Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 07, 1930, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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guest at the home of her parents, j the public wants them to be con
Miss Martha McDevitt returned
Monday from a pleasant visit In
Because of the toppling over of
an electric light pole, the residents
along Riverside drive were without
electricity Monday night
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lord of Im
perial Beach, Cal., are guests in the
Werner Kietmann home. Mrs. Lord
Is Mrs. Rietmann's mother.
Ed Dick of Pomeroy, Wash., was
in town Saturday and Sunday, call
ing on old friends and looking after
his farming interests in this locality.
John Harbke and wife of Van
couver, Wash., were seen on our
streets Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Battersby,
J. H. Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bryson and son, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Bry3on and daughter, motored
down the Columbia river highway
Sunday as far as Vista House. They
had a very enjoyable day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bryson and
daughter, who have been guests for
a couple of weeks in the John Bry
son home, departed Monday for
their home in Lewiston, Idaho.
Mrs. Thomas Davidson, who had
been visiting for some time with
relatives here and at Morgan, left
last week for her home in Cleveland,
Ohio. She took her train at Pendle
ton, being accompanied that far on
her journey by Miss Fern Engelman
and Johnny Turner.
Paul Lovell of Estacada was
transacting business in lone last
week. He was accompanied by his
son, Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and
Mrs. P. J. Linn returned home the
middle of last week from a pleas
ant auto trip to Portland, Vernonia,
Astoria and Seaside. Mrs. Loula
Jones was also of the party. She
had been visiting at the home of
her brother, Mr. Howk, and as they
returned took train at Arlington
for her home in Chickasha, Okla.
Mr. and Mrs. Brose Ford and son
visited on Thursday of last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Blain Blackwell.
The Fords were returning to their
home in Pendleton after a visit
with relatives In Monument
Mrs. Helen Farrens and daughter,
Arleta were out-going passengers
for Portland Monday morning.
Miss Arleta Farrens has been cho
sen queen of the Rodeo which will
be held soon in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hel
iker and son and daughter, and
Harold and Mildred Finnell of Port
land, guests in the Heliker home,
made up a party that went a-gypsy-Ing
to Ritter springs Sunday. On
the way to the springs they stopped
near Monument for a brief visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, at Mon
ument they called at the Stubble
field home and at Long Creek vis
ited with Dr. and Mrs. Norris. All
these people are old friends of Mr.
Heliker's. Their noon day lunch
was eaten at the Norris home and
then these good people joined the
lone party at Ritter. The evening
lunch was spread at McDuffee
springs. The day was full, and all
returned home very tired but happy.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olden left
July 31 on their vacation trip. In
Portland they were guests in the
Floyd Barlow home. They visited
Seaside and before their return
home will visit two of Mr. Olden's
sisters in Washington.
Walter Corley has been awarded
the contract for the transportation
of school children from the Lone
Tree district to lone. This route
will bring eight pupils to our school.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson
who reside near Arlington were over
Sunday guests of Mr. Robinson's fa
ther, Frank Robinson.
Mr. Barr and Harry Cummins of
Portland were transacting business
in lone Monday. They were here
working in the interests of a life
insurance company of which Mr.
Barr is district manager. Mr. Cum
mins is a former resident of our
town, being at one time cashier of
the lone bank. .
The ladies of the American Le
gion auxiliary are giving a gingham
and overalls dance In Legion hall
Saturday night, August 9. A fine of
25 cents will be levied on each per
son not properly costumed.
H. J. Fulker was relief agent at
ione station while Agent J. W.
Howk was away.
Miss Beulah Agee recently enjoy
ed a visit with her cousin, Emma
Agee, at Boardman.
Hiram Werst drove over from
Clarkston, Wash., on Thursday of
last week and on Wednesday re
turned to his home, accompanied by
nis wite and two children. Mrs
werst had been enjoying a visit
with her mother, Mrs. Emily Mc-
Murray, and other relatives here In
Mrs. Allen Learned of Seattle Is a
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger.
Francis Bryson suffered a badly
fractured arm Monday when he was
thrown from his horse. He was
taken at once to Heppner by his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson.
Dr. McMurdo is looking after the
injured arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rowell of
Boardman were In lone Monday vis
iting at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Harry Ring. When they re
turned to their home they were ac
companied by their granddaughter,
Bernice Ring.
G. L, Stevenson and A. A. Under
bill, the two men in charge of the
newly established Shell Oil plant in
lone, arrived last week. Mr. Stev
enson is making his home at the
lone hotel, and Mr. Underhill and
wife have an apartment in the Har
ris building.
County Nurse Reports
Six Months' Activity
County Nurse.
All except five schools in the coun
ty were given a school Inspection.
Advice in followup work for defects
was given and a chance for a free
examination by the local doctors if
the parents would take their chil
dren to their chosen physician. As
a result of this work we have had
eleven tonsil operations done by the
local physicians and two at the
Doernbecher hospital in Portrland.
