PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930. lifrppurr (Banrttr Simrs THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 3a 1SS3; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18. 1S97; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912. Published every Thursday morning by TAWTEB and SPENCEB CHAWFOBS and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADVERTISING BATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear , Six Months ,.. Three Months Single Copies $2.00 1.00 .75 .05 Official Paper for Morrow County. A LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. IT IS the fashion to lament that there are no more opportunities left for the adventurous young men That has always been the fashion. Every generation has its quota of youngsters who believe that in tne "good old days" all a man had to do to gain fame or fortune was to fare forth into the world and take his pick of the golden opportunities which were lying around loose for the first comer to utilize. But in every generation, fortunately, there is a goodly percentage of young men who realize what has always been true, that we make our own opportunities and if we have the spirit, the intelligence and the driv ing will to succeed there are as manv opportunities now as there ever were. The only difference between one decade and that which preceded it is that the opportunities are of a different kind, and every man must find out for himself what the new kind is. A newspaper man once asked the late Russell Sage, who died in the early part of this cen tury at the age of 90, whether there were as many opportunities then as when he was a young man. He said there were more, and when ques tioned as to what they were he an- swered that he had found there was good money to be made in buying and selling railroads! "But how is the young man of today going to get the opportunity tn hnv a railroad?" asked the re porter. "If he ain't smart enough to find 'em, he ain't smart enough to make money out of 'em," said the old man with a grin. The reporter went away convinc ed that he had been "kidded." Buy and sell railroads! What an old fogy Russell Sage was, not to realize that the railroads were all so tightly held that nobody but a multi-mil lionaire could deal in them. But less than twenty years later the Van Sweringen Brothers of Cleveland, starting without a penny, broke into the railroad business and in ten years have become the owners of a railroad system which, if the Inter State Commerce Commission ap proves their plan, will be the only system in America stretching from coast to coast They did not bewail the lack of opportunity, but went out and found their opportunity. The other day A. P. Giannini an nounced that he was retiring from business on his 60th birthday, early in May. He started work in a fruit store in San Francisco at the age of twelve. At 34 he had started the Bank of Italy in that city. At fifty he was controlling head of the larg est chain of banks in the world. Giannini found his opportunity where others, less keen, had declar ed there were no opportunities left. America has always been the Land of Opportunity and, please God, it will always be the Land of Opportunity for every man who is intelligent enough to recognize Op portunity when he sees it and indus trious enough to work out his own destiny. INTERNATIONAL MISUNDER STANDINGS. AMERICAN motion pictures go into everv corner of the world. It is increasingly difficult for pic ture producers to make films which will not give offense somewhere. Na tional pride is hurt when the people of any race or country are depicted in characters which are onensive. The British public protested against Broken Blossoms," in which Eng lish people were shown in a deroga tory light "Street Angel" has been held by Mussolini's government to be offensive to Italians. The French think they were insulted in Beau Geste." Russians say that "Volga Rnatman" misrepresents the kus- sian people. There were riots in China over the "Thief of Bagdad" md "Welcome Dancer" in which the villains were Chinese. It seems to be true that the only neode who can be portrayed on the screen in vicious or criminal char acters are Americans, if the movies are to escape censure somewhere or other. But in that case, what of the imriression of America and the Americans which they convey to the people of other countries? Rerenrlv a film was snown in France in which a Marine in Nicar agua is made to say that he and his comrades are mere to protect me interests of big business. Numerous protest against this film were made to the authorities at wasningion who replied that they were power less to stop its presentation, jjoudi- less it will be shown everywhere, in cluding Latin-America, where the people just now have especially ten der corns and look upon almost anything the United States does as an effort to tread on them. No intelligent American believes that we have any imperialistic de sires toward South America, but our neighbors down there do believe that we have, and anything, how ever trivial, which tends to foster that belief, is a stupid blunder, if nothing worse. If people everywhere were gov erned by reason and thought logic ally they would understand that the screen presents fiction, not fact. But the vast majority of screen aud iences, including our own, do not reason. They are governed by their emotions and beliefs, and they be lieve that what they see at the mov ies, if not literally true, is at least true representation of life and The Tale the Census Tells - By Albert T. Reid NOTICE FOR- PUBLICATION. 