HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1930. PAGE FIVE IONE MRS. JENNIE E. McMTJRRAY. Correspondent Please bear in mind the date of the child clinic to be held in lone Monday, June 9. The clinic will be in the school building and will be gin promptly at 9 o'clock in the morning. Mothers are requested to bring a bag to put their baby's clo thing in, while the examination ts being made, and also a towel to wrap the child in while waiting for the examination. Children from six months to two years of age, as well as those who will enter school for the first time this fall will be given physical examinations. Decoration day was very quiet in lone, there being no special services. The morning sun shone upon the flags which the Legion boys had placed in the cemetery o'er the graves of the departed soldiers. All day long the friends and relatives were making the pilgrimage to the hill, placing flowers on the graves in loving remembrance. Our one remaining Civil war veteran, C. A. Low, was able to go to the cemetery this year. For the past two years he had been unable to go. Several of our people spent the day out of town and some visited nearby cem eteries. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison spent Memorial day at Maryhill, Wash. They were guests of Mr. Robison's brother, Irwin Robison. Mrs. R. R. Her of The Dalles has been a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. McFerrin, who resides in the Louy apartments on Main street. Mrs. Her and the Mc Ferrin family spent Memorial day in Heppner. Mrs. Ralph Kiser and son from Maupin were Decoration day vis itors In lone. Our town team journeyed to Con don for the Decoration day baseball game. They met defeat by a 12-1 score. Fans who attended the game were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk, Cole Smith and Mrs. Mary Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lunger and daughter of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Colvin and son of Eu gene were visiting in lone Wednes day and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Cleo Drake went to r-ortland the first of last week to visit her husband who was receiving treat ment in a hospital in the city. She found him so much improved that he was able to return home with her. Mrs. Alice Wiles who visited for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. tester Briton at Tygh Valley, is again at her home in lone. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Analt, accom panied by Mrs. Hannah Ahalt, ar rived In lone last week. The party had been spending several weeks visiting at different points in Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. Ahalt will re main in town for a short time and while here will conduct religious services at the Pentecostal mission. C. M. Daniels and his mother, Mrs. Verona Daniels, were guests one night last week in the Henry Smouse home. They were return ing from a most delightful auto trip to points in and near Boise, Idaho, nd from here Mr. Daniels went to Portland while Mrs. Daniels stopned over for a visit at Hood River and White Salmon. Later they will visit at various points in Washington, spending the last of the summer at the home at Elkton. Miss Blanch Turner has complet ed a successful year of teaching In a school near Condon and has re turned to the home of her parents north of town. Mrs. Zada Nyberg of Portland has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Lieuallen, at her ranch home. Mrs. Nyberg was accompanied by a friend, Mrs. Ada Richards, also of Portland. When the two ladies re turned to the city they were accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown, parents of Mrs. Nyberg, who went for a two weeks' visit A. B. Monroe and wife have mov ed into Mrs. John Louy's house on Second street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe have lived In lone for some time making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Larson on Main street. Charley Hudson is here looking after his farming interests in this locality. Mr. Hudson has extensive land holdings both here and in the state of Montana. Bob Buchanan is on Butter creek, assisting his grandfather, Grant Bu chanan, in the harvesting of the first cutting of alfalfa. Hay harvest will start in this lo cality next week. Peterson Brothers shipped three car loads of horses and two cars of cattle during the month of May. Fred McMurray and Peterson Brothers shipped a car of cattle to Fortland Saturday night. Fred Mc Murray and Hazel Ledbetter drove down to superintend the sale of the stock. Mrs. A. A. McCabe, Annabelle, Charlotte and Ernest, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCabe of lone, and Jessie McCabe and Harold Henderson of Lexington motored to the Harry French place in the mountains Sun day to spend the day with A. A. McCabe and son Clifford who have been working in the timber for some time getting out posts. Others joined their picnic party and all had an enjoyable day. We hear many expressions of appreciation of Mr. French's kindly hospitality and of his delicious "sour dough" biscuits. Miss Edris Ritchie is another one of our eighth grade pupils who suc cessfully passed the state examina tion. Because of an error by those who corrected the papers, her dip loma was not granted in time to be presented May 22, when the six boys received theirs. When Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Biistow and son Walter returned the first of last week from Baker, they were accompanied by Mrs. Edmond Bris tow and two children. M. E. Cotter has just finished' painting his house on the ranch. He has