One application for admittance
is on the waiting list of the institu
tion for the feeble minded. One
case of a crippled child is on the
Shrine hospital waiting list Three
children have been treated and re
turned home at the Doernbecher
hospital in Portland. Arrange
ments have been made for one blind
child to enter the school for the
blind in the fall. This is all to no
expense to our county and the chil
dren are having the benefit they
would not have had because the
parents are not able to have the
work done otherwise. We under
stand our local doctors have done
some free work for which we are
truly thankful. The. same is to be
said of our local dentists, who in
spected the teeth of the children
of all town schools in the county.
The data for dental corrections will
be fully gathered in, September.
We have had thirteen baby clinics
where the gain in weight of babies
has been watched and advice on
feeding given. One hundred and
twenty-six babies have had this ser
vice. The ruling made by the City
Council at the August meeting on
the handling of contagious diseases
governing the city of Heppner and
a similar one governing the districts
throughout the county outside of
Heppner made by the county court
will make it possible to make a def
inite work with controlling the con
tagious diseases during the coming
A contest on improvement of the
physical condition of the individual
has been organized in the 4H clubs
of the county. First, second and
third prizes will be given at the
North Morrow County Fair in Sep
tember. Eighteen contestants are
working hard on this.
ducted, and not as the owners them
selves think they should be conduct
ed by consulting only their own
He laid down ten commandments
for good merchandising based on
what 50.000 American housewives
expect of a store as shown by a sur
vey by the United States depart
ment of commerce. The first thing
expected to be found in a store by
Free Air
(Edited by Dean T. Goodman from
his private sanctum down at the Hepp
ner Garage.)
Mrs. Josephine Mahoney arrived
home Tuesday afternoon, having re
turned the first of the past week
from her journey to Alaska, and
spending a few days at Seattle and
Portland. She reports having had
a very pleasant trip and a delight
ful vacation of sightseeing in the
wonderland of the north.
Miss Gladys Benge has been cho
sen as a teacher of mathematics in
the Medford high school for the
coming year. Miss Luola Benge,
her cousin, is also an instructor in
the Medford junior high school,
where she has taught for the past
two years. i
Mrs. Carrie Vaughn Is looking af
ter her property interests at Hepp
ner. She arrived here from Port
land the first of the week.
(Continued from First Page)
years of practical experience in
merchandising, Mr. Vance's talk
was well spiced and illustrated with
many pointed anecdotes through
out which his listeners were kept in
a happy state of mind, receptive to
his more serious message, and un
conscious of the passing of time.
He brought home the assertion
that retail stores would not exist
except that the public demands
them, declaring styles to exist In
merchandising the same as in wear
ing apparel, and that it behooves
merchants to keep in close tune
with the attitudes of the buying
public; to conduct their stores as
BUTTER In ftSs?3 by
"Butter is in a class by itself. It is one of
the most easily digestible of fats and un
doubtedly, when considering the oils and
fats dietetically, is the best source of Vita
min A," saysM. E. Jaffa, Emeritus Profes
sor of Nutrition, University of California.
Butter is indispensable in the diet of
young and old. It contains Vitamin A, the
growth promoting factor, also Vitamin D,
which aids in assimilation of the minerals
in the other foods you eat. Butter builds
bones, cells and tissues.
Pride of Oregon butter at your grocer's.
Morrow County Creamery Company
August 7, 1930
HOWDY FOLKS We note by the
papers that the dry weather is kill
ing off all the fish in the east. But
what slays us is why some of these
poor fish around here continue to
buy mail order and other off-brand
tires when they can purchase genu
ine GOOD EARS from us for less.
Meantime perhaps you have heard
of the sucessful young salesman
who got two orders on the same
day "Get out" and "Stay out"
And can you believe it, even in
this age of luxury there are poor
people who live in such dilapidated
shacks that when it rains .they have
to go outside and sit in their se
Tobacco, we are told, is found
in many Southern States, and
also in some cigars.
Terence: Tis a foine lad ye have
here. A magnificent head, and no
ble teatures. Could ye lend me a
couple of dollars?
Pat: I could not. 'Tis my wife's
child by her first husband.
Rhodes Scholar: "And poor Wil
liams was killed by a revolving
Englishwoman: "Heavens! What
fierce birds you hate in America,"
Economical Angus McTavish fell
into his cistern. The water was
eight feet deep and cold, but Angus
could swim. His wife yelled down
to him, "I'll ring the dinner bell, and
the boys will come in and pull ye
oot" "What time is it?" asked
Angus. "About eleven o'clock," said
the wife. "Don't ring it," said An
gus decisively. "I'll swim aboot until
Hunter: "Are there ptarmigan
around here?"
Other Person: "Wall, no. But
thar's pturtles, and pturkeys."
The man who broke the record
driving a stock sedan from coast
to coast probably was looking for a
place to park his car. Atlanta Constitution.
Competition may be the life of
trade, but it is the death of profit
Shoe and Leather Reporter.
The judge admonished the pris
oner thus: "l cannot conceive a
meaner, more cowardly act than
yours. You have left your wife. Do
you realize that you are a desert
Prisoner: "Well, judge, if you
know dat lady as well as I does, you
sure wouldn t call me no deserter.