025207-035813 Department of to Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dalles, Oregon, May 13, 1930. NOTICE is hereby given that Roy E. Brown of Heppner. Oregon, who, on Dec 18. 1926. made H. E. 025207 and on Aug. 10. 1927 made H. E. No. 025213. both under Act Dec. 29. 1916, for Eft NE'4. NViSE'i. Sec. 35, T. 3 S., R. 25 E. W. M., and S'iNWVi. NV4SW4. Sec. 31. Township 3 South. Range 26 East. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above describ ed, before Gay M. Anderson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Ore- eon, nn the 25th dav ol June. 1930. Claimant names as witnesses: r,a Knoblnrk. of HeDDner. Oreeon: E. E. Rugg. of Heppner, Oregon; F. M. Mill er, of Hardman, Oregon; Jas. Miller, of Hardman. Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY. Register. Professional Carols AUCTIONEERS E. D. HTJBSON, the Livestock Auc tioneer of Granger, Wn., and D wight Kianer of lone. Ore. SALES CON DUCTED IN ANT STATE OR ANY COUNTY. Por dates and term! wire or write DWIOHT MISNER, lone. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' ' MEETING. Stockholders of the Lexington Farm ers Warehouse Company are hereby no tified that the annual meeting of the comnnnv will be held at its office in Lexington. Oregon, at 2:00 o'clock p. m.. Saturday, May 31, isju, ior tne purpuse of electing one director, and the trans action of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. WM. H. PADBERG, President. 9-11 GEO. N. PECK, Secretary. A. B. GRAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Phone 323 Heppner Hotel Building Eyes Tested and Glutei Fitted. classes of people which it portrays. And that is, after all, the most ser ious charge against the motion pic ture. Its capacity for impairing the morals of the young is trivial com pared with its capacity for implant ing beliefs about life and people which are seldom more than half true and frequently totally false. W. C. T. U. NOTES MART A. NOTSON, Reporter. According to Commander Evan geline Booth, of the Salvation Ar my, prohibition has shown some good results even in New York City, Before prohibition the Salvation Armv would collect 1200 to 1300 drunkards in a single night. Imme diately following prohibition the number fell to 400, and in a particu lar test the proportion of actually intoxicated persons dwindled from nineteen out of twenty to no more than seven in all. She states in an article in the New York Times that according to the Salvation Army report from the Bowery district, formerly the worst section of the city, that drinking mtto rlnol ICwann International Sunday School Lesson for May 25. JESUS DESCRIBES THE FUTURE OF THE KINGDOM Matthew 25:1-13. Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D. During the morning of that last Tuesday of His ministry Jesus had necessarily been on the defensive as Sadducees, Herodians and Phar isees heckled Him while He sought to teach in the Temple courts. It may have been for the usual noon siesta that He withdrew with His disciples to the Mount of Olives, just across the Kedron valley. He could not be in retirement for crowds thronged His at every turn. That afternoon His goodby words were spoken to the populace for He never addressed the crowd again. It is natural in saying fare well to thing forward to the time when we will meet in further fel lowship with those from whom we are now separating. Jesus did this very thing. However long it may be, the earthly life is only the threshold to the exsitence that is eternal. During the afternoon hours the Teacher turned their attention to facts In the future. The theolo gical name for "last things" is Es chatology and that title can be turned to in a Eible Dictionary for more specific nistructlon. At this time read Matthew 25 and 26. These teachings can well be called "The Prophecy on the Mount," in distinc tion from "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 5-6-7. Letters which come to Query Col umn, which the writer conducts in "Christian Herald," Indicate that multitudes are eager to know more specifically about the state of the soul after the death of the body, recognition of friends in heaven, the general Judgment with the related rewards and miseries. It Is natural to study in advance when about to make a long Journey and It is in order to thing also on the facta in the future life. Jesus made It very clear, and other Bible references are equally direct that there will be a Second THE IFAMDLLV Rv IkAf' -AAr -kX m y' mm ve JOHN JOSEPH GAINESTMD. "Twilight Sleep" Sounds almost alluring does'nt it? Gives one a sort of dreamy feeling just to think of it Yet, as used in medicine and quackery as well, it is one of the most deadening com binations of drugs we have at our command. The originators of the formula known as "H.M.C. claimed at nrst that