Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 22, 1930, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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At the close of the regular meet
ing of Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge
last Thursday evening a party was
given honoring Mr. and Mrs. Earle
A. Brown and son Winnie, who
are leaving this week for their new
home in Pixley, Cal. Mr. and. Mrs.
Brown have taken an active part
in social and fraternal affairs and
will be greatly missed.
A pleasant school picnic was held
Sunday at the Grant Olden ranch
on Rhea creek. Two schools join
ed in the festivities, the Social
Ridge school of which Mrs. Anna
Heiny was teacher, and the lower
Rhea creek school of which Miss
Anna McDevitt was teacher. Dinner
was served at noon and the after
noon was spent in games. Those
attending from lone were E. J. Bris
tow and daughter Lucile, Mr.' and
Mrs. Lee Howell and two daughters,
Earl and Jessie McCabe and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McCabe.
Mrs. George Frank, who was as
sisting for a few weeks with the
work at the Adventist Bchool at
Hermiston returned last week to
her home in lone. She was accom
panied by her daughter, Hazel, who
has completed a successful year's
study in the Hermiston church
Ed Keller returned to lone Friday
to cast his vote.
Mrs. Earl Olson of Arlington has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Clif
ford Christopherson.
lone Defeats Heppner.
Coach Poulson and his proteges
motored to lone last Tuesday and
tasted defeat at the hands of the
lone high nine. Heppner started
out well in the first inning and scor
ed one run. In the next inning
Gentry walked three men. He set
tled right down to pitching and
struck out the next two batters.
Eubanks was the next lone batter.
He hit a good double into right
field scoring three runners. lone
took the lead at that point, and
Heppner was unable to overcome it
The final score was 8-5. Francis
Ely pitched for lone. He deserves
special mention for his big number
of strike-outs. That was the last
game of the high school season.
Harry Shipley umpired balls and
strikes while Larry Ritchie umpir
ed bases.
The Sunday baseball game on the
local field between lone and Wasco
resulted in a victory for the visiting
team, 5-1. Next Sunday the game
will also be here between the home
team and Fossil.
Mrs. French Burroughs recently
purchased from Clarence S. King
ery of Portland one hundred and
sixty acres of wheat land adjoining
the Burroughs farm on Rhea
creek. Mr. Burroughs has been
farming this land for several years.
Final examinations were held the
first of the week in high school.
There were nine exemptions deaerv-
ing of mention. The following stu
dents were taking four studies and
were exempt from examination in
all four: Gladys Brashcrs, Mary
Healy, Elwayne Lieuallen, Beulah
Pettyjohn, Kennth Smouse and Nor
man Swanson. Barton Clark was
carrying five studies and was ex
empt in four of them. Virgil Esteb
is the honor pupil, carrying five
studies and being exempt from ex
amination in all.
Orla L. Brown, brother of Prin
cipal Earle A. Brown of this place,
has been hired as teacher in the
upper grades of the Boardman
school for the year 1930-31. Mr.
Brown Is a former pupil of the lone
school and had he completed his
high school course here, would have
graduated with the .class of '21.
An interesting program and eve
ning's entertainment was given
Thursday by the PJeasant Vale
school. Miss Wilma Chase was the
teacher, and although she had but
four puplis, the program of dia
logues, recitations and songs, was
exceptionally good. A social hour
was enjoyed, followed by refresh
ments. Forty people were present.
A normal vote was cast at the
primary election last Friday. Among
the local men F. H. Robison re
ceived the nomination for justice
of the peace on the republican tick
et and George Frank for constable.
Blain Blackwell and Jack Farris
motored to Rock creek Monday to
spend the day fishing.
Ernest Farrens and daughter of
Yakima visited Sunday at the home
of Mr. Farren's sister-in-law, Mrs.
Helen Farrens.
Monday was dress-up day at high
school. It was either dress up or
pay a fine of twenty-five cents.
Many unique costumes were on dis
play and several paid fines. The
student body funds were enriched
by about six dollars.
Brenner Reese motored over
from Yakima Monday and took his
father-in-law, John Cochran, home
with him. Mr. Cochran has not
been in the best of health and
thought it best to be in Yakima
with his two daughters, and Mrs.
Cochran, who is convalescing at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Holmes
Clifford Yarnell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Yarnell, has been quite
Mrs. Harriet Brown and Miss Hil
degarde Williams were week-end
visitors in Pendleton.
Earl Murry motored to Walla
Walla on Saturday. He was ac
companied as far as Pendleton by
Walter Bristow who went on to
Baker for a visit at the home of
his brother, Edmond Bristow.
Miss Elizabeth Vinson spent the
week end in lone calling on old
friends. Miss Vinson taught last
year in the high school here. This
year she has been teaching in Mc
Minnville and has been reelected to
the same position for next year.
Rev. W. W. Head, pastor of the
Congregational church, was chosen
by the graduating students to de
liver the baccalaureate sermon Sun
day evening May 18, to a class of
seven. The services were held In the
Christian church. The floral dec
orations were beautiful, Mrs. Mar
garet Bullard and Mrs. Ruby O.
Roberts each sang solos and Rev.
Mr. Head delivered an inspiring
Mrs. Esper Hansen of Portland
visited for a few days last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Engelman.
Miss Linea Troedson completed
her year's work in the Echo high
school on last Friday and she has
returned to the home of her parents
north of lone.
