Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 18, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Banritr Stmris
Established March 30. 18S3;
EaUblished November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner. Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year
Six Months
Three Months
Single Copies
Official Paper for Morrow County.
ers who met in Heppner last
week end are to be commended on
the intelligent and business-like
manner in which they attacked the
difficult problems confronting them,
with a display of fighting spirit and
a commendable lack of lamenta
tion. Harry Pinkerton, president
elect, spoke for the majority when
he said, "We're down but we're not
licked." John Withycombe, who
presided, proved capable of handl
ing every situation which arose and
kept the conference moving speed
ily and efficiently. Especially is he
to be commended for his courteous
treatment of friend and foe alike.
Much constructive work was ac
complished, with the institution of
a program for the coming year to
which every grower may readily
subscribe. Even though error of
judgment as to some detail may
have been made, on the whole a
far-sighted and practical line of at
tack was developed, which, with
united effort should result in real
betterment for the industry. We
commend the league and its work
to every grower, and believing with
President Pinkerton that numbers
more than dollars is the great need,
urge each unaffiliated grower to
consider the work of the league, in
which event the dollar membership
fee should not prevent his joining.
Heppner considered it an honor
to be host to the conference, and
was especially pleased to welcome
the many men of prominence who
appeared on the program, that they
might bring home, not alone in
words but by the added weight of
personal presence as well, their per
tinent messages.
Our little town is glad visitors
liked our hospitality, and as for this
newspaper, it bespeaks a standing
invitation for the league to bring
its conference here whenever it
feels so disposed, and it will be
given the same consideration.
Blue Mountain Eagle.
THE AUTO accident, resulting in
the tragic death of Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Ashbaugh, Tuesday evening,
was a most distressing one. It was
terrible to see and think how the
lives of these people were snuffed
out. They had made the turn, said
Floyd Officer here yesterday, and
were running on a straight away,
narrow road as the car went down
the bank, and they would have
made it except for the fact that at
the bottom of the embankment the
car struck a huge boulder.
Several have gone over this grade
One man went over and keeping his
car straight went right through the
wire fence out onto the meadow,
and through a gate, back on to the
road. The only trace left of him
was the tire cover left on the wire
fence. A truck load of cattle start
ed off the grade and the driver
threw the car into the bank. The
impact overturned the truck. When
the driver crawled out, the car of
steers were all out on the road but
one, lying down in the car. The
driver poked it, and it jumped from
the wreck and took after him and
tried to bump him off the road, like
it was getting even.
But that is a bad place in the
road, and like many other bad
places, needs a railing guard.
Autocaster Service.
"THE PRESIDENT of the Ameri
can Bankers Association said a
mouthful the other day. "It isn1
how much money is in circulation
but how fast it circulates, that
counts," he said, in substance. "One
dollar will do the work of two dol
lars, if it moves from hand to hand
twice as fast.1
Money lying idie in bank is not
working. It is only when money is
being spent that commodities move,
factory wheels revolve, workers are
kept on the payroll. In the reac
tion from an orgy of reckless spend
ing, we seem to have swung al
most as far the other way, into a
state of mind which can only be
called miserly. People are timid
about letting go of a dollar for any
purpose and in communities all
over the nation able-bodied men are
peddling on the streets or taking
money from charitable organiza
tions for the support of their fam
ilies. This is more particularly true in
the large cities; the country regions
and the small towns have not felt
the depression as keenly as have
the large centers of population. Yet
everybody in the United States,
broadly speaking, knows that mon
ey la not circulating as fast today
as It was a year ago, and that peo
ple who owe money are finding It
hard to get cash with which to
meet their obligations.
That would not be the case If
everybody who has something tuck
ed away would spend some of It
now for the useful, necessary things
which are needed and which will
eventually be bought anyway. All
kinds of merchandise are cheaper
now than for years. To buy the
necessary things now is economy.
There is not a home in the land In
which there are not some repairs
to be made, some contemplated ad
ditions or improvements to be in
stalled, some new furnishings re
quired. To attend to those things
now means putting money into cir
culation at a time when it is active
ly needed. Ten dollars spent today
will do the community more good
than a hundred dollars spent a year
from now.
We have said it before, but it is
still good advice. Take advantage
now of the low cost of almost ev
erything and do those little things
around the house that will not cost
much but which will help move mer
chandise and put money into work
ers' pockets.
