REGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY UBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND. ORE. Jtoptier mmzti lit Volume 47, Number 28. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Sept. 25; 1930 Subscription $2.00 a Year Wax 111 COITIONS BETTERED W Fire Menace is Lessened; Some Sets Reported; Arrests Result. RECORD BUCK SLAIN Russell Moore .Kills 250 Founder; Jim Cash Makes Best Time; Sport Enjoyed by Many. The prayer of the disappointed huntsman has been answered. Tues day morning it rained, and he who has blamed his luck on the tinder like nature of the woods, if he fail to bring in his buck this week end, will have to seek a new alibi. From the talk about town, it is evidenced that a majority of the luckless will again make their exodus for the brush in hopes that the dampening of the forest carpet will deaden their approach, enabling them to stalk the cunning horned denizens more closely. Dryness of the timberlands has not been a source of Irritation to hunters alone. Forest guards have been on edge, lest fire should steal its way among them and become loosed, to make the unresisting dry ness of the woods an easy prey for conflagration beyond proportions possible for human control. That hazard is lessened now, with humid ity raised by the rain. Not Easy to Fix Blame. Reports of man-caused fires, due to the influx of hunters, have been heard. A rumor has a lhat 40 fires were set in the Desolation country, resulting in 13 arrests. One fire in the Kelley prairie section is said to have been caused from dropping a lighted cigarette, resulting in a fine being imposed. With the woods full of hunters, crossing each others tracks, it is not an easy matter to locate respon sible parties. In the instance last cited, the parties accused feel they were not to blame. They had killed a buck, had drawn it, and some of them had smoked at the scene. They had taken the drawn animal out on a horse. A couple of hours after they had left the scene, a fire started. Forest guards saw where the buck had been killed and drawn, followed the horse tracks. Seemed simple to locate responsible party. However, the men accused feel cer tain they extinguished their smokes. Other hunters had passed that way In the Interim, they believe, who might have been to blame. Forest guards, who know the extreme dan ger, say too much precaution can not be taken, and they believe the true sportsman will follow closely the campflre and smoking code. Not Luck, Jim Says. Russell Moore of Lexington is the hunter with the best luck to date. He brought in to the Peoples Hard ware company this week the larg est buck slain since the inception of the company's big buck contest It weighed in at 254 pounds, exceed ing by one pound the previous larg est horned deer of record, killed by Elmer Hlnton three years ago. Jim Cash probably has the record for getting a buck in quick time. He went out early Sunday morning and returned by 9 o'clock with his kill. It wasn't all luck either, Jim says. He had been grouse hunting there several times before, and had seen the sly old fellow. By work ing the law of averages, Jim figur ed, he might one time arrive on the scene in time to get a shot before he Vas discovered. Other kills were reported this week. The party of which S. H. Shannon and "Shorty" Hudson were members brought in a buck. Merle Venable hauled in a couple, bagged by his father-in-law and an uncle from Portland. F. B. Nickerson ac counted for one; Frances Doherty got another. Ray Wise is certain he killed one, but on tracking it down found other hunters In pos session. Charles Latourell is re ported among the fortunate. Good Time, Anyway. Not all the boys have been so lucky, but report enjoying the out door life just the same. A party that went out from the Sweek cabin on Willow creek Sunday morning included Gay M. Anderson, Ed Ben nett, Charles Cox, Hollls Bull, B. R. Patterson, Spencer Crawford and C. L, Sweek. Another party going out from town Friday afternoon In cluded D. A. Wilson, W. R. Poulson, Earl Gordon, Russell Pratt and Jas per Crawford. Monte Hedwald and Gerald Slocum hunted Sunday. Charles Swindig and Henry Rob ertson Jr. were seen on their way across the saddle beyond the head of Skinner creek Sunday. H. A. Schulz and son Max spent a week in the timber. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Marter returned the first of the week from a hunt started the first of tho season. J. O. Turner and Leonard Schwarz went out last eve ning In the hope of bagging a buck or two today. TO HARDMAN FK1DAYS. Rev, and Mrs. B. Stanley Moore of All Snlnts Episcopal church will go to Hardman every Friday after noon to conduct church and Sunday Bchool services. LEGION-AUXILIARY INSTALL OFFICERS National Broadcast, Dinner and Program Enjoyed by Large Group Thursday Evening. The national American Legion broadcast last Thursday evening was heard by sixty Legionnaires and members of the Auxiliary who assembled at Legion hall for a joint meeting. The program over the air, which started at 6 o'clock and con tinued until 7:30, featured talks by persons of national prominence and musical numbers. General Pershing, Calvin Coolidge, National Commander Bodenhamer, and the governors of several states were heard, and Madam Schumann Heinck, world famous opera star, sang. The program was received through the courtesy of Paul Mar ble, local manager of the Pacific Power & Light company, who in stalled a set in Legion hall for the evening. During the radio program the crowd partook of a venison dinner with all the appropriate fixings, the main course being the result of the hunting prowess of P. M. Gemmell, local Legionnaire. In the joint instalaltion ceremon ies the following officers were in ducted into ofllce: Auxiliary, Se lina Bauman, president; Helen Cohn, 1st vice-president; Hanna Jones, 2nd vice-president; Lera Crawford, secretary; Eva Marble, chaplain, and Mrs. Tamblyn, ser-geant-at-arms; Legion, J. D. Cash, commander, Loyal Parker, vice commander; Paul Marble, adjutant-finance officer; D. A. Hudson, sergeant - at - arms. Mrs. Harriet Gemmell was installing officer for the Auxiliary and C. W. Smith in stalled for the Legion. Following the installation of the Auxiliary of ficers, Lucille Wilson, retiring pres ident of the local unit was present ed with a past-president's badge. Other numbers on the program during the evening Included a se lection by the Auxiliary trio con sisting of Georgia Moore, Ethel Smith and Coramae Ferguson, Le nore Poulson at the piano; reading, Harriet Gemmell; piano duet, Geor gia Moore and Lenore Poulson; vo cal solos, Laurel Beach, acompanied by Miss Helen Faulkner. Homer Chamberlin, field man of the Oregon Tuberculosis association made a short talk in explanation of the proposed county health association. LOCAL ITEMS Miss Lillian Allinger was greeted by a fine audience at the Methodist church on Sunday morning to listen to her recital of the journey through England, Scotland, Belgium, Ger many, France and Switzerland, from which she recently returned. Miss Allinger, dressed in Dutch cos tume, delivered her story in a very attractive manner and it was well received by the audience. It was her privilege also while on this jour ney to attend the Passion Play at Oberammergau, and she will review this at the services a week from Sunday. Walter Luckman was in from the Lena ranch this forenoon. There was some rain out that way this week, but not sufficient to be of any great benefit. Range conditions are such now that rain in quantities is badly needed. The county over stands In need of a heavy down pour, and now that the harvest is all over and no one is to be incon venienced thereby we have decided to order this general rain; so look for it to arrive any day now. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Marter return ed on Monday from a stay of ten days in the mountains, the gentle men putting In the time deer hunt ing. Dr. McMurdo reports that he failed to get his buck this season, and the hunting was made very dif ficult by the dryness of bush and grass. Mr. and Mrs. Van Marter were more fortunate, however, each bagging a deer. Frank Fratcrs is beginning the erection of a new building on his Eight Mile farm, to take the place of the one destroyed by fire at the beginning of the wheat harvest. Mr. Fraters was In town Tuesday to look after some of the materials going Into the basement, and hoped to have the superstructure under way shortly. Chas. Allinger of Iono Is In charge of the work. Lester Doollttle was called to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Emma Doolittle, at Cottage Grove Wednes day afternoon, a telegram announc ing that she had suffered a severe stroke of paralysis and was In a very serious condition. Many friends of Mrs. Doollttle In this community will hope for her speedy recovery. The branch line train was late getting away on Monday night in fact It did not leave until about B o'clock Tuesday morning as the engine was derailed at the turn table and another locomotive had to come from The Dalles to take the train out. Mall and freight ar rived at Heppner about 4:30 In the afternoon. Mrs. George Moore and Mrs. W. J. Beamcr were members of the Degree of Honor of this city attend ing the district convention held In Pendleton the end of the week. The ladles made report concerning the juvenile work