Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 31, 1930, Image 1

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Volume 47, Number 20.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Morrow County Farmers
To Save $25,000 by I.
C. C. Decision.
Portland Wins Differential Fight;
Oregon Commission Ruling "
Upheld, Says Corey.
That freight rates on wheat from
Heppner branch line points may be
reduced at least 2 cents a hundred
pounds, is the report reaching this
city following the. decision of the
Interstate Commerce commission
made public Friday, in which It
upheld the differential existing be
tween Portland and Puget Sound
points and generally revised rateB
in a manner more In accord with
the demands of farmers of the Col
umbia river basin. The new rates
are effective October 1. Local men
who have studied the situation con
sider the decision a victory in the
grain rate fight carried before the
commission through the efforts of
Columbia basin wheatgrowers by
Arthur M. Geary, Portland attorney,
though no statement has yet been. I
received as to whether the wheat
growers were granted all conces
sions asked for.
The Heppner rate, it is believed,
will be reduced from 22 to 20
cents. The saving to Morrow coun
ty farmers through the reduction
should amount to $25,000 annually,
It is said.
In order that more benefit may be
gained from the rate,reduction this
year, Henry W. Collins, northwest
manager of the Farmers National
Grain corporation, wired the Chica
go headquarters asking that effort
be made to get the new rates on
wheat put into effect immediately.
Reply was received from Geo. S.
Milnor, general manager, that ev
erything was being done to this end.
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion's decision comes as a substan
tiation of the Oregon Public Service
commission's ruling in 1924, which
was temporarily nullified by federal
court injunction awaiting the fed
eral commission's decision, says H.
H. Corey, member of the public
service commission, in a statement
made public shortly following news
of the new federal ruling. The Ore
gon commission's ruling provided
for a reduction of grain rates on
Intrastate shipments from branch
line points of the Oregon-Washington
Railroad and Navigation com
pany. The federal commission's de
cision apparently bases Its new
rates on the charges contained In
the Oregon commission's ruling, but
makes them applicable to joint line
and export shipments as well, Mr.
Corey declares.
Portland has received the news
contained in the new decision with
jubilation, as maintaining of the 10
per cent differential In her favor
over Puget Sound ports not only
means lower freight rates for Col
umbia basin wheatgrowers but as
sures her position as the leading
wheat shipping port on the Pacific
coast. Seattle, on the other hand,
has announced that she will con
tinue to fight for abolishment of the
Do you know where you live?
Maybe you don't now, but next
Tuesday morning, and thereafter, if
you live in Heppner, you will know
that you ' live at such-and-such a
number on so-and-so street; for
Tuesday evening, if the expectations
of the street sign and house number
committee of the Lions club are
realized, every street In town will
be indicated by pretty whlte-letter-ed-on-blue-background
baked enam
el Iron signs, and every house will
be numbered with two-Inch alumi
num numerals.
The project, sponsored by the
Lions club, authorized by the city
council and carried out by the Lions
club committee In conjunction with
the streets and public property
committee of the city governing
body, Is about to be completed, and
when finished, every street, business
house and residence In the city will
be officially designated and cata
logued. The numbers and signs,
authorized by ordinance, have been
purchased outright by the city, and
are to be put In place Monday by
the gratis services of Lions and Boy
Scouts. No charge is made to prop
erty owners for the metal numerals.
When the "tacking" committee
calls, they will knock at the door
and make known their business,
conferring with property-holders
as to the spot desired for the num
ber to be placed. The cooperation
of residents is asked In order to
expedite the work, as it Is hoped
to complete the work Monday. In
case there Is no one at home when
the committee calls, residents
should not be surprised on their re
turn to find a number tacked In a
conspicuous place on their dwelling.
For division streets, in order to
have central points from which to
start numbering, Main and May
streets were selected by the com
mittee, Main being the division
street east and west, and May, north
and south. Hence, streets running
There is now living In America a
man from Turkey whose alleged
age is 150; a pretty ripe old age,
indeed. The United States seems
as yet not to have produced a citi
zen reaching this extreme age, but
we have recorded once in a while
the passing of an individual well
beyond the century mark in years.