Autocaster Service.
IT IS a common human failing to
believe that whenever a lull oc
curs in the progress of humanity,
conditions are going to contiue to
get worse instead of picking up
again and going on as before.
Nothing like that has ever hap
pened yet. Just 100 years ago
Thomas Babington Macaulay, the
famous historian and essayist,
phrased the thought this way: '
"On what principle is it that when
we see nothing but improvement
behind us we are to expect nothing
but deterioration before us?"
Human progress, whether in ma
terial achievements or social moral
ity, is continuous. It has been con
tinuous from the beginning of time,
and will be continuous to the end
of time. But we do not always
move at the same pace. We might
liken the path of the human race to
a flight of stairs on which, at irreg
ular intervals, there are long land
ings across which we must proceed
without gaining height, until we
come to the next flight of stairs.
But the next flight, when we get
to it, always leads up, never down!
Just now the whole world is on
one of the stopping-places on the
upward flight of progress. We do
not know how long we may have
merely to keep on an even keel, as
it were, but we can be very posi
tive that wherever we may go from
here it will be to a higher level of
all that counts in human life.
Autocaster Service.
THE CONGRESS now in session
is the same that sat last spring.
The new Congress does not take
office until the fourth of March.
This is a survival of ancient days,
when it took weeks or even months
for members of Congress to reach
Washington from their homes, and
the men elected in November could
hardly be expected to get to their
new job under three or four months.
"Lame Ducks" in Congress men
who are still holding their seats
although not re-elected may make
plenty of trouble before this short
session is over. There is the ques
tion of our participation in the
World Court, for example, which
might result in a debate which
would tie up all other legislation in
the Senate. The logical thing would
be for the Congress which suppos
edly represents the present state of
the public mind, to take hold of the
reins of Government at once. No
where else in the world do the hold
overs have anything to say after an
To change the present system
would require an amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.
We think that everybody would be
in favor of that There is no place
in the United States from which a
member elected the first week in
November cannot get to Washing
ton in time for a session beginning
the first week in December. And
while we are changing the Consti
tution, why not change the date of
Presidential Inaugurations? March
is the worst month in the whole
year in Washington. Why should-
n t the President elected in 1932,
whoever he may prove to be, take
his seat in the White House imme
diately after his election?
(nternational Sunday School Lesion fo
December 21.
Christmas Lesson Luke 2:8-20 and
II Timothy 1:1-6; 3:14-16
Rev. Samuel D. Price, D. D.
Attention should be given to both
themes, and they are closely related
Chrisetmas is a day that has its
best expression as it centers in the
life of the home. The Influence of
Jesus, whose birth is being cele
brated, has done more to change
the home than anything else In all
time. Evidence of this fact is to
contrast the positions of women and
children in those parts of the world
where the teachings of Jesus are
not operative with the social life in
those lands where His principles are
followed even in part. Having been
in twenty-four countries the writer
can testify to this as an eye witness
No single event in the history of
the world has so changed the life
of mankind. Even the date In our
calendar Is Christo-centric. Those
who refuse to believe In Jesus as
he Son of God and Saviour of sin
ners are nnanciany profited by that
which took place In Bethlehem In
B. C. 5.
When a principle Is workable, It
becomes acceptable. Any thinker
can propose a theory of life, but to
be worthy of continuance it must
be practical.
During the past six months men
and women of the Bible have been
considered. The last in the scries
of biographical studios la Timothy
of Lystra. Paul may have first met
him when as an apostle to the Gen
tiles he was being persecuted and
carried aB an injured man Into the
home of Timothy.
To get a good Idea of the worth
of this man read the two letters
that Paul wrote which bear the
name of Timothy. When Paul, the
worn-out aposue, was in tne midst
of his second Roman Imprisonment
Rv I -fcr
It's a mighty comfortable feeling
during these winter months, espec
ially in the northern states, the
consciousness that one is immune
from "taking cold." Infections of
the respiratory tract are so distress
ing, not to say dangerous, that one
dreads them naturally, and would
do most anything to prevent their
occurrence. From quite an exten
sive experience, I believe immuniz
ing vaccines have solved the prob
lem as nearly as can be at this time.
Bacterial vaccines made by relia
ble people are harmless. They
should be administered as a pre
ventative, while the patient is in his
usual health. Six or eight doses
should be used, on alternate days
one each day, of course making
about twelve or fourteen days cover
the "course." Your physician will
advise you for the best.