and the Degree of Honor, and Mrs, Benmer gave the response to the address of welcome. ASSOCIATION COUNTY Officers and Directors Chosen at Meeting Here Monday. McDUFFEE IS HEAD Epidemic Control to be Featured; Christmas Seal Sale Expected To Finance Operations. The Morrow County Public Health association, twenty-second such or ganization to be formed In the state, was organized at a meeting in the parish house of the Episcopal church Monday evening. Represen tatives from nearly every section of the county were present Follow ing an explanation of the purposes of the association and the ways in which it would be of help In the county health program, by Miss Edith Stallard, county nurse, the meeting was placed in charge of Homer A. Chamberlin, field man for the Oregon State Tuberculosis asso ciation, who outlined the form of organization and called for nomin ation of officers and directors. Offi cers elected were George McDuffee, of Heppner, president; Mrs. W. O. King of Boardman, vice president; Mrs. W. L. Blakely of Lexington, secretary, and Bert Mason of lone, treasurer. Directors were named as follows: Heppner, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Dr. A. B. Gray, Dr. J. H. McCrady, Dr. C. W. Barr, Mrs. Arthur McAtee, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Stanley Moore, Chas. W. Smith, Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mrs. Walter Moore, Frank S. Parker; Lexington, J. E. Gentry, Mrs. Lester White, Mrs. W. L. Blakely; lone, Bert Mason, W. W. Head, Margaret Blake; Irrigon, Mr. Brace, Mrs. W. C. Isom; Wil lows. Mrs. Anna Krebs; Alpine, J. S. Moore; Pine City, L. D. Neill; Boardman, Freeman Fortier, Mrs. W. O. King; Rhea Creek, Mrs. O. C. Stevens; Hardman, Mrs. Bertha Lovgren. While sponsored by the Oregon Tuberculosis association, the work of the county body is not necessar ily confined to anti-tuberculosis ac tivities, Mr. Chamberlin explained to the meeting. Any legitimate health work comes within the scope of the county association, and as an aid to the county nurse is expected to do much to make her work more effec tive. Especially is this true in epi demic control, and assistance in this work was asked by Miss Stallard. Loan closets may be established from which anyone may secure nursing equipment not ordinarily found in the home, and pre-natal and baby clinics may be establish ed It is urged by the officers that everyone in the county join the as sociation. No membership fee is charged, the work of the associa tion being financed from the pro ceeds of the Christmas seal sale, a large portion of which is left in the county to be administered by the local association. In other counties in the state where health associa tions have been in existence for sev eral years a great amount of good is accomplished, and with a strong membership built up here it is ex pected this county will derive much good. Special Train Ewes and Wethers Leaves Today A special train arrived up the line last night and is being loaded at the local stockyards today with 3600 head of ewes and wethers, de livered here by local flockmasters. These sheep were all handled through the feed pens at the F. S. Parker ranch. Tom Boylen, prominent sheepman of Pendleton and Butter creek, was receiving the wethers, and Messrs. Brown and Huff of Idaho were tak ing the ewes to be placed on their range in Idaho. Mr. Boylen was not decided as to the disposition of the wethers, which will likely go to the eastern market ENJOY BIRTHDAY PARTY. A number of her little friends were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Healy on Saturday after noon and enjoyed a delightful par ty in nonor or the sixth birthday of Elizabeth Anne. A real jolly time was had by the children In playing games, following which they en joyed refreshments of cake, ice cream and candy. Those present were Kay and Marylou Ferguson, Robert and PHyllis Marble, Larry, Mary and Marguerite Moore, Joe and Honry Aiken, Norma, Pete and Franky Chrlstensen, Doris and El don Padberg, Bobby Smith, Howard Gilliam, Roger O'Conner Kathryn Nys, Joe Farley, James, Francis and Katherine Healy. GYM CLASS STARTED. A gymnasium class for the men of the city was started last Tuesday evening at the school gym, under the direction of Nell Shulrman, ath letic director for the school. A doz en men were in attendance, and a light workout was had. The class Is open, free of charge, to all men who wish to join. It will meet ev ery Tuesday evening at 7:30. Senator Bailey Declares For Law Enforcement Portland, Ore., Spt 23. "Who ever says the prohibition law is a failure has done a lot of forgetting in the last 12 years," declared Sena tor Edward F. Bailey, democratic