HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930. PAGE FTVE TROEDSONS VISIT NATION'S CAPITOL Eastern Sights Impress Morrow County Folk, In Pennsylvania For the Lost Year. (EDITOR'S NOTE The follow ing communication, received this week from Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedaon, who have been visiting at Guys Mills, Pa., since harvest time last fall, is self-explanatory to their many friends, whom, we be lieve will appreciate reading their verskm of the points of interest to which they have lately trekked. When at home they farm in the Morgan district.) With the exception of a few trips outside, we have spent all our time in Pennsylvania, and find it to be a very pretty state. The trees are beautiful; there are lots of maples and the wooded sections are sure pretty. There is lots of timber. The latter part of April we went down to Harrisburg to visit a brother, liarrisburg. the capital of Pennpyl vanla, is on the Susquehanna river. It is a pretty ctiy of about 100,000 population. The capital building is one of the finest in the United States. It was dedicated October 4, 1906, by President Roosevelt As you enter the building there is a bronze plate on the floor marking the spot where he stood. The buila ing covers two acres of ground and has 475 rooms. The dome is design ed from St. Peter's cathedral at Rome. The senate and house of representatives have gorgeous rooms. These are finished in sever al different kinds of marble, and lots of gold. The house of represen tatives room contains beautiful chandeliers, each weighing four tons. There are other interesting build ings in connection with the capital, such as the museum, library, etc. Washington, D. C, is about 117 miles from Harrisburg. We spent two days and three nights there. We stopped at the Washington Tourist camp. This is situated on the Po tomac river. There are 96 cabins there. While there we met a fam ily from Silverton, Ore. ' The first day in Washington we hired a guide and put in the time until about 9:30 that night. We were for tunate in getting a good guide and we certainly enjoyed the day. The capitol has a beautiful dome, and is very pretty at night, but the rooms are not as nice as the ones in the capitol at Harrisburg. This is ;tn old building, about 100 yours old. There are guides in the building taking people through and one spent about an hour with us. He explained the paintings and sculp ture work and it was very interest ing. We went through the Statuary Hall, and each state is supposed to be represented by a statue of some noted person; but to our surprise and regret we found that Oregon didn't have any. A few days be fore we were there a Btatue had been unveiled in honor of the World war soldier. This was placed by the state of Arizona. We were shown through the Pres ident's room and allowed to sit in his chair if we so chose. We also visited the house of representatives and the senate. Both were in ses sion, so we spent some time in each place. In the senate we saw Ore gon's two senators, McNary and Stelwer. The vice president pre sides in the senate. We drove to the White House and saw the President leave for the capitol. He was tak en in a car and three guards on mo torcycles accompanied him all the way. We went through some of the White House; were in the large East Room we hear so much about In one room were the dinner sets of the different presidents. Each president gets a dinner set when he comes to the White House and when he leaves he leaves the dinner set also. The corridors in this building are very pretty. One of them contains paintings of all the president's wives from Washington to Coolidge. The Washington monument is the highest work of masonry In the world. It is an obelisk 555 feet high and 55 feet square at the base. The walls are 15 feet in thickness. There is an elevator inside which takes people to the top. It takes one and a half minutes to go up. From the top you can get a won derful view of the city and sur rounding country. The Lincoln memorial is of exqui site beauty. The Union is express ed in the colonnade surrounding the hall. There are 36 columns, one for each state in existence at the time of Lincoln's death. The colonnade Is 188 feet long, 118 feet wide. The columns are 44 feet high and 7 feet wide at the base, the largest of their kind In the world. Passing through the double row of columns at the entrance we found the statue of Lincoln seated in an arm chair. This is very life-like. At night this is a grand sight His Gettysburg Bpeech is Inscribed on one of the walls. The Bureau of Printing and En graving is very interesting, as this is where you see plenty of money if you can't get to It. Our guide told us before we went through the building It was customary for the people who went through to give their guide half of what they got. Thev were making paper money. Thry work day and night and make $18,000,000 a day. They were also making postage stamps here, and the little books which we buy them in. They make 90,000,000 stamj 3 a day, supplying 5(5,000 postofflces. The Smithsonian Institute and new Nat'onal Museum were so In teresting one could hardly leave them. As you enter the Smithson ian Institute the first thing that rntrhpn the eve is "The Spirit of St Louis," Lindbergh's airplane which made tho s-uccessful