Orao:! -HISTORICAL SOCIETY -j p. L 1 C a u u i ; -p 0 " TU'- -iZ- Volume 47, Number 38. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Dec. 4, 1930. Subscription $2.00 a Year mmtttt L Milnor, Wilson, Thatcher To Appear at E. 0. Wheat Conclave. 5 DIVISIONS NAMED Cooperative Marketing Holds Lime light; Three-Day Program Crowded With Interest By C. W. SMITH, Agricultural Agent, Morrow County. Three nationally known speakers will appear on the program at the Eastern Oregon Wheat league con ference to be held in Heppner, Dec. 11, 12 and 13. First in importance of these is George S. Milnor, man ager of Farmers National Grain cor poration. This organization is the first of the nation-wide cooperatives set up with the advice of the Fed eral $"arm board and is by far the most important. It is handling more wheat this year than any other or ' ganization in the world's history. Mr. Milnor will tell of the mis takes, successes and the probable future development of cooperative grain selling in America. Russia Known by Wilson. Next in importance is Dr. M. L. Wilson, head of the department of economics at Montana State col lege. Dr. Wilson is probably the best informed man in the world on trends of wheat acreage in this and foreign countries. He is the only man outside of Russia who has an intimate personal knowledge of ag ricultural developments in that country. On Thursday evening, Dec. 11, Dr. Wilson will describe farming conditions in Russia, giv ing a talk illustrated by more than 100 lantern slides. The third nationally known speaker will be N. W. Thatcher, manager Farmers Union Terminal association of St. Paul, Minn., the oldest truly sucessful farmer-owned and operated grain selling organiza tion in the United States. Mr. Thatcher will talk on the lessons learned from 20 years in marketing wheat. . An unusual feature of the meet ing will be the appearance of speak ers from seven states. Mr. Milnor is coming from Chicago. Dr. M. L. Wilson of Montana is hurrying from Washington, D. C, for the meeting. Mr. Thatcher is from Minnesota. F. J. Wilmer, president North Pacific Grain growers, comes from Spokane, Wash., L. M. Jcffers from Sacramento, Cal., Mark J. Mean from Lewiston, Idaho, and a number of speakers from Oregon make up the seven states represent ed and give the Oregon meeting a national atmosphere. Committee Meetings Important The officers of the wheat league believe that no Inland Empire wheat growers meeting has ever had such an array of talent as will be heard at the three-day meeting in Heppner. But they point out, as important as these sessions are, and as Interesting as their talks will be, the first two days of the conference will prove even more Important and Interesting. There are five committees, of which it is dilllcult to pick out the most Important. However, there is more talk of cooperative market ing and the position of the Federal Farm board. The presence of Mr. Milnor, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Wil mer will further intensify this in terest, so it is safe to assume the cooperative marketing committee will draw more than its share of attention. This committee is head ed by A. R. Shumway of Milton, with George Gatlin, marketing spe cialist of Oregon State college as secretary. Perhaps the second committee in Importance is the transportation committee with Roy Ritner of Pen dleton as chairman. This group deals with freight rates on rail and water and questions relating to truck hauling. The low price of wheat has strengthened the insist ent demands of Columbia basin far mers that the Columbia river be utilized. Mark Means of Lowiston, Idaho, will present a concrete plan for barge transportation on the river. Hyslnp to Tell Grades. Another committee certain to have interesting sessions is the wheat handling committee with Sam Thompson of Pendleton as chairman and Prof. G. R. Hyslop of Oregon State college as secretary, ProfcsHor Hyslop recently spent a year for the United States depart ment of agriculture, Ironing out in- equalities in the grain grades, and proposed changes In these grades will be presented. The other two committees deal with wheat production and legisla tion. They are headed respectively by Frank Emerson, The Dalles, and Chas. Harth, The Dalles. As in former years those attend ing will meet with the committee group where their chief interest lies The committee will informally thresh out the questions brought before them and the last day of the meeting will submit reports to the entire conference, These reports will be accepted or amended and will govern the wheat league's pro gram for the coming year. FIGURES FEATUREMEETHERE FOG CAUSES CRASH IN PLANE TAKE-OFF New Stinson-Detroiter from Seattle, Forced to Land Near Here, Is Badly Damaged. A Stinson-Detroiter four-passenger monoplane, belonging to A. E. Paulson of Seattle, crashed in an at tempted take-off in a field in the hilltops between Butter and Hinton creeks ten miles east of Heppner Thanksgiving morning. The plane had been taxied and towed some four miles, after making a forced landing about a week