also improved the place by building a screened-in porch at the back. Clarence Linn who has been working in the lumber mills at Ver nonia, has returned to lone and is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell have been enjoying a visit with Mr. Yar- nell's father and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cri- dcr of Bickleton, Wash. From here H. E. Yarnell, Mr. Yarnell Sr., Cal vin Crider and F. H. Robinson made up a fishing party, motoring first to the head of Crooked river and then returning through Prineville and Redmond to lower Crooked river. They returned the latter part of last week, bringing a gooa supply of fish and reporting a very enjoy able trip. While the men were away Mrs. Crider returned to her home at Bickleton accompanied by Mrs Yarnell. After leaving Mr. Robin son here, the men of the party also motored to the Washington city. Another fishing party which re ports a good time and good luck at fishing was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Warren. They spent a week on Crooked river. Mrs. Henry Clark and daughter Valjean and nephew Bobby Sparks, and Miss Linea Troedson have been enjoying a very pleasant visit in Portland. Willow grange was well repre sented at the district meeting at Arlington Saturday. In the evening at the school gymnasium they exem plified the work of the fifth degree, and initiated twenty-five candidates. Officers in charge of the ceremony were: Master, O. L. Lundell; over seer, Mildred Hynd; lecturer, Mrs. O. L. Lundell; chaplain, Dwight Misner; L. A. S., Mildred Morgan; T. S., Harry Peterson; stewart, El mer Peterson; secretary, Josephine Buschke; treasurer, Floyd Morgan; Flora, Edna Gbison; Pomona, Ber tha Cool; Ceres, Helen Buschke; C. K., Johnny Eubanks. The drill team was composed of Mildred Mor gan. Harry Peterson, Veda Eu- bnnks, Geneva Pettyjohn, Beulah Pe ttyjohn, Mabel Cool, Gladys Bra shoarK, Harriet Heliker, Margaret Crawford, Elmer Peterson, Harlan Lundell, LJoyd Morgan, Elmer Ny gaard, William Cool, Donald Heli ker, Walter Gibson and Johnny Eu banks. At this meeting Mikkalo grange entertained the other gran ges of the district. The principal speaker was G. T. Palmiter, state master. ALPINE Another Farm Bureau meeting will be held Saturday, June 7. A good program will be given by the prople of the community and a large crowd may be expected, as this will probably be tne last meet ing until September. Mrs. Edith Bowman and Mrs. Wil liam Campbell, formerly Twila Mor ey, of Umapine, visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. Dan Lindsay, on Sunday of last week. The Misses Celatha and Doris Lambirth and Lester Lambirth were Stanfield visitors Thursday. Mr. Way of Lena was in this community Sunday, looking over the wheat in hopes of getting some harvesting to do. Miss Gertrude Doherty returned to her home in Blackhorse Thurs day after spending a few days vis iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Doherty. Word was received by George Conrad of the death of his brother who resided in Joseph. Mr. Con rad and son Paul went to Joseph to attend the funeral. Frank Lambirth, who came here at the time of his brother's death, returned to his home in Home, Ore., Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Melville were guest3 at the G. L. Bennett home Tuesday evening. Ray Brigance who has been work ing for Irl Clary all spring, left for Arizona last week, where he ex pects to work on the railroad. Alex Lindsay who is working for Charles Moorehead of Pine City, visited at his home Sunday. The alfalfa harvest has begun on Butter creek at a number of ranches. Miss Mae Doherty spent several days of last week visiting with friends in Blackhorse and Heppner. Willard Hawley and Irl Clary w ere transacting business in Lex ington and Heppner Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Parrish of Sa lem, who have been visiting at the Lambirth home for the past week, left Sunday en route for Canada. They stopped in Echo for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Al Hiatt on their way. G. L. Bennett was among the Alpine folks attending to business in Echo Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Heiny, who came out here for the community picnic, spent Sunday evening at the Lan birth home, returning to Social Ridge Monday morning. Mrs. Hei- ny's school was out on Decoration day. Next term she will teach on Rhea creek. G. L. Bennett and daughter Helen accompanied by Frank Turner, mo tored to Portland Tuesday of last week, returning again ,,cunesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arnold and Irl Clary and children, Irl and Mil dred, spent Friday in Boardman picking strawberries. Mrs. Dan Lindsay and children spent Monday visiting with her sis ter, Mrs. Charles Moorehead of Pine City. Miss Rosella Doherty was a visit or at the Irl Clary home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hirl of Pendle ton were visiting a number of friends in the community Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hirl have been employed at the Pat Doherty ranch at Vincent all spring. Mrs. John Callahan left for the mountains Wednesday where she intends to spend the summer. Irl Clary and Alex Lindsay were looking over wheat prospects In the neighborhood of the Sam Turner ranch Sunday. "THE BIG POND" IS FEATURE PLAY AT CHAUTAUQUA 1 111"! V It 0-502 V L Peoples Hardware Company Heppner, Oregon ikV'fX- tat' thrilled by the stories of your hero isms and your courage and your fidelity to duty. It has been an In spiration to men everywhere, and out of your sacrifices and your hero isms have come this fine