a thigh might be amputated without pain under its influence. The attention of the medical world 3 attracted. That was a good many years ago; and the best sur geons of America are still using the safer method of aether anaetnesia; twilight sleep" dropped back to its very limited spnere ana siayea there. Hyoscin, Morphin and Cactin are the ingredients of the compound the first two are most powerful drugs, and the more so when used in combination: the latter nas, it any effect at all, a very negligible one. My experience with "H.M.C." led me to abandon it early in its history as too dangerous to tamper with. York City than there were licensed saloons and drug stores. These were held by persons who did not want to take a chance on Uncle Sam, but violated the license laws of the state and city. Farm Pointers For instance, a patient of mine, an inebriate, was in delirium trem- i alcoholic mania; he had not slept for four days. Having tried everything else, in despair 1 gave him a dose of the new "twilight sleep.'' Well it worked; within five minutes the man was snoring loud ly, and almost blue from cyanosis; he breathed only six times per min ute! I stayed at his bedside four teen hours, until the poison wore away never more anxious before or since. When he awoke he de clared, looking wildly about him, that he had been drugged. I told him if he hadn't then there never had been a man drugged. He immediately ordered his belongings packed and left town and I didn't blame him. I blamed myself and the new "twilight sleep.' Now I only use the stuff in eighth-grain doses, to soften the terrible pains in childbirth and I haven't used it even that way in fifteen years. The quack, however, uses "twi- ligmt sleep" as a slogan, and dopes his dupes in his own sweet way with the deadly thing. a Coming to thi3 earth. This is basic belief for all Christians and not merely for those who make this a central teaching in their denom ination. As in the Old Testament prophesies the coming of the Mes siah, so the New Testament tells of His Return with glory and full rule on the earth. To make the matter as clear as possible a parable is used which sets forth most familiar facts, for the details of a local wedding were known to all. The groom was hav ing his bachelor dinner with his friends. A group of women prepar ed to meet the men on their way to the bride's home. It was night and ail would need burning lamps to lighten the way and to add to the celebration. While waiting for the men to come that way, the "ten virgins" dozed off. Then there was the outcry, "Behold! the Bride groom." There was orderly confu sion while lamps were trimmed but consternation on the part of those who found they had no oil to re plenish the lamps that were going out. Some things cannot be bor rowed in a crisis and eternal salva tion is one. Those who were not ready learned, too late, that "the door was shut." The hour for the return of Christ to this earth Is also uncertain. Scripture tells of related events, but even Jesus declared the time was only in the mind of the Father. In all ages since, some have prophesied the exact time of His Second Com ing and all thus far have been wrong. That He will come again is as sure as ever. But in the uncer tainty as to the exast time all can be prepared. The Golden Text is a safety exhortation: "Take ye heed, watch and pray; for ye know not when the time is," Mark 13:33. Those who live In constant fellow ship with Him will surely be ready. Believers who are meanwhile with Him In glory will return with Him for the resurrection of their bodies and an earthly reign of righteous ness. Some of the attendant details are found in I Thessalonlans 4:13-5:11. had dropped 60 per cent. The Army took charge of the Bowery hotel in 1920. Every night, especially on Saturday night, men had to be eject ed for creating disturbances, while today, in the Memorial hotel, where the Army houses 4800 men a week, there are not more than four or five cases of intoxication, or one in 1000. In the days of the licensed saloon the Bowery section was notorious for more than 100 years as the great crime center of the metropolis, if not of the country. Under the li censed saloon the gangster organi zations were thoroughly entrenched, and concert halls and gambling clubs of a most vicious character were doing business in a high hand ed way. Commander Booth says that po licemen, some of them now retired, told her that the Bowery and Third Avenue was a veritable hell on earth from the vice and brawls that went on in the former days. These same' policemen now tell of a won derful change brought about in a reeion of quietness for the neighbor hood since prohibition came, in the opinion of Commander Booth, as quoted in the Literary Digest two "blind tigers in one block are ret- ter than one saloon. She also says that no middle ground is possible, Permit light wine and beer, under whatever control, and there would be exactly the same forces to break down regulation that are today or ganized against prohibition. It might be well in connection with the above items, culled from Commander Booth's raticle, to call attention to the fact that in the days of the licensed saloon "blind