Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 09, 1930, Image 1

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r U P. L I C A U D I T o r. I 'J
Volume 47 Number 30.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Dr. Hall Addresses Dads,
Mothers, Alumni at
Meeting Monday.
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney is Local Head;
State Oflicerg and Dean Powers
Have Part on Program.
That the University of Oregon
may have a background of tradi
tions, ideals and those spiritual val
ues that go to make up character,
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president,
told a group of forty mothers and
dads of university students, alumni
and friends at the Episcopal par
ish house Monday evening, that the
"Mothers" and "Dads" organiza
tions were not a mere fad but a
part of a real administrative pro
gram, the effect of which has al
ready been felt on the campus life.
Dr. Hall headed a party of six
persons who visited Heppner on a
tour of principal cities in the in
terest of promoting mothers and
dads associations. Other members
of the party were Mrs. Walter M.
Cook, president of the state Oregon
Mothers association; Mrs. J. F. Hill,
president of the Portland Oregon
Mothers; Mrs. F. W. Bond of Pen
dleton, state vice president; Mrs.
Paul Ager,- executive secretary of
the association, and Alfred Powers,
dean of the university extension
Textbook is Popular.
The meeting was arranged by
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, acting for the
mothers and dads, and W. R. Poul
son for the alumni. The program
included a dinner at 6:30 o'clock,
prepared by ladies of the Episcopal
church and served by members of
the local school faculty; vocal solos
and a vocal duet by Miss Esther
Wood, director of music in the
Heppner schools, and Laurel Beach
of Lexington, with Miss Helen Fal
coner, accompanist; a short, Inspir
ing talk by Mrs. Cook; the address
by Dr. Hall, and a message from
Dean Powers. Mothers met with
the visiting ladies at the adjourn
ment of the dinner session, and
Mrs. Mahoney was put in charge of
a local Oregon Mothers study group.
This group will use a book describ
ing the Oregon Mothers and Dads
moement, unique at the unlerslty,
which has gained world-wide circu
lation and popularity. Mrs. Mahon
ey invites any ladies Interested to
join the group whether or not they
have children attending the univer
sity. 0
In outlining the administrative
policy, Dr. Hall named five projects
being undertaken for character
building at the university of which
the mothers and dads movement is
the fifth. He named first the se
lection of faculty members who will
provide a high type of leadership
besides being well versed In their
'particular subjects. To get this
type of Instructor it is necessary to
do considerable "scouting" and to
locate them during their college
years, as every university president
in the country Is looking for In
structors of the same type and Ore
gon is not able to compete effective
ly on the "open market" from a
salary standpoint.
Promotes Art Appreciation.
Stimulation of participation In ac
tivities by the undergraduate was
named as the second project, to de
velop a sense of responsibility, pro
prietorship, and qualities of leader
ship among the students. He stress
ed development of appreciation for
good literature, art and music, as
the third project, to create a desire
for the finer things of life. Selec
tion of freshman courses, looking
to guidance of pupils to a desire
for the nobler things, and to help
entering students to reap the most
profitable results from their studies,
he cited as the fourth project.
The dads and mothers movement
fits into the administrative policy
by promoting a closer contact be
tween home and student, thus es
pecially aiding freshmen in orient
ing themselves among brand new
surroundings at a time Dr. Hall de
clared to be the most critical per
iod In the child's life.
Hoard's Work Cited.
Dr. Hall touched briefly on the
work of the state board of higher
education, which he said is compos
ed of capable men who are attack
ing their job Intelligently. Mem
bers of the board are now occupied
with surveys looking to economical
and elilclent administering of the
state schools, and he Is confident
this will be the result, at the same
time eliminating the use of state
schools as a political football. That
no reduction in millage for educa
tional purposes can reasonably be
expected, he asserted to be true, due
to constantly Increased demands be
ing made on the resources of the In
stitutions by ever larger studont
bodies and more refined educational
tastes, In line with the American
desire for bettor things In the home
and elsewhere, People would not
think of returning to the habits of
home life prevailing In 1914, nor
can they reasonably expect the edu
cational Institutions to return to the
status then existing.
Greenfield Grange Wins Pennant
for Attendance; Power, and
Income Tax Talks Heard.