I'm a refugee."
Goodyear's seven tire, manufac
turing plants have a daily capacity
of 110,000 tires. These plants are
located as follows: two in Akron,
one in Los Angeles, New Toronto
and Bowman ville, Canada; Sydney,
Australia; Wolverhampton, Eng
land; and Gadsden, Ala.
He (as they drive along a lonely
road): You look lovelier to me ev
ery minute. Do you know what
that's a sign of?"
She: Sure. You're about to run
out of gUH.
The hand that rocks the cradle
confuses the world when It sticks
out from the driver's seat.
Among the Budget Makers
North How do you spend your
West About 30 percent for shel
ter, 30 per cent for clothing, 40 per
cent for food and 20 per cent for
North But that adds up to 120
per cent.
West That's right.
Fifty-seven percent of the motor
cars are owned In communities hav
ing less than 10,000 population,
Four million seven hundred thou
sand workers depend for their live
lihood on motor transportation.
He made no enemies here below
For him death held no terrors,
And now he's where the "Goodfel-
lows" go.
No hits, no runs, no errors.
We heard about a youth who had
been operated on 47 times and then
wanhKl to be a surgeon. Must want
to get even.
Play 'em another waltz professor.
Vaughn & Goodman
"Whan Quality and Bervio Meet"
the American woman, who it was
said does 85 percent of the buying
in the United States, la a large as
sortment of attractively displayed
goods. She expects the privilege of
returning purchased goods and to
be refunded her money if for any
reason she does not wish to keep
Selling Qualifications Told.
She expects her children to re
ceive the same consideration she ex
pects for herself. She expects the
price to.be m plain sight; and the
same price quoted to everybody.
Truthfulness is expected; accuracy
in filling telephone orders; courte
ous, prompt, active service. She ex
pects salespeople to have a know
ledge of the goods they sell.
Four prime requisites for a good
salesperson were declared by Mr.
Vance to be ability, reliability, en
durance and action. A salesman
must have the capacity for doing
the job, he must have the Integrity
to carry on without constant super
vision, he must have the strength
with which to carry on, and he must
not be lazy. The first letters of the
words chosen by the speaker to de
fine these requisites, when placed in
order, form the word "area." For
the purpose of memorizing them,
he said, his listeners might visual
ize a square formed by the four
words, one on either side, within
which may be included personality,
and a hundred and one other traits
which might be desired in a sales
man. The banquet was prepared and
served by the ladies of the church,
J. D. Cash, Chas. Smith and Spen
cer Crawford being the committee
in charge of this part of the in
stitute. P. M. Gemmell is chairman
of the local general institute committee.
Chas. Knabe, for many years
sales manager of Pacific Power and
Light company at Astoria, and
known by a number of local people,
will be connected with the Heppner
store of the company for a time.
Mr. Knabe arrived here today.
Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. Anderson
took in the Passion Play at Walla
Walla Tuesday evening, and were
delighted with the performance.
Wheat ranch, three year
Morrow county on 1200 acres, one
quarter rent For sale on account
family problems. Summer fallow
clean. Mr. R. F. Wigglesworth, tel
ephone 1F13, Heppner, will show
ranch. Joe Fisher, Owner, 780 Mis
sissippi Ave., Portland Ore. 20tf.
iff H)J & WD0iHrm
and forget your tire
expense for a year.
Greasing, Washing
Promptly done
Auto Co.
Phone 62
M. D.Clark ; Hiatt & Dix
Buy at Red & White Stores
"If for no other reason than that they carry their full shae of the tax
burden, you should patronize your local independent stores," says a
prominent public official.
Red & White stores are independent stores individually owned by
citizens of the community. The savings they offer you on quality
foods are made possible by an upparalleled group buying power.
Save Money on Your Food Purchases Buy Here Regularly
Saturday & Monday (August 9th and 1 1th) Red & White Super-Specials
2 Packages
Alpine Milk
3 Cans (Tall)
R&W Coffee
Serv-us Coffee
S 45c
Mazola Oil JQn
Quarts ttC
Vhite Wonder Soap 04
7 Bars tJLC
R.&W. Flour -Q
49-lb. Sack tDl.tPd
R. & W. Asparagus CT f?
2 Cans (2s) e)C
R. & W. Mayonnaise OQ
Dressing, Pint Jar .... Ot
Porto Fruit Punch
Palmolive Soap
3 Bars
B & M Baked Beans or Brown
Bread QQ
2 Cans (Large) Uwv
K. & W. Baking Soda
Mb. Pkgs.21or JLtJV
Sliced Beets Qr
ZCans (2s) OtfV
Red & White Catsup ) p
14-oz. Bottle
Ill I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
How's Business?
Mr. H. T.Vance
here for the business institute, has asked this
question of chairmen at several meetings in line
with his work, attended recently.
"Not so good," has been the general answer.
Still he found that one of these men had exper
ienced an increase in the volume of his business
the month before over the corresponding period
the year previous. Others admitted their busi
ness was going along about the same.
They are probably a little more eager to learn of