Just how long immunization lasts
is not known. Personally, I have
taken two "courses" of vaccine dur
he sent for Timothy, his son in the
faith, to come as a helpful compan
ion. W. C. T. U. NOTES.
MARY A. NOTSON Reporter.
The wets are continually assert
ing that statistics show that condi
tions are growing worse under pro
hibition. The census figures just
issued show that the number of
deaths from the effects of alcohol
was 4.1 per 100.000 population in
1928, while in 1929 it was 3.7 The
total number of deaths was 288 less
in 1929 than in 1928.
In the recent referendum taken
by the American Bar Association
approximately three fourths of the
members voted on the question of
repeal of the 18th amendment. The
vote for repeal was about two to
one in favor of repeal. Apparently
the membership stood one-half for
repeal, one fourth for retaining the
amendment, and one fourth non
committal. No alternative was of
fered. Just what solution the As
sociation would offer for the liquor
question nobody knows. But the
complacent drys who have been
thinking that the battle against
John Barleycorn has been won
should wake up to the fact that the
fight is only fairly begun. While
the drys still have a large majority
ir. congress, the gains made by the
wets in the last election have great
ly encouraged the enemies of pro
hibition. It would be necessary to secure a
two-thirds majority of both houses
of congress to submit the repeal
of the 18th amendment, but a bare
majority could practically annul it
by raising the percentage of the
alocholic content under the Volstead
Act. If lisrht wines and 4.4 ner cent
beer, as proposed by some of the
modificationists, should be allowed,
it would open the way for the re
turn of 90 per cent of the liquor
traffic, and would increase the dif
ficulty of enforcing the law against
the stronger liquors. 1
The wets howl for state control
instead of prohibition. They all in
sist that the saloon must not come
back. They say that ten years of
trial has proven that prohibition
has failed. South Carolina tried
state control for fourteen years, and
then gave it up as a bad job. In
the experiment, the state had an
advantage in this: The wholesale
liquor dealers were favorable to the
plan, for they had no bad accounts
to collect. The temperance forces
aided in every way, because they
thought it would reduce the evils
of tha liquor traffic and take the
question out of politics. During
tne first ten years of the expert
ment, according to the report of
the attorney general, crime increas
ed 350 per cent while the population
increased only about 17 per cent
From 1899 to 1901, during which
period it is known that the "blind
tigers" bought from the state dis
pensaries, the sales increased from
$1,788, 425.80 to $2,328,681.21, an in
crease of 30 per cent in three years.
So much corruption crept Into the
system that Senator Tillman, who
instituted the system and was its
chief supporter, turned against it
and helped to repeal it. Prohibi
tion will be repealed when some-
thing better is offered, but state
control Is not something better.
Teacher If Columbus were alive
today, wouldn't he be looked upon
as a remarkable man?
Jimmy I'll tell the world. He
would be 500 years old.
"Does Snooken's baby get off any
original sayings?
"Oh, he did, but they were so
dumb that Snooken had to hire a
ghost writer for him."
McFall, the factory foreman, was
asked by the manager whether the
new man he had hired was making
"Progress!" exploded the foreman
"Why, I've taught him everything
I know and he Is still an Ignorant
Chugwater Enjoy your drive out
in the country this afternoon?
Dashpot Yes, the billboards are
turning to red and yellow.
Angus Tavish.MaetavlHh has a
canny way of bcatin' the mother-in-
law game. He encourages his mo
ther-in-law to live In his home in
stead of drlvln' her away.
Sandy I don't see how that trick
solves the problem.
Angus Why, mon, his mother-in-law
is such a divvil his wife
seems an angel In comparison,
"V" mm m.
ing a winter, and have escaped
colds, grippe and influenza very
nicely, though In almost daily con
tact with patients infected. I am,
therefore, a firm and lasting friend
of the vaccine treatment.
Indeed I have found vaccine very
efficient in th.- treatment of respir
atory infections. A cold will vanish
more quickly if treated by this
method a dose daily, pushed till
effect The patient should stay In
doors, better still, in bed, until per
fectly recovered, thus preventing
relapses which often pave the way
for more serious difficulties. The
most rational treatment for influ
enza, I believe to be in the intelli
gent use of bacterial vaccines.