Mrs. Chas. Furlong of Eight Mile
handed this office a clipping this
week from the Shelbina Democrat,
Shelbina, Mo., giving account of
the death of John H. Oliver, an un
cle of hers, at the advanced age of
108 years. Mr. Oliver passed on
October 29, 1928. He was born Jan
uary 29, 1820, and had he lived three
months longer would have reached
the age of 109 years. It was but
recently that Mrs. Furlong was ap
prised of the death of her uncle,
receiving this information upon
writing to her relatives in Missouri
and making Inquiry concerning him.
She saw him last when on a visit
home 33 years ago.
Heppner Came Near
Being on Rhea Creek
(Oregonlan "Those Who Come and Go")
The city of Heppner, county seat
of Morrow county, came near being
located at a site some 15 miles dis
tant on the upper waters of Rhea
creek, according to Frank Gilliam,
hardware merchant and banker of
Heppner, who was registered yes
terday at the Imperial hotel. Mr.
Gilliam first arrived in that country
60 years ago, before there was any
town. The territory was settled on
ly by stockmen, who had homes in
the creek valleys and ran cattle and
sheep over the rolling hills which
were covered with bunch grass and
sagebrush. The bunch grass in those
days, before It had been pastured
much, was the finest stock feed and
grew in abundance, Mr. Gilliam
said. No one thought of growing
wheat on the hills for some 15
years. In 1872 a store was estab
lished at the site of the present
Rhea creek bridge on the Heppner
Hardman road. In the same year
Henry Heppner and Morrow debat
ed whether to place a store there
also, but finally selected the site of
Heppner on Willow cneek. Spencer
moved his store to Heppner a few
years later and soon the trading
post grew into a town. All of its
goods were "freighted" in by mule
and horse teams from Umatilla
where they had been unloaded from
boats, or from The Dalles, until the
coming of the railroad In the '80s,
said Mr. Gilliam.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo arrived home
on Sunday from Fort Lewis, Wash.,
where he spent two weeks at the
officers training camp. In this ser
vice Dr. McMurdo wears the stripes
of a captain and is known as Capt
McMurdo. His brother, Dr. Hew B.
McMurdo, was also at Fort Lewis
from his home In San Francisco,
and after the work of the camp
was finished they spent a week to
gether visiting. Dr. McMurdo states
that he had a very pleasant trip of
a day to Victoria, B. C, and also
took time to drive to Rainier Na
tional park.
J. O. Peterson, jeweler, is getting
moved to his new quarters in the
Case building adjoining the post-
office. While the work on the room
Is not entirely completed, it is ex
pected that it will be ready in time
for Mr. Peterson to open up there
on Monday next. He will have a
neat room in which to carry on his
through Main street are designated
as being east or west, as E, May and
W. May, and streets running thru
May street are designated as being
north or south, as N. Main and S.
Going out in either direction from
the division streets, blocks are num
bered by hundreds, the first block
being the 100 block, the next 200, the
next 300 and so on. The first num
eral of a house number indicates
the number of blocks It Is away
from the division street The fol
lowing numerals Indicate the loca
tion of the house in the block. Start
ing from a division street houses
on the right side of the street end
In even numbers, while those on the
left hand side end In odd numbers.
On the right hand side of each block
the number of the first house is 2,
while the first on the left is 1. Num
bers will be reserved for vacant lots,
so that In case houses are built
there later the numbers will have
been provided for. Houses located
on alleys or in the rear of lots and
not facing a street will be designat
ed by numbers ending In . .
Therefore, If you have occasion to
look up a house say, at 306 W. Bal
timore St., you will know that the
house you are looking for Is located
three blocks west of Main, on the
third lot on the right hand side of
Baltimore street Of course, as May
Is the most southerly through street
Intersecting Main, you need but
start there and go north until you
come to Baltimore. In the case of
an address, say on Linden Way,
Birch, Shobe, Clark, Higglns or
some other street not designated by
the N, S, E or W, It Is necessary to
learn In what part of town the
street Is located, and the directions
in which It runs, then the first num
eral of the number will tell you the
number of blocks from the division
street the house is located, and the
following numerals the location of
the house in the block.
