situation. Mayor and
councilmen agreed that the work is
much needed.
By request of W. E. Pruyn, water-
master, Mayor McCarty appointed
Councilmen Aderson, Jones and
Goodman on a committee to help
check water meter readings for the
purpose of determining rates to be
"Gypsy Cooking Club"
Starts Work for Year
The girls 4-H club in Cookery I
met last Friday with their leader,
Miss Jessie Palmiter. The follow
ing were elected officers: Ilene Kil
kenny, president; Pauline Piercey,
vice-president; Mary Adkins, secre
tary. Several names were suggested for
the club. The one chosen was "The
Gypsy Cooking Club," using as their
motto "Telling fortunes with foods."
The girls are beginning their first
lesson on how to make plain toast
and several varieties and will con
tinue through an organized unit un
til they can plan and cook a whole
breakfast. .
The second meeting of the club
will be held tomorrow (Friday) at
3:00 p. m., in the home economics
room. A demonstration will be giv
en by Dora Bailey and Harriet Ha
ger on the way to make toast, show
ing each step and also explaining
the food value of toast in the diet
Mrs. Garnet Barratt Chosen Head;
Mrs. Mahoney, State President,
Tells Purpose of Auxiliary.
Heppner Women's auxiliary No. 1
of the Oregon State Wool Growers
association, was organized at the
home of Mrs. W. P. Mahoney Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. Mahoney is
president of the state women's aux
iliary of the woolgrowers' associa
tion. Mrs. Garnet Barratt was elect
ed president of the local unit, Mrs.
Harold Cohn. vice president, and
Mrs. R. A. Thompson, secretary-
Charter members include Mrs.
Harold Cohn, Mrs. W. H. Cleveland,
Mrs. Margaret Farley, Mrs. Pat
Healey, Mrs. Henrietta Cohn, Mrs.
Garnet Barratt, Mrs. Peter Slevin,
Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Mrs. W. P.
Mahoney, Mrs. R. I. Thompson,
Mrs. Jerome O'Connor, Mrs. J. W.
Beymer, Mrs. Archie Ball, Mrs. Jack
Hynd, Mrs. John Kenny, Mrs. John
Kilkenny, Mrs. Frank Monahan,
Mrs. Fred Lucas, Mrs. Frank Wil
kinson, Mrs. J. J. Wlghtman, Mrs.
E. E. Clark, Mrs. T. J. O'Brien, Mrs.
Mike Kenny, Mrs. William LeTrace,
Mrs. Frank S. Parker, Mrs. Orin
Wright and Miss Bess Huddleston.
The purpose of the organization
as outlined by Mrs. Mahoney at the
meeting is to assist the woolgrow
ers, and the wool industry in every
way possible. At the present time,
Mrs. Mahoney pointed out, the state
auxiliary has undertaken a cam
paign to stimulate the consumption
of lamb. It is her program as presi
dent to organize as many of the
wives of woolgrowers and other wo
men interested in the wool industry
as possible in local units similar to
the one formed in Heppner.
Charles W. Smith, county agent,
gave a talk at the meeting on "Why
we should organize, advertise, eat
more lamb, wear more woolen
clothes." The motif of the meeting
was thoroughly carried out in the
serving of refreshments, consisting
of bread and butter sandwiches,
roast lamburger and mint jelly, and
coffee. Regular meeting dates were
set for the first Friday in each
Mrs. Mahoney left the first of the
week for Baker to assist in organ
izing a similar unit
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney returned this
morning from a visit to Baker and
Pendleton in her capacity as presi
dent of the Womens Auxiliary of
the Oregon Wool Growers' associa
tion. At the former city she organ
ized Auxiliary N. 2, and reports
that a splendid board of officers was
chosen and the new organization is
expected to develop into one of the
strongest in the state. At Pendle
ton arrangements were completed
for getting Auxiliary No. 3 under
way, and at a meeting to be held
shortly the third organization will
be started. Heppner starts off with
the initial Auxiliary and a charter
membership of 30, and Mrs. Ma
honey expects that many more sim
ilar organizations will be under way
in due course of time, having for
their object the boosting of the
wool and mutton game, and aiding
the state woolgrowers' association
in every legitimate way possible.