An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure, says the old phil
osopher; I do not know where it
may be more fittingly applied than
in the very common affliction known
as "colds." Pneumonia is always
dangerous to life; doubly so, when
it follows influenza. And, it is the
one taken unawares that finds re
gret to be his chief heritage.
A few days ago Joe Gibson was
displaying some strawberries in
lone. They were full grown and
almost ripe enough to eat. They had
been raised unprotected in the gar
den on his ranch about three miles
northwest of town. Why go to Cal
ifornia seeking a mild climate when
strawberries can be grown out of
doors in December in Morrow
county, Oregon?
The schools in lone will close De
cember 24 for the holiday vacation,
and will re-open January 5.
The Lexington high school bas
ketball teams played the lone
teams a practice game on the home
floor Tuesday evening, resulting in
victories for both the lone teams.
The girls won by a score of 9-2, and
the boys by a score of 10-16.
The American Legion held instal
lation of officers Wednesday eve
ning, Dec. 10, in Odd Fellows hall.
Eighteen legionnaires from Hepp
ner were in attendance, and Charles
Smith, of the Heppner post, was
installing officer. Following are the
men placed in office for the year
1931: Lee Beckner, commander; Ol
iver Haguewood, vice commander;
Orren Grabil, adjutant; Blain
Blackwell, finance officer; E. G.
Sperry, chaplain. After the instal
lation, the ladies of the auxiliary
served refreshments and games and
dances were enjoyed.
Monday evening the members of
lone post, American Legion, were
the invited guests of the Heppner
post Ten Ionites were in attend-
ance and all reported an enjoyable
At the regular communication of
Locust chapter, O. E. S., held Tues
day evening, Dec. 9, the following
officers were elected for 1931: Mrs.
Delia McCurdy, worthy matron;
Harlan McCurdy, worthy patron;
Mrs. Lola McCabe, associate ma
tron; John Krebs, associate patron;
Mrs. Ruth Mason, secretary; Mrs.
Lucy Harbison, treasurer; Mrs
Grace Misner, conductress; Mrs.
Oral Feldman, associate conduct
ress; Mrs. Hila Timm, chaplain
Mrs. Margaret Blake, organist; Miss
Katheryn Feldman, Adah; Mrs.
Mabel Krebs, Ruth; Mrs. Viola
Lieualien, Esther; Mrs. Mary Beck
ner, Martha; Mrs. Ruby Roberts,
Electa; Mrs. Roxy Krebs, marshal;
Miss Opal Finn, warder. During
the meeting gifts were presented to
Mrs. Viola Lieualien and Miss Kath
eryn Feldman; to the former as a
reward for selling the most num
bers on the hope chest and to the
latter as a token of appreciation
of the chapter for the efficient way
in which Miss Feldman superin
tended the hope chest sale. At the
close of chapter a social hour was
enjoyed with a number of Invited
guests. There were old time dances
with Oliver Kincald, Charley Botts
and sons, Robert and Frank, fur
nishing the music. Refreshments
were served.
There was a special meeting of
Locust chapter Tuesday evening for
the purpose of Initiation.
Locust chapter 119, O. E. S., and
lone lodge 120, A. F. & A. M., held
joint installation Wednesday eve
ning in Masonic hall. The broth
ers furnished and served the re
freshments. Dancing followed the
The high school play, "Only Sally
Ann," was presented In a pleasing
way before a large audience Friday
evening. Both Miss Florence Em
mons, who coached the play, and
the students who took part, merited
a great deal of praise. The music
by the school band was very good.
The dance which the lone Odd
Fellows gave at Lexington Satur
day night was well attended. The
supper served by the-Rebckah lad
ies was delicious and all those pre
sent leport a most enjoyable time.
The friendship quilt which was giv
en that evening was won by Emll
Work is underway on the county
road leading north from Jordan
Siding. The labor is being furnish
ed by the farmers benefitted by the
lone journeyed to Echo Saturday
night for a double header basket
ball game. The high school boys
won by a large margin; the girls
lost by a score of 20-21.
Willows Grange will present a
play Saturday evening, Dec. 20, at
Cecil hall. The name of the play
Is "Two Days to Marry." The per
formance will start at 8 o'clock. Fol
lowing Is the cast of characters:
Mr. Dare (a wifeless heir), Roy
Llndstrom; Miss McShano (a sweet
young June), Beulah Pettyjohn;
Miss Pink (blacker than ink), Mrs.