pigs, "speakeasies, and bootleg gers" flourished in New York City, when every licensed saloon was in sisting upon the suppression of the unlicensed dealers. Theodore Koose velt, when police commissioner of New York City, found that there were upwards of 4000 more federal licenses issued to persons in New The earwig has become so well established in Oregon that its total eradication cannot be expected by the use of poisons, which is still the standard method of control, says the Oregon Experiment station. All that can be hoped for is a reduction of numbers of the pest. Because the maggots of the cher ry fruit fly, which has been causing serious damage to the cherry crop in parts of Oregon in recent years, are hatched under the skin of the fruit, the only method of control Is through an attack on the fly. The active period of this insect is con fined to a few weeks in June and early July. The formula for the sweetened poison bait spray, the time for spraying, a description of the fly and its life habits are con tained in a revised edition of Circu lar 35 of the Oregon Experiment station, "The Cherry Fruit-fly." The bulletin is available upon request. It is best not to allow rape seed to shatter on fields where it is not wanted, as the seed is oily and may live in the soil for many years, says the Oreeon Experiment station. Where shattering has taken place, the best course is to let it sprout, then disk and work shallow at in tervals before plowing. It is usual ly best not to fall-plow such land, as letting the seed lie exposed on or near the surface through the winter will get rid of much of it Strong dense concrete tile with tongue and groove ends has proved best for carrying irrigation water, says the Oregon Experiment station. They are laid on a nearly uniform grade and the joints are surround ed with a collar of rich cement mix ed at the rate of 1 part cement to about 3 or 3V4 parts of clean sharp sand. Lime water from fresh slack lime aids quick wetting. The ce ment is applied as dry as stiff mush forming a collar 5 or 6 Inches long and 1 to 2 inches thick at the joint. The inside of the joint Is coated by brushing with grout or rich cement. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue nf nn F.xecntinn issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the state of Oregon for Morrow county, dated May Seventh, 1930. in that certain suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a cor Doratoin. as Dlaintiff. recovered a judg. ment against the defendants, Harvey L. McAlister, a bachelor, and lone Na tional Farm Loan Association, a cor noralion. nn the Fifth day of May. 1930, which judgment was for the sum of Two hundred Twenty-seven and 60-100 Dollars, together with Interest at the rate nf Eieht Der cent per annum from the 21st day of October 1928; the fur ther sum of Two hundred Twenty-seven and 50-100 Dollars, together with Interest at the rate of Eight per cent Der annum from the Twenty-first day of April, 1929; the further sum of Two hundred Twenty-seven and 50-100 Dol lars, together with interest at tne raie of Eight per cent per annum from the Twenty-first day of October, 1929; the further sum of Five thousand Nine hun dred Sixty-one and 02-100 Dollars, to gether with Interest at the rate of Five and one-half per cent per annum from the Twenty-first day of October, 1929; the further sum of Twenty-eight and 54-100 Dollars, together with interest at the rate of Eight per cent per an num from the Eleventh day of Febru ary. 1930, less the sum of Three hun dred Fifty and No-100 Dollars stock; the further sum of Two hundred Fifty and No-100 Dollars attorney's fee and Twenty-five and 75-100 Dollars for costs and disbursements, and a decree of foreclosure against the defendants, Harvey L. McAlister, a bachelor; lone National Farm Loan Association, a cor- Deration: and J. Omohundro. I will, or the Seventh day of June. 1930, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the county court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Ore eon. offer for sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash In hand, all of the following described real property in Morrow county, stale or Oregon, to- wit: Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-seven, and Northwest quar ter of Section Thirty-four, East half of Northeast quarter and Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter, and Southeast quarter of Northwest quarer of Section Thirty three; Southeast quarter and East half of Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-eight, all in Township One North. RaiiEe Twenty-Six. East of Willamette Meridian, containing 720 acres. or so much of said real property as may De necessary to sausiy tne piaintm s judgment, costs and attorney's fee and accruing costs of sale. L,. J. U. 13AUMAIN, Sheriff of Morrow county, state of Oregon. Date of first publication: May Eighth, 1930. 