Doric lodge No. 20, Knights of
Pythias, installed olilcers at regular
meeting last Tuesday evening in I.
O. O. F. hall. Jasper Crawford, dep
uty grand chancellor for the lodge,
installed officers as follows: R. H.
Quackenbush, C. C; Gustav Jones,
V. C; Chas. Thomson, P.; Emil
Grotkopp, M. of W.; J. W. Hiatt, M.
of E.; W. W. Smcad, M. of F.; Jas
per V. Crawford, K. R. S.; Miles
Mulligan, M. at A.; C. W. Barr, I
O.; J. O. Peterson, O. G.; R. C.
Wlghtman, trustee.
Mid-term examinations have been
under way in the Heppner schools
this week, and W. R. Poulson, su
perintendent announces grade cards
for the term will be out Friday. The
new semester's work will start Mon
day. With the reconvening of
school last Monday after the holi
days, Mr. Poulson reported the full
teaching staff on the job, and ev
erything under full steam.
employed when the meters are put
Into use for collection purposes. The
council has in mind setting the new
rates at a point where approximate
ly the same amount of revenue will
be obtained as In the past.
150 A1TEND I.O.O.F.
Visitors Present Represent Lodges
From Many Parts; Big Tur
key Banquet Is Feature.
Joint installation of officers for
Heppner lodges Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs last evening was featured
by a turkey banquet at 6:30, at
which 150 people were served. Many
visitors from the outside were pres
ent, including one each from Teni
no, Wash., Weiser, Ida., Junction
City, Silverton, Cathlamet, Wash.,
Pennsylvania, Orchard, Wash., and
Gaston, Ore., three from Condon, 39
from lone, 7 from Lexington, 6 from
Hardman, 10 from Echo and two
from Morgan. Entertainment fea
tures included two piano solos by
Mrs. W. R. Poulson, and a recita
tion by little. Miss Katherine
Thompson. Old time dancing was
enjoyed at the close of the evening.
Grand marshals for the installa
tion were D. O. Justus and Char
lotte Gordon, grand master and
president, John Wlghtman and Mrs.
A. J. Chaffee. Other grand officers
Mrs. R. L. Benge, Mrs. B. G. Sigs-
bee, Mrs. John Wlghtman, Mrs.
Hanson Hughes, George McDuffee,
William Clark, Ralph Benge and
Lee Howell.
San Souci Rebekah lodge 33 offi
cers installed are Mrs. Daisy Shive
ly, N. G.; Mrs. Margaret Phelps, V.
G.; Mrs. Lillian Turner, sec; Mrs.
Opal Ayers, treas.; Margaret Smith,
P. G.; Mrs. Charlotte Gordon, war
den; Mrs. Lester Doolittle, conduct
or; Ruby Corrigall, I. G.; Mrs. Olive
Frye, O. G.; Mrs. A. J. Chaffee, R.
S. N. G.; Mrs. R. L. Benge, L. S. N.
G.; Mrs. Alice Rasmus, R. S. V. G.;
Mrs. Etta Parker, L. S. V. G.; Mrs.
W. T. Campbell, chaplain.
Willow lodge 66, I. O. O. F. offi
cers installed are Roy E. Brown, N.
G.; R. C. Phelps, V. G.; Emmett
Ayers, Sec; Albert Adkins, Treas.;
A. J. Chaffee, warden; Adam Knob
lock, conductor; Sherman Shaw, I.
G.; Ernest Hunt, O. G.; Jeff Jones,
R. S. N. G.; W. E. Mikesell, L. S. N.
G.; Lester Rasmussen, R. S. V. G.;
Frank E. Parker, L. S. V G.; Oscar
Davis, R. S. S.; W. B. Tucker, L. S.