Republicans Pick Portland
Hotel Man to Succeed
Geo. W. Joseph.
Candidate Announces Adherence to
Party Principles, Retention of
Commission In Platform.
Heppner, especially her older resi
dents, may feel more than a passive
interest in Oregon's new candidate
for governor, named to succeed the
late Senator George W. Joseph by
the republican state central commit
tee in Portland last Saturday. Phil
Metschan, who received the nomin
ation, was once a resident of this
city, being proprietor of the old
Palace hotel along toward the be
ginning of the twentieth century.
Since leaving here, he has greeted
his old-time Morrow county friends
in the position of manager of the
Imperial hotel in Portland.
Hotelman Metschan has long been
a factotem in republican politics of
the state, and he had charge of the
organization of the present state
central committee as its chairman.
S. E. Notson, member from Morrow
county and chairman of the rules
and procedure committee at the
caucus, reports Metschan's nomina
tion on the 14th ballot with 20 of
the 36 votes cast, shortly after It
appeared that a deadlock was im
minent and the rules committee was
considering the preparing of a res
olution to allow the presentation of
new names in nomination.
Metschan Gains on 13th.
On the 12th ballot, Mr. Notson
said, it seemed hopeless that any of
the existing candidates before the
committee would be able to swing
a majority, but with the 13th the
trend in the voting changed and
with the 14th, the swing to Met
schan was sufficient to put him
across. Julius Meier, who had ask
ed that his name be withdrawn
from consideration, was the second
strongest candidate on the deciding
ballot, carrying 10 votes. The names
of ten men were considered, all of
whom gained some following. Of
these Thomas B. Kay, state treas
urer, and Ralph Hamilton, president
of the state senate, were among the
strongest contenders in the early
balloting, but gradually lost In
strength as it became evident that
neither could swing a majority.
The caucus did not attempt to
adopt a platform, though pressure
was brought to bear by followers of
the late republican nominee, Mr.
Joseph, to have his platform adop
ted, with the assertion that they
would bring out an independent
candidate if this was not done. Mr.
Notson, who declared that he was
not representing Morrow county but
one-36th of the republican voters of
the state, was among those who
contended that it was not within the
province of the state committee to
adopt a platform, and this opinion
prevailed. The committeemen deem
ed it their duty, he said, to pick the
best man possible who would have
the best chance to wtn in the No
vember election, and to let him for
mulate his own platform. This
Metschan had done shortly after his
announcement as a candidate be
fore the committee, and prior to his
nomination. His platform follows:
To Stand by Principles.
"I believe in party government I
am attached to the principles and
Ideals of the republican party,
shall adhere to these ideals and
principles and, if nominated and
elected governor, I shall attempt to
make them effective for the well
being of the citizens of Oregon.
"I shall rigidly apply to the busi
ness of the state the same principles
of efficiency and economy that I
have applied to my own business
This pledge can be effectively ful
filled only by basing appointments
j on merit, and exacting from em
ploycs the same character of service
that Is required of individuals sub
jected to the competition of private
life. Merit shall be the controlling
basis of my appointments and that
merit must be consistently and con
tinuously displayed as a condition of
tenure of office.
"The development of the resour
ces of the state, its timber, its agri
culture, its manufactures, Its ship
ping, and its fish and game will
have my earnest support and direc
tion, There will be no favoritism
displayed between localities, indus
tries or Individuals.
"I shall vigorously enforce all the
"I am an ardent supporter of the
plan for the development of the Col
umbia river for power, reclamation
and transportation purposes
through federal action that is now
being advocated by our delegation
In congress, since it is my convic
tion that by federal action alone can
such development be effectively ac
"I am opposed to the abolition of
the public service commission. Its
abolition would result In no effective
regulation of public utilities and
would be welcomed by the powerful
corporations, which are better con
trolled by regulatory commissions
federal and state, than by any other
method yet devised.
"I am a progressive with respect
Native of Illinois, Widow of CivU
War Veteran, Came to Morrow
County in 1885.