previous on land belonging to Mike Kenny near Butter creek. Dense fog, which pre vailed in the region, is given as the reason for the delayed attempt to raise the plane, and the crash at the time the attempt was made. The plane had just been purchas ed by Mr. Paulson for barnstorm ing. The landing was made on its initial flight. The party, including Mr. and Mrs. Paulson and L. H. Mc Henry, pilot, had left Seattle on the report of clear weather prevailing as far east as Pendleton. Fog was encountered soon after leaving Se attle, however, and the first land seen .was that where the landing was made. No damage was done in landing. The party came to Heppner, and thinking the plane could soon be moved, they advertised that pass enger flights would be made here last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Continuance of fog pre vented them meeting this schedule, and the attempted take-off was fin ally made for fear the plane would be snowed in. Bruce Gibb, local student aviator who witnessed the attempted take off, said the plane had cleared the ground some two feet when an ob struction was encountered, causing the plane to crash. Its speed was estimated at 70 miles an hour, as this is said to be the speed the plane must attain in order to leave the ground. Mr. Paulson and the pilot, who were la the plane, were uninjured. They estimated the dam age at $700. This was covered by insurance. The party left Heppner for Seattle on Friday, and an Insurance ad juster arrived Monday from Port land in company with a wrecker, dismantling the plane and taking it to the city. Heppner Boy Hits Aged Man With Car Onez Parker, who with other members of his family were in Walla Walla for the Thanksgiving season with relatives, figured in a serious auto mishap there on Fri day evening. The facts are pre sented in a special dispatch to the Sunday Oregonian, under date of Nov. 29. James M. Turner, 80, was in a serious condition today from injur ies suffered last night when he was struck by an automobile driven by Onez Parker of Heppner, Ore., knocked to the pavement and ren dered unconscious. An X-ray this morning revealed that he had a fractured skull. Parker had stopped to let another car go by and after he started again he said the lights from another car blinded him and he did not see Tur ner in front of his machine. Police attached no blame to Parker. CAR BADLY DAMAGED. A new Graham-Paige sedan be longing to Mr. Graves of San Fran cisco, representative of the Amer ican Hose Manufacturing company of Oakland, Cal., was badly wreck ed about 8:30 o'clock Monday morn ing when it skidded on a slippery place in the highway seven miles north of Heppner, and turned com pletely over. Mr. Graves was ac companied by Mr. Barnes, repre senting the Eureka Hose company of Seattle. Both men were shaken up and bruised considerably, while Mr. Barnes suffered a head injury which kept him confined to bed for a time. The men were on their way to Heppner to present bids for furnishing hose to the city council, opening of which took place that evening. The car was towed into Heppner and the insurance com pany having full coverage of the car was notified. REVIEW MUSIC. All the grade school pupils of the Heppner schools with the exception of the second gave a public enter tainment yentcrday afternoon in the auditorium, in which they reviewed music for the term. The entertain ment was under the direction of Miss Charlotte Woods, music super visor, and was attended by fifty mothers. The first and third grade rhythm bands assisted in the en tertainment. The second grade was unable to participate because of so many of the pupils being out of school with mumps. K. OF r. ELECT. Doric lodge No. 20, Knights oT Pythias, elected officers at tho reg ular meeting Tuesday evening. R. H. Quackenbush was named chan cellor commander for the ensuing year; Gus Jones, vice chancellor; Charles Thomson, prelate; Emll Grotkopp, M. of W.; Jasper Craw ford, K. R. S.; Miles Mulligan, M. at A.; W. W. Smead, M. of F.; J. W. Hlatt, M. of E.; C. W. Barr, I. G J. O. Peterson, O. G.; R. C. Wight man, trustee. Installation will be held the first meeting night In Jan uary. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Dec, 10. PROGRAM Eastern Oregon Wheat League THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 Morning Session Call to order John Withycombe, President Eastern Oregon Wheat League. Welcome to Heppner C. L. Sweek, attorney. Response Harry Pinkerton, Moro, Oregon. Plan of conference C. W. Smith, secretary Eastern Oregon Wheat League. Our new knowledge of wheat smut and its control Dr. E. N. Bressman, Oregon Experiment Station. Looking ahead in wheat production D. D. Hill, Oregon Ex periment station. Feeding wheat to livestock H. A. Lindgren, Extension Ser vice, O. S. C. Afternoon Session 9:30 10:30 11:00 11:30 1:15 Regional and international Dr. M. L. Wilson, Montana State College. 2:15 Country point sampling and Inspection B. W. Whitlock, U. S. D. A. Grain Supervisor in charge Pacific Coast Head quarters, Portland. 