S,; J. L. Yeager, chaplain.
Mrs. Wm. Baird Long
Resident of This City
Mrs. Joseph William Baird, long
a resident of Heppner, died at her
home just south of town on Sunday
afternoon at 5:00 o'clock follwing
a short illness. She took sick Sat
urday night and failed to rally from
the sudden attack. Mrs. Board had
been a semi-invalid for a good
many years, and much of the time
was unable to leave her home, be
ing one of Heppner's shut-ins, Dur
ing all of this illness, however, she
was always pleasant and cheerful,
and uncomplaining, ever ready to
enjoy the visits of friends and
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church at 2:00 p. m., on
Tuesday, Rev. Glenn P. White, pas
tor of the Methodist church, officiat
ing, and interment followed in Ma
sonic cemetery, all arrangements
being in charge of Case Mortuary.
Lucy Clanton Baird was born in
Misouri, Sept. 20th, 1855, and de
parted this life January t4h, 1931,
aged 75 years. 3 months and 14 days.
She crossed the plains with her par
ents when six years of age. She
came to Heppner in early woman
hood, and in August, 1901, was unit
ed in marriage to Joseph William
Baird. She leaves to mourn her
loss her husband, two sisters and
two brothers. She had been a mem
ber of the Christian church in
Heppner for the past 35 years.
While in Portland the past week,
attending the meeting of the Oregon
State Teachers' association, Mrs.
Frank Turner and Mrs. Lucy Rod
gers were guests of the Oregon His
torical society, which staged a pag
eant in the auditorium picturing
the Oregon Trail scene as the pion
eers were encamped on the banks
of the Sweetwater in Wyoming.
Many quaint costumes and pieces of
furnishings were in evidence. Cap
tain Applegate of southern Oregon,
who is now 84 years of age, was one
of the speakers of the evening.
Beautiful music was featured and
everyone was accorded a hearty
Through some unaccountable way
Everett McDowell become the vic
tim of a gun accident on Saturday,
when he was about a mile from
home hunting squirrels. An explo
sion of the gun tore the thumb off
his left hand and It was necessary
to have about 30 stitches to close
the wound. McDowell makes his
home with the Frank Hamilton
family in the north end of town,
Miss Grace Holmes, editor of
"Health First," magazine of the
Oregon Tuberculosis association,
will be the principal speaker at a
meeting of the Morrow County Pub
lic Health asosclation, called by Geo.
McDuffee, president, to be held at
the Episcopal parish house In Hepp
ner at 2 o clock Saturday afternoon.
Attendance of all Interested in the
work is urged.
The Women's Relief corps of
Heppner will install oillcers at the
regular meeting next Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock In Legion
Bleakman Urges Work be
Pushed Rapidly; Many
Arteries Get Help.
Grading System Explained to Lions
By H. M. Bull; J. O. Turner
Views Future of Industry.
An insight into the wheat situa
tion from local angles was given
Lions Monday, with an explanation
of wheat grades by Hollis M. Bull
and citing of future prospects for
the wheat price by Jesse O. Turner.
The program was in charge of Mr.
Bull. G. A. Bleakman, county com
missioner, gave an outline of county
road funds for 1931 and where they
will be expended.
Mr. Bleakman said it would be his
policy as a member of the county
court to have the county road work
pushed as rapidly as possible to
help alleviate the unemployment
situation. The program calls for a
total expenditure of $58,900, of
which $27,000 is for general roads
and bridges, and : $1600 for emer
gency road purposes. The McKin
ney creek section of the Heppner
Spray road is allotted $15,000 of
market road bond money. Other
roads will receive a" share as fol
lows: Arbuckle-Hinton creek $2500,
Redding road $800, upper Willow
creek $1500, upper Little Butter
creek $1000, Stingle canyon $1000,
Shobe canyon $1500, McConkie road
$700, McNabb west $800, McElligott
road $1500, Cecil road $2000, Joe
Hayes road $800, care taker $1200.