(Grange Correspondent)
Pomona Grange met Saturday
with Rhea Creek grange as host at
Its hall. The business session be
gan at 11 o'clock. Registration
books for the travelling banner
closed at 12 o'clock and Greenfield
grange of Boardman won with 42
members present This being the
third successive time Greenfield has
won, the pennant is now theirs for
Dinner was served at the noon
hour to 200 people. At a round
table discussion by the subordinate
executive committees and lecturers,
it was decided that the subordinate
granges would sponsor community
programs for Dr. D. V. Poling of
Oregon State colelge, about the sec
ond week In November. Details will
be worked out later.
The afternoon program to which
the public was welcomed was well
attended. Disappointment was felt
because of the Inability of Julius
L. Meier to be present. However,
a very splendid program was en
joyed. There were musical ana
reading numbers from the subor
dinate granges, but the main time
was taken up by the outside speak
ers. S. E. Notson gave a brief intro
ductory talk to these speakers.
George W. Joseph, Jr., representing
Mr. Meier, gave his regrets that Mr.
Meier was unable to be present, and
briefly outlined the Meier guberna
torial platform. The next speaker,
Homer T. Bone, gave detailed in
formation regarding private and
public ownership of water-power.
His talk created not a little inter
est George A. Palmlter, ex-state
master, gave a talk for the Income
During the evening session reso
lutions were brought forward
thanking the organizations who had
given help toward giving Pomona
grange, and a resolution favoring
the retaining of the county nurse.
A new. contest among subordin
ate granges, to run 15 months, was
worked out The Pomona degree
was conferred on more than forty
candidates. Pomona grange meets
next with Greenfield grange at
Boardman January 3.
Dr. J. R. Jewel, O. S. C, Tells
Lions of Change in Measure
Of an Educated Man.
In the last few decades no Insti
tution in America has undergone a
more profound change than educa
tion, declared Dr. J. R. Jewel of
Oregon State college in an address
before the Lions club Monday. In
the good old days what was good
enough for one was good enough
for all, Dr. Jewel pointed out, and
brother and sister were given the
same subjects, and the one who
made the better grades was consid
ered the better educated.
"If one were to ask who is the
best educated person in this com
munity, he would probably receive
many different names. And if one
were to inquire why the person
named Is the best educated, the an
swers might be rather amusing."
The measure of an educated person
has changed materially In the last
few years, said Dr. Jewel, who rec
ognized the person who Is the best
equipped to do the thing he is at
tempting to do as being the best
That in effect is what the modern
school of education is attmepting
to do, he said. Pupils are drawn
out In those subjects for which they
show preference and special adapt
ability, in order to prepare them to
do better those things which they
choose to do. He cited as an ex
ample of the old erroneous theory
of a well educated person, a certain
man whom he had occasion to know
quite well who was graduated with
honors in Greek from an eastern
university. The family was proud
of that man. He was considered
to be well educated. But that man
chose farming as a profession and
made a complete failure of it He
was not equipped to do the thing
he chose to do.
Dr. Jewel's talk, feature of the
luncheon program, was spiced with
witticisms throughout and received
hearty applause from his listeners.
He was made available to the club
by being In the city for teachers
institute, in which he took a prom
inent part. Laurel Beach of Lex
ington favored with vocal numbers,
accompanied by Miss Helen Falcon
er, also of Lexington. E. F. Carle-
ton, secretary of the Oregon State
Teachers association, was also a
Miss Lillian Allinger gave her re
view of the great Passion Play of
Oberammergau as she witnessed it
this summer while on her European
Journey, before a large and appre
ciative audience at the Methodist
church on Sunday morning laBt.
She recounted this experience In a
very attractive and Instructive man
Noah Clark of Eight Mile was In
the city for a short time today.
Lots of rain out his way has been
the order this week.
. .
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Arnold Fieper Loses Fine Pullets,
Chicken House, in $1000 Blaze
On Farm Sunday Morning.
"Heppner's winter egg supply
went up in smoke." Thus announc
ed Arnold Pieper who farms in Pie
per canyon northeast of the city, in
telling of the fire which consumed a
new chicken house and 160 pullets
on his place about 10 o'clock Sun
day morning, netting him a loss in
monetary value of $1000.