Funeral services were held at the
Methodist church in this city on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
for Clara Ann Mikesell, a pioneer
resident of this community, who
answered death's call at Heppner
General hospital on Monday after
noon, at the advanced age of 82
years and 25 days. Services were
in charge of Rev. Glen P. White,
the pastor and were attended by
friends and relatives, members of
the Woman's Relief corps of which
deceased had long been a member,
and San Soucl Rebekah lodge,
through respect to members of the
family belonging to that order. The
floral offerings were profuse and
very beautiful. Interment was in
the family lot at Masonic cemetery.
Mrs. Mikesell had been an invalid
for many years, and during the past
four years had been cared for at
the hospital, her aliment being such
that it would not yield to medical
treatment and she patiently and
with good cheer awaited the final
Clara Ann Clark was born near
Quincy, Illinois, July 3, 1848, and
died at Heppner, Oregon, July 28,
1930, aged 82 years and 25 days.
She was married to Henry D. Mike
sell op November 8, 1866, following
the young man's return from ser
vice with the Union army. Shortly
after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs.
Mikesell moved to near Nevada, in
Vernon county, Mo., and here their
eldest child, Mrs. Emma C. Ranck
now of Heppner, was born. They
returned after a short time to their
former home in Illinois and later
again moved to Missouri, where the
other children, Alva and Willie E.,
were born. It was in September,
1885, that the family came to Mor
row county, settling near Gooseber
ry where Mr. Mikesell took up a
homestead and farmed for a num
ber of years, then moved to Hepp
ner. Mrs. Mikesell had been a res
ident of this community for the
past 32 years.
Mrs. Mikesell is survived by one
daughter and one son, these being
Mrs. Emma C. Ranck and Willie E.
Mikesell of this city, besides 12
grandchildren and four great grand
children. She had been a lifelong
member of the Methodist church
and a member of Rawlins Relief
corps of Heppner, in v'hich organi
zation she was active Until impair
ed health made it impossible for
her to get about
Citizen of Lone Rock
Favors Sign for Road
(Condon Globe-Times.)
I would like to see the county
court put up a 'To Heppner' road
sign where the Heppner road forks
with Condon-Lone Rock market
road about three miles east of
town," said Guy Huddleston of Lone
Rock, when in town Monday. "Just
a fiw days ago a car of tourists
missed the turn-off to Heppner and
drove to Lone Rock before discov
ering their mistake. And it is not
uncommon for people to make that
drive before finding out they are on
the wrong road.
It wouldn't be so bad," Mr. Hud
dleston continued, "if the Rock
creek portion of the Lone Rock
Heppner road were in better shape.
It's a shame to direct people over
such a road with a car but it is nec
essary after they get to Lone Rock
by error."
Mr. Huddleston says mat naying
is in full swing in the valley with
crops about an average. He was in
town with Bert and Kills Cason.
Reclamation Congress
Meets at Burns Aug. 7
Many of the present and future
reclamation policies of Oregon will
be considered at the annual meeting
of the Oregon Reclamation con
gress at Burns August 7-9 which will
be attended by an unusually large
number of public oiilcials as well as
the regular members.
The second day of the meeting
will be devoted largely to the annu
al field day demonstrations at the
Harney branch experiment station
Of particular interest this year is
the operation of a large irrigation
well which is making good crops
while drouth is affecting those not
Heppner post No. 85, American
Legion will have their regular meet
ing at Legion hall on Monday eve
ning, August 4. Important business
for the meeting will be the election
of officers, and a large attendance
of the membership is urged.
Wheat ranch, three year lease
Morrow county on 1200 acres, one-
quarter rent. For sale on account
family problems. Summer fallow
clean. Mr. R. F. Wigglesworth, tel
ephone 1F13, Heppner, will show
ranch. Joe Fisher, Owner, 780 Mis
sissippi Ave.. Portland Ore. 20tf.
to education, matters of public
health and the acceptance by the
public and by Industry of the inevit
able losses which arise from employ
ment In hazardous occupations.
am a conservative with respect to
matters of taxation, although It will
be my effort to adjust the burden of
taxation by removing it in part from
those less able to those more able
to bear It"
Plan Told Lions; Street
Signs, House Numbers
To Go Up Monday.