Standard Adopted in 1920.
Hollis Bull told Lions that up to
1920 when the United States stand
ard of grades was adopted, wheat
In this country was purchased on
the same grade basis that still main
tains In Canada, "fair and equal
quality." With the adoption of the
U. S. standard, five classes were
defined as follows: hard red spring,
hard red winter, soft red winter,
white and western white. Typical
wheats of each class were cited,
showing the bulk of wheat raised in
Morrow county Uii-fall under the
white wheat class. To fall under any
class, wheat must test at least 75
per cent kernels of that class. A
greater mixture causes the wheat
to be classed as plain mixed wheat,
claiming a lower price.
In grading wheat, the minimum
test weight, moisture content, dam
aged kernels, damage by heat, and
foreign materials are considered,
Mr. Bull explained to show why
farmers whose wheat often weighs
up heavily sometimes are disap
pointed by the price received. In
quoting from the U. S. standards
for grain grading he showed that
wheat is not wheat unless the ker
nels contained are 50 per cent wheat
kernels, and the grade It claims
varies according to the factors cited.
To be acceptable in any class af
ter cleaning, wheat must contain
not more than two percent of for
eign substance. This is known as
foreign material other than dock
age. Dockage is matter cleaned
from the wheat at terminals.
Smut Large Item.
Smut is the largest dockage item.
Mr. Bull quoted figures from Colum
bia river terminal points for the
crop year 1928-29 showing that of
the 28,900,000 bushels received, 7,
807,000 bushels were docked to the
extent of 108,301 bushels for smut,
a percentage of .374 on the whole
amount received, and 1.4 on the
amount on which smut dockage was
made. Twenty-three percent of the
soft white wheat received was dock
ed for smut, this being the class for
most of the Morrow county wheat.
Dockage on this class was second
largest, with mixed wheat first, 29.4
Protein content is the largest fac
tor in determining the price varia
tion between the different market
classes, Mr. Bull said. The higher
protein-test wheats usually claim a
premium on the market.
Grain grading schools and activ
ities of the Federal Farm board
have done much the last year to
make farmers more conscious of the
part grading plays in their market,
he said.
Mr. Turner quoted production
costs on his wheat farm to show
that the wheat farmer and business
dependent upon him Is playing a
losing game at the present market
price. Ignoring manager's salary
and interest on investment, recent
figures for his farm show cost of
production at 68 cents a bushel,
with wheat he has in the warehouse
worth 41 cents.
Asks for Debenture
He quoted Thomas Campbell,
noted tractor farmer of Montana
who spent two years In Russia, and
Ralph Budd, president of the North
ern Pacific railroad who spent a
year there, to show that Russia will
be a real competitor with the Uni
ted States In the future wheat mar
ket. Continuing under the present
governmental plan of cooperative
marketing In this country, he could
gee little probability of the tariff
wall holding under real competition
from RusHla, and cited passing of
the debenture plan by congreHs as
the best method to bring about Im
mediate relief to the wheat farmer
of the United States.
Taxpayers of Heppner to Pay Total
Of 51.3 Mills, 26.92 for Education;
Full List of Levies Given.
Of the total tax levy of 51.3 mills
to be paid by property holders of
the city of Heppner for 1930, more
than half will go for schools, or
26.92 mills; roads claim 4.4 mills,
state and county 8.18, city 10.1 and
bond interest 1.7. The figures are
taken from a statement just issued
from the office of C. J. D. Bauman,
sheriff and tax collector. Included
in the amount each property holder
in the county must pay are the lev
ies for state and county, general
school, bond interest, general road,
market road and high school tui
tion purposes. To arrive at the total
levy against his property, each tax
payer must add to these the special
school or road levies against the
district in which he resides, if any,
and the levy for the city if he re
sides in a town.