civiliza tion of the Northwest, which is not alone a deserved advance for hu manity itself, but is an added glory to the Dominion of Canada and the Republic of the United States of America. So, I rejoice to be one of you." The president made the above ad dress in response to the presenta tion to him of a certificate of life membership in the association. There are less than 35.000.000 au tomobiles in the world. Of these the United States has more than 26,500,000. Most people do not real ize how much the coming of the automobile has complicated law en forcement Not only is the motor car used in committing crimes, but it affords a most effective way of getting away from the scene of the crime. This applies not only to the liquor traffic, but to all other crimes. However, the automobile is one of the strongest arguments against the return of the liquor business. More and more the people will insist that the drunken driver be kept off the road. This means a stronger sup port of prohibition by the people. How a romantio American girl, who falls in love with a French man, converts him into a real go getter In the business world, is told in the hilarious comedy, "The Big Pond." Packed full of speedy wit and clever sayings with a plot that absorbs the Interest throughout. The play was an Instant success In New York and the larger cities. It is modern ud timely in story, and action. W. C. T. U. NOTES. MARY A. NOTSON, Reporter. Upon one point it appears that the wets and drys are agreed al most unanimously, and that is that the saloon should not come back. The wets are loud In their assertion that no one wants the return of the saloon. Well, even the wets must give a little credit to prohibition, for it is generally conceded that prohibition put the saloon out of b.usiness. On the question of law enforce ment, it may be appropriate to quote what President Harding said in his address to the Northwest As sociation of Sheriffs and Police at Vancouver, B. C, in July, 1923. He said: "I very greatly cherish this mark of distinction which you bestow up on me. There is no civilization without law, and no civilization will abide without law enforcement, and I count it a very great and gratify ing distinction to be numbered am ong those of our day who are insist ent upon the righteous and just en forcement of the laws everywhere. "I have not been discussing laws themselves. There are laws about which there is room for a division of opinion, but in free government law must be supreme, and those who do not give heart and bouI and energy to the fullest in law enforce ment are lacking in patriotic devo tion to the government under which they live. "Of course there is a peculiar hon or and distinction In belonging to the forces of the great Northwest Many of us have read and been LABOR SURPLUS REPORTED. The United States Employment service, reporting through its local office in Portland, in its May bul: Ietin gives out the announcement: "A surplus of workers," as the open ing of each paragraph in all the centers covered Portland, Gresh am, Corvallis, McMinnville, Salem, Albany, Eugene, The Dalles, La Grande, Medford and Ashland and several of the towns say they ex pect that situation to continue through the season. SANITATION ADVISED. It is healthier to live in a large city with modern sanitation than In the country with lack of sanitation, warns G. V. Copson, bacteriologist at Oregon State college. He advises that water be tested if the well la closer than 100 feet to any source of pollution, and if it is found bad either move the source of pollution or move the well. Dr. Clarke, EYE SIGHT SPE CIALIST, in Heppner, Sun. & Mon., June 8th and 9th, at Hotel Hepp ner. Consultation Free. Cook for less than the price of an ice cream soda a day with the EUEOl Many women are amazed at the low cost of electric cooking. For less than the cost of an ice cream soda a day they have all the advantages of electric cook ing. They have quick cooking from red, glowing heat that comes almost instantly from the turn of a switch. They have automatic cooking that frees them from the kitchen; their walls and ceilings are never smudged; their sootless pots and pans save endless hours of scouring; their kitchens are odorless, smoke less, happy places to work. When you weigh this small cost of electric cooking against the health and happiness the Hotpoint Auto matic Electric Range brings you, there is only one answer: "Install one in my kitchen at once!" And here's the range you can have now a beautiful, new Hotpoint. Designed on trim, mod ern lines. Finished with chipless, crack less all-white enamel. The spacious oven is lined with rustless blue enamel. Have it in your home today. Only $5 down $6.45 monthly; completely installed, wiring included. Speciul Offer o IloiDoint S, LerX So low priced you can purchase it for Only J)down $645 monthly Completely installed; Wiring included $108.50 on our floor Sold $5 down, $6.45 monthlycompletely installed, wiring included Also Special this Month Four-unit Hotpoint equipped with Hi Speed Calrod and Thrift Cooker. Sold $5 down, $8.40 monthly completely in stalled, wiring included. m w i& x lli-Specd Calrod that has revolutionized electric cooking. One of Stoinmetz' last contributions to the modm horn, this new Calrod is 291 faster and 15 1 more economical than any other electric rang in the world. $3 for your old unit The Hi-Speed Calrod may be Installed on any Hntpoint. Have one on your range now. $8 cash. We allow $3 on your old unit, making Hi-Speed Calrod only $5. IIIS1KU ALLOWANCE OX YOUIt OLD IMKGE PMBfBC POWER & HDCsQBT COMIPArtyV "Always at Your Service"