Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 04, 1930, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MRS. A. T. HEREIM. Correspondent
The Ladies Aid annual bazaar will
be held in the schoolhouse Friday
evening, Dec. 5. They will start
serving dinner at 5:30 p. m. Prices
for the dinner will be 35 and 25
cents. A splendid line of fancy
work will be on sale. There will
also be a popcorn and candy booth,
a fish pond and many other attrac
tions. Everybody is invited to come.
Thanksgiving week and its annual
dances, parUes and dinners were
much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Rands
were hosts to a lovely Thanksgiving
dinner. Guests were the Falers,
Warners, Klitzs, Paul Mead, Mrs.
Hiatt and Buster Rands. Mrs. Hi
att, Mrs. Rands' mother, came from
Freewater on Thursday and return
ed home Sunday. Mrs. Rands ac
companied her and then went on to
Walla Walla for a visit
Miss Xellie Dillon and Miss Mary
Healey, who are attending business
colleges in Portland, were home for
Thanksgiving vacation. Gladys and
Eldon Wilson and Buster Rands,
students at Eastern Oregon normal,
were home from La Grande.
Mrs. Gillespie, teaching at Elkton
this vear. came home Wednesday.
She brought one of her pupils, Ag
nes Haines, with her. Mr. Gillespie
returned with her Saturday and will
remain there through the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat were
dinner guests of Miss Ethel Beou-
trher at Hermiston Thursday. Miss
Beougher was a teacher here in the
hierh school for three years.
A lovely dinner was given by the
Strobels. Guests included the Kings,
Packards. Spagles, Ayers, Mr. and
Mrs. Pickering, and Mr. Markham
from Portland. Mrs. Pickering is
a sister of Mr. Strobel. The Her
eim family spent Thanksgiving day
at the J. R. Johnson home, win-
banks entertained the Myers, Skou-
bos, and Mike Cassidy at a bounti
ful dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Ken
nedy enjoyed a turkey dinner at the
Chaffee home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Say and
daughters Shirley and Marionadel,
came from Portland to spend
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Say's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Porter.
Arthur Porter returned to Portland
with them.
J. F. Gorham was a Pendleton vis
itor last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lear and daughter
Gloria from Pendleton were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Waite on
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Sharpe and baby spent Thanksgiv
ing at the E. T. Messenger home.
Blaydens and Gorhams had their
annual Thanksgiving dinner at the
Gorham home.
Miss Rhoda Shellenberger was a
dinner guest at the D. W. Miller
home on Thanksgiving. The Chan
ning family, who live on the' F. L.
Brown place had turkey dinner at
the A. A. Agee home Thursday.
E. T. Messenger went to The
Dalles on Tuesday to receive medi
cal attention.
A large number of Boardman
folks attended the masquerade
dance at Irrigon Wednesday night
This was a benefit dance for the
basketball boys.
Mrs. Mead and daughters, Helen
and Catherine spent Thanksgiving
at The Dalles. Mr. Mead, Mr. and
Mrs. Merritt of Irrigon, and Joe
Simon were guests of Miss Schultz
and Carl Doring at a lovely dinner
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat en
tertained at a delicious turkey din
ner on Friday. Guests were Miss
Shellenberger and Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Hereim and sons A. T. and
The P. T. A. dance and box sup
per given at the school auditorium
Thursday night was well attended.
Cake and coffee were served to
those who Sid not bring a box.
Another lovely dinner on Thanks
giving day was that given at the
J. F. Barlow home. Present were
Guy Earlows, Claude Coats, Z. J,
Gillespie, Agnes Haines, Ray Bar
low and the hosts.
The Ransiers spent Thanksgiving
day at Echo at the home of Mr.
Ransier's brother. Marvin Ransier
stayed there over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Macomber enter
tained at a sumptuous dinner. Cov
ers were laid for Mr. and Mrs
W. H. Macomber, Mrs. Billie Bai
ley, Eldon and Mary Matthews, Sybl
Grace Macomber and the hosts.
Howard Ellis and Elmer Tyler
who have been working on the sec
tion at Messner, have been trans
ferred to Rock creek where they
expect to have work all winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coats were
hosts at a delightful card party
on Friday evening. There were
four tables of "500." Guests were
the Marschats. Guy Barlows, Ken
nedys, Hereims, Rachel Johnson
and Ray Barlow. Honors went to
Mrs. Marschat F. A. Fortier, Mrs.