Mr. Pieper at least hoped to sup
ply a good part of the local egg
market from his brood of White
Leghorn pullets which he obtained
as day-old chicks this spring and
had reared to the point where they
had just started producing. He had
moved the chickens but two days
previously into the recently con
structed winter quarters, to keep
their feet dry and otherwise facil
itate production in the egg factory,
the equipment for which he believ
ed to be quite modern. That every
thing was in shape to start produc
tion on a quantity basis was evi
denced, he said, by the mass of
cooked eggs found amidst the
wreckage. From his fine poultry
flock, We now has but one surviv
Mr. Pieper said the fire was caus
ed by either rats or chickens
scratching out some matches, stor
ed with winter supplies in a pile
of sawdust adjacent to the chicken
house. He was absent at the time,
and his young son announced the
fire to Mrs. Pieper In words some
thing to this effect, "Mamma, what's
the fire burning out there for?
Fire Permits No Longer
Necessary in Forest
People going Into this division of
the Umatilla National forest now
are not required to have fire per
mits, announces F. H. Wehmeyer,
district ranger at Heppner. The re
cent rains have alleviated the dan
ger of setting out fires to such ex
tent as to make issuing of permits
Mr. Wehmeyer says the district
has been very fortunate this sea
son, especially with the extreme
dryness of the forest, in not having
any extensive fires. Some forty
fires all told were reported with the
largest burning over 10 acres and
this was outside the national forest
Whitman College, Walla Walla,
October 8. Miss Virginia Dix,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix
of Heppner, has been pledged to
the Whitman chapter of Phi Mu,
national sorority, it was announced
following the rush week activities.
Miss Dix is a freshman in Whitman
college, and attended Heppner high
school, and St. Paul's school, Walla
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning
worship hour at 10, message, "Stand
ing in the Breach," Epworth Lea
gue, 6:30. Song service and message
at 7:30, topic, "Seven Reasons Why
I Know the Bible Is True."
Rev. F. R. Spaulding, Hood Riv
er will be wtlh us Sunday the 12th.
The final hunting date for horned
door will be October 20 in this dis
trict. Many nlmrods who have not
been fortunate enough to use their
tag so far, are expecting to make
another attempt before the closing.
Charley Vaughn and Charley Cox
left this forenoon for the mountains
fully prepared to get them each a
buck. The boys took a couple of
horses along In the truck, to be
used for the climb into the timber.
Their destination Is the head of
Willow creek, and If not successful
there, they contemplate going on
over to Uklah.
For Sale 35 fine ewes, 5 Ram
bouillet bucks, two blackface bucks.
W. H. Cleveland, Phone 8F11, Hepp
ner, Ore. 30-31p.
A real college comeay is Auni iucia, starring prominent iuuai inrupio wio i,,.. uuuiwi mm,
October 21 and 22. One hundred and fifty or more home-folks will appear on the stage in all, but only the
. , . 1
Uniform Grading System
Adoptd; Back County
Health Program.
The annual Morrow county teach
ers institute closed two-day sessions
at the local school auditorium Tu
esday evening, with but one name
of the entire county teaching staff
missing from the rostrum of at
tendants. Miss Helen Wells of Lex
ington was unable to attend due to
Outstanding on the program were
three lectures on "Character Edu
cation" delivered Monday by Dr. J.
R. Jewel of Oregon State college.
More and more emphasis Is being
placed on development of character
in the schools, and Dr. Jewel ex
pected provision for courses of this
type of education would be Includ
ed in the state course of study next
year. He has written a book on
the subject that is widely distribu
ted. Elmo Stevenson of the Eastern
Oregon Normal school conducted a
course in the teaching of nature
study Tuesday, using the play
method, which proved of unusual
intc.-est. Other instructors includ
ed Miss Kate L. Houx and John
M. Miller of the E. O. normal. E.
F. Carleton, secretary, told of the
work of the Oregon State Teachers
association, and C. W. Smith, coun
ty agent, discussed 4-H club work.
Miss Henrietta Morris, health edu
cation director of the Oregon Tu
berculosis association, and Miss Ed
ith J. Stallard, county nurse, met
with sectional groups in the discus
sion of health education.
W. R. Poulson, retiring chairman,
presided at the meetings of the
county unit O. S. T. A. A 100 per
cent sign-up was recorded again
this year. New officers elected are
George E. Tucker of lone, chair
man; Edwin T. Ingles, Lexington,
vice-president, and Audrey Beymer
of Davis school, secretary-treasurer.