Camp Rising Rapidly; Need of Sign
Seen; Miss Heppner Portland
Appearance Cited.
An opportunity for increasing the
game bird population of Morrow
county, naming of a day for placing
of street signs and house numbers
in the city, Heppner-Spray road pro
gress, and Miss Heppner's Portland
appearance, were matters discussed
at the Lions club luncheon Monday.
In addition, S. E. Notson, republic
an state central committeeman, re
ported briefly some of the activities
of the committee last week-end
when he helped in the selecting of
the republican nominee for gover
nor. B. R. Patterson and J. D. Cash
told of the game bird idea. An es
pecially favorable propagation sea
son has been experienced at the
state game farm In Pendleton, and
it has become overrun with Chinese
pheasant. The birds are being put
out to individuals who agree to care
for them until such time as the
birds are able to "go on their own."
Permits are granted through appli
cation to Gene Simpson, superin
tendent of the state game farm at
Corvallis, and when the permit is
presented at Pendleton the individ
ual is given thirty young birds, en
ough feed to keep them and instruc
tions as to their care. Mr. Cash got
an allotment of birds Sunday and is
keeping them at his city residence.
Mr. Patterson believes an opportun
ity is thus afforded to greatly In
crease the number of game birds
in the county, if farmers especially
will cooperate. He has offered to do
his bit by grouping permits that
may be left at the Patterson & Son
drug store, in order to gain advan
tage of truck load delivery from
the farm. This has been done in
other counties, he says. He report
ed that game farm officials liberated
300 of the young birds at various
points in the county last week.
Boy Scouts to Help.
Samples of Heppner's new street
signs and house numbers were dis
played by Jasper Crawford, chair
man of the city administration com
mittee, who asked cooperation -of
other Lions in putting the signs and
numbers in place. Next Monday was
named as the day on which the
work will be done, with a ready
response of members to help do the
job. It is expected Heppner streets
will assume rather a citified air,
with the appearance of the signs.
When the job is completed the city
will be completely indexed. Paul
Marble explained the plan to be fol
lowed in putting up the signs and
numbers and Rev. B. Stanley Moore,
scoutmaster, offered the help of the
Boy Scouts, who will assist with the
Paul Gemmell and Earl Gordon
called attention to the business in
stitute to be held August 6-7 under
the auspices of Oregon State college
and the Oregon Retail Merchants'
association. Manager B. G. Sigsbee
is donating the use of the Star the
ater each afternoon where lectures
accompanied by picture slides will
be given. Mr. Gordon urged parti
cipation in the window trimming
contest, as one of the greatest ben
efits to be gained from the confer
ence. To aid in putting this across
President Sweek appointed a spe
cial committee with Mr. Gordon as
chairman, and B. R. Patterson and
Chas. Thomson, members.
Says Sign Needed on Road.
G. A. Bleakman, county commis
sioner, reported that the camp on
the Heppner-Spray road is being
rapidly constructed, and that actual
road work will be started the first
of the week. That a considerable
number of men will be employed Is
evidenced by the size of the camp,
which resembles a small town, he
said. Garnet Barratt told of going
over the road recently and asserted
It is in fair condition all the way.
He called attention to the lack of a
proper sign to Indicate the point
where the road leaves the John Day
highway, and believed steps should
be taken to provide the same as a
convenience to travelers who might
wish to come this way. He sug
gested a sign of an advertising na
ture, to which Mr. Bleakman took
exception, saying that such a sign
would not be policy until the road
Is completed.
Paul Marble and Jasper Crawford,
both of whom attended the Lions
northwest picnic at Portland July
16, at which time Miss Heppner
was entered in the beauty pageant
at which Miss Oregon was selected
to compete for the title of Miss Uni
verse at Galveston, Tex., next
month, made a delayed report of
the event. Miss Alma Wehmeyer
was complimented for having rep
resented Heppner in a creditable
manner. Miss Portland was chosen
Miss Oregon, with Miss Medford
named as alternate. Mrs. P. M.
Gemmell, chaperone, was occorded
a great deal of credit for the capa
ble manner In which she conducted
Miss Heppner's appearance.