trip across tho Atlantic ocean in May, 1927. We crossed the Potomac river on ihe Arllneton Memorial bridge anrt came to the Arlington National eemnterv. We snent cart of the afternoon there and think we en joyed it as much as any of our trip. The graves are an impressive sight. r''he headstones stretch away in lines endless to the vision. The stones are set in rows, uniform in distance one from the other, and in any way you look they are in per fect lines. The monument of the Unknown Dead marks the grave of 2,111 nameless soldiers. Their nam es and homes were unknown. We visited the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. While there, we saw sever al soldiers surrounding the grave. They blew the bugle and fired their guns. The grave is guarded all the time. In this cemetery we saw the graves of Wm. J. Bryan and ex President Taft. He is the only pres ident ever buried there. No one can be buried there unless he has been in some military service. On the summit of Arlington ridge overlooking the Potomac is being erected the George Washington National Masonic memorial. It will be completed in 1932, two hundred years from the time of his death. There is going to be a big celebra tion in Washington at this time. Mt. Vernon is on the Virginia shore of the Potomac river, 16 miles south of Washington. Here we find the home of George Washington. This is kept up by the women of the different states, and the house Is very much the same as it was when occupied by the Washingtons. The house was built in 1743. The furniture is the same as was used at that time, and the bed in one of the bedrooms is the one upon which George Washington died. The grounds around the building are beautiful. The flower gardens are supposed to have been set out more than a century and a half ago. George Washington and wife are both buried in the grove of trees back of the house, where it was their desire to be buried, and that it should never be a public burial place. The tomb is a plain struc ture of brick with an arched gate way in front. In Washington we saw Ford the ater, where President Lincoln was shot. (This is not used as a theater any more.) We also saw the house where he died; the house where President Wilson died, and the house where President Taft died. The Union station is built of white granite and is 760 feet long. The main waiting room is 200 feet long, and the passenger concourse is 760 feet long, the largest room in the world under one roof. An a my of 50,000 men could stand on its floor. The avenues in the city are named for the different states. Pennsylvania avenue is the central avenue, connecting the capitol, treasury, White House and state de partment. From Washington we went to Gettysburg, the old battlefield of the Civil war. The town of Gettysburg is a pretty town, much larger than at the time of the war. It lies in a valley, and the firing was done over the city. Jennie Wade was the only civilian killed during this bat tle. She was in her home making bread when a bullet came through the door and killed her instantly. Her house is a museum now. It contains the bread trough she was making her bread in, and many rel ics of the battle, mch as guns, am munition, human bones taken from the battlefield, flags, etc. The bullet hole can be seen in the door. The Gettysburg battlefield covers over 25,000 acres, and has about 10,000 monuments. The statues of Gener al Meade and General Lee face each other, but are in different parts of the battleground. There are seven observation towers and we climbed the one on Big Round Top. It was quite a climb as we couldn't drive to it. One could see the entire bat tlefield from this tower. We spent Memorial Day here, and saw Pres ident Hoover and heard his address. There were about 50,000 people. He gave the address in the soldiers' cemetery, near the spot where Lin coln gave his Gettysburg speach. This cemetery is laid out in a semi circle. There are about 76,000 sol diers buried there. The Gettysburg battlefield is an interesting place to visit and we spent quite a bit of time there. There are good roads all through It. Confederate avenue is the main avenue, and the others are named for the different gener als. We have had a wonderful trip through the East and will always iemember it. We expect to leave here for the West some time in July. State Grange Officers Elected at Convention George A. Palmiter, who has been master of the state grange for sev eral years, was re-elected at Red mond last week, but immediately resigned, as he is to become mana ger of the Farmers' Automobile Inter-Insurance exchange in Portland. Rev. C. C. Hulet of Myrtle Point was elected to succeed Mr. Palmi ter. Other officers were chosen as fol lows: M. C. Glover, Boring, over seer; Marie F. McCall, Rt 1, Salem, lecturer; Clarence Davies, Eagle Point, steward; J. D. Chitwood, Bor ing, chaplain; Warren Young, Clat skanie, assistant steward; B. K. Denney, Beaverton, treasurer; Ber tha J. Beck, Albany, secretary; L. F. Bailey, Baker, gate-keeper; Mary E. Jones, Umatilla county, Ceres; Mar garet Kingsley, Elmira, Pomona; Mrs. Arthur Brown, McKinley, Flo ra; Mrs. J. G. Kelly, Portland, lady assistant steward. Ray W. Gill, Portland, Walter M. Pierce, La Grande and C. H. Bailey, Roseburg, constitute the executive committee. The advantages and