Following is the complete state
ment of levies:
State and County 8.18
General School 1.02
Bond Interest 1.7
General Road 3.3
Market Road XI
High School Tuition
Union High School No. 1
(Dists. 19, 40 and 50)
Special Road Dist No. 1
Special Road Dist. No. 2
Special School Levies
Dist. No.
Dist No. Mills
26 14.3
27 .20.4
28 .9
29 5.7
31 . 1.9
32 4.4
34 2.3
35 .26.1
36 2.6
37 2.7
38 2.5
39 1.1
40 6.1
41 3.1
42 4.5
48 3.3
49 5.0
50 2.6
51 3.6
53 3.6
59 6.1
High school districts are numbers
1, 10, 12, 19, 25, 26, 27, 35, 40, 51.
Heppner 10.1
Naomi Wyland Saling
Was Native of County
Funeral services for Mrs. Archie
Saling who died at her home in
Prairie City December 31, 1930, fol
lowing a lingering illness, were held
from the Christian church in this
city Friday afternoon, B. Stanley
Moore, missionary-in-charge of All
Saints Episcopal church, officiating.
The services were largely attended
by friends and there were many
beautiful floral offerings. Interment
was in Masonic cemetery in Hepp
ner, beside the grave of the father
of the deceased. Services were in
charge of Phelps Funeral Home and
pall bearers were all schoolmates
and friends of Mrs. Saling from
Naomi Wyland was born in Hard
man, Oregon, February 25, 1900, and
died in Prairie City, Oregon, De
cember 31, 1930, being aged 30
years, 11 months and 6 days. She
attended the Hardman grade school
and was graduated from high school
in 1918. Later she entered nurse's
training at Good Samaritan hospital
in Portland, but was forced to dis
continue because of ill health. She
was married to Archie Saling of
Hardman at Walla Walla, Wesh.,
Sept, 27, 1920. For several years
they made their home at John Day,
Ore., where Mr. Saling was em
ployed on a dredge. They later
moved to Prairie City where Mr.
Saling followed the same work and
part of the time Mrs. Saling was
employed as bookkeeper with the
dredge company.
She was a member of Mistletoe
Rebekah lodge of Hardman, mem
bers of which, assisted by San
Souci Rebekah lodge of Heppner,
put on the beautiful funeral service
of the order. She was also a mem
ber of the auxiliary of American
Legion post No. 77 of John Day.
Mrs. Saling is survived by her
husband, Archie Saling of Prairie
City; her mother, Mrs. Leora Rob
erts of Heppner; a sister, Mrs. Ep
ler Dickey of John Day, and a bro
ther, Ernest Wyland of Oregon City.
Sunday, January 11. 9:45, Sunday
school; 11:00, morning worship hour,
message, "An Old Path to New
Power"; 6:30, Epworth League; 7:30
gospel message and song service;
message, "Discovering God."
"In quietness and confidence Is
your strength." Is. 30:15. Here Is
a branch from the tree of life,
"whose leaves are for the healing"
of the ills of our generation. It is an
old path but it leads to Sources of
new power.
The O. E. S. social club will meet
Saturday afternoon In Masonic hall
with Lucille Wilson and Florence
Hughes hostesses, according to an
nouncement by Charlotte Gordon,
president. Election of oillcers will
be a feature of the meeting.
Education in Personnel
Parent - Teacher Topic
Revelations of Kayman Beck, per
sonnel director of the New York
Stock exchange, and other speakers
at the recent Oregon State Teach
ers' association meeting in Port
land, concerning the part education
plays in the hiring of organization
employees, will be discussed by the
Heppner Parent-Teachers associa
tion in its meeting at the school
house next Tuesday afternoon.
What is expected of a high school
education in personnel work, as
brought out by the leaders, will be
given special consideration, accord
ing to W. R. Poulson, P. T. A. pres
ident The program will be in charge of
the eighth grade, with musical num
bers in addition.