3 to 6 Committee meetings. Evening Session 7:30 Russia and the future world supply of wheat (illustrated with over 100 lantern slides) Dr. M. L. Wilson, Montana State College. Followed by committee meetings. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930 Morning Session 9:00 How to use future markets L. M. Jeffers, U. S. D. A., Sac ramento, Cal., Supervisor Grain Futures Administration. 9:30 Barge transportation on the Columbia river Mark Means, Lewiston, Ida., Ex-Commissioner of Agriculture, Idaho. 10:00 Development of the Columbia river Judge James A. Fee Jr., Pendleton. 10:30 The grain freight rates Arthur M. Geary, rate attorney, Portland. 11:00 Recent results dry land wheat experiments D. E. Stephens, superintendent Moro Experiment Station. Afternoon Session 1:15 Policies of the Farmers National Grain Corporation Geo, S. Milnor, manager F. N. G. C, Chicago. 2:15 Status of the North Pacific Grain Growers Inc. Sen. F. J. Wilmer, Rosalia, Wash., president of N. P. G. G. 3:00 Twenty years of cooperative wheat marketing M. W. That cher, St Paul, Minn., manager Farmers Union Terminal Association. 3:45 to 6:00 Committee meetings. Evening Session Banquet followed by committee meetings. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1930 Morning Session Committee meetings. Address by Julius Meier, governor-elect of Oregon. Committee reports. Afternoon Session Committee reports. Election of officers Eastern Oregon Wheat League. 6:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 1:15 SCHOOLCHILDREN ENTERTAIN LIONS Chrihtmas Seals Provide Theme for Music and Dialogue; November Health Work Reported. Lions club meeting Monday was featured by an entertainment given by first grade pupils of the Heppner schools, to help impress the purpose of the Christmas seal sale starting that day. A skit depicting the health work carried on with funds raised by the sale was staged by little Misses Mary Moore and Peggy Tamblyn. ' A chorus of the small tots sang an appropriate Christmas song, and the rhythm band obliged with two numbers. The presentation was under the direction of Miss Charlotte Wood, school supervisor of music, who ac companied at the piano, and Miss Beth Bleakman, teacher. The rhy thm band proved of especial inter est, being an innovation locally. Pleasing results were obtained by the pupils keeping time to the piano music with bells, cymbals, tambour ines, rattles and other detonating instruments. The children received hearty applause. W. R. Poulson, head of the local seal sale, Introduced the entertain ers, told something of the purpose of the sale, and urged liberal pur chase of the health harbingers. Miss Edith Stallard, county nurse, a guest at the meeting, made a short summary of work accom plished in November. She urged that cases needing assistance in bedside nursing be reported to her, and also announced the purchase of rubber sheets and a rubber ring for the county loan chest, which arti cles are available, if not in use, where needed. G. A. Bleakman urged the Import ance of attending the December meeting of the state highway com mission next week, as now appears an opportune time to impress upon the commission the importance of putting the Heppner-Spray road on the state highway map. ENTERTAIN FOR STUDENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner were hosts to a delightful party Saturday evening at their home, given in hon or of their son, Robert Turner, and Miss Nancy Northrup, Whitman college students who were week-end guests. Mrs. Turner, who was as sisted in serving by her daughters, Jennette and Anabel, prepared a sumptuous turkey dinner, following which the evening was spent In playing "500." Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter LaDusire, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson O. Baylcss, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse O. Turner, John Turner and Miss B'ern Engelman. Have you heard John McCormack sing? Your opportunity comes Sunday-Monday, at the Star theater. adjustments in wheat supply LEGION TO PLACE TREES ON STREET Working Party Called for Sunday Morning; Membership Drive Showing Results. Following the precedent estab lished last year, Heppner post No. 87, American Legion, will furnish small pine trees to be placed in the curb flag holders along Main street, thus adding to the festive appear ance of the street for the Christmas season. No charge will be made for the trees. Commander J. D. Cash has called for a working party to meet at Legion hall Sunday morn ing at 8:30, to go to the timber and cut the necessary number of trees. Cars will be provided to carry the" men and he urges all legionnaires to be on hand. It is expected that at least 100 trees will be required. The membership campaign, un der the leadership of Loyal Parker and D. E. Hudson, is showing good results, the Parker team being out in the lead at present The cam paign is expected to end In Febru ary, with the losing team furnishing a feed for the post Womans Club Changes Date to Second Monday A new date has been chosen for holding the regular monthly meet ing of the Womans club to