candidate for governor, speaking on Law Enforcement" at a W. C. T. U. meeting held at Hinsdale Memorial Baptist church here Tues day afternoon. "When we had the liquor laws, breweries controlled the govern ments of cities," he asserted. "Now, moral, social and economic condi tions are much better. I am for 100 per cent enforcement of the prohi bition laws, and for strengthening of those laws when and wherever possible. As I said in my platform, Issued before either of my two op ponents were in the race, prohibi tion is morally and economically sound; It must and should be en forced. If elected governor I prom ise that I will so enforce the law. Further, I will appoint as enforce ment officials only men who will obey the law." There is much need for better cooperation between county federal and state officials, he said, as well as a new campaign, of education against the evils of strong drink. Senator Bailey reiterated his ideas for a readjustment of Ore gon's antiquated tax laws. "The burden of state tax should be re moved from homes and farms and other types of real and personal property," he declared. "The income tax will do it." Public ownership of electric util ities has proved itself, when adopt ed on a sound basis and operated on a sound plan, he continued. Con servation of hydro-electric power sources, for public purposes, is something he pledged himself to long ago, he concluded. I0NE By JENNIE E. McMURRAT. By twos and threes the valiant hunters are returning, some empty handed, one brave hunter bearing marks of having been attacked and run over by an evil mannered buck, some with wonderful stories of the deer they killed but failed to find, and some with fine animals as proof of their marksmanship. Mayor Ma son returned with two bear. The Joe Gibson party brought home four deer. R. W. Brown and Roy Lieuallen each have a deer to their credit Noel and Walter Dobyns each returned wlth.a fine buck. Cleo Drake and John Oochran who were In on Hog Flats trapping while waiting for the hunting sea son to open, were out of luck. They returned without deer and had lit tle success at trapping. The Ber- gevin and Cochran party which was at Desolation, report fair luck. Wal ter Cochran of Arlington was one of the party who brought out a buck. Raymond Fletcher is one of the younger hunters deserving spe cial mention. He killed a fine six- point buck weighing 222 pounds. Many hunters are still in the moun tains and some plan on going later. Charles Reed and his son-in-law, Edward Moore of Hood River, vis ited in lone last week at the home of Mr. Reed's sister, Mrs. Delia Cor son. While in this part of the state the two gentlemen also made a hunting trip into the mountains. On Saturday, Roy Lieuallen re ceived Information that his brother, Herman Lieuallen, a lad of 15 years, had been drowned at Bingham springs pool on Friday. Mr. Lieu allen left at once for Weston where funeral services were held Monday. Another brother, Harlan Lieuallen, was drowned in Winn pool at Wes ton about five years ago. The lone school band has begun practice under the instruction of L. N. Riggs. Mr. and Mrs. L. W, Briggs drove down from Heppner on Wednesday evening of last week. While Mr. Briggs attended Masonic lodge, Mrs. Briggs visited with her friend, Mrs. Delia Corson. Hazel Ledbetter spent part of last week with his brother, Sam Led better, at Hood River. Constitution day was observed in the lone school on Tuesday, Sept 16, when Rev. W. W. Head gave an interesting talk before the whole school assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller are the proud parents of a daughter, born Saturday, September 20, at the home of Mrs. Willard Farrens or Second street The baby has been named Mildred Luclle. Last week we reported that Char lotte McCabe won first on her sew ing exhibited at the Boardman fair, but we were unable to name the second and third winners. We are glad to note that they were both lone girls, Mildred Lundell winning second and Margaret Llndeken third. There were twenty entries in this division. At a meeting of representatives of the various schools held in Ar lington some time ngo, the Upper Columbia league In football was dis continued but the schedule remains practically the same. The follow ing officers were elected: Waldo C. Zeller of Arlington, president, and W. O. King of Boardman secretary treasurer. Ionc's schedule of games follows: September 26, lone at Lexington; Oct. 3 open; Oct 10, Ar lington at lone; Oct. 17, Condon at Condon; Oct. 24, Lexington at Lex ington; Oct 31, open; Nov. 7, Hepp ner at lone; Nov. 14, open, The boys turning out for football practice are Francis Ely, Norman Everson, Ralph Gibson, Dorr Ma