One of the most Important
steps of the Institute, according to
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county su
perintendent, was the adoption by
the teachers association of a uni
form grading system and report
card for the grade schools of the
county. These will be put in use in
all schools as soon as present sup
plies are exhausted. Resolutions
presented by Edwin T. Ingles,
chairman, L. E. Marschat and Geo.
E. Tucker, committee, were adopted
as follows:
We, the school teachers of Mor
row county in convention assem
bled, hereby offer the following reso
lutions: That we extend to our county
superintendent, the officers of the
county teachers' association, the lo
cal school board, and the various
committees our appreciation for the
arrangement and execution of an
excellent program.
That we pledge our support to
the local, state and national asso
ciations in securing such legislation
as will further tho educational in
terests of the county, state and na
tion; That we desire that teachers' cre
dentials should be based on a min
imum of three years' study for the
grade school and five years of study
for the high school teachers;
That we desire to integrate char
acter education with the general
That we favor a substantial state
fund for the purpose of equalizing
educational opportunities In poor
That we pledge our active sup
port to the declamatory and spell
ing contests of the county.
That we favor the proposed Ore
gon educational plan of organiza
tion; That we favor the abolition of the
state examination for the eighth
That we favor a more extensive
program in physical and health ed-
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Lane Scores Lone Touchdown in
Town Game; Sprouls Does
70 Yards on Passes.
Lexington got the jump on Hepp
ner in the first five minutes of play
and scored a touchdown which re
sulted in their winning the first
town football game of the season on
their field Sunday afternoon by a
6-0 score. Vester Lane scored the
lone touchdown, following a series
of line bucks featuring large gains
by Nichols, Baker and Drager, oth
er backfield men.
Heppner then began to get or
ganized and until the final whistle
no great odds were shown by either
team. Only once did Heppner ser
iously threaten in Lexington terri
tory. Crocket Sprouls, quarter, re
ceived a neat toss from Shuirman,
half, and raced seventy yards to the
ten yard line before he was downed
by Lane. The ball was lost on downs
and Lex kicked out of danger.
Both teams showed good timing
and teamwork for the amount of
practice, which in the case of Hepp
ner was nil, as the whole team had
not been together until an hour be
fore the game. Next Sunday Lex
is slated to play Arlington on the
Lex field, and Saturday, the 18th,
they will mix it again with Heppner.
Tucker of lone refereed Sunday's
game, with "Wick" Parrish, Arling
ton, umpire, and Ralph Jackson,
head linesman. Among those with
the Heppner aggregation were Paul
Aiken, fullback; Lester Neel, half;
Henry Robertson, half; Neil Shuir
man, half; Crocket Sprouls, quar
ter; Gene Doherty, center; Frances
Doherty, Clarence Moore and Clar
ence Hayes, ends; Paul Menegat
Bernard Doherty, Vawter Parker,
guards; Homer Hayes and Paul
Jones tackles.
Among the Lexington players
were, backfield: Lane, Drager, Ba
ker, Nichols and Wright; linemen,
Carmichael, Allyn, Warner, White,
New Creamery Building
Will Rise Immediately
W. Claude Cox, manager of the
Morrow County Creamery company,
and Clair Leannah Cox, his wife,
have awarded the contract for con
struction of a modern reinforced
concrete building to house the
creamery on the lot recently pur
chased from the city of Heppner
on the corner of Center and Chase
streets, to Harry Johnson and Hon
ry Crump, local contractors. Work
will start immediately, Mr. Cox an
nounces. The new building, 40x60 feet, with
a boiler room, 20x24 feet, will have
2400 square feet of floor space. Its
arrangement has been carefully
planned by Mr. Cox to provide mod
ern accommodations for machinery,
storage and office. From more than
fourteen years experience in the
creamery business in Heppner, for
the past several years of which Mr.
Cox has been planning the construc
tion of such a building, he has
plans of what to him is an ideal
arrangement. The business of the
creamery has expanded yearly since
it was taken over by Mr. Cox. That
it is a real asset to the community
is evidenced by the fact that $75,000
was distributed among local farm
ers last year.