Losing Side in Membership Contest
To Entertain; Sixth District
Makes Record.
Monday, January 19, is the date
set for the wind-up banquet of the
recent membership contest con
ducted by members of Heppner Post
No. 87, American Legion, and the
losing team, headed by D. A. Hud
son, promises the affair will be a
"wow." All members of Heppner
post and their ladies and all mem
bers of Heppner unit of the Auxil
iary and their escorts are invited
and urged to attend. Announcement
will be made later as to the time
and place of holding the entertain
ment The winning team in the
contest was headed by Loyal Park
er, and the contest was responsible
for giving the local post the largest
membership in its history.
C. W. Smith, district commander
of the sixth district announced at
the Monday evening meeting of the
post that the district had passed its
1930 membership before the first of
January, with eight of the nine
posts of the district over the top,
this being the first time in the his
tory of the state department that
a district has accomplished such a
feat. The membership of the dis
trict on the first of the year was
102 per cent of its 1930 number. Mr.
Smtih said that a big pep meeting
was scheduled to be held at Condon
tonight and it was expected a large
number of local members would ac
company him to the neighboring
city. Representatives from the
posts at lone, Hermiston, Arlington
and Fossil are also expected to at
tend. Attention of members present was
called to the fact that it is still pos
sible for ex-service men to reinstate
their war-risk insurance, or in the
event that they never had the war
risk insurance, to apply for govern
ment insurance. Walter Moore, post
service officer, explained the advan
tages of the government plan, and
urged all members of the post to in
vestigate their status and if possible
take advantage of the government
North American Indians
Subject for Study Club
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women's Study club will be held
on next Monday at the hour of 7:30
p. m., at American Legion hall.
The subject for consideration will
be Indians of North America: (a)
Legends, Mrs. Earl Gordon; (b) Mu
sic, Mrs. Wm. R. Poulson; (c) Dan
ces, Rites and Ceremonies, Miss
Alice Montgomery.
Other numbers featured on the
program will be a piano solo by
Mrs. J. O. Turner and reading by
Mrs. P. M. Gemmell.
A large banquet featured the clos
ing of installation ceremonies of
Lone Balm Lodge No. 82 and Mistle
toe Rebekah Lodge No. 25 at Hard
man on Saturday evening, when
covers were spread for the 70 mem
bers of the orders who were in at
tendance. We were not able to get
the list of officers installed by Mis
tletoe lodge and can present only
the new officers of Lone Balm lodge.
G. A. Farrens was Installing officer,
and the stations for the coming year
will be filled by the following: Ar
chie Bechdolt, N. G.; Nelson Knigh-
ten, V. G.; Glenn Farrens, secretary;
W. T. Reynolds, treasurer; Neal F.
Knlghten, War.; William Johnson,
Con.; H. O. Inskeep, I. G.; John
Hastings, O. G.; Henry Knighten,
R. S. N. G.; C. H. McDaniel, L. S.
N. G.; Marlon Hayden, R. S. V. G.;
Adrian Bechdolt, L. S. V. G.; Glenn
Farrens, R. S. S.; W. T. Reynolds,
L. S. S.; Everett Hadley, Chaplain.
Rev Stanley Moore, Missionary-in-charge.
Holy communion at 8:00.
Sunday School at 9:45.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11.
the Ven. Sidney W. Creasey will be
be the preacher at the morning ser
vice. "A soft answer turneth away
wrath: but grievous words stir up
anger." Pro. 15:1.
The many friends of Archdeacon
Creasey will be glad to know that
he will be here to preach Sunday,
and will spend a few days In Hepp
ner. The archdeacon travels all over
Eastern Oregon and Is known to all
its communities.
First Session of the Year
Proves Busy One;
Continues Today
Retention of County Nurse and
Road Matters Call Many
to Town First Day.