son, Earl McCabe, Norman Swan son, Joel Kngelnwn, Louis Buschke, (Continued on Pun Six) UBBMY REPORT E TO LIONS Mrs. Rodgers Cites Work Done; 771 Books Loaned Out In Three Months. , FINANCE PLANS TOLD Tax Measure Proposed as Way Out; Chamberlin Asks Support for County Health Group. That those sponsoring the reor ganization of the Heppner Public library a few months ago are deter mined to make it a suceess, and that their efforts so far have es tablished the fact of its usefulness, was asserted by Mrs. Lucy E. Rod gers, president, before the Lions club luncheon Monday. Though the library has been given fair financial support through donations, the day is not far distant when the revenue from this source will be used up, and officers of the association are contemplating asking for an appro priation from the city to help main tain it or presenting a petition to have the people of the city decide on a millage tax of a half or quar ter of a mill for its support A dis cussion of various means of sup porting the library will be had at the Lions meeting next Monday. Mrs. Rodgers told of the work ac complished in obtaining and fixing up the attractive quarters for the library in the Humphreys building, and augmenting the book supply. A large reading table was made by N. D. Bailey, chairs and shelving were purchased, lighting fixtures in stalled, and the room brightened with paint and kalsomine. Books from the old library furnished a small nucleus which has been added to through donations of used books, the purchase of new ones and the borrowing of a 100-book traveling uorary from the state library. So far 38 volumes have been donated, and 29 volumes purchased. Books Loaned Free Borrowers of books so far have numbered 160. In July 272 books were circulated, in August 366, and up to the time of the report on Sep tember 22, 133 books had been loan ed for the month, making a total circulation since the library opened of 771 books. With the exception of 13 books on the rental shelf, for which a charge of ten cents for 14 days' use is made, the books are loaned free of charge for two weeks with a fine of a cent a day there after. So far fines in the amount of $3.44 had been collected. The financial report showed a to tal of $214.74 to have been paid into the treasury from the following sources: balance on hand Jan. 1, 1930, $2.45; memberships received, $147.29; American Legion Auxiliary, $40.00; J. C. Penney Co., $5; Hiatt Dix, $5, Pacific Power & Light Co., $5; Heppner Farmers Elevator Co., $10. Disbursements amounting to $156.75 have been made leaving a cash balance of $57.99 as follows: drapeeries $9.06, hauling table .50, chairs $11.15, labor and lumber for shelves $14.85, library supplies $9.05, 3 years insurance $8.64, stove pipe and fixtures $1.85, postage on rented books $1.23, 4 months' rent $50, var nish and paint $8.80, lights $2.30, janitor work $1.95, books $37.37. Lions Make Inspection The library is kept open through donation services of interested wo men and girls on Tuesday and Sat urday afternoons from 3 to 5 o'clock and on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 o clock. At the close of the luncheon, mem bers of the Lions club went In a body to the library in company with Mrs. Rodgers for a trip of inspec tion. A large part of the luncheon meeting was given over to a talk by Homer Chamberlin, field repre sentative of the Oregon State Tu berculosis association, who explain ed the work and method of organi zation of this group and its parent organization, the National Tubercu losis association, in showing the tie-up the proposed Morrow County Health association would have with them. He told of the scope of work of the local health group, and the method of financing through re ceiving a share of the proceeds from the sale of the tuberculosis associa tion Christmas seals. Lions were asked to give support to the move ment and C. L. Sweek, president, responded by appointing the entire membership on a committee to at tend the organization of the county health association that evening. Changes In Train Schtnlules. Effective Sunday, September 28, Union Pacific announces following important changes in branch pas senger train service, leaving Hepp ner; also connections at Heppner Junction Eastbound and West bound: Leave Heppner 10 00 P. M. dally except Saturday and Sunday; 11:30 P. M. Sundays only; 8:40 P. M. Saturdays only. Eastbound connection, train No. 6-24 will leave Heppnor Junction 2:28 A. M.; Westbound connection, train No. 23-5 will leave Heppner Junction 1:58 A. M. Adv. Miss Relta Neel is again with the First National bank as bookkeeper taking tho place vacated by Merle Bcckct. POMONA GRANGE TO HEAR MEIER All-Day