Bertha Cool; Mr. Chase (as black as
his race), Carl Troedson; Sadie L.
Boise (a widow by choice), Edna
Lindstrom; Mr. Sawyer (a lawyer),
Bill Cool; Mr. Blain (the million
aire), Walter Gibson. This is a
three act comedy. If you want to
laugh, come and see it. A social
hour will follow the play.
Gilbert Petteys came down from
Walla Walla the first of the week
and is visiting relatives in and near
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger and
Mrs. Paul Balsiger motored to Pen
dleton Monday, returning the same
Sixteen ladies were guests of Mrs.
M. R. Morgan Monday afternoon at
her pleasant home on Willow creek.
The time was spent in quilting. Mrs.
Morgan served a most delightful
The community Christmas tree
this year is being sponsored by the
members of the American Legion
and the Legion auxiliary. An Inter
esting program is being worked out
The exercises will be in the school
gymnasium Wednesday evening, De
cember 24. Christmas eve is a busy
time for Santa Claus, but he is try
ing to arrange things so he will be
able to be present for a short time
at the close of the program.
George Horseman of Portland
spent a few days the first of the
week in lone. His half-brother,
Gene Corley, who is working on
Butter creek, niet him in lone for
a short visit.
Mr. Horseman informed friends
here that Mr. and Mrs. Ike Howard
are now located on a farm two
milts south of Molalla. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard are former residents
of lone who have been living at
Walter Roberts arrived in lone
Saturday and is with Mrs. Roberts
at the Frank Engelman home. Mr
Roberts has been in poor health for
some time but is now much improv
ed. Dwight Misner has been called to
Flint, Mich., by the serious illness
of his sister, Mrs. Nettie Wyat who
was injured in an automobile acci
dent. Mr. Misner made the trip by
airplane, leaving the Pasco airport
at 5:30 Saturday evening. He went
to Pasco by auto in company with
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson.
After many, many days of fog
and gloom the sun is shining again
in lone. Considerable rain fell dur
ing the past week and the wheat
fields are looking fine.
I. II. S. Alumni News
Two boys and three girls grad
uated from the lone school in 1912.
Harold Mason continued his stud
ies, graduating a few years later
from Oregon State college. He was
doing excellent work as a teacher
in the high school at La Grande
when he answered the call of his
country and enlisted as a soldier in
the World war, being in the avia
tion department. After his dis
charge he followed both farming
and teaching. At present he is en
gaged in farm work and is making
his home with his sister, Mrs. Oliver
Jesse Jordan Daly is also a vet
eran of the World war. He was a
member of the 91st division and
saw much active service, taking
part in the last two engagements
before signing of the armistice, ae
fore his enlistment he had two
years work at Behnke-Walker Bus
iness college, and following the war
took a course in night school, the
expense of which was borne by the
government. At present Mr. Daly
has a position with the Frank Mc-
Guire Real Estate company of Port
Following Edna McNabb's grad
uation in this class, she took up the
profession of teaching and contin
ued her work successfully both be
fore and after her marriage to Earl
Puyear. Later Mr. and Mrs. Pu-
year located at Pasco, Wash., where
they owned and operated a contec
tionery store. Mis. Puyear became
the mother of two fine children
daughter and a son. Shortly after
the birth of her son, Mr. Puyear
died. . Mrs. Puyear continued to op
erate the store and several years
later she became the wife of Charles
Jewell and still lives in the Wash
ington city.
Agnes Pennington resides in Port
land. She is married but we were
unable to learn her name. Mabel
Davidson had one year's work at
Oregon State college after she fin
ished high school. She married Ar
thur Ries. They make their home
at Toppenish, Wash. They are the
parents of five children, three girls
and two boys. J. W. L. Kaufman
was principal of the school at this
Two boys finished the course in
1913, Mr. Briggs being principal
Following high school Walter Dob
yns was a student both of the Unl
versity of Oregon and Behnke-Wal
ker Business college. He enlisted
as a soldier in the World war, but
did not get overseas. He married
Esther Peterson. They are the par
ents of a little daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. Dobyns are Morrow county
farmers. Werner Rietmann is also
engaged in farming. He married
Juanita Gibson, one of Morrow
county's successful teachers.
(Continued next week.)
Try a G. T. Want Ad.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dulles,
Orpiinn. Den. 8. 1130.