8-12. GENERAL HOSPITAL CONVALESCENT HOME Or A & Gray, Physlcian-in-Charge Kiss Helen Cnrran, Surgical Nurse Miss Ona Gilliam, Anesthetist Mrs. L. O. Herren, Superintendent Open to All Physicians DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician Gilman Building Phone 93 Heppner, Oregon PINKY DINKY Easy Enough for Pinky By TERRY GILKISON 0, ) ( TWO TtME TWO 9 J eAy TW" JJAVW VjT W four' Iff CtHAT PtMrCV V I ' JW- BOS l-S A CUTE I JTW OME. ME GAME I J cfZ?VI v-vv V ME A Laugh iH&ri I TV yeRTo0THTAT'J f THIRTY j I UtvH DH ' j ( THREE sf JlNGLE7v y' ' -Q -A,, 30 '' Sv-" UTTLB WILLIE MtCUE ax$Cy. Jr-L nothing at all to do (vV lVvi - V.Wma 6W AND HE TRIE I vjl li-Jy j- Jp3l msnmr To think of A THING- WM. BROOKHOUSER FAXNTISG PAPEEHANOINO INTEEIOB DECORATING Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. Fred H. Deshon and Fred Rood, as Executors under the Last Will and Testament of Fannie O. Rood, De c?ased. Plaintiffs, vs. F. H. Wilson. Defendant. Bv virtue of an attachment execution. judgment and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled court in tne aDove entitled cause to me directed and dated the 7th day of May, 1930, upon a Judg ment rendered and entered In said Court on the 22nd day of April. 1930, in lavor or tne aoove named Fimnuns and against the above named Defendant lor the sum 01 J4.818.S9. wun interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. (6) per annum from the 16th day of Novem ber. 1926. and the further sum of $300.00, with interest thereon at tne rate ol six per cent. (6) per annum from the 22nd day of April. 1930, and the further sum of $31.00. costs and disbursements. and the costs of, and upon, said writ commanding me to make sale of the lo lowing ucscriDeu real property situ ated In the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, and which judgment orders sale of red property, to-wlt: The Southeast quarter of Section Nine (9); the West half of the Southeast quarter and the South west quarter of Section ten (10); the South half of Section Thirteen (13); the West half of Section Fifteen (15); the East half of Section Six teen (16) ; the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-three (23); the North half of the Southwest quar ter and the North half of Section Twenty-four (24) ; the East half of Section Twenty-six (26) and the NortheaHt quarter of Section Thirty-five (35) in Township One (1) South, Range Twenty-three (23) Eaxt of the Willamette Meridian; and also, Lots Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5), and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Nineteen (19) in Township One (1) South, Range Twenty-four (24) East nf the Willamette Meridian; and, also, An undivided one-sixth (l-6th) In terest In and to the following de scribed real property: The Southeast quarter of Section Fifteen (IB); and the West half of Section Twenty-three (23) ; the East hall of the West half of Section Twenty-six (26) and the North Forty-nine (49) acres of the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty-five (35) in Town ship One (1) South, Range Twenty three (23) East of the Willamette Meridian, Including all crops of De fendant, I will, in compliance with the com mands of said writ, on Saturday, the Aiu .i.... .1 lain 1 .on ni.lnb P. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the Ultv or Hennner. County of Morrow, State of Oregon, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash In hand. all tho right, title and Interest which the above named Defendant had on the lf)th day of March, 1930, the date of the attachment of said property by the filing and recording of the certificate of attachment therein, or since that date has had in or to the above described property, or any part thereof, to satlsf; salci attachment execution, judgmenl interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this 15th day of May. 1930. First publication, May 15, 1930, last publication, Juno 12th, 1930. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Free Employment Agency Is being maintained by Alex Wilson at the rooming house of Wm. Wil son. Phono him for your needs. Help of all kinds furnished. Kooms and bath GOc per night. PHONE 618, HEPPNEa. DR. C. W. BARR DENTIST Case as. Telephone Main 1011 Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment. N. D. BAILEY Contractor and Builder Cabinet Work Built-in Cabinets Window Screens, Etc. Call Heppner Planing Mill DR. J. II. McCRADY DENTIST X-Bay Diagnosis L O. O. P. BUILDING Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER Phone BEaoon 4451 1014 Northwestern Bank Building. PORTLAND, OREGON Residence. GArneld 1949 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon CL. SWEEK ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Offices in First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty "The Man Who Talk! to Beat the Band" G. L. BENNETT, Lexlngten, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIBE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Beal Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Boberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Condcr, N. D. SOth year In practloe In Heppner and Morrow County. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDINU Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 03. Heppner Sanitarium TIncnif nl Dr Perry Conder JlUsplldl physician in charge Oldest Institution of Healing and Oldest Practicing Physician In Mor row County: with the least percent age of fatality and greatest percent age of benefit. 1 1