disadvant ages of electric brooders for chicks and young turkeys, together with methods of installation, costs, etc., are discussed in Oregon Experiment Station bulletin No. 262, "Electric Brooders," by F. E. Price, A. G. Lunn and F. E. Fox. This bulletin is now ready for distribution and will be mailed free upon request or lean be obtained from county agents. Means of providing green summer pasture to carry the dairy herd through the hot dry summer months is discussed in a new bul letin, "Irrigated Pastures for Dairy cattle," by I. R. Jones and P. M. Brandt, just off the press at Oregon State college, and ready for distri bution free upon request Succulent feeds, such as green pasture crops, silage, roots and kale, in addition to their actual feeding value, serve as tonics to the diges tive systems of the animals consum ing them, says the Oregon Experi ment station. YOU'LL CALL FOR SEGONDS After you have finished your first dish of that delicious frozen treat, that wholesome warm weather delicacy and food, PRIDE OF OREGON Ice Cream, manufactured in Heppner by skilled operators, from the finest of Morrow county cream. Made under such conditions, ice cream could not be anything but the finest. Order a brick of your favorite flavor from your dealer today. I Morrow County Creamery Company j in the W I tke entiTt mechanism is I iH I 177' 1 iTfooffiC' LJ:: SEALED in STEEL The MonilorTop youwill rerognUe it Inmnntly by it attractive modern design. Within it the entire mechan ism Fa hornirtirnlly Kvaled from dud, moisture, rust and trouble. The Monitor Top it an exclusive friitiire of General Electric Rcfrigtu atom. Come in, and let u show you how iiiexpvuttive they are to own. GENERAL ALL-STEEL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR f models $220 May be purchased $ 4fc down LOW for only I V monthly payments 1 Pacific Pouer & Mailt Company "Always at Your Service" A Substantial Bank Balance is usually a testimonial of your ability and financial stability. We know that money can be loaned to you with safety. An account that is always low and occasionally overdrawn is al ways a poor credit risk. Why not build up your bank bal ance and insure your bank credit NOW? Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank Oregon JULY 1 is Pay Day for Western Savers December 1 is the NEXT PAY DAY Make itYour's Guaranteed BY THIS BIG INSTITUTION Under State Supervision Twice a year always we mail thousands t . t I . .. . I -11 -L -..I or pay cnecus to our memoers, an oj wnora - : l.-j a M f.U. ioned, sure and solid 6. are July 1 is PAY DAT. The next one is DECEMBER 1. Make it y out's! Join the thrifty army of men and women in this big mutually owned insti tution. Enjoy 6 and the safety of FIRST MORTGAGE security held In trust by the state. Start today by mailing to your check, money order or draft for $100 or more or if you want more information concerning "Western's Plan" for smaller amounts, send in your name NOW on the coupon below. We allow a FULL MONTH'S interest on any account re ceived on or before July 16. This COUPON is worth money. MAIL IT. I want to pet Hide a regular amount at 6 where my money la eafe, my income sure, and money ia available ia caae of need. Send me information immediately. Kama- City- WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION SIXTH AND YAMHILL Y. M. C. A BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON RESOURCES OVER 11,600,000 I Cook for only on this new LmAj Cst a meal per person UDectttrnc O&miioqi) so low priced you can have one in your kitchen at once $645 MONTHLY COIIPIFTELV INSTALLED Hiring Included Of course, every woman knows that elec tric cookery is better, easier, cleaner. But here and there we find women who think it must be expensive. Here are the actual facts: Women in this community are now cooking electrically for less than 15 cents a day (1 cent a meal per person for the average family). For this small cost they are forever free from scouring sooted pots and pans. For Hotpoint electric heat is as clean as sun shine. They spend less time in the kitchen. For Hotpoint electric heat is so accurate it needn't be watched. And Hotpoint cooking is quick at the turn of a switch you have heat, red, glowing heat. See this beautiful new model today. Note the trnrL, modern lines, the smooth surfaces. Note the quality material an all-white enamel finish that will not crack or chip the roomy oven with its enamel lining that will not rust. Then own this Hotpoint at once! $5 down, $6.45 monthly, de livers and installs it completely. Liberal Allowance on Your Old Range! 'V $108.50 on our floor Sold $5 down, $6.45 monthlycompletely installed, wiring included Also Special this Month Four-unit Hotpoint equipped with Hi Speed Calrod and Thrift Cooker. Sold $5 down, $8.40 monthly completely in stalled, wiring included. Special Offer to Hotpoinf y-Sv Users! Hi-Speed Calrod that has revolutionized electric cooking. One of Steinmeti' last contributions to the modem boma, this new Calrod ia 29 X faster and 15l more economical than any other electric range in the world. $3 for your old unit The Hi-Speed Calrod may be installed on any Hotpoint Have one on your range now. $8 cash. We allow $3 on your old unit, making Hi-Speed Calrod only $5. PiicdIdc Power & njagiy (Codddipmiiioiioji "Altvays at Your Service"