A. T. Hereim, and Guy Barlow.
Miss McMahon and Orla Brown
left Wednesday evening after school
for Portland, where they spent the
acation. Miss McMahon s home is
in Portland.
Mike Cassidy has been staying at
Skoubos the past week and has
planted a number of trees on his
farm, which adjoins the I. Skoubo
The people of Boardman were
sorry to hear that F. A. Fortier,
local Standard Oil man, is to be
transferred to Union where he will
take charge of the plant The Stan
dard Oil plant in Boardman will be
closed during the winter months.
The Fortiers will be greatly missed
in the community. Mr. and Mrs.
Fortier are active members of the
P. T. A. and are members of the
grange. Mr. Fortier has been a
member of the school board for the
past year. They expect to leave the
last of the week. Mrs. Fortier's
daughter, Norma Gibbons, plans tp
stay in Boardman with her grand
mother, Mrs. Cramer, until the end
of the school year. Norma will
graduate from high school this year
and wishes to finish wltn ner ciass.
The Home Economics club enter
tained at a party Saturday evening
at the D. W. Miller home. Seven
tables of "500" were in play. Mrs.
Faler and Mr. Dillabough received
high honors, and Mrs. Kunze and
Mr. George Wicklander low.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels and family
were guests at the Strobel home
Sunday. Daniels are now living at
A Thanksgiving dinner that was
much enjoyed was that given at the
Faul Smith home. The Ed Kunze
family, R. Wasmer and Dave John
son were the guests.
An unusual incident occurred in
Boardman last week when W. C.
Evans forced three checks on W. V.
Grider of Irrigon to a couple of
business houses here. Evans had
been working for Mr. Grider for a
short time and formerly stayed at
the Ludeman ranch. He got two
checks amounting to $35 cashed at
S. C. Russell's store. A day later
he cashed another $35 check at the
Barlow Service station, and bought
two tires for his car, and then left
town. It was not known that the
checks had been forged until they
were taken to the bank to be depos
ited. Guv L. Barlow, deputy sher
iff. Immediately telephoned Sheriff
Bauman, so that he might notify
officials in other towns to be on tne
lookout for the forger. So far Mr.
Evans has not been located.
Miss Norma Gibbons was hostess
to an enjoyable party on Saturday
evening. It was given at the For-
When you don't get
eggs, don't blame
the hens
Do Your Part
Give them a chance to
make good.
Come in and we will
tell you a few of the
things it takes to
make them produce.
Call us for prices on
Phone 1482
Free Delivery In City Llmlta
tier house back of the bank build
ing. About 30 young people were
present Dancing was the main di
version of the evening, followed by
a lovely lunch.
Charlie Andregg and Aaga Jenson
went to Portland last Tuesday. Mr.
Jenson returned on Friday and Mr.
Andregg remained there to work
for his sister.
J. F. Slanger, 61. died at his home
near Boardman Thursday evening,
Nov. 27. Funeral services were held
in the LaGrande undertaking par
lors Sunday morning, and the body
was then taken to Cove for burial.
Mr. Slanger was born in Holland
and came to the United States when
a boy. He lived at Cove, Ore., be
fore moving to Blaine where he
lived for 19 years. He then came
to Boardman last spring for his
health. He is survived by his wid
ow, Mrs. Slanger; a son, Frederick,
and two daughters, Helen and Eli
zabeth. The community extends
sympathy to the family.
Wm. Strobel is taking the baler
to Willow creek where they have
about 600 tons of hay to bale. He
took a crew from here to work
with him.
Mrs. Nick Faler entertained the
Helomala Bridge club on Monday
afternoon. Mrs. Denson received
high honors and Mrs. Coats, low.
Mrs. Gorham substituted for Mrs.
Bates, and Mrs. Dillabough for Mrs.
Rands. A dainty lunch was served
at the close of the game.
The high school student body
president has appointed a commit
tee to find out how much the ex
pense would be to install a shower
in the girls basement. A commit
tee was also appointed to look into
the matter of fixing up the gymna
sium basement They want to And
out how much the expense would
be to install showers and dressing
rooms. This would make it more
convenient for basketball players.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen and
family from La Grande came down
to visit at the Allen home. They
returned to La Grande Thursday
evening. Clayton, their son, remain
ed here with his grandparents.