The first day of the January ses
sion of county court proved one of
much interest and there were
strong delegations of citizens and
taxpayers present from over the
county. Chief items of interest
proved to be the question of retain
ing the county health nurse, and the
extension of the Irrigon market
road south to a point connecting
with the Lexington-Jarmon market
road. These matters occupied the
attention of the judge and commis
sioners all of Wednesday and a part
of today.
With Judge Wm. T. Campbell pre
siding and Commissioners George
N. Peck and George A. Bleakman
attending, the term gave promise of
being one of the liveliest held in
many moons. Judge Campbell starts
his term in a manner that shows he
is no novice when it comes to han
dling county work, and of course
Commissioner Bleakman can pro
ceed with everything in a familiar
way because of his many years on
the court Mr. Peck is taking hold
in a vigorous manner, and gives
abundant promise that he will soon
have the public business pertaining
to his office well in hand.
Petitions presented asking that
the office of county nurse be discon
tinued, contain something over 400
names, the prayer being that the
health nurse is not required and
should be abolished as a matter of
reducing expenses. Consideration
was given this matter on Wednes
day and continued over until this
forenoon. At this morning's session
Miss Edith Stallard, nurse, present
ed her annual report to the court;
this report covering the time she
has been engaged in the work of
public health nurse in the county,
which is a period of some nine
months. This report was ordered
published by the court and appears
in another column of this paper.
Along with the reports, and a ver
bal statement Miss Stallard present
ed her resignation. After giving
this due consideration, final action
was deferred until a future date and
Miss Stallard instructed to proceed
with her work. On behalf of the
public health nurse work there was
a delegation of taxpayers present
from Boardman, consisting of Car
rol Kennedy, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Ma
comber, A. T. Hereim and Guy Bar
low. They put in a plea that the
health nurse be continued, endorsed
Miss Stallard and also presented an
endorsement in the form of a reso
lution from the faculty of the
Boardman school. A number pres
ent from Irrigon joined in the en
dorsement Others were present
from lone, Eight Mile and elsewhere
about the county who apparently
did not favor the retention of the
nurse, but no particular protest was
offered aside from the petitions pre
sented. Arnold Pieper, however,
asked to be heard before the court
in the matter this afternoon.
The construction or continuation,
of the Irrigon market road south
to connect with the Lexington-Jarmon
road at a point near the J. P.
Conder ranch, brought the largest
delegation. The presentation of the
matter was in the hands of J. P.
Conder, who brought forth the fact
that a little over one mile of this
road had already been completed
south from Irrigon; that necessary
steps were being taken to get across
the railroad at Irrigon to a proper
landing on the Columbia river, and
he urged that the petition for the
establishing of the road be allowed
and the work proceeded with. Coun
ty Engineer Tamblyn, in running
preliminary surveys, reported that
the road would not likely be accept
ed by the state highway department
as at present laid out. Further ac
tion was continued in the matter,
and the engineer instructed to make
a reconnizance survey and report
back to the court at as early date
as possible. No further action will
likely be taken until the February
Present from Irrigon to urge this
road were A. C. Houghton, C. W.
Grim, H. W. Grim, Tom Caldwell,
F. C. Fredrlckson, Ralph Walpole,
Geo. Hendrix, Fred Markham,
Frank Markham, W. C. Isom, Don
ald Brooks, Don Rutledgo, W. C.
Rutledgo, Glen Aldrich, J. S. White,
R. V. Jones, Frank Leicht, W. A.
Chaney, R. C. Bishop and C. W.
C. H. Bartholomew, Mrs. M. S.
Corrigall and Sloan Thompson ap
peared, not In opposition to the
road but to ask that certain sections
of land be taken out of the Irrigon
road district and put In the Pine
City district, to further assist with
taxes for the construction and main
tenance of roads In the latter dis
trict. On this matter the court de
ferred action.
Henry Howell was continued as
janitor of the court house for the
year 1931. The Gazette Times, upon
application of Vawter Crawford was
named the oillclal county paper for
the year 1931.