the sec ond Monday in the month, instead of the first Saturday as heretofore. The next meeting will be held at American Legion hall on Monday evening, Dec. 8, at 7:30. The topic for the evening's con sideration will be "American Wo men Personality in the Theater and in Literature," and the following women have characters to discuss: Mrs. Jesse Turner, Mrs. Gene Gil man, Mrs. Paul Marble and Mrs. Chas. Smith. Musical numbers are piano duet, Miss Jeanette Turner and Mrs. William R. Poulson; vocal duet, Miss Charlotte Woods and Miss Blanche Hanson. INVITED TO IONE. Heppner post No. 87, American Legion, has been invited by lone post to be present at their installa tion ceremonies next Wednesday evening. All members of the local post who expect to attend are urg ed to let J. D. Cash know by Tues day noon, so the Iono post may be notified how many to prepare for. Plans call for the members to meet at Legion hall and cars will be pro vided to transport all who wish to attend. Jack DeVore was brought to town Wednesday night, suffering an at tack of Influenza. Ho was taken, to Heppner hospital to be cared for. A school program followed by dancing will be held at Rhea Creek grange hall Saturday, Dec. 8, be ginning at 8 p. m. 87-38. BUDGET MS HOSE $8,574 is 1931 Tax Levy; Dean T. Goodman Only New Councilman. City council had a busy session Monday at its December term, with passing of the advertised budget canvassing of the vote at the recent city election, and opening bids for the purchase of 500 feet of Are hose, in addition to the regular routine. The watermaster's report showed expenditure of more than $8000 for November, a large portion of the amount being in payment for re cent pipe line replacements in the lead main from the well down Wil low creek. No objections were raised to the budget as advertised and it was passed unanimously by the full council in attendance. The budget shows estimated expenditures for 1931 of $20,299, and estimated re ceipts of $11,725, leaving $8,574 to be raised by taxation. Three representatives of hose manufacturing companies were pre sent, and seven bids were placed for furnishing fire hose, bids for which were advertised to be opened at the meeting. After deliberation on the bids and examination of the samples offered, the council voted to reject all bids and authorized the purchase of 500 feet of American hose at $1.15 a foot from the Amer ican Hose Manufacturing company of Oakland, Cal., represented at the meeting by Mr. Graves, owner of the Graham-Paige car wrecked near Lexington Sunday morning when it skidded on a slippery place in the road and turned over. Mr. Barnes, representative of the Eureka Hose company of Seattle, who was in the car with Mr. Graves, was unable to attend the meeting owing to injur ies. Canvassing of the vote for the November 4 election was a mere formality as no contests existed for any office. Mayor W. G. McCarty, councilmen W. C. Cox and Jeff Jones, recorder E. R. Huston, trea surer W. O. Dix and constable S. P. Devin were elected to succeed them selves, and Dean T. Goodman was elected councilman to succeed C. L. Sweek who refused to run for re election feeling he had contributed sufficiently of his services with more than 15 years connection with the city government. On qualify ing, the newly elected officers will take office the first of the year. FORMER RESIDENT DIES. Mrs. Mildred Donaldson, aged 90, died Monday at the Eastern Star home, Forest Grove, following an illness of long standing, caused by paralysis. As a result of this afflic tion, Mrs. Donaldson had been to tally blind for many years. She was the widow of the late Samuel C. Donaldson, a pioneer resident of Heppner. Her first husband was Elijah Whitfield Rhea, whom she married in 1866. He died in 1883 and four years later she married Mr. Donaldson. Mrs. Donaldson was born in Adair county, Mo., Oct 2, 1840. With her family she cross ed the plains by covered wagon in 1865 and settled in Lane county, near Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Don aldson engaged in the hotel busi ness at Fossil for years. Eight chil dren were born to her as Mrs. Rhea, five of whom survive: Mrs. Andy Tillard, Douglas, Wyo.; Mrs. Nellie Barnard, Hood River, Ore.; Mrs. Lillian Carlyle, Mrs. O. C. Veatch and Mrs. Ada Wyatt, of Portland; and one stepdaughter, Mrs. Rose Howell of Heppner. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday evening. Women eligi ble to membership In the organiza tion were guests. After the busi ness session the following program was given: "Mistress Margarita" was sung by the Auxiliary trio; "Mandalay," a reading by Mrs. Harriet Gemmell. This was followed by a clever skit which caused much merriment, be ing a take-off on "Gilmore's Circus." Mrs. May Gilliam acted as master of ceremonies and the other per formers were "Siamese Twins," Le na Cox and Lucille Wilson; "Tight Rope Walker," Ethel Smith; Strong Man, Ruth Tamblyn; Carbon, Cy rene Barratt, who was also the Gil more lion off stage; accompanist, Lenore Poulson, All chaacters ap peared in appropriate costumes. Re freshments were served following the program by Lola Bennett, Helen Cash and Lera Crawford. DEPARTMENT HEAD VISITS. Vernon Bailey, chief of predatory animal control division of the Uni ted States Biological survey from Washington, D. C, arrived in the city Saturday In company with El mer Williams, state assistant leader from Portland, and together they accompanied Adam Knoblock, local government hunter, on a field trip Sunday. Mr. Bailey has held his present position for some 40 years. and 35 years ago made his last visit to Heppner. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to express my slncert appreciation to the members of Ruth chapter, O. E. S., my neigh bors and other friends for the many kindnesses shown during my illness. Mrs. William Ball, FIVE TRUE BILLS TO OCCUPY COURT Plea of Guilty on One Indictment Results In 30 Day Sentence For P. N. Peterson. The circuit court grand jury for Morrow county, in session last Fri day and Saturday, returned six true bills, all secret indictments. Since the same grand jury held over from the June term when recommenda tions concerning the conduct of county offices was made, they made no further recommendations at the last session. One indictment charged P. N. Peterson with writing a check without sufficient funds in the bank to cover, and on pleading guilty Peterson was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail. In making the sentence the judge took into con sideration the fact that Peterson had already been held in jail for some time on the charge. The other indictments have not been made known, but it is assumed trial of several will be made when the De cember circuit court term convenes before Judge J. Alger Fee, Monday. The grand jury reported to the judge as follows: "We, the undersigned, duly em paneled as the grand jury for the June term, 1930, of the above enti tled court, hereby report as follows: "Since our former report, we have been in session two days. We have inquired into all matters pertaining to the violation of criminal stat utes of the state of Oregon, in the county of Morrow, or triable in said county of Morrow, which have been brought to our attention, or of which we have knowledge. Having completed our labors, we beg to be excused from further at tendance on the court" Signed, "John W. Hiatt, foreman, Ruth B. Mason, C. H. McDaniel, James B. Blackwell, W. M. Eu- banks, Laxton McMurray, Leonard L. Gilliam." Former County Residents Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mitchell, for mer residents of Morrow county, who have made their home for many years at Grass Range, Mont, recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. In writing to Mrs. Rose Howell of this city, Mrs. Mitchell states that 65 neighbors and friends were present, all bring ing well filled baskets for supplying a big banquet and they were re membered also by many nice pre sents. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were married on November 11, 1880. In speaking of the event the Grass Range paper says: "The gol den wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mitchell, who reside on Chippewa creek some eight miles northwest, was attended by friends and neighbors of this section and Lewistown till standing room, it is said, was at a premium but the same old Mitchell hospitality pre vailed and the party did not end till early the following morning, everyone present reporting a de lightful time, much merriment be ing in evidence extending to them hearty felicitations of the event." CAR TURNS TURTLE. Al Rankin, popular Heppner hotel manager, was the victim of an auto mobile accident while returning from Pendleton Saturday evening. Though escaping with slight per sonal injury, his car, a Chevrolet coach, was badly damaged when it skidded and turned completely over on Muffet hill between Pilot Rock and Vinson. An unexpected icy spot in the road caused the car to skid, and Mr. Rankin said the turn ing over took place quite slowly, re sembling a slow motion picture, and he thought of getting out and at tempting to hold it up. He was not traveling fast. Both wheels on the right side of the car collapsed, and fenders and top were badly dented, though no glass whatever was brok en. Mr. Rankin, who was traveling alone, picked up a ride to Pilot Rock from where he telephoned Heppner for a wrecker, and the car was towed into here. Insurance will take care of a large portion of the damage, he said, though he bemoan ed the breaking of a jar of pre serves which he was bringing to Mrs. C. C. Patterson. The pre serves were not a total loss, either, as two men passing by gladly took the remains. TO PRESENT PROGRAM. The Missionary society of the Christian church will present a pro gram on Sunday morning at 11 o' clock. "Telling the Story" is the theme, using song, story and scrip ture. The orphans, foreign born aged, an early crusader and several nations are used, Illustrating the different phases of their work. There are solos, duets, quartets, and the young people come singing "Follow the Gleam." You are in vited to attend. P. T. A. MEETS