NOTICE is herehy given that William
J. Doherty or Lexington, Oregon, wno,
on Nov. 27, 1926, made Homestead En
try under Act Dec. 29, 1916, No. 025237,
for All of Section 14, Township 2 North,
Range 25 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to max
final three vear Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
r.av M. Anderson, United States Com
mlssloner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
201 h day of January, 1931.
Claimant names as witnesses: Dennis
Kiernan, of Heppner, Oregon; William
J. McDald, ot Lexington, uregon; w.
T. Doherty, of Lexington, Oregon; Wil
lie Ruddy, of Lexington, Oregon.
W. A. WILKINSON, Register,
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty Superintendent of Morrow County
Oregon, will hold the regular examina
tion of applicants for slate certificates
In her office at the Court House in
Heppner as follows:
17 1!)3(l. nt 9 o'clock A. M. and contln
ulng until Saturduy, December 20, 11)30,
at 4 o'clock P. M.
Wednesday Forenoon V. S. History,
Writing t Penmanship).
Wednesday Afternoon Physiology,
Reading. Composition. Methods in
KeHding, Methods in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic. His
tory of Education. Psychology, Methods
in ueograpny.
Thursday Afternoon Grammar. Geo
graphy. American Literature. Physics.
Methods in Language, jnesia iur -n-niary
Friday Forenoon Theory and Prac
tice. Orthography (Spelling), Physical
Geography, English Literature, Chemis
try. Friday Afternoon School Law, Alge
bra. Geology, Civil Government, Book
keeping. Saturday ICorenoon ueometry, uui-
Saturday Atternoon lienerai His
39140. Supt. Morrow Co. Schools.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed executor
of the estate of Clara A. Mikesell. de
ceased, by the County Court ot the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
and that all persons having claims
against the said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same, duly verified
according to law, to me at the office of
my attorney, S. E. Notson, in Heppner,
Oregon, within six months from tne
date of the first publication of this no-
lce, said date ot nrst puDiication De
ng November 13. 1930.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the stockholders of the
nrst National Bank ot Heppner. ure
gon. on the second Tuesday in January,
1H31, (January 13th, 1931), between the
nours ot 10 a. ni. and 4 p. m., oi said
date for the Duroose of electing direct
ors and for the transaction of such
business as may legally come before
me meeting.
W. K. MUOKB, sjasmer.
Dated this 18th day of December. 1930.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the stock holders of the
Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank
of Heppner, Oregon, on the second
Tuesday in January, 1931 (January 13,
liMl), between the hours of U:U0 o clock
a. m. and 4:00 o'clock p. m. of said Uny,
tor tne purpose ot electing directors,
and for the transaction of such other
business as may legally come before
the meeting.
J. w. BEYMKK. President.
Dated this 18th day uf December, 1030.
virtue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County to me directed and de
livered upon a judgment und decree and
oruer ot sale rendered in said court on
the 24th day of November, 1930, in favor
of Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., a corpora
tion, against Charles W. Beneflel, in the
suit therein pending wherein the said
lum-A-mra dumber Co., a corporation,
is plaintiff, and the said Charles W.
nenehel and Mary Beneflel. husband
and wife, are defendants, for the sum
f S8U2.U6. together with Interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum
irom tne sna day oi uecember.
until paid, and for the further sum of
$iuo as attorneys fees, and for plain
tiff's costs and disbursements in this
suit taxed at $18.00, which said decree
and judgment and order of sale has
been duly docketed and enrolled in the
office of the Clerk of suid court, and in
and by which said judgment, decree
and order uf sale it was directed that
the hereinafter described real property
m Morrow county, Oregon, together
with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereto belonging or In
anywise appertaining, and also all of
tne estate, right and interest ot said
defendants in and to the same, be sold
by the Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore-
on. to satisty said Judgment and all
THEREFORE. I will, on the 3rd dav
of January. 1931, at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
ai me iront aoor ot tne courthouse In
tiie City of Heppner. Morrow County.
Oregon, sell all the right, title and In
terest which the said defendants or
either of them had on the 2nd day of
uecemoer, ivm. or since men nave ac
quired or now have. In and to the fol
lowing described premises situated in
Morrow County, State of Oregon, to
wit: Northeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter and the North Half of
the Southeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section 26, Town
ship 5, North Range 26, East of the
Willamette Meridian, containing 60
acres, more or less,
together with the tenements, heredita
ments and appurtenances thereto be
longing or in anywise appertaining;
and also all of the right, estate, title
and interest of said defendants in and
to tiie same; said lands to be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, the proceeds of sale
to be applied in satisfaction of said
execution and all costs.