A meeting was held last week
for the purpose of discussing a
Grange feed store in Boardman. A
committee was appointed to go to
Hermiston to talk this matter over
with the bank there. Another open-
meeting will be held on Saturday
evening, before grange, to make
further plans. All the farmers in
terested in a feed store here are re
quested to be present at this meet
During the months of November
and December meeting nights will
be the first and third Thursdays.
There will be entertainment at each
meeting. 33-40
For Sale 15 head of Jersey cows
and heifers, some fresh now, all
fresh by next spring. Will sell one
or all. Daisy Butler, Willows, Ore.,
or phone Cecil. 35-38p.
Mrs. Hazel Norcross and children
from Portland are spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Smith.
Tony Sonison of Hermiston was
working for W. C. Isom Tuesday,
plastering and finishing a cement
Vernor Jones is quite ill with an
attack of mumps.
Thanksgiving day was celebrated
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Markham with the following guests
present: Mr. and Mrs. - Frank
Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Oliver
and family, Laurence Markham and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Marshal
Markham. A sumptuous dinner was
served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Chaney and little daughter were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O. Coryell, Thanksgiving day
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weir were
called to The Dalles Tuesday by a
message stating that Mr. Weir's
cousin, a young man of nineteen
had drowned In the Columbia river
while trying to get a duck he had
shot Mrs. Dawald has taken Mr.
Weir's place as eighth grade teach
er during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Dawald motored to
Boise, . Idaho, Wednesday to visit
relatives over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Linley Grabeil of
Pendleton, Mrs. Mac Grabeil and
son of Umatilla, Mrs. Ruth McCoy
from Imbler, Will Grabeil and Earl
Isom were dinner guests Thanks
giving day of Mr. and Mrs, J. A.
Grabeil. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson of
lone visited Thursday and Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jones and
family. Mrs. Nelson Is a sister of
Mrs. Jones.
W. R. Walpole, who had returned
from Lynn, Wash., a short time ago
died suddenly Thursday night. Mr.
Walpole had an attack of influenza
a few weeks ago irom wnicn ne
had not fully recovered. The re
mains were taken to Case Funer
al parlors in Heppner and will be
shipped from there to i-oruanu lor
interment in the family plot
The dance given by the basketball
team Wednesday evening was well
attended and enjoyed by all. The
orchestra donated their music for
the benefit of the team.
Twenty-nine legal voters were
present at the district road meeting
held Saturday for the purpose of
voting a five mill tax for road work
for 1931, which carried by a large
W. C. Isom and son Earl, George
Scarlet and son and Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. Rutledge and son Don were
all business visitors In Hermiston
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dexter spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Jones.
Bill Grabeil and Miss Snow Mc
Coy came down from Imbler for a
few days visit, returning Sunday.
Will Malten returned from Wash
ington Thursday and is staying with
Mr. and Mrs. Burkett for the pre
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Brace and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Brooks motored across
to the Washington side of the river
Friday evening, taking dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. George Haskell who
are now located on the Bud Crofton
place. They all attended a dance
at Cooledge, Wash., in the evening.
Frank Brace and O. Coryell were
in Heppner on business Saturday.
A Thanksgiving program was
given by the grade pupils with mu
sic by the band, Wednesday after
noon. The majority of the parents
were present and thoroughly enjoy
ed the entertainment. Some of the
selections incited all to greater ap
preciation of the blessings of the
present day.
Remember Christian Endeaor
Sunday evening.
Giant Bronze turkey toms for
sale from old toms that weigh 36
to 38 lbs.; will sell the year and a
half old toms for one half the price
I paid for them; they are fine; you
won't find any better. Cora Bur
roughs, lone, Oregon. 37-40
FOR SALE Circulating wood-
coal heater in first class condition,
cheap. Pacific Power & Light Com
pany. 37tf
STRAYED Black horse, weight
about 1600 lbs., branded 2H76 con
nected on left shoulder. Strayed
from Willow creek logging camp In
August Reward. Notify W. V.