TUESDAY. The next regular meeting of the Parent-Teachers association will be held at high school auditorium on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 9. The pro gram will be by the seventh grade pupils. Rev. Stanley Moore will make a short talk. Discussion of 4-H club work, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Pearcy are also Included. Members and friends of the school are urged to be present PEG (V MY HEART, featuring John McCormack, Star theater, Sirnday-Monday. CITY'S HOSPITALITY EXTENDED VISITORS 150 Outside People Given As Low Estimate for League Attendance. COMMITTEES WORK Rooming, Eating Accommodations Assured; Banquet and Other Entertainment Slated. One hundred and fifty visitors at a low estimate will be in Heppner for the Eastern Oregon Wheat lea gue conference next Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, reports C. W. Smith county agent and secretary of the league, and should the wea ther remain open many more can be expected. Committees from the Heppner Lions club have been hard at work, and assurance is given that all details looking to visitors' com fort and entertainment will be well taken care of. That all possible rooming accom modations may be at the command of visitors, Heppner residents are requested to list their spare rooms as early as possible with the rooms committee, either at Hotel Heppner or at the office of F. W. Turner & Co. To augment meals accommo dations, necessitated by the large number expected and the short time allotted for eating, ladies of the Episcopal church will serve meals at the Parish house Thursday noon and evening, and Friday and Sat urday noons. Special Cars Coming. Special pullman cars on the Un ion Pacific railroad will bring many of the visitors, and it has been an nounced these may be used to facil itate housing, if necessary, though the local committee believes they will not be needed. They prefer to house all visitors closer In for con venience' sake. Arrangements have been made to hold all sessions at the Elks tem ple. However, In case open weather conditions prevail, Mr. Smith says it is probable this place will not accommodate the crowd, In which event meetings will be taken to the school auditorium-gymnasium. -The reception committee with S. E. Notson, chairman, will have charge of registration, to take place Thursday morning at the door of the Elks temple, and thereafter by use of cards at meetings. Courtesy cars will be provided by this com mittee for use of visitors. . All vis itors will be provided with badges to assure their receiving full cour tesy by residents of the city. "Welcome" to be Given. John W. Hiatt, of the advertis ing committee, requests that all business houses display "welcome" placards, to let visitors know the town is aware of what is taking place and to express a cooperative spirit with the work of the league. The major entertainment event will be the banquet at 6:30 o'clock Friday evening, to be prepared and served by the ladies of the Christian church in the church parlors. Cov ers will be laid for 200, and a charge of $1 a plate will be made. An ex cellent entertainment program is being arranged in connection with this event Lamb will be served to those desiring it and lamb and wheat dishes will feature the menu. Special Music Provided. Special entertainment numbers have also been arranged to spice the league sessions. The high school boys glee club will sing at the Thursday morning meeting, and the first grade rhythm band will ap pear at the Thursday afternon ses sion. Friday mroning Mrs. William Poulson and Miss Jeanette Turner will play a piano duet, and In the afternoon the high school girls glee club will sing. A mixed quartette, J. O. Turner, Harvey Miller, Mrs. C. W. Smith and Mrs. R. B. Fergu son, will sing at the Saturday morn ing opening, and the American Le gion Auxiliary trio, Mrs. Walter Moore, Mrs. C. W. Smith and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson will sing in the af ternoon. C. W. Smith, in charge of gener al local arrangements, urges all committees to keep him informed of special developments as they arise. He especially urges local peo ple to take note of the principal speakers, and to plan to attend these sessions. Many of the speak ers have national reputations, and their messages will be of import ance and interest to all. By attend ing, local people will give them the recognition to which their high po sitions entitle them. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Stanley Mooro, misslonary-In-charge. Holy communion at 8 o'clock. Celebration of the Lord's Supper and sermon at 11. Church school at 9:45. Let us Bee that our children are in Sunday school every Sunday morning and on time. They get little enough training in the things of God and of the things of the spirit in this age of pleasure and material things. If you can't or won't bring them yourselves, don't rob them of Christ's invita tion to little children. Young Peo ples Fellowship at 6. "Let the little ones come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Luke 18:16.