Mm B
(Oregonian "Those Who Come and Go")
In those horse-and-buggy days,
traveling salesmen had a tough
time. They carried six, eight or ten
trunks and that was more than any
salesman could take care of, so the
traveling men hired young chaps
who were known as "packers." A
packer took charge of half of the
number of trunks, opened them, fix
ed up the display, and packed them
again when the drummer was ready
to "make another town. The life
of the packer was no pink tea, even
though he did travel and see the
scenery. One. of these packers was
Robert Thompson. After going in
to Morrow county several times he
saw the possibilities and he resign
ed as packer one day in Heppner
and hired out as a clerk In the
store where the traveling man had
written an order. Mr. Thompson
liked the country, so he saved and
bought some of it, and today he is
a grain grower and sheep operator.
Mr. Thompson arrived at the Im
perial yesterday, registering from
Harvest Season Half
Over; Wheat Moving
While farmers in the more north
erly wheat-growing belt of the
county are winding up their 1930
harvest, those farther south are just
getting well under way, while re
ports indicate that others nearer
the mountains in the south end will
begin within the next two weeks.
General reports are that yields on
the lighter soils in the north end
have been better than anticipated.
Movement of wheat to warehous
es has been pushed rapidly, and
houses at lone, Lexington and other
points to the north along the branch
are experiencing their peak busi
ness for the season, while receipts
are still on the increase in Heppner
due to the later harvesting season
in this territory. Considerable new
wheat has already been shipped
from branch points, most of that
loaded at Heppner being in bulk
and consigned to the federal mar
keting corporation, says C. Darbee,
local agent of the O.-W. R. & N.
Farm Board Leaders to
Meet Oregon Wheat Men
Arthur Hyde, secretary of agricul
ture, and Alexander Legge, chair
man of the farm board, are going to
bring their ideas on the present
world wheat situation directly to the
farmers of the Pacific northwest at
meetings in Spokane and Pendleton
August 8 and 9, according to ar
rangements just completed with the
extension service of Oregon State
college. The Pendleton meeting will
be on the 9th.
At the meeting in Pendleton the
farm leaders hope to meet farmers,
bankers, and college extension
workers of Oregon and southern
Washington and Idaho.
Don C. Case with his mother, Mrs.
May Case, .arrived in Heppner yes
terday for a visit of a couple of
days with relatives and friends.
Don, a graduate of Heppner high
school, with his wife, conducts a
thriving malted milkshake business
in Spokane, while his mother mak
es her home in Seattle. His sister,
Miss Velma Case, is secretary to
the managing editor of the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer. Though Don has
done well with his line of business
in Spokane, he is considering es
tablishing a like business in the
more densely populated East
Among ex-Heppnerites he sees oc
casionally in Spokane are Andy
Hayes, night clerk in the Mitchell
hotel; Shirley Straight with the
Camern Ice 'cream company, and
C. C. Calkins, manufacturer of seed
wheat treating machines.
A wedding of interest to Heppner
people was an event of Sunday last
at Spokane when Clara Erma Den
nis was united in marriage to Hor
ace Alton Trimble. The young peo
ple announce that they will be at
home at St. John, Wash., after Aug
ust first Mrs. Trimble was teacher
of domestic science and art in the
Heppner school last year and dur
ing her stay in this city made many
friends both of students and patrons
of the school. The young couple
were formerly schoolmates at Wash
ington State college, Pullman.
A. A. Bergevin, In charge of log
shipments to the Milton box factory,
superintended loading of the tenth
carload at the local yards of the
O.-W. R. and N. company Tu
esday. The logs are being taken
out of the timber on the Horace Yo
cum place up Willow creek and
hauled to Heppner by truck. When
his organization gets under full
sway Mr. Bergevin reports an aver
age of 1V4 car a day will be loaded.
Rev. B. Stanley Moore, mlssion-ary-in-charge.
Holy communion at
8. Church school at 9:45. Celebra
tion of the Lord's Supper and ser
mon at 11. Young People's Fellow
ship at 6.
"The gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Ro. 6:23.