Meeting Slated at Rhea Creek October 4; Interesting Program Arranged. Julius Meier, independent candi date ror governor, will be the prin cipal speaker at the Morrow Coun ty Pomona grange meeting when it meets for an all day session at nnea creek on Saturday, October 4. Meier will explain the four mea sures in which the grange is par ticularly interested. The part of ine program in which he will have part will begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and will be open to the public. Readings, musical numbers ana Willows grange orchestra will complete a well rounded program. A business meeting is scheduled for 10 o'clock in the morning, and fourth and fifth degree grangers are particularly urged to attend. Those familiar with grange work know that all business is transact ed in the fourth degree. The trav eling banner which Greenfield grange of Boardman holds for the second time will be on display. The grange having the largest registered delegation at 12 noon will be priv ileged to carry the banner home. Remember the register closes at noon. Rhea creek juvenile granee will have on display the beautiful quilt made for the fair. This beautiful quilt will be sold, and the grange correspondent expresses the belief that everyone will avail themselves of the opportunity to help the kid dies. LEXINGTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kelly, who have been! living on the Jess Turner ranch, have moved into the Bur goyne residence just below Lexing ton. On Friday evening a reception for the teachers of Lexington school wa3 held in the schoolhouse and gymnasium. Laurel Beach, accom panied at the piano by Miss Helen Faulconer, sang several songs. A talk on county organization for combatting tuberculosis was given by a representative of the state tu berculosis association. After the program cake and punch were serv ed to a large group of parents and children. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Valentine and daughter Helen motored to Arling ton Saturday morning, where Helen took the train to Eugene to enter the University of Oregon. ' Thursday evening a supper for the officials of the Churches of Christ all over Morrow county was given. Visitors were present from Heppner, Hermiston, and Pine City. The state secretary, Mr. Swander of Portland, Guy L. Drill of Pendle ton, and Rex Dallas of Albany were present to conduct the meeting. Mrs. Frank Gentry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Munkers, has been visiting relatives in Lexing ton this week. Miss Mae Gentry, acompanied by Gwen Davis and Keith Gentry were business visitors in Pendleton Wed nesday. Lexington Grange met Saturday evening. A large class of candi dates from Cecil and Lexington was given the first and second degrees. Those entering the Lexington grange were Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, Miss Edith Stallard, Naomi McMil lan, Hugh Connor. Lunch was served by the 4-H sewing club. Af ter Grange was closed dancing was enjoyed, the music being furnished by the Cecil orchestra. H. A. Cham berlin, representative of Oregon State Tuberculosis association, dis cussed the county health associa tions. Don't forget the carnival dance in Leach Memorial hall Saturday, Sep tember 27, for the benefit of the Rebekah lodge. Tuesday morning, Mrs. Cassie Hunt, who has been spending the summer with relatives in Lexington, returned to her home in Portland. Mrs. Harry Schriever and baby son, Byron Neil, have returned home from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller, who have been visiting relaties In Lex ington have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family, Mrs. Laura Scott, Miss Pearl Vail, Miss Helen Wells, Eugene Gentry, Cletus Nichols, Keith Gen try and Billy Burchell picnlced in the mountains Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Burchell, who has been seriously ill, was taken to Pendle ton Tuesday for medical attention. She has now returned and Is re portetd recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Young and family of Eight Mile were visiting Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cox, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Slocum and daughter have moved Into the Sadie Lewis residence. Friends of Miss Mary Slocum have received word that she has en tered the nurses' training school In Los Angeles, Calif., and is enjoying the work very much. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan of Cherryville, who have been visiting relatives in Lexington, returned home Tuesday morning accompan ied by Mr. McMillan's mother, Mrs. John McMillan, and Mrs. George Broadley. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Currin of Gresham, and their son, Hugh Cur rin of Pilot Rock, were visitors In the city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Currin have been spending some time with their relatives in Morrow and Umatilla counties. COUNTY INSTITUTE SLATEDJGT. 8-7 Outside Speakers Coming, Standard Report Card to be Demonstrated. DISPLAY BEING MADE Flans to be Laid for Annual Spell ing and Declamatory Contests; ' Musical Numbers Feature. The annual Morrow county teach ers Institute will open sessions In the Heppner school auditorium at 8:40 o'clock, Monday morning, Oc tober 8, for two days, with an im posing array of speaking talent from state schools and Institutions, in addition to talent supplied from the county teaching staff. Teachers from all the schools In the county are expected in Heppner at this time, as attendance by all is re quired. In announcing plans for the Insti tute, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent expresses pleasure in having obtained the meritorious instruction staff, and looks forward to a profitable two days' meeting for the county school system. An outstanding feature will be a report on the standard re port card and grading system for the elementary schools of the coun ty, by the committee working on the project for the past year. A sample of the proposed card will be shown. "This is one of the most progressive pieces of work the county has undertaken for some time," Mrs. Rodgers said. Outside speakers include Dr. J. R. Jewell, dean of. men at Oregon State college; E. F. Carlton, secre tary of Oregon State Teachers' as sociation; Miss Kate Houx, super visor of the Oregon State Normal training school at Monmouth; Miss Henrietta Morris, Oregon Tubercu losis association; John Miller, head of the department of education at Eastern Oregon Normal school, and Elmo Stevenson, also of the East ern Oregon normal. Musical selections by talent from among the teachers will give varie ty to the program, the arrangement of which is in the hands of W. R. Poulson, superintendent of Heppner schools and chairman of the county unit of the Oregon State Teachers' association. Chas. W. Smith, Mor row county agricultural agent is slated for a talk on 4-H club work, and Miss Edith Stallard, county health nurse, will be on hand to hold conferences with teachers in regard to health instruction In the schools. Mrs. W. O. Dix and Miss Beth Bleakman, second and first grade teachers in the Heppner schools, are preparing a table of teachers' instructional devices for the lower grades, to be on display at the in stitute, while Mrs. Lillian Turner, seventh and eighth grade teacher in the Lexington schools, is pre paring a like display for the upper grades. Mrs. Harriet M. Brown, teacher in the lone schools, is pre paring a table of periodicals suit able for teachers. Plans will be started for the an nual spelling and declamatory con tests under the Morrow County Declamatory league, with the ap pointment of committees from among the teachers to carry them out D. OF H. ENTERTAINS. The juvenile club of the Degree of Honor entertained mothers at lunch Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock in the Odd Fellows hall. The tables were prettily decorated with red and white boquets, the club colors. The little waiters were in white, with red and white juvenile caps and capes. Following the lunch they held regular lodge meeting with the mothers as visitors. SOPHS WIN CLASS MIX By taking a majority of points in the athletic events which composed the annual freshman-sophomore class mix, the sophomores of Hepp ner high school emerged victorious last Friday afternoon, thus compel ling the incoming class to be repre sented by a green pennant in the assembly hall for the remainder of the school year. 9 TO ORGANIZE SCOUTS. Scout work in Heppner will soon be under way, says Rev. B. Stanley Moore, scoutmaster. This year, C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, will assist with the work, and he and Mr. Moore will meet Monday to lay plans for the fall and winter ac tivity. METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Preach ing, 11; message, "Marred and He Made it Again." Epworth League, 6:30. Gospel message, 7:30; "The Secret of the Master's Victory." Sunday, Oct 5, at 11 a. m., Miss Allinger will review the "Passion Play" as she saw It at Oberammer gau. You are welcome to all the services. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smead and daughter, Jean, accompanied by Mrs. Smead's mother, Mrs. Olive Sutton, were visitors over the week end at the home of Mr. Smead's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smead. They returned to their Portland home on Monday.