Pedro, Heppner. 38-4 lp
For Sale 2 John Deere 3-bottom
tractor plows with hitch; 1 lighting
plant for 30 Best; 2 Walla Walla
discs, 8-foot E. A. Lindeken, lone.
Published In the Interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Voltun 30
Heppner, Oregon December 4, 1930.
No. 46
J Phelps Funeral Home j
I Day and Night Phone 1332 i
T Cut Flowers for All Occasions Heppner, Oregon
With Tubes I vw
lAtnd nrfr paUmlM and apvUfiHtUmt
f H y. L., ItntilUn ntwi Jv.ur, at
nt Lktphi4 a4 LowttlS Lhwmirt.
Now this coa-lo-coat Majestic radio sensa
tion, with performance you can't duplicate.
Screen grid power superheterodyne selectiv
ity and superb Colorful Tone combined for
the first time in one radio. More wallop power
punch than you ever heard In radio before
and it costs far less than any other superhetero
dyne on the market! Sce-your Majestic dealer
today. Arrange for free home trial. Grlgsoy
GrunowCompany,Chicat;o,Ill.WorJ'sLirjjejt Manufacturers of Complete Radio Heceiver$.
Pretty soon the far
mers will yearn to es
cape from farm relief
and get back to good
old fashioned depres
sions. But with Con
gress going to meet
again we can lay the
blame onto them.
Manager, Editor.
This would be a fine
time to do that repair
and remodel work
around your home. It
would give work to
those that need work,
make your home bet
ter, increase your
peace of mind, and the
prices are lower than
at any other time m
fifteen years.
Cold? Burn Coal
It gives that satisfying
heat in a hurry.
Oi Sift
that never depreciates, that has no up'
keep, that constantly increases in VALUE
beautiful gem can offer.
Certified Virgin Dia-
MONDS come to you
' direct from the mines,
in a wide range of dis
tinctive mountings, at
to wear and to own this standard prices, through
But more than that, a
Virgin Diamond car
ries a thrill of owner
ship, a oy of possession,
that only the knowledge
that you are the first
Christmas Shoppers.
Built-in fixtures
make a wonderful gift
Cupboards, ironing
boards, medicine cab
inets, and many oth
ers can be delivered
for Xmas if they are
ordered now. Most of
these can be attached
to the wall by the Man
of the House in three
or four minutes.
"Now," she asked,
"Is there any man in
the audience who
would let his wife be
slandered and say
nothing? If so, stand
up." A meek little
man rose to his feet.
The lecturer glared
at him. "Do you mean
to say you would let
your wife be slandered
and say nothing?" she
"Oh, I'm sorry," he
apologized. "I thought
you said slaughtered."
"The best advertise
ing is the wagging
tongue of a satisfied
customer." Whether
it was Socrates or
Confucious that stat
ed the above, we don't
know, but as we "Like
to help folks build,"
and as most of the
fine homes In Heppner
were planned and ma
terialed by Turn - A -Lum,
it is gratifying
to hear so many nice
things said about us.
"And now, gentle
men," cried the orator,
"I want to tax your
"Oh, Lord," came a
voice from the audi
ence, "has It come to
J. C. Owens is. haul
ing out shingles for
the big sheep .shed
John Adams is build
ing on Rock creek. It
will take about 80,000
to cover It
Your Turkeys
Get them to market quickly,
economically. We pick them
up anywhere along our line.
John Day Valley Freight line
M. VENABLE, Manager. Office 5 E. May St Thone 1S63
iimiiiuiiitiiiiH timiniiiiiiMiifiiiiiiiiiimiHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiminiit
Hill nnnuiitllMllltlfllllllltlltlllllllDHIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMNIUUIIIMI
urn i i i Minium 11 i mi minimi iiiimmmi
Choice Foods
Always to be found here
featured by
Quality for 77 years, 1853-1930
Worth Thinking
There are many ways to be thrifty
besides merely saving the pennies, al
though we'll admit they are worth
saving. Here are a few of them:
Save the moments they are
worth something to you if used prop
erly. Be careful of your health it
may save you money for doctor's
bills.- Store wisdom away in your
mind where it will be valuable to
you. In fact, keep sound mentally
and physically. We can safeguard
your funds the rest is up to you.
Fir& National Bank
Latourell Auto Co.