Dallas Ward's all-star ball tossers
from Lexington are scheduled to
meet Heppner's league aggregation
at Rodeo field Sunday afternoon at
2:30. A red-hot game is in pros
pect, announces the local manage
ment J. F. Irwin, district forest super
visor from Pendleton was in the
city this morning.
Merchants Will Compete
In Window Trimming;
To Report Survey.
Three Experts from State College
And Merchants' Association
Here August 6 and 7.
Advertising, salesmanship, and
merchandising problems of Heppner
merchants and business men are
among the main topics to be dis
cussed before the annual business
institute, sponsored by the Oregon
Retail Merchants' association and
the Oregon State college school of
commerce, which will open its two
day session here next Wednesday,
August 6, at the Star theater.
What's the matter with present
day advertising? Does it pay? Is
the policy of credit granting a prof
itable one for the retail store? Is
this policy a good one for the com-'
munity? How can a merchant weed
out his "boarders"? These are a
few of the questions that will be
answered by Prof. H. T. Vance, head
of courses in merchandising at the
state college, and Prof. E. E. Bos
worth, accounting and auditing in
structor, who will handle store man
Advertising Building Shown.
Professor Vance will construct
and develop an advertisement from
the ground to its completed form,
using an electric projectile machine
and slides to illustrate his points.
Ads which have been submitted by
local merchants will also be thrown
on a screen and these will be anal
yzed and constructively criticized.
O. Ft Tate, secretary of the retail
merchants' association, will lead dis
cussions on modern store arrange
ment, illustrating his talks with ma
terial recently made available In
middle west where the modern store
has made its greatest strides. He
will supplement his theories with
visits to local stores, offering ad
vice to those who want it and re
ceiving rough sketches of their es
tablishments and later submitting
revisions suggesting possible im
provements. -
One of the outstanding features of
the institute, according to P. M.
Gemmell, chairman of the commit
tee in charge of the meetings in
Heppner, is the banquet Wednesday
evening at 6:30 o'clock. The pro
gram following the dinner will be
of particular interest to salesmen of
all kinds, Professor Vance discuss
ing problems pertaining to retail
Window Display Factors Cited.
Another feature which is attract
ing much interest here and in other
cities where the Institutes are being
held is the window trimming con
test for which both local and state
prizes have been offered. The visit
ing business authorities will judge
the windows the first day of the
meetings and announce the winners
at the banquet In connection with
this contest, Professor Vance will
name five outstanding factors in
window display and Illustrate this
talk with pictures of correct and
incorrect methods.
The program for the first day in
cludes discussions on retail adver
tising and salesmanship by Profes
sor Vance, accounting for retail bus
iness and retail credits and collec
tions by Professor Bosworth and
store management by Mr. Tate. Fol
lowing a morning of special confer
ences the second day, the sessions
will conclude with discussions on
window trimming by Professor
Vance and store organization and
management by Professor Bosworth
in the afternoon.
Other, facts of interest to busi
ness men, such as announcement
for the first time of the results of
national business researches In var
ious fields, will be given and will
make the meetings have a wide
appeal, those In charge here believe.
Round-Up Judges Chosen;
Parade Date is Changed
Three Washington men have
been chosen judges for the 1930
Pendleton Round-Up, Aug. 28-29-30.
They are Allen Drumheller, Walla
Walla; Ben C. Boone, Seattle, and
William Switzler, Plymouth.
As a new feature this year, the
Round-Up will hold its historic
Westward-Ho parade Friday morn
ing at 10 o'clock Instead of Satur
day morning. This change was
made so that the arrangements
would not conflict with the "Over
the Hill" pageant feature which is
held each Saturday at the Round
Up and which this year will be held
not only at Saturday afternoon's
show but on Thursday afternoon as
well, in observance of the hundredth
anniversary of the covered wagon,
and In honor of the one hundred
fifty New Yorkers, who as members
of the Oregon Trail Memorial asso
ciation, will visit the Round-Up
The Woman's Missionary society
of the Church of Christ will meet
Tuesday, August 5, at 2;30 at the
home fo Mrs. Luella McCarty. All
members and friends are urged to