Dedication of the Case mortuary,
announced last week for Sunday,
October 12, has been postponed by
M. L. Case, proprietor, to Sunday,
October 19, as it was found impos
sible to have the building in com
plete readiness for the earlier date
Rev. F. R. Spaulding of Hood Riv
er, former pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church of this city, will
deliver the dedication dadress, and
special musical numbers are being
That we heartily endorse the pre
sent work of the county health
nurse and realize that this ollice is
,a vital necessity to the county
school system.
J. O. Hager Submits Low Bid to
Council; Resolution Passed for
"Sale of Property.
J. O. Hager was awarded the
contract for hauling the new pipe
to be placed in the city pipe line
down Willow creek, at council
meeting Monday evening. Mr. Ha
ger had the low bid of $1.65 a ton.
The estimated weight of the pipe
was 266,000 pounds. Mr. Hager's
bid was but ona of several received.
Work on the new pipe line of 1.3
mile, it was announced, will begin
immediately under supervision of
the water department with James
Gentry, foreman. Eight inch cast
Iron pipe will be used, guaranteed
to withstand 150 pounds pressure,
though actually tested at 300
Council passed a resolution for
sale and transfer by deed of a lot
on the corner of East Center and
Chase streets to W. Claude Cox and
Clair Leannah Cox.
Freeholders appointed on the bud
get committee to act with the fin
ance committee of the council and
to report at the November meeting
were B. G. Sigsbee, Walter Moore
and Charles Thomson.
Work of blasting out a rock bluff
near the corner of Main and K
streets was announced as complet
ed, and bill allowed for same. The
matter of removing a light pole at
this place, considered a menace to
public safety since widening of the
street, was discussed and order giv
en for changing location of same.
Besides transaction of current
business the quarterly report of the
treasurer was read and placed on
file. Officers present were W. G.
McCarty, mayor; C. L. Sweek, Gay
M. Anderson and Claude Cox, coun
cilmen; E. R. Huston, recorder, and
W. O. Dix, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stout of Hepp
ner have moved to Morgan and
have rented the Palanuck house.
Mr. Stout is employed in highway
Mrs. Walter Puryear of Clarkston,
Wash., has been in lone visiting her
many friends. Mrs. Puryear and
her family moved away from lone
ten years ago and it has been seven
years since her last visit She was
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bow-
erman, also of Clarkston. Mr. Bow
erman was here on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of Ce
cil were Sunday guests in the Hal
Ely home on Second street
Mr. and Mrs. George U. Krebs
returned to their home in Portland
the first of this week after a plea
sant two weeks' visit at the homes
of their three sons at Cecil.
The O. E. S. Social club of lone
elected the following officers: Mrs.
Carl Feldman, president and Mrs.
John Krebs, secretary-treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely of Morgan
are the proud parents of a daugh
ter born Saturday, September 4, at
the Jas. Gentry home in Heppner.
The young lady weighed ten and
one half pounds. She has been
named Elaine Maxine.
Mrs. J. W. Howk and son Alan
returned Sunday from a shopping
trip to Portland. Mr. Howk met
them in Arlington.
Mrs. Etta Shippey has been vis
iting friends in Arlington.
Miss Crystal Sparks who has been
spending the summer with Mrs. Ka
tie Petteys on her Willow creek
ranch, has gone to Everett, Wash.,
for a vacation.
Dr. Clark of the Clark Optical
company of Portland will be In lone
Saturday on his regular monthly
Mr. and Mrs. Hemstead who have
been spending the summer in lone,
are leaving this week for Seattle.
If they fail to find suitable employ
ment in Seattle they plan on re
turning to lone for the winter. Mr.
Hemstead has recently been doing
some cabinet work and other repair
work for Mrs. M. Jordan.
Miss Olive Anderson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Anderson of
the Eight Mile district, and Lee
Sparks of lone were married in
Heppner on Monday, October 6. Im
mediately following the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks departed by
auto for Seattle and Everett, Wash.
These young people are well known
here and have the good wishes of
the entire community.
Mrs. E. R. Lundell and son Nor
ton, and two small daughters, Mil
dred and Helen, took advantage of
the short vacation at school and
journeyed to Walla Walla for a visit
with friends.
Mrs. Maude Pointer of Salem who
had been in Lexington looking after
her farming Interests near that
place, visited briefly In lone Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson.
Mrs. Pointer was on her way home.
She was accompanied by her two
children, Harriet and Fred.