Grant Buchanan from Butter
creek has been visiting at the home
of his son, Fred Buchanan on Wil
low creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger mo
tored to White Salmon, Wash., for
an over Sunday visit at the homes
of Fred and John Balsiger. They
were accompanied by their son,
Wendel, of Moro.
The teaching staff of the lone
school has been completed for the
year 1930-31. George E. Tucker of
the Lexington school has been elec
ted principal. The three other high
school teachers are Miss Irene And
ers who was with us this year, Miss
Dolores Leavens who comes from
the University of Oregon, and
Thomas Lyle Baird who taught this
year at Castle Rock. Mr. Baird
will have charge of the band work
which' was started this year by
Earle A. Brown and C. M. Daniels.
In the grades we will have only
one new teacher. Mrs. Harriet
Brown will again have the seventh
and eighth grades, Miss Hildcgarde
Williams the third and fourth and
Miss Maud Knight the first and sec
ond. Miss Geneva Pelky who taught
this year in the Rocky Bluff school
will have the fifth and sixth grades.
The delegates to the Odd Fellows
and Rebekah grand lodge In Port
land departed early Monday morn
ing. Those going were Ted Troge
and Charley O'Conner, delegates
from lone I. O. O. F. lodge, and
Lucile Bristow and Norma Swan
son, delegates from Bunchgrass Re
bekah lodge, and Rood Eckleberry
sent from the Morgan lodge. Mrs.
Ted Troge accompanied the party
as far as The Dalles where she went
to consult her physician, returning
home by stage. Others from here
attending grand lodge are Oliver
Kincaid and Osal Inskeep.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ahalt of Bak
er visited briefly in lone last week.
From here they went to Bellingham,
Wash., for a visit with friends and
later will attend a Pentecostal con
vention at Tacoma. From lone they
were accompanied as far as Toppen
ish by Mr. Ahalt's mother, Mrs.
Hannah Ahalt, who will visit her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Montague.
A large and appreciative audience
greeted our school band when it
gave its first public concert last
Friday evening. The parents and
friends were pleased with the work
accomplished under the guidance of
Principal Earle A. Brown and C.
M. Daniels. Following is the pro
gram given: "Elementary March,"
and a waltz, "Soft, Soft Music," by
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the band; piano solo by Winnie
Brown; "Our Leader," by the band;
harmonica solo by Alvin Cool; duet
by Harold Kincaid and Charles Lun-
dell; "Flower Bell Waltz" by the
band; vocal solo by Donald Heliker;
trio by Ralph Gibson, Donald Heli
ker and Henry Wehrdt; "First Reg
iment March" by the band; saxo
phone solo by Henry Wehrdt; piano
solo by Ralph Gibson; "Pansy
Waltz" and "Our Beginners March"
by the band.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dick and two
sons of Pomeroy, Wash., spent Sat
urday and Sunday in lone, being
guests in the Bert Mason home.
There will be seven graduates
from the lone school this year. Com-
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To win the favor of the girl he loves, a young sales engineer haunts the libraries in studying art.
He finds he cannot keep business entirely out of his love affairs and so combines the two. Some clever
Ideas In developing an appreciation ot art is brought out by one of the characters In "The Big Pond," the
feature play at Chautauqua this season. It is a story ot a modern American girl who inspires a romantic
French lover into becoming a go-getter business man. The play la a New York success presented by at
notable cast and will be the program ot the third evening ot Chautauqua,
mencement exercises will be Thurs
day evening, May 22, in the school
auditorium. Dr. Griffin of Reed
college will deliver the address. Im
mediately following the close of
school the teachers will leave for
their various homes. Mr. and Mrs.
Earle A. Brown depart at once for
Pixley, Cal., where Mr. Brown is to
teach next year. C. M. Daniels and
his mother plan on visiting near
Boise, Idaho, for a while. Later
Mrs. Daniels expects to go to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Hargan,
at Elkton. Miss Irene Anders plans
on spending her vacation with her
parents in Seattle. Miss Lucile Rho
ten will become the bride of Marvin
Clayton Lewis in June and the
young couple will make their home
in Salem. Mrs. Harriet Brown goes
to her ranch home near Heppner
following the close of her work
here. Mrs. Frieda McMillan Slocum
in company wi,th her husband leaves
at once for a fishing trip to the
Deschutes river. Miss Hildegarde
Williams motors to Hardman, from
there to Portland and later expects
to visit Mrs. Harriet Brown on the
ranch. Miss Maude Knight, after
a visit with her brother, F. S.
Knight, who is principal of the
senior high school at Hood River,
will spend the summer with her
father in Forest Grove.
The grade school picnic Tuesday
was well attended and all those
present report a very enjoyable
time. Because of the rain the din
ner was served in the school gymnasium.
Try a Gazette Times Want Ad.
"Indigestion and an acid condi
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"Sargon Pills put my liver to
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ier, 1523 Fawcett St, Tacoma,
Patterson & Son, druggists, local
agents. (Adv.)
Spend minutes
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Snap the switch! In a jiffy you have red, glowing heat.
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Now, it is easy to own a Hotpoint. Quantity production
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LIIITRU ALLOWIN CE on your old Rantje!
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Also Special this Month
Four-unit Hotpoint equipped with Hi
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Special Offer to
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The Hi-Speed Calrod may be installed on any
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Hi-Speed Calrod only $5.
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