DATED thia 29th day of November,
' C. J. D. BAUMAN,
38-42 Sheriff. Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an execution duly Issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, by the
Clerk of said Court on the llth day of
December, 1930, pursuant to a decree
and order of sale duly rendered and en
tered in said Court on the loth day of
December, 1930. in a certain suit in
said Court wherein Uzz French was
plaintitf. and Pat Connell, also known
as Patrick Connell, and Bridget Con
nell, his wife, W. B. Barratt, 8. K. Not
son, Trustee, and Isabel Corrlgall, Ex
ecutrix of the Last Will and Testament
of M. S. Corrigall, deceased, were de
fendants, and in which suit plaintiff re
covered judgment against said defend
ant. Pat Connell. for the sum of $3600.00,
with Interest thereon from the 1st day
of August, 1928. at the rate of eight per
cent per annum, the further sum of
$326.00 attorney's fees, and the further
sum of $1150.00. with Interest thereon
from the 20th day of November, 1928,
.'it the rate of eight per cent per annum,
the further sum of $135.00 attorney's
fees, and his cost and disbursements In
the sum of $21.20.
Now. therefore, in obedience to said
execution, I will on the 17th day of
January, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 o'
clock in the forenoon of said day at the
front door of the Court House at Hepp
ner. Oergon. sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
described real property, situate in Mor
row County, Oregon, to-wlt:
NEW of NE14 of Section 12 in Town
ship 4 South, Range 25 East of Wil
lamette Meridian; WV4 of NWS,
SK'i of NWW, NEW of SW'4, and
SEW f Section 7, B'b of N'j, W'S,
of HW',4, SEW of SWVi, and EVj
of SK'i of Section 8, all of Section
l(i. and all of Section 17, E!4 and
SK'i of SW'i of Section 18, KVi ot
NW'i NEW, NV4 of SEW and SEW
of SEW of Section 11), all of Section
20, except the H',4 of SEW thereof,
N1., K!4 ot 8 WW, NMs of SEW of
Section 21, EA of NW'4, W'i of
NEW, NEVi of NEW. NWW. of
SEW and NB!4 OF SW'i of Sec
tion 30, in Township 4 South, Range
26 East of Willamette Meridian.
The above described real property be
ing the property mortgaged to the
plaintiff and ordered sold by the Court
in said suit.
Dated this 18th day of December, 1930.
40-44 C. J. D. BAUMAN,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
526 Chamber of Commerce Building
Phone ATwator 4S84 .
Professional Cards
E. D. HUBSON, the Livestock Auc
tioneer of Granger, Wn., and Dwight
Mianer of lone, Ore. SALES CON
COUNTY. For dates and terms wire
or write DWIGHT MISNER, lone.'
A. B. GRAY, M. D.
Fhone 323
Heppner Hotel Building
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Dr A. B. Gray, Physlcian-in-Charge
Miss Helen Cnrran, Surgical Nurse
Miss Ona Gilliam, Anesthetist
Mrs. L. G. Herren, Superintendent
Open to All Physicians
Osteopathic Physician
Gilman Building
Phone 93 Heppner, Oregon
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Telephone 1012
Office in Gilman Building
11 W. Willow Street
Contractor and Builder
Cabinet Work Built-in Cabinet
Window Screens, Etc.
Call Heppner Planing Mill
' X-Ray Diagnosis
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
905 Guardian Building
Residence, GArfleid 1949
Business Phone Atwater 1348
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nnrse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offices in
First National Rank Building
Heppner. Oregon
Ofllce in Court House
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Property Sales
a Specialty
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
G. L. BENNETT, Lexington, Oregon
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches - Clocks Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberts Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
J. Perry Condcr, N. D.
20th year In praotloe In Heppner and
Morrow County.
Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 08,
Heppner Sanitarium
TTnenitnl Dr- Ferry Oonder
UUbpildl Physician in charge
Oldest Institution of Healing and
Oldest Practicing riiyslclan In Mor
row County: with the least percent
age of fatality and greatest percent
age of benefit.