Mrs. J. H. Blake returned to her
home in Klamath Falls the first of
last week after a pleasant visit at
the home of her son. Earl Blake,
and with other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick of Pome
roy, Wash., were recent over-night
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason.
The Dicks were on a vacation trip
and planned to visit Mr, and Mrs.
W. E. Bullard at Gold Beach be
fore returning home. Both the
Dicks and Bullards are former lone
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger and
(Continued on Fag Six)
Lions Start Hard Work
On Community Play
Of College Life.
Lead Parte Picked; Men's Glee
Club, Flapper Chorus, Baby
Pageant Will Appear.
A week from this coming Tues
day and Wednesday nights, October
21 and 22, the famous collegiate
comedy, "Aunt Lucia," will be stag
ed at the high school auditorium
under the auspices of the Lions
club. The committee from the club
met last night with the director and
started work immediately on the
selection of the cast proper. It
promises to be the biggest home
talent ever given in this community
and includes a cast of more than
150 local people. It is a burlesque
comedy of American cgllege life
and has a number of hilarious com
edy spots. The show has been
staged throughout the middle west
and has been a tremendous success
wherever played.
Has College Setting.
The play proper deals with the
homecoming of Bula Bula college
and the setting of the show is a
fraternity drawing room. The whole
story revolves around the school,
anxiously awaiting the arrival of
an old maid, Lucia Wakefield, whom
they hope will donate enough mon
ey for a new football stadium.
Jerry Watson, played by W. R.
Poulson, one of the college boys,
with the help of his two room
mates, Dick and George, played by
Stanley Reavis and Paul Marble,
dresses himself as an old lady for
the entertainment of his fellow fra
ternity brothers. While in this out
fit he is mistaken for Lucia Wake
field from Florida and is introduced
as such all over the campus. Once
in this dilemma it Is impossible for
him to explain without getting in
bad so he is carried on throughout
the story masquerading as Lucia
Wakefield when in reality he is
Jerry Watson.
Love Scenes Comical.
Around this fake "Aunt Lucia"
are the fun and comical situations
of the play. The "Big Butter and
Egg" man from Omaha, played by
Claude Cox, falls in love with her
and proposes to her, as does Pro
fessor Gaddis and Collins, the fath
er of Dick. Then there are the
two freshmen, played by Earl Gor
don and Raymond Ferguson, who
find out that college life isn't all it's
cracked up to be, and furnish a
lot of laughs with their crazy
Besides the play proper there are
a number of special features, such
as the men's glee club, the famous
flapper chorus of Bula Bula college.
the baby pageant and the girls' cho
rus. All these will be announced
later in detail, so watch closely. All
in all Aunt Lucia is a well rounded
production, so start planing on com
ing to see her in person on October
21 and 22.
Bishop Remington and
Company Visit Heppner
Those attending the potluck sup
per at the parish house on Tuesday
evening in honor of Bishop and
Mrs. Remington and their company,
had a very enjoyable time, reports
Rev. B. Stanley Moore, missionary-
in-charge of All Saints Episcopal
church. The meal was fine and sat
isfying, followed by singing led by
Mr. Moore of popular and some
of the old time songs everybody
knows. Bishop Remington gave
entertaining word pictures of his
experiences in Europe, from which
journey he but recently returned.
Rev. Mr. Bartlett of the National
Council of the church told of the
great work throughout the world,
stressing the fact that his church
was seeking for young men and
women who will later become lead
ers of their peoples, and how suc
cessful this has been all over the
world; the creating of native lead
ers in both church and state wher
ever the work is carried on. The
Ven. Archdeacon Creasey told of his
success in raising funds for the ad
vance work of the church.
Mrs. Remington delighted the
company with a talk on what she
termed "Romance Experiences."
The trip recently taken by Rev.
and Mrs. Remington was in cele
bration of their twenty-fifth wed
ding anniversary and they deter
mined to find romance wherever
they went, and she gave evidence
that they had found it In a very
delightful way.
Mrs. Creasey was also in attend
ance to share the pleasant evening.
Bishop Remington took some 2000
feet of film while on the Journey
and hopes to have it developed so
that he can show the pictures here
at some other time.
At a meeting of the American
Legion Auxiliary Tuesday evening
It was decided to hold a cooked
food sale in the window of Frank
Turner's ollice, Saturday, Oct